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Randy Clark Imparts To Leaders in Nepal and Northern India (PDFDrive)

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Winter 2011 Report

Nepal and Northwestern Randy Clark Imparts to
Leaders in Nepal and
India Impartation
Conference ..................2
There Is More......................4
Testimonies of
Impartation................ 10 Northern India
Raising Martyr’s
Children..................... 12
Living for the Audience
of One!...................... 14
Boy raised from the
The Lord Sends Bees Dead in Delhi, India
and Defends His
Own In India.............. 15 pg. 2
Nepal and Northwestern
India Impartation
Conference by Mark R. Anderson

t is hard to imagine miracles, strong article, we received an
unless you witness it manifestations of e-mail about a young boy,
first hand. I remember Jesus’ presence. Many Lakshay, who was raised
hearing about Randy hundreds of dead from the dead in Delhi,
Clark and the Toronto being raised around India. “Hi Mark, (Sachin
Blessing in the mid the world!!! Hunger, Gupta wrote) we received
1990s. I was open to the passion for Jesus and some distressing news this
various moves of the Christlike humility to morning about this boy in
Holy Spirit but never go with it! I would call our church, he was rushed
got to a conference with that real good fruit. to the hospital because of an
Randy until 2007. I overdose of some medicine
Sharmila and I love
heard the positive and as per doctors diagnose. His
working with Randy Clark!
negative views coming blood pressure was 190 and
That is why Sharmila
from many of that doctors said that his brain
and I became involved
outpouring (just like nerves could burst. After
with Randy Clark and
other moves of God).
Bill Johnson and are
But all said and done
ordained and licensed by
I believe you can only
them. That is the reason
judge something by the
we and Sandy Anderson
fruit. Jesus said “You
(Build International
did not choose Me, but I
Ministries) invited Randy
chose you and appointed
Clark and his team of 40
you that you should go
plus people from around
and bear fruit, and
the world to come to
that your fruit should
Nepal and Northwestern
remain, that whatever
India to impart what
you ask the Father in My
the Lord has given him
name He may give you”
to pastors, leaders and
(John 15:16). What
missionaries. It was quite
is the overall fruit?
an undertaking but well
It is not just talk! Lisa stands on stage all smiles
worth it and powerful!
Millions of souls added testifying after Jesus heals
into the kingdom of NEW FLASH! No sooner Miya (paralyzed)- Kathmandu,
God. Signs, wonders, than I began writing this Nepal January 25, 2011.

some time he was declared attended the Randy Clark Holy Spirit for you. That is
dead by the doctors, they conference last week. the gift God has placed in my
pinched and slapped him Sachin wrote, “Praise life.” The manifestations
couple of times. Nothing God for the conference at of God’s presence were
happened. ...We were all Chandigarh, our people powerful and some with
called. The church members have been impacted and immediate effect.
started to pray and believe transformed. After the
Lisa has been a missionary
as people felt by the unction meeting supernatural grace
in Nepal for four years,
of the Holy Spirit to pray and of impartation and favor in
working to rescue women
after one hour we received the realms of miracles has
and girls caught in the
a phone call that he came become more notable. People
sex slave trade. She had
back to life miraculously. are forever transformed.
come across Randy Clark’s
Some senior doctor’s arrived I’m personally seeing a
website and felt she
and later spoke to them. transformation in all our
needed to travel to the
They said it was a miracle. churches with the members
USA to sit in a conference
At that time his BP was still who attended. We are
and receive from Randy.
The Lord laid it strongly
we should
upon her heart that He
have brought
would bring Randy to
more leaders.
Nepal and just wait.
There is that
supernatural Since January 1, 2011
we are not she was on a 40 day
able describe fast. She learned of the
but feeling conference and attended
it around us. each session. I started
Impartation the conference doing the
at work! first two sessions sharing
Randy’s on Humility and the
manual is alsoAuthority of the Believer.
After some instruction she
blessing to our
Lisa ends up shaking violently under the effect people and immediately put things
of receiving an impartation - Kathmandu, also your twoshe learned into practice.
Nepal January 25, 2011. books.” She prayed over a crippled
neighbor who had a leg
Overall the conferences
190. As people continued 2” shorter than the other
in both Kathmandu,
to pray his BP dropped to leg. Within 24 hours the
Nepal (January 23-25)
150 than 145 and after few leg had come out. She
and Chandigarh, India
hours to normal 120. He is brought women to the
(January 27-29) went
talking but still kept under evening sessions who were
great. Many 100’s of of
observation in the hospital.” suffering with AIDS. Miya
healings took place in both
was paralyzed 12 years
Sachin and many other locations and were shared
earlier in a dancing bar and
leaders from the New about. Randy told the
Lisa, I and others joined in
Life Churches of Delhi leaders “The main reason I
praying for these ladies.
(under the leadership of have come this far is to pray
Pastor Victor Nazareth) for an impartation of the
- continued on pg. 4 3
Nepal and Northwestern India Our leaders who are who received strong
- continued from pg. 3 part of our team in India impartations of the Holy
also received strong Spirit and life changing
The next day Randy was
impartations. My prim teaching during these
praying over leaders for
and proper mother in law conferences. With all the
an impartation. Lisa hit
Renuka could not stop wonderful testimonies
the floor face first and was
giggling as the joy of the we are already receiving I
stuck there for over an
Lord was overwhelming believe these areas will be
hour, during lunch break,
her. Pastor M.P. Singh, become great harvest fields
shaking violently under
my right hand leader in of souls and many signs,
the presence of God. She
India, received a word from wonders and miracles will
was finally carried out
Randy, as he laid hands on break out from the Living
so they could start the
him, and said “you are Christ. This is the reason
next session. Later that
called to be an apostle for asking Randy to come
night she and I prayed
to the nation of India.” to North India a year
over Miya again. I told
Upon receiving that word ago. With many militants
her to lay hands and pray
he felt like boiling hot shutting down campaigns
for her with me. All of a
water was dumped on and making it hard to do
sudden Miya had feeling
him and hit the floor. The open air campaigns for
come into her leg, growths
next day Randy prayed foreigners this is how the
disappeared from her legs
over him again and his Gospel will flourish in
and she discarded her
hands were on fire even this region. This was the
walker and began walking
a day later. This is just a perfect fit for North India
and has been walking
few of hundreds of people and Nepal.
every since.

There Is More
Published by Global Awakening - Chapter 1 (condensed version)
The Biblical Foundation For Impartations
by Randy Clark

ince the “Toronto hungry, even desperate, to a revival. More than
Blessing” started encounter God in a more seventeen years later, the
in January 1994, tangible way. Millions Holy Spirit is still moving,
the fire of renewal has have been regenerated stirring up an intense desire
touched people on every after experiencing a strong in the Bride to move beyond
continent. Millions have impartation through an intellectual, religious
come to renewal meetings the renewal that became knowledge of her Groom,

to an all-consuming heart hands, the resurrection of the understanding is helpful
of passion for Him. This dead, and eternal judgment. also for those who are not
passion has brought scores And God permitting, we will familiar with the term
of thousands to the prayer do so.” Heb. 6:1-3 impartation.)
altars for an impartation of
The writer to the Hebrews As we look at Biblical
anointing for ministry.
clearly considers “the laying examples, we see that
As the manifest presence on of hands” to be so basic this anointing often came
of God has touched them, to the Christian life, it is through the laying on of
many have experienced referred to as foundational, hands. Now, let me make
physical and highly an “elementary teaching” an important clarification;
emotional responses. But of the apostolic church. the laying on of hands is
what has the long-term The Bible teaches in both certainly not the ONLY way
spiritual impact been? Has Testaments the principle of receiving an impartation
it lasted? Anyone concerned of a person receiving an from God. It is simply
with true revival will ask the “anointing” from God. This one of two ways seen in
question, “What’s the fruit?”
Even more important
questions for some are, “Is
there a Biblical precedent
for the impartation of
anointing?” and “Is this
doctrine and practice a part
of our orthodox Christian
heritage or just a bizarre
blip on the timeline?”
These questions stir up a
whole range of opinions
and controversy that
still swirl around today’s
renewal movement. It is
my heart’s desire to provide Randy Clark interviews Pastor M.P. Singh about the great
some common ground of miracles and move of God in Himachal Pradesh State of India.
scriptural and historical
understanding with the aim anointing may be a gift or Scripture, the other being
to “make every effort to keep gifts of the Spirit, a filling of waiting on God through
the unity of the Spirit through the Holy Spirit – especially prayer. It is, however, a
the bond of peace.” (Eph. 4:3) for power, or the Baptism means often forgotten and
in the Holy Spirit. This neglected by the Church
The Biblical Foundation idea of “impartation” or and, therefore, an important
“Therefore let us leave “transference of anointing” part of the subject of this
the elementary teachings is a strong Biblical book. Let us take a look
about Christ and go on to concept. (In Brazil, where at some Old Testament
maturity, not laying again the I minister a lot, the best passages documenting this
foundation of repentance from translation of the English idea of impartation.
acts that lead to death, and of word “Impartation” is the
We find the first reference to
faith in God, instruction about phrase “transference of the
baptisms, the laying on of anointing” and I believe this - continued on pg. 6 5
There Is More laying on of hands, the fillings or baptisms in the
- continued from pg. 5 transference of anointing Holy Spirit. One of the
is clearly a Biblically Biblical way is through
the concept of impartation documented, God-initiated praying and waiting upon
in Numbers 11:16-18. event. God and the other way
is through the laying on
“The LORD said to Moses: Another example is found in
of hands. Going back to
‘Bring me seventy of Israel’s 2 Kings 2:9-15, the famous
Hebrews 6: 1 and 2, what did
elders who are known to you passage that tells of Elijah’s
the “laying on of hands” refer
as leaders and officials among anointing being transferred
to? Several things.
the people. Have them come to to his spiritual son, Elisha.
the Tent of Meeting, that they This passage indicates that The act of ordination: 1
may stand there with you. I it is possible to receive an Timothy 4:14 is most likely
will come down and speak with anointing similar to that a reference to Timothy’s
you there, and I will take of of another person. When ordination. “Do not neglect
the Spirit that is on you Elisha begged, “Let me inherit your gift, which was given you
and put the Spirit on them. a double portion of your through a prophetic message
They will help you carry the spirit,” he was not asking for when the body of elders laid
burden of the people so that the power of Elijah’s human their hands on you.” Another
you will not have to carry it spirit, but for the Spirit of reference to the laying on
alone.’” [Emphasis mine] God to work through him as of hands and ordination
He did through his teacher. is most likely 1 Timothy
In this passage there is no
Likewise, when the people 5:22. “Do not be hasty in the
mention of Moses laying
said, “The spirit of Elijah is laying on of hands, and do not
his hands upon the elders
resting on Elisha,” they did share in the sins of others.”
for them to receive, but the
not mean that Elisha had The same thing is found
concept of a transference
received power literally from in what many consider
of the anointing that is on
the spirit of the man, Elijah, the ordination of the first
one man to others is clearly
but that the Spirit of God deacons in Acts 6:6. “They
present. Equally evident
was indeed working through presented these men to the
from our Numbers text is
Elisha in a powerful way, apostles, who prayed and laid
the principle that this is not
something man can do, but
to what
it is an act of God, totally
they had
dependent upon His calling
and anointing.
in Elijah.
Again, we see a
transference of anointing in
Deuteronomy 34:9. “Now
the New
Joshua son of Nun was filled
with the spirit of wisdom
because Moses had laid his
reflect two
hands on him.” This time,
ways one
there is a specific mention of
receiving or being filled with
power, Randy Clark praying for impartation over Pastors,
the spirit of wisdom because
gifts, leaders and Missionaries- Kathmandu, Nepal
Moses laid hands on Joshua.
anointing, January 2011.
With or without the actual
their hands on them.” Mark 5:23. “…and pleaded to you on the road as you were
earnestly with him, ‘My little coming here----has sent me so
The first commissioning
daughter is dying. Please come that you may see again and
or ordaining service for
and put your hands on her so be filled with the Holy Spirit.’
missionaries is recorded in
that she will be healed and Immediately, something like
Acts 13:1-3, especially verse
live.’ So Jesus went with him.” scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and
3. “So after they had fasted
he could see again. He got up
and prayed, they placed their Although Jesus healed
and was baptized, and after
hands on them and sent them in many ways other than
taking some food, he regained
off.” As we will later see with through the laying on of
his strength.” (Acts 9:17-19)
Timothy, these services were hands, many New Testament
not mere rituals but were Gospel references connect Although it isn’t expressly
the occasions when the Holy the laying on of hands to the stated, this passage seems
Spirit imparted gifts and ministry of healing. Luke to imply that Paul not only
empowered for ministry. 4:40, “When the sun was received healing but the
Also, these gifts were often setting, the people brought infilling of the Holy Spirit
accompanied by prophecies. to Jesus all who had various when Ananias laid hands on
kinds of sickness, and laying him.
Healing and/or Blessing:
his hands on each one, he
The laying on of hands was Impartation: Another
healed them.” See also Mark
not just for ordination, aspect of the doctrine of
6:5, 8:23-25, Luke 13:13-14.
but also for healing and/or “laying on of hands” is in
The disciples were also to
blessing. Matthew 19:13-15 connection to impartation.
follow the example of Jesus
tells us, ”Then little children The impartations we see
and lay their hands upon
were brought to Jesus for him in the Bible were both for
the sick for healing. “…they
to place his hands on them gifts of the Spirit and for
will place their hands on sick
and pray for them. But the being filled or baptized
people, and they will get well.”
disciples rebuked those who with the Holy Spirit. I can’t
(Mark 16:18c)
brought them. Jesus said, ‘Let emphasize enough, laying
the little children come to me, Paul followed the practice on of hands is only one way
and do not hinder them, for of laying on of hands for to receive impartation, the
the kingdom of heaven belongs healing, as in Acts 28:8. other being waiting on God
to such as these.’ When he “His father was sick in bed, through prayer.
had placed his hands on suffering from fever and
Luke is the historian of the
them, he went on from there.” dysentery. Paul went in to see
Holy Spirit. His Gospel of
[Emphasis mine] him and, after prayer, placed
Luke and record of Acts
his hands on him and healed
This particular reference is history written with
him. When this had happened,
doesn’t say if Jesus placed theological significance and
the rest of the sick on the
his hands on them for considerations. He recounts
island came and were cured.”
blessing or healing, but we in Acts 2:1-4 where people
know Jesus did both. A Paul not only ministered are filled with the Holy
clear passage that refers healing, but also received Spirit without the mention
to blessing is Mark 10:16, healing through the laying of the “laying on of hands.”
“And he took the children on of hands. “Then Ananias Acts 2:1-4 “When the day
in his arms, put his hands went to the house and entered of Pentecost came, they were
on them and blessed them.” it. Placing his hands on Saul, all together in one place.
Another clear passage, this he said, ‘Brother Saul, the Suddenly a sound like the
time referring to healing, is Lord----Jesus, who appeared - continued on pg. 8 7
There Is More we read about the revival in Samaria and Ephesus,
- continued from pg. 7 Samaria. “When the apostles it is significant that the
blowing of a violent wind came in Jerusalem heard that experience of receiving the
from heaven and filled the Samaria had accepted the Holy Spirit came after the
whole house where they were word of God, they sent Peter experience of believing.
sitting. They saw what seemed and John to them. When Some teach that the baptism
to be tongues of fire that they arrived, they prayed for of the Holy Spirit happens
separated and came to rest them that they might receive at salvation, but one is
on each of them. All of them the Holy Spirit, because the hard-pressed to prove this
were filled with the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit had not yet come from the writings of Luke.
and began to speak in other upon any of them; they had It didn’t happen that way
tongues as the Spirit enabled simply been baptized into the in any of the six passages
them.” See also 4:29-31 and name of the Lord Jesus. Then discussed so far. These
10:44-47. Peter and John placed are all references from the
their hands on them, and earliest history of the New
According to John 20:21 and they received the Holy Spirit.”Testament Church dealing
22, the disciples received [Emphasis mine] with when and how people
the Holy Spirit when Jesus received the Holy Spirit or
breathed upon them on the Apparently, the giving
indicating what it looked
evening of the day of His of the Holy Spirit was
like when the Spirit “came
resurrection. Therefore, accompanied by some visible
upon” or “filled” believers.
the Day of Pentecost wasn’t manifestation because Luke
The focus of these events
when they first received continues with the reaction
is a distinct impartation of
the Holy Spirit, but the day of Simon the sorcerer in
the Holy Spirit rather than
they were “filled with the verses 18 and 19. “When
the regeneration of the
Holy Spirit.” John 20:21-22. Simon saw that the Spirit was
Holy Spirit that occurs at
Again Jesus said, “Peace be given at the laying on of the
with you! As the Father has apostle’s hands, he offered
sent me, I am sending you.” them money and said, ‘Give In Romans 1:11-12, we
And with that he breathed me also this ability so that again find the concept of
on them and said, “Receive everyone on whom I lay my impartation. This time it
the Holy Spirit.” In Acts 2 and hands may receive the Holy is for the impartation of
4, the Holy Spirit came upon Spirit.’” some spiritual gift to the
believers who were looking Christians at Rome. “I
The second passage in
to God for enabling power. long to see you so that I may
Luke’s theological-historical
As Peter preached for the impart to you some spiritual
account is found in Acts
first time to Gentiles in Acts gift to make you strong----that
19:6 where Paul, rather than
10, “the Holy Spirit came on is, that you and I may be
Peter and John, places his
all who heard the message” mutually encouraged by each
hands upon newly baptized
even as they were being other’s faith.”
believers in Ephesus. “When
saved through the message. Paul placed his hands on The activity of the Holy
More pertinent to our topic, them, the Holy Spirit came Spirit was vital to Paul’s
however, are Luke’s accounts on them, and they spoke in understanding of his role
of where the Holy Spirit tongues and prophesied. There as an apostle. At the end of
or gifts of the Spirit were were about twelve men in all.” his letter, Paul emphasizes
imparted with the laying on [Emphasis mine] the connection between his
of hands. In Acts 8:14-17 proclamation of the word
In both of these stories,
and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit was the well financed, the well
of the Spirit. He states true source of his own educated, nor even the well
in Romans 15:17-19, fruitfulness as a minister experienced in “ministry.”
“Therefore I glory in Christ of the gospel, it should He is simply looking for
Jesus in my service to God. I not surprise us to see Paul those who are willing to
will not venture to speak of wanting to come to the yield their hearts and lives
anything except what Christ Romans to impart to them to all God wants to work
has accomplished through some spiritual gift. Nor through them, those who are
me in leading the Gentiles to should it surprise us to see willing to believe for more
obey God by what I have said Paul reminding Timothy, his because “There Is More!”
and done----by the power of beloved son in the ministry,
signs and miracles, through to “fan into flame the gift of Let me pray for you now.
the power of the Spirit. So God, which is in you through “Lord, create a hunger in
from Jerusalem all the way the laying on of my hands.” (2 the reader for the “more” of
around to Illyricum, I have Tim. 1:6) impartation of Your Spirit and
fully proclaimed the gospel of Your gifts. Create faith in the
For Paul, Timothy, Peter, reader to receive gifts through
John, and by logical impartation, to receive a new
In this passage, Paul seems inference, the entire early and possibly stronger “filling”
to understand that the Christian Church, the of Your Spirit through an
effectiveness of his ministry impartation of anointing impartation. I ask this in
was not simply the result of through the laying on of the powerful name and the
what he preached, but what hands was an important authority of Jesus’ name.”
he did as well – the “power catalyst for effective
of signs and miracles, ministry characterized
through the power of the by the manifest presence
Spirit.” of God and for operating
I am indebted to Dr. Gordon in the complete gifts of
Fee who brought to my the Holy Spirit. It was
attention that the Apostle this first Church – small,
Paul’s most foundational despised and poor – that
doctrine was the experience changed the world! God
of the Spirit as the basis has promised another final
for certainty of one’s and radical outpouring
salvation. The basis for among the nations before
assurance of one’s salvation His Son returns. Again, He
is the realization of God’s will bring it about through
empowering presence in His people. Jesus said, “As
one’s life. This was even the Father has sent me, I am
more foundational for Paul sending you.” (John 20:21)
than “justification by grace If we are to walk in this high
through faith.” With such calling, we cannot forget
an emphasis upon receiving nor neglect the resources
the empowering presence You can order Randy Clark’s
of heaven made available to
book on impartation, There Is
of God through His Spirit, those who are humble and More, directly from his website:
and the realization that hungry enough to receive.
the presence and activity God is not looking for the Shop/ 9
Testimonies of Impartation
Heidi Baker- Mozambbique, Africa -

od has greatly gifted Heidi said that it felt like God Fellowship. A friend would have
Randy Clark with an immediately placed her in an to come and lift her head to help
strong impartation oven... Heidi continued to feel her drink.”
anointing that has swept so much power in her body that
What was the fruit of this
world-wide and helped she was becoming afraid of the
encounter with the Living
bring millions into the intensity. Finally the power
God? If you read on in
Kingdom of God. Here is the of God was so strong that she
chapter 6 a short time later
story of Heidi Baker, Iris said, “God, I’m going to die!”
all hell broke loose. She went
Ministries, a missionary to Immediately, she heard the
through hell and back and
Mozambique. Heidi and audible voice of God say to her,
did not see anything for over
her husband Rolland had “Good, I want you dead.”
a year after this encounter.
been missionaries in several
After this she heard God speak Most people would have
countries. They had a small
again in an internal audible given up but not Heidi and
ministry and were struggling
voice, “Hundreds of churches Rolland. Finally the miracles
in many areas including
and thousands of people.” Upon starting breaking out. The
Heidi’s health. Heidi went to
hearing this Heidi began to deaf ears opened, the blind
Toronto in 1997 where she
laugh. This was the laughter of eyes began seeing, cripples
received an impartation that
amazement and wonder at a started walking... Quoting
forever changed her life and
word from God that was hard to Randy’s book chapter 6 “Yet
many countries in Africa.
believe could be possible. Then the greatest miracle was not
When Randy saw her at the
Heidi asked the Lord, “How, one of healing or provision, but
altar hungry for God he said
how can this be? Rolland and the birthing of a miraculous
(quoting from Randy’s book
I have started four churches church-planting movement that
There is More chapter 6)
in seventeen years and it has now encompasses over 10,000
“Heidi, God wants to know,
nearly killed us!” churches in ten nations, and
do you want the nation of
over 1,000,000 salvations.”
Mozambique?” I didn’t try to After a while Heidi lost all
Heidi and Rolland have gone
figure the word out; I just gave ability to move from her
on to rescue thousands of
it. Heidi answered with a strong neck down. She was like a
orphans and through their
voice, “Yes!” Then I said, “God quadriplegic. She cried out,
ministry and those who they
is going to give you the nation “God, this is getting too weird,
train and work with, have
of Mozambique. You are going even for me.” Again she heard
seen over 450 people raised
to see the dumb speak, the lame the Lord say, “What I am asking
from the dead.
walk, the blind see, and the dead you to do is impossible for you
be raised.” to do by yourself.”... Heidi My Personal Impartation
remained helpless for extended
“Immediately God backed up
periods of time while at the Testimony
this prophetic word with His
Toronto Airport Christian Quoting from Humility The
mighty power and presence.
Hidden Key to Walking in and ministry. We all need to be was bedridden with jaundice
Signs and Wonders humble enough to recognize the from a swollen liver. He told
times of spiritual stagnation her to go the campaign to be
“This is an exciting time to
in our lives and ask God for a healed. Jesus completely healed
be living and serving Christ.
fresh and greater experience her at the campaign. We see
Those who choose to be hungry,
with Christ if we want to see a Jesus move powerfully in each
passionate, humble, and pliable
true move of God with greater campaign we conduct in India,
will experience Jesus in deeper
miracles, signs, and wonders. but when we humbled ourselves
ways as He shows Himself
and came to Jesus for more, He
in greater ways to reap the During August 2007, I
took our ministry to another
end-time harvest of souls. This attended a conference where
level. Recently Sharmila and I
comes by His grace alone. As Randy Clark was speaking. He
also had the privilege of seeing
we decrease and He increases, prayed for an impartation over
the angel in our house.”
we will experience Heaven those who came forward for
on earth in our midst. The impartation. I felt nothing, but In August 2007, in Castle
more we understand humility, received it by faith, sensing that Rock, Colorado I witnessed
that it is not about us or our something good would happen. with my eyes over 1,000
accomplishments, but it’s all A short time later, my daughter healings take place as Randy
and her friend Clark and Bill Johnson
saw an angel in ministered. The impartation
the house. Then I received has continued
Sharmila and to bear fruit especially in
I left for our northern India and Nepal
Moradabad, where many Muslims, Hindus
India, and Sikhs continue testifying
campaign. I of seeing Jesus or angels and
told Sharmila being instantly healed in our
11,500 Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs turn to Christ I sensed that campaigns and conferences.
in first ever open air campaign- Moradabad, this would be The fruit since August 2007:
Uttar Pradesh, India October 2007. a turning point 10’s of thousands turning to
in our ministry Christ and a great increase of
in India and signs, wonders and miracles.
about Jesus and how big He can that there would be a huge August 2007 was one of
be in our lives, the more we will breakthrough on this trip. We the most powerful healing
experience Jesus in our personal had already been witnessing meetings I have witnessed
affairs and ministry... Christ doing many miracles in in North America in my
India, but we sensed He would lifetime. I highly recommend
Sharmila and I cried out to
increase the intensity of the attending a conference where
experience the Living Christ as
miracles on this trip. Randy Clark is speaking and
we were preparing for our Fall
going forward to receive an
2007 campaign in Moradabad, Sure enough, many people
impartation of the Holy Spirit
India. We realized that we ended up seeing or hearing
for what God has placed
were at a standstill and just Jesus and were instantly healed.
in you. Checkout www.
going through the motions Some reported seeing many for
in ministry, and we desired angels as they were healed.
Randy’s upcoming schedule
a greater measure of His Jesus appeared to a young girl,
in Colorado, Minnesota and
manifested presence in our lives Neelam, in her bedroom. She
other states. 11
Raising Martyr’s Children
By Sharmila Anderson

“They were stoned, they Towards the end of 2008 to the nearby jungles for
were sawn in two, were Christians in the state safety. The government
tempted, were slain with of Orissa, India suffered refused to intervene,
the sword. They wandered severe persecution at the stop the violence and
about in sheepskins and hands of militant Hindus. Christians from the
goatskins, being destitute, Thousand’s of Christian rest of the country
afflicted and tormented- of homes were destroyed, were not permitted to
whom the world was not churches burned and help out at all. Once
worthy. They wandered in countless Christians the militants thirst for
deserts and mountains, in were martyred because blood was quenched
dens and caves of the earth” they refused to forsake the mayhem stopped,
(Hebrews 11:37-38). Jesus Christ. Many fled though Christians are still
persecuted in Orissa. The
authorities did nothing
to bring to trial the
instigators or rehabilitate
the homeless. The
survivors have been living
in jungles for fear of the
We did all we could from
here to help out. We sent
a petition to our Senators:
Senator Enzi and Senator
Brasso requesting that
some pressure be put
Hindu Extremists, many uneducated, worked up into a frenzy on India to stop these
murder many Christians in Orissa, India Fall of 2008. We have a killings. Both Senators
number of graphic photos but can not put them in this magazine. responded saying they
One is the charred remains of little girl burnt to death by these would look into the
Hindu extremists. Her only crime she was a Christian!
matter. This ministry
raised $1,000s to help out
in Orissa. When we heard
of the countless orphans
in Orissa we asked the
Lord to bring some of
them to our Girl’s Home.
Our workers along with
other Christians in India
began the process of
trying to get custody of
some of the orphans.
We went to court
and submitted all the
necessary papers. It has
been a long and difficult
road for our workers Sharmila stands with Sonali the lady who went to court for us in
filled with confrontation Orissa and obtained the release of the orphan girls. Sonali also
with militant Hindus and delivered the financial support we raised for the victims of the
corrupt police officials, Orissa massacre in 2008.
but we have finally been horrific circumstances past two years they have
granted custody of 10 and have witnessed their been living in the jungles.
girls. They will be arriving parents being murdered. They are extremely
any day at Karishma Girl’s One child who is 7 years traumatized and need a lot
Home in Agra. now witnessed her parents of love and prayers.
All these girls are the being killed with a sword
There is a request to take
children of martyrs. They by militant Hindus when
in about 15-20 more
have been exposed to she was 5 years. For the
orphans from Orissa, but
as of now we do not have
the room. We are seriously
moving ahead with plans
to begin construction on
the second floor so we can
take in 12 more girls.
Our workers in India and
we are so honored that
the Lord has chosen us
to raise these precious
children. Thank you so
much for making this
endeavor possible with
Karishma Girls Home in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India ready to your ongoing prayers and
welcome 10 orphan girls from Orissa, India. financial support. 13
Living for the Audience of One!
By Mark R. Anderson
Part of our new Humility Exhortation Section

e need to live our something that
lives for the audience literally will bring
of ONE. Christ-like Jesus in our
humility can really test midst and change
our heart motive for doing nations.
things. Are we motivated in
doing things to be seen of Jesus said “If
men or are we living our lives anyone serves Me,
for the audience of ONE? let him follow Me;
There is coming a wave of the and where I am,
Holy Spirit where those who there My servant
will be also. If anyone serves Holy Spirit is wanting us to
can really understand what do. It is in this place that
it is to live for the audience Me, him My Father will honor”
(John 12:26). What will people become resistant to
of ONE, will be greatly used the Holy Spirit. I have noticed
of God. happen if we follow Him in
order to be where He is and if we follow the Holy Spirit’s
Notice Jesus words in to do what He’s doing? This leading, then He shows up
Matthew 6: 1-4 “Take heed is where many miss it. Many with great miracles, signs,
that you do not do your follow Jesus and are doing and wonders that take things
charitable deeds before men, “good works.” They look to a whole new level. This
to be seen by them. Otherwise good to others. They appear does not happen if we are
you have no reward from your busy! God is not asking just doing good things just to be
Father in heaven.  …But when for good works. He desires seen by men.
you do a charitable deed, do not that we do His work, be Notice the final results, “…
let your left hand know what where He is, and do what Him My father will honor.”
your right hand is doing,  that He is doing. There is a major The Father exalts, promotes,
your charitable deed may be in difference between looking and honors. He doesn’t do it
secret; and your Father who good while doing good works for those who are giving up
sees in secret will Himself and actually doing God’s things for the sake of giving
reward you openly. Jesus work. Many times pride will up things or to look good
mentions the same concept cause us to do good, religious before others.
about prayer (vs 5-8) and works, in order to get noticed
fasting (vs 16-18).” by people, like the religious To sum it all up make
leaders of Jesus day. However decisions based on the
Giving, prayer, fasting and these works have little impact audience of the ONE and
ministry are all good things. on eternity. We need to cease ONLY: JESUS CHRIST. Trust
But it comes down to one from doing things just to be in the LORD with all your
thing what is the heart seen by people. heart, And lean not on your
motive behind doing these own understanding; In all
things? Is it to be seen or One thing I have noticed over your ways acknowledge
because you are living your the years in ministry is when Him, And He shall
life for the audience of we do good things just to direct your paths
ONE?  Your motive can make be seen of men, many times (Proverbs 3:5-6).
all the difference whether it we can miss out on what the
is a dead religious work or
The Lord Sends Bees And Defends
His Own In India
“Moreover the LORD your God will send the
hornet among them until those who are left, who
hide themselves from you, are destroyed. You shall not
be terrified of them; for the LORD your God, the great
and awesome God, is among you. And the LORD your
God will drive out those nations before you little
by little...” (Deuteronomy 7:20-22).
During the
conference with • Miracles, healings, signs and
Randy Clark in wonders are picking up with
greater intensity
Chandigarh, India
• What did Jesus claim He is?
a pastor from the
state of Madhya • Dealing with Root Issues rather
than Surface Issues... and much
Pradesh told more
us that a Hindu
celebration was CD 1 Humility in its Purest Form
going to be held CD 2 Humility in its Purest Form
in Mandala, Madhya Pradesh from February (continued) and Peter
11-13th. This celebration is called the Kum Mela and James’ thoughts on
and Hindu devotees from all over the country Humility
flock to it. In the past millions have gathered at CD 3 The Fruit of Humility
this celebration.
CD 4 Authority of the Believer
The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh declared CD 5 Great Faith and Humility
that at this celebration all Christians who had
converted from Hinduism would be forced to CD 6 How Big is Your Jesus
reconvert to Hinduism. If they refused to do so
their daughters would be sacrificed to Hindu Price for 6-Part CD series:
gods all three days. This pastor requested all $25usd / $30cdn
the conference attendees to pray for this grave Price for book: $15 / 2 for $28
situation. In the afternoon session everyone lifted
their voices in intercession and Randy Clark
led us in prayer. Within 24 hours we received
a report from the pastor’s son in Mandala,
that as the Hindu workers were setting up
for the celebration, thunderous storm clouds
gathered over the grounds and it began to
storm and rain heavily. Once the rain abated is published by
swarms of bees blew into the grounds and Mark Anderson Ministries
began stinging the workers. The workers P.O. Box 66 • Cody, WY 82414-0066 USA
were forced to abandon work and flee the Phone: 307-587-0408
grounds. The bees then proceeded to make Website:
their hives all over the grounds. This was Email:
reported in the local newspaper. Magazine design/layout by: Gabriel Arosemena
The final outcome, the the Supreme Court
in India has banned this celebration. It
has declared that Hindu leaders are not
permitted to even enter Mandala and the
Chief Minister has been ordered to maintain
peace, law and order in Mandala. 720.394.1301 15
Published by:
Mark & Sharmila’s Mark Anderson Ministries Non-Profit
Upcoming Schedule
U.S. Postage
P.O. Box 66 PAID
Cody, WY 82414-0066 USA Permit No.36
2011 E-mail: Cody, WY 82414
February 26-27 Healing Address Service Requested
Services, City on the Hill
Church Boulder, CO 6pm,
9am & 10:45am
(303) 440-3873
Click on the
April 6-9 Attending training Donate button
conference with Randy Clark
and Bill Johnson, Castle Rock,
CO (303) 688-0777 Donate
Register at
April 24- May 4 Alaska Tour
- Including outreach to Siberian
Yupik Eskimos
May 25-27 Campaign and
Conferences Mahindranagar,
June 1-3 Campaign and
Conference Chamba,
Himachal Pradesh, INDIA
Humility The Hidden Key to
Walking in Signs and Wonders October Conferences and
6-Part CD Series Campaign Rajasthan & Uttar
Details on Page 15 Pradesh State, India

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