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PBL - 3 Proposed Methodology: The Workflow For Creating The Summary Generator

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PBL_3 Proposed Methodology

Shreyans Chhajed 332010 21911107

The workflow for creating the summary generator

Code blueprint of the summarizer:

Module 1: Preparing the data
In this example, we want to summarize the information found on this
Wikipedia article, which just gives an overview of the major happenings
during the 20th century. To enable us to fetch the article’s text, we’ll
use the Beautiful Soup library. Here is the code for scraping the article’s

In the above code, we begin by importing the essential libraries for

fetching data from the web page. The Beautiful Soup library is used for
parsing the page while the url lib library is used for connecting to the
page and retrieving the HTML. Beautiful Soup converts the incoming
text to Unicode characters and the outgoing text to UTF-8 characters,
saving you the hassle of manageng different charset encodings while
scraping text from the web. We’ll use the url open function from the
urllib.request utility to open the web page. Then, we’ll use the read
function to read the scraped data object. For parsing the data, we’ll call
the Beautiful Soup object and pass two parameters to it; that is, the
article_read and the html.parser The find_all function is used to return
all the <p> elements present in the HTML. Furthermore, using .text
enables us to select only the texts found within the <p> elements.

Module 2: Processing the data

To ensure the scrapped textual data is as noise-free as possible, we’ll
perform some basic text cleaning. To assist us to do the processing,
we’ll import a list of stop words from the nltk library.We’ll also import
Porter Stemmer, which is an algorithm for reducing words into their
root forms. For example, cleaning, cleaned, and cleaner can be reduced
to the root clean. Further more, we’ll create a dictionary table having
the frequency of occurrence of each of the words in the text. We’ll loop
through the text and the corresponding words to eliminate any stop

Then, we’ll check if the words are present in the frequency_table. If the
word was previously available in the dictionary, its value is updated by
1. Otherwise, if the word is recognized for the first time, its value is set
to 1.

For example, the frequency table should look like the

Word Frequency
Century 7
World 4
United States 3
Computer 1

Module 3: Tokenizing the article into sentences

To split the article_content into a set of sentences, we’ll use the built-in
method from the nltk library.
Module 4: Finding the weighted frequencies of the sentences
To evaluate the score for every sentence in the text, we’ll be analyzing
the frequency of occurrence of each term. In this case, we’ll be scoring
each sentence by its words; that is, adding the frequency of each
important word found in the sentence.

Take a look at the following code:

Importantly, to ensure long sentences do not have unnecessarily high

scores over short sentences, we divided each score of a sentence by the
number of words found in that sentence. Also, to optimize the
dictionary’s memory, we arbitrarily added sentence[:7], which refers to
the first 7 characters in each sentence. However, for longer documents,
where you are likely to encounter sentences with the same first
n_chars, it’s better to use hash functions or smart index functions to
take into account such edge-cases and avoid collisions.
Module 5: Calculating the threshold of the sentences
To further tweak the kind of sentences eligible for summarization, we’ll
create the average score for the sentences. With this threshold, we can
avoid selecting the sentences with a lower score than the average

Here is the code:

Module 6: Getting the summary

Lastly, since we have all the required parameters, we can now generate
a summary for the article.

Here is the code:

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