Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The Researchers
Aaliyah Gae Pryncee C. Joco
Micah Ayessah R. Sioson
Dana Marie E. Puspos
Kyle Azriel J. Salazar
Kaila Diane R. Olaya
Lyssa Jean F. Rivera
July 2019
basic education. It lengthened basic schooling to include a two-year senior high school
schools are expected to enter in Grade 11 this coming school year. Of the 1.3 million
incoming Grade 11 students close to 59 % will pursue the academic track, 40% will
pursue the technical vocational track, and the remaining will pursue arts and design and
K-12 is quite new to the Philippines than the other countries nearby. In terms of
going to Senior High School, students must go to their chosen strands which will serve as
a guidance in moving up to college. As the year 2018 came, four tracks has been
track, and sports track. The researchers have notice that the high school students in the
Now, it’s getting harder for the students who are going to step forward to their
senior high school life, especially to the path that they are going to pursue. Everyone is
claiming to collect information about certain things than risking immediately. Collecting,
gathering, and making an official effort to determine the influences of choosing a strand
is necessary for students to finalize their chosen strand. A lot of question is destroying a
one’s mind but other than that as na individual with own thinking still considered his/her
personal factors, limitations, strengths, weaknesses and personality trait before stating a
being realistic is the bit better to determine the best strand for them. (Fritz Gerald Martin
Making decision implies that there are choices to be considered, an in such case
we want only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one
that best fits with our goals, objectives, desires, values and so on (Harris, 1980) Decision
making is the best way to get one’s satisfaction, and considered as the best-required thing
Since 2013, the K-12 system has introduced to the Philippines that create changes
due to student’s educational advancement and possible employment in the future. There
are four different strands that is under the academic track in Tomas Del Rosario College
which are: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and
additional strand is General Academics Strand (GAS) which is for students who is
The main purpose of this study is to find out the determinants in choosing a strand
among Senior High School students in Tomas Del Rosario College. It will also examine
to what extent the factors affecting the choice of career will aid the students.
Statement of the Problem
The general problem of the study is what are the determinants in the choice of
strand of senior high school at Tomas del Rosario College with respect to their National
1.1 Sex;
2.4 Peer;
3.3 HUMSS?
4.) What is the strand of the students as reflected their NCAE result?
5.) Is there a significant difference in the students’ choice of strand and the NCAE result?
6.) Is there a significant relationship between the profile of Senior High School and the
chosen strand?
7.) What is the relationship between the choice of strand and the factors that influence
their choice?
Students. This study will help the students who are an incoming Senior High
School to determine the considerations in selecting strand. They must consider their
interest, natural skills, abilities, aims and rewards. Also, this research will help them to
guidance was given in choosing the right strand, suited to student’s personality, ability
and intellect. A collaborative effort of the high school Guidance Counsellor should also
be made to end with the better career plan for every individual student.
Parents. This study will help all the parents that serve as a main influencer in
their children’s career development and career decision-making. Parents want their
offspring to find happiness and success in life, and one factor which influences happiness
Everyone. This paper is not only beneficial to the students, guidance counselor
and etc .This study will help them be aware that choosing a college degree should not be
taken for granted and should consider the different factors to avoid conflicts.
Future Researchers. This study would serve as reference that would serve as
The researcher are focusing only on Grade 11 students of Tomas Del Rosario
College to know their choice of strand and if the National Career Assessment
Examination result had an impact to their choice. This study will be conducted at Tomas
Del Rosario College, San Jose Balanga City, Bataan in the year 2019.
Due to lack of time the researcher only puts the important and useful details of the
study. The study focuses on the students of Tomas Del Rosario College. This involves
surveys and questions for those who are Grade 11. The selection of respondents are only
limited since we only have a few time to undergo the study. This research is conducted to
further know the reasons of the Grade 11 students for choosing these strands.
Definition of Terms
Determinants – Factors that greatly affects the outcome of a certain decision or thing.
GAS (General Academic Strand) – Designed for those who are still undecided on
HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences) – This strand is for learners who aim to
take up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-
K12 – An educational program signed by Benigno Aquino III last 2013. It consists of
NCAE – Stands for National Career Assessment Examination. Its purpose is to help
students determine which courses they should take on college and what career they are
suitable for.
program developed to prepare primary and secondary students for college and graduate
Strand – The K-12 program offers different courses you can take and ponder on.