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Detailed Lesson Plan in English Iv

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College of Teacher Education


Rosario Campus


I. Objective
At the end of 50-minute period, the pupils should be able to use prepositional phrase:
C - Use the prepositional phrase showing locations in sentences
P- Show the location of objects by in, on, under and other prepositions correctly.
A- Care about the animals and other things.

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Using Prepositional Phrase
Reference: English IV, CG-(EN4-IVe-5),TG. pp.396-397
LM, pp.366-369 English for Global Communication
Leticia M. Silla pp. 190-195
Materials: Visual aids, Audio player, PowerPoint presentation
Valuing: Recognize the importance of own skills and talents.
III. Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
Class, will you please stand and let us Students will stand and pray
feel the presence of the Lord.
-In the name of the father, the son and the holy
Spirit Amen.
Angel of god my guardian dear, to whom
god’s love commits me here, ever this day be
at my side, to light and guard to rule and guide,
In the name of the father, the son and of the
holy Spirit, Amen.

2. Greetings
Good afternoon class!
-Good Afternoon sir.
How are you today?
-Very well Sir, Thank you

I know that you’re all ready and excited on the

lesson that we are going to discuss today.
Am I right class? -Yes, sir

I am also expecting that our discussion for this

day will be great.

3. Checking of Attendance

Anyway, do we have any absentees for


May I ask the leader of Group 1, 2 and 3?

Group 1 leader? Who’s absent in your group? Good Afternoon sir, good afternoon
classmates, there’s no absent in my group.
Next group leader? Who’s absent in your
group? Good Afternoon sir, good afternoon
classmates, there’s no absent in my group.
Last group leader? Who’s absent in your
group? Good Afternoon sir, good afternoon
classmates, there’s no absent in my group.

Very good!

That’s great, for having complete attendance

give yourselves 5claps.

4. Review
Now, let’s have a short review about the
lesson that we discussed last meeting. Last
meeting, we’ve discussed about preposition.

Who can give me an example of preposition?

(call a student)
(students raise their hands)

Ok, very good!

The word “between” Sir
When will we use the preposition between?
Between is used when referring to two persons
or objects.
How about among? (students raise their hands)
(call a student) Among is used when referring to two persons
or objects.

A. Motivation

Children, before we start our

discussion for today, we will have a game.

Are you all familiar to the game “Bring Me”? Yes Sir.
I will give you first the instructions on how to Ok Sir.
play it.

This is how you will play it:

I will choose ten players, then I will group you
into two. Each group will have five players.

The two groups will fall in line, then I will

choose 2 players, one by each group to play in
every round.

I will tell every player to bring me the different

pictures of face expressions that is hidden in
each corner of the room. After bringing me of
what I’ve asked, the player will imitate the
expression shown in the picture.
The first player who did the instructions faster
will get one point. The group who made the
highest points will be the winner.
Are you ready?

Class did you enjoy the game? Yes Sir!

B. Lesson Proper

Where did you find the smiley face?

Sir, I found it in the box.
(The teacher will write what the student have
answered then underline the word in)

Where did you find the angry face?

I found it on the table.
The teacher will write what have the student
answered then underline the word on)
Where did you find the sad face?
Sir, I found it under the chair.
The teacher will write what have the student
answered then underline the word under)
Class look at the board then read the
underlined words.
in, on, under.
We all know that in, on and under are kinds of

We use the word in if the thing is inside of

We used “on” when the thing is on top of
We used the word “under” when the thing is
below of something.
Is that clear?

Yes Sir!
Powerpoint Presentation
Aside from using in, on and under there are so
many prepositions that we may use. Like over,
among, from, around, above etc.
Show picture of a man climbing over the wall
(Class, What is in the picture?)
Show picture of birds above the trees
(How about this picture?) The man is climbing over the wall
The teacher will write it on the board, then
underline the prepositional phrase.
The bird flies above the trees.
Class, look at the board. Then read the
underlined words.

On the wall.

C. Discussion Above the trees.

Where does the man climb?

Where does the bird fly?
The teacher will give another example of On the wall.
sentences using prepositional phrase. Above the trees.
D. Generalization

Remember that prepositional phrase is made

up of preposition and a noun or pronoun and
all the words in between.
So now, again, what is prepositional phrase? Prepositional phrase is made up of preposition
and a noun or pronoun and all the words in
Can you give me some prepositions that we’ve
When do we use “in”? In, on , under

When do we use “on”? We used “in” when the thing is inside of

When do we use “under”?
We used “on” when the thing is on the top of
We used the word “under” when the thing is
below of something.
Aside from in, on and under, can you give me
some examples of preposition. Among, over, between, around etc.

E. Guided Practice
Class, Who among you have talents? (The students will raise their hands)
I sir!
Very good!

I also have my talent, do you want to know Yes Sir! What is it?
what it is?
I can draw

(The teacher will show a drawing)

Nice, Sir!
What can you say about it?

Class, remember that we all have our own

talents. We must show it to others and use it
By the way here are some jumbled phrases.
Arrange the jumbled phrases to form a
sentence with prepositional phrase. You can
look at the drawing as your guide in arranging
the phrases. Look at the illustration (drawing)
The students will arrange the jumbled phrases.
1. The old woman around the house. has
many animals
(Answer: The old woman has many
animals around the house.
2. in the doghouse. dog she has
(Answer: She has dog in the doghouse)
3. under the tree. grazed Her cow
(Her cow grazed under the tree)

F. Application
Group Activities:
Class let us have a group activity. I will group
you into three groups, then every group will
guided by suggested scoring rubric based on
your performance.
Group 1:
The students will think the appropriate
Four Pics preposition by analyzing the pictures.
One word
Group 2:
The teacher will give five pictures. Then under
each picture has incomplete sentence. The
student will analyze each picture to identify the
correct prepositional phrase by filling the

1.The girl is walking______ 2. The roots are__________

The students will fill the correct prepositional

phrase in the blank to complete the sentence.

4.The books are_______________ 4. The watch is ____________

5 The cat is sitting__________

Group 3
Underline the prepositional phrases in the
following sentences.
1.The books are in the shelf
(ans: in the shelf)

2.They are walking under the sun.

(under the sun)

The students will underline the prepositional

phrase in each sentence.

IV Evaluation
Direction: Select the correct statement which is
appropriate to the pictures by shading the circle
before each sentence.

V. Assignment
Use the prepositional phrase in your own
1.around the table

2.below the ground

3.out of the room

4.under the sun

5.over the fence

Prepared by:

BEED 3201

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Master Teacher-II

Approved by:

Taysan Central School
Principal II

Field Study Adviser

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