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Basic Core 3 - Practicing Career Professionalism

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References/Further Reading

Performance Criteria Checklist

Operation/Task/Job Sheet

Self Check Answer Key

Self Check

Information Sheet

Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome Summary

Module Content

List of Competencies

Module Content

Module Content

Front Page
In our efforts to standardize CBLM, the
above parts are recommended for use
in Competency Based Training (CBT) in
Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA)
Technology Institutions. The next
sections will show you the components
and features of each part.

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Practicing Developed by: Revision # 01
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Professionalism Moreno





Prepared By:
Mary Ann Sheleilla T. Moreno

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

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Practicing Developed by: Revision # 01
Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno
Welcome to the module in BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION NCII.
This module contains training materials and activities for you to complete.
The unit of competency "Practice Career Professionalism contains
knowledge, skills and attitudes required for Bread and Pastry Production
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order
to complete each learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome
are Information Sheets, Self-Checks, Operation Sheets or Task Sheets.
Follow these activities on your own. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to
ask your facilitator for assistance.
The goal of this course is the development of practical skills. To gain
these skills, you must learn basic concepts and terminologies. For the most
part, you'll get this information from the Information Sheets and suggested
resources and references
This module is prepared to help you achieve the required competency,
in "Practicing Career Professionalism ".
This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge
and skills in this particular competency independently and at your own
pace, with minimum supervision or help from your trainer.
Remember to:
 Work through all the information and complete the activities in each
 Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested
references are included to supplement the materials provided in this
 Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager.
He/she is there to support you and show you the correct way to do
 You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on
the job. Make sure you practice your new skills during regular work
shifts. This way you will improve both your speed and memory and also
your confidence.
 Use the Self-checks, Operation Sheets or Task Sheets at the end of each
section to test your own progress.
 When you feel confident that you have had sufficient skill, ask your
Trainer to evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be recorded
in your Progress Chart and Accomplishment Chart.

You need to complete this module before you perform the module on (Next
Module title).

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Professionalism Moreno
(Bread and Pastry Production NCII)
List of Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Participate in
Participate in workplace
1. workplace 500311105
Work in team Work in team
2. 500311106
environment environment
Practice career Practice career
3. 500311107
professionalism professionalism
Practice occupational Practice occupational
4. health and safety health and safety 500311108
procedures procedures

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Professionalism Moreno



MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This module covers the knowledge, skills

and attitudes in promoting career growth and


At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
Integrate personal objectives with organizational

1. Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the
qualifications set for the profession
2. Intra- and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the course of
managing oneself based on performance evaluation
3. Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the
performance of duties.
4. Competing demands are prioritized to achieve personal, team and
organizational goals and objectives.
5. Resources are utilized efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities
and commitments
6. Practices along economic use and maintenance of equipment and
facilities are followed as per established procedures
7. Trainings and career opportunities are identified and availed of based on
job requirements
8. Recognitions are sought/received and demonstrated as proof of career
9. Licenses and/or certifications relevant to job and career are obtained
and renewed

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Professionalism Moreno
(Integrate personal objectives with organizational)


1. Intra and Interpersonal skills

Assessment Criteria

1. Personal growth and work plans are pursued towards improving the
qualifications set for the profession
2. Intra- and interpersonal relationships are maintained in the course of
managing oneself based on performance evaluation
3. Commitment to the organization and its goal is demonstrated in the
performance of duties

The participants will have access to:

1. Intra and Interpersonal skills

2. Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.)

Assessment Method:

1. Portfolio Assessment
2. Interview
3. Simulation/Role-plays
4. Observation
5. Third Party Reports
6. Exams and Tests

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Career Mary Ann
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Professionalism Moreno
Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 1
Describe team role and scope

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read Information Sheet #3.1-1 on Read and understand the information
carefully about Intra and
Intra and Interpersonal skills Interpersonal skills
Answer Self-Check # 3.1-1 and You must get a rating of 100% in the
compare your answers from answer key self-check activity, if you get below
#3.1-1 100% rating, go over to the same
activities, but if you get the required
rating, then proceed to the next
Perform Task Sheet # 3.1-1 Evaluate the demonstration of task
using the Performance Criteria
Checklist #3.1-1
Have your trainer evaluate your
Read Information Sheet #3.1-2 on Read and understand the information
carefully about Work values and
Work values and ethics (Code of ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of
Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.) Ethics, etc.)

Answer Self-Check # 3.1-2 and You must get a rating of 100% in the
compare your answers from answer key self-check activity, if you get below
#3.1-2 100% rating, go over to the same
activities, but if you get the required
rating, then proceed to the next
Perform Task Sheet # 3.1-2 Evaluate the demonstration of task
using the Performance Criteria
Checklist #3.1-2
Have your trainer evaluate your
After doing all activities of this LO ,
you are ready to proceed to the next
LO on ________________________

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Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno
Information Sheet # 3.1-1
(Intra and Interpersonal skills)

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. Understand about the Intra and Interpersonal skill.

(Introductory Paragraph)
We, humans, are social animals, and we always need someone to
talk or share our opinions, news, and even feelings. Communication is
a substantial part of our life, whether we say something or not, it
automatically conveys a message to the persons surrounding us,
because it is inescapable. It can be intrapersonal communication or
interpersonal communication. The major difference between
intrapersonal and interpersonal communication is that the former is
invisible, as it goes in our mind, the latter is visible as it takes place
between several parties.



Meaning Intrapersonal Interpersonal

Communication is one, that Communication is the
we have with ourselves, i.e. communication between two
the communication that or more person, through
occurs in our mind. verbal or non-verbal

Persons One At least two


Occurence Continuous due to human Regular, due to social

nature. needs.

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Professionalism Moreno

Media Only a person's internal Supported by a verbal and

senses are involved. non-verbal media.

Concerned with Thinking and Analysis Exchanging and sharing of

ideas or information

Definition of Intrapersonal Communication

The communication with oneself is intrapersonal communication. It

involves thinking, analyzing, interpreting, assessing, contemplating,
feeling, etc. It is to reflect the individual self, with a view to clarifying

It is an activity that takes place in our mind; wherein a person is

involved in a conversation with himself/herself, commonly known as
‘self-talk’ or ‘inner speech’. The activity can be a monologue or internal
dialogue, i.e. when you imagine a conversation, in your mind with the
absent other. So, it is quite obvious that the sender and receiver are
the same person.

Internal discourse, Solo-vocal communication and Solo written

communication are the three levels of intrapersonal communication.
The three aspects that govern the intrapersonal communication are:

 Self-Concept: Self-concept ascertains the way an individual

takes himself/herself, oriented towards others. The three factors
in self-concept are:

o Belief
o Value
o Attitude
 Perception: It is what the mind receives and grasp from
the outside world.

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Professionalism Moreno
 Expectation: An individual’s future-oriented projection,
that something might happen.

Definition of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication is the one to one communication

between two or more persons, wherein exchange of ideas, information
or messages takes place through a channel. It can be a face to face
communication between parties, communication over mail, telephone
and the like.

In Interpersonal Communication, the way something is said is as

important as what is being said. So, here, the tone of voice, body
language, gestures, facial expressions, have a great impact on the
recipient. The features of interpersonal communication are as under:

 Inescapable: Whenever we try not to say anything to anyone at

all, it says something about our mood, attitude or nature, i.e. not
by words but through the non-verbal signals.
 Irreversible or Unrepeatable: Once something is being said, it
cannot be taken back, so neither it is reversible nor repeatable.
 Complex: Due to some variables involved in communication, it
is a complex process. The words used in the process of
communication may not have the same meaning for both sender
and receiver, and this complicates the process.
 Contextual: Context plays a significant role in the
communication process, as in there is psychological,
environmental, situational and relational context.

Key Differences Between Intrapersonal and Interpersonal

The difference between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication, can
be drawn clearly on the following grounds:
The communication that we have with ourselves, i.e. the communication
that occurs in our mind, is known as intrapersonal communication. The
communication between two or more person, through verbal or non-verbal
messages, is called interpersonal communication.
The intrapersonal communication is the communication with oneself, and so
only one person is involved in it. On the contrary, interpersonal
communication is always between two or more persons.

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Career Mary Ann
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Professionalism Moreno
Intrapersonal communication occurs continuously because it is the human
tendency to think, analyze and interpret things. Conversely, Interpersonal
Communication occurs regularly on a personal and professional level.
In intrapersonal communication, only an individual’s internal senses are
involved. As against this, interpersonal communication requires media, i.e.
to pass on the message to the other party.
In intrapersonal communication, is based on the thinking and analysis
while interpersonal communication is concerned with the exchange of ideas,
information, opinions, feelings and so on.


Intrapersonal communication is the base of interpersonal

communication because it is our experience on which our perception
relies and our perception influences our interaction with the other
persons. In intrapersonal communication the information is always
kept in a person’s mind, however, in an interpersonal communication,
the information flows from one person to another.

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Self- Check 3.1-1
(Intra and Interpersonal skills)

(Identification) : (Instruction)
1. What is intrapersonal Communication?
2. What is interpersonal Communication?
3. It is what the mind receives and grasp from the outside world.
4. Ascertains the way an individual takes himself/herself, oriented
towards others.
5. Plays a significant role in the communication process, as in
there is psychological, environmental, situational and relational

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Practicing Developed by: Revision # 01
Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno

(Intra and Interpersonal skills)

1. The intrapersonal communication is the communication with oneself,

and so only one person is involved in it. On the contrary,
interpersonal communication is always between two or more persons.
Intrapersonal communication occurs continuously because it is the human
tendency to think, analyze and interpret things. Conversely, Interpersonal
Communication occurs regularly on a personal and professional level.
2. In intrapersonal communication, only an individual’s internal senses
are involved. As against this, interpersonal communication requires
media, i.e. to pass on the message to the other party.
In intrapersonal communication, is based on the thinking and analysis
while interpersonal communication is concerned with the exchange of ideas,
information, opinions, feelings and so on.

3. Perception

4. Self- Concept

5. Contextual

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Career Mary Ann
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Professionalism Moreno
Title: Intra and Interpersonal skills
Performance Objective: Given an identification to be answer from
your information sheet, you should be able to
understand about intra and interpersonal skills.

Supplies/Materials : Eraser, Learning Materials, Paper and Pen

Equipment :

1. Read Information sheet # 3.1-1
2. Answer the identification and enumeration exam from self-
check # 3.1-1
3. Compare your answers in answer key # 3.1-1
4. Submit your output to your trainer.

Assessment Method:
 Direct Observation
 Oral interview and written test

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Professionalism Moreno
Performance Criteria Checklist 3.1-1

Did you….
1. Understand about intra and interpersonal skills?

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Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno
Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome 3
(Set and meet work priorities)

Learning Activities Special Instructions

Read Information Sheet #3.2-1 on Read and understand the information
Company policies carefully about Company policies

Answer Self-Check # 3.3-1 and You must get a rating of 100% in the
compare your answers from answer key self-check activity, if you get below
#3.2-1 100% rating, go over to the same
activities, but if you get the required
rating, then proceed to the next
Perform Task Sheet # 3.2-1 Evaluate the demonstration of task
using the Performance Criteria
Checklist #3.2-1
Have your trainer evaluate your
After doing all activities of this LO ,
you are ready to proceed to the next
LO on ________________________

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Career Mary Ann
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Professionalism Moreno
Information Sheet # 3.2-1
(Company policies)

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Understand about company policies.

(Introductory Paragraph)
Company policies and procedures establish the rules of conduct within an organization,
outlining the responsibilities of both employees and employers. Company policies and
procedures are in place to protect the rights of workers as well as the business interests of
employers. Depending on the needs of the organization, various policies and procedures
establish rules regarding employee conduct, attendance, dress code, privacy and other areas
related to the terms and conditions of employment.

Workplace Policies:

Some laws require employers to communicate workplace information

to employees in writing. In the absence of a specific requirement, employers
should also implement policies that communicate company expectations
and benefits. While the contents of your company's handbook will depend
on a number of factors, including your company's size, industry, and
location, consider including these key policies:

1. At-will employment. This statement reiterates that either you or the

employee can terminate the employment relationship at any time and for
any reason, as long as the reason is a lawful one. It is a best practice to
prominently display this statement in the beginning of your employee
handbook (except in Montana, where at-will employment is not recognized).
Reinforce at-will status in your handbook acknowledgment form as well.

2. Anti-harassment and non-discrimination. These policies prohibit

harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Non-discrimination laws
are governed by federal, state and local provisions, so review your applicable
law and account for all appropriate protections.

3. Employment classifications. It is a best practice to clearly define

employment classifications, such as full-time, part-time, exempt or non-
exempt since an employee's classification can dictate eligibility for benefits
and overtime pay.

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4. Leave and time off benefits. These policies address a company's
rules and procedures regarding holidays, vacation, sick, and other types of
time off benefits, or leave required by law (such as voting leave, family leave,
and domestic violence leave) or company policy. Check your state and local
law to ensure all leave requirements are included in your employee

5. Meal and break periods. A policy on meal and break periods informs
employees of the frequency and duration of such breaks as well as any rules
or restrictions related to break periods. Rest periods, lactation breaks, and
meal periods must be provided in accordance with federal, state and local

6. Timekeeping and pay. A timekeeping policy informs employees of the

method for recording time worked and the importance of accurately
recording their time. A policy on paydays lets employees know the frequency
of paydays, the methods available for receiving pay, and any special
procedures for when a payday falls on a holiday or when an employee is
absent from work.

7. Safety and health. Safety policies describe safety and emergency

procedures and require employees to report work-related injuries
immediately. Additionally, some regulations under the Occupational Safety
and Health Act require employers to have specific policies and programs in
place if certain workplace hazards exist (such as a hazard communication
program if certain chemicals are present in the workplace).

8. Employee conduct, attendance and punctuality. Attendance

policies make it clear that employees must be ready to work at their
scheduled start time each day and provide procedures for informing the
company of an unscheduled absence or late arrival. It is also a best practice
to have policies on standards of conduct, drug and alcohol abuse,
disciplinary action, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and workplace

Forms & Documents:

Employers must maintain certain records to comply with federal, state, and
local laws and to help administer HR policies and practices. Depending on
the nature of the form, these documents should either be retained in the
employee's personnel file, or a separate confidential file. Here are some key
forms to consider:

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9. Hiring forms. There are a variety of forms that can help you identify
qualified candidates during the pre-hire process, such as a job application
and candidate evaluation form. Once a candidate is hired, you must
complete certain new hire paperwork, including a Form W-4 and a Form I-9.
Additionally, certain notices must be provided to new hires.

10. Receipt of company property. If you provide employees with

equipment, tools, or other company property, use this form to document
what was provided to the employee. This can help ensure that all property is
returned and accounted for at the time of separation.

11. Handbook acknowledgments. When an employee signs this form, he

or she acknowledges that they are responsible for reading and complying
with all company policies. Obtain signed acknowledgments when you first
issue the handbook, at the time of hire for new employees, and whenever
you make changes to the handbook.

12. Leave of absence. Have employees submit requests for time off or

other types of leave in writing. In some cases, the federal government or
your state government may provide sample forms, such as those used for
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) purposes.

13. Reasonable accommodation requests. Federal and some state laws

require employers to provide reasonable accommodations for applicants and
employees with disabilities, or sincerely held religious beliefs and practices.
While employees aren't required to make reasonable accommodation
requests in writing, employers should thoroughly document the request, all
communications regarding the request, and the resulting accommodation.

14. Performance and discipline. Document all performance and

disciplinary events, whether positive or negative. This includes annual
performance reviews, recognitions received, promotions, and disciplinary
action, such as written and oral warnings and performance improvement

15. Business expenses. If employees travel for work, or incur

other business-related expenses, have them maintain an expense log and
submit reimbursement requests in writing.

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Self- Check # 3.2-1
(Company policies)

(Enumeration) : (Instruction)
Enumerate the different forms and documents needed in company

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Professionalism Moreno
ANSWER KEY # 3.2-1
(Company policies)

1. Hiring forms. 

2. Receipt of company property.

3. Handbook acknowledgments. 

4. Leave of absence. 

5. Reasonable accommodation requests. 

6. Performance and discipline. 

7. Business expenses. 

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TASK SHEET # 3.2.-1
Title: Company policies

Performance Objective: Given an identification to be answer from

your information sheet, you should be able to
understand company policies
Supplies/Materials :Eraser, Learning Materials, Paper and Pen

Equipment :

5. Read Information sheet # 3.2-1
6. Answer the identification and enumeration exam from self-
check # 3.2-1
7. Compare your answers in answer key # 3.2-1
8. Submit your output to your trainer.

Assessment Method:
 Direct Observation
 Oral interview and written test

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Performance Criteria Checklist # 3.2-1

Did you….
1. Understand about different company policies?

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Professionalism Moreno
Information Sheet # 3.3-1
(Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc.)

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1.Understand about work values and ethics.

(Introductory Paragraph)
Managing ethics in the workplace involves identifying and prioritizing
values to guide behaviours in the organization. This can be achieved
through the development of codes of ethics and conduct and associated
policies and procedures.

Purpose of a Code
Codes of ethics and codes of conduct set out the relevant principles or
standards to guide performance. They help ensure the organization is
effective, open and accountable.
A code of ethics defines the fundamental principles (eg respect, honesty,
compassion, accountability, etc) and provides general guidance in terms of
ethical and moral responsibility. Importantly, these principles can be used
to guide responses where there is uncertainty or no specific rule in place. A
code of conduct clearly outlines expected standards of behaviour. It is a
clear set of unambiguous expectations. The code of conduct specifies actions
in the workplace, whereas a code of ethics is a general guide to decisions
about those actions.

In practice, when comparing the two, a Code of Ethics is more likely to:
• Be more general
• Contain fewer principles
• Be expressed in terms of 'ought' (and not 'must')
• Be directed to all people affected (not just to 'employees')
• Provide general guidance in those cases where a Code of Conduct is silent,
ambiguous or unclear.
A code of ethics may include provisions such as:
• We have respect for the rights and dignity of people and peoples •

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We act with integrity in all our dealings
• We provide a challenging and safe workplace in which people can flourish
• We value a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable environment
promoting human rights and social justice.

A Code of Conduct is more specific, providing clear instructions under

discreet headings. For example: Standards of work
• Accountability
o Work within the goals and objectives of the organization
o Follow the rules, policies and procedures of the organization
o Act within the law
o Undertake all duties in a diligent manner
o Not act in a way that brings them or the organization into
• Personal behaviours
o Work cooperatively as a member of the team
o Support colleagues and treat everyone with respect and courtesy
o Discuss ethical concerns with colleagues and managers
o Project a positive image of the organization
o Not be absent from duties without an appropriate reason o Maintain
Developing a Code of Ethics and/or a Code of Conduct
1. Involve everyone “Everyone” in this situation refers to all staff and
volunteers including board members. There are a number of reasons for
this: • People are more likely to apply rules they have been involved in
developing • Broad based involvement increases the likelihood that the
documents will be relevant to the daily experience of those using them •
Most importantly, if “respect for staff and volunteers” is an integral part of
the ethics framework, broad based involvement is clear evidence of that
2. Establish a short development cycle Timely reports on progress
and a final document produced within an agreed timeframe helps protect
against the process being seen as no more than a “management gesture”.
3. Review the documents at regular intervals Regular review
involving everyone is more likely to result in a relevant and living document.
A review may not result in changes to the code. It may simply confirm that
what has been documented is still appropriate.

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4. Ensure authenticity The final document needs to be an authentic
expression of what people hold to be right and important.
5. Use plain English and inclusive language

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

Date Date Revised:
CBLM on Bread Developed:
and Pastry August 2020
Production NCII Page 27 of 34
Practicing Developed by: Revision # 01
Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno
Self- Check # 3.3-1
(Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics,

(Type of Test) : (Instruction)

Enumerate the ways on how to Develop a Code of Ethics and/or
a Code of Conduct.

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

Date Date Revised:
CBLM on Bread Developed:
and Pastry August 2020
Production NCII Page 28 of 34
Practicing Developed by: Revision # 01
Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno
ANSWER KEY # 3.3-1
(Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc)

1. Involve everyone
2. Establish a short development cycle
3. Review the documents at regular intervals
4. Ensure authenticity
5. Use plain English and inclusive language

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

Date Date Revised:
CBLM on Bread Developed:
and Pastry August 2020
Production NCII Page 29 of 34
Practicing Developed by: Revision # 01
Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno
TASK SHEET # 3.3-1
Title: (Work values and ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc)

Performance Objective: Given an identification to be answer from your

information sheet, you should be able to understand (Work values and
ethics (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc)

Supplies/Materials :Eraser, Learning Materials, Paper and Pen

Equipment :

1. Read Information sheet # 3.3-1
2. Answer the identification and enumeration exam from self-
check # 3.31
3. Compare your answers in answer key # 3.3-1
4. Submit your output to your trainer.

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

Date Date Revised:
CBLM on Bread Developed:
and Pastry August 2020
Production NCII Page 30 of 34
Practicing Developed by: Revision # 01
Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno
Performance Criteria Checklist # 3.3-1

Did you….
1. 1.Understand about (Work values and ethics (Code
of Conduct, Code of Ethics, etc)?

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

Date Date Revised:
CBLM on Bread Developed:
and Pastry August 2020
Production NCII Page 31 of 34
Practicing Developed by: Revision # 01
Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno
References for Further Reading

Document No. NTTA-TM1-07

Date Date Revised:
CBLM on Bread Developed:
and Pastry August 2020
Production NCII Page 32 of 34
Practicing Developed by: Revision # 01
Career Mary Ann
Sheleilla T.
Professionalism Moreno

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