NSSF ENABLED SAP ERP Implementation Business Blueprint: Project Systems
NSSF ENABLED SAP ERP Implementation Business Blueprint: Project Systems
NSSF ENABLED SAP ERP Implementation Business Blueprint: Project Systems
Project Systems
Version 1.0
Business BlueprintPage 2 of 20
NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1. NSSF BACKGROUND......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. BUSINESS PROCESS SCOPE ........................................................................................................... 5
1.3. OBJECTIVE ......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4. REPORTS ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.5. STANDARD PROJECT TEMPLATE:.................................................................................................. 6
1.6. WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS):..................................................................................... 6
1.7. STATUS OF THE PROJECT:.............................................................................................................. 7
1.7.1. System Status: ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.7.2. User Status: .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.8. AS-IS PROCESS: ................................................................................................................................ 7
1.9. PROCESS NEED TO CARRY OUTSIDE SYSTEM: ........................................................................... 8
2. ORGANISATION STRUCTURE .......................................................................................................... 9
3. MASTER DATA MAINTENANCE...................................................................................................... 10
3.1. WBS/BOQ HIERARCHY.................................................................................................................... 10
4. BUSINESS SCENARIO AND SYSTEM SOLUTION......................................................................... 11
4.1. PROJECT FLOW IN NSSF ................................................................................................................ 11
4.2. PROJECT SYSTEM FLOW IN SAP .................................................................................................. 12
4.3. CREATION OF THE PROJECT......................................................................................................... 12
4.4. RELEASING OF THE PROJECT ...................................................................................................... 12
4.5. EXECUTION OF THE PROJECT ...................................................................................................... 12
4.6. TECHNICALLY COMPLETED........................................................................................................... 12
4.7. INFORMATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 12
4.8. CLOSING OF THE PROJECT ........................................................................................................... 13
4.9. PROJECT CODIFICATION................................................................................................................ 13
4.10. PROJECT TYPES .............................................................................................................................. 14
4.11. PROFILES USED IN THE SAP PROJECT SYSTEM ....................................................................... 14
4.12. BUDGETING ...................................................................................................................................... 14
4.12.1. Automatic Allocation .................................................................................................................... 14
4.12.2. Manual Allocation......................................................................................................................... 14
4.13. BUDGET CHANGES ......................................................................................................................... 15
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
4.13.1. Supplement................................................................................................................................... 15
4.13.2. Return ............................................................................................................................................ 15
4.13.3. Budget Transfer ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.14. AVAILABILITY CONTROL ................................................................................................................ 15
4.15. SERVICE PROCUREMENT............................................................................................................... 16
4.16. CREATE SERVICE REQUISITION.................................................................................................... 16
4.17. CERTIFYING THE WORK ................................................................................................................. 16
4.18. PARKING & POSTING INVOICE ...................................................................................................... 17
4.19. SR RELEASE..................................................................................................................................... 17
5. CLOSING OF PROJECT ................................................................................................................... 18
5.1. PROJECT SETTLEMENT.................................................................................................................. 18
5.1.1. Settlement Rule............................................................................................................................ 18
6. INFORMATION SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 20
6.1. PROPOSED SOLUTION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS .............................................................. 20
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
1.1. NSSF Background
The National Social Security Fund is a friendly service organization which exists for the public good. It
offers social protection to all Kenyan workers. Workers are being registered as members, receive their
contributions, manage funds of the scheme, process and ultimately pay out benefits to eligible members
or dependents. NSSF is a State Corporation under the Management of a Board of Trustees which is
constituted by representatives of the following key stakeholders namely:
Employers and
Independent Experts
The Fund which has headquarters in Nairobi, has a branch network of 46 offices spread across the
NSSF’s opertion is conducted in an atmosphere of transparency, accountability and with a renewed
commitment to efficiently delivery the social security services in Kenya.
NSSF continues to work on enhancing its organizational performance and improving the quality of
services it provides to its members.
The Fund shall do this by:
Seeking to Understand and meet the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders.
Having committed Trustees and members of staff performing their roles with transparency,
integrity and accountability in all core and support functions.
Ensuring prudent investment of members funds.
Embracing best practices, new innovations and appropriate technology prudently in all
Promoting the welfare of the citizen through participation in community initiatives.
Ensuring that all activities are alligned to the constitution, laws of Kenya and Vision 2030 goals.
Establishing and reviewing the quality objectives continually in line with the strategic plan, stake
holders’ expectations and regulatory guidelines.
To achieve the above goals NSSF has decided to implement a total ERP solution and has opted to
implement SAP ERP.
This Business Blueprint is the Platform for the design of SAP Project System module to be implemented
as a part of the SAP ECC 6.0 Implementation carried out in NSSF. In developing the TO-BE, emphasis
has been given to the business requirements based on the AS-IS processes for NSSF. Based on the To-
Be process, the design and structure of this implementation will be derived. The blueprint describes the
design to be used while configuring the SAP Project System module.
The preparation of this document is essential for prototyping and testing. The development work will start
once owner’s approval for this Blue Print is obtained. The sole objective of the Business Blueprint is to
prepare documentation of the process gathered during requirement workshops and discussions with the
stakeholders in NSSF. On this basis, the complete business process is captured within the scope of the
R/3 system and will enable NSSF to implement the various business transactions encompassing the
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
project lifecycle. This will analyze all the activities involved in the processes that have to be automated
and checks that have to be carried out. This will also identify all the process constraints that cannot be
addressed directly through SAP and suggestions for work-around and interfacing requirements.
1.3. Objective
[Question 1: Under stand, There are different types of organisation are working in the global
Market, with different strategy. So while meeting the client, know what is the organisation about
and what they are expecting from the SAP Implementation]
The objective of the analysis was to:
Determine to what extent the NSSF’s requirement can be solved within the framework of the SAP
ERP Solution.
Clarify how the NSSF’s processes are to be implemented within the framework of the SAP ERP
Clarify which functionality of the SAP Solution NSSF is to use
Identify the NSSF’s requirement additional to those which may be solved within the framework of
the SAP ERP Solution.
1.4. Reports
[Question 2: What type of reports the clients are seeking for, Ask their Non SAP/Excel report
copy, for your clarification and then try to find out the Standard SAP Report.]
In the analysis phase NSSF described reporting requirement, and Deloitte identified the SAP Standard
reports which best meet the requirements.
In SAP PS, standard templates can be created for project structures. By defining standard projects,
project management in the company can be standardized by referring back to data that has been derived
from existing projects. Standardization is one method of ensuring in the initial phase, that projects are
structured efficiently and economically.
It also significantly reduces the time spent on creation of a project in SAP. A further advantage of
standardizing project structures is that it makes the processing of projects more transparent, enables the
comparison of projects and subsequently facilitates project controlling. A standard project has the same
objects as an operative project - it consists of a standard project definition, and standard work breakdown
structure (WBS). A standard project can be copied into an operative project and then in the operative
project changes in the structure can be done to suitably modify it.
It is a model of the work to be performed in a project organized in a hierarchical structure. The WBS is an
important tool which helps you keep an overview of the project:-
It forms the basis for organization and coordination in the projects.
It shows the amount of work, the time required, and the costs involved in the project.
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
[Question 3: Explain to the client about the SAP Standard PS presentation and Inform them
about the advantage of the Status of the project and their uses. System Staus are Standard status
in PS, where User status is the customisation, where as per the client requirement we can
The project system has 2 types of status namely System status and User status:-
Released – REL
Question :4 Once understanding what organisation deals about, and the PS Genral presentation is
done. Ask the Project Management Department for the following Questions.
i) What type of projects that the departments are dealing with?
ii) Ask for the Process chart, how the Integration with other department?
iii) Do they want cost plan/budget control for the project or not?
iv) If they require a budget contorl, do they want to activate Budget availability or not?
v) What type of project planning, scheduling, and monitoring are they dealing with?
vi) Do they require sales billing,& KPI for the project or not
vii) If Yes for the (vi), what type of sales billing is that a stock or non stock blling and what
types of KPI they want from the SAP system.
viii) Once the project booked the actual cost, where do they want to settle the cost.]
Currently at NSSF, Project starts once the property development department initiates the requisition of
approval of drawings and tender documents, Procurement process for Contractor i.e., LoA, approved and
awarded to the contractor, certifying the amount of work done by the contractor and initiation the payment
process as per the certification.
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
Once the right opportunity is identified by the viability report submitted by the consultant, PDD initiates the
requisition to the management seeking to go further/ hold process with the tender document, Once it is
approved by Managing trustee & Board of trustees, Procurement department circulates the Inquiry, i.e.,
EOI & RFP documents are floated into the market, maintaining the quotation and selection of L1 is done
by the Evaluation committee, once the evaluation committee has selected the L1 bidder.
Procurement department will prepare the Service order/Work order/Letter of Award to the selected
contractor with the terms & conditions mentioned in the tender document. Once it is approved, then
signing of contract between parties, contractor takes possession of site and construction process starts.
Contractor applies to the architect for the evaluation, Once the architect certifies the amount of work
done, then PDD initiates the process for the contractor and consultant payment.
The monitoring of the project progress and payment is carried out by the PDF soft copy and / or hard
copy given by the consultant/Contractor. The consultant/contractor provides a By-Monthly/ Monthly
progress report giving all the aspects of the project.
The project is funded through the annual budget assigned to PDD by the NSSF for the capital
Once the project is completed, contractor hands over the completed project for onward handling over to
TPS, practical completion certification is issued to the contractor by the PDD, once the overseeing
defects rectification is done.
Currently at NSSF, these processes are carried out manually. There is no system to record these. Hence
the SAP project system implementation would be a totally new process.
[Question: 5 Which is not possible through the SAP System, which is asked by the client, kindly
mention that in BBP and get it sign from the client]
NSSF Property development team, pre project process starts once the NSSF project consultant
submits the tender document with drawings and BOQ. They capture the Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
from the CAD drawings. So the pre-project and project process moves like;
Drawing BOQ Appointing contractor GRN Payment
Where in the process above said, In PS we will be capturing the flow from the BOQ, PS can’t
generate the quantities from the drawings. We can attach the drawing as a PDF file. To generate the
BOQ from the drawing this is not available in the PS system.
So the above said [Drawing BOQ process], need to be carried out side the system.
It is mutually agreed that, Service requisition release for the Board of trustee and Managing trustee
approval, will be getting outside the system. Where about the requisition release, pl refer the 4.19
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
2. Organisation Structure
Each project starts with the definition and classification of the structure required for processing and the
incorporation of these into the existing enterprise structure.
The project system has no organizational structure of its own; you incorporate it into the existing structure
by making assignment to the organizational units in Accounting and Logistics. It is this which enables the
project system to present data clearly and in many different ways.
Typically, an SAP R/3 project progress’ thus,
You Define what you want to do from a business perspective, Develop a strategy that’s represented by a
structure, Plan your costs and revenues, schedule when events must occur, approve the Budget and
distribute it throughout your structure, release the project and Execute day-to-day confirmations,
frequently Evaluate progress by reporting, Settle it to its intended receiver and Close it off.
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
Master data needs to created only once in the system and can be reused in various transactions
thereafter. In Project System, there is very little master data of its own. It uses the various master data
that has been created in other modules like vendor master, cost elements etc. Following are the master
data that needs to be created in Project System module:
WBS/BOQ Hierarchy
In CJ20N – Project Bulider transcation, user need to create the Project. Once the project is created, the
Bill Of Quantities (BOQ) need to be uploded to the system.
For this user need to use a customising screen, where the excel data is uploded to the PS system as per
the BOQ template. and the process looks like;
[Question :6
Master data maintenance, in PS there , What are the master data that client maintaining
for their projects like WBS,Network and Actvity and Work centre]
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
Procurement of Services
There are different department involved in the projects for the NSSF namely,
Approving trustee
Procurement division
Evaluation Committee
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
In SAP the creation of the project flow as per the below diagram,
Project starts with creation of Project definition, Work Breakdown structure (WBS), Assigning person
responsible, company code and controlling area to the WBS, and releasing the system status
Once the project is created with the hierarchy structure with WBS, User status has to be released for all
level and the Operative indicator for the WBS should be checked for the Planning element, Account
assignment and Billing element. Service requisition are created, release and ready for the execution for
the project.
Service requisitions are converted into Work order by procurement department/division for external
services. Since budget has been allocated to project system, the system will ensure that budget is not
exceeded by the release budget. In case, more budgets are require budget has to be supplemented for
further project progress.
Elements are completed from the project and settlement is done for the project. This status for the Project
indicates that is completed from a technically point of view, but where you still expect cost to accrue. The
status allows,
You to post actual cost
Information system gives the reports on Planned, Budget, Actual cost, Total cost commitment and
variance for the project. Service requisition for the project, Work order for the project, Revenue planning
and Actual
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
This status indicates that all the logistics & accounting related to project is completed fully or no further
WBS elements will be taken in to the projects. When the project is closed and finally it is handed over to
Operative division like Tenant purchase scheme/ Real Estate for the Sell/Lease/Let the property.
[Question :7 How the client want to identify the project, do they want to identify through
Codification mask or Projec ID?]
A project code is a unique number that denotes a particular project. The project codification scheme in
SAP has been defined in a way that enables any person to identify the Line of Business the project
belongs to, and the month & year when the project started.
N 12 G 15 N 01
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
4.10.Project Types
In NSSF, they are running with 3 types of project, which are involved in the execution, they are
Greenfield Project
Brownfield Project
Office Partition
Give the uniqueness of each project type; equivalent project profiles will be defined. Project profiles
essentially govern how actual are posted and settled on a project. Project profile also dictates the user
statuses that apply the project, as well as how planning cost and budgeting takes place.
To create a project, a project profile must be assigned. The project profile decides the lifecycle of the
project. The following profiles are assigned to project profile to address business logic.
Project Profile
Budgeting Profile
Settlement Profile
Budgeting is done only after cost-planning is completed, there are also provisions for updating the budget
by means of funds supplement, transfer and return. Financial reports in the information system section
will help us monitor the budget consumption and updating. Suitable checks may be provided, based on
client needs, in order to prevent budget-exhaustion or overshoot.
Budget is allocated to the WBS elements. The Project System supports the following methods of budget
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
Goods Receipt,
Financial Accounting Document
The budget control shall get activated upon budgeting. The budget availability control function is one
of the best features of SAP Project System Module. The available budget is calculated by the system
in the following way:
Available Budget = Current Budget – Assigned
Assigned = Actual Costs already incurred + commitments created
Actual costs are generally incurred by the following transactions:
Goods Issue,
Invoice Receipt,
Direct FI Postings
4.13.Budget Changes
Any change in project budget shall take place through supplements within a project, returns within
project or transfers within WBS elements of the same project.
In SAP, the initial budget is called the original budget. The budget that results after any changes made to
the original budget is referred to as the current budget.
Current Budget = Original Budget + Supplements – Returns +/- Transfers
4.13.1. Supplement
Supplement means adding extra budget to the WBS element which increases the overall budget of the
project. By making a supplement to a project, you make particular supplements, meaning that you provide
a selected WBS element with additional external budget. This is independent of the remaining budget on
the higher level. The system updates the supplemented budget on the WBS "upwardly".
4.13.2. Return
If there is any Surplus/Extra budget in the project those need to be returned. You submit distributable or
available budget on a WBS element from the project. The system updates the returns within the project,
meaning that the total budget is reduced accordingly.
4.14.Availability Control
Project System includes “active” availability control. For example, when a work order assigned to a WBS
element, is entered in the system the active availability control checks that the available funds are
sufficient to cover the work order. This way, the system ensures that excessive funds commitments can
be prevented and corrected as soon as they occur. Active availability control takes account of defined
tolerance limits. If a tolerance limit is exceeded, the system can trigger different actions, which have been
pre-defined based on NSSF’s requirements.
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
For Example: Provision can be made, where a warning message will be thrown when 90% of the budget
is exhausted. An error message along with a mail will be displayed when the budget is exhausted more
than 95% of the overall budget. The assigned values (actual, commitment, or order request) for
requisition for the project are also subject to availability control.
4.15.Service Procurement
All Work orders for Services are presently being handled by procurement department in SAP. The
process of procurement as per the requirement as well as with respect to SAP Best Practices involves the
following sequence of steps:
Service requisition is created as & when the services are required for execution of the Project. In NSSF,
there are two types of requisition is raised. Where one is for appointing consultant and another for
appointing contractor
Where while raising the requisition for appointing the consultant, it is referred to the account assignment
“K”. where system book the cost from the cost centre. And another requisition for the appointing the
contractor, it is referred to the account assignment “P”. where system book the cost from the project
budget through WBS
Once the WO is created by the procurement department, the goods receipt/ work done need to be enter
for both consultant/contractor in the system
For the confirmation receipt of service for consultant work order, where goods receipt is not applicable,
because that work order is created with reference to the cost centre and item category as service, so in
system we need to pass them as a service entry sheet.
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
The goods receipt is required only for the contractor work order, which is created with reference to the
Once the work done is certified and entered into the system, the project development team need to
process the payment for consultant and contractor. where the system allows the payment process as per
the certified amount, for eg: Architect certifies the contractor as 3 windows out of 5 windows, due to
human error/contractor over claim, there is no control in the present NSSF process. where this allows the
over payment to the contractor. So once if we started following the SAP system in future, there will not be
even 0.1% of over payment to the consultant/contractor. where system allow the invoice parking as per
the amount certified in the service/goods entry, means system will allow only the 3 windows payment,
System will not allow for the extra payment.
4.19.SR Release
The Service requisition once it is created should be checked & approved in the system. where the Board
of Trustee and Management Trustee approval will be taken outside the system, In NSSF, PS there will be
only 2 level of release, which will appear automatically once the SR is saved, they are,
Manager Release
Procurement Head Release
Once SR is created, the amount against the SR is booked as a commitment value against the WBS and
the SR value is reduced from the budget which is allocated to that WBS element.
Once a SR is converted into WO, by booking the total quantity of a SR line item in the WO, system
automatically considers the SR line item as closed. If the WO quantity is reduced from the target quantity
of a SR line item, system opens to the extent of the reduced quantity. In case of the SR is to be closed
before converting into WO, user will manually set “CLOSED” indicators in the change mode of SR. The
SR cannot be converted to WO until it is released.
On receipt of service, system will update the GRN amount as actual and the commitments will be
removed corresponding to the WO & corresponding GRN value is reduced from the commitment item,
shows in the actual item against the WBS element
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
5. Closing of Project
The Project has to be technically completed before closing. The status will get changed to TECO. After
TECO, a project is technically completed and no more activity can performed. Once the project have
reached their end and all expected costs have been settled to their various receivers, project should be
closed to prevent additional costs being posted against them. The system status of the project should be
set to “CLSD”. Under this system status all financial transactions are forbidden.
Once the project is closed, the status will change from TECO to CLSD
Steps of closing the projects are as follow,
Release project from project definition
Create the fixed assets for settling the AUC
Create the settlement rule (Second Line) and mention the receiver as Fixed deposit
Set the project status as TECO
Run the settlement, mentioning the value date as capitalization date and full settlement
Settlement transfers actual costs from the Project Object to external objects (such as Assets, Cost
Centres, GL Accounts etc). The most common settlement receivers are Cost Centres and Assets Under
Construction (AUC), which are attributed to Expense and Capital projects respectively. Some Projects
have both, where part of the cost is Expense, the balance Capital.
Defines what portion of the costs on a sender should be settled to which receiver(s). For this, one or
more distribution rules are assigned to each settlement sender. You have to enter the correct settlement
rule into the system, to ensure that the cost incurred in the execution of the project can be settled
correctly. Based on the settlement rule we can settle the cost to cost centre or AUC as shown in below
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
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NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Consultancy provided by Deloitte and EIM solutions
Date: 20 July 2012
FUND Team: Project system
Author: Muthu Vijayen
Work stream Title: Project System
6. Information System
The Project Information system is a flexible, comprehensive information system you can use to monitor
and control your project data. You can evaluate individual projects, partial projects or multiple projects.
The system includes overview report and reports offering various degrees of detail
The project system information system can be used at a variety of levels in the decision making process
as an instrument for monitoring, controlling and planning business operations.
The project system information system is a flexible tool for collecting, aggregating and evaluating data
from the project system. The information system allows you to view all information in the operative
application from a wide range of perspectives. You can also define level of detail in which you wish to
view the information.
Information system shall be used extensively in the project system module for NSSF. The Information
collected shall be used to evaluate the following among others:
[Question :8 What are all the SAP Standard Reprots available which can fulfill the client requiremen?]
Project Information system structure – CN40 & CN41
Purchase requisition of a project – ME5J
Purchase requisition of a cost centre – ME5A
Budget/Actual/Variance – S_ALR_87013557
Budget/Actual/Commitment/Assigned – S_ALR_87013558
Plan/Actual/Variance – S_ALR_87013532
Cumulated Actual cost - S_ALR_87100188
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