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18 - - Antiques & Auction News — April 19, 2019 antiquesandauctionnews.

Pitkin Collection Baecher (1824-89), a German
immigrant considered to be
Continued from page 15
perhaps other locations, as
one of the most accomplished
Shenandoah Valley potters of AUCTION
well. Considering the immedi- the 19th century. The magnifi-
ate success of the New York cent double-handled bowl
Herald, this remarkable slip- was manufactured with an 8:30 A.M.
script plate may have been atypical glaze for this region, Preview: Friday, April 19, 2019 • 1-5 P.M.
produced in an attempt to with a soap dish attached to
the back. The embellished Location: 218 E. Market Street, YORK, PA 17403
Q&A 717-755-8954
decoration included three
Over 800 items covering EPHEMERA: Leather-bound
coiled clay strips on the back Here is a great slip-decorated red Emblemata by Andreae Alciati 1622, Le Iev des Eschetes by
of the bowl, as well as earthenware dish. Gioachino Greco 1669, Copendium Musice 1513, 17th
impressed decoration all over & 18th C. leather Bibles, Jacob Barr Fraktur dated 1781,
Virginia and, by chance, Anna M. Barnitz sampler dated 1829, 19th C. theorem, large
the rim and handles, and a collection of 18th & 19th C. indentures including 1791 Indenture
beautifully executed perched maybe even North Carolina. signed Thomas MIFFLIN, 18th C. orders for payment & more.
bird along the rim of the soap Pitkin was clearly a pas- Vintage ASIAN: two large burl carvings, approx. 20 Netsukes
dish. This stylistic bird is con- sionate collector, but more from a private collection including animals, humans & multiple
characters; chess set, moriage - some with dragons, 19th C.
sidered to be an indicator of than that, his interests were soapstone brush pots, celadon vase, Satsuma vases & figures,
Baecher’s work. not only limited to local pro- Chinese lamps w/jade body, w/ox blood body, terracotta Foo Dog,
According to Dr. Gene duction. He undoubtedly had Korean bowls & Chinese carpets. FURNITURE includes 18th C.
Elisha Kirk York Town N. 105 tall case clock, tiger maple Chester
Comstock’s book, “The Pottery an appreciation for wares County bench made chest, 19th C. painted step back cupboard (red
The sgraffito red earthenware plate of the Shenandoah Valley made all over the country, and & black), early PA splay leg stands, Christian Becker balance scale in
made by Samuel Troxel in Upper Region,” “Baecher was born in other early collectors must glass case, decorator furniture, stable door from York, PA fairgrounds,
Hanover Township, Montgomery approx. 20” tall Erte bronzes, 19th C. bronze of the goddess Galatea
1824 in Bavaria, Germany, and have influenced him in the & other decorative items: Van Briggle cat, porcelain medicine spoon,
County, Pa., was illustrated in “Early he learned his trade from this same way that his collection cabinet plates, trays, boxes, tiles. JEWELRY & WATCHES: Diamond
American Pottery and China.” father. In 1848, he immigrated motivated some of the early rings, 14K gold Girard Perregaux men’s “Seahawk” watch, vintage Elgin
American pottery authors and Whittnaur watches, Michelle CSX diamond 36 swiss watch, Cyma 18K
to the United States via Ellis gold Swiss watch, designer jewelry Miriam Haskell, Weiss, Trifari, Coro,
gain some published Island. After a few years of museums to feature some of and Sarah Coventry & vintage beaded opera glasses & more. Steiff, S.
recognition. working in Adams County, Pa., his prized possessions in the Kirk Sterling flatware, silver & US coins/proof sets. Antique Pennsylvania
Objects from the Pitkin early-to-mid-20th century. His long rifles with tiger maple bodies. Lionel and K-Line trains, one prewar
Baecher settled in Fredrick Lionel locomotive, tender and several cars. Prints, lithos, paintings
collection were also published County, Va., where he pro- treasures, assembled very including some by Felix, Hartough, Boris O’Klein, Gleason, Buckley
in 1926, throughout John duced pottery for the remain- early, make up a collection Moss, Currier & Ives & others. Cabinet plates, vases
Spargo’s (1876-1966) book, der of his career.” that should be more widely & more unusual items.
“Early American Pottery and Nonetheless, as my visit to known today.
China.” Some of the more the Wadsworth Antheneum All photos courtesy of the
interesting pieces include a was winding down for the day, Albert Hastings Pitkin
pair of slip-script jars that may it became apparent that while Collection at the Wadsworth
have been made by Hervey some of the pieces must have Antheneum Museum of Art.
Brooks (1779-1873) in Goshen, been found locally, there were
Conn., along with several great others that probably traveled Sources:
examples of Pennsylvania by way of pickers and antiques Comstock, H.E. “The
sgraffito and slipware, and a dealers before they finally Pottery of the Shenandoah
stoneware watercooler from made their way into the hands Valley Region.” Chapel Hill, NC:
Ashfield, Mass. of Pitkin. There was great pot- The University of North
I was also thrilled to learn tery from Maine, Vermont, Carolina Press, 1994.
that some of Pitkin’s collection New Hampshire, Guilland, Harold F. “Early
had been painted for the Massachusetts, Connecticut, American Folk Pottery.” ID#19814
Smithsonian, as part of the Philadelphia, New York: Monday-Friday 9 A.M.-4 P.M.
New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
“Index of American Design.” Chilton Book Company, 1971. PA Auction License #AY002300
Ohio, possibly Maryland,
Approximately 18,000 water- Spargo, John. “Early 717.850.2513

color renderings of American American Pottery and China.” 218 E. Market St., York, PA 17403
decorative art objects from Garden City, NY: Garden City
the Colonial period through Publishing Co., Inc., 1926.
the 1800s were painted The Hudson-Fulton
between 1936 and 1942. These Celebration. Metropolitan
objects include an outstand- Museum of Art, New York,
ing small red earthenware jug September to November 1909.
made in West Hartford in the Watkins, Lura Woodside.
late-18th or early-19th century, “Early New England Potters
decorated with slip and green and Their Wares.” Cambridge,
dots. The 19th-century sgraffito red earth- Mass.: Harvard University
Pitkin also apparently had enware dish is from Pennsylvania. Press, 1950.
some involvement with the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in
Manhattan, since some of the
better pieces of his red earth-
enware collection were dis-
played at the museum in 1909.
According to the Met, “The
loan exhibition was arranged
as part of the Hudson-Fulton
Celebration, commemorating
the discovery of the Hudson
River by Henry Hudson (ca.
1565-1611) in the year 1609,
and the centenary of the first
use of steam in the navigation
of said river by Robert Fulton
This pair of slip-script red earthenware jars possibly made by Hervey Brooks in
(1765-1815) in the year 1807.
Goshen, Conn., are illustrated in “Early American Pottery and China.”
“Therefore, for the Hudson
section, advantages have been
taken of the opportunity which
America affords today of illus-
trating, by original examples,
the great art of the Dutch
painters of the 17th century; SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 2019
for the Fulton section a repre- 9:00 A.M.
Time -
sentative collection has been
brought together illustrative Located in Perry Co., 328 Brady Road,
of the fine arts in America
from the Colonial period down
to the end of the first quarter at Fahnestock’s Auction House.
of the 19th century.” GUNS - KNIVES -
In spite of that, as I looked
over object after object from NATIVE INDIAN COLLECTIBLES
Pitkin’s collection, I saw on a ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES
bottom shelf what I now con-
sider to be one of the best red PRIMITIVES - PAPER & BOOKS
earthenware washbowls in FURNITURE, MUCH MORE
existence from the Auctioneer’s Notes - This auction offers a variety of interesting
Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Antiques & Collectibles.
In fact, I cannot find any evi-
dence to prove that this bowl Visit
has been published or exhibit- ID #1909 for details

and pictures.
ed outside of the museum.
This remarkable bowl was Auction Service Terms - Cash or PA check
likely made by Anthony Wise AU-2553-L (717) 853-4025 only. PA Sale Tax Collected.

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