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TOP 50 Puzzle Questions for IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Examination

Directions (1-5): Study the following e) None of these.
information carefully and answer the 5) What is the position of H with
questions below. respect to K?
Eight boxes D to K are placed one a) Immediately above
above other in the form of a stack. Box H is b) Immediately below
two places below Box D and four places c) Two floors below
above Box E. Number of boxes below Box J d) Three floors above
is as same as the number of boxes above e) None of these
Box F. Only one box is placed between Box
J and Box G. Box K is placed at one of the Directions (6-10): Study the following
position above Box I. No two boxes with information carefully and answer the
consecutive alphabets are placed adjacent questions below.
to each other. Nine boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
1) Which box is exactly placed between and I are arranged one above another in
D and the box which is immediately different shelves numbered 1 to 9 from
above of K? bottom to top. The lowermost shelf is
a) J numbered as 1 and the shelf above 1 is
b) H numbered as 2 and so on. All the
c) E information is not necessary to be in the
d) F same order.
e) None of these Box F is placed at one of the position
2) How many boxes are between J and below Box E in an even numbered position.
I? Box D is two places above E. Number of
a) 2 boxes above E is as same as the number of
b) 4 boxes below C. Box C is placed at one of the
c) 3 position below E. Three boxes are placed
d) 1 between Box G and I. Box B is placed above
e) 0 A but below H. Not more than three boxes
3) Which of the following statement is are placed between Box G and Box H. The
true? shelf number and the place value of the
a) F is placed three boxes below J. alphabet of the box placed in the shelf are
b) G is placed immediately above D. not same in any shelves. (E.g. Place value
c) Only two boxes are placed between E and of Box C in alphabet series is 3; so box C is
I. not placed in the shelf numbered 3).
d) Both A and B. 6) Which among the following
e) None of these. immediate neighbors of C?
4) If K and J interchange the positions a) G, A
then which box is placed immediately b) E, A
above J? c) F, G
a) F d) A, B
b) H e) None of these
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TOP 50 Puzzle Questions for IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Examination

7) Which of following statement is and Pollard, have exam on the same date.
true? Only one person have exam on the date on
a) D is kept immediately above B. which Richard had. Smith have exam after
b) Only two boxes between E and A. Pollard. Dany have exam before Pollard, in
c) F is placed immediately above I the month having even numbered days.
d) All of these. Smith have exam in May and immediately
e) None of these. after Vijay. Bravo and Smith have exam on
8) How many shelves are between E the same day. Kevin have exam
and A? immediately after Richard. Richard have
a) 1 exam immediately after Sharma, who have
b) 3 exam on even numbered date.
c) 2 11) Who among the following having
d) 4 exam on 22 April?
e) 0 a) Dany
9) Which of the following placed top b) Kevin
and bottom of the shelve respectively? c) Vijay
a) E,A d) Pollard
b) H,I e) Both a and b.
c) I,H 12) Four of the following five are alike
d) H,F in a certain way and so form a group.
e) I,G Which is the one that does not belong
10) Which of the following kept to that group?
immediately above G’s shelve? a) Richard
a) C b) Vijay
b) B c) Aswin
c) E d) Smith
d) B e) Pollard.
e) None of these 13) Bravo attempts exam on which of
the following date?
Directions (11-15): Study the following a) 22 March
information carefully and answer the b) 22 April
questions below. c) 22 May
Nine persons - Dany, Richard, Smith, d) 27 May
Bravo, Pollard, Kevin, Aswin, Sharma and e) None of these.
Vijay, have an Exam on either 22nd or 27th 14) Who among the following attempts
of the months of March, April and May of exam immediately before Aswin?
year 2019. a) Dany
Note: At least one person and not more b) Bravo
than two people have an exam on same c) Smith
date. d) Both b and c
Aswin have exam on odd numbered e) None of these.
date, but not immediately before or after 15) Who attempts exam immediately
Dany. Neither Aswin and Smith, nor Aswin before Sharma?
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TOP 50 Puzzle Questions for IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Examination

a) No one d) V, W, R
b) Smith E) None of these.
c) Dany 19) What is the position of Q with
d) Vijay respect to U?
e) None of these a) Immediately above of same flat number.
b) Immediately above of different flat
Directions (16-20): Study the following number
information carefully and answer the c) Two floors above of same flat number
questions below. d) Two floors above of different flat number
Ten persons P-Y lives in five E) None of these.
different floors. Each floor has two flats. Flat 20) Who lives immediately above U?
A and flat B. Flat A is exactly to the west of a) Q
flat B. Only one person lives in each flat . b) S
S lives in top most floor. There c) V
are two floor between S and P and both of d) Both a and c
them lives in same flat. R lives to the east E) None of these.
of P. There is one floor gap between R and
Q and both of them lives in different flat. T Directions (21-25): Study the following
lives immediately above Q. W lives to the information carefully and answer the
east of U but not on bottom most floor. questions below.
Neither V nor Y lives on floor1 of flat A. V Ten persons F, B, D, S, I, A, Q, G, Z
lives above Y. and C are liveson 10 floor building.The
16) Who lives flat number A of floor lowermost floor is numbered 1, above the
number 4? floor numbered 2, & so on.
a) S Three persons are living between G &
b) Q F. G lives an odd numbered floor but above
c) V floor numbered 5. Only one person lives
d) T between Q & Z who is lives an odd
E) None of these. numbered floor. One person lives between C
17) Four of the following five are alike & A. Two floors are there between D &
in a certain way and so form a group. I.Neither F nor G was immediately above or
which is the one that does not belong immediately below of C.B lives above S. I is
to that group not the immediate neighbor of B.
a) P 21) How many persons lives above D?
b) Q a) 2
c) U b) 3
d) V c) 4
E) S d) 1
18) Who among the following lives the e) None of these.
same flat number? 22) Which of the following is true about
a) P, U, W F?
b) Q, R, Y a) S and D are immediate neighbors of F.
c) U, Q, V b) F lives two floors below D.
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TOP 50 Puzzle Questions for IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Examination

c) D lives on fifth floor. 26) Who attends marriage immediately

d) All of these. before G but immediately after D?
e) Q lives in bottom most floor. a) B
23) If S and Z interchange the b) C
positions,who among the following c) F
lives immediately above Z’s floor? d) E
a) A e) None of these
b) F 27) If all the persons made alphabetical
c) C order from Sunday to Saturday, How
d) D many persons will remain unchanged at
e) None of these. their original position?
24) C lives which of the following floor? a) None
a) 2 b) 2
b) 3 c) 1
c) 4 d) 3
d) 1 e) None of these.
e) None of these. 28) Who will attends marriage on
25) Number of floors between A and Thursday?
Zis? a) C
a) 1 b) D
b) 3 c) G
c) None d) E
d) 2 e) None of these.
e) None of these 29) Which of the following persons
attend marriage before G?
Directions (26-30): Study the following a) D
information carefully and answer the b) A
questions below. c) E
There are seven persons A, B, C, D, d) All of these
E, F and G attend marriage in seven days of e) None of these.
a week Sunday to Saturday, not necessarily 30) How many persons attend marriage
in the same order. between F and A?
B attends marriage after E. Number a) 1
of persons between D and E is one less than b) 2
the number of persons between D and B. c) 3
Only one person attend marriage between A d) More than 3
and C. Number of persons attend marriage e) None
before D is equal to Number of persons
attend marriage after G. B attends marriage Directions (31-33): Study the following
immediately before F. A attends marriage information carefully and answer the
before Wednesday. G attends marriage after questions below.
D. Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
are studying in three different classes’ class
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TOP 50 Puzzle Questions for IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Examination

A, class B and class C but not necessarily in D and B won same medal.
the same order 34) How many persons win bronze
Not more than three persons studying in medal?
same class. a) 2
S is studying in class A. b) 3
R is not studying in class A. c) 1
T is studying only with V. d) None
P is studying in class B. e) None of these.
Q and U studying in same class but not with 35) E wins which of the following
R. medal?
31) Q belongs from which class? a) Gold
a) Class A b) silver
b) Class B c) bronze
c) Class C d) Either b or c
d) Either a or b e) None of these.
e) None of these
32) Which of the following person Directions (36-40): Study the following
belongs to class C? information carefully and answer the
a) S questions below.
b) R 8 friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H were
c) U born on different years 1979, 1981, 1975,
d) V 1987, 1985, 1997, 1991 & 2000(not
e) None of these. necessarily in same order). Note: They all
33)Who among the following person were born on 1st January & consider their
belongs to class B? ages as on 1st January 2019).
I) U Three persons are born between R
II) R and Q. Two persons are born between U and
III) P V. Difference between the age of R and S is
a) Only (I) 10. W born just after V. R is older than Q.
b) Only (III) Sum of the ages of W and T is one more
c) Only (I) and (II) than the age of P. Q was born after R.
d) Only (II) and (III) 36) What is the age difference between
e) All (I), (II) and (III) R and Q?
Directions (34-35): Study the following a) 13
information carefully and answer the b) 14
questions below. c) 12
Eight person A to H won three different d) 11
medals. Gold , silver and bronze. Not more e) None of these.
than three person won the same medal. 37) In which year Q born?
F won Bronze medal. a) 1981
Neither B nor H won gold medal. b) 1985
C and E won same medal but not silver. c) 1987
Neither D nor G won silver medal. d) 1991
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TOP 50 Puzzle Questions for IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Examination

e) None of these. months before Ganguly. Raina was born in

38) How many persons are younger one of the months having 31 days.
than U?
a) 4 41) Sachinwas bornin which month?
b) 5
c) 6 a) January
d) 7
e) None of these. b) March
39) Which of the following person
c) April
younger than P?
a) S
d) July
b) Q
c) V
e) None of these
d) All of these.
e) None of these.
42) Who was born in August?
40) Who among the following person
was born just before V? a) Dravid
a) W
b) Q b) Sachin
c) T
d) R c) Raina
e) None of these.
d) Rahul

e) Dhoni
Directions (41–45): Study the following
information carefully and answer the 43) Four of the following are alike in a
questions given below it. certain way and form a group. Who
among the following does not belong to
Eight persons Sachin, Rahul, the group?
Ganguly, Dravid, Dhoni, Yuvraj, Kohli and
Raina are born in eight different a) Sachin
months. Months are January, February,
March, April, May, June, July and August not b) Ganguly
necessarily in the same order.
c) Dravid
Yuvraj was born in April. Dravid was born
immediately after Yuvraj. Only two persons d) Kohli
were born between Dravid and Raina. Only
three persons were born between Rahul and e) Rahul
Dhoni. Rahul was born in one of the months
before Dhoni. Dhoni was born immediately 44) How many persons were born
before Kohli. Sachin was born in one of the before Ganguly?

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TOP 50 Puzzle Questions for IBPS PO/ Clerk Prelims Examination

a) Two month gap between C and D.H is not the

last person to attend the seminar.
b) Three 46) How many persons attend seminar
between A and H?
c) One a) 5
b) 4
d) Four c) 3
d) No one
e) None e) None of these.
47) Who attend the seminar
45) How many persons were born
immediately before D?
between Rahul and Yuvraj?
a) E
b) C
a) 1
c) G
d) No one
b) 2
e) None of these.
c) 3 48) E attend seminar on which of the
following date?
d) 4 a) 11th January
b) 15th April
e) None c) 15TH May
d) 15th January
Directions (46-50): Study the following e) None of these.
information carefully and answer the 49) Who attend the seminar before C?
questions below. a) D
Eight persons –A, B, C, D, E, F, G and b) G
H, have attend seminar on three different c) A
dates on 4, 11, 15 of the months of d) All of these.
January, April and May of year 2019. No two e) None of these.
persons attend the seminar on the same 50) Who attend the seminar in may?
date of the same month. One of the dates of a) C
in the given months is a holiday. b) F
D attends seminar on prime c) E
numbered date of a month which has even d) Both a and b.
number of days. Holiday is come in a date e) None of these.
of 15th of the month. Only two persons
attend seminar between A and D. A doesn’t
attends the seminar in May. More than four
persons between B and F. E attends seminar
immediately before G. G does not attend
the seminar in May.H attends after C. H and
B are not immediate neighbors.At least one

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Directions (1-5):

1) Answer: a

2) Answer: c

3) Answer: d

4) Answer: b

5) Answer: a



 Box H is two places below Box D and four places above Box E.

 We get two possibilities.

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 Number of boxes below Box J is as same as the number of boxes above Box F.

Case(1) Case(2)

 Only one box is placed between Box J and Box G.

Case(1) Case(2)

 Case (2) gets eliminated because No consecutive alphabets name of the box are placed
adjacent to each other.
 Box K is placed at one of the position above Box I.
 Hence the final arrangement is

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Directions (6-10):

6) Answer: a

7) Answer: d

8) Answer: c

9) Answer: b

10) Answer:c



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 The shelf number and the place value of the alphabet of the box placed in the shelf are
not same in any shelves. (E.g. Place value of Box C in alphabet series is 3; so box C is
not placed in the shelf numbered 3).
 Box F is placed at one of the position below Box E in an even numbered position.

Positions Case(1) Case(2)

xI 9
xH 8
xG 7
xF 6
xE 5
xD 4 F
xC 3

xB 2 F

xA 1

 Here the possibilities to the position of F is 2,4,6,8,. ,8th position is not possible because
 Box D is two places above E.
 Position 6 is also not possible since, The shelf number and the place value of the
alphabet of the box placed in the shelf are not same in any shelves.
 Number of boxes above E is as same as the number of boxes below C. Box C is placed
at one of the position below E.

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Positions Case(1) Case(2)
xI 9
xH 8
xG 7
xF 6
xE 5
xD 4 F
xC 3

xB 2 F

xA 1

 We cannot fix the position of E and C in case 2. So it gets eliminated.

 Number of boxes above E is as same as the number of boxes below C.
 Box C is placed at one of the position below E.
 Box D is two places above E.
 Three boxes are placed between Box G and I.

Positions Case(1a) Case(1b) Case(1c) Case (1d)

xI 9 G
xH 8 D D D D
xG 7 I

xF 6 E E E E

xE 5 I I G
xD 4 C C C C

xC 3 G

xB 2 F F F F

xA 1 G I

 Box B is placed above A but below H.

 Case 1(a) and Case 1(d) get eliminated. since The shelf number and the place value of
the alphabet of the box placed in the shelf are not same in any shelves.

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 Case 1(b) get eliminated Not more than three boxes are placed between Box G and Box
H. So Case 1c is the final arrangement.

Positions Case(1a) Case(1b) Case(1c) Case (1d)

xI 9 G H H H
xH 8 D D D D
xG 7 H B B I
xF 6 E E E E
xE 5 I I G B
xD 4 C C C C
xC 3 B A A G

xB 2 F F F F

xA 1 A G I A

Directions (11-15):

11) Answer: e

12) Answer: d

13) Answer: c

14) Answer: d

15) Answer: a


MONTH 22nd 27TH

March (31) Sharma, Richard

April (30) Dany, Kevin Vijay, Pollard

May (31) Smith, Bravo Aswin

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 Dany have the exam in the month having even numbered days.

MONTH 22nd 27th
March (31)
April (31) Dany
May (31)

MONTH 22nd 27th
March (31)
April (30) Dany
May (31)

 Aswin have exam on odd numbered date, but not immediately before or after Dany.
MONTH 22nd 27th
March (31)
April (30) Dany
May (31) Aswin


MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31) Aswin

April (30) Dany

May (31)

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MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31)

April (30) Dany

May (31) Aswin

 Smith have exam in May and immediately after Vijay.

 Neither Aswin and Smith has exam on the same date.


MONTH 22nd 27th


April Dany Vijay

May Smith Aswin

CASE(2a -i)

MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31) Aswin

April (30) Dany

May (31) Vijay Smith

CASE(2a- ii)

MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31) Aswin

April (30) Dany, Vijay

May (31) Smith

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MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31)

April (30) Dany, Vijay

May (31) Smith Aswin

 Bravo and Smith have exam on the same day.

 Only one person have exam on the date on which Richard had.
 Richard have exam immediately after Sharma, who have exam on even numbered date.

MONTH 22nd 27th
March (31) Sharma Richard
April (30) Dany Vijay
May (31) Smith, Bravo Aswin

CASE(2a -i)

MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31) Aswin

April (30) Dany

May (31) Vijay Smith, Bravo

CASE(2a- ii)

MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31) Aswin

April (30) Dany, Vijay

May (31) Smith, Bravo

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MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31) Sharma Richard

April (30) Dany, Vijay

May (31) Smith Aswin

 Kevin have exam immediately after Richard.

MONTH 22nd 27th
March (31) Sharma Richard
April (30) Dany, Kevin Vijay
May (31) Smith, Bravo Aswin


MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31) Sharma Richard

April (30) Kevin Dany, Vijay

May (31) Smith Aswin

 Smith have exam after Pollard.

 Dany have exam before Pollard, in the month having even numbered days.

Hence the final arrangement is case 1

MONTH 22nd 27th
March (31) Sharma Richard
April (30) Dany, Kevin Vijay, Pollard
May (31) Smith, Bravo Aswin

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MONTH 22nd 27th

March (31) Sharma Richard

April (30) Kevin Dany, Vijay

May (31) Smith Aswin

Directions (16-20):

16) Answer: b

17) Answer: d

18) Answer: d

19) Answer: a

20) Answer: d


Floor no

5 S T

4 Q V

3 U W

2 P R

1 X Y

Flat A B


 S lives in top most floors.

 There are two floors between S and P and both of them lives in same flat.
 R lives to the east of P.
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Floor Case (1): Floor Case (2)
no no
5 S 5 S
4 4
3 3
2 P R 2 P
1 1
Flat A B Flat A B

 Case (2) gets eliminated because R lives to the east of P.

 There is one floor gap between R and Q and both of them lives in different flat.
 T lives immediately above Q.

Case (1):

5 S T

4 Q

2 P R

Flat A B

 W lives to the east of U but not on bottom most floor.

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Floor Case (1):

5 S T

4 Q

3 U W

2 P R

Flat A B

 Neither V nor Y lives on floor1 of flat A. V lives above Y.

 Hence the final arrangement,

Floor no Case (1):

5 S T

4 Q V

3 U W

2 P R

1 X Y

Flat A B

Directions (21-25):

21) Answer: b

22) Answer: b

23) Answer: d

24) Answer: a

25) Answer: c

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Floor no Person

10 I

9 G

8 B

7 D

6 S

5 F

4 A

3 Z

2 C

1 Q

 Three persons are living between G & F.
 G lives an odd numbered floor but above floor numbered 5.

Floor no Case(1) Case(2)


9 G

7 G

5 F

3 F

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 Only one person lives between Q & Z who is lives an odd numbered floor.
 Case (1) gets eliminated because we have no place to fix the position of Q.

Floor no Case(1) Case(2)


9 G

7 G

5 F

3 F Z

1 Q

 One person lives between C & A.

 Neither F nor G was immediately above or immediately below of C.
 Two floors are there between D & I.

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Floor no Case(2)

10 D/I

9 G

7 D/I

5 F

4 A

3 Z

2 C

1 Q

 B lives above S.
 I is not the immediate neighbor of B.

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Floor no

10 I

9 G

8 B

7 D

6 S

5 F

4 A

3 Z

2 C

1 Q

Directions (26-30):

26) Answer: b

27) Answer: a

28) Answer: c

29) Answer: d

30) Answer: d


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Days Persons
Sunday E
Monday A
Tuesday D
Wednesday C
Thursday G
Friday B
Saturday F


 A attends marriage before Wednesday. Only one person attend marriage between A
and C.

Days Case(1) Case(2) Case(3) Case(1.1)
Sunday C A
Monday A
Tuesday A C A
Wednesday C
Thursday C

 Number of persons attend marriage before D is equal to Number of persons attend

marriage after G. G attends marriage after D.

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Case(1) Case(2) Case(3) Case(1.1) Case(2.1) Case(1.1a)
Days Persons
Sunday C D A D

Monday D A D A D
Tuesday A C A D A
Wednesday C C
Thursday C G C
Friday G G G
Saturday G G

 B attends marriage immediately before F.

 B attends marriage after E.

Case(1) Case(2) Case(3) Case(1.1) Case(2.1) Case(1.1a)

Days Persons
Sunday C D A D E
Monday D A D A D

Tuesday A E C A D A
Wednesday B C B C
Thursday F B F C G C
Friday G F G B G
Saturday E G E G F

 Case(1.1), Case(1.1a) gets eliminated, because we cannot fix the position of B,F.
 Case(1), Case(3) gets eliminated, because B attends marriage after E.
 Number of persons between D and E is one less than the number of persons between D
and B.

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Case(2) Case(2.1)
Days Persons
Sunday D E
Monday A A

Tuesday E D
Wednesday C C
Thursday B G
Friday F B
Saturday G F

 Case (2.1) getseliminated; Since Number of persons between D and E is one less than
the number of persons between D and B.

Directions (30-33):

31) Answer: a

32) Answer: d

33) Answer: d


Persons A B C
P   
Q   
R   
S   
T   
U   
V   


 S is studying in class A.
 P is studying in class B.
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Persons A B C
P   
S   

 R is not studying in class A.

 T is studying only with V.
 So T and V studying class C, Since Not more than three persons studying in same class.
So R studying class B.

Persons A B C
P   
Q 
R   
S   
T   
U 
V   

 Q and U studying in same class but not with R.

 So Q and U studying class A.

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Persons A B C
P   
Q   
R   
S   
T   
U   
V   

Directions (34-35):

34) Answer: b

35) Answer: a


Persons Gold silver Bronze

A   
B   
C   
D   
E   
F   
G   
H   


 F won Bronze medal.

 Neither B nor H won gold medal. Neither D nor G won silver medal

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Persons Gold silver Bronze
B 
D 
F   
G 
H 

 D and B won same medal.

 So D and B won bronze medal.
 Only B, D and F won bronze medal because Not more than three person won the same

Persons Gold silver Bronze

A 
B   
C 
D   
E 
F   
G  
H  

C and E won same medal but not silver. So C and E won gold medal.

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Persons Gold silver Bronze
A   
B   
C   
D   
E   
F   
G   
H   

Directions (36-40):

36) Answer: c

37) Answer: c

38) Answer: b

39) Answer: d

40) Answer: b


Year Persons
1975 (44) R
1979 (40) P
1981 (38) U
1985 (34) S
1987 (32) Q
1991 (28) V
1997 (22) W
2000 (19) T

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 Difference between the age of R and S is 10.

 R is older than Q.
 Three persons are born between R and Q.

Case(1) Case(2) Case(3)

Year Persons Persons
1975 (44) R Q
1979 (40)
1981 (38) R
1985 (34) S
1987 (32) Q R
1991 (28) S
1997 (22) Q S
2000 (19)

 Case(3) gets eliminated, becauseQ was born after R.

 Two persons are born between U and V.

Case(1) Case(2) Case(2a) Case(2b)

Year Persons Persons Persons Persons
1975 (44) R U/V
1979 (40) U/V
1981 (38) U/V R R R
1985 (34) S U/V
1987 (32) Q U/V U/V
1991 (28) U/V S S S
997 (22) Q Q Q
2000 (19) U/V

 W born just after V.

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Case(1) Case(2) Case(2a) Case(2b) Case(2.1)
Year Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons
1975 (44) R V U
1979 (40) W U/V
1981 (38) U R R R R
1985 (34) S U V
1987 (32) Q U/V U/V W

1991 (28) V S S S S
1997 (22) W Q Q Q Q
2000 (19) U/V

 Case(2a), Case(2b) gets eliminated, because we cannot fix the position of W.

 Sum of the ages of W and T is one more than the age of P.

Case(1) Case(2) Case(2.1)

Year Persons Persons Persons
1975 (44) R V U
1979 (40) P W
1981 (38) U R R
1985 (34) S U V
1987 (32) Q W

1991 (28) V S S
1997 (22) W Q Q
2000 (19) T

 Case(2), Case(2.1) gets eliminated, Since Sum of the ages of W and T is one more than
the age of P.
 Age of P=40, Sum of the ages of W and T=22+19=41.

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Directions (41-45):

41) Answer: a

42) Answer: c

43) Answer: e

44) Answer: a

45) Answer: a



 Yuvraj was born in April.

 Dravid was born immediately after Yuvraj.
 Only two persons were born between Dravid and Raina.

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 Only three persons were born between Rahul and Dhoni.
 Rahul was born in one of the months before Dhoni.

 Dhoni was born immediately before Kohli.

 Sachin was born in one of the months before Ganguly.

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So the final arrangement is,

Directions (46-50):

46) Answer: b

47) Answer: c

48) Answer: d

49) Answer: d

50) Answer: d

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Month 4 11 15
January(31) B A E
April(30) G D __
May (31) C H F


 D attends seminar on prime numbered date of a month which has even number of
 Holiday is come in a date of 15th of the month.

Case(1) Case(2) Case(3)

Month 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15
January(31) __
April(30) D D __ D
May (31) __

 Only two persons attend seminar between A and D.

 A doesn’t attends the seminar in May.

Case(1) Case(2) Case(3)

Month 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15
January(31) A __ A A
April(30) D D __ D
May (31) __

 More than four persons between B and F.

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Case(1) Case(2a) Case(3a) Case (2b) Case (3b)
Month 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15

January(31) A B/F __ B/F A E B/F A E B/F A B/F A

April(30) D D __ D D --- D
May (31) B/F B/F B/F __ B/F B/F __

 E attends seminar immediately before G.

 G does not attend the seminar in May.

Case(1) Case(2a) Case(3a) Case (2b) Case (3b)

Month 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15

January(31) A B/F __ B/F A E B/F A E B/F A E B/F A E

April(30) D G D __ G D G D --- G D
May (31) B/F B/F B/F __ B/F B/F __

 H attends after C.

Case(2a) Case(3a) Case (2b) Case (3b)

Month 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15

January(31) B/F A E B/F A E B/F A E B/F A E

April(30) G D __ G D C G D --- G D C
May (31) C H B/F B/F H __ C B/F H H B/F __

 H and B are not immediate neighbours.

Case(2a) Case(3a) Case (2b) Case (3b)

Month 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15

January(31) B A E B A E B A E B A E

April(30) G D __ G D C G D --- G D C
May (31) C H F F H __ C F H H F __

 At least one month gap between C and D.

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 H is not the last person to attend the seminar. So the final arrangement is

Case(2a) Case(3a) Case (2b) Case (3b)

Month 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15 4 11 15

January(31) B A E B A E B A E B A E
April(30) G D __ G D C G D --- G D C
May (31) C H F F H __ C F H H F __

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