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NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10

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NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10


Thinking about the Text

1. On the following map mark out the route, which the author thought of but did not take, to Delhi.

Answer: The route which the author thought of but did not take to Delhi was:
Bihar (Patna)- U.P. (Benaras - Allahabad-Agra)-Delhi
NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10
2. Find out the possible routes (by rail, road or air) from Kathmandu to New

Answer: Do it yourself.

I. Answer these questions in one or two words or in short phrases.

Question 1. Name the two temples the author visited in Kathmandu.

Answer: Pashupatinath temple and Baudhnath temple are the two temples where the author visited in

Question 2. The writer says, “All this I wash down with Coca Cola.” What does ‘all this’ refer to?

Answer: All this refers to a bar of marzipan, a corn on- the-cob roasted in a charcoal brazier on the
pavement (rubbed with salt, chilli powder and lemon); a couple of love story comics, and even a
Reader’s Digest.

Question 3. What does Vikram Seth compare to the quills of a porcupine?

Answer: Vikram Seth sees a flute seller with a pole in his hands with an attachment at the top from
which fifty or sixty bansuris protrude in all directions. He compares it to the quills of a porcupine.

Question 4. Name five kinds of flutes.

Answer: The five kinds of flutes are:

- the reed neh
- the Japanese shakuhachi
- the deep bansuri of Hindustani classical music
- the clear or breathy flutes of South America
- the high-pitched Chinese flutes

II. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph

Question 1. What difference does the author note between the flute seller and the other hawkers?
NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10
Answer: The author says that unlike other hawkers, the flute seller plays slowly without excessive
display. He does not shout out his wares. Occasionally he makes a sale, but in a curiously offhanded way
as if this were incidental to his enterprise.

Question 2. What is the belief at Pashupatinath about the end of Kaliyug?

Answer: A small shrine half protrudes from the stone platform on the river Bagmati’s bank. It is
believed that when it emerges fully, the goddess inside will escape, and the evil period of the Kaliyug
will end on earth.

Question 3. The author has drawn powerful images and pictures. Pick out three examples each of
(i) the atmosphere of ‘febrile confusion’ outside the temple of Pashupatinath (for example: some people
trying to get the priest’s attention are elbowed aside...)
(ii) the things he sees
(iii) the sounds he hears

Answer: The author has drawn powerful images and pictures.

(i) the atmosphere of ‘febrile confusion’ outside the temple of Pashupatinath: Priests, hawkers,
devotees, tourists, cows, monkeys, pigeons and dogs roam through the grounds. We offer a few flowers.
A party of saffron-clad Westerners struggle for permission to enter the temple as the gate says that only
Hindus are allowed in the temple.
(ii) the things he sees: Kathmandu is vivid, mercenary, religious, with small shrines to flower-adorned
deities along the narrowest and busiest streets; with fruit sellers, flute sellers, hawkers of postcards;
shops selling Western cosmetics, film rolls and chocolate; or copper utensils and Nepalese antiques.
(iii) the sounds he hears: Film songs blare out from the radios, car horns sound, bicycle bells ring, stray
cows low questioningly at motorcycles, vendors shout out their wares.

III. Answer the following questions in not more than 100–150 words each.

Question 1: Compare and contrast the atmosphere in and around the Baudhnath shrine with the
Pashupatinath temple.

Answer: The author says that the atmosphere in Pashupatinath temple was an atmosphere of ‘febrile
confusion’. He says that priests, hawkers, devotees, tourists, cows, monkeys, pigeons and dogs can be
seen roaming through the grounds. There are so many worshippers that people are elbowed aside by
others pushing their way to the front.
At Baudhnath temple, the Buddhist shrine, there was a sense of stillness. There is no crowd. It is a safe
place of quietness in the busy streets around.

Question 2: How does the author describe Kathmandu’s busiest streets?

NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10
Answer: The author describes Kathmandu’s busiest streets as vivid, mercenary and religious, with
small shrines to flower-adorned deities along the narrowest and busiest streets. The streets are full of
fruit sellers, flute sellers, hawkers of postcards; shops selling Western cosmetics, film rolls and
chocolate; or copper utensils and Nepalese antiques.
Film songs blare out from the radios, car horns sound, bicycle bells ring, stray cows look questioningly
at motorcycles, vendors shout out their wares.

Question 3: “To hear any flute is to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind.” Why does the
author say this?

Answer: “To hear any flute is to be drawn into the commonality of all mankind.”
The poet says this when he talks about five types of flutes- – the reed neh, the Japanese shakuhachi, the
deep bansuri of Hindustani classical music, the clear or breathy flutes of South America and the high-
pitched Chinese flutes. He says that a flute is at once the most universal and most particular of sounds.
It is found in every culture. He says that flute links to our common characteristics. Just like every
human being, the motive force is living breath. It too, needs to pause and breathe before it can go on.

Thinking about Language

I. Read the following sentences carefully to understand the meaning of the italicised phrases. Then
match the phrasal verbs in Column A with their meanings in Column B.

1. A communal war broke out when the princess was abducted by the neighbouring prince.
2. The cockpit broke off from the plane during the plane crash.
3. The car broke down on the way and we were left stranded in the jungle.
4. The dacoit broke away from the police as they took him to court.
5. The brothers broke up after the death of the father.
6. The thief broke into our house when we were away.

(i) break out (a) to come apart due to force
(ii) break off (b) end a relationship
(iii) break down (c) break and enter illegally; unlawful trespassing
(iv) break away (from someone) (d) of start suddenly, (usually a fight, a war or a
(v) break up (e) to escape from someone’s grip
(vi) break into (f) stop working

NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10
(i) break out (d) of start suddenly, (usually a fight, a war or a
(ii) break off (a) to come apart due to force
(iii) break down (f) stop working
(iv) break away (from someone) (e) to escape from someone’s grip
(v) break up (b) end a relationship
(vi) break into (c) break and enter illegally; unlawful trespassing

II. Question 1: Use the suffixes -ion or -tion to form nouns from the following verbs. Make the
necessary changes in the spellings of the words.
Example: proclaim – proclamation
cremate ___________ act ___________ exhaust ___________
invent ___________ tempt ___________ immigrate ___________
direct ___________ meditate ___________ imagine ___________
dislocate ___________ associate ___________ dedicate ___________

cremate cremation; act action; exhaust exhaustion
invent invention; tempt temptation; immigrate immigration
direct direction; meditate meditation; imagine imagination
dislocate dislocation; associate association; dedicate dedication

Question 2: Now fill in the blanks with suitable words from the ones that you have formed.
(i) Mass literacy was possible only after the ___________ of the printing machine.
(ii) Ramesh is unable to tackle the situation as he lacks ___________.
(iii) I could not resist the ___________ to open the letter.
(iv) Hardwork and ___________ are the main keys to success.
(v) The children were almost fainting with after being made to ___________ stand in the sun.

(i) Mass literacy was possible only after the invention of the printing machine.
(ii) Ramesh is unable to tackle the situation as he lacks direction.
(iii) I could not resist the temptation to open the letter.
(iv) Hardwork and dedication are the main keys to success.
(v) The children were almost fainting with after being made to exhaustion stand in the sun.

III. Punctuation
Use capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas and inverted commas wherever necessary in the
following paragraph.
NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10
an arrogant lion was wandering through the jungle one day he asked the tiger who is stronger than you
you O lion replied the tiger who is more fierce than a leopard asked the lion you sir replied the leopard
he marched upto an elephant and asked the same question the elephant picked him up in his trunk
swung him in the air and threw him down look said the lion there is no need to get mad just because
you don’t know the answer

An arrogant lion was wandering through the jungle one day. He asked the tiger, “Who is stronger than
you?” “You, O! Lion,” replied the tiger. “Who is fiercer than a leopard?” asked the lion. “You, sir,”
replied the leopard. He marched up to an elephant and asked the same question. The elephant picked
him up in his trunk, swung him in the air and threw him down. “Look”, said the lion, “there is no need
to get mad just because you don’t know the answer.”

IV: Simple Present Tense

Study these sentences from the lesson.
• A fight breaks out between two monkeys.
• Film songs blare out from the radios.
• I wash it down with Coca-Cola.
The italicised verbs are in the simple present tense. The writer is here describing what he saw and heard
but he uses the present tense instead of the past tense.
A narration or a story can be made more dramatic or immediate by using the present tense in this way.
Now look at the following sentences.
• A small shrine half protrudes from the stone platform on the riverbank.
• Small shops stand on the outer edge of the Stupa.
We use the simple present tense to speak about what is usually or generally true. The sentences above
describe facts. We also use the simple present tense in sentences depicting ‘universal truths’. For
• The sun rises in the east.
• The earth revolves round the sun.
We can also refer to habitual actions using the simple present tense.
• He usually takes a train instead of a bus to work.
• We often get fine drizzles in winter.
In these sentences words like every day, often, seldom, never, every month, generally, usually, etc. may
be used.

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10
(i) The heart is a pump that __________ (send) the blood circulating through our body. The pumping
action __________ (take place) when the left ventricle of the heart __________ (contract). This
__________ (force) the blood out into the arteries, which __________ (expand) to receive the
oncoming blood.

(ii) The African lungfish can live without water for up to four years. During a drought it __________
(dig) a pit and __________ (enclose) itself in a capsule of slime and earth, leaving a tiny opening for
air. The capsule __________ (dry) and __________ (harden), but when rain __________ (come),
the mud __________ (dissolve) and the lungfish __________ (swim) away.

(iii) MAHESH : We have to organise a class party for our teacher.

__________ (Do) anyone play an instrument?
VIPUL : Rohit __________ (play) the flute.
MAHESH : __________ (Do) he also act?
VIPUL : No, he __________ (compose) music.
MAHESH : That’s wonderful!

Answer: (i) The heart is a pump that sends (send) the blood circulating through our body. The
pumping action takes place (take place) when the left ventricle of the heart contracts (contract). This
forces (force) the blood out into the arteries, which expands (expand) to receive the oncoming blood.
(ii) The African lungfish can live without water for up to four years. During a drought it digs (dig) a pit
and encloses (enclose) itself in a capsule of slime and earth, leaving a tiny opening for air. The capsule
dries (dry) and hardens (harden), but when rain comes (come), the mud dissolves (dissolve) and the
lungfish swims (swim) away.
(iii) MAHESH : We have to organise a class party for our teacher.
Does (Do) anyone play an instrument?
VIPUL : Rohit plays (play) the flute.
MAHESH : Does (Do) he also act?
VIPUL : No, he composes (compose) music.
MAHESH : That’s wonderful!


Question 1. Discuss in class the shrines you have visited or know about. Speak about one of them.

Answer: Do it yourself.

Question 2. Imagine you are giving an eyewitness account or a running commentary of one of the
NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10
(i) a game of football, cricket or hockey, or some sports event
(ii) a parade (e.g. Republic Day) or some other national event

Speak a few sentences narrating what you see and hear. Use the simple present and the present
continuous tenses. For example:
• He passes the ball but Ben gets in the way...
• These brave soldiers guard our frontiers. They display their skills here...

Answer: Do it yourself.


Diary entry for a travelogue

I. The text you read is a travelogue where the author, Vikram Seth, talks about his visit to two sacred
places in Kathmandu.
Imagine that you were with Vikram Seth on his visit to Pashupatinath temple, and you were noting
down all that you saw and did there, so that you could write a travelogue later.
Record in point form
• what you see when you reach the Pashupatinath temple
• what you see happening inside the temple
• what you do when inside the temple
• what you see outside the temple
• what your impressions are about the place.

Dear Diary,

Today was a fabulous day. I went to the holy Pashupatinath temple with Vikram Seth. There was a huge
crowd at the temple. I saw priests, hawkers, devotees, tourists, cows, monkeys, pigeons and dogs
roaming through the ground. We both offered flowers and coconuts to God. We saw people getting
elbowed aside by others pushing their way to the front.
At the gate of the temple, we saw saffron-clad westeners who were struggling for permission to enter the
temple as the gate said that only Hindus were allowed.
I felt peace and ascetic satisfaction by visiting the Pashupatinath temple.

NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10
II. Here is your diary entry when you visited Agra. Read the points and try to write a travelogue
describing your visit to Agra and the Taj Mahal. You may add more details.
January 2003 — rise before dawn — take the Shatabdi Express at 6.15 a.m. from Delhi — meet a newly-
married couple on train — talk about Himachal Pradesh — get off the train — enter the once-grand city,
Agra — twisted alleys — traffic dense — rickshaws, cars, people — vendors selling religious artifacts,
plastic toys, spices and sweets — go to the Taj Mahal — constructed entirely of white marble — magical
quality — colour changes with varying of light and shadow — marble with gemstones inside — reflection
of the Taj Mahal in the pond — school-children, tourists — tourist guides following people.

Answer: On January 2003, I woke up before dawn. I took the Shatabdi Express at 6.15 a.m. from
Delhi. I met a newly-married couple on the train. We spoke about Himachal Pradesh. I got off the train
and entered the once-grand city, Agra. I saw twisted alleys, with dense traffic, rickshaws, cars, people.
There were vendors selling religious artifacts, plastic toys, spices and sweets. I went to the Taj Mahal. It
is constructed entirely of white marble which has a magical quality. The colour of the marble changes
with varying of light and shadow. Taj Mahal has the marble with gemstones engraved inside it. I saw the
reflection of the Taj Mahal in the pond. There were many school-children, tourists and tourist guides.
NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Chapter 10 Poem
A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

Thinking about the Poem

Question 1. “A slumber did my spirit seal,” says the poet. That is, a deep sleep ‘closed off’ his soul (or
mind). How does the poet react to his loved one’s death? Does he feel bitter grief? Or does he feel a
great peace?

Answer: “A slumber did my spirit seal” says the poet. It is a little difficult to decide if the poet felt
bitter grief or a peace. He says that his soul has been sealed due to his loved one’s death and that he
does not have any human fears. He talks about how his loved one seemed now- motionless and beyond
the passage of time.

Question 2. The passing of time will no longer affect her, says the poet. Which lines of the poem say

Answer: The lines of the poem that say this are:

“She seemed a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthly years.”

Question 3. How does the poet imagine her to be, after death? Does he think of her as a person living
in a very happy state (a ‘heaven’)? Or does he see her now as a part of nature? In which lines of the
poem do you find your answer?

Answer: The poet imagines her to be immersed in the earth. He feels that she has become a part of
earth’s daily course and rolled along with the rocks, stones and trees.
The lines of the poem that we find our answer in are:
“Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course
With rocks and stones and trees.”

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