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Stressors and The Effect of Stress On Grade 12 Students' Academic Performance in Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School

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A Quantitative Research
Presented to the Faculty of Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research 2 and Applied Inquiries

Angelo Gabriel M. Gavasan

Jeanne Melinda R. Dolores
Kristine Gwen C. Caballero
Danielle Kates L. Maranan
Sittie Rohannah T. Saban
Patrick Joseph R. Malate
Treesha Patrice D. Adao
Alexis John B. Gumanid
Apple Grace P. Iligan

Grade 12-Borgia

Tricia Angelika Firman

Research Adviser

March 2019
Jacinto St., Davao City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the course subject Practical Research 2
and Applied Inquiries under Humanities and Social Sciences this study is entitled:


Has been prepared and submitted by ADAO T., CABALLERO K., DOLORES J., GAVASAN


Research Adviser

APPROVED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course subject Practical
Research 2 and Applied Inquiries, under Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS),
by the HUMSS Office.


Chairperson – HUMSS

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Practical Research
2 and Applied Inquiries:

____________________ __________________________
Date Mrs. Aujefel Amor Y. Lee
Assistant Director for Academics
Senior High School Unit


Jacinto St., Davao City, Philippines

Declaration of Originality

ILIGAN A., MALATE P., MARANAN D., SABAN S., declare that this research is original to
the best of our knowledge. We declare further that this activity was undertaken by us.

Angelo Gabriel M. Gavasan

Jeanne Melinda R. Dolores
Kristine Gwen C. Caballero
Danielle Kates L. Maranan
Sittie Rohannah T. Saban
Patrick Joseph R. Malate
Treesha Patrice D. Adao
Alexis John B. Gumanid
Apple Grace P. Iligan

February 2019
Date Signed

The researchers acknowledge with sincere appreciation and gratitude to all the

assistance and encouragement afforded them by the following persons without which

this humble work would not have found recognition and fulfillment and whom God used

to show His divine order for the success of this study:

Ms. Tricia Firman, their thesis adviser, who despite of her busy schedule

rendered her time, patience, and consideration to the researchers. The researchers

would like to thank her for unselfishly sharing her thoughts, insights, expertise and her

sympathetic guidance on this work.

Emmanuel Medina, Kate Nimes, Vianca Eunice Ancheta, Camille Angela

Lacorte, and Rona Pearl Olano for their inspiring comments and valuable suggestions

which greatly helped in the completion of this research.

Mrs. Aujefel Amor Y. Lee, for allowing the researchers to conduct the study.

Ms. Jennyve Cabantog, Ms. Chesly Cuevas, Ms. Camille Calalas, for lending us

the time to administer the tests to their students and for treating the researchers nicely

and welcoming them to their school.

The families of the researchers namely: Jeanne Dolores and Apple Grace Iligan,

for their moral and financial support, inspiration and encouragement.

Warmest and heartfelt thanks to our 200 respondents from different strands, who

shared their moments even in pressured days for the completion of this study.
To those who were not mentioned but in some ways helped the researchers,

thank you very much.

Eternal gratitude and adoration to the Lord, the source of blessings and wisdom,

for giving them the courage, the strength and perseverance, and for His heavenly

guidance in the accomplishment of this work. To Him be the glory, honor and power


The Researchers

This study is dedicated to the following:

Family Members



HUMSS Grade 12 Borgia


The Almighty Father

“God does not discriminate against people, regardless of color, religion,

social class, or gender and sexual preferences” –Rodrigo Duterte

Social Stratification is a social issue that is inevitable nowadays. Social

Stratification is an effect to different treatment to people from different classes.
Categorization and the difference to treatment based on class is rampant especially in
schools. ‘Social Stratification: The Influence of Student’s Class System on their
Academic Performance’ determined the class system’s influences on student’s
academic performance and to spread awareness in order to avoid social stratification
discrimination. Phenomenological design was used under qualitative approach wherein
the researchers had 6 respondents through proportional and snowballing sampling and
used the experiences of the respondents in presenting the gathered information.
Different references were used such as articles, books and the internet. The
respondents were interviewed about their experiences and was categorized with the 3
major class systems. All the respondents were students who came from Ateneo de
Davao University - Senior High School Department. The findings presented in this paper
clearly illustrated that students that belong to the upper and middle class have the more
stable family financial state than that who belong to the lower class. And that there are
negative and positive influences of these distinct stability from social equality to how
they cope up with others and the presence of linguistic barrier. Other than that the
effects which are the disruption of Psychological Stability, Family Dependency and the
struggle of managing External Factors were observed.
Keywords: Senior High School Learners, Phenomenology, In-depth Interview, Ateneo
de Davao University

Title Page ………………………………………………………………….......... i
Approval Sheet …………………………………………………………………. ii
Declaration of Originality ………….. iii
Acknowledgement …………………………………………..………………… v
Dedication ……………………………………………………………………… vi
Abstract ………………………………………………………………................ vii
Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………. viii
1 Introduction
Background of the study…………………………………………….......... 1
Theoretical Lens ……………………………………………….................. 3
Research Questions ……………………………………………………... 3
Scope and Delimitation …………………….……………………………. 5
Significance of the Study ………………………………………………… 6

Definition of Terms ………………………………………………….....

2 Review of Related Literature 9
3 Methods
Research Design ………………………………………................... 21
Research Participants ……………………………………………… 23
Role of the Researchers ……………………………………………… 24
Data Source …………………………………………………………. 25
Data Collection ……………………………………………………… 26
Data Analysis ………………………………………………………… 29
Trustworthiness of the Study ………………………………………. 30
Ethical Consideration ………………………………………………. 33
Perceived Influences of the Class System to SHS Learners’ Class 35

Perceived Positive Influences of the Class System to SHS Learners’ 37

Class Interaction
Perceived Negative Influences of the Class Systems to SHS 38


Class Interaction
Effects of Class Systems to SHS Learners’ Class Interaction 41
Perceived Influences of the Class System to SHS Learners’ Class 44
Perceived Positive Influences of the Class System to SHS Learners’ 46

Class Interaction
Perceived Negative Influences of the Class Systems to SHS 47


Class Interaction
Effects of Class Systems to SHS Learners’ Class Interaction 49
Implications on the Research Agenda 52
Implications on the HUMSS Education 53
Concluding Remarks 54
References……..…………………………………………………………..……. 60
Appendices …………………………………………………………………...
A- Permission Letter to the Office of the Assistant Director for

B- Informed Consent for the Participants ……………………….

C- Interview Guide …………………………………………………

D- Transcripts of Stenographic Responses and Notes
E- Curriculum Vitae


This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the

background of the study, the statement of the problem, significance of the study, and

scope and delimitation of the study.

Background of the Study

Everyone gets stressed. Whether it's from financial troubles, relationships, health

problems, or work, there's pretty much an endless list of things that can rile you up and
leave you feeling frazzled. For some people, though, the consequences of stress can

show up more outwardly than it does in others.

“The sum of physical, emotional and mental strains or tensions of a person” is

what stress means. Stress can result from a reaction to a situation in which a person

feels threatened or pressured or sometimes both. Learning and memory can be affected

by stress. Although an optimal level of stress can enhance ability, too much stress can

cause physical and mental health problems, reduce self-esteem and may affect the

academic performance of the students. Knowing this, researchers have claimed that

students do experience academic stress. Academic Stress is a type of stress that the

students are facing in terms of managing their time, limit to extend effort, self-

expectation and involvement for the sake of academic performance. With that, this

study aims to know the effects of stress to students’ academic performance in Ateneo

de Davao Senior High School.

In a global scale, According to Agolla (2009) Stress has become an important

topic in academic circles. Many scholars in the field of behavioral science have carried

out extensive research on stress and its outcomes and concluded that the topic needed

more attention.

Also according to Krishnan Lal (2013), the students today are facing with new

challenges in education calling for greater effort from students. In addition there are

heavy demands made by the society on students to perform various roles, many of

which are undefined, inconsistent and unachievable in the present socio-cultural,

economic and bureaucratic contexts of our society, causing heavy stress on students

mainly high school students. Students in their teens are the ones who are going through
the transitional phase, which is an intermediate of childhood and adulthood. Stress is

believed to be caused by the various problems that exist such as problems at school,

colleges, financial problems, family problems and problems in their surroundings.

In a national scale, according to Sunstar (2018) the academic stress of the high

school students are divided into the most essential element, which is known as the

learning process. The performance of these constituent acts as an important role in

setting academic achievements which are associated to what people value in

experiencing stress since academic works or activities are inevitable in the school

setting. Even those who are rich, physically beautiful or happy may also experience this

kind of stress. Stress usually happen when there are too many homeworks and

activities to do also when there is an exam or quizzes. Stress can affect an emotional,

physical and mental health especially our behaviour. In the field of education, the most

common sources of stress that may read to fear and anxiety to students.

In a local scale, as per Cuerpo J. (2017) stretch is a main consideration on

how a kid performs scholastically. An examination done in 2000 on learning hypotheses

expresses that pressure can upgrade learning capacity, yet a lot of it could prompt

physical and emotional well-being issues and the scholastic accomplishment of a

youngster is imperiled. An individual can without much of a stretch adjust; youngsters

are known to adjust superior to grown-ups. In any case, the versatile capacities are

enormously influenced when the requests turn out to be excessively overpowering. This

at that point influences the understudies' scholarly execution. Senior high understudies

looked with a gigantic measure of pressure that originates from an excessive amount of

homework, long tests, and execution errands. The outstanding task at hand is not really
the issue; rather it is the constrained measure of time for these necessities. Another

examination was directed for the impacts of weight on wellbeing propensities, wellbeing

status, and confidence expresses that working hours and remaining burdens are

prevailing wellsprings of stress. The scholastic pressure that understudies are

encountering is presumably part of the birth agonies of the senior high program. It ought

to be noted, in any case, that on the off chance that an understudy is experiencing

issues in adapting to scholastic worry, there may be not kidding repercussions, for

example, psycho-social and enthusiastic wellbeing results. In the context of Ateneo

de Davao University, 7.81% of the students undergo Academic Probation, and in that

program, one of reasons of the students why they do undergo probation is because of

stress. Stress in a way caused by lack of study skills, test anxiety, lack of time

management and peer or parental pressure. According to some students in ADDU, the

causes of their stress is the difficulty of the subject matter, financial instability, difficulty

study environment, teacher factor and personal issues. With that, the school done some

actions to help those students. Such as encouraging them to join learning enhancement

assistance programs in which they’ll have extra classes after school hours to tackle the

lesson that they might have a hard time with because they are distracted and stressed.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This is the description that leads the reader to understanding the research

questions and appreciate why they are asked (Creswell, 2013). It is also here where

you will present pertinent literature of your study which supports research finding

related to stress and academic performance. The previous studies will help the

researchers conceptualize and hypothesize phenomenon and do critical appraisal.

The researchers reviewed related literature and studies in order to obtain information

and the status of the topic or problem that may apply in the area.

Stress and Mental Health

Stress can be characterized by different methods for mental, enthusiastic,

physical and in different structures. It principally begins from an unfortunate condition

which can be from the unforeseen adolescence and goes until deep rooted. There are

different examinations saying that Indians are the most elevated sufferers of worry

because of absence of work, cozy connections, double-crossing, unforeseen youth,

and so forth this has in some cases lead the adolescence to insinuate associations with

friend bunches which is regularly defended by stressors to get free out of pressure.

One out of four individuals on the planet will be influenced by mental or neurological

disarranges sooner or later in their lives. Around 450 million individuals presently

experience the ill effects of such conditions, putting mental disarranges among the

main sources of sick wellbeing and incapacity around the world. By and by in India

alone there around 3.5 percent of stressors in which 10 to 17 percent of them are in the

essential phases of pressure. A significant number of them don't have the foggiest idea

that they are influenced by pressure and in the event that they realize they are

influenced by pressure they don't know how and where to get treatment. Regularly they

expect that the general public will think themselves as insane person or psychos.

Stress is for the most part prone to be regular among male particularly between the

age ranging of 20 to 25 years.

Stress and its signs, for example, nervousness, wretchedness, and burnout,

have dependably been viewed as a typical issue among individuals in various callings
and occupations. Over the most recent couple of decades, alert has just been incited

by the expansion of books, examine reports, prominent articles and the developing

number of sorted out workshops, expecting to show individuals how to adapt to this

marvel ( Keinan and Perlberg, 2000).

In contrast, worry among college understudies has turned into a point of

enthusiasm for couple of specialists to day. Scholarly responsibilities, money related

weights, and the absence of time the board abilities have brought about numerous

college understudies encountering extraordinary worry at unsurprising occasions amid

every semester. College understudies' wellbeing and scholastic execution can be

adversely influenced in view of higher level of pressure the dimension of experienced

pressure is affected by the assets accessible for the individual so as to manage explicit

unpleasant occasions and circumstances (Zeidner, 2002).

Keinan and Perlberg (2000) called attention to that the level of pressure

experienced by college understudies may contrast from non-understudy peers and

starting with one school year then onto the next. Amid the principal year at the college,

college understudies experience issues to acclimatize a huge measure of scholarly

material in a brief period, and they are required to create compelling examination

systems and propensities so as to adapt to the volume of material doled out to them It

has been contended that the primary presentation of the college understudies to the

scholastic investigations and to the very bureaucratic college regulatory methodology

can likewise cause pressure, since they need to make essential change in accordance

with their social condition too. Some college understudies are regularly focused on due
to relational associations with friend and they encounter extensive trouble when

attempting to acclimate to the college informal community.

The change issue might be viewed as a noteworthy issue for the college

understudies. Keinan and Perlberg (2000) contend that the sentiments of

dissatisfaction, tension, and despondency are among the potential outcomes of high

level of stress. They likewise asserted that paying little heed to year of tutoring or sex,

college understudies confront a great deal of weight with respect to monetary

challenges, over the top class remaining task at hand, new obligations, change in

different sort of propensities, time the board, and finding a potential life accomplice.

Mckean et al. (2000) keep up that stressors alone don't deliver nervousness,

melancholy or pressures. Rather, the communication among stressors and the

individual's discernment and the response to these stressors cause pressure. Ecological

pressure happens because of natural upgrades or requests captured by an individual

that are surpassing his or her capacity to manage them.

Radcliff and Lester's (2003) contemplates on the apparent worry among definite

year therapeutic college understudies uncovered that the most distressing

circumstances for understudies were the unreasonable class remaining task at hand,

the socialization weight, the absence of direction, and progress times of change. The

few investigations that explicitly identify with the wellsprings of scholarly pressure are

fairly constrained. Zedner's (1992) thinks about evaluated the view of significant

wellsprings of scholarly worry among 184 Jewish and 209 Arab college understudies in

a noteworthy college in Israel. The examinations managed socio-social and sex

aggregate contrasts. In addition, the investigation of Keinan and Perlberg (1986)

concentrated on the wellsprings of worry among college speakers. In any case, this

investigation took an explicit point of view, which vary from Zeidner (1992), and Perlberg

and Keinan (1986), which investigated the distinctions in impression of potential

wellsprings of worry among college understudies (age, school year, staff and sex).

It is additionally referred to by Espinosa, M. C. (2018) that interminable trouble

in dozing and powerlessness to center at work, school or in some other part of life can

be early indications of an approaching psychological sickness, and individuals who

encounter this are encouraged to see a specialist promptly. Dr. Dreiza Hakim Castillo, a

specialist at the Zamboanga City Medical Center (ZCMC) exhorts individuals who

encounter these side effects that incorporate serious dejection to quickly look for expert

help. "There is not something to be embarrassed about," she clarifies. "A great many

people would feel that these signs are ordinary, yet gradually, in total they can turn out

to be extremely harming." Meanwhile, the therapeutic culture has developed

increasingly more worried over the rising instances of suicides particularly among the

adolescent, incorporating into Zamboanga City. In light of specialists' conclusion,

adolescent suicide and sorrow are not kidding issues that families and school experts

need to investigate, especially on the preventive side. Dr. Castillo clarifies internet

based life, as far as it matters for its raises certain individual principles, here and there

to extraordinary dimensions. Online networking could impact teenagers to make

unreasonable desires for themselves and naturally intensify solid negative feelings, for

example, forlornness, envy, outrage and others. All things considered, Dr. Castillo calls

for increasingly emotional well-being delicate schools. "We have to instruct the
educators to assess and help their understudies who hint at early psychological


As indicated by Polinar, R. O. (2017), "Young people should be treated as an

unmistakable piece of our populace and it is vital to acknowledge and address their

wellbeing and way of life issues," Dr. Nailes said. In helping young people carry on with

a rationally more advantageous life, Dr. Nailes stressed the indispensable job that

families play. Psychological well-being concerns no explicit life organize. As ahead of

schedule as youth or immaturity, people may as of now experience the ill effects of

extreme tension and dejection. Indeed, information from the World Health Organization

(WHO) uncovered that 10-20% of youngsters and youths encounter some type of

psychological sicknesses which are caused by a few variables, including way of life.

Results uncovered generally high scores on social help and stress the executives

featuring that 80-90% of the respondents have a positive association with their folks and

additionally with their instructors and companions. As per Dr. Nailes, this shows a

positive social help measurement wherein the majority of the teenagers are fit for

adapting up to worry as they have family and companions to whom they can turn while

encountering issues. Greater part of the respondents additionally expressed that they

have some type of despondency. As per Dr. Nailes, the discoveries were reliable with

the World Health Organization (WHO) ponder entitled "Wellbeing for the World's

Adolescents" which uncovered that dejection is the overwhelming reason for sickness

and handicap for both young men and young ladies matured 10 to 19 years of age.

As for Salvacion (2004) examined the pressure profile of understudies in the

College of Dentistry of the University of the Philippines, Manila. The investigation

included 149 dentistry understudy respondents. Scholarly stressors like examinations

and grades, completely stacked days, trouble in finishing clinical prerequisites, and

dread of getting deferred topped the distinguished stressors. Scholastic variables were

unpleasant in the initial multiyear levels. Scholastic pressure crested amid the

sophomore year. No critical contrasts in rankings were seen between sexual

orientations. There was verifiable similitude in the general pressure profile of the

distinctive year levels. Normal techniques for adapting to pressure were utilized by

understudies which incorporate crying, asking, talking, watching motion pictures, and

tuning in to music. Stress represents the moment of truth an individual. It resembles a

two-edged sword which can either propel or animate an understudy to crest

Sources of Stress

Bernstein et al. (2008) characterize the wellsprings of worry as each condition

or occasion that undermines to disturb individuals' day by day working and makes them

make modifications. These wellsprings of stress are classified "Stressors."

Stressors are requests made by the inward or outside condition that annoyed

parity, along these lines influencing physical and mental prosperity and expecting

activity to reestablish harmony. Be that as it may, they vary from the level of

seriousness and term of pressure; what is upsetting for an individual may not be a

stressor for another.

For instance, missing a few addresses might be distressing for the principal

year college understudies, however may not be upsetting for another understudy

contingent upon his or her level of desires. Taking his last test of the year or sitting in
surge hour traffic isn't equal to being assaulted by a furious Lion, where high excitement

could encourage battling or feeling. Calamitous occasions, real life changes, and every

day bothers are viewed as significant classes of stressors that make requests to which

individuals must modify.

According to Mental Health Awareness (2018) that there are numerous

things that can prompt stress. The demise of a friend or family member,

separate/division, losing an occupation and surprising cash issues and many more. In

any case, not all life occasions are negative and even positive life changes, like moving

to a greater house, picking up an occupation advancement or going on vacation can be

a source of stress. Some of the predetermined stress are emotional, behavioral and

physical stressor. Emotional stressor is when you are focused on you may encounter a

wide range of emotions, including tension, dread, outrage, pity, or disappointment.

These sentiments can at times feed on one another and produce physical

manifestations, exacerbating you feel even. For a few people, unpleasant life occasions

can add to side effects of depression. Behavioral stress when you behave differently

than your usual ways. Just like being frequently hesitant or unbendable; unable to rest

properly; You might be fractious or weepy. Some turn to smoking, devouring more

liquor, or taking medications. Stress can make you feel angrier or more forceful than

typical. Stress may likewise influence the manner in which we cooperate with our

nearby family and companions. And physical is when a few people begin to encounter

cerebral pains, queasiness and acid reflux. You may inhale more rapidly, sweat more,

have palpitations or experience the ill effects of different a throbbing painfulness.

It is also stated by Dina Indelicato (2018) that emotional stress is certainly

not a clearly labelled phenomenon It's a wide scope of issues and can go the whole

distance, from having a couple down days to an increasingly incessant condition. Note,

that in case you're having a few down days you didn’t need to promptly pull on the bell

or go see your doctor. In spite of the fact that we may endeavor to be constantly happy,

that is not quite we're built We can't generally be glad and we will have down periods

and minutes where we struggle. In the meantime, in case you're feeling you've been

anxious for quite a while now without truly feeling you've possessed the capacity to get

your head above water, at that point it may be a great opportunity to make a move.

According to Maxliving (2018) Some stress goes away, it may even make

you more grounded or stronger. Some also sticks around long after its welcome. It can

undermine your well-being and satisfaction. Stress comes in various "flavors," including

traumatic, physical, and the most widely recognized, emotional stress. It’s effects are

more similar to sorrow and depression. With its persistence, you may lose or put on

weight. You may see rest changes. You possibly feel distracted and struggle with

constant mood swings. Obviously, these emotions and changes can sabotage your life

and your satisfaction. Different indications of Emotional stress incorporates uneasiness,

having memory slips, feeling exhausted and worn out, staying away from loved ones,

not being in the state of mind, and mood swings. Everybody feels those things once in a

while, however when you continually feel worn out, on edge, or need to segregate

yourself from others, those can be signs that it has overwhelmed your life. Furthermore,

that is nothing to trifle with.

It is stated by Erin Olivo Ph.D. (2014) that there are Stress fueled by fear

and stress fueled by anger and a lot more significantly increasing unique stressors. Our

stress and the related issues, came from feelings that are being disregarded, denied,

misjudged, smothered, or just inadequately dealt with. Troubling feelings, when they

aren't dealt with beneficially, are at the base of the majority of your most basic issues,

including indulging, incessant relationship struggle, cash bungle, substance misuse, and

even, much of the time, poor physical well-being. In any case, when you can

understand your feelings, you can understand your issues and stress itself. At that point

you can impact a start to finish change in each part of your life through the decisions

you make each day.

Auerbach and Gramling (2000) see catastrophes as a sudden life threatening

cataclysm or catastrophe that reason people to be not able adapt to it. For example,

wars, surges, sea tempests, fires, seismic tremors, rapes and tornadoes are regular

disasters. Significant life changes (e.g., losing an occupation, separate, sickness,

demise of a companion of relative, and detainment) can be viewed as unpleasant

circumstances for each grown-up. Most pressure individuals’ involvement in their

regular day to day existences is caused by day by day bothers.

Day by day bothers can likewise be seen as the disturbances, weights, and

irritations that probably won't be noteworthy stressors independent from anyone else

however whose aggregate impacts can be critical. This can be identified with people's

occupations, regular living conditions and individual connections (Bernstein et al.,

As indicated by Ansis, J. (2017) From more than 200 respondents, around 23

percent refered to their activity or concentrates as their fundamental wellspring of

stress. An expansive offer of the 23 percent said they encounter pressure as a result of

their managers or chiefs. One male per user addressed "poor administration at work."

Others pointed the finger at it on employment requests, for example, "due dates" and

"being behind calendar," while some credited it to their colleagues. In the interim, very

nearly 15 percent said being stuck in rush hour gridlock gave them a lot of pressure.

"The horrendous traffic, the surges, the ceaseless lasting through the year street fixes,"

brought up one per user. Someone else raged about insubordinate drivers or

"individuals who don't pursue rules."

Likewise, it is expressed by Dawson, J. (2018) that the quicker the pace of

our lives, the more stressors we are presented to consistently. Amid an online survey

directed by CNN towards the end of 2017, the same number of as 23% of respondents

in the Philippines referred to their occupations and concentrates as the primary

wellspring of worry in their lives. Study-related pressure shows itself in different ways

and can be ascribed to various conditions extending from absence of time the board to

issues relating to the scholarly outstanding task at hand. While upsetting circumstances

can turn out to be progressively challenging to manage, most stressors can be reduced

through early recognizable proof and viable mediation.

Effects of Stress

It has been contended that an individual can have restless considerations,

trouble to think or recall due to being focused. Stress can lead additionally to change in

individuals' practices, for example, nail gnawing, overwhelming breathing, teeth holding
and hand wringing. At the point when individuals are focused on, they may feel chilly

hands and feet, butterflies in stomach, and in some cases expanded pulse, which all are

viewed as regular physiological impacts of pressure, which can be associated with

feeling of tension (Auerbach and Gramling, 2000).

Physical and mental reactions to stretch for the most part happen together, chiefly

when stressors turn out to be increasingly serious. In any case, one class of pressure

reactions can impact different reactions. For example, gentle chest torment may prompt

the mental pressure reaction of stressing over getting a heart assault. Physical

reactions can be the point at which an individual getaway from an awful mishap or some

other terrifying occasions, the person will encounter fast breathing, expanded heart

thumping, perspiring, and notwithstanding shaking minimal later. These responses are a

piece of a general example known as the battle or-flight disorder. The mental reactions

to stress can show up as changes in feelings, contemplations (discernment), and

practices (Bernstein et al., 2008).

As indicated by Duque (2007) he referred to some basic impacts of pressure.

These are sleep deprivation, cerebral pains, spinal pains, blockage, looseness of the

bowels, hypertension, coronary illness, sorrow and liquor, tobacco or medication use.

He proposed doing the accompanying: 1) After observing the specialist, share your

treatment plan with individuals near you. Converse with companions and relatives and

clarify what you are experiencing; 2) If your specialist recommended drug take it

precisely the manner in which it is endorsed. Try not to quit taking your medicine until

the point when specialist instructs you to quit doing as such; 3) Keep all subsequent

meetings with your specialist; 4) Remember that it might require some investment to
begin feeling good; 5) If you encounter reactions from any drug, tell your specialist; and

6) Seek proficient directing. In the event that your strategies for adapting pressure are

not adding to your more prominent enthusiastic and physical wellbeing, the time has

come to discover more advantageous ones. There are numerous sound approaches to

oversee and adapt to pressure, however they all require change. You can either change

the circumstance or change your response. When choosing which alternative to pick, it

is useful to think about the four A's: stay away from, modify, adjust, or acknowledge.

Since everybody has one of a kind reaction to worry, there is no "one size fits all"

answer for overseeing it. No single strategy works for everybody or in each

circumstance, so explore different avenues regarding distinctive methods and

methodologies. Concentrate on what makes you feel quiet and in charge.

Coping with Stress

Stress does not influence all individuals similarly, but rather stress can prompt

sickness and negative encounters. Adapting to pressure is in this way an imperative

factor, it influences whether and how individuals scan for therapeutic consideration and

social help and how they trust the exhortation of the experts (Passer and Smith 2007).

It is expressed by Labon, C. (2018), that looking for help is an indication of

solidarity, not a shortcoming. Also, recollect that treatment is successful. Individuals

who get proper consideration can recoup from psychological instability and enslavement

and lead full, compensating lives. Beside treatments, recovery and other therapeutic

treatment, a straightforward discussion and comprehension from the general public

towards individuals who have psychological well-being issues could contribute

significantly to break this shame. Yet at the same time, spreading mindfulness isn't
sufficient. The time we, more than any other individual, battle the living evil presences

inside ourselves. We are the one in charge of keeping and following our psychological

security solid, and the general population around us will just fill in as our emotionally

supportive network amid this fight. In spite of the fact that the administration should in

any case apply much exertion on bolstering the general public the data and the

administrations they require so as to win the battle against dysfunctional behaviors. This

is our opportunity to assist individuals with their passionate necessities and make the

general population happy with talking about the touchy issue. This plainly uncovers how

we should be open and mindful of discussing these issues and why we ought not mess

with it. It is a major issue looked by Filipinos and an issue that must be given much

significance. This is a battle not just for individuals who are determined to have such

illnesses yet additionally to individuals who will enable them to traverse it.

As per Grandea (2006) utilized an elucidating research approach in concentrate

the pressure and way of dealing with stress of school first year recruits of Southville

International School and Colleges. It included 201 understudy respondents. The

understudy respondents experienced high seen pressure. The distinguished principle

stressors were scholastics. The understudy respondents utilized positive pressure

method for dealing with stress. The apparent pressure and ways of dealing with stress

of the understudy respondents were autonomous of their profile.

Academic Performance

As shown by Ong, et al. (2009) We can unfaltering the understudy's insightful

achievements by their presentations in their foundations, their activities and

assignments done in classes, presentations they give and outcomes of their tests.
Research have been lead in order to review the relationship among stress and

academic execution of understudies and it has been found that weight impacts the

insightful shows of understudies in unfathomable way. Understudies grumbled about the

weight they feel while giving their tests or any resistance concerning grades or in any

case when they have such an extraordinary add up to look at and less time to do it.

They express that it really impacts their execution of work. One examination uncovered

that stress among student business understudies is a conspicuously basic factor which

is interrelated with poor execution. An investigation found that understudy's outlook

towards the learning of working ethics is related to the academic execution and


It is also found, that assurance measurement of understudies in themselves in

regards to scholastics and their managerial limits as how they manage their insightful

residual weight impacts their academic execution. Understudies who are coming to

schools and universities for simply master results importance to arrive the position, and

increase incredible money will have exceptionally astonishing thinking and strategies

inside the classes and in the midst of their examinations since they will go to it for their

own understanding enhancement. The system for the anchoring of preparing with so

much motivation transcendently impacts their educational execution and achievement

Additionally, family's craving can be a central point that can impact the motivation

measurement of understudy on their academic shows and they ought to be considered

as a basic point as mindset towards guidance.

An examination by Mishra and Koehler (2009), assessed a basic association of

academic execution with learning level among the understudies of optional school on
sexual introduction preface, and found that the relationship among knowledge of an

understudy and educational execution of them is higher among young women. They

moreover found that money related status isn't impacting the understudy's academic

execution strikingly among young fellows and young women, and that the educational

execution of urban young women and young fellows are higher than that of common

ones. They came to fruition as a result of their examination that educational execution

and achievements of young women are impressively superior to that young fellows.

Concerning Nordqvist, (2009) Anything which speaks to a type of risk and test

upon us is known as weight. We use the word stress in such conditions when we feel

"it's too much". We start to think it is conceivable that we will have the ability to manage

the rest of the main job or situation. Stress is a reality which we have to look in our

customary everyday presence. There are conditions when we start to understand

ourselves of help and start to bother openly and distinctive stressors. Various people

consider stress as a scene come to pass, for instance, harm or occupation mishap.

Others think weight is a type of changes which happen to our physical body, direct and

mind or over contemplations about condition.

Besides, as communicated by Center (2010) Any condition which causes

frustration can in like manner be explanation behind weight. Everyone have

unmistakable inclination and capacities so their style of managing the conditions could

moreover differentiation and it is same for sentiment of nervousness for each person. It

is possible nervousness will be differing for two individuals which are going up against

extra conditions. It depends whereupon kind of stressors impacts them both. Stress isn't

an extraordinary thing it is just the bit of our step by step life. In addition, even it is
advantageous for us if its entirety isn't exorbitantly. It can upgrade our motivation and

moreover help us with enhancing our gainfulness. It depends upon how we saw about

weight. It depends how we react against it, it can impact us unfavorably as well and in

case we for the most part react or respond conversely against weight it in like manner

could impact our prosperity and satisfaction.

Conceptual Framework

This is a diagram that connects variables of the study with lines or arrows to

indicate the correlation between perceived stress and academic performance.


 Physical Indicators

 Sleep Indicators
 Behavior Indicators

 Emotional Indicators

 Personal Habits

Fig. 1 The relationship between perceived stress and academic performance

Theoretical Lens/Framework

Since stress is one of the most interesting, broad and mysterious subjects, its

study is not only limited to what happens to the body during a stressful situation, but

also to what occurs in the psyche of an individual. And with that we have three (3)

psychological theories of stress proposed by James & Lange, Cannon & Brad, and

Schachter & Singer.

According to Sincero (2010) she cited that James & Lange (1884) theory of

stress is called Theory of Emotion. have separately proposed their respective theories

on the correlation of stress and emotion, but they had a unified idea on this relationship

- emotions do not immediately succeed the perception of the stressor or the stressful

event; they become present after the body’s response to the stress. For instance, when

you see a growling dog, your heart starts to race, your breath begins to go faster, then

your eyes become wide open. According to James and Lange, the feeling of fear or any

other emotion only begins after you experience these bodily changes. This means that

the emotional behavior is not possible to occur unless it is connected to one’s brain.

She also cited another theory of stress made discovered by Cannon and Bard

which is called The Emergency Theory. That emotion in response to stress can actually

occur even when the bodily changes are not present. Cannon said that the visceral or

internal physiologic response of one’s body is more slowly recognized by the brain as

compared with its function to release emotional response. that a lower brain stem

structure called the thalamus is important in the production of emotional responses.

According to Bard, the emotional response is released first, and then sent as signals by

the thalamus to the brain cortex for the interpretation alongside with the sending of

signals to the sympathetic nervous system or SNS to begin the physiologic response to

stress. Therefore, this theory argues that emotional response to stress is not a product

of the physiologic response; rather, they occur simultaneously.

And lastly she cited the Schatchter-Singer Theory. that the appropriate

identification of the emotion requires both cognitive activity and emotional arousal in

order to experience an emotion. Attribution, or the process wherein the brain can
identify the stress stimulus producing an emotion. And that we become aware of the

reason behind the emotional response, and when we the reason is not obvious, we start

to look for environmental clues for the proper interpretation of the emotion to occur.

Statement of the Problem

As the proponent stated the apprehension, bounds, discernment and goals why

conduct this kind of study, the research questions below will guide and help in

discerning and achieving the purpose and goal.

1.What is the profile of the Senior High school students in Ateneo de davao University

with respect to:

1.1 Strands

2. What is the level of perceived stress that the students are experiencing in terms of:

1.1 Physical Indicators

1.2 Sleep Indicators

1.3 Behavior Indicators

1.4 Emotional Indicators

1.5 Personal Habits

3. Is there a significant relationship between the levels of perceived stress of students

from different strands?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the level of perceived stress of students

and their academic performance?

Research Hypothesis
A hypothesis is a prediction of the possible outcomes of a study (Fraenkel &

Wallen, 2009). Hypotheses are statements in quantitative research in which the

investigator makes a prediction or a conjecture about the outcome of a relationship

among attributes or characteristics (Creswell, 2012). And with that, the Null Hypothesis

of this study is that there is no significant relationship between perceived stress and

students’ academic performance in Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to distinguish the effects of perceived stress on students’

academic performance and whatever the results that will be revealed in this study may

benefit certain groups and the benefits they may be able to gain are as follows:

To the students. They will be able to use this study as awareness in order to be

knowledgeable at which level of stress they are in and to know the kinds of stress that

they are facing. Students will be able to understand different perspectives from different

classes. And it will inspire, enlighten and be beneficial to them in a way that it will serve

as their basis or standard of their goal or motivations to try and avoid or prevent this

kind of stress; that even though knowing perceived stress is a strong external factor to

academic performance, they will still pursue in reaching their goal despite its

contribution to obstacles and struggles in life.

To the future researchers. The results or findings of this study will be serving a

good source of accurate and useful information for them. It can also be a basis for them

in ever there are more types of perceived stress that can relate or connect to their future

related studies in different locale. And they may extend the prior knowledge with the
information given, if ever they might’ve like to deepen the understanding and ideas in

regards to the effects of perceived stress on students’ academic performance itself.

To the school administrators. They will be gaining insights in regard to the

perceived stress that has been happening inside the institution. For them to gain

knowledge prior to this psychological issue. And to be aware with it that may result to

give them ideas and a push for them to try in solving such issue.

This study revolves on the idea in constructing a quantitative measure of effects

of perceived stress for the students who have claimed to have experienced stress in

their academic life, to understand better and determine the beliefs and impacts of

academic stress through the students’ perceptions among selected senior high school

students in Ateneo de Davao University. The current research highlights the need for

continuous investigation of impacts related to perceived stress, especially in terms of its

relationship to academic performance among Ateneo de Davao University Senior high

school students.

Furthermore, the main beneficiaries of this study are the students itself. For

them to be fully aware of the academic stress level they are in. And for parents,

teachers and administrators to gain knowledge on how the respondents cope up with

the perceived academic stress in dealing with their academic performance to further

maximize the ideas and broaden the concept of overcoming such difficulties in having

academic stress with academic performances.

Scope and Delimitation

The study aims to determine the effects of perceived stress on senior high

school students’ academic performance in Ateneo de Davao University upon testing the

significance between the two constructs among students which are the perceived stress

and their own academic performance. The perceived academic stress in our study

focuses on the personal and behavioral aspects of the students.

The respondents were only bonafide Ateneo de Davao University Senior

High School Grade 12 Students, in which 200 out of 2,000 Grade 12 senior high school

students were selected to participate in the survey for this study. All of the selected

participants claimed that they have experienced academic stress. There were no

parents involved in the conducting of survey.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance – otherwise known as academic achievement, it is the

measure or extent to which a student which is the respondent has performed and

reached the educational goal in a given academic curriculum.

Perceived Stress – The Stress that is determined to know which stressor the students /

respondents are facing and how it affects the academic performance of students.

Physical Indicators- A kind of stressor the students are facing that is indicated through

physical pain or any bodily health problems.

Sleep Indicators – A kind of stressor the students are facing that is indicated through

the time allotted to them, designated for different things that are hindering their sleep or

rest time.
Behavior Indicators – A kind of stressor the students are facing that is indicated

through behaviors and the actions they portray that may be triggered by external or

internal factors.

Emotional Indicators- A kind of stressor the students are facing that is indicated

through emotional pressure or any intrapersonal factors.

Personal Habits – A kind of stressor the students are facing that is indicated through

personal living that might be confidential but it is a habit or norm that might be

somewhat different from the others.

ANOVA – A statistical tool used to test the significant differences between the level of

perceived stress during the first semester from 5 different academic strands and/or sub


Chi-Square – A statistical tool that is a test of independence will be employed to test

whether students’ general average for First Semester depend on the occurrence of the

stress factors.

Pearson R – A statistical tool which is Pearson correlation coefficient results between

the level of perceived stress and the academic performance of the students.

PSS – Perceived Stress Scale is used to scale the stress that the students are facing

throughout the first semester.

Stress Indicator Questionnaire – A kind of Stress factor survey that depicts the kind of

stressor the respondent or student is facing in his or her life experience.

Descriptive-Correlational Design – The deign use to depict the significant relationship

between the perceived stress and academic performance of students.

JASP – Software tool used to solve for the Pearson r, Chi-Square and ANOVA.

SPSS –An alternative Software tool used to solve for the Pearson r, Chi-Square and


Grade 12 Senior High School – The population where the researchers will get the


Ateneo de Davao University – The setting or scope of the study.


This chapter includes the research design, the sample, the instruments, the

data collection procedure, and the plan for data analysis.

Research Design

This study aims to utilize the descriptive design wherein using the descriptive-

correlational method. This method is used in order to determine if there is a significant

relationship between the internet usage and academic performance of students in

Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School. It is both descriptive and correlational

for Descriptive research is a kind of research designed to give information, a textual

information about the topic, variables and the rest. And Correlational in a way for it is

used to discover relationships among different variables and to allow the prediction of

future events from present knowledge which is the Perceived Stress and Academic

Performance as the variables and its result will be the prediction of the aftereffect it

gives to the student or respondents that predicts his or her future events.

It is a descriptive correlational study designed to examine the relationship

between perceived stress and academic performance. This study was a retrospective

chart review of students of Grade 12 Ateneo de Davao Senior High School from their

First semester experience of perceived stress and its impact to their academic

performance. The aim of this study was to examine the level of perceived stress that

the students are experiencing in terms of: Physical Indicators; Sleep Indicators;

Behavior Indicators; Emotional Indicators; and Personal Habits using the Stress

Indicator Questionnaire (SIQ). Also to depict the significant relationship between the
levels of perceived stress of students from different strands using the Perceived Stress

Scale (PSS). And to know if there is a significant relationship between the level of

perceived stress of students and their academic performance. All of it to be examined

through a combination of both PSS and SIQ to produce a structures, combined

adopted questionnaire. Statistical analysis includes mean and Pearson r, using the

software Microsoft Excel and JASP for checking and re-evaluation of statistics.

The Sample

The respondents of the study are only bonafide Ateneo de Davao University

Senior High School Grade 12 Students, in which 200 out of 2,000 Grade 12 senior high

school students were selected to participate in the survey for this study. All of the

selected participants claimed that they have experienced academic stress. Out of the

200 respondents, there will be 5 divisions which are the strands of the Grade 12

students. 40 will come from the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM) Strand specifically from the Pre-Science, 40 will also come from the STEM

strand specifically the Pre-Engineering and Architecture, and another 40 students will

come from STEM strand specifically from the Pre-Computer Science. Another set of 40

will come from the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand. And the last set of

40 respondents will come from the Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

Strand. Overall, there will be 200 respondents for this study to have a proportional

distribution of survey questionnaires to come up with a reliable conclusion.

The study was conducted from the months of November to February, School

year 2018-2019. The study took place at Ateneo de Davao University. Specifically in the

Grade 12 Senior High School department. This school offers quality education and have
different kinds of learners within it. Each student in this school comes from different and

various environments as well as their perceptions with academics.

The Instrument(s)

This refers to the questionnaire or data gathering tool to be constructed,

validated and administered (Creswell, 2012).

For efficient and reliable data collection, questionnaires were used to convene

the required data for the study. The researchers utilized two adopted and adapted

questionnaires for the survey. It aims to draw out the appropriate answers or

responses to the purposes or objectives. A 2-page structured, combined questionnaire

was developed by the researchers as a mode of data collection. The questionnaire

consists of of three sections, students’ profile; Adapted Perceived Stress Scale (PSS);

and Adapted Stress Stress Indicator Questionnaire.

In section A, the respondents will be asked to furnish demographic information

of to which Strand they belong in Senior High School and also their General academic

average. Furthermore, the questions deciphered in Section B were intended to

measure the student’s perception of stress using the PSS developed by Cohen,

Kamarck, and Mermelstein (1983), using a five-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1

(Never) to 4 (Very Often). The 14-item self-report instruments really demonstrated

reputable validity and reliability (Cohen et al., 1983). The PSS scores were obtained

by reversing the scores on the six negative items (e.g., 1=5, 2=4, 3=3, 4=2, 5=1) and

then summing across all items. Items 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 13 are positive

statement items. Individual scores on the PSS can range from 0 to 40 with higher
scores indicating higher perceived stress and lower scores indicating lower perceived

stress at that particular point of time.

Scale Description Interpretation

4 Very Often High Perceived Stress

3 Fairly Often Moderate Perceived

2 Sometimes Stress

1 Almost Never
Low Perceived Stress
0 Never

The statements indicated in the items can be easily understood and very

general in nature that they are free of content. With this in hand, it is easy to come up

with a score and can be produced or administered within a short period of time. The

direction to compute for PSS is as follows:

First, reverse your scores for questions 4, 5, 7, and 8. On these 4 questions,

change the scores like• this: 0 = 4, 1 = 3, 2 = 2, 3 = 1, 4 = 0. And then add across all

items. With that in hand, after adding up the scores for each item to get a total,

individual scores on the PSS can range from 0 to 40 with higher scores indicating

higher perceived stress.

► Scores ranging from 0-13 would be considered low stress.

► Scores ranging from 14-26 would be considered moderate stress.

► Scores ranging from 27-40 would be considered high perceived stress.

In Section C, the Stress Factor Survey will be used to determine the sources of

stress which is known as the stressors, which will be able to find that influences the

academic performance of students. This section requires the participants to identify

the factors of stress that they encounter or experience during the given period. Five

(5) factors of stress were chosen by the researchers as adapted to the Stress

Indicator Questionnaire (SIQ) (The Counseling Team International, n.d.). With that,

the respondents may indicate more than one factor which they perceive as relevant to

them. Due to the nominal scale to be ideally used, descriptive statistics using

percentage will be used to explain the percentage of each stress factor in during their

whole Grade 12 first semester experience. The total score of each indicator will

indicate its level or description about stress.



54+ Danger

48- 53 Very High High Perceived Stress

38- 47 High

30-37 Medium Moderate Perceived Stress

22-29 Very Low

Low Perceived Stress



14+ Danger

12-13 Very High High Perceived Stress

10-11 High

8-9 Medium Moderate Perceived Stress

5-7 Very Low

Low Perceived Stress



50+ Danger

45-49 Very High High Perceived Stress

36-44 High

27-35 Medium Moderate Perceived Stress

18-26 Very Low

Low Perceived Stress



55+ Danger

46-54 Very High High Perceived Stress

37-45 High

29-36 Medium Moderate Perceived Stress

21-28 Very Low

Low Perceived Stress



30+ Danger

25-29 Very High High Perceived Stress

20-24 High

15-19 Medium Moderate Perceived Stress

9-14 Very Low

Low Perceived Stress

With that in hand, in order to determine the correlation between the independent

and dependent variables, the Perceives stress level and academic performance, were

illustrated using the Pearson-r Correlation, one of some quantitative ways in order to

measure the strength of correlation that is indicated by the coefficient of r, which will rely

on the following scale of interpretation (Coolidge, n.d.):

Scores Interpretation

   ±1 Perfect Correlation

±0.75 to < ±1 Very High Correlation

±0.50 to < ±0.75 Moderately High Correlation

±0.25 to < ±.50 Moderately Low Correlation

> 0 to < ±0.25 Very Low Correlation

0 No Correlation

As the correlation coefficient approaches r = +1.00 (or greater than r = +.50), it

can be translated that there is a strong positive or high degree of relationship between

two variables. In other words, the higher the score of the respondent on one variable,

the higher the score will be on the other variable and vice versa. When the correlation

reaches r = -1.00 (or less than r = -.50), it can be said that there is a strong negative or

low degree of relationship. In such way that the higher the score of the respondent on
one variable, the lower the score will be on the other variable and vice versa. The

Pearson coefficient r is obtained from a drawing sample from the population. The

formula for r in Microsoft Excel 2016 is as follows:


 are the sample means average or mean (Array 1 of Independent

variable) and average or mean (Array 2 of dependent variable)

. And with the use of the software Microsoft Excel and JASP application, the

answered questionnaires as the data will be checked, analyzed and tabulated

according to the research design, in order to come up with the answers to our


Data Collection Procedure

The following procedures will be used by the researchers in order to collect and

gather data needed for the study:

1.) Seeking Permission to Conduct the Study. The letter of permission will be

sought for an approval from the school principal. With an approval from the Office of

Academics, HUMSS office and the research teacher. The researchers will coordinate

with the ADA and HUMSS office of the schools for the gathering some of the

demographic data for accuracy.

2.) Administration and Retrieval of the Questionnaires. On the scheduled date the

researchers will be gathered in one room. The questionnaires will be distributed to

them by the leader to assess the level of stress. Then they will be randomly ask 40

students from the three (3) major academic strands but having STEM with 3 sub

strands which makes it students from 5 strands to answer the questionnaires. Before

the respondents will answer the questionnaires the researchers will explain the

directions clearly and elaborate those terms that need to be clarified to ensure that the

needed data would be gathered. After the questionnaires had been complied the

researchers will collect them to ensure one hundred percent retrieval.

3.) Checking, Collating and Processing of Data. Each questionnaire will be checked,

the response and rating will be collated and subjected with the appropriate statistical

tools to obtain the result of the study. The results will be tabulated in excel and

subjected for statistical treatment. The tabulated data will be analyzed to answer the

problems raised in the first chapter of the study.

Data Analysis

This section indicates how the data will be analyzed and reported; it should

specify the qualitative and/or quantitative methods that will be used in analyzing the

data gathered for the research.

After Data Collection, the researchers will assess the survey questions on the

effect of Stress on Students’ Academic Performance in Ateneo de Davao University

Senior High School by cross tabulating and filtering the results based on the research
questions. With the decided sample of 200, the researchers will be using the

Statistical Tools such as;

Mean to identify the perceived stress level of the respondents towards their

academic performance by using the mean scores of the respondents’ answers and use

to dignify accordingly the average mean score of the independent and dependent

variables. Pearson-r coefficient of correlation to measure the correlation between the

perceived stress level and academic performance by analyzing the degree or extent to

which the two variables fluctuate with reference to each other. Tables to visually show

the contrasts and comparisons among the results of the surveys. After assessing the

results, the researchers will divide the tasks for each member to validate the data for its


When all the data are validated and have met the criteria of the study, the

research will begin by crunching down the numbers of the collected data, drawing

possible conclusions that are selected based on the appropriate scheme and describe

them thoroughly in relation to the research questions of the study. Since the Stress

indicator questionnaire, and Perceived stress scale are adapted, which is used in the

context of the study, it is valid and proper. The results will be referencing and

compared to the statistical results of related studies to have a clear and strong

foundation for the conclusion.

Ethical Consideration

Graciano and Raulin (2004) considered ethical consideration as the integral part

of the research design process. Silverman (2007) added that ethical considerations can

be clarified by consulting the ethical guidelines of one’s professional association. After

identifying, the researchers sent a letter of permission to the school director. The

informants weren’t informed so that conversation will be authentic and personal which is

the much needed phenomenon in the study. If the researchers will ask the consent of

the informants, their conversation will be limited and they might be careful of their

discourses. It would be more harmonious having the permission of the participants.

After the researcher gathered the data, the informants were informed about the study

and even discussed the findings.

The names of the participants in this study is just optional for them to be revealed

in order for them to have the freedom if they wanted confidentiality or not with their

identity. To observe ethical consideration, the result and findings of the study were

shown back to the informants. This gave them the opportunity to see how important

they were in the study. The participants signed the verification letter. Contained that the

answers they put on the survey-questionnaires are all be consider as their own and they

will be accountable and reliable with it.



In reporting the results, the researcher stays close to the statistical findings

without drawing broader implications or meaning from them. Further, this section

includes summaries of the data rather than the raw data (e.g., the actual scores for

individuals). A results section include tables, figures, and detailed explanations about

the statistical results.

Table 1 & Figure 1. Distribution of

Figure 1. Distribution of
Respondents per Strand and Respondents per Strand and Sub strands
Substrands HUMSS
Respondents Frequenc Percentag
STEM Pre Science
Strand  y STEMePre EA
20% 20%
HUMSS 40 20%
20% 20%
STEM Pre Sci 40 20%
STEM Pre EA 40 20%

STEM Pre CS 40 20%

ABM 40 20%

  200 100%

Figure 1 and Table 1 shows that there are 40 respondents per strand (ABM,

HUMSS and STEM) and the STEM’s sub strands. Data were gathered randomly in a

stratified sense for the stranding purposes. 20% each strand and sub strand were the

respondents to have the 10% basis of sample size from its population size which is

2,000 leaving us having the 0.10 of it is 200 divided into 5 strands/sub strands. Giving

us 40 respondents each.
Table 2. Stress Level of each Indicator for the HUMSS Strand
Stressor Frequency Percentage
1. Physical Indicator
 Very Low 2.5%
 Medium 10%
 High 15%
 Very High 7.5%
 Danger 65%
MEAN 3.875 Very High
(Perceived Stress
2. Sleep Indicator
 Very Low 20%
 Medium 5%
 High 15%
 Very High 10%
 Danger 50%
MEAN 3.85 Very High
(Perceived Stress
3. Behavioural Indicator
 Very Low 7.5%
 Medium 22.5%
 High 27.5%
 Very High 15%
 Danger 27.5%
MEAN 3.125 Very High
(Perceived Stress
4. Emotional Indicator
 Very Low 12.5%
 Medium 2.5%
 High 10%
 Very High 7.5%
 Danger 67.5%
MEAN 4.575 Danger
(Perceived Stress
5. Personal Habits
 Very Low 0%
 Medium 7.5%
 High 32.5%
 Very High 42.5%
 Danger 17.5%
MEAN 3.5 Very High
(Perceived Stress

Table 2 shows that, according to the SIQ scale, there is a High Perceived Stress

on Humanities and Social Sciences Students in terms of Physical Indicator, Sleep

Indicator, Behavioural Indicator and Personal Habits. But Emotional Indicator is the

highest of the rest having the mean score of 4.575 that gives an equivalent of Very

High Perceived Stress in this indicator. This implies that the most relevant cause of

perceived stress for students in HUMSS strand is because of emotional factors. With

this in hand, it supported the statement of Erin Olivia Ph.D. (2014) that stress and the

related problems, were all originate from feelings that are being disregarded, denied,

misjudged, smothered, or just ineffectively dealt with. Your troubling feelings, when

they aren't dealt with beneficially, are at the root of the majority of your most common

issues, including gorging, unending relationship struggle, cash fumble, substance

misuse, and even, by and large, poor physical well-being. With that in hand, majority of

the respondents coming from the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Strand

have a moderate stress level, and that Emotional indicators are the dominant indicator

of stress for them out of the five indicators.

Table 3. Stress Level of each indicator for the STEM Pre Science Strand
Stressor Frequency Percentage
6. Physical Indicator
 Very Low 0
 Medium 2
 High 7
 Very High 9
 Danger 22
MEAN 4.275 Danger
(Perceived Stress
7. Sleep Indicator
 Very Low 3
 Medium 4
 High 6
 Very High 13
 Danger 14
MEAN 3.775 Very High
(Perceived Stress
8. Behavioural Indicator
 Very Low 5
 Medium 15
 High 12
 Very High 1
 Danger 7
MEAN 2.75 High
(Perceived Stress
9. Emotional Indicator
 Very Low 2
 Medium 2
 High 3
 Very High 7
 Danger 26
MEAN 4.325 Danger
(Perceived Stress
10. Personal Habits
 Very Low 3
 Medium 6
 High 11
 Very High 9
 Danger 11
MEAN 3.475 Very High
(Perceived Stress

Table 3 shows that, according to the SIQ scale, there is a Medium Perceived

Stress on STEM Pre Science Students in terms of Behavioural Indicator. High

Perceived Stress for the Sleep Indicator and Personal Habits. While Physical and

Emotional Indicator implies Very High Perceived Stress. But the Emotional Indicator is

higher than the Physical, giving the highest mean score of 4.325. This implies that the

most relevant cause of perceived stress for students in STEM Pre Science strand is

because of emotional factors. With this, Maxliving (2018) stated that stress comes in

various "flavors," including traumatic, physical, and the most widely recognized,

emotional. Due for its prevalent occurrence, it happens so normally. Its effects are like

discouragement or depression. With constant emotional stress, people might lose or

put on weight; see rest changes; possibly feel detached or isolated and struggle with

mood swings. Obviously, these emotions and changes has a possibility of sabotaging

your life and your happiness. With this in hand, majority of the respondents coming

from the STEM Pre Science have a moderate stress level, and we can say that

Emotional indicators are the dominant indicator of stress for them out of the five


Table 4. Stress Level of each indicator for the STEM Pre Engineering and Architecture
Stressor Frequency Percentage
1. Physical Indicator
 Very Low 1
 Medium 4
 High 6
 Very High 3
 Danger 26
MEAN 4.225 Danger
(Perceived Stress
2. Sleep Indicator
 Very Low 8
 Medium 2
 High 6
 Very High 4
 Danger 20
MEAN 3.65 Very High
(Perceived Stress
3. Behavioural Indicator
 Very Low 3
 Medium 9
 High 11
 Very High 6
 Danger 11
MEAN 3.325 Very High
(Perceived Stress
4. Emotional Indicator
 Very Low 5
 Medium 1
 High 4
 Very High 3
 Danger 27
MEAN 4.15 Danger
(Perceived Stress
5. Personal Habits
 Very Low 0
 Medium 3
 High 13
 Very High 17
 Danger 7
MEAN 3.7 Very High
(Perceived Stress

Table 4 shows that, according to the SIQ scale, there is a High Perceived Stress

on STEM Pre Engineering and Architecture Strand Students in terms of Sleep

Indicator, Behavioural Indicator and Personal Habits. While Physical and Emotional

Indicator are indicating Very High Perceived Stress. But the Physical Indicator is higher

than the Emotional, giving the highest mean score of 4.225. This implies that the most

relevant cause of perceived stress for students in STEM Pre Engineering and

Architecture strand is because of physical factors. With that, since Pre EA students are

known to use pens, rulers, pencils and many more tools that is connected to their

desired course, with that in hand, according to WebMD (2018), it depends on how you

handle stress will determine your stress level, but since you are feeling pain or tension

in your head, chest, stomach or muscles, have digestive problems, reproductive

problems, changes in your heart rate and blood pressure and a lot more different

physical changes, it is stated that it is because of physical stress. With that in hand,

majority of the respondents coming from the STEM Pre Engineering and Architecture

have a very high stress level, we can say that Physical indicators are the dominant

indicator of stress for them out of the five indicators.

Table 5. Stress Level of each indicator for the STEM Pre Computer Studies Strand
Stressor Frequency Percentage
1. Physical Indicator
 Very Low 0
 Medium 4
 High 9
 Very High 6
 Danger 21
MEAN 4.1 Danger
(Perceived Stress
2. Sleep Indicator
 Very Low 2
 Medium 2
 High 8
 Very High 10
 Danger 18
MEAN 4 Danger
(Perceived Stress
3. Behavioural Indicator
 Very Low 1
 Medium 10
 High 115
 Very High 8
 Danger 6
MEAN 3.2 Very High
(Perceived Stress
4. Emotional Indicator
 Very Low 1
 Medium 5
 High 9
 Very High 5
 Danger 20
MEAN 3.95 Very High
(Perceived Stress
5. Personal Habits
 Very Low 1
 Medium 3
 High 15
 Very High 10
 Danger 11
MEAN 3.675 Very High
(Perceived Stress

Table 5 shows that, according to the SIQ scale, there is a High Perceived Stress

on STEM Computer Studies Strand Students in terms of Physical Indicator, Emotional

Indicator and Personal Habits. While Physical and Sleep Indicator are indicating Very

High Perceived Stress. But the Physical Indicator is higher than Sleep, giving the

highest mean score of 4.1. This implies that the most relevant cause of perceived stress
for students in STEM Pre Computer Studies strand is because of physical factors. With

that in hand, knowing that the STEM Pre Computer Studies uses computers, gadgets

and other electronics that uses physical attributes in order to use or perform it,

according to Adamo S.A. (2014), some people encounter nausea, headaches,

migraines, queasiness and acid reflux since it somehow triggers stress. You may inhale

more rapidly, sweat more, have palpitations or experience ill effects of different pain and

aches. Due to too much usage of the body, it will eventually burn out. With that in hand,

majority of the respondents coming from the STEM Pre Computer Studies have a

moderate stress level, we can say that Physical indicators are the dominant indicator of

stress for them out of the five indicators.

Table 6. Stress level of each indicator for ABM Strand

Stressor Frequency Percentage
1. Physical Indicator
 Very Low 0 0%
 Medium 2 5%
 High 7 17.5%
 Very High 6 15%
 Danger 25 62.5%
MEAN 4.325 Danger
(Perceived Stress
2. Sleep Indicator
 Very Low 1 2.5%
 Medium 3 7.5%
 High 7 17.5%
 Very High 1 2.5%
 Danger 28 70%
MEAN 4.3 Danger
(Perceived Stress
3. Behavioural Indicator
 Very Low 1 2.5%
 Medium 10 25%
 High 11 27.5%
 Very High 5 12.5%
 Danger 13 32.5%
MEAN 3.475 Very High
(Perceived Stress
4. Emotional Indicator
 Very Low 0 0%
 Medium 2 5%
 High 5 12.5%
 Very High 4 10%
 Danger 29 72.5%
MEAN 4.5 Danger
(Perceived Stress
5. Personal Habits
 Very Low 2 5%
 Medium 8 20%
 High 8 20%
 Very High 5 12.5%
 Danger 17 42.5%
MEAN 3.75 Very High
(Perceived Stress

Table 6 shows that, according to the SIQ scale, there is a High Perceived Stress

on Accountancy, Business and Management Strand Students in terms of Behavioural

Indicator and Personal Habits. While Physical, Sleep and Emotional Indicators are

indicating Very High Perceived Stress. But the Emotional Indicator is the highest

among the three, giving the highest mean score of 4.5. This implies that the most

relevant cause of perceived stress for students in ABM strand is because of emotional

factors. This in hand supports the statement of Dina Indicato (2018) that there wil

always be a moment in our lives that we feel unhappy but unhappy and having
emotional stress is different, unhappy is just being unsatisfied and is not being

intensely upbeat at the moment, while having emotional stress is when people feel

some weight fluctiations, some temper problems, fatigue, and memory problems.

Knowing these symptoms, it is better to take it into action, ask some help of

profesionals or find it out from the internet. It might be hard to overcome, but what

matters most is that the trial and learn from it in the end. With that in hand, majority of

the respondents coming from the Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

Strand have a moderate stress level, we can say that Emotional indicators are the

dominant indicator of stress for them out of the five indicators.

Table 7 and Figure 2. Distribution of

Figure 2. Distribution of Stress Indicators
Per Strand and Substrand Stress Indicators per Strand and sub
4 strands
Physical STRESS
Sleep Behavioural Emotional Personal
HUMSS Emotional
STEM Pre EA 4.575STEM Pre CS
ABM Emotional 4.5
PRE CS Physical 4.1
PRE SCI Emotional 4.325
PRE EA Physical 4.225

Table 7 and Figure 2 shows the dominant perceived stress indicator per

academic strand from the five (5) indicated indicators of stress. For the Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Pre Computer Studies strand and Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Pre Engineering and Architecture strand, it

is interpreted that their answers in having the Physical indicator as the most dominant

indicator out of the five (5). While for the Humanities and Social Sciences Strand,

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Pre Science strand and

Accountancy, Business and Management strand has the Emotional indicator as their

dominant stress indicator. Indeed, Emotional Indicator is the rampant stressor these

days, as to what the theory of Sincero (2010) stated that in James & Lange (1884)

Theory of Emotion, that their separate speculations on the connection of stress and

emotion had a unified thought on this relationship which is that emotions don't quickly

succeed the view of the stressor; they end up present after the body's reaction to the

pressure. Like when you hear something unusual, your heart begins to race, your

breath starts to go quicker, at that point your eyes turn out to be wide open. As

indicated by James and Lange, the sentiment of fear or some other feeling just starts

after you experience these real changes. This implies that the emotional behavior is

absurd to expect to happen except if it is associated with one's cerebrum. Nonetheless,

it is rampant in students of Ateneo de Davao University with their open emotions and

feelings towards different things. It is also stated in the Emergency Theory of Canon

and Bard by Sincero (2010) that if bodily changes are not present, emotional stressor

actually occurs. With the idea of the students realting thing to another thing, increasing

the idea of its connectivity will give their brain the idea to think more deeply and will

eventually thought of deep ones that will result to overthinking or pessimism. And the

Schatcher-Singer Theory that requires cognitive and emotional arousal in order to

experience emotion was being taken place. It is stated in the questionnaire the things

that the respondents might think of that will indicate their emotional indicator of stress

which in the end got the most of the points wherein gave us the interpretation of having

Emotional Indicator is the dominant perceived stress indicator out of the other

predetermined stress indicators.

Table 8. Distribution of Descriptive statistics, Level and Scale of the Perceived Stress

per Strand



Mean 22.175 22.575 27.1 22.525 23.125

Standard 1.16733726 0.94793128 0.611639243 1.088393 0.829881
Error 1 3
Median 22 21 28 22.5 22
Mode 22 20 28 23 22
Standard 7.38288908 5.99524384 3.868346231 6.883602 5.248626
Deviation 8 1
Sample 54.5070512 35.9429487 14.96410256 47.38397 27.54808
Variance 8 2
Kurtosis 12.0216451 0.12234120 1.235117098 0.216655 2.078117
1 8
Skewness 2.68462187 0.70083733 -0.40151285 0.263362 0.661565
6 5
Range 44 24 20 30 28
Minimum 13 12 17 10 12
Maximum 57 36 37 40 40
Sum 887 903 1084 901 925
Count 40 40 40 40 40
Stress Level 22.175 22.575 27.1 22.525 23.125
Stress Moderate Moderate High Moderat Moderate
Scale e
Perceived 23.5 – Moderate Perceived Stress Level
Stress Level

Table 8 illustrates that STEM Pre- Engineering and Architecture has the highest

mean average in the Perceived Stress Scale having 27.1 that results to High perceived

stress. Followed by HUMSS, STEM Pre-Science, STEM Pre-Computer Studies and

ABM strand having 23.125, 22.575, 22.525, and 22.175 grand mean which resulted to

a moderate stress level. This supports the idea of Stress management Society (2018)

that Stress is not necessarily a bad thing, it is primarily a physical response. When

people feel so burned out and is pressured by adrenaline reactions that diverts blood to

muscles, shutting down unnecessary bodily functions, people tend to focus on how

hard doing such things giving mental, physical and cognitive issues that will lead to

feeling agitated and aggressive.

Table 9, 10 & Figure 3. Distribution of Pearson Correlations, Descriptive Statistics and

Scatter Plot of the correlational relationship between HUMSS Strand’s Perceived
Stress Scale and their Academic Performance General Average during First Semester
Tables 9, 10, & Figure 3 shows that the Perceived stress of the Grade 12

HUMSS learners’ perceived stress mean is 23.13 and its general average mean is

90.37. The standard deviation of the HUMSS learners is a 5.25 level of stress

correlational to the standard deviation of the general average which is 3.63. The results

show that the means scores for their general average grades are relatively distant from

one another. Furthermore, the standard deviation is also branched around their

respective means. Consequently, this shows that the p-value of 0.307, which is higher

than the minimum standard of 0.05, fails to reject the Ho. The Scatter Plot illustrates

that the HUMSS Learner’s Perceived Stress has a moderately positive correlation to

their general average for the 1st semester. In conclusion, it shows that there is a

significant relationship between the variables. This then supports the idea of

Sedgeman (2005) stress management gives you a scope of tools to reset your caution

framework. It can support your brain and body adjusts such as resiliency. Without it,

your body may dependably be on high caution. After some time, ceaseless pressure

can prompt genuine medical issues. Try not to hold up until pressure harms your

wellbeing, connections or personal satisfaction. Stress is an ordinary mental and

physical response to the demands of life. A little measure of pressure can be great,
motivation to perform well. This might be a reason for the non-correlation of stress from

the academic performance of students from HUMSS strand.

Table 11, 12 & Figure 4. Distribution of Pearson Correlations, Descriptive Statistics and
Scatter Plot of the correlational relationship between STEM Pre Science Strand’s
Perceived Stress Scale and their Academic Performance General Average during First
Tables 11, 12 & Figure 4 shows that the Perceived stress of the Grade 12 STEM

Pre-sci learners’ perceived stress mean is 22.57 and its general average mean of

90.30. The standard deviation of the Pre-Sci learners is 5.995 level of stress

correlational to the standard deviation of the general average which is 2.830. The mean

scores in their General average grades are somehow far apart to each other and that

the standard deviation which also shows a disparity in how the scores for the two

groups are spread around their respective means. This reveals the p-value of 0.319

which is higher than the minimum standard p-value is 0.05 in order to reject the Ho.

With that the Scatter plot illustrates that the STEM Pre-Science Learners’ Perceived

Stress has no correlation to their general average for 1st semester. Thus, there is no

significant relationship between the variables. Therefore, the null hypothesis is

accepted. With this in hand, according to McCrory (2007) that there are instances that

the best times lead to worst times. Like students who spent too much time in meeting

and socializing may find themselves skipping classes for it, don’t have time for

assignments. But with time management and study habits, it can ease this roadblock to

academic success. This might be a reason for the non-correlation of stress from the

academic performance of students from STEM Pre-Sci strand.

Table 13, 14 & Figure 5. Distribution of Pearson Correlations, Descriptive Statistics and

Scatter Plot of the correlational relationship between STEM Pre Engineering and

Architecture Strand’s Perceived Stress Scale and their Academic Performance

General Average during First Semester

Tables 13, 14 & Figure 6 shows the perceived stress of the Grade 12 STEM

Pre-Engineering Studies perceived stress mean is 27.10 and its general average mean

of 88.22. The standard deviation of the Pre-Engineering Studies learners is 3.868 level

of the stress correlational to the standard deviation of the general average which is

3.746. The general average grades mean scores are relatively to each other.

Furthermore, the standard deviation is also branched around their respective means.

This consequently leads to the discovery of a p-value of 0.543, which is higher than the

minimum standard of 0.05 in order to reject the null hypothesis. This supports the idea

of Walter Cannon (1998) that despite having a high perceived stress from the

perceived stress scale, managing stress is the best way to cope up effectively with

daily pressures. The balance between work, relationship, relaxation and fun. This might

be a reason for the non-correlation of stress from the academic performance of

students from STEM Pre-EA strand.

Table 15, 16 & Figure 6. Distribution of Pearson Correlations, Descriptive Statistics and
Scatter Plot of the correlational relationship between STEM Pre Computer Studies
Strand’s Perceived Stress Scale and their Academic Performance General Average
during First Semester

Tables 15, 16 & Figure 6 shows that the perceived stress of the Grade 12 STEM

Pre – Computer Studies perceived stress mean is 22.52 and its general average mean

of 89.43. The standard deviation of the Pre – Computer Studies learners is 6.884 level

of stress correlational to the standard deviation of the general average which is 3.633.

The general average grades mean scores are relatively far from each other.

Furthermore, the standard deviation is also branched around their respective means.

This consequently leads to the discovery of a p-value of 0.562, which is higher than the

minimum standard of 0.05 in order to the reject the null hypothesis. The Scatter Plot

demonstrates that the STEM Pre – Computer Studies Learner’s Perceived Stress has

a moderate negative correlation to their general average for the 1st semester. Thus,

this concludes that there is no significant relationship between the variables, and that

the null hypothesis is accepted. With this in hand, it validates the idea of Watson (2002)
that if the students learned how to identify time-wasting tasks by keeping track of what

they did and going to do, they will notice that these things will only lose their time. It is

recommended by experts that banishing procastination or atleast avoidance of it is a

good management skill to be learned to cope up with stress which the students from

the STEM Pre-Computer Studies observed. This might be a reason for the non-

correlation of stress from the academic performance of students from STEM Pre-CS


Table 17, 18 & Figure 7. Distribution of Pearson Correlations, Descriptive Statistics and

Scatter Plot of the correlational relationship between ABM Strand’s Perceived Stress

Scale and their Academic Performance General Average during First Semester
Table 17 18 & Figure 7 shows that the perceived stress of the Grade 12

Accountancy, Business and Management Strand perceived stress mean is 22.18 and

its general average mean of 88.79. The standard deviation of the ABM learners is

7.383 level of stress correlational to the standard deviation of the general average

which is 3.837. The general average grades mean scores are relatively far from each

other. Furthermore, the standard deviation is also branched around their respective

means. This consequently leads to the discovery of a p-value of 0.292, which is higher

than the minimum standard of 0.05 in order to the reject the null hypothesis. The

Scatter Plot demonstrates that the ABM Learner’s Perceived Stress has a moderate

negative correlation to their general average for the 1st semester. Thus, this concludes

that there is no significant relationship between the variables, and that the null

hypothesis is accepted. This supports the statement of Watson (2002) that despite

stress, good management skills are effective stress control. To learn how to prioritize

tasks and avoid other commitment that will lead to distractions or problems ae critical

measures that made sure that the students are not overscheduled. This might be a

reason for the non-correlation of stress from the academic performance of students

from ABM strand.

Table 19, 20 & Figure 8. Distribution of Pearson Correlations, Descriptive Statistics and
Scatter Plot of the correlational relationship between Ateneo de Davao University
Senior High School’s Perceived Stress Scale and their Academic Performance
General Average during First Semester

Tables 19, 20 & Figure 8 shows the overall correlation between the

perceived stress level and 1st semester general average grade of Ateneo de Davao

University Senior High School Grade 12 students. With 200 students as respondents,

we gathered overall perceived stress level mean of 23.50 and overall general average

mean of 89.42. With that, we have both standard deviation of 6.220 and 3.616 for

overall perceived stress level and general average respectively. Having 0.05 as the

standard point to reject the hypothesis, we gathered the overall data and produced

0.684 p-value which is higher than the standard point to reject. Having the p value and

the obvious interpretation from the displayed scatter plot, we can therefore conclude

that the Perceives Stress level of Ateneo de Davao University Grade 12 students has

no correlation and no significant relationship with their academic performance. Despite

the interpretation of non-correlation, according to the article of Yvette Stupart Ph.D.

(2018), It is stated by Has Selye that "Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to

any demand, whether it is caused by, or results in, pleasant or unpleasant conditions."

And that a psychologist, Dr. Sian Beilock, also pointed out that in her research,

stressful academic situations has an impact on the performance of students. If not

being guided and managed correctly, it can really prevent learners from achieving their

academic goals successfully. But since Ateneo de Davao University provided programs

such as development program, wellness counselling and symposiums that will help

learners cope up with stress, it resulted to having learners who do have experienced

stress on daily basis, but still can manage to do we,ll in their studies, and that is how an

Atenean is, a well-rounded one.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations of the


This study was conducted to define the correlation between the perceived stress

level and academic performance of Grade 12 students of Ateneo de Davao University

Senior High School. The researchers attempted to generate whether the perceived

stress level vary among the different academic strands and sub strands and if it has an

effect on Grade 12 Senior High School learners’ academic performance and what

stressor has a dominant contribution to the stress that the learners are facing in each

strand. The study utilized the descriptive-correlation research design. This involved 200

respondents rooted from the 10% of the whole population of Grade 12 Senior High

School of Ateneo de Davao University which is 2,000 and is collected via stratified

random sampling with each strand namely: Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS),

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), 3 sub strands from the Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand namely, Pre-Computer Studies, Pre-

Engineering and Architecture and Pre- Science who are enrolled in Ateneo de Davao

University Senior High School for the S.Y 2018-2019 having 40 respondents per strand.

Stratified random Sampling was applied in determining the sample size of the

respondents and the standard 10% of the population according to Creswell (2013) that

10% of the population is already a good size to represent the entire population. The

statistical tools used were mean and Pearson-r correlation. Data analysis were done

using α= 0.05 level of significance. Further, the findings are summarized as follows:

1. Among the mean scores of predetermined perceived stress indicators or also

called as stressors in each strand and sub strand, Emotional Indicator showed a

greater value being the dominant perceived stress indicator or stressor with an
overall mean score 4.575, 4.5 and 4.325. Compared to other stressors, Physical

indicator is the next dominant perceived stress indicator and having the

remaining three (3) stressors as lower.

2. The average perceived stress experienced by Grade 12 HUMSS learners has a

significant moderate stress with an overall mean score of 23.125.

3. As revealed from the results, the Pre-Engineering & Architecture strand

accumulated the highest perceived stress level with mean score of 27.1 giving of

a high perceived stress whilst, the Accountancy, Business and Management

strand accumulated the least mean score of 11.175 with a moderate perceived

stress level. From the PSS interpretations, the Pre-Engineering & Architecture

respondents showed High Perceived Stress Level while the rest of the strands

and sub strands have moderate perceived stress level.

4. The average level of perceived stress level experienced by Grade 12 learners of

Ateneo de Davao University was moderate perceived stress level with an overall

mean score of 23.5.

5. HUMSS Pearson-r Correlation showed that the independent and dependent

variables namely: the perceived stress level and their academic performance

accumulated a Pearson-r value of r= 0.166 and p-value of p=0.307 which is

greater than the alpha level of α=0.05.

6. STEM Pre- Science Pearson-r Correlation showed that the independent and

dependent variables namely: the perceived stress level and their academic

performance accumulated a Pearson-r value of r= -0.162 and p-value of p=0.319

which is greater than the alpha level of α=0.05.

7. STEM Pre- Engineering and Architecture Pearson-r Correlation showed that the

independent and dependent variables namely: the perceived stress level and

their academic performance accumulated a Pearson-r value of r= -0.099 and p-

value of p=0.543 which is greater than the alpha level of α=0.05.

8. STEM Pre-Computer Studies Pearson-r Correlation showed that the independent

and dependent variables namely: the perceived stress level and their academic

performance accumulated a Pearson-r value of r= -0.094 and p-value of p=0.562

which is greater than the alpha level of α=0.05.

9. ABM Pearson-r Correlation showed that the independent and dependent

variables namely: the perceived stress level and their academic performance

accumulated a Pearson-r value of r= 0.171 and p-value of p=0.292 which is

greater than the alpha level of α=0.05.

10. Overall Pearson-r Correlation showed that the independent and dependent

variables namely: the perceived stress level and their academic performance

accumulated a Pearson-r value of r= -0.029 and p-value of p=0.684 which is

greater than the alpha level of α=0.05.


The portion that gives meaning to your research and your results. The

objective of the Conclusion section is to examine the results, determine whether they

solve the research question, compare them within themselves and to other results

(from literature), explain and interpret them, and then draw conclusions or derive
generalizations, and make recommendations for applying the results or for further


1. The researchers inferred that Emotional Indicator was the highest-contributing

stress among Grade 12 learners of Ateneo de Davao University Senior High


2. The average perceived stress level manifested, remarkably generated significant

moderate perceived stress level among the respondents.

3. The Pre-Engineering & Architecture learners generated the highest perceived

stress mean score which indicated as high perceived stress level and can be

interpreted that they experienced difficulties in coping up with several stressors

unlike, to those respondents from HUMSS, Pre-Science, Pre-Computer Science

and ABM who revealed a moderate mean score which indicated as moderate

perceived stress level and can be translated as they are in the middle of coping

up with such difficulties.

4. The average level of perceived stress level in Grade 12 learners in general was

marked moderate and that they do experience stress but not in a sense that it

can be really harmful.

5. The HUMSS Grade 12 learners’ perceived stress level and their academic

performance exhibited no significant relationship and moderately positive

correlation, thus still, with the p-value greater than the alpha, it can be concluded

that as the perceived stress level increases, academic performance does not

increase and vice versa. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.

6. The STEM Pre-Science Grade 12 learners’ perceived stress level and their

academic performance exhibited no significant relationship and moderately

negative correlation, thus still, with the p-value greater than the alpha, it can be

concluded that as the perceived stress level increases, academic performance

does not increase and vice versa. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.

7. The STEM Pre- Engineering and Architecture Grade 12 learners’ perceived

stress level and their academic performance exhibited no significant relationship

and moderately negative correlation, thus still, with the p-value greater than the

alpha, it can be concluded that as the perceived stress level increases, academic

performance does not increase and vice versa. Hence, the null hypothesis is


8. The STEM Pre- Computer Studies Grade 12 learners’ perceived stress level and

their academic performance exhibited no significant relationship and moderately

negative correlation, thus still, with the p-value greater than the alpha, it can be

concluded that as the perceived stress level increases, academic performance

does not increase and vice versa. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.

9. The ABM Grade 12 learners’ perceived stress level and their academic

performance exhibited no significant relationship and no correlation, thus still,

with the p-value greater than the alpha, it can be concluded that as the perceived

stress level increases, academic performance does not increase and vice versa.

Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.

10. The Grade 12 learners’ perceived stress level and their academic performance

exhibited no significant relationship and no correlation, thus, it can be concluded

that as the perceived stress level increases, academic performance does not

increase and vice versa. Hence, the null hypothesis is accepted.


1. The Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School Grade 12 learners must be

able to determine the stressor or indicator which triggers them the most and be

able produce stress coping methods, in order, to lessen or reduce the occurrence

of too much perceived stress.

2. The Administrators of Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School just need

develop, design stress interventions and enhance their academic programs that

will be both sustainable, favorable and beneficial for both parties, set for example

more hands on counseling and development programs or symposiums.

3. The Senior High School Educators must fairly and justly disclose their of

workload to ease some stress that the learners are facing.

4. Healthcare centers such as the Guidance office of AdDU-SHS should conduct

mental health-related programs, seminars and activities for it will aid the learners

to further recognize and raise awareness of their mental state and improve their

behavior on a daily basis as to avoid social anxiety. Mental-health programs such

as cognitive behavior therapy, mindfulness, Freespira program and

psychodynamic psychotherapy can be used.

5. The future researchers must expand and increase the sample size, widen their

scope and lessen their limitations as to generate more accurate and wider point

of view per strand so as to formulate more concise and generalized conclusions.

Furthermore, they should strengthen the relationship of both variables and

explore further strands of Senior High School from different schools, different

people, different environment


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Name - Age -
Address –

Cell Phone - Email -

Date of Birth - Citizenship -
Place of Birth – Gender -

Elementary -
High School -

Certifications and Accreditations



Club Memberships
Name - Kristine Gwen C. Caballero Age - 18
Address – 1977 Apitong Street, P-8 Crossing Gabi Compsotela, Comval

Cell Phone - 09106788557 Email –

Date of Birth - June 13, 2000 Citizenship - Filipino
Place of Birth – Tagum City Regional Hospital Gender - Female

Elementary - Assumption Academy of Compostela
High School - Assumption Academy of Compostela

Certifications and Accreditations

Certificate of Participation: DSPC 2011-2012
Certificate of Participation: DBC 2014-2017
Certificate of Participation: Red Cross Youth Volunteer 2016-2017
Certificate of Participation: Community Extension Service 2016-2017
Certificate of Participation: Dance Troup Member 2015-2017
Certificate of Participation: Music and Arts Performance 2016-2017
Certificate of Participation: English Day Performance 2015
Certificate of Participation: English Day Performance 2016
Certficate of Participation: Science and Math Quiz Bee 2017
Singing, Dancing, Painting, Playing Badminton, Volleyball, Softball
1st Honor – Nursery 1st Honor – Kinder 1 2nd Honor – Kinder 2 3rd Honor - Grade 1
2nd Honor – Grade 2 2nd Honor – Grade 3 3rd Honor – Grade 4 With Honors- Grade 5
Grade 6 – 2nd Honors With Honors – Grade 7 With Honors – Grade 8 3rd Honors – Grade 9
2nd Honors – Grade 10 3rd Honors – Grade 11
1st Placer Science and Math Quiz Bee 2017
1st Placer HipHop Dance Competition 2017
3rd Placer Unit Meet Badminton Competition 2011
3rd Placer Badminton Intramural Game 2012
1st Placer Bandminton Intramural Game 2014
1st Placer Softball Intramural Game 2015
7th Placer Photojournalism 2011
1st Placer Softball Game Competition 2016
2nd Placer Volleyball Intramural Game
Club Memberships
Science and Math Club
Dance Troupe
English Club
Marian Club Member
DBC Member
YCLC Member
Junior Catechist
Name - Jeanne Melinda R. Dolores Age -18years old
Address – Blk 1 Lot 24 Champaca Street Northern Plains Subdivision,
Brgy. New Visayas, Panabo City, Davao del Norte
Cell Phone - 09778307518 Email
Date of Birth - April 20, 2000 Citizenship - Filipino
Place of Birth – Rivera Medical Hospital, Panabo City Gender - Female

Elementary - Nursery-Kinder 1 – Montessori School;
- Kinder 2-Grade 6 – Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc.
High School - Grade 7-10 – Maryknoll College of Panabo, Inc
-Grade 11- Ateneo De Davao University
Certifications and Accreditations
Certification of Participation: 2014 DOMNET Mindanao Gathering
Certification of Participation: 2015 DOMNET National Summer Camp
Certification of Participation: 2016 DOMNET National Summer Camp
Certification of Participation: 2015 Regional Leadership Gathering
Certification of Participation: 2016 Regional Leadership Gathering
Dancing, Singing, Acting, Modelling, Drawing, Painting, Sketching, Writing 200-word
essay in 10 minutes.

1st Honor – Nursery 1st Honor – Kinder1 2nd Honor- Kinder 2 2nd Honor- Grade 1
2nd Honor- Grade 2 3rd Honor- Grade 3 3rd Honor- Grade 4 2nd Honor- Grade 5
2nd Honor- Grade 6 3rd Honor- Grade 7
1st place in Role Playing (Division Level) – 2006
1st Place in Math Quiz Bee (Division Level) – 2006
1st Place in Math Quiz Bee (Division Level) – 2007
1st Place in Math Quiz Bee (Division Level) – 2008
1st Place in Math Quiz Bee (Division Level) – 2009
1st Place in Math Quiz Bee (Regional Level) – 2009
1st Place in Math Quiz Bee (Division Level) – 2010
1st Place in Math Quiz Bee (Regional Level) – 2010
1st Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Division Level) – 2011
1st Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Division Level) – 2012
3rd Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Regional Level) – 2012
1st Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Division Level) – 2013
5th Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Regional Level) – 2013
3rd Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Division Level) – 2014
5th Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Regional Level) – 2014
1st Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Division Level) – 2015
4th Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Regional Level) – 2015
3rd Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Division Level) – 2016
5th Place in Copyreading and Headline Writing (Regional Level) – 2016
1st Place in Poster Making Contest (Division Level) – 2015
3rd Place in Poster Making Contest (Division Level) – 2016

Club Memberships
(S.Y. 2017-2019 only)
Ateneo Society of Public Speakers – Vice President
(S.Y. 2016-2017 only)
DOMNET- President SSG- Auditor GSP (School) - Secretary
Science Club- Secretary Guhit Kamay- Secretary Campus Journalism- Treasurer
DLC – Majorette GSP (Regional) – V-Pres Junior Catechist- Leader

Writing, Playing Computer Games, Anime, Art, Modelling and Singing & Dancing

Name - Angelo Gabriel M. Gavasan Age - 18
Address – SGR Village Catalunan Grande, Davao City

Cell Phone - 09664688512 Email –

Date of Birth -March 13, 2000 Citizenship - Filipino
Place of Birth – Davao City Gender - Male

Elementary - Fr. Justin Russolillo School of Davao
High School - St. Peter’s College of Toril

Certifications and Accreditations

Playing Volleyball, Dancing, Singing


Club Memberships
Math and Science Club
Indak Pinoy Club
Name - Gumanid, Alexis John B. Age - 17
Address – Purok 4, Lubogan, Toril, Davao City

Cell Phone - 09155334979 Email –

Date of Birth - Filipino Citizenship - Filipino
Place of Birth – Davao City Gender - Male

Elementary - Saint Peter’s College of Toril
High School - Saint Peter’s College of Toril

Certifications and Accreditations



Club Memberships
Red Cross Youth Club (2013-2015)
Ecology Club (2015-2016)
YCLC (2017-2018)
Peer Facilitator’s League (2018-present)
Name - Apple Grace P.Iligan Age -17
Address – Sta Cruz, Rosario Agusan Del Sur

Cell Phone -09216815296 Email –

Date of Birth -April 26,2001 Citizenship - Filipino
Place of Birth –D.O Plaza Hospital, Patin-ay Agusan Del Sur Gender - Female

Elementary - Rosario Central Elementary School
High School - Mount Carmel High School

Certifications and Accreditations

Playing Badminton, Singing

Club Memberships
Peer factor
Peer Facilitator
Name - Patrick Joseph R. Malate Age -18
Address – Kalye pogi, Diskwatan, Toril Davao City

Cell Phone - 09055840074 Email –

Date of Birth - 09/11/00 Citizenship - Filipino
Place of Birth – Davao City Gender - Male

Elementary - Ateneo de Davao University
High School - Ateneo de Davao University

Certifications and Accreditations

Certificate of participation- Iam+ Leadership seminar 15-16
Certificate of participation- Iam+ Leadership seminar 15-16
Certificate of participation- Iam+ Leadership seminar youth 16-17
Facilitator- Iam+ Leadership seminar 15-16
Facilitator- Iam+ Leadership seminar 15-16
Facilitator- Iam+ Leadership seminar youth 15-16
Guest speaker- Leadership Training Davao Central College 16-17
Loyalty awardee- Ateneo de Davao University 12-13
Loyalty awardee- Ateneo de Davao University 16-17
Grade 2- Eloquence awardee Grade 4- Eloquence awardee

Grade 3- Eloquence awardee Grade 5- Eloquence awardee

Grade 6- Eloquence Awardee
Battle of the bands grand champion 12/13
Battle of the bands 1st runner-up 16/17

Name - Danielle Kates L. Maranan
Age - 18
Address – Everlasting,Toril,Davao city

Cell Phone - 09126866318 Email –

Date of Birth - August 13,2000 Citizenship - Filipino
Place of Birth –Davao city Gender - Female

Elementary - Saint Peter’s College of Toril
High School - Saint Peter’s College of Toril

Certifications and Accreditations

Certificate of Participation: CAT S.Y. 2016-2017
Certificate of Participation: Girl scout S.Y. 2013-2015
Certificate of Participation: Cheers and Yells 2012
Certificate of Participation: Miss Congeniality 2013
Certificate of Participation: Miss Photogenic 2013
Drawing. Singing, Dancing, Editing Videos and Pictures, Painting, Playing Guitar and Piano,
1st Honor – Nursery Gold Medal of Most Behave – Grade 2 Top 10 – Grade 3 Top 8 – Grade 4

Top 6 – Grade 8 Top 7 – Grade 10

1st Runner Up Miss Silca 2013
1st Placer Cheers and Yells Competition 2012
Club Memberships
Teatrong Petrean
Eco Club

Name - Sittie Rohanna T. Saban
Age - 18
Address – Miramar, Parang Maguindanao

Cell Phone - 09051152094 Email –

Date of Birth - November 11, 2000 Citizenship - Filipino
Place of Birth –Notre Dame Hospital Cotabato Gender – Female

Elementary - Notre Dame of Parang INC.
High School - Notre Dame of Prang INC.

Certifications and Accreditations

Certificate of participation of DBC S.Y 2012-2017
Certificate of participation of Peer facilitator about mental health S.Y 2018
Certificate of Participation of Salinlahi performance arts S.Y 2014
Certificate of participation of English day performance S.Y 2015
Certificate of participation of English Day performance S.Y 2016

Dancing, singing, Playing Softball, Volleyball, Dart,

3rd runner up power dance – grade 7 Loyalty Award – Grade 10 Top 10 – grade 9
3RD runner up Softball ARMAA – Grade 9
2nd runner up Area meet Softball (2013- 2015)
1st runner up softball intramural game – grade 10
1st runner up cheers and yells competition 2017

case of education faculty at

King Saud University.
International Interdisciplinary
Journal of Education – January
2013, Volume 2, Issue 1, 82-88

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