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Topic Wise Review Cpp-I-As - PMD

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Q.1 The velocity of e in a certain Bohr orbit of the hydrogen atom bears the ratio 1:275 to the velocity of
light. What is the quantum no. "n" of the orbit and the wave no. of the radiation emitted for the transition
from the quatum state (n+1) to the ground state.
Q.2 To what series does the spectral lines of atomic hydrogen belong if its wave number is equal to the
difference between the wave numbers of the following two lines of the Balmer series 486.1 and 410.2 nm.
What is the wavelength of this.
Q.3 In a hypothetical H-atom the mass of electron & it charge is double of what we consider then calculate
the total energy of electron in the Ist orbit of such a hypothetical H-atom ?
[Assuming all others concepts and parameter to be same as we considered in Bohr's model.]

Q.4 A metal was irriadated by light of frequency 3.2 × 1015 S1. The photoelectron produced had its KE,
2 times the KE of the photoelectron which was produced when the same metal was irriadated with a
light of frequency 2.0 ×1015 S1. What is work function.
Q.5 U.V. light of wavelength 800 Å & 700 Å falls on hydrogen atoms in their ground state & liberates
electrons with kinetic energy 1.8 eV and 4 eV respectively. Calculate planck’s constant.
Q.6 The eyes of certain member of the reptile family pass a single visual signal to the brain when the visual
receptors are struck by photons of wavelength 850 nm . If a total energy of 3.15  10 14 J is required
to trip the signal, what is the minimum number of photons that must strike the receptor.

Q.7 Suppose 1017 J of light energy is needed by the interior of the human eye to see an object. How many
photons of green light ( = 550 nm) are needed to generate this minimum amount of energy.

Q.8 A certain dye absorbs 4530 Å and fluoresces at 5080 Å these being wavelengths of maximum absorption
that under given conditions 47% of the absorbed energy is emitted. Calculate the ratio of the no. of
quanta emitted to the number absorbed.
Q.9 The quantum yield for decomposition of HI is 0.2. In an experiment 0.01 moles of HI are decomposed.
Find the number of photons absorbed.
Q.10 The dissociation energy of H2 is 430.53 KJ/mol. If H2 is exposed to radiant energy of wavelength
253.7 nm, what % of radiant energy will be converted into K.E.
Q.11 X-rays emitted from a copper target and a molybdenum target are found to contain a line of wavelength
22.85 nm attributed to the K line of an impurity element. The K lines of copper (Z = 29) and molybdenum
( Z = 42) have wavelength 15.42 nm and 7.12 nm respectively. Using Moseley’s law, 1/2 = a (Z – b)
calculate the atomic number of the impurity element.

Q.12 A particle of charge equal to that of an electron and mass 208 times the mass of the electron moves in a
circular orbit around a nucleus of charge +3e. Assuming that the Bohr model of the atom is applicable to this
system, (a) derive an expression for the radius of the nth bohr orbit, (b) find the value of n for which the radius
of the orbit is approximately the same as that of the first Bohr orbit for th ehydrogen atom, and (c) find the
wavelength of the radiation emitted when the revolving particle jumps from the third orbit to the first.

Q.13 An alpha particle after passing through a potential difference of 2 × 106 volt falls on a silver foil. The
atomic number of silver is 47. Calculate (i) the K.E. of the alpha-particle at the time of falling on the foil.
(ii) K.E. of the  – particle at a distance of 5 × 10–14m from the nucleus, (iii) the shortest distance from
the nucleus of silver to which the particle reaches.


ke 2
Q.14 Suppose the potential energy between electron and proton at a distance r is given by  . Use
3r 3
Bohr’s theory to obtain energy of such a hypothetical atom.
Q.15 A proton captures a free electron whose K.E. is zero & forms a hydrogen atom of lowest energy-level
(n = 1). If a photon is emitted in this process, what will be the wavelength of radiation? In which region
of electromagnetic spectrum, will this radiation fall? (Ionisation potential of hydrogen = 13.6 volt,
h = 6.6 × 10–34K/s, C = 3.0 × 108 m/s)
Q.16 Electron present in single electron specie jumps from energy level 3 to 1. Emitted photons when passed
through a sample containing excited He+ ion causes further excitation to some higher energy level (Given
En = –13.6 ). Determine
(i) Atomic number of single electron specie.
(ii) principal quantum number of initial excited level & higher energy level of He+.
Q.17 A cylindrical source of light which emits radiation radially (from curved surface) only, placed at the
centre of a hollow, metallic cylindrical surface, as shown in diagram.
The power of source is 90 watt and it emits light of wavelength 4000 Å only. The emitted photons strike
the metallic cylindrical surface which results in ejection of photoelectrons. All ejected photoelectrons
reaches to anode (light source). The magnit ude of photo current is
[Given : h = 6.4 × 10–34 J/sec.]

Q.18 Mr. Santa has to decode a number "ABCDEF" where each alphabet is represented by a single digit.
Suppose an orbital whose radial wave function is represented as
(r) = k1 ·e  r / k 2 (r2 – 5k3r + 6k 32 )
From the following information given about each alphabet then write down the answers in the form of
"ABCDEF", for above orbital.
Info A = Value of n where "n" is principal quantum number
Info B = No. of angular nodes
Info C = Azimuthal quantum number of subshell to orbital belongs
Info D = No. of subshells having energy between (n + 5)s to (n + 5)p where n is principal quantum
Info E = Orbital angular momentum of given orbital.
Info F = Radial distance of the spherical node which is farthest from the nucleus
(Assuming k3= 1)
Q.19 In the Bohr's model, for unielectronic species following symbols are used
rn,z  Radius of nth orbit with atomic number "z"
Un,z  Potential energy of electron in nth orbit with atomic number "z"
Kn,z  Kinetic energy of electron in nth orbit with atomic number "z"
vn,z  Velocity of electron in nth orbit with atomic number "z"
Tn,z  Time period of revolution of electron in nth orbit with atomic number "z"
Calculate z in all in cases.
(i) U1, 2 : K1,z = – 8 : 1 (ii) r1,z : r2, 1 = 1 : 8
(iii) v1, z : v3, 1 = 9 : 1 (iv) T1, 2 : T2, z = 9 : 32
Represent your answer as abcd, where a, b, c and d represent number from 0 to 9. a, b, c and d
represents the value of "z" in parts (i), (ii) ,(iii) & (iv). Suppose your answer is 1, 2, 3 & 4 then the
same must be filled in OMR sheet as1234.00.
Q.20 Calculate the distance of spherical nodes for '3s' orbital from nucleus?
1  2r

R3s = 9 3a 3 / 2 (6 – 6  +  ) e 2 where  = na
0 0

Q21. If Photon having wavelength 6.2 nm was allowed to strike a metal plate having work function 50 eV then
Uncertainity in wavelength (in meter) of emitted electron with KEmax ,if uncertainity in the momentum
is 1.8 × 10–27 kg m/s. (Given : h = 6 × 10–34 J-sec.) Fill your answer by multiplying 1015 .
Q22. If Photon having wavelength 6.2 nm was allowed to strike a metal plate having work function 50 eV then
Uncertainity in wavelength of emitted electron with KEmax ,if uncertainity in the momentum is
13.24 × 10–28 kg m/s
Q23. Sample of an element “X” consist of its three isotopes A1, A2 & A3 and population of A2 is three times
the population of A3. If the average molar mass of sample is 1.25. Determine percentage population of
A1 Molar masses of isotpoes A1, A2 & A3 are 1, 2 and 3 gm respectively.
Q.24 The shortest wavelength of He atom in Balmer series is x, then longest wavelength in the Paschene series
of Li+2 is
36 x 16 x 9x 5x
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 7 5 9

Q.25 An electron, a proton and an alpha particle have kinetic energies of 16E, 4E and E respectively. What is
the qualitative order of their de Broglie wavelengths?
(A) e > p =  (B) p =  > e (C) p > e >  (D)  < e » p

Q.26 Given H for the process Li(g)  Li+3(g) + 3e– is 19800 kJ/mole & IE1 for Li is 520 then IE2 & IE3
of Li+ are respectively (approx, value)
(A) 7505 , 11775 (B) 520 , 19280 (C) 11775 , 19280 (D) Data insufficient

Q.27 Three energy levels P, Q, R of a certain atom are such that EP < EQ < ER. If 1, 2 and 3 are the wave
length of radiation corresponding to transition R  Q ; Q  P and R P respectively. The correct
relationship between 1, 2 and 3 is
1 1 1 2 1 1
(A) 1 + 2 = 3 (B)      (C) 3 = 1 2 (D)     
3 1 2 3 1 2

Q.28  
The value of (n2 + n1) and n 22  n12 for He+ ion in atomic spectrum are 4 and 8 respectively. The
wavelength of emitted photon when electron jump from n2 to n1 is
32 9 9 32
(A) R (B) R (C) 32 R (D) 9 R
9 H 32 H H H


Q.29 Consider the following nuclear reactions involving X & Y.
X  Y + 42 He
Y  8O18 + 1H1
If both neutrons as well as protons in both the sides are conserved in nuclear reaction then moles
of neutrons in 4.6 gm of X
(A) 2.4 NA (B) 2.4 (C) 4.6 (D) 0.2 NA
Q.30 Electromagnetic radiations having  = 310 Å are subjected to a metal sheet having work
function = 12.8 eV. What will be the velocity of photoelectrons with maximum Kinetic Energy..
(A) 0, no emission will occur (B) 2.18 × 106 m/s
(C) 2.18 2 × 106 m/s (D) 8.72 × 106 m/s
Q.1 2 ; 9.75 × 104 cm–1
Q.2 Brackett ; 2.63 ×10–4 cm Q.3 – 13.6 × 32 eV
Q.4 319.2 KJ/mol Q.5 6.57 ×10–34 Js
Q.6 1.35×105 Q.7 28 photons Q.8 0.527
Q.9 3 × 10 22

Q.10 8.68 %
Q.11 24
n2 h2
Q.12 rn = n = 25 ; 55.2 pm
4K 2  3e 2  208 m e

n6 h 6
Q.13 6.4×10–13 J, 2.1×10–13 J, 3.4×10–14 m Q.14 E =
384 m 3 K 2 e 4 6
Q.15 910 Å ;U.V.
Q.16 Energy of emitted photons can not be greater than 13.6 eV (otherwise He+ will ionise) therefore single
electron specie must be hydrogen energy emitted = E3 – E1
= –1.51 + 13.6 = 12.09
For He ion this energy corresponds to excitation from 2 to 6.

93 3 93 3
Q.17 10 amp Q.18 300303 Q.19 1233.00 Q.20 a0, a0
2 2
21. 22. 2 × 10–14 m
[Sol. KEmax = h– w = – 50 = 150 eV
6. 2

150 150
deBroglie = KE max in eV Å = 150

10 2 28
.d 2  p [110 ] 13.24 10
as dp = 2  = = = 2 × 10–14 m ]
 n 6.62 10 34
23. 80 Q.24 B Q.25 A Q.26 A Q.27 B Q.28 C Q.29 B
Q.30 C


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