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Product Design and Development

Dr. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

Lecture - 06
Value Engineering Concepts

Namaskar, welcome to the second week of our course on product design and
development, friends let us take a brief review of what we have covered in the week 1. If
you remember we have covered all the basic aspects of product design and development
in week 1.

We have seen what is the need of developing a new product, we have seen the life cycle
of a product when it is launched in to the market, we have seen the various stages of
product development, we have also seen the product analysis that what are the various
characteristics that we need to cover, prior to that we have also covered that what should
be the product policy of an organization, even we have covered the SWOT analysis that
is strength, weakness, opportunities and threats and the discussion was focused more on
the product design aspects of SWOT, otherwise SWOT can be used in all different
domains, but our focus if you remember was on product design that how is sort can be
used for product design and in order to launch a successful product in the market.

So we have built up a specific knowledge related to product design in our previous week
linking the previous week with our discussion this week we will see that how the concept
of value engineering as is clear on your slide are applicable to product design. Let me go
back again to the last lecture that we had in which we have seen product analysis in
product analysis if you remember there are 4 broad factors that are needed to be
understood or that we need to understand in order to design a good profitable successful

If you remember we have seen first were the marketing aspects, second were the product
characteristics, third if you remember the economic analysis in which we have seen the
break even analysis, and the fourth were the production aspects. So, currently our
discussion on value engineering is related to the second important factor that is the
product characteristics. In product characteristics we have seen that there are functional
aspects, then durability and dependability we have seen the aesthetic aspects, so all these
things are required to be understood if we want to develop a successful product.

Now let us see the functional aspects in product characteristics first thing is the
functional aspect, so if you see just free your mind and think that any product around you
in your room or in your classroom or wherever you are listing to this particular
discussion, see any product why that product has been bought either by you or by your
parents or by the organization for example, you see an air conditioner, why the air
conditioner has been bought to cool the environment, so what is the function, basic
function of the air conditioner that is cooling the environment. Similarly why I am using
this pointer or this slide changer it has got some function therefore I am using it,
similarly why I am wearing this jacket, it is January going on there is so much of cold all
around and normal temperatures are low in order to protect my body I am using a jacket.

So, any product that you see around you we will have defiantly have a function and it
will have a functional value and that function has to be provided by that product and who
has to ensure that the function is being provided by the product or not. The product
designer has to ensure that the product is designed in such a way that it satisfies its
functional requirement or the functional property for which the product has been
designed. I think it is clear to all of you that for any product to be successful it should be
able to satisfy the intended function for which it has been design that also satisfactorily
and reliably, is the product is not able to satisfy its intended function reliably definitely
that product is not going to succeed in the market.

So, first and foremost when we analyze the characteristics of the product, we have to
keep a focus on the functional aspects of the product and for those functional aspects
only we have a concept called value engineering which is a function based technique and
which helps us to ensure that the product performs its desired function reliably, but
simultaneously ensuring that this function is achieved at the minimum possible cost.

So we will see that what is the concept of value engineering and how it is different from
other commonly used techniques like cost cutting and the other techniques of saving
money, in this case we will not compromise on the performance, reliability, quality,
efficiency any of the parameters will not be compromised, but our focus will be to view
the systematic approach to cut the cost or to reduce the cost satisfying all other
requirements as desired by the product or desired from the product, by the customer, our
focus will be to ensure this particular aspect of the product.

So let us now see one by one slowly let us try to understand this week our focus
primarily will be on the concepts as well as the successful case studies of value
engineering, it has been applied word wide and there are so many success stories where
the concept of value engineering has helped people to design the products, to launch the
products, in such a way that they have been out rightly successful. We will see some of
those case studies also, let us first try to understand in today’s session we will just have
an overview of the value engineering concepts, try to understand the basic philosophy of
this technique and try to understand it with the help of some definitions and little bit of
we can say historical aspects of value engineering. And we will also try to see that what
are the advantages that we can derive if we use the concepts of value engineering.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:55)

So let us go one by one, let us first see the history this is Lawrence D Miles, he is
considered as the we can say the pioneer figure or the leading figure in the field of value
engineering and how the value engineering concept evolved, it evolved due to the
shortage of materials during the world war 2 and GE that is the General Electrical
company found that many of the substitutes have better or equal performance at less cost.
So, for any particular product what do you need, you need the materials or the substitutes
Now, it is so happened that after the world war 2 or in some time overlapping time
during the world war 2 there was a shortage of materials, the designs of a particular we
can say artillery gun or defense equipment were not available. So, what did the engineers
do particularly may be at general electric this concept was develop that why not to use
alternate materials, why not to modify the design, why not to change the process. So 3
common things, 3 important things I have said first is design process and the materials or
other order design materials and the process.

So these 3 things if you change these are the substitute so, these led to better results,
substitutes were better as compare to the original design, original materials and original
processes. So, from there the concept evolved that there is always a scope of changing
the product in context of its design, material or the process use to make that product and
this is helpful for saving of cost. So this was the basic you can say triggering point of
launching the concept of value engineering the Lawrence D Miles launched an effort to
make the concept systematic.

Earlier it was not, we can say systematic, the concept was more of philosophical thinking
that if you change these things money will be saved, but then Lawrence D Miles took it
as a challenge and then he tries to systematize or put it in to systematic process step by
step process so, that anybody any engineer can apply these concepts and save the money
for his or her organization. So this is the concept finalized by Lawrence D Miles and this
then it let to the establishment of Society of American Value Engineers SAVE, SAVE in
1959, all the concepts over than we can say put together and a society was established for
propagating this concept among engineers and scientist. So this is the brief history of
value engineering.

Now whenever you have a new term on your platter you start thinking that this may be
similar to this thing or how it is different from this thing or how it is different from what
we already know for example, suppose we go and buy onions from the vegetable market,
what is our philosophy, what is our procedure, we usually go to the market sometimes we
go to 3 or 4 vendors ask for the prices and wherever we get the minimum price we buy
the quantity that we want to buy; isn’t it, I think all of us do the same thing.

Now, it means we are doing value engineering, we have some target in our mind that
what type of onions we want, what is the size of the onion, general quality of the onions
that we want to buy and then we see 3 alternatives wherever we are getting the cheapest
alternative we are buying the onions from that vendor. So, everybody is doing value
engineering in his or her life, but the systematic analysis if we want to apply the same
concept in any engineering solution for example, this camera which is recording this
lecture if we want to analyze this concept or analyze this particular camera from the
value engineering point of view what do we need to do.

It is not as easy as buying onions we need to systematically breakdown the various

components into individual component, then see what is the function of each and every
component, then we have to see that can we combines some functions, can we eliminate
some function, can we do some design modifications keeping the performance same, the
performance should not deteriorate, performance should not die down that is our basic

So, buying onions for same quality or same taste or same package or same look, usually
we buy taking into account it should be good looking also, not good looking as a person,
but it should have a good packaging, it should not be stale, it should not be you can say
poor quality. So our quality is same we are comparing 3 alternatives and whatever
quality standard we have said we are picking it up, similarly for the camera design also
we need to keep the performance standard same, no change in the performance standard,
but we have to redesign it in such a way, so that the performance remaining same the
cost comes down, that is the basic concept of value engineering. So, everybody is doing
value engineering is in his or her life, but the systematic way of applying these concepts
we are going to focus during this session.

So let us quickly a see what is not value engineering. Value engineering is not cost
cutting many people say when you are saving money it is cost cutting, no it is entirely
different of focus area is entirely different must I tell you that in many cases the cost will
increase in many cases when you apply the concept of value engineering the cost may
increase, but the overall cost of that particular project would reduce may be when
considering the life cycle cost of the project or the product. So it is not cost cutting in
many cases the cost may further escalate on applying value engineering, but the overall
value of the product would certainly increase, so it is different from cost cutting.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:48)

We will see in one of the subsequent lectures, that how exactly it is different from cost
cutting, it is not design reviews some of the people may say there is at design then few
you can say persons will evaluate that designs based on the cost no it is not design
review, it is a design process itself in this we will see the concepts of value engineering
and we will design the product as per the value engineering guidelines.

So there is no review or this is not a design review process from cost point of view it is
not project elimination that if you have may be 3 or 4 different projects available, so you
will see which one is cheaper, select the cheapest project no that is not project
elimination, it is not scope reduction. Sometimes people will say that for this camera if
you apply value engineering it may eliminate 1 or 2 parts, so the overall scope of this
camera will die down no, that is not the case almost or I should say even there we can be
increase in the functional value of the product after the value engineering process. It will
never lead to scope reduction, but I can say with confidence that the scope may further
improve, that is one advantage of value engineering.

Quality reduction I think I have today only within last 7 to 10 minutes I have told I think
3 times that there has to be no compromise on the quality performance, reliability,
serviceability, no compromise anywhere, only thing is using the fundamental aspects of
science and engineering and using a commonsense we will aim to bring the cost of the
product down by our creativity innovation as well as the knowledge that engineers gather
over a period of time.

So there will be no compromise on anything that is quality reduction is not value

engineering, detailed cost estimation is also not value engineering and redesign you can
say slightly may be in value engineering we may suggest some new designs, but is will
not only the redesign process only. Redesign process may be you design the product
without considering the cost aspect no, in this case even if we are redesigning, we will
take in to a account the cost aspect also therefore, value engineering is not the redesign
process it is entirely different process. So, we can see all these points have nothing to do
with value engineering, value engineering is a different aspect.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:38)

Now some of you may the wondering what is a value engineering why question mark is
not put here because the answer is given may be on the same slide you can see what is
value engineering an organized study. So let me first emphasize on an organized study, it
is not philosophy, it is organized, it is systematic it is step by step, it is orderly, it has a
sequence, it is a systematic or scientific study, an organized study of functions, I have
already told with the help of example that each and every product that the customer buys
has a function. So, you have to take in to the account that function, it is a organized study
of the functions to satisfy the users need that we have seen why do we design products in
the last week we have seen that products are design to satisfy the fulfilled or the
unfulfilled or the new needs of the customers.

So the functions it is focusing on functions to satisfy the users need if with a quality
product, quality cannot be compromised in this at the lowest life cycle cost through
applied creativity. So let us see one by one there is a user need, for some functions which
have to be satisfied ensuring the quality at the lowest life cycle cost and how it is
possible by applied creativity. So, you can see I will not look at the explanation or the
definition again let me just try to clear this definition to you because the next 2 definition
I am just to going to read and move forward with our discussion basic definition out of
this definition can be that we have to achieve the desired function now why desired
because the user wants that function to be achieved.

So it is the process of ensuring or it is to achieve the desired function reliably at the

minimum possible cost reliably is a quality parameter or we can say it is to achieve the
desired function at the defined level of quality, but at the minimum possible cost, that is
what value engineering has to ensure. So, again it is emphasized that there has to be no
compromise at all in the quality as well as the performance parameters.

(Refer Slide Time: 20:17)

Let us now see the other definitions I will read this definition for you, value engineering
is an analysis of materials, processes and products in which functions are related to cost
as I have already told and from which a selection may be made so as to achieve the
desired function at the lowest overall cost consistent with the performance, again I am
reading to achieve the desired function at the lowest overall cost consistent with the

Let us see the second definition it is an organized, creative, cost search technique for
analyzing the function of a product with the purpose of value enhancement without
compromising with its quality, performance and efficiency. So, I think the concept of
value engineering is now absolutely clear to everybody that it is to ensure the desired
function is achieved reliably at minimum possible cost.

Now, if you see mathematically how you can relate this relationship or how you can put
this in to mathematics the value of the function is defined as a relationship of the cost to

(Refer Slide Time: 21:27)

Now V max is equal to performance maximum divided by cost minimum let me

emphasize here in place of performance, in many books or in different type of literature
you will get function also, it may be written as Value is equal to Function by Cost, V is
equal to F by C.

So this is a relationship between 3 things value of the product for example, this pointer
can have can be considered as a product order or the jacket can be considered as a
product. So, value of the product is directly proportional to its performance or the
functional value of that product and inversely proportional to cost. So, very easily I can
say that this jacket can have a very good value if it provides me the warmth for which I
had bought this jacket and I have to pay less money for the buy this jacket or for
acquiring this commodity or for acquiring this product.

So it is directly proportional to the functional value, inversely proportional to the money

that I have to spend to acquire that product. So, value and as a value engineer what
should be my target as a value engineer my target is to maximize this value maximize
and minimize the cost that the customer has to spend, how it is possible providing the
functional value high functional value for that product.

So it is easier said than done it requires lot of search, it requires lot of innovation, it
requires lot of creative thinking, there after only you will be able to come up with ideas
which will help you to redesign the product or which will help you to select the alternate
material for that product or which may help you to suggest an alternate manufacturing
process for that product, so that your cost is minimized. This is a basic concept of value
engineering and how it can be related mathematically how value can be related

So, some of you may be wondering now if I think you have understood the basic concept
of value engineering some of you may wondering that I am using a jacket how it can
have poor value or why do we need to do value engineering. So, prior that I may
emphasize on 3 words first one is value engineering. The number of books you will find
value analysis and value management which is not a very common term, but value
engineering and value analysis are used interchangeably and people are usually not able
to understand the difference between the 2.

So value engineering are the concepts when they are applied at the product design stage,
design stage means I have an idea that I have to manufacture may be a pointer which
should be able to have dual functions that is it should be able to point at the screen and it
should be able to change the slides also. Now if I apply all my value engineering
concepts and during the design stage of this pointer I am doing value engineering for this

Now, suppose this is already in my hand it means the product is already existing and I
am using it or the other users are using it, now suppose I want to apply the concepts of
value engineering on this then I will see what are the desired function and how I can
achieve both the functions you reliably without compromising on the performance but at
a lesser cost, then I have brought this product all right.

So, then it becomes value analysis the product is already there, the functions are already
being achieved, but I further want to analyze it from the cost point of view. Ok so that is
the point basic concept of value engineering and value analysis, now these point list out
that why these product, why do I want to analyze this product for value or in another
words we can say why should I do value analysis if already I have done value
engineering during the design stage. So these are the reasons that why products
sometimes have poor value and therefore, they need to be analyzed for further improving
their competitiveness in the market, because if you remember the product life cycle that
we have covered in our last week there is a maturity stage and at maturity stage the
market share of the product is more or less constant.

So the company may would like to become more competitive by offering discounts to the
customers, discount on the product to the customer now how the company will give
discount if they are able to save some money in the cost that is adding up to make that
product. So, at that point of time companies may want to do value analysis of the
product, that use now alternate materials or manufacture it through alternate process or
they can redesign it slightly. So, that the overall cost of the product comes down at they
pass on the benefits to the customer and try to get more market share during that maturity
stage. Therefore, the value analysis is equally important as compare to value engineering
which is applied at the beginning or at the design stage of the process.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:13)

Now let us quickly read these parameters what are the reasons for poor value in a
product, first is lack of or poor coordination among the designers, evident if designers
are not in harmony the product may have poor value, failure to network with customer
poor definition of needs and wants we have not been able to find out the functions that
the pro customer is desiring from the product. So, our marketing or our marketing
aspects have not been addressed properly, design based on habitual thinking or mistaken
beliefs usually change people do not want.

So, whatever is our design thinking we do not want to change which leads to poor value
in the product outdated or inappropriate design standards clearly evident a company may
be following the design standards for the last 20 years and many things may have
changed over period of time therefore, if old things are used you may not be able to
launch a product which has good value then incorrect assumptions based on poor
information, so information is not adequate fixation with previous design concepts.

So, whatever tools and techniques were used by the earlier designers in the company
same things are continuing therefore, the poor value may creeping into the product, there
can be other reasons also a during our discussion we will keep on identifying these
reasons which lead to poor value and with case studies we will see that why this poor
value has entered into the product and how using the concept of value engineering this
poor value was eliminated or the parameters or the function leading to this poor value
were removed from the product and product that was redesign was better as compared to
the previous product which was not value engineered properly. So these are only some
reasons which are responsible for poor value in the product there are other reasons also
which I will address during the course of our discussion.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:13)

Now this is when to apply the value engineering concepts, so this I will try to explain
briefly, this is the cost or the money this is the life cycle, if you see cost to implement the
change is increasing and cost reduction potential is decreasing.

So this is the gap here that is the net saving potential, cost to implement the change why
it in increases because suppose I am designing a product my product design is on my
screen, for example, if I am using a software CAD software I have designed the product
on my screen if slight modification is required immediately I will change the file and will
not cost much, but suppose it has already been prototype some you can say models have
already been made and test marketing is going on at that stage if I change what will
happen the cost to implement will keep on changing and similarly the cost reduction
potential will keep on reducing.

So it is always evident that we should apply the concepts of value engineering in the very
beginning stage only or at the design stage only. Ok so the design team has the greatest
impact on the cost saving and if you remember in one of the previous classes we have
seen that the cost is logged at the design stage 70 to 80 percent of the cost of the product
is logged or freezed or finalized at the design stage only, only 20 to 30 percent of the cost
is may be controlled during the manufacturing stage. So it is always important since this
technique is related to the cost aspect of the product it is important to apply this
technique at the design stage only.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:05)

Now this is a typical value engineering cycle it is given at Google, if you type value
engineering cycle you will get this diagram. So, very quickly I will just go through this
may be we will come to this again in the next lecture there is a Pre study Presentation,
Information Gathering and then this is the main value engineering cycle. This is common
to any engineering technique use you have to do a pre study, then you have to collect the
information, but this is the main value engineering cycle that is creativity and idea
generation, functional analysis, evaluation and selection in order to solve any problem
these are the 3 things.

And then finally, there is a presentation if the solution is acceptable next stage final
report not acceptable again it goes into the circle again you create, innovate, generate
new and new ideas do the functional analysis with those ideas and finally, do the
evaluation and selection.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:09)

The application areas of value engineering construction projects are one area
manufactured product manufacturing is going on any product which is being
manufactured is a may be a computer screen or a computer CPU anything that is
manufactured is can be, can use value engineering concept, business systems and process
is can also use service organizations like hospitals, airports, hotels all these industries can
use that basic concepts of value engineering.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:22)

So we can say that this is the applications application is not only limited to the tangible
product it is limited to the service industry also, maybe I will stop here for today’s lecture
we have seen today the basic concept of value engineering, the basic concept of function,
we will discuss the functions again in the next section and try to relate it with the product

We have seen the basic concept of value engineering the definitions of value engineering
and some mix or some miss information that value engineering is similar to cost cutting
we have try to address that value engineering is not cost cutting or a design review
process it is entirely different technique it is a systematic technique and which can be
applied to different application areas that is it can be applied to design of new products it
can be applied to service industry it can be applied to construction project.

It has got wide range of application and therefore, I personally feel that every engineer
should at least have a basic working knowledge of value engineering and that is the
target we are trying to achieve through this series of lectures. And over a period of may
be next 2 hours on discussion on this course on product design and development our
focus would be on value engineering application in product design process.

So, with this we come to the end of today’s lecture in the next lecture we will see the
next stage or application of value engineering into various aspects of engineering or
product design.

Thank you.

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