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B1 UNITS 7 and 8 Literature Teacher's Notes

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Literature teacher’s notes B1 Units

Othello by William Shakespeare

Before reading While reading
1 Ask students about plays that they have read or seen 1 Students read the text and decide if the statements
at the theatre. Check that they know and understand are true or false. Remind them to correct the false
the three types of genre: Comedy, History and Tragedy. statements. When you check answers, ask students to
Students work in pairs to sort the Shakespeare plays tell you the part of the text that gave the correct answer
into the correct categories. Ask different pairs for their (in italics in Answers below).
answers, explaining the reason for their choices.
Answers 1 False. Up to this point Brabantio loved Othello.
Comedy History Tragedy Her father loved me, often invited me to their house ...
2 True. ... all the battles and wars ... my great
Much Ado About Richard III Othello
adventures ... the dangerous escapes ...
3 False. Some of his stories made her cry. My stories
A Midsummer Henry V Hamlet
made her feel different emotions: sometimes they
Night’s Dream
made her cry.
Twelfth Night Henry VIII Romeo and Juliet 4 True. She said that if I had a friend who loved her,
I should teach him to tell her stories because that
2 Explain to students that they are going to read a scene
would make her fall in love with him. When she said
from one of Shakespeare’s tragedies. Read aloud the
that, I told her I loved her.
definition of a Shakespearean tragedy. Elicit or explain
that the protagonist is the main character in a play, 5 True. My dear daughter, which man here in this room
but do not explain any other vocabulary. In pairs, is most important to you?
students discuss the three questions. Monitor and help 6 False. She’s an only child. I am glad I don’t have
as needed, then discuss answers as a class. another daughter.
2 Students read the text again and answer the questions.
They can compare answers in pairs before checking as a
1 Someone who has a high position in society and is class.
well-regarded; e.g. a general in the army, a member
of the royal family. Answers
2 A negative aspect of personality; e.g. dishonesty, lack 1 Because she was fascinated by his stories, which
of empathy, insecurity, etc. caused her to feel different emotions. He seemed very
3 One or more people die at the end of the play. exciting and brave to her.
3 Ask students to read About the play. You may need 2 She probably thought that he would disapprove and
to explain humble (from a low social class). Working in not allow her to marry Othello.
the same pairs, students discuss their answers to the 3 He is against the marriage: You have tricked her.
questions to help them try to work out Othello’s major You have taken my daughter away from me, so you
character flaw. Discuss ideas briefly as a class, but don’t have broken my heart, too. Duke observes ... it does
confirm any ideas at this point. no good to be unhappy about something that has
already happened.
CULTURAL INFORMATION 3 Tell students they are now going to look at the
Shakespeare did not invent the genre of the tragedy: characters of Othello, Desdemona and Brabantio.
classical Greek tragedies were first performed in Read the three quotes. Working alone, students
Athens around the 6th century B.C. Like Shakespearean write adjectives or phrases that could describe their
tragedies, they featured a hero with a major character characters, based on the quotes. In less confident
flaw which caused his downfall or death. Shakespearean classes, students can work in pairs.
tragedies follow a five-part format, each part
corresponding to an act of the play. Part 1 sets the scene, Possible answers
describes the characters and begins the action; Part 2 Othello: honest, plain-talking, someone who prefers
develops the action; Part 3 brings events to a climax; action to words
Part 4 provides further development; and Part 5 is where Brabantio: angry, jealous, stubborn, concerned for his
the whole story comes together, any revelations are daughter, loving, protective
made, and everything is resolved. Desdemona: respectful towards her father, loyal towards
Othello, stubborn, truthful

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Literature teacher’s notes B1 Units

4 As a class, discuss ideas about Othello’s tragic character

flaw now that they have read the scene.

Othello’s major flaw is his insecurity about his
background. He was once very poor and he feels that
he does not deserve Desdemona’s love, given her
background. As a result he rushes to marry her.
(His insecurities also lead to jealousy later on in the
play, resulting in his death at the end.)

After reading
1 Students work in small groups to think about
the relationship between Brabantio, Othello and
Desdemona. Refer them to the questions about each
character and encourage them to imagine how each
person feels, both before and after the scene.
Tell students to make notes for the next activity.

2 Students work alone and choose one of the three

characters. Using their notes from the previous exercise,
they write a letter from that character to a friend
describing in their own words what happened and
how they feel. In less confident classes, students can
work with another student who has chosen the same
character to plan and write their letter.

Students write a second letter, this time from one of
the other characters.

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