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Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

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Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution using carbon-based T

adsorbents: A review
Chengyu Duana, Tianyu Maa, Jianyu Wanga, Yanbo Zhoua,b,*
State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Environmental Risk Assessment and Control on Chemical Process, East China University of Science and Technology, No.
130 Meilong Road, Shanghai, 200237, China
National Engineering Laboratory for Industrial Wastewater Treatment, East China University of Science and Technology, No. 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai, 200237,


Keywords: Heavy metal contamination has been a serious threat to environment and human health. Carbon-based mate-
Heavy metal rials, from biochar/activated carbon to modified materials (i.e. carbon nanotubes-based materials, and gra-
Adsorption phene-based materials), have been widely studied as efficient adsorbents for the heavy metal removal from
Carbon-Based materials aqueous solutions. This review discussed the recent achievements in adsorption isotherms, adsorption kinetics
and adsorption mechanism according to the existing forms of heavy metals in water. The effect of process
conditions, such as temperature, pH value, and coexisting ions, on adsorption performance are combed, and the
universal guidance law is obtained. The physical adsorption, electrostatic interaction, ion exchange, surface
complexation, and precipitation/coprecipitation play important roles in heavy metals adsorption process. In
addition to the common activated carbon(AC), biochar(BC) and the emerging carbon nanotubes(CNTs) and
graphene(GN) adsorbent show good development potentials. Meanwhile, though the modified carbonaceous
materials can achieve high adsorption capacity and removal efficiency of heavy metals, the modification op-
eration is complex, especially chemical modification. Acid and alkali solution are often used to regenerate spent
materials in desorption, however, further studies of other desorption reagent are really needed. This review
highlights the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solution using carbon-based materials as adsorbents,
and discusses the existing deficiencies and suggestions on further study.

1. Introduction exchange, membrane filtration, and adsorption are used to the removal
of heavy metals in water, and these technologies show their advantages
The development of mining, smelting, chemical industry, battery and disadvantages in real situations (Please refer to Table A1). Con-
manufacturing and the extensive use of pesticides and fertilizers caused sidering the removal capacity, energy consumption, sensitivity of op-
a huge emission of heavy metals in surface water and ground water eration conditions and secondary pollution, adsorption method is the
[1,2]. Pb, Cu, Cr, Cd, Hg, Zn, Ni, As, and other heavy metals could be best choice [1]. Common adsorbents include low-cost materials, car-
refractory and accumulated in organisms [2,3] to trigger poisoning or bonaceous materials, and modified materials [13], and these adsorbents
chronic diseases. In United States, Japan, India, and Turkey, it was have so wide ranges of variety and sources that they can be selected
reported that some rivers, wetlands, or bays suffered from heavy metal according to local conditions by different countries and regions
contamination [4–7]. In recent years, heavy metals pollution accidents [14–16]. Importantly, easy operation, renewable adsorbent, and low
occurred frequently in China: Taihu Lake, Chaohu Lake, Dongting Lake, toxicity are main characteristics of adsorption [17,18], which bring a
Poyang Lake, tributaries of Songhua River, Pearl River, Jiulong River, broad application prospects to adsorption in heavy metals remove in
and other freshwater resources are polluted by heavy metals in different water.
degrees [3,8–12]. Heavy metal pollution has become a great danger to Carbon-based materials, are powdered or bulk non-metallic solid
human health and the safety of water-drinking and water-using. materials with carbon as the main ingredient, which includes activated
Today, chemical precipitation, electrochemical method, ion carbon/biochar (AC/BC), carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene (GN)

Corresponding author at: State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Environmental Risk Assessment and Control on Chemical Process, East China
University of Science and Technology, No. 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai, 200237, China.
E-mail address: (Y. Zhou).
Received 1 March 2020; Received in revised form 4 May 2020; Accepted 6 May 2020
2214-7144/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

analogues, etc. They have the outstanding advantages of large specific often used to fit the adsorption process [29,30].
surface area, abundant pore structure, good thermal stability, high
mechanical strength [19], high adsorption capacity and controllable 2.1.1. Adsorption isotherm
morphology [20]. In order to better meet the requirements of water Under certain temperature conditions, there are some certain re-
quality, a lot of development and improvement work has been done; lationships between adsorbate and unabsorbed adsorbate on the ad-
therefore, various carbonaceous materials and their derivatives were sorbent surface in water. These relationships can be described by iso-
developed. Many modification methods have been developed for the thermal model, as shown below [15,31–34]:
enhanced removal of heavy metal ions, such as oxidization, magneti- Ce C 1
zation, functional group graft, and compositing with inorganic sub- Langmuir adsorption isotherm: = e +
Qe Qm kL Qm (1)
stances [21]. Some studies have reviewed modified AC / BC, CNTs, or
GN analogues adsorbents, respectively, but the certain guidelines for 1
Freundlich adsorption isotherm:Qe = KF ∙Ce n (2)
modification and the inherent mechanisms are not clearly stated
[22,23]. In fact, the modification methods or adsorption mechanisms Qm,i KL, i Ce, i
Extended Langmuir isothermal:Qe, i =
involved in these studies are similar, thus, a summarization can be 1 + ∑ KL, i⋅Ce, i (3)
meaningful to examine carbon-based adsorbents as a whole for heavy
metal removal, and the regeneration strategy also should be system- Ce 1 k − 1 Ce
BET isotherm: = + ⋅
atically considered. Qe (Cs − Ce ) kQm kQm Cs (4)
This review aims to highlight the removal of heavy metals from Temkin isotherm:Qe = B ln KT + B ln Ce Qe (5)
aqueous solution using carbon-based adsorbents. The adsorption be-
havior, model fitting, process factors, as well as the adsorption me- D− R model: q = qmexp(−βε 2), ε = RTln (1 +
chanism are briefly introduced. The universal modification methods C (6)
and the regeneration process of several typical carbon materials (e.g. where Qe denotes the amount adsorbed at equilibrium, mg g−1; Qm
AC/BC, CNTs, and GN adsorbent) are classified and summarized. This represents the maximum adsorption capacity, mg g−1; Ce is the equi-
review provides clue for three typical carbonaceous materials to de- librium concentration of remaining heavy metal ions in the solution,
velop carbon-based adsorbents in heavy metal removal, and the per- mg·L−1; kL is Langmuir constants that represents the affinity between
spectives of further research are presented. solute and adsorbent, L mg−1; kF is Freundlich constants that are re-
lated to the sorption capacity, (mg g−1)(L mg−1)1/n; 1 is Freundlich
2. Adsorption behavior of heavy metals in aqueous solution constants that are related to the sorption intensity; Cs is the con-
centration of adsorptive at equilibrium, mg·L−1; k is a parameter re-
Heavy metal has been regarded as extremely dangerous environ- lated to the difference in adsorption heat between the first and each of
mental pollution, which are toxic to human beings even at low con- the subsequent layers, L mg−1; B is a constant related to the heat of
centrations level and possible to trigger poisoning or chronic diseases sorption; KT is the equilibrium binding constant corresponding to the
[23,24]. When the heavy metals enter the water, they always exist in maximum binding energy, L mg−1; q is the amount of metal ions ad-
different forms, such as cations, anions, and hydroxide complexes sorbed on per weight unit of adsorbents after equilibrium, mol/g; qm is
[25,26] depending on the conditions of dissolved oxygen, pH and or- the maximum adsorption capacity at complete monolayer coverage,
ganic matter content. The insoluble metal oxide or easily deposited mol/g; β is the activity coefficient related to mean sorption energy,
heavy metal salt, such as CuO, PbO, ZnS, and PbSO4 [27], are not the mol2/kJ2; ε is the Polanyi potential; R is ideal gas constant, 8.3145 J
key targets for adsorption; relatively, as shown in Table 1, the ad- mol−1 K−1; T is the absolute temperature, K.
sorption behavior of soluble heavy metals (such as Pb(II), Cd(II), Cr(VI), Among these formulas, Langmuir isotherm, Freundlich isotherm
Cu(II), Zn(II), Ni(II), Hg(II), and As(V)) are most studied [28]. and extended Langmuir isotherm models are often used in the study of
adsorption of heavy metals on carbon materials [21,35]. As shown in
2.1. Common adsorption models of carbon-based adsorbents Table 1, Langmuir isotherm is more frequently used in heavy metal
adsorption studies of carbon-based materials, which implies chemical
With the adsorption process going on, the adsorption and desorption monolayer adsorption and the adsorption performance of adsorbent
rate will eventually reach the same state, that is, adsorption equili- surface is uniform [17,31,36]. However, some carbon-based adsorbents
brium, in relative studies, adsorption isotherm and kinetic model are do not meet that ideal uniform condition [16], and Freundlich isotherm

Table 1
Reported adsorption isotherm and kinetics model of carbon-based adsorbents in heavy metal removal.
Adsorbent Heavy metal Best-fit isotherm model Best-fit kinetics model Ref

Rice husk carbon Cr Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [50]

Corn straw porous carbon Cr Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [46]
Sesame straw BC Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn Langmuir – [52]
Discarded mushroom-stick BC Pb, Cu, Cd, Ni Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [53]
Anerobic digestion sludge BC Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr Langmuir, the competitive Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [54,55]
Water hyacinth BC Cd Langmuir, The pseudo-second-order model [56]
Oxidized MWCNTs Pb Freundlich, D–R model The pseudo-second-order [37]
Thiol-derivatized SWCNT Hg Langmuir, Freundlich The first-order model [57]
Polyhydroxylbutyrate functionalized CNTs As, Pb, Cr, Cd, Ni, Cu, Fe, Zn Temkin The pseudo-second-order model [41]
Magnetic MWCNT Hg Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [58]
GO Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [59]
rGO Pb Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [60]
GO-chitosan composite Cr, As Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [38,61]
β-cyclodextrin modified magnetic GO Pb, Cu Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [62]
β-cyclodextrin/ethylenediamine/magnetic GO Cr Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [63]
GO-MgO nanohybrid Pb Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [64]
nZVI-rGO composites As Langmuir The pseudo-second-order model [65]

C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

Table 2
Adsorption performance of carbon-based adsorbents under different pH.
Adsorbent Heavy metal pH Change of removal efficiency Optimum pH Ref

Corn straw porous carbon Cr(VI) 1−9 A decline within pH = 1∼9. The removal efficiencies were 99.9 %, 98.32 %, and 32.22 %, when pH = 3 [46]
1, 3, and 9, respectively.
Oxidized MWCNTs Pb(II) 6−12 A quickly increase within pH = 6∼7, a maintainable level within pH = 7∼10, and an increase within 7−10 [37]
pH = 10∼12.
Magnetic MWCNT Hg(II) 1−8 There is an obvious decline of removal efficiency within pH = 2∼8 2 [58]
rGO Pb(II) 2, 3, 4 The removal efficiencies were 96.6 %, 96.3 %, and 53.4 %, at pH = 2, 3, and 4, respectively. 4 [60]
GO-chitosan composite Cr(VI) 1−11 A significant improvement within pH = 1∼4, but a decline when pH above 7.3. 2 [61]
As(III) 2−12 A significant improvement within pH = 2∼7.3, but a decline above 4. 7.3 [38]

can be used as an empirical formula without hypothetical conditions for equation is mainly to further determine whether the adsorption process
multilayer adsorption [34]; for example, Xu et al. found that Freundlich is dominated by internal diffusion only [42].
simulated the Pb(II) adsorption data of oxidized multiwalled CNTs In these kinetic models, contact time obviously is an important
better than Langmuir [37]. In addition, real water body might be binary variable which relates to adsorption capacity [50]. Exactly, due to the
system or multi-system, Hayati et al. found that when used CNTs time to meet that equilibrium is different for various heavy metals, the
modified by amination to adsorb Cu(II) and Pb(II) in their binary contact time should be considered especially when there is a binary
system, the adsorption data was fitted better by extended Langmuir system or multi-system of heavy metals [51].
isotherm than Langmuir isotherm [32]. Although Sherlala et al. found
that Temkin isotherm provided an evidence for ion exchange by one 2.2. Effects of process factors on heavy metals removal
kind of functionalized CNTs and showed higher R2 than that of Lang-
muir or Freundlich isotherm in their study [38], there are few mentions pH, temperature, initial concentration, and coexisting ions are main
of Temkin isotherm in other studies for heavy metal adsorption, and factors of adsorption for heavy metals, which affect the performance of
also D–R model is rare. In studies, it is noteworthy that to determine carbon-based adsorbent material in heavy metals removal.
which model the adsorption process conform to should not only rely on
R2 of the fitting equation, but also judged by its basic hypothesis; 2.2.1. Effect of pH
however, the basic hypothesis of some adsorbents is unclear, and the The pH value reflects the concentration level of H+ in water, and
data meets two isotherms well, then the estimation of adsorption ca- ion exchange and electrostatic interaction are greatly influenced by H+
pacity requires other reports [39,40]. concentration. Different carbon-based materials possess different pHPZC
values, which refer to the pH value when the zeta potential of ad-
2.1.2. Adsorption kinetics sorbents reaches zero [35]. As shown in Table 2, the effect of pH is
The adsorption kinetics are elucidated by studying the change of obvious for adsorption performance of carbon-based adsorbents. When
adsorptive capacity or adsorptive rate of adsorbent. The commonly the pH value is lower than pHPZC value, it is not only meaning that more
used kinetic models are shown in follow equations [31,41,42]: H+ could exchange with heavy metal cations [21]; but also the high
concentration of H+ would protonate the surface functional groups
k1 t
The pseudo-first-order model: log(Qe − Qt ) = logQ e − (e.g. -NH2, −OH) of carbon-based materials, so that the number of
2.303 (7)
surface positive charges obtains an increase [46,62]. Then, due to the
t 1 t electrostatic repulsion, the adsorption of heavy metal cations would
The pseudo− second− order model: = + meet a decrease in water, meanwhile the adsorption effect of anions
Qt k2 Qe2 Qe (8)
(e.g. HCrO4−) becomes better [63]. When pH value increases, even
The Weber Morris equation:Qt = kWM t + c (9) higher than pHPZC, deprotonation brings back the negative charge for
functional groups [46], thus showing the opposite effect of cations and
Elovich kinetic model:Qt = (1/ β )ln(αβ ) + (1/ β )ln t (10) anions. Therefore, in heavy metal cation adsorption, the pHPZC of
carbon-based adsorbents should be more acidic for a wider operational
where Qt is the amount adsorbed at time t, mg g−1; Qe denotes the
range of pH; on the contrary, the pHPZC should be more alkaline for
amount adsorbed at equilibrium, mg g−1; k1 is the rate constant of
anionic [35]. In addition, the ionic form of heavy metal ions also
pseudo-first-order adsorption, min−1; t is time, min; k2 is the rate
connects with H+ concentration [36,66], these different forms of ions
constant of pseudo-second-order adsorption, g·(mg min−1; kWM is the
have different affinity to functional groups [67], which ultimately affect
intraparticle diffusion rate constant, mg·(g·min1/2)−1; c is a constant
the adsorption capacity.
related to thickness and boundary layer; αis the initial rate of adsorp-
tion, mg·(g min−1; βis desorption constant, g mg−1.
2.2.2. Effect of temperature
Adsorption behavior of heavy metals in water by carbon materials is
The influence of temperature on adsorption is generally related to
often described using the pseudo-first-order and the pseudo-second-
the thermodynamic nature of the adsorption process, and some para-
order kinetic models, while the latter is used more frequently [43] (see
meters, such as enthalpy change (ΔH), free energy change (ΔG), and
Table 1). Wang et al. found the adsorption data of using willow wood
entropy (ΔS) [68], which are evaluated from thermodynamic equations
BC and cattle manure BC to adsorb Ni, Cu, and Cd, fitted well the
pseudo-first-order model [44]. In general, the pseudo-first-order model
assumes that there is reversible physical adsorption in the adsorption ΔH ΔS
lnkc = − +
processes [45], however, the pseudo-second-order model is most fre- RT R (11)
quently used in the adsorption of heavy metals by carbon materials in
ΔG = −RTlnkc (12)
this review, which means that the adsorption of carbon materials is
mostly chemical [46–49]. Elovich kinetic model describes adsorption in Where R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol) and T (K) is the
heterogeneous systems influenced by reaction rate and diffusion factor absolute temperature.
together [41], and there are few carbon-based adsorbents studies about ΔG and ΔH can be auxiliary explanation of adsorption behavior by
it for heavy metal removal. The application of the Weber Morris evaluating the isotherm data [59]. In this review, negative ΔG and

C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

Fig. 1. Main Mechanisms of heavy metal by carbon-based materials.

positive ΔH in most adsorption of heavy metals by carbon materials, respectively [52]; and the existence and difference of this competitive
indicating that the adsorption process are spontaneous, and the ad- adsorption behaviors are decided by electric charges and hydrated ra-
sorption capacity would increase with increasing temperature in certain dius of those cations, which cause different affinity to adsorption sites
range [69]. For instance, Mohan et al. confirmed the adsorption of Pb on carbon-based adsorbents in binary system or multi-system [42].
(II) by MgO-loaded graphene oxide at 20℃ is lower than the state at Secondly, high concentration of K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ in waters
30℃ [64]. However, Hadavifar et al. found that Hg(II) adsorption onto can also compete with heavy metal cations to bring a decrease of the
MWCNTs-SH was more efficient at lower temperatures with the nega- heavy metal adsorption efficiency [53,71,72]. Thirdly, anions would
tive ΔG° and negative ΔH° [70]; therefore, the adsorption process of one interact with heavy metal cations to form coordination ions or pre-
carbon-based material also could be exothermic reaction [36]. Fur- cipitation, and compete with heavy metal anions for adsorption sites.
thermore, Peng et al. believed that temperature can cause changes in For instance, the existence of SO42− in the solution can enhance the
solubility and intermolecular interactions, and it might be the reason of precipitation and reduction of Cr(VI) while the existence of HCO3- could
the temperature influencing the adsorption processes [69]. However, it affect the valence transition of Fe and inhibit the Cr(VI) removal [67].
is favorable that adsorption taking place at normal temperature for real However, SO42− can result a decline of Cr(VI) removal efficiency duo to
situation (see in Table A2), so extra heating or cooling of solution competition behavior, and smaller negative charges of NO3-and Cl-
should be avoided as far as possible. make them show weak effects in adsorption of Cr(VI) [36]. And more
studies of coexisting anions need to be developed furtherly, for ex-
2.2.3. Effect of initial concentration ample, the possibility and effect of Hg2Cl2 precipitation formed by Cl-
Within a certain concentration range, the adsorption capacity for and Hg+ in Hg(II) adsorption process have not been defined clearly
heavy metals keeps increasing with an increase of initial concentration, [66].
when carbon-based adsorbent has not met a saturation. One reason for In aqueous solution, duo to the most of heavy metal ions are cations,
this is that higher initial concentration contributes to an increases of the the pHPZC of carbon-based adsorbents should be acidic for a wider
transfer power from solution to carbon-based materials surface [32]. operational range of pH, but the differences of pHPZC of carbon-based
But when the initial concentration is set at a higher level, all adsorption materials require various pH in real situation. And current researches
sites would be occupied and/or the adsorbent surface is covered by the should be further developed in effect of coexisting anions, and a normal
firstly adsorbed heavy metal ions [64], then, the interaction between temperature for adsorption process should be considered.
those unabsorbed heavy metal ions and carbon-based adsorbents would
be hindered. So, an exorbitant initial concentration of target heavy 2.3. Adsorption mechanisms
metal ions will meet a decrease in the adsorption efficiency for later
adsorption stage. In addition, the change of pollutant concentration will There are five main types of adsorption for heavy metal on carbon-
also affect the fitting degree of adsorption isotherm model. In some based materials as shown in Fig. 1:
cases, increasing the initial concentration of pollutants will make the
adsorption transition from single molecular layer to multi-molecular (1) Physical adsorption: A process about diffusion and deposition of
layer, which will lead to the change of the best fitted adsorption model. heavy metal ions in the pore of the adsorbent material, does not
form chemical bonds, which depends on the pore size distribution
2.2.4. Effect of coexisting ions and surface area of the adsorbent itself; exactly, the increases of
In solution, ionic strength can represent the background electrolyte micropores and mesoporous can increase surface area and facilitate
concentration, which affects the interface potential and thickness of the contaminant diffusion, which can promote physical adsorption and
double layer [36]. Some coexisting cations or anions with different accelerate adsorption kinetics [73]. For instance, Fahmi et al. stu-
strength would play a role in heavy metal ions removal by carbon-based died the adsorption performance of grated empty fruit bunch BC
adsorbents in three aspects. Firstly, different heavy metal ions coex- and found that higher surface area and more exposed microporous
isting in a certain space compete with each other for adsorption sites, can bring a promotion of Pb(II) adsorption capacity [74].
the adsorption capacity or removal efficiency of adsorbent would per- (2) Electrostatic interaction: When negative or positive charges are
form a relative decrease when the system containing two or more kinds carried on the adsorbent surface, the electrostatic attraction would
of cations (or anions) compared with single system. Park et al. con- play a role in adsorption process between adsorbent and opposite
firmed that the adsorption capacity of BC in a mixed system of (Cd2+ + charged ions. Previous studies confirmed that electrostatic inter-
Pb2+) was lower than that of Cd2+ or Pb2+ single metal system, action is one of mechanisms for heavy metal adsorption by AC,

C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

CNTs, and GN [21]. The surfaces of most carbon-based materials or chemical properties of carbon-based materials often make them
are variably charged, and as mentioned in 2.2.1, solution pH and perform different adsorption behavior, and the properties of various
pHPZC of adsorbents can influence the electrostatic interaction. And carbon-based materials are usually determined by their preparation
the interaction between protonated or deprotonated functional process. BC, for example, Deng et al. [78] and Yu et al. [80] found that
groups and heavy metal ions can be available on carbon-based the higher porosity, larger specific surface area, more obvious graphite
adsorbents surface, such as the electrostatic attraction between crystal structure and higher pH value can be obtained at higher pyr-
protonated -NH3+ with HCrO4−, Cr2O72-, and CrO42- [63]. olysis temperature, meanwhile less oxygen-containing functional
(3) Ion exchange: Ion exchange usually occurs between divalent metal groups affects physical or chemical adsorption efficiency. In addition, it
cations (M2+) and the proton of oxygen−COntaining functional can be notable that most studies concentrated on the heavy metal ions,
groups (−COOH, −OH), and cation exchange capacity (CEC) is an and the removal studies of hydroxide complexes or other heavy metal
indicator of this [21]. Lai et al. found this removal mechanism complexes ions are inadequate [81].
contributes a lot to the adsorption of heavy metals by AC/BC [75].
However, according the research of Peng et al, the metal mineral 3. Application of carbon-based adsorbents in adsorption of heavy
ions (such as K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) contained in graphene oxide metals
also showed capability to exchange with heavy metal cations [69].
(4) Surface complexation: On the adsorbents surface, functional groups Carbonaceous materials have abundant pores and functional
(such as −OH, −COOH, -O-, and −CO-NH-) react with heavy groups, which can be used for heavy metal removal in water and
metal ions (especially M2+) or complexes (such as Cd (OH)+, Pb roughly classified into three categories: AC/BC based materials, CNTs
(OH)+) for heavy metals enrichment from aqueous solution [66], based materials and GN based materials. Namely, the development of
and surface complexation forms multiatom structures in reaction various modified materials based on AC/BC, CNTs and GN are the three
processes [21]. There are many reports have mentioned that Cd2+, main lines for the development of carbon-based adsorbent.
Cu2+, and Ni2+ could complex with −OH and −COOH [76–78].
For instance, Li et al. found that surface complexation might was an
3.1. AC/BC based materials
important mechanism in Cd, Pb, and Hg removal, which con-
tributed by −OH or −COOH on BC surface [66]. And Hadavifar
AC is produced by pyrolysis and activation of wood, coal, lignite,
et al. found that -SH can complex with Hg2+ on thiol-derivatized
and other carbon-containing raw materials [82,83], and it is amorphous
CNTs surface [70].
carbon solid with black powder, granular, massive and honeycomb
(5) Precipitation/coprecipitation: Heavy metal ions can form solid
shapes. AC can be obtained by pyrolysis and activation of most carbon-
precipitates or coprecipitate with other ions and groups on ad-
rich substances in principle, so the sources of it are very wide. BC, a
sorbent surface to dissociate from water. Liu et al. found that the
porous solid materials [80] with carbon as the main component, were
coprecipitation can be observed obviously in adsorption systems
obtained by biomass pyrolysis [84], such as botanic materials and
with high concentration of heavy metal ions [17], and it can occurs
agricultural waste. BC is similar to AC, or there is no clear boundary
on carbon-based adsorbents surface repeatedly [21]; such as the
between them in the studies and utilization of them in heavy metal
precipitation or coprecipitation as CdCO3, Cd3(PO4)2, and probably
Cd(OH)2 on BC in Cd removal [56].

Sometimes, reduction plays a role in the heavy metal removal: Some 3.1.1. AC and BC
high-valent heavy metal ions are not directly adsorbed but reduced to Agricultural waste-derived AC/BC. Rice husk carbon. Khan et al.
low-valent states firstly (such as Cr(VI) being reduced to Cr(III), Hg2+ [85] mixed dried rice husk and sulfuric acid, and heated the mixture for
being reduced to Hg2Cl2) due to the electronegativity of the carbon a period of time, then the rice husk carbon was obtained. After the
materials themselves, and then removed by complexation and ion ex- adsorption experiment of Cr(VI) removal, it was found that when the
change [66]. Table 3 shows the contributions of those mechanisms in initial concentration of Cr(VI) was 80 mg/L and pH = 2, Cr(VI) would
adsorption processes taking place on carbon-based materials. be completely adsorbed after 120 min. Deng et al. [78] carried out the
For these mechanisms, they are universal for most of carbon-based adsorption experiments of Cd(II) and Ni(II) with rice husk carbon. The
adsorbents; however, while precipitation/coprecipitation may occur in equilibrium adsorption capacity of Cd(II) and Ni(II) was 65.40 mg/g
adsorption processes, it is not commonly regarded as the main me- and 54.60 mg/g, respectively, but in the binary system of Cd(II) and Ni
chanisms of heavy metals adsorption. In fact, the differences in physical (II), the competition of these two heavy metals for the adsorption sites
leaded to the decrease of adsorption capacity. In addition, ion exchange

Table 3
Adsorption mechanism of heavy metal ions on carbon-based adsorbents.
Ions Mechanisms Instances

cations -Surface complexation Functionalized BC or CNTs: Complexation of -OH with Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Ni2+, and Hg2+ [76,77,78]
-Ion exchange Functionalized BC or MWCNTs: Complexation of -COOH with Cd2+, Cu2+, Hg2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+ [58,76]
-Electrostatic interaction Functionalized AC or BC: Complexation of -NH2 with Cu2+, Pb2+, and Hg2+ [76,79]
-Precipitation Functionalized MWCNTs: Complexation of -SH with Hg2+ [70]
BC: Exchange of some inherent cations (such as K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+) of carbon-based adsorbents with Pb2+, Cu2+,
Cd2+, and Ni2+ [53,74]
The formation of Cd-Cπbonding between lone-pair π electrons of adsorbents with Cd2+ [40]
GO: Zn precipitation as Zn(OH)2(s) on adsorbents [47]
Hydroxide complexes -Surface complexation GO or magnetic GO: Complexation of -OH with Zn(OH)+ and H3AsO3 [38,47]
-Coprecipitation BC: Cd precipitation or coprecipitation with inherent carbonate or phosphate on the surface of adsorbent, as CdCO3, Cd3(PO4)2
or Cd(OH)2 [56]
anions -Physical adsorption BC: HCrO4−、Cr2O72- were trapped in the micropores because of less radiuses than the pore size of adsorbents [46]
-Ion exchange BC: Ion exchange between Cr(VI) and the -COOH on the porous carbon adsorbent surface [46]
-Electrostatic interaction Magnetic GO: The electrostatic attraction between -NH3+ with HCrO4−, Cr2O72-, and CrO42- [63]
nZVI-rGO: Electrostatic interactions between adsorbents and H2AsO4−, HAsO42−, and AsO43− [65]

C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

adsorption and precipitation were main adsorption mechanism. carbonaceous materials surface. Other functionalization refers to
Corn straw porous carbon. Ma et al. [46] used corn straw as raw transforming certain functional groups on carbonaceous materials
material to prepare corn straw porous carbon, and carried out related surface into others, or grafting side chain to introduce other
adsorption experiment of Cr(VI). The results showed that maximum functional groups [21].
adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) was 175.44 mg/g, and the removal effi- (1) Amino-functionalization. Faheem et al. [76] used chemical
ciency was 70.65 % after three adsorption-desorption cycles. Several method (impregnation method) to graft amino group on the surface of
mechanisms were included in the adsorption process: (1)HCrO4− and corncob BC to increase the adsorption capacity of Hg(II) to about twice
Cr2O72- were trapped in micropores; (2) Ion exchange and complexa- as much as the unmodified: The corncob BC was slightly oxidized by
tion took place between Cr(VI) and oxygen−COntaining functional H2O2 to transform some hydroxyl groups into carboxyl group, and
groups (e.g. −COOH, −OH and -C-O-C); (3) Cr(VI) was reduced to Cr immersed and stirred in a mixture solution of ultrapure water, urea, and
(III) by ReOeR or ReOH. The removal efficiency of Cr(VI) in real NaOH; then a specific amount of EDTA was added to obtained amino-
electroplating wastewater was 97.9 % with an obvious selectivity grafted modified BC. According to the adsorption experiment, the
compared with Ni2+ and Cu2+ in water. maximum removal efficiency of Hg(II) was 97.6 %, and it was con-
Discarded mushroom-stick BC. Wang et al. [53] pyrolyzed the dis- firmed that Hg(II) interacted with −OH, −COOH, -NH2, -NH- respec-
carded mushroom-stick at 300, 500, and 800 ℃, respectively, to get BC tively on modified corncob BC via electrostatic attraction, surface
marked DMB3, DMB5, and DMB8. The adsorption of the BC on Pb(II), complexation, and ion exchange. Saleh et al. [79] prepared poly-
Cu(II), Cd(II), and Ni(II) was studied. DMB8 provided the maximum ethyleneimine functionalized AC to study the Hg(II) adsorption, and
adsorption capacity of those heavy metals, and it probably was that found that the adsorption might be caused by the interaction between
higher pyrolysis temperature help the DBM to form more aromatic Hg(II) and C]O, -NH2.
structure, and allowed larger number of initial mineral ions (e.g. Na+, (2) Sulfur-functionalization. Li et al. [87] studied the adsorption of
Ca2+ and Ma2+) to exchange with heavy metal ions. Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II), and Ni(II) on thiol-functionalized AC. The AC was
prepared from coal-blended sewage sludge, and oxidized by nitric acid, Other botanic material based BC. Some plants are not regarded then the oxidized AC was mixed with DMF (n, N-dimethylformamide).
as crops because of their low economic value, but thanks to their large After that, NaHSO4·H2O and mercaptoacetic acid were added to react
carbon-rich biomass, it is possible that considering those botanic with the AC for a period of time under heating conditions. Finally, the
materials as raw materials to prepare BC. Take water hyacinth as AC was treated with Na2S·9H2O and 95 % ethanol, washed with deio-
example: nized water and dried to obtain SH-AC. The adsorption capacity of this
Zhang et al. [56] used water hyacinth as raw material to pyrolysis it material was much higher than that of unmodified AC, the maximum
in N2 atmosphere to produce BC. They studied the Cd(II) adsorption on adsorption capacities of Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II), and Ni(II) were 238.1 mg/
the BC, and found that when the initial concentration of Cd2+ was ≤50 g, 96.2 mg/g, 87.7 mg/g, and 52.4 mg/g, respectively. In addition to
mg/L, the removal efficiency of Cd2+ was close to 100 % in a short the reduction reaction of Cu(II), complex adsorption was main me-
time, and the maximum adsorption capacity was 70.31 mg/g. Ion ex- chanism for other heavy metal ions.
change and surface complexation was dominant mechanisms in Modification by functional groups graft has obvious advance of
Cd2+adsorption, and the coprecipitation of Cd2+ or Cd(OH)+ with BC adsorption capacity, specific adsorption for certain ions(e.g. -SH to
and the electrostatic adsorption of Cd2+ by BC also played a role. The Hg2+) [76], different processes with different chemical modifier, sig-
results of the report made by Ding et al. [86] showed the adsorption nificantly ratio-influenced adsorption capacity, and complex prepara-
capacity and activity of water hyacinth BC to Pb are stronger than that tion process.
of Cd in the binary system, and cation-π interaction was also one of
adsorption mechanisms. AC/BC-inorganic substance composite. (1) nZVI-AC/BC
composite. The specific surface area of nZVI is large, which can be Sludge-based BC. Ho et al. [54] pyrolyzed anaerobic digestion used as heavy metal remover by reduction and adsorption, but nZVI is
sludge to prepare anerobic digestion sludge biochar (ADSBC) for the easy to agglomerate and form larger particles when it is used alone and
utilization to remove Pb(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Cr(VI) from the removal efficiency would be disturbed. Given this defect, AC/BC is
water. The adsorption capacities were in the order of Pb(II) > Cd used to support nZVI to overcome the agglomeration of nZVI, and this
(II) > Cu(II) > Zn(II) > Ni(II) > Cr(VI). Ion exchange, precipitation, composite has complex structure, so the adsorption ability is enhanced
complexation and electrostatic interaction were main adsorption [67]. There are two common chemical methods to prepare ZVI-AC
mechanisms, whose contribution in the removal process of Pb(II) composite: one is pyrolysis-liquid phase reduction method, the other is
were 33.4 %, 53.5 %, 83 % and 4.8 %, respectively. Ni et al. [55] one-step pyrolysis method. The former is to use BC as support material
studied the competitive adsorption between Pb (II) and Cd (II) on and immerse it in ferrous salt (e.g. FeSO4‧7H2O) solution, and use some
ADSBC. The affinity of Pb2+ to adsorption sites was stronger than that reducing agent to reduce iron ion to zero valent iron on BC surface. The
of Cd2+, so some Pb2+ arrived at ADSBC surface would replace latter is let ferrous salt precipitate on biomass (e.g. rice husk, coconut
adsorbed Cd(II), and occupied the sites to prevent the Cd2+ adsorption. husk) by air drying, and then pyrolyze the air dried biomass to get BC,
at the same time, BC reduces Fe(II) to Fe0 [88].
3.1.2. Modified AC/BC Shang et al. [67] prepared BC/Fe° by liquid-phase reduction
The adsorption capacity of one carbonaceous material can be im- method: The herbal residue was pyrolyzed to obtain BC, and the nZVI
proved by changing its properties, that is, modification [84]. The was reduced and supported on BC using NaBH4. According the ad-
modification of AC/BC can be achieved by grafting functional groups sorption experiment of Cr(VI), the maximum adsorption capacity ob-
(including amino-functionalization, sulfur-functionalization, and other tained was 98.71 ± 0.04 %, and the removal of Cr(VI) was one com-
group functionalization) [19] or compounding/supporting inorganic bination of reduction process and precipitation process: A part of Cr(VI)
substances. was reduced to Cr(III) by nZVI, and then Cr(III) and residual Cr(VI)
interacted with oxygen-containing functional groups on BC/Fe° surface. Functional groups grafted AC/BC. Some chemical method can However, pyrolysis-liquid phase reduction process is time-consuming
be used to increase the number or species of functional group on AC/BC and requires additional reductant, so it is not superior to one-step
surface. The amino-functionalization (e.g. NH3-) and sulfur- pyrolysis in cost [88]. Wang et al. [89] synthesized ZVI-AC composite
functionalization (e.g. C–S, C]S or S]O) are grafting nitrogen- by ball milling to avoid a complicated and costly chemical preparation
containing groups and sulfur-containing groups respectively on the process, and the experiment confirmed that the Cr(VI) removal

C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

efficiency was 94.01 % within 120 min under acidic and anaerobic used for the adsorption and removal of U or Co in water. And, Tofighy
conditions. et al. [97] found that the preference order of oxidized CNT sheets to
(2) Metal oxide-AC/BC composites. Nano single metal oxides and adsorption heavy metal was Pb(II) > Cd(II) > Co(II) > Zn(II) > Cu(II).
binary metal oxide (consist of MnO2, MgO, and FeOx) are also often In a words, oxidation means rich oxygen-containing functional
used to get carbon-based composite materials [66,90]. Yu et al. [80] groups, satisfactory hydrophily [98], and obvious advance of adsorp-
impregnated water hyacinth BC in Zn(NO3)2 solution, and after drying tion capacity; furtherly, what noteworthy is that oxidized CNTs can be
and calcination, they obtained the BC-ZnO composite. The adsorption further modified to achieve more targeted optimization or modification
experiment of Cr(VI) by the composite showed that the optimal content by functional groups transforming. In many cases, the realization of
of ZnO in the composite was 30 wt%, and the removal rate of Cr(VI) amination and thiol-functionalization requires acid oxidation treatment
could be maintained above 95 % at natural pH value. Reduction and first [70,99], and oxidation is commonly regarded as the previous step
precipitation were the main mechanisms. Zhou et al. [90] dispersed BC for other modification methods [41,76,87].
in the mixture of KMnO4 and Fe(NO3)3 by ultrasound and pyrolyzed it
to obtain BC loading Fe-Mn binary oxide. The results show that the CNTs grafting functional groups. Amino-derivatized CNTs.
maximum adsorption capacity of Cu(II) and Cd(II) were 64.9 mg/g and
Hayati et al. [32] used concentrated nitric acid and sulfuric acid to
101.0 mg/g respectively, which much as three times of capacities of BC.
oxidize CNTs, and prepared poly-amidoamine-CNTs by the reactions
The complexation of divalent metal ion (Cu2+ or Cd2+) with Fe-MnOx,
with 2,4-diisocyanate and ethylenediamine. The experiment showed an
−COOH, and −OH was the main adsorption mechanism, while cation-
excellent performance of this modified CNTs: At pH 7, the adsorption
π bounding also plays a role in adsorption process.
capacity of Cu2+ and Pb2+ can reach 3333 mg/g and 4870 mg/g,
Inorganic substances being supported on carbon base is one method
for carbon-based materials modification [67], but objectionable ag-
Thiol-derivatized CNTs. Bandaru et al. [57] treated SWCNT using
glomeration of zero-valent metal or other nonmagnetic metal com-
concentrated nitric acid and sulfuric acid to obtain carboxyl-functio-
pounds would not be completely evitable [65], which need further
nalized CNTs powder. Then added the powder to the coupling agent of
1-ethyl-(3−3’-dimethylaminopyl) carbodiimide and N-hydro-
xysuccinimide, and heated the mixture in the ethanol solution of cy-
3.2. CNTs based materials
stine hydrochloride to get thiol-derivatized SWNT-SH. According to the
adsorption experiment of Hg(II) in aqueous solution, the adsorption
3.2.1. CNTs
capacity of this material is about three times of that of unmodified
Due to the revolution of nanotechnology, CNTs perform obvious
carbon nanotubes, and four times of that of AC. Furthermore, the
operability for better heavy metal adsorption efficiency compared to
complexation between mercapto and Hg2+ ions took place in this
AC/BC, and met an extensive utilization in environmental remediation
chemical adsorption process, and the maximum adsorption capacity
predicted was 131 mg/g.
CNTs are a kind of hollow cylinder formed by a net composed of
Other functionalized CNTs. Bankole et al. [41] dispersed the CNTs
large number of carbon atoms covalently combined each other with
purified by concentrated nitric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid in
hexagonal structure. According to the number of net layers, CNTs can
dimethylformamide (DMF), then added titanium chloride solution and
be divided into single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) and multi-
heated the mixture. After drying, polyhydroxylbutyrate (PHB) and di-
walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) [92]. CNTs have hydrophobicity,
methylformamide (DMF) were added for reheating to obtain PHB
electrode, abundant pore structure and functional groups, and performs
functionalized CNTs (PHB-CNTs). The results of adsorption experiments
a broad-spectrum adsorption for heavy metals, such as Pb, Cu, Cd and
show that the heavy metal removal efficiency of PHB-CNTs are higher
Zn in water [93]. However, due to the strong hydrophobicity and low
than that of the non-functionalized CNTs, and the removal efficiency of
affinity, CNTs are often not directly applied in aqueous solution, which
Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, and As were higher than 98 %. In addition, low toxic
limits the application of themselves [58]. After modification, the deri-
PHB functionalized CNTs are easy to product to remove heavy metals in
vative materials obtained broaden the application range, in other
electroplating wastewater effectively.
words, CNTs is often used as raw materials for the production of their
derivatives. Magnetic CNTs. In general, CNTs are suspended in water after
3.2.2. Modified CNTs adsorption, which is difficult to collect and treat; therefore, the starting Oxidized CNTs. The common modification of CNTs includes point of magnetization of carbonaceous materials is to facilitate the
oxidation, functional group graft, and magnetism. Oxidized CNTs can subsequent separation from the solution [100], and to realize rapid
be obtained by strong oxidants (e.g. strong acid, potassium dosing-separation cycle in an external magnetic field [101]. Common
permanganate, ozone) treating to enhance their hydrophilicity and magnetization method is to use FeCl3 [101], FeCl2‧4H2O [38],
solubility, which is conducive to the heavy metal adsorption. The FeSO4‧7H2O [62], or other iron salts to generate magnetic Fe3O4 [91]
common method is considering of acid oxidation, and the mixed acid or on adsorbents.
single acid of concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid is Sadegh et al. [58] used nitric acid and microwave radiation to treat
often used [92,94]. The process of acid oxidation can increase the MWCNTs firstly, and then, MWCNTs and Fe3O4 nanoparticles were
number of oxygen-containing functional groups (e.g. carboxyl group, immersed in ethanol solution to prepare magnetic MWCNTs. According
hydroxyl group) on carbon-based adsorbents surface to enhance the to the adsorption research of Hg(II), the −COOH group on MWCNTs
hydrophilicity for better performance of heavy metal adsorption and Fe3O4 nanoparticles form a large network structure, and the max-
[37,57,92]. imum adsorption capacity of 238.78 mg/g. The Hg(II) adsorption on
Xu et al. [37] prepared MWCNTs by chemical vapor deposition, and magnetic MWCNTs was mainly caused by electrostatic adsorption and
then oxidized them with nitric acid. They used MWCNTs to adsorb Pb complexation. In addition, the network structure of this material pro-
(II), and found that the adsorption performance was largely influenced vides a large number of binding sites for heavy metal adsorption.
by pH value: The removal efficiency was only 10–20 % when pH < 6.5, Magnetization makes carbon-based materials convenient for effi-
but 90 % in the range of pH 7−10. The adsorption reached equilibrium cient separation from treatment-finished solution and accessible for
very quickly, and the surface complexation was main adsorption me- mechanized operation; so, magnetic metal compounds are commonly
chanism of oxidized MWCNTs for Pb(II) removal. Wang et al. [95] and chosen to be supported by CNTs or other carbon-based materials, which
Sun et al. [96] respectively confirmed that oxidized MWCNTs can be has been widely applied in magnetization [101].

C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

Table 4 of concentrated sulfuric, and compared with Hummers method, the

Differences among graphene, graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide modified Hummers method brought higher oxidation degree, more
[102]. oxygen-containing functional groups, and larger layer spacing to GO
Materials C:O ratio Color [108].
Raghubanshi et al. [108] prepared GO by Hummers method, and
Graphene(GN) 89:6 Dark found that the adsorption capacity of GO benefited from the interaction
Reduced graphene oxide(rGO) 8−246 Dark-brown
between Pb(II) and functional groups on GO, and the large specific
Graphene oxide(GO) 2−4 Slight-brown
surface area and lamellar structure of graphene oxide also played a
crucial role.
3.3. GN based materials Tan et al. [71] used modified Hummers to prepare GO powder for
Cu(II) adsorption. The experiment results showed that a higher oxida-
3.3.1. GN analogues tion degree brought a larger adsorption capacity to GO. The com-
GN based materials are GN and its derivatives, including GN, gra- plexation and electrostatic attraction between Cu2+ and oxygen-con-
phene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and their compounds taining functional groups were main adsorption mechanism in that
with organic or inorganic substances, respectively. Among them, GN, process. In addition, they found that Na+ would influence the adsorp-
GO and rGO are typical GN analogues [102], and most of the other tion by competitive adsorption behavior.
derivatives are based on the modification of these three materials. Jun et al. [59] confirmed that Cu(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), and Pb(II) can
GN, GO and rGO are closely related, and the main difference among be effectively removed in their single metal solution by GO, respec-
them are their C:O. As shown in Table 4, it is considered that the oxygen tively, and found the removal efficiency of Pb(II) was highest with a
content of GO is the highest and that of GN is very low, while the maximum adsorption capacity of 555 mg/g. GO could effectively ad-
oxygen content of rGO has a large span [102]. GO and rGO have more sorb Pb(II) mainly due to its oxygen-containing functional groups, and
oxygen-containing functional groups than GN; therefore, they have the order of metal ions adsorption was
more obvious hydrophilicity and dispersion to combine with heavy Pb2+ > Cu2+ > > Cd2+ > Zn2+.
metal ions through covalent bond and electrostatic action [64]. rGO. rGO, as the name indicates, is one more stable product of
reducing and removing some oxygen-containing functional groups from GN. GN is one of the latest carbon nano material. In a narrow
GO, yet, some oxygen-containing functional groups still are remained.
sense, GN refers to a two-dimensional single-layer graphite hybridized
And there are two reduction methods: One is heat treatment, such as
by carbon atom sp2, with a specific surface area of nearly 2630 m2/g
microwave heating or strong flash evaporation, to decompose oxygen-
[64]. But nowadays, GN is a generalized concept, and some three-
containing functional groups into CO or CO2 gas to escape from solid
dimensional materials with multi-layer carbon atomic layer structure
matter. The other is chemical reduction, which can reduce oxygen-
are also called GN [102], or 3D GN [103]. There are two ways to
containing functional groups on the surface of GO by chemical reducing
prepare GN: One is the top-down method including mechanical
agent of hydrazine, metal hydride and hydrohalic acid [98] or plant
exfoliation of bulk pristine graphite or chemically treated graphite,
extract [60].
GO reducing and microwave-assisted method [104]. The other is the
Due to the toxicity of hydrazine, Lin et al. [60] thought that plant
bottom-up method including pyrolysis method [105], chemical
extracts should be considered as reducing agent of GO, which contains
deposition [103] and epitaxial growth on SiC [106]. The so-called
reducing substances such as phenols, amino acids, caffeine, and vita-
top-down approach is that the preparation process of GN is
mins, and have no biological toxicity; so, green tea extract was used to
accompanied by the reduction of the dimension of raw materials (e.g.
prepare rGO for Pb(II) removal in water. The experimental results show
graphite), such as the conversion from 3D to 2D or 2D to 1D; while the
that whole adsorption process was exothermic, and high temperature
bottom-up approach, on the contrary, is the process of the dimension
counted against adsorption. The main mechanism of Pb(II) adsorption
increasing, such as the conversion from carbon atom or carbon
was cation-π bonding. In experiment, at 30 °C, the adsorption removal
containing molecule to GN with 2D or 3D structure [107].
efficiency of Pb(II) reached 96.6 %, when the solution pH = 4.5, the
In fact, it is rare to use raw graphene as adsorbent to remove heavy
dosage of rGO was 0.4 g/L, and the initial concentration of Pb(II) in the
metals in water. The preparation process of GN is usually used as a
solution was 10 mg/L.
reference for the production of graphene-based materials; by compar-
ison, the structure of 3D GN can be artificially controlled by the choice
3.3.2. GN analogues grafting functional groups
of substrate, so, 3D GN is prepared directly (e.g. the preparation of foam
GN, GO and rGO can be compounded with organic compounds to
graphene by chemical deposition) for more wider utilization [103].
introduce certain functional groups to prepare GN analogue-based
materials. Some organic compounds (e.g. chitosan, β-cyclodextrin) GO. GO is usually prepared by oxidation of graphite or GN have strong adsorption capacity [34], so the composites can play the
with strong oxidant. It has high oxygen content, a large number of adsorption properties of both organic materials and GN analogue to
oxygen-containing functional groups such as C]O, CeOeC, eOH and improve the adsorption.
eCOOH on the surface, and has stronger hydrophilicity than carbon
nanotubes [98]. GO is superior to GN in heavy metal adsorption due to Chitosan-GO composite. Chitosan is the N-deacetylation
its rich oxygen-containing functional groups. Typical oxidation product of chitin, which is a kind of natural polysaccharide. Its
methods include Hummers method, Brodie method, Staudenmaier molecules are rich in amino and hydroxyl groups [34]; so in recent
method and improved method based on these methods [69]. years, it often participates in the modification of graphene-based
Traditional Brodie method and Staudenmaier method have longer materials as aminated materials [61].
reaction time and are more prone to explosion than Hummers Samuel et al. [61] dispersed GO in distilled water and added chit-
method; relatively, Hummers method is safer and faster [108]. osan and NaBH4 to obtain GO-chitosan composite. The maximum ad-
However, these three methods are able to produce harmful gases, sorption capacity of Cr(VI) was 104.16 mg/g, and the main mechanism
such as NO2, N2O2 and ClO2, more or less. So, the current oxidation was the complexation between Cr(VI) and −OH, -NH. In addition, GO-
methods are mostly based on the improvement of Hummers method chitosan composite performed good regeneration ability because the
[109]. In the improved Hummers method, the mixed acid of adsorption efficiency of Cr(VI) on GO-chitosan composite decreased
concentrated sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid (9:1) is used instead from 96 % to 82 % after 10 adsorption desorption cycle. Sherlala et al.

C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

[38] used magnetic chitosan-GO material to studied the As(III) removal. value of the solution had a great influence on the adsorption of As3+
The adsorption experiment showed that the neutral water environment and As5+: the forms of As(VI) could be H2AsO4−, HAsS42−, and AsO43−
was conducive to the adsorption of As(III), and the main adsorption with the increase of pH; adsorption efficiency of As(III) would be
mechanism was the complexation of As(III) (in the form of H3AsO3) variable due to the form of As(III), which could be H3AsO3 and/or
with -NH2, −OH, and −OH2 on the surface of magnetic chitosan-GO. H2AsO3− under different pH values. β-cyclodextrin-GO composite. β-cyclodextrin is a kind of cyclic 3.4. Regeneration of carbon-based materials
oligosaccharide which is composed of seven glucose units, it has a
hydrophilic cavity with hydrophobic internal surface and hydrophilic The carbon-based adsorbents could keep their adsorption capacity
external surface. The hydrophobic cavity of β-cyclodextrin can form at a high level after several adsorption-desorption cycles. At present,
host-guest inclusion with many kinds of organics and metal ions [110] acid or alkali are generally applied to the desorption and regeneration
and the surface hydroxyl can also form complex with metal ions of carbon-based materials.
[48,63,111], which has been used to be modifier [112] to develop
eco-friendly adsorbents. 3.4.1. Regeneration in acid solution
Ma et al. [62] used β-cyclodextrin modified magnetic GO to carried Acid-method regeneration means that the carbon-based materials,
out adsorption experiments of Pb(II) and Cu(II). They found that the after adsorption, are immersed in acid solution for desorption, thor-
adsorption capacities of Pb(II) and Cu(II) could rapidly increase to a oughly washed, and dried, then became available for the next adsorp-
higher level in a short time, and the removal efficiency of Pb(II) reached tion. Sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid solution can be
82.67 % in 15 min. The estimated maximum adsorption capacities of used to desorb heavy metals from carbon-based materials. And general
Pb2+ and Cu2+ were 279.21 mg/g and 93.97 mg/g, respectively, and regeneration are as follows steps: (1) Carbon-based adsorbents are
the complexation between GO and heavy metal ions contribute a lot. immersed in acid solution with certain concentration or pH [32], and
And Huang et al. [111] confirmed that the −COOH on β-cyclodextrin sonicated for several minutes. (2) After filtration, the adsorbents are
can provide adsorption sites for Cu(II). Wang et al. [63] prepared β- washed with ethanol and deionized water. (3) The adsorbents are dried
cyclodextrin-ethylenediamine-magnetic GO to carried out the adsorp- at certain temperature for the next adsorption-desorption cycle [57].
tion experiment of Cr(VI). Surface diffusion and internal diffusion exist
in the adsorption process, and the adsorption of Cr(VI) (HCrO4−) in Regeneration in nitric acid or sulfuric acid solution. After
water by this material was attributed to three aspects: the electrostatic repeated adsorption-desorption cycles, though there are slightly
interaction between HCrO4− anion and composite material, the host- decreases in adsorption efficiency of carbon-based adsorbent, the high
guest interaction with β-cyclodextrin hydrophobic cavity, and the values of adsorption capacity and removal efficiency still are accessible
combination with hydroxyl groups on GO. when the regeneration process under the most appropriate
concentration of acid solution. Saleh et al. [79] used 0.1 M, 0.25 M,
3.3.3. GN analogues compounding/supporting inorganic substance and 0.5 M nitric acid solution to establish the regeneration performance
Similar to BC/AC, zero valent metals and metal compounds are of AC after adsorbing Hg(II), respectively, and the recovery of
typical substance often supported by carbonaceous materials. adsorption capacity were 50 %, 80 % and 95 %. Tahir et al. found
that after three adsorption-desorption cycles, the removal efficiency of D GN compounding polymetallic compound. Wang et al. [113] magnetic Hydroxypropyl graphene for Pb(II) and Cu(II) was still above
studied the NiFe-layered double hydroxide, and inserted a MoS42− into 80 % with a small loss of adsorptive capacity, and sulfuric acid was used
the lamellar structure to form a polymetallic compound. The desorption reagent [114].
polymetallic compound was assembled on the surface of 3D GN foam When the heavy metals exist in water as anions, the sulfuric acid-
to get a porous lamellar mixed block (NiFe-MoS42−-LDH/CF) for Hg2+, method is more worthy to be considered. Samuel et al. found that
Pb2+, and Cu2+ removal. It was found that the rougher surface SO42− may decrease Cr(VI) adsorption due to the opposition among
provided a large number of adsorption sites, so that the calculated anions, which can be beneficial to Cr(VI) desorption efficiency [61]. In
maximum adsorption capacities of Hg2+, Pb2+, and Cu2+ were 462, addition, Shang et al. found that SO42− improved the removal of Cr(VI)
299, and 128 mg/g, respectively, and their adsorption efficiency could by increasing the number of reactive sites and corrosion rate of ZVI
exceed 99 %, and the adsorption mechanism was mainly the [67]. For nitric acid-method:in comparison, the opposition among
complexation of MoS42− to heavy metals. Due to the superior anions NO3- and heavy metal anions is weak; therefore, nitric acid so-
adsorption performance, this porous lamellar mixed block could be lution is used more frequently in the adsorption of cation.
applied in the drinking water purification. Regeneration in hydrochloric acid solution. Hydrochloric acid GO-metal oxide nanohybrid. Mohan et al. [64] prepared GO- solution is the most frequently-used desorption reagent in acid-method
MgO nanohybrid by precipitation, and the adsorption experiment regeneration, because it has no oxidation property and Cl− has little
indicated this composites could remove Pb2+ ions from drinking influence on the adsorption of most heavy metal ions. The regeneration
water without pH and temperature changes nearly with a high of BC [86], CNTs-SH [57], and GO [47] can be regenerated by
adsorption capacity of Pb2+ (190 mg/g), and the ideal conditions hydrochloric acid with high desorption efficiency. Wang et al. proved
concluded was low dosage (0.4 g/L), 30℃, and pH = 6.5. The internal that hydrochloric acid solution can effectively desorb Zn on GN and the
diffusion and external diffusion dominated the adsorption process, and desorption efficiency reached 91.6 % [47]. Jun et al. [59] found that
ion exchange and complexation took place on GO-MgO nanohybrid the adsorption efficiency of GO for Pb(II) was nearly invariable during
(between Pb2+ and −COOH or −OH), and Mg2+ ions in the materials three adsorption-desorption cycles.
also provided many sites for exchanging with Pb2+. To the regeneration in acid solution, a selection of desorption agent
is significant to regeneration of carbon-based materials. For example, ZVI-rGO composite. Wang et al. [65] prepared the nZVI-rGO Peng et al. used 0.1 M HCl solution, 0.1 M HNO3 solution, and deio-
composite. In the adsorption experiment of As, the maximum nization to desorb Zn2+ adsorbed on GO and found the desorption ef-
adsorption capacity of As3+ and As5+ are 35.83 mg/g and 29.04 mg/ ficiency were 91.6 %, 73.4 %, and 53.2 %, respectively [69].
g, respectively; and the adsorption of As3+ was mainly caused by
surface complexation, while the adsorption of As5+ was realized by 3.4.2. Regeneration in alkali solution
complexation and electrostatic interaction. It was noteworthy that pH The alkali-method is similar to the acid-method, which regenerate

C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

carbon-based materials by immersing. Ma et al. [46] found that after ions is mentioned as a small part in documents.
the first regeneration of BC in 1 M NaOH solution, the adsorption ef- (2) On the one hand, the modified carbonaceous materials can
ficiency of Cr(VI) decreased from 97.9% to 91.57%, and after three achieve high adsorption capacity and removal efficiency of
adsorption-desorption cycles, the adsorption rate of Cr(VI) reached heavy metals; on the other hand, the modification operation is
70.65 %. Samuel et al. [61] used 1 M NaOH as desorption reagent to complex, especially chemical modification. Considering the cost,
regenerate GO/chitosan. After 10 adsorption-desorption cycles, the yield and/or operation complexity, these preparation methods of
adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) decreased slightly, and the removal effi- modified materials are not conducive to industrial production,
ciency decreased from 96 % to 82 %. In addition to NaOH, Yu et al. and some new modifiers may also bring new pollutions.
successfully regenerated ZnO/BC composite with dilute ammonia (3) Many carbon-based materials are powders. Even after magneti-
water, and the adsorption efficiency of Cr(VI) was 67.1 % after 5 ad- zation, they may migrate and lose in the water with strong
sorption-desorption cycles [80]. Actually, NaOH solution is used more fluidity, resulting in lower recovery rate and secondary pollu-
frequently than dilute ammonia solution in alkali-method regeneration, tion.
and the regeneration research of other alkali solutions for carbon-based (4) Current regeneration of acid or alkali used in carbon-based ma-
is inadequate. terials will cause mass loss, strength reduction and adsorption
Acid-method and alkali-method are main strategies to regenerate capacity reduction, which need to be further optimized; while
carbon-based materials. Although EDTA [69] and Na2EDTA [115] were other regeneration methods are lack of systematic research. In
also used to respectively regenerate GN and GO, there are few related addition, waste desorption reagent treatment is also need to be
studies. In addition to solvent regeneration methods such as acid and studied.
alkali, in-situ regeneration technology such as catalysis can also be
considered [119]. The regeneration method with high desorption rate, Given the above issues, more attention should be paid to the fol-
cheap desorption reagent, simple regeneration process and suitable for lowing directions. The selective adsorption and the competitive ad-
industrial application needs to be developed. sorption behavior among heavy metal ions are worth to further study.
The combination and simplification of modification operations can
4. Conclusion and outlook make the industrial large-scale production of carbon-based adsorbents
come true, which meet actual cases better but with lower cost. In order
AC/BC, CNTs, and GN analogues are three typical carbonaceous to facilitate the collection and prevent secondary pollution, 3D GN, GO
materials which are used to develop carbon-based adsorbents. For sponge, and other new carbon-based materials with three-dimensional
carbon-based adsorbents, surface complexation, ion exchange, and structure are prospective heavy metal adsorbents. As for regeneration,
electrostatic interaction are main mechanisms for heavy metal removal, the properties of carbon-based materials, operation conditions of re-
and pH play a key role in adsorption. The Langmuir or Freundlich ad- generation process, and the development of desorption solution, are
sorption isotherms often have better fitness than other models in studies significant and practical in future research, for making full use of
of carbon-based adsorbents, so they have been applied in more cases. carbon-based adsorbents.
The pseudo-first-order and the pseudo-second-order kinetic model are
also universal, and the latter is more common. For desorption, acid- Declaration of Competing Interest
method and alkali-method still are main strategies to regenerate
carbon-based adsorbents. Though adsorption mechanism, modification,
and regeneration have been studied in some literatures for removing None.
heavy metal from aqueous solution, there still are some issues:
(1) Current researches on the adsorption and removal of various
heavy metals in water mostly focus on the heavy metal cation, This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science
but few specific adsorption studies of their hydroxy compound Foundation of China (51778230) and National key research and de-
ions or other complex ions; usually, the adsorption of complex velopment program (2017YFB06026).

Appendix A

Table A1
Several heavy metal removal technologies in water.
Technologies Advantages Disadvantage

Chemical precipitation - Easy operation and high degree of selectivity -A large amount of precipitate agents is needed
[53,116] - Precipitants are relatively inexpensive - Chemical stabilization of precipitant is needed with high cost and secondary
pollution is possible
Electrochemical treatment - Rapid and well-controlled process with less sludge - High initial capital investment
[13] - Fewer chemicals are required - Expensive electricity supply
Ion exchange - Fast kinetic - Only suitable for low concentration of metals
[13,116] - High sorption capacity - Highly sensitive to pH
- Resin can be regenerated - Chemicals are required for regenerating resin
- Secondary pollution
- Expensive
Adsorption - Easy operation, low cost and high sorption capacity - Adsorption efficiency and capacity depend on the type of adsorbents.
[22,116] - Wide selection of adsorbents - Synthesis processes of some adsorbents are high costed
- Adsorbents can be regenerated
Membrane filtration - High degree and efficient of selectivity for removing heavy - External pressure is required in operation process
[13,22,117,118] metal ions - High cost of operation and membrane maintaining
- Space saving

C. Duan, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 37 (2020) 101339

Table A2
Different carbon-based adsorbents for heavy metal removal.
Adsorbent Heavy metal Temperature (K) pH Adsorption capacity (mg/g) Reference

Rice husk carbon Cr(VI) 295 2 47.61 [50]

Corn straw porous carbon Cr(VI) 298 3 175.44 [46]
Water hyacinth BC Cd(II) 298 70.3 [56]
Oxidized MWCNTs Pb(II) 298 7−10 2.67−11.70 [37]
Thiol-derivatized SWCNT Hg(II) 298 5 131 [57]
Magnetic MWCNT Hg(II) 298 2 238.78 [58]
rGO Pb(II) 303 4.5 [60]
GO-chitosan composite Cr(VI) 300 2 104.16 [61]
As(III) 298 7.3 45 [38]
β-cyclodextrin modified magnetic GO Pb(II) 298 4−7 279.21 [62]
Cu(II) 298 51.29
β-cyclodextrin/ethylenediamine/magnetic GO Cr(VI) 303 2.5 89.5 [63]
GO-MgO nanohybrid Pb(II) 303 6.5 190 [64]
nZVI-rGO composites As(III) 303 4-10 35.83 [65]
As(V) 2 20.94

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