Unit No.2 Etea MCQS: 2010-63 (Eng.) 2010-124 (Eng.) 2010-170 (Eng.) 2011-17 (Eng.) 2011-21 (Eng.)
Unit No.2 Etea MCQS: 2010-63 (Eng.) 2010-124 (Eng.) 2010-170 (Eng.) 2011-17 (Eng.) 2011-21 (Eng.)
Unit No.2 Etea MCQS: 2010-63 (Eng.) 2010-124 (Eng.) 2010-170 (Eng.) 2011-17 (Eng.) 2011-21 (Eng.)
18. A square matrix A = [aij ] is called diagonal matrix if: 2016-5 (Eng.)
(a) a ij = 0 for i = j (b) 𝐚𝐢𝐣 = 𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐢 ≠ 𝐣 (c) a ij ≠ 0 for i ≠ j
(d) All of the above
19. A homogeneous system has non-trivial solution. If A is the coefficient matrix, then
2016-15 (Eng.)
(a) det(A) ≠ 0 (b) 𝐝𝐞𝐭(𝐀) = 𝟎 (c) det(A) < 0 (d) det(A) > 0
20. A square matrix A = [a ij ] is called upper triangular if: 2016-94 (Eng.)
(a) 𝐚𝐢𝐣 = 𝟎 , ∀ 𝐢 > 𝐣 (b) a ij = 0, ∀ i < j (c) a ij = 0, ∀ i = j
(d) Both (b) and (c).
21. The rank of matrix A is the number of ------- rows in its echelon form.
2016-175 (Eng.)
(a) Zero (b) Identical (c) Non-zero (d) Equal
2 λ
22. If A = [ ] is a non-singular matrix, then λ can takes all the real values except:
3 1
2017-182 (Eng.)
𝟐 2 3
(a) 0 (b) 𝟑 (c) − 3 (d) 2
23. If det(A−1 ) = 5, then det(A) = 2018-107 (Eng.)
𝟏 1
(a) 5 (b) −5 (c) 𝟓 (d) − 5
24. For a square matrix 𝐴 = [a ij ], the condition that a ij = 0, ∀ i ≠ j and a ij =
−1, ∀ i = j hold for: 2018-141 (Eng.)
(a) Diagonal matrix (b) Unit matrix (c) Scalar matrix
(d) Skew-symmetric matrix
25. Equation having a common solution are called: 2019-73 (Eng.)
(a) Linear equations (b) Homogeneous equations
(c) Simultaneous equations (d) None of the above
26. If A is a symmetric matrix then At =? 2019-127 (Eng.)
(a) A (b) |A| (c) O (d) Diagonal matrix
27. If A is a matrix of order m × n and B is a matrix of order n × p, then order of BA is:
2019-128 (Eng.)
(a) p × m (b) p × n (c) n × p (d) None of the above