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A18A0825 Paper

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COLLOQUIUM 2021/2022



Shanafira Binti Mohd Hanafiah and Dr Tan Wai Hong

Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business,

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan,



Courier services in Malaysia have undergone radical changes to the rapid evolution of Communication and
Information Technology (ICT). Courier services are part of a growing service industry in addition to the development
of the growing E-commerce industry. Consumers play an important role in choosing the courier service they want to
use, so there are some problems faced by consumers in choosing the best quality of service provided by Shopee and
Lazada to ensure satisfaction and goods ordered safely arrive without any problems. This study aims to examine the
quality of courier services used by online merchants such as Shopee and Lazada. This study uses a quantitative design
by distributing questionnaires to users. Through a simple random sampling technique, the respondents involved were
a total of 100 people consisting of 50 users from Shopee platform and 50 users from Lazada platform. The ServQual
model was also used in this study to study the level of user satisfaction. Among the variables studied in this study are
reliability, tangible aspects and price. This study uses Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software to
analyze the data through descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, normality test and correlation analysisThe findings
show that the level of customer satisfaction with the quality of courier services is at a high level. The overall findings
of the study indicate that there is a moderate significant relationship between the level of customer satisfaction with
the quality of courier services used by Shopee and Lazada. Therefore, the courier services industry must always focus
on updating the tracking of customer goods as well as providing better quality services to customers.

Keywords: Online merchants, Courier services, Quality services, Customer satisfaction, Delivery cost, Delivery
Time, and Tracking system

COLLOQUIUM 2021/2022

A courier service can be classified as a service that aims to carry and deliver a document, package
or other goods from one place to another quickly, efficiently and safely (Izzah, Rifai, & Yao,
2016). With the delivery service, it can provide convenience to customers in managing delivery
and also make it easier for customers to receive orders that have been ordered through online
purchases. Through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)
website, in 2019, there are a total of 32 delivery services have been provided and can be used by
customers in Malaysia. Following the distribution of the times and the advancement of technology
now, online shopping has become a growing trend to every customer and is often used by
consumers because there are many advantages such as being able to save time and can place orders
anytime and anywhere, with this increase resulting many businesses tend to sell goods online (Lim,
Osman, Salahuddin, Romle, & Abdullah, 2016). Therefore, there are several platforms that are
now the largest sales platform in Malaysia, such as Shopee and Lazada which have also provided
and collaborated with many courier services to ensure that the goods ordered by customers can be
delivered properly without any damage. In addition, with the development of online purchasing
this has also had a significant impact on the development of the courier services industry. With the
diversity of delivery services that have been offered by the Shopee and Lazada platforms, it has
indirectly helped to develop and introduce the courier industry to consumers. With the
development of e-commerce industry causing courier services to focus on customers in selecting
the best delivery service for ordered goods, therefore a customer's view plays an important role,
inefficient service quality has become a challenge to the courier industry in optimizing operations
and finding more innovative solutions.

1.1 Research Question

Research questions had been developed for the study purpose as follow:
1. What is the relationship between delivery cost and customer satisfaction toward qualities
courier services used by Shopee and Lazada?
2. What is the relationship between delivery time and customer satisfaction toward qualities
courier services used by Shopee and Lazada?
3. What is the relationship between tracking system and customer satisfaction toward
qualities courier services used by Shopee and Lazada?

1.2 Research Objective

The objective of this study includes:
1. To identify the relationship between delivery cost and customer satisfaction toward
qualities courier services used by Shopee and Lazada.
2. To identify the relationship between delivery time and customer satisfaction toward
qualities courier services used by Shopee and Lazada.
3. To identify the relationship between tracking system and customer satisfaction toward
qualities courier services used by Shopee and Lazada.

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2.1 Online Merchants
E-commerce is defined as the use of the internet and websites in conducting business transactions.
In detail, trade transactions between and between organizations and individuals are digital (Laudon
& Traver, 2002). E-commerce is how consumers make purchases, exchange products, or sell
products, information, or services through computer networks and technologies such as gadgets.
From a business perspective, E-commerce is conducting business electronically by operating
business processes on an electronic network that physically replaces business processes. (Ross,
Vitale, & Weill, 2001) The concept of e-Commerce is to support trade with a highly dynamic
computing system and open information technology. E-commerce is also known as doing business
without paper, including ordering systems, checking, paying and even shipping products. In this
electronic data exchange system, communication process (computer application with computer) in
business information is one branch of this system. Trading partners (sellers, buyers or middlemen)
globally meet through the electronic marketplace system i.e. the internet. Electronic markets are
computer systems that connect to each other. All trade activities from finding customers or
suppliers, consulting, contracts, agreements and settling payments take place electronically safely
and efficiently (Turban, 2008).

2.2 Courier Services

Every courier company is required to have a license in performing courier services starting in
January 1996. The Minister of Transport will pay and issue the Concession and be given a period
of ten years and possibly extended. Upon discovering any activity that could threaten the economic
interests, national security, or national defense, the Minister may refuse to grant the license to the
entity. The courier services industry was required to register a license in conjunction with the
amendment of the Communications Act in 1995 (Karcz & Slusarczyk, 2016). The courier and the
postal sector has become a multi-billion dollar industry and is important for the logistics and freight
transport industry. In 2009 the courier sector expanded and in terms of revenue, it has a market of
almost RM3 billion. As the courier industry thrives and continues to grow in terms of revenue due
to the expanding economy, the growing population and online purchases that are increasingly used
and have become a current trend causing labor-intensive to continue. As a result, the industry
employed and recruited more than 34,000 people in 2009 (Kleindorfer & Szirmay, 2009).

2.3 Customer Satisfaction

According to (Kotler & Caslione, 2009), satisfaction is a person’s feeling of either liking or
frustration in comparing the relationship of product performance with their expectations. Customer
satisfaction can be categorized as a measure for the effectiveness of effective products or services
from customers (Berezina, Cobanoglu, Miller, & Kwansa, 2012). In general the concept of
customer satisfaction is considered a business and organization that needs to satisfy its customers
to survive and be proactive (Izogo & Ogba, 2015). In marketing terms, customer satisfaction is a
measure of how a product or service supplied by an organization can influence customer
satisfaction (Iberahim, Taufik, Adzmir, & Saharuddin, 2016). According to (Iberahim et al., 2016),
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satisfaction is also measured through the level of service quality, the quality of the product
provided, the location where the product or service is purchased and the price of the product or
service offered. Customer satisfaction can be achieved through the evaluation of the best service
quality. Customer satisfaction is an essential aspect of a company for them to survive in
competition (Sun & Kim, 2013). If customers are given a service that meets the assessment and is
more than expected, they will be more satisfied and will use the service again. In the delivery
service, customer satisfaction depends on the security of the package they will receive, delivery
time, service provided, and shipping costs.

2.4 Qualities Services

Service quality is a level and direction of difference between the perceptions and expectations of
users who differ from each other towards the services provided with the perception of the services
that have been received (Munusamy, Chelliah, & Mun, 2010). An organization plays an important
role in showing their concern for the quality of services provided to customers, and this is because
customers play an important role in providing feedback to the organization by showing their beliefs
and behavior towards the products and services provided by the organization. With the existence
of good service quality, customers will feel more comfortable with the use of products and services
from the organization. Also, if customers are satisfied with the service provided they will pass it
on and promote it to others. (Shah, Syed, Imam, & Raza, 2020). With the aggressive competition,
existing courier providers have reviewed their strategies further to enhance their competitive
advantage and quality of service. Every courier service provider should take various strategic and
tactical measures to attract new customers while retaining existing customers (Otsetova, 2017).
The ServQual model that was developed by (A Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988) will be
used in this study as a reference. However, only two dimensions will be used, such as reliability
and tangibles, also one additional dimension, such as price will using to conduct this study. The
use of the ServQual model is an approach to measuring service quality through customer
expectations or experience of the services received. According to (Johari & Zainab, 2017) each
dimension has its own definition and evaluation. Among those dimensions are reliability and
tangibles. The first dimension is reliability which is the ability to perform services more accurately
and be trusted by customers. Therefore, every courier service must always ensure the delivery of
goods on time as promised to give consumers confidence to continue to use the courier service
provided. Next are tangibles that can be defined as images of facilities, machines, equipment,
manuals, materials, staff attitudes, and bank information systems (Anantharanthan Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, & Berry, 1985). In other words, tangibles refer to the impact of physical facilities,
personnel, communication materials, and equipment on customers (Sureshchandar, Rajendran, &
Kamalanabhan, 2001). This includes tracking systems that the courier company has provided to
its consumers. An additional dimension is price. Price has a more significant influence on customer
satisfaction, and if the price justice is reasonable for the customer, then they will use the courier
service for a long time.

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2.4.1 Delivery Cost

Cost plays an important role in meeting customer satisfaction. Therefore a quality delivery service
will ensure that the set costs meet the customer satisfaction standards. Cost is a key element that
consumers consider when evaluating the value of goods and services they want to use. Therefore
courier companies need to ensure that the shipping costs offered are not too expensive to
consumers. Customers often make comparisons between costs and the value or advantages of the
goods and services they receive and use. Price in the economic concept is the value of a product
or service offered to a consumer calculated in the form of money. Price also means the cost
allocated to obtain a product and service (Sanjaya, Sudirman, & Dewi, 2015). An increase or
decrease in prices will cause customers to be less satisfied and the occurrence of brand changes
and changes in the use of other courier services (ALTHONAYAN, ALHABIB, ALRASHEEDI,

2.4.2 Delivery Time

Delivery time is one of the key components in ensuring the best quality of service. Delivery time
of goods has become an important aspect by consumers to obtain the goods that have been ordered.
A good quality delivery service should always ensure that the scheduled goods arrive as scheduled.
The thing that worries consumers the most is that the arrival of their order is not as promised.
Timeline refers to the period between placing an order and receiving goods to the end user. This
situation looks at the dimension of timeline, Delivery time also plays an important role in the
delivery process of a product or service. Therefore, delivery time is also influenced by factors of
transportation problems, disasters, errors and the problem of running out of stock of ordered goods
which also cause the goods cannot be delivered according to the schedule provided (Mentzer &
Williams, 2001).

2.4.3 Tracking system

This tracking term is identified as a system of collecting and managing location information while
a product or item is being shipped. In addition, this tracking system can also be defined as a system
of storing and maintaining the manufacturing life cycle history and distribution of its products and
components for consumer knowledge (Jansen-Vullers, 1998). This tracking system is a useful
service in the management of industrial logistics activities. With the convenience of this system
can also meet the higher demand of customers to make purchases of goods online (Lauriola et al.,
2020). To ensure the quality of delivery service in good condition, the courier must ensure that the
tracking system always works well and is up to date. In addition, the existence of this tracking
system, the managers of the organization can strengthen their market position by increasing
customer satisfaction and the implementation of more sophisticated information technology (IT)
in the future. The system has been created to encompass the global physical and information
logistics network more transparently, effectively and efficiently in today's ever-changing market
environment. However, there are some of these existing delivery tracking designed for the purpose
of a single organization thus, there are some lack of tracking and tracking for an organization that

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needs to be overhauled to improve the quality of transportation services (Kärkkäinen, Ala‐Risku,

& Främling, 2004)

2.5 Hypotheses Statement

H1: Delivery costs have a significant relationship with customer satisfaction toward qualities
courier services used by Shopee and Lazada.
H2: Delivery time has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction toward qualities
courier services used by Shopee and Lazada.
H3: Tracking system has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction toward qualities
courier services used by Shopee and Lazada.

2.6 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study is a part that reflects whether a research is scientific or not.
Conceptual framework actually determines the direction of the research whether the research is
capable of supporting existing theories.
Figure 1 is the conceptual framework adopted in this study, the independent variable is delivery
cost, delivery time and tracking system while the dependent variable is the qualities of courier
services used by Shopee and Lazada.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Customer Satisfaction

Delivery Cost The qualities of courier

Delivery Time services used by Shopee and
Tracking system

Figure 1: Conceptual framework model of the study

COLLOQUIUM 2021/2022

3.1 Research Design
Research design is a decision making choice. It shows that a research design is a framework for
carrying out a research project and will show some details of the procedures required to obtain
information to solve research problems. According to (Burns & Grove, 2005), design is a research
method where it is an action plan to conduct a study in which to avoid factors that can interfere
with the validity of the study findings at the end of the study, the use of maximum control should
be implemented.
In this study will use a quantitative approach for data collection and data analysis. According to
(Burns & Grove, 2005) quantitative can be defined as a way to obtain information formally,
objectively and systematically using numerical data. This research method is used to describe the
variables, study the relationship between the variables, and determine the cause and effect
interaction between the variables. Therefore, for data collection, a set of questionnaires constructed
and prepared will be distributed to respondents. Questionnaires were used to obtain reliable and
accurate information, and primary data collection methods were used for this quantitative study.

3.2 Data Collection Methods

The purpose of data collection was to study consumer satisfaction with the quality of courier
services used by Online Merchants. In addition, primary data will also be used in this project paper.
Primary data is an investigative technique implemented in interviews, questionnaires, or case study
techniques. Each information that has been collected from the respondents who have been
submitted through the questionnaire is the primary data. In addition, there are two types of
questionnaires, namely open-ended questionnaires or pre-structured questionnaires. An open-
ended questionnaire is a type of questionnaire that asks questions in a more open-ended technique
that allows respondents to fill in as many spaces as possible on each question. Answer choices
have also been listed at the bottom of each question for respondents to fill out.
In this project paper, pre-structured questionnaires will be used, this is because by using pre-
structured techniques the questions to be asked are more relevant to the theory and the types of
answers that may be answered by the respondents. Therefore, a self-completion questionnaire was
created. According to (Bell, Bryman, & Harley, 2019), self-completion questionnaires have
distinct benefits because this technique requires a low cost to construct. This questionnaire was
made by Google Drive and conducted using connected to the Internet, it can also be send on a
large scale through Whatsapp, Facebook and LinkedIn because all these mediums are famous
platform on social media and often used by users. By using this technique, it is faster to administer.
In using this technique it is easier to get results from the respondents than using the interview
technique. It can also facilitate the respondents in answering the questionnaire given without haste,
and as a result, the findings are also easier to collect through questionnaire techniques.

COLLOQUIUM 2021/2022

3.3 Study Population

The study population can be defined as a group where the researcher wants to obtain relevant
information as a guide for the research study. Therefore, the target population in this study is
individuals who are interested in making purchases through the Shopee and Lazada platforms.
In this study, the sampling unit used is Malaysian citizens who do online shopping activities on
the Shopee and Lazada websites. According to (Müller, 2021) a study conducted by these two
websites has found that the estimated traffic in 2021 for the Shopee website is 53.9m visitors per
month and the site Lazada's website has 13.7m visitors in a month which ranks first and second
compared to other e-commerce websites in Malaysia. This shows that the Shopee and Lazada
websites have been recognized among Malaysians. In this study, specific data showing the number
of Malaysians shopping on the Shopee and Lazada websites is difficult to obtain. Therefore, a total
of 100 online shoppers who do online shopping activities on the Lazada and Shopee website will
be selected to be respondents.

3.4 Sample Size

According to Roscoe (1975) in using practical rules, the most suitable sample size for use in most
research must be below the estimate between 30 and 500. If the sample is used more than 500 there
may be problems and it is difficult to get accurate information in conducting the research. In this
study, a total of 100 online shoppers are required. Therefore, the sample size will be divided into
two, such as 50 online shoppers from the Shopee platform and 50 online shoppers from the Lazada
platform will be used.

3.5 Sampling Technique

In this study a total of 100 target respondents will be selected through non -probability sampling
technique, snowball sampling, and convenience sampling method. Non -probability sampling
technique is a process for the study does not give equal opportunity to all respondents in the
population to be selected due to problems of time and money constraints (Bougie & Sekaran,
Snowball sampling is one of the elements of non -probability sampling techniques that are
appropriate for finding potential respondents when the researcher is more faced with difficulty in
defining respondents. (Bougie & Sekaran, 2016). By using the snowball sampling method, there
are several benefits. It can help the researcher in finding new respondents through the suggestions
given from the initial respondents after the data collection process. In addition, researchers also
need help from friends, colleagues and family members so that they can share and disseminate
online questionnaire links through social media platforms to facilitate the collection of feedback
from various races and communities.
Convenience sampling is used in this study because it is a non-probability sampling method, where
it gives an excellent estimate of the population characteristics. The convenience sampling method
also consists of easily accessible respondents to collect data (Sabeena, Bhat, Kamath, &

COLLOQUIUM 2021/2022

Arunkumar, 2018). Therefore, using convenience sampling is easier to obtain data because this
method is the simplest method compared to other sampling methods especially in pilot tests.
Therefore, by using this convenience sampling method, researchers can observe habits, opinions,
and views more conveniently and effectively. Convenience sampling is used by researchers not
just because it is simple to use but also because it has additional research benefits.

3.6 Research Instrument Development

By using a questionnaire, it is easier to get respondents from the target respondents. According to
(Rowley, 2014) questionnaire is the best research tool to ask for information because it is simple.
Therefore, to conduct this study, an online questionnaire that form by Google Form will be used
as a research instrument.
To obtain information from respondents, the questionnaire will be formed by Google Forms and
will be distributed through link sharing by social media platforms. In addition, online links for
questionnaires will be required for sharing to identify potential respondents in this research. The
questionnaire uses only one language which is English and the questions will also be designed
directly. In addition, any feedback and personal information received will be kept confidential and
will not be disclosed in the event of any investigation.
There are three sections that will be contained in the online questionnaire in this research. Part A
is consists of demographic profile information of the target respondents including age, gender,
ethnic group, current state, education and more. Part B to identify the perception of the target
respondents on purchase intention and experience through quality courier services used by Shopee
and Lazada. In addition, Part C covers a cross-platform survey to consist of the quality of courier
services that include delivery costs, delivery times and tracking services. At the same time,
customer satisfaction is also included in last section. The objective is to find out the level of
customer satisfaction on the quality of courier services provided by the Shopee and Lazada
In this study, a pilot test was used. The pilot test serves as a technique to explain a set of
questionnaires to the respondents in order to facilitate the respondents and avoid any problems
while answering the questionnaire. In addition, this pilot test also collected several assessments of
question validity and data reliability. According to (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009), pilot
tests will usually be evaluated before the actual questionnaire is distributed to respondents to
answer. Reliability is responsible as an index for measuring internal flexibility and reliability
analysis. Cronbach's Alpha will also be used to assess correlations between items (Saunders et al.,
2009). According to (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010), a weak range is recognized when the Cronbach’s
Alpha range is below 0.60 while ranges above 0.60 and 0.70 will be defined as adequate positions
and at the 0.80 range is indicative of a good correlation.

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3.7 Measurement of the Variable

In this part of the study will discuss about the source of variable measurement through written
questions that have been given to the respondents. To test the stated proposition, all variables will
be measured as follows. The dependent variable for this study was the quality of courier services.
Based on this study, E-commerce Industries like Shopee and Lazada act as indicators. To measure
the quality of courier services provided by Shopee and Lazada. The consumer perspective and
satisfaction platform is very important because the quality of service affects consumer satisfaction.
Therefore, the independent variables for this study are delivery cost, delivery time and tracking
In this research there are two types of measurement that will be used which are nominal scale and
interval scale to measure objects or event that will be set as numerical values. With this suitable
measuring tool, it makes it easier and helps researchers to analyze data more accurately and easily.
In this study the questionnaire consists of a nominal measurement scale. According to (Malhotra
& Dash, 2010) the nominal scale can accommodate variables that can be differentiated by a simple
naming system. Therefore, this study uses a nominal scale on respondents' demographic data
According to (Malhotra & Dash, 2010) interval measurement scales are a way to reflect differences
between units on a scale. In this study, interval measurement are used of this questionnaire consist
of consists of the quality of courier services that include shipping costs, delivery times and tracking
services. In addition, this study also uses a 5 point Likert scale for all section to determine the level
of agreement on how strong or not strongly the responder feel about the statement, the scale will
be determine by number 1 until 5, which means 1 represent strongly disagree, 2 represent disagree,
3 represent neutral, 4 represent agree and 5 represent strongly agree.

3.8 Procedure for Data Analysis

All data from the questionnaires distributed to users who are interested in making online purchases
through Shopee and Lazada were analyzed using software called Statistical Package for the Social
Science (SPSS) with version 26. Through this software, all variables are categorized according to
their own scale, such as nominal scale, interval scale, and ordinal scale. According to (Saunders et
al., 2009), classify that nominal scales are often categorized in gender type, marital status and
education. Moreover, for variables such as monthly income is shown in the interval scale category.
In the study of this questionnaire, a Likert style rating scale will be used which offers five options
for the respondents to choose from. There are three main techniques used in this research such as
descriptive analysis, Normality and reliability analysis and also Spearman correlation analysis.

3.8.1 Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive analysis is a data analysis that serves to explain, illustrate, or summarize data points
in a productive form so that a pattern is formed that meets all data requirements (Rawat, Rawat,
Kumar, & Sabitha, 2021).

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The type of descriptive analysis that will be used is frequency measurement. In this analysis it is
very important to know the frequency of a particular event or reaction expected to occur in a
descriptive analysis such as a count or percentage (Rawat et al., 2021). Demographic information
will also be collected and evaluated through descriptive analysis. Once the data is obtained it can
be illustrated in bar chart, histogram, pie chart, table form and other.

3.8.2 Normality and Reliability Analysis

Normality analysis is a statistical approach used to assess whether any data set fits a normal
distribution. Many statistical tests require an assessment of the normality of the data because
normal data is the basic assumption in parametric testing. It can be presented numerically or
graphically. Common methods used for normality testing are the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and
the Shapiro-Wilk test. Meanwhile, SPSS software is included in both tests (Mishra et al., 2019).
According to (Sekaran & Bougie, 2019), the measure of the measured reliability study is to test
the consistency and stability of its construct. Consistency means the extent to which the item is
measured with the concept being put together as a set. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient will indicate
the extent to which the items of the questionnaire developed by the researchers have a positive
correlation with each other. Instead, the reliability test conducted was to identify the data that the
researcher obtained from the respondents were reliable or not for this study.

3.8.3 Spearman Correlation Analysis

In this study, to determine the degree of closeness of the relationship possessed between the
variables, Spearman correlation test was used for non-parametric statistical measurement of
ordinal-shaped data. Through Spearman correlation analysis, relationship magnitude strength is
described through terms ranging from ± 0.00 to ± 1.00 (Hocking, Stacks & McDermott, 2003),
while the related explanation of correlation magnitude strength is as suggested by Silvy (2012) as
Table 1.
Table 1: Strength of relationship magnitude (correlation)
Spearman 𝝆 Correlation
> 0.70 Very strong relationship
0.40 – 0.69 Strong relationship
0.30 – 0.39 Moderate relationship
0.20 – 0.29 Weak relationship
0.01 – 0.19 No or negligible relationship

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The decision -making policy in the Spearman correlation test is as follows:

1. If the value of sig. <0.05, then it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship
between the linked variables.
2. Conversely, if the value of sig. > 0.05, then it can be concluded that there is no significant
relationship between the linked variables.

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4.1 Spearman correlation
Table 2: Spearman Correlation Analysis

Qualities Courier Delivery Delivery Tracking
Services Cost Time System
Spearman's Qualities Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .379 .366 .380
rho Courier Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000 .000
Services N 104 104 104 104
Delivery Cost Correlation Coefficient .379 1.000 .696 .400
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000 .000
N 104 104 104 104
Delivery Correlation Coefficient .366 .696 1.000 .352
Time Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 . .000
N 104 104 104 104
Tracking Correlation Coefficient .380 .400 .352 1.000
System Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .
N 104 104 104 104

Table 2 shows the results of the correlation analysis conducted showing that the relationship
between the level of customer satisfaction and the quality of courier services used by Shopee and
Lazada is moderately relationship. The findings show that the moderate relationship between
delivery cost with quality courier services and the level of customer satisfaction recorded a value
of p = 0.379. The relationship between delivery time with quality courier services and the level of
customer satisfaction recorded a value of p = 0.366 so that mean moderate relationship. Finally,
the relationship between the tracking system and quality courier services and the level of customer
satisfaction recorded a value of p = 0.380 that also moderate relationship. All p values were
positive and significant at p <0.00 and the result is moderate relationship.

4.2 Hypothesis Testing

4.2.1 First Hypothesis Testing (Delivery Cost)
The testing of this hypothesis is to answer the following premise:

H1: Delivery costs have a significant relationship with customer satisfaction toward qualities
courier services used by Shopee and Lazada.

To test the research hypothesis whether there is a relationship between delivery cost and quality
of courier services, Spearman’s Rho correlation analysis was conducted. The results of the analysis
show that there is a moderate relationship between delivery cost and quality of courier services

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with a value of r = 0.379, p = 0.00 <0.05 as shown in Table 4.18. These findings show that delivery
cost affects the quality of courier services used by Shopee and Lazada and can provide satisfaction
to consumers. This means that this study successfully rejected the null hypothesis. The results
show that there is a relationship between delivery cost and the quality of courier services used by
Shopee and Lazada that can provide satisfaction to consumers.

Table 3: Spearman correlation test between delivery cost and quality of courier services
Qualities Courier Servives
r p
Delivery Cost 0.379** 0.000
** Significance level p <0.05

4.1.2 Second Hypothesis Testing (Delivery Time)

The testing of this hypothesis is to answer the following premise:

H2: Delivery time has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction toward qualities
courier services used by Shopee and Lazada.

To test the research hypothesis whether there is a relationship between delivery time and quality
of courier services, Spearman’s Rho correlation analysis was conducted. The results of the analysis
show that there is a moderate relationship between delivery time and quality of courier services
with a value of r = 0.366, p = 0.00 <0.05 as shown in Table 4.19. These findings show that delivery
time affects the quality of courier services used by Shopee and Lazada and can provide satisfaction
to consumers. This means that this study successfully rejected the null hypothesis. The results
show that there is a relationship between delivery time and the quality of courier services used by
Shopee and Lazada that can provide satisfaction to consumers.

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Table 4: Spearman correlation test between delivery time and quality of courier services

Qualities Courier Servives

r p
Delivery Time 0.366** 0.000
** Significance level p <0.05

4.7.2 Third Hypothesis Testing (Tracking System)

The testing of this hypothesis is to answer the following premise:

H3: Tracking system has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction toward qualities
courier services used by Shopee and Lazada.

To test the research hypothesis whether there is a relationship between tracking system and quality
of courier services, Spearman’s Rho correlation analysis was conducted. The results of the analysis
show that there is a moderate relationship between tracking system and quality of courier services
with a value of r = 0.380, p = 0.00 <0.05 as shown in Table 4.20. These findings show that tracking
system affects the quality of courier services used by Shopee and Lazada and can provide
satisfaction to consumers. This means that this study successfully rejected the null hypothesis. The
results show that there is a relationship between tracking system and the quality of courier services
used by Shopee and Lazada that can provide satisfaction to consumers.

Table 5: Spearman correlation test between tracking system and quality of courier services

Qualities Courier Servives

r p
Tracking system 0.380** 0.000
** Significance level p <0.05

COLLOQUIUM 2021/2022


Through this study, the relationship between three independent variables will be studied, namely
delivery cost, delivery time and tracking services which have a relationship with the dependent
variable, namely quality courier services used by Shopee and Lazada that can provide satisfaction
to users. Based on the findings of the study, it was found that all dimensions affect customer
satisfaction, with the most significant dimension being delivery cost, followed by delivery time and
tracking system. Based on these findings, it is hoped that Courier Services can be more efficient
and effective in their operations, thus improving their service to customers and increasing customer
For a theoretical perspective, there are many studies that have used the five -dimensional
SERVQUAL model. However, in this research has adapted the model from Parasuraman, et. al.
(1985) by simply adapting two dimensions i.e. reliability and real aspect and adding another
additional attribute, i.e. price. In this study have used two dimensions of service quality and price.
The same can be said of the research of parcel delivery services in Malaysia, especially after the
rapid growth of online business in the country. Thus, the findings of this study can be beneficial to
future researchers who are interested in studying this industry.
This study was conducted by focusing on the perceptions of the respondents. A total of 104
respondents from all over Malaysia were involved in this research. However, it is recommended in
future research to include customer expectations as part of the measurement. The gap between
expectations and perceptions needs to be investigated to enable researchers to better assess
customer satisfaction with the Courier Services used by Shopee and Lazada. In addition, future
researcher are encouraged to expand the sample size of respondents because a larger sample size
will result in a higher propensity for results to be more accurate.

First and foremost, praises and thanks to the god, the almighty for showers of blessings throughout
the process to complete this research successfully. I would like to express a deep and sincere
gratitude to my research supervisor Dr Tan Wai Hong for his invaluable continuous guidance with
patience, motivation and knowledge to do the research on evaluating the qualities of courier
services used by online merchants (Shopee and Lazada). His guidance helped me in all the time of
the research and writing of this study. His dedication and interest above all overwhelming attitude
to help his student had been mainly responsible for completing this study. I am very thankful to all
faculty member of University Malaysia Kelantan who gave their coordinate and cooperation for
the kind guidance and encouragement. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family and fellow
friends who helped me in finishing this study within the limited time also supporting me spiritually
throughout the project. Whereas, has helped me to increase my knowledge and skills.

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