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Batting Skills Rubric

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Batting Skills Rubric

Does not meet Partially Meets Meets Exceeds Standard

standard Standard (2) Standards (3) (4)
Grips bat with Sometimes Usually grips Consistently grips
hands at a grips bat with bat with hands bat with hands
distance too far hands too far close together close together
apart and/or with apart and with the with the dominant
the non-dominant occasionally dominant hand hand on top.
hand on top. forgets to put on top.
dominant hand
on top.
Feet are
Feet consistently Feet fall either Feet are consistently
either touch each inside or sometimes shoulder width
other or are outside of shoulder width apart.
spread much too shoulder width apart but
far apart. on some swings, stance can be
and on other improved for
swings feet are consistency.
in proper
shoulder width
Batter stands position. Consistently has
straight up with Usually has knees bent.
no bend to knees Knees are bent knees bent in
or batter has at either too proper manner.
extreme bend to large of an
knees. angle or does
not bend knees Back elbow is
enough. Back elbow is regularly kept up,
Batter’s back usually kept up, and bat is
elbow is far too and bat is brought back over
low or touches Back elbow brought back the shoulder so
side of body. Bat falls, or bat over the that it sticks up
drops behind sometimes is shoulder so that like a toothpick.
shoulder, or bat kept in front of bat sticks up
falls significantly the shoulder or but sometimes
out of a vertical is not held with a slight
position. straight up. angle. Keeps eye
Keeps eye on focused on ball at
Batter does not the ball with full all times.
have eye contact Does not eye contact for
with the ball. maintain full the majority of
Batter distracted eye contact with the time.
by other players the ball and Consistently turns
or spectators. occasionally side to the target
looses eye Usually turns of the field.
Does not turn contact with the side of body to
side to face the ball. face the field.
Does not
regularly or
fully turn side of
body to the
target of the Regularly extends
field, or body is arms to swing as
otherwise out of Normally flat as a pancake.
Elbows remain proper position. extends arms to
bent while swing in a flat,
swinging and level manner,
never become but could
fully extended. Makes some improve
While swinging, mistakes in swinging style Consistently rolls
the bat is always swinging style with further over the
at an angle and is with either practice. shoelaces of the
rarely flat. upward or back foot,
downward rotating and
Soles of feet do motions while Usually rolls shifting when
not leave the swinging. over the swinging.
ground. No shoelaces of the
rotation or back foot,
shifting. rotating and
Partially rolls shifting when
over the swinging, but
shoelaces of the occasionally
back foot, but falls out of
lacks full position.
rotation of
ankle when

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