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The Revelation by Morris Cerullo

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Photo—An early morning view of Mt. Sinai where God spoke to Moses and gave to him the
revelation of the law and commandments.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Just Around the Corner
Chapter 2 A Great Paradox
Chapter 3 Experiences Shaken
Chapter 4 Denominational Structures
Chapter 5 Domestic Chaos
Chapter 6 Economic Disaster
Chapter 7 A New Phase
Chapter 8 That Fixed Point
A Call to Rededication

Chapter 1
"Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. " {Amos 3:7)
I don't know how to explain it...that churning, or turning, inside of me, but it usually precedes the
times that God speaks to me to tell me something special. I had been feeling this gnawing sensation for
several hours that Saturday morning, so much so that I felt I had to put off other tasks and get right to
the business of praying for the needs of the people who had written me to pray for their personal needs.
This was one of those rare Saturdays I had awakened in my own home. Ever since I was just a
young man I have traveled thousands of miles to the far corners of the earth every year preaching the
gospel. I have awakened in India, South America, England, Israel. On the Saturdays I am home, it
seems as if there are a million things that must be done.
Theresa and I had been sitting at the breakfast table sharing what God was doing through the World
Evangelism ministry. All the time the pressure inside me was building. When Theresa left to do some
sewing, I felt that I just HAD to pray.
I put before me all the prayer requests and I began to read them and pray over each one individually.
(Some people find it hard to believe that I always pray over each request personally, but it is true. I
have promised the people that this is what I will do and I do it faithfully. I personally lay hands on each
and every need and intercede before the throne of God for that need.)
This day, however, was different, special. As I began to pray, my prayers turned into intense
intercession. I began to FEEL the individual needs as if I were that person I was praying for, as if I had
somehow entered into them and that their needs had somehow entered into me. I felt every need with
He said, "I have allowed you to feel these needs for a reason. These needs that these people
have...the rebellious children, the marriage problems, the financial problems...these problems are
nothing compared to what is coming upon the world just around the corner."
God said to me, "Morris...tell my people that THEY MUST HAVE A FIXED POINT FOR THEIR
He said, "Everything that CAN be shaken, WILL be shaken. If the people don't have something that
is impregnable, that cannot be penetrated...THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO STAND. Tell them
One of the things that I am most glad about in all the world is that God does not change. People
Situations change. Circumstances change. Church doctrines change. But God never changes.
Just as "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever" (Hebrews 13:8), so is Jehovah
God unchangeable. He says, "For I am the LORD, I change not..." (Malachi 3:6), James 1:17 says of
God "with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
So you see, God does not change. His characteristics are the same.
One of the great characteristics of God in His dealings and His personal communications with
mankind is this...God does speak to people.
Some people find that hard to believe but nevertheless it is true. God spoke to Adam, He spoke to
Elijah, He spoke to Abraham, He spoke to Moses, and He speaks to people today. He speaks to a
preacher named Morris Cerullo.
God has been speaking to me since I was 14 years old when I was being raised in a Jewish orthodox
orphanage in New Jersey.
I knew about God, about Jehovah God. I had sat for seven years under some of the leading rabbis.
When I was 13 years old, I was bar mitzvahed and carried the Holy Torah on my shoulder. I marched
in the synagogue and celebrated the feast days of the Jews. Every morning I was in the synagogue
about 6 o'clock laying my tephillin, saying my baruchas and my haphtarahs and davening.
But when I was 14 years old, God came to me inside that Jewish orphanage and by His Holy Spirit
revealed Jesus Christ as the Messiah to my life.
The Bible says that "many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14) I have to say that I was
chosen. I never did seek God. Never. He came to me. Shortly after I left the orphanage, when I was 15,
I received a glorious experience of the Holy Spirit. I began to feel the tug of the Holy Spirit on my life.
I began to feel the call of God upon my life to preach.
I never did want to be a preacher. I had other ideas entirely. It was my ambition to become a lawyer
and then the governor of my state. That's what I wanted. That was my ambition, but God had other
One day He took my life by the Holy Spirit and lifted me from this earth right into heaven. He
revealed to me the Presence of Jehovah God...and in that rapturous experience, I surrendered my life to
preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.
So it was in a supernatural experience that God first revealed Jesus to my heart, a supernatural
experience when I surrendered my earthly ambitions to Him in order to preach the gospel of the Lord
Jesus Christ... and every major change or addition or enlargement in this great World Evangelism
ministry has come as a result of direct, divine communication from God.
It was a divine communication from God that brought me back to minister in North America at a
time when, in the natural, it looked like the last thing in the world I ought to do. We were having great
meetings overseas. Tens of thousands attended each meeting. Thousands were healed. Thousands were
saved out of darkness into the light of Jesus Christ.
In America, it looked like people were gospel-hardened. Everyone said, "Oh, you can't have revival
there. It's preached over, burnt over."
The "natural" said "Stay on the foreign field."
GOD said, "Son, I want you to return to North America. I am going to pour out a New Anointing of
My divine healing power on North America."
At a time when in the natural it was said of the United States, "That is really a great country, look at
the leadership, look at the affluency" that time, GOD said to me, "Son, the devil has assigned
sinister, evil forces to tear down the structure of our society."
You see what has happened in the last several years...the political tragedy which has scarred our
nation and the daily revelations in our newspapers about CIA involvement with the Mafia and
corruption in high places.
You can trust God. When He says something it will come to pass. When He instructs you, there is a
He gave me the keys for the New Anointing, and look at the results in people's lives from the
messages and from the books: tens of thousands of lives literally revolutionized. We have seen more
answers to prayer in the past four years than at any other time in my ministry as people have put into
action the principles of the New Anointing. Ministries have been revolutionized. God spoke, God gave
the key, and it worked.
He has revealed to me that just around the corner, Satan is positioning and poising himself for the
greatest onslaught against the Church of Jesus Christ that he has ever made. Everything that can be
shaken by the forces of hell will be shaken on this earth.
I want you to be prepared for what is going to happen.
I am going to share three things with you!
1. The shaking of ALL THINGS that is coming upon the world before the coming of the Lord,
2. The next great phase of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and
3. The FIXED POINT that God is giving, the ONLY THING that will enable you to stand before
the things that are JUST AROUND THE CORNER.

Chapter 2
"Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things
which cannot be shaken may remain. " (Hebrews 12:26-27)
We have heard so many times that Jesus is coming that I am sure it often falls on ears which have
become dull with the hearing of it.
Let me assure you that He IS coming and that He is coming SOON.
We are witnessing a great moving of the Holy Spirit throughout the length and breadth of the world
The paradox is that simultaneously with this moving of the Holy Spirit, we are witnessing sin on an
unprecedented scale.
These two elements, side-by-side, are going down the corridor of our history at this very moment.
There is a great moving of the Holy Spirit which transcends all denominations and which is bathing
hearts in love and resulting in a depth of worship which many have never known. At the same time,
there is lethargy, lukewarmness and indifference in the established churches and sin in our
communities on such a scale that it would cause our grandmothers and grandfathers to turn over in
their graves.
These two widely different movements are happening simultaneously JUST BEFORE THE
There are many who say we are on the verge of the greatest revival that the world has ever seen. I
am not going to tell you that, but I will tell you that the move of the Holy Spirit that we see will grow
stronger and stronger and stronger.
So will the movement of SIN grow stronger and stronger and stronger as the endtime nears.
These two movements are COMPLETELY IRRECONCILABLE.
Each will be growing...each pulling against the other.
The force of these mighty but opposite moves will form what we might well call a spiritual "San
Andreas Fault" which is going to cause cataclysmic upheavals such as we have not imagined.
(The San Andreas fault is that large break which lies beneath the surface of California from Point
Arena to the Colorado desert. Scientists tell us it is responsible for the major earthquakes which shake
this state from time to time.)
This giant spiritual "tug-of-war" of good and evil is going to erupt into a spiritual earthquake to end
all earthquakes.
God says EVERYTHING will be shaken that CAN be shaken. He has revealed to me that IF YOU
You must have something unchangeable, unturnable, infallible, impregnable, in order to be
victorious over the great tests and shakings which are coming.
Some people have a fixed point for one test but are weak or unprotected in other areas. They are
unshakable on one front but may fail in another point. Our faith must be completely fixed, settled once
and for all, regardless of what lies ahead. People are going to be shaken in points they never even
thought about being shaken.
Christian experiences are going to be shaken. Denominational structures are going to be shaken.
Church structures are going to be shaken. Homes are going to be shaken. The economies of the world
are going to be shaken, the governments of the world, politics.
Business will be shaken, educational systems. Faith in man's wisdom will be shaken. There will be
new attacks upon the Bible by so-called scientists.
And people's "security blankets"...things they have held to and trusted through the years...will
suddenly and violently be shaken from their grasp.
What will they do?
What will you do?
I've read what happens to people, even experienced woodmen, who get lost in the forest. Many lose
their heads. Many aren't even really lost...they just lose their bearings for a moment and, becoming
panic stricken, do completely irrational things that often lead to tragedy or death. This condition is
called being "bushed."
Often these people in their distress will throw away the very instruments necessary for their safety.
Bodies of hunters have been found who have thrown away their guns or discarded their shoes and
Some become so confused that they don't recognize the right path when they cross it.
An article in Coronet magazine some years ago described the reactions of some people who were
lost and listed one case where a hunter was found after he had thrown away everything he had. His
footsteps showed that at one point he had stumbled across an asphalt road which would have taken him
to safety, but in his panic he failed to see it.
The author also told of a search for a hunter lost in a snow storm. The searchers found instead a 12
year old Boy Scout sheltered cozily under a leanto with a fire going. His only response to being found
was one of anger. He had been rabbit hunting and had put up the leanto to wait out the storm figuring
the experience would win him a Boy Scout award. He was afraid that the man who found him would
make him go home and miss his award! This lad had used his knowledge to good advantage and
remained safe in a perilous situation. He had a fixed point and held to it. The hunter, unfortunately, was
near dead when the search party found him, having lost his head and failing to use even the most
simple survival tactics.
God has made a way that even the youngest saint, the most child-like, may experience utter safety in
Six years ago when I conducted the Second European Deeper Life Conference in London, England,
the meeting convened in Spurgeon's Tabernacle, a large auditorium named after the great theologian,
Charles Spurgeon. Because of the spiritual legacy this great man of God had left behind, and wishing
to allude to him in my messages, I visited a book store and purchased several books about and by
One story which Spurgeon used in a lecture to his students that particularly impressed me and which
I have never forgotten concerns the church warden or keeper of the property at a great cathedral.
One day workmen delivered a huge, heavy metal weather vane to this cathedral and were unloading
it when the church warden ran up.
"What are you doing?" he demanded.
"We've delivered this weather vane and we're going to put it on top of the steeple," the workmen
told him.
"You're not going to do any such thing!" the warden declared. "It's too heavy. It will damage the
steeple. I won't allow any such thing!"
The poor workmen didn't know what to do. Finally the superintendent came out to see what the
trouble was.
The warden declared, "I'm not going to let you put that big heavy thing on top of the steeple. The
winds will blow it over and it will crash into the building."
The superintendent assured the warden that there was no danger, but nothing he said convinced the
man. Finally the superintendent pointed to the rooster which was mounted in such a way that it turned
with the wind to point the direction.
"See," he said. "When the wind blows, this rooster will go around with the wind and it mitigates the
danger. There's really no danger at all."
A glimmer of understanding began to dawn on the warden and his eyes lit up with a sudden idea.
"I've got a great idea that will help even more," he said. "See these big metal letters...N...E...S...W.
They're stationary. Why don't we fix them so that they move with the wind too and that will lessen the
danger even more!"
"Oh, we can't do that," the superintendent explained. "That would do away with the whole idea of
the weather vane. The letters stand for North, East, South and West. If the letters turned around with
the wind, there would be no way to tell from which direction the wind was blowing or what direction it
was going. These points, N, E, S, W, must be permanently fixed so that when the wind blows you will
know the direction it is coming from and where it is going."
You MUST have A FIXED POINT for your faith that will not turn with the winds, that will not fail
in the test.
By the Spirit of God, I want to give you an idea of some of the testing that lies just ahead and why
you must settle NOW upon that FIXED POINT of faith.

Chapter 3
"If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses?
And if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?" (Jeremiah
In the 1960's we had the race riots, the campus chaos, the social rebellion that brought bloodshed to
our city streets and parks.
During the first of the 1970's we have had our Watergate whose tremendous political aftershocks
continue to rock our nation. We have had the oil blackmail by the Arab countries which shook the
monetary systems of the world, paving the way for economic havoc. We have had the Communists
take over in Vietnam after we poured billions of American dollars and thousands of American lives
into the war effort.
These were shakings. These were shocks.
But in a phrase grown old with use..."BROTHER, YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING YET!"
As I mentioned earlier, Satan is poised. He's ready. He's positioned. He is going to unleash all of his
vicious, evil, vengeful might upon the world and against the church and against God's people.
Are you prepared?
Are you ready?
Do you have a fixed point for your faith? An infallible point? An impregnable point?
There is not one person I know who has not at some time had his faith shaken.
I want to ask you some searching questions:
What do you do when you have believed in divine healing all of your life and suddenly you are
struck with sugar diabetes or heart trouble, or you find you have low or high blood pressure? What do
you do?
What do you do when the trial of your faith comes and the enemy begins to whisper to your heart,
"You've lived for God. You've served the Lord. You've stood for Him. Why do these things happen to
you?" What do you do?
What do you do when you've brought up your children the best way that you know how? You've
had a family altar. You've taken them to Sunday school. You've done everything before God that you
know how to do...but that son of yours, that daughter, turns to drugs or turns to hippies or rebels
against the church and against the faith of mother and father. What do you do?
What do you do when you sit in a missionary meeting or a church meeting and hear plans for a new
building, and the pastor tells you that if you will give, it shall be given back to you...and the next week
you lose your job?
Or an evangelist tells you about the blessings of God if you will give to missionary work and you
give to God in honesty, not just to get back, but because of the need. The next week you're in financial
need and three months later your bills are piled so high you can't see over them. What do you do?
That's why God said, "Morris, tell my people they must have a fixed point for their faith."
If you don't have a fixed point for your faith, your faith will not stand the test that it will be put to in
the very near future.
I prophesy to you that the Church of Jesus Christ will face the greatest test of faith that it has ever
faced from the time of Christ until now during this period just before the coming of our Lord!
Christian experiences are going to be shaken.
One of the turning points in my life marked by a supernatural visitation with God took place in
Lima, Ohio, in 1957 when God showed me in a vision five prophetic happenings.
God came into my room at 5:30 in the morning. It was very dark and my room just lit up; it was
glory I couldn't describe. I got down on my knees and my face before God as He unfolded these things
that were going to come to pass.
One of the things that God showed me was a vision of rain falling out of the sky.
I said, "Lord, what is this rain?"
God said, "Son, this rain is the rain of the Holy Spirit."
I said, "Well, Lord, what does it mean?"
God said, "I'm going to pour out My Spirit on every denomination."
This was 1957, before the charismatic movement!
I said, "But, Lord, I don't see any instrument!" I looked to see myself or someone else leading this
outpouring, but God said, "You won't see any as such. There will be many who participate and the
influencing force behind it will be the Holy Spirit."
We have seen this come to pass in a tremendous way.
But also in that experience I saw the Christian church.
I saw the people who had ridden the fence.
And God said, "There will come a time when My church will no longer be able to walk a line in the
middle and hold on to both sides...the church and the world...the moving of the Holy Spirit and
complacency. There will be a distinct line that will be drawn between My people, and those who want
the real moving of the Holy Spirit will be clearly distinguished from anybody else."
Now you can't distinguish them very well, but God said, "The time is coming when you will be able
to distinguish them."
I believe this is one of those things that God is speaking to me about now when He says things are
going to be shaken.
Christians' experiences are going to be shaken to the point that they are either going to be real, to be
true, to be genuine...or else it is going to be known and they are going to fall into another camp. There
will be a marked division.
I've thought much about this, about why this is going to happen.
I believe it is going to happen because there is no other way that the super-power, one-world church
foretold in prophecy can come into being if this line is not drawn.
This point will be expanded in a later chapter for it is tied integrally into the next great phase of the
Holy Spirit's moving in the church world. This is part of the paradox of which I spoke earlier...With the
great shaking of Christian experiences so that the real and the play-real are easily distinguishable, there
will also come a sweet and precious and beautiful ministering of the Holy Spirit among those whose
experiences stand the test, whose faith is fixed.

Chapter 4
Christ prayed:
"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that
thou hast sent me." (John 17:21)
To me, one of the biggest curses in the Christian world today is the curse of denominationalism.
In no way does the denominational structure of the church world resemble the blueprint Christ
mapped out for the church. No way.
Christ prayed that we might be ONE. He never prayed that we would be Presbyterians, that we
would be Methodists, that we would be liberals, conservatives, evangelicals. He didn't pray that we
would be independent, either, or that we would be Assembly of God or Baptist or Episcopalian or
Catholics. He prayed that we might be ONE.
Have you ever felt the thrill of meeting another Christian somewhere, see a fish sign on their car or
see them carrying a Bible or passing out tracts? There's that thrill of recognition.
"Are you a Christian? Praise the Lord! I am too."
"You are? Great, praise the Lord. What church do you go to?"
"Lutheran. Where do you go?"
"Four Square."
A sort of a chill wind descends and the conversation is over. A curtain has fallen, an invisible barrier
that somehow hints that "If you're not one of us, you're a little peculiar." Or maybe even out...
Christ prayed that we might be one, but we are splintered. Denominations are splintered. If you
don't belong to a certain segment and a certain group and a certain church, you're not in; you're out. In
or out of what? Denomination.
Denomination has taken precedence over the body of Christ.
Believe me, I write this in love, not malice. I realize this loving admonition will be open to a lot of
criticism but I had to make the decision that I must obey God and not be afraid to speak the truth. I
must with clarity warn the church people and the denominational world of the tremendous shaking and
separation that is going to divide the present church world.
A clear line is going to be drawn, but that line will no longer be between various denominations or
organizations. Again, as in the shaking of Christian experiences, it is going to separate the real, the
genuine from the fuzzy and uncommitted.
The two things which really govern a denomination most are fear of the loss of money, and fear of
the loss of power. It is for these reasons that loyalty to certain denominations has been stressed, even
demanded, by the controlling figures.
When the shaking comes...and remember, it is just around the corner...that power structure is going
to crumble.
That centralization of power that has vested itself in a handful of people who run a denomination is
going to be broken. That power structure that demands that either everybody else bow to it or be
ostracized is going to be broken because a time of persecution and trial is coming upon the earth such
as has never been seen.
There will be such a wind of adversity come upon this world that no longer will the denominational
leaders worry if Morris Cerullo or Billy Graham or anyone else, gets $5 they felt they should have.
God's real people instead are going to make every effort to reach the lost and build up the Body of
Christ under extremely trying conditions.
Here again, under the stress of persecution, the separation will be between the real Body of
Christ...and that other camp, the super church which will eventually be headed by the false prophet, the
The reason that many so-called Christians and denominations will defect to that one world church
will be in order to escape persecution, because that church will receive exceptions from some of the
testings and persecutions which are coming.
Those who want to escape the trials will have to compromise or else there will be no escape.
So if you want to compromise...there's a way out for you.
But if you DON'T want to be compromised, if you want to stand true to Jesus Christ, if you want to
be a part of the REAL body of Christ...then you're going to be tested. You're going to face the fire.
We MUST have an infallible, impregnable faith in order to stand the things that are just ahead.
Not only Christian experiences, not only denominations, but church structure also is going to be
Look at it. Can you imagine the church at Ephesus getting together to vote whether Peter would be
their pastor?
During the first 200 years of the church, Christian leaders shook the world because they had the
characteristic and the quality of Holy Ghost initiative. They were led by the Spirit. They were
DRIVEN, if you please, by the Spirit.
They didn't decide their pastorate by making a golfing date with the head deacon and becoming pals
on the golf course. They were led by the Spirit.
Existing methods of church government are going to be shaken.
Look at the organization of deacons and elders in the churches. God laid down the pattern in His
word, the standards for leaders in the churches. Yet I guarantee you that not one church in a thousand
in America today meets the standards of elders and deacons set forth in God's word. Not one in a
But yet these are the leaders who hold the positions and the titles and are running God's business.
This system is going to be shaken. There will be a wind that will blow that will take the shaft of the
church and really shake it until only that which cannot be shaken...the good, the real, the true...will be
So you see, you cannot fix your faith on experiences, for they will be shaken. You cannot fix your
faith on denominations, for they will be shaken. You cannot fix your faith on your church, for it will be
shaken; or church leaders, for they will be shaken.
You must have a fixed point for your faith that cannot be shaken so that you cannot be shaken even
when you see other believers, denominations, churches, or personalities shaking and compromising
and falling.
Remember despite all the shaking and all the falling, God has said that there are those things which
CANNOT be shaken.

Chapter 5
"And, the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of
it." (Matthew 7:27)
Let's talk about our homes.
Looking at the home situation that already exists in America...the one-out-of-three-marriages
divorce rate, the rebellious children, the letters of heartbreak about family situations that daily pour
into my headquarters in San Diego,'s hard to realize that this shaking I am talking about
has not already taken place. But we've only seen the beginning. Homes are going to be shaken as never
We've had the crises of young people, of rebellion, of hippies and dope addicts even in Christian
homes. God has spoken to me about this that one of the reasons these things have penetrated the
Christian home is because the Christian home is compromising.
A youngster in a Christian home decides he wants to change the rules. He rebels against his parents
and the way he has been brought up. His parents don't know where to turn. They throw up their hands
and say, "What shall I do?"
They look around to see what other parents are doing, and so they say, "Well, other parents are
permitting this. If my son wants to do that, he should have the right to do it also." Or they say, "Well,
he's 18 years old now" or "She's 17. She should have the right." And compromise is born.
Rather than looking to see what other families are doing and letting them set the standard, that
mother and that father should be looking at the Bible and uncompromisingly holding up God's
I don't speak as an outsider, an observer. I have three children of my own. I speak as a Christian
father. I can look back in my own life and see times when I was tempted to permit the spirit of the age
and the spirit of the hour to dictate to me rather than my saying, "Look, this is what God says. This is
His standard for the home. Now that's it."
If you do that, take that stand, you're a thousand times better off, but that's hard, you see, and our
parents haven't done it.
They've gone to this psychologist or that psychiatrist or that counselor asking "What can I do?" God
tells them what to do, but they won't follow that. They won't discipline the children. They won't take
authority over the spirit of the age and over their children. There is no one to blame but themselves.
Don't blame God if you won't train up that child in the right way. Don't blame God if you won't
discipline that child. Don't blame God if you won't set a standard down for that child and say, "Look,
this is God's standard for us in this home and you must obey it!" Don't blame God.
You may think we have a revolution with the young people now, but we haven't begun to feel it yet.
There is going to be such a spirit of rebellion coming from inside these young people that they won't
give a snap of their fingers for their parents. They won't care one iota about their parents.
It's going to happen. That's why I am telling you that you must have a fixed point. If your home isn't
tied absolutely to the word of God, it's going to be shaken right out from under you.
Marriages are going to be shaken, the structure of the home.
We've already seen alarming rises in the divorce rate, but not in any way like we're going to see it.
Already husbands and wives no longer need a reason for a divorce. They just say they can't get along
together, and boom! They've got it. That's grounds for divorce.
There are even do-it-yourself divorce kits advertised in the newspapers telling you how to get a
quickie divorce without much expense. It's simple to get a divorce, and it's going to get easier yet.
It's so simple that a lot of young people get married with the thought already in mind "Well, if it
doesn't work out, I'll get a divorce and marry someone else."
It is so simple to get a divorce that there may not be too many marriages in the future. There is
already a lot of "living together" taking place today, publicized "living together" of our Hollywood
stars and our sports stars as well as others. They're not even embarrassed about it.
The theme of the age is "Why get married?"
I clipped out a newspaper article just recently telling how the marriage vows have changed. No
more is the woman going to be required to say that she will love, honor and obey her husband. It was
taken out of the marriage vow.
Why? Because people want to change the structure. They don't want God's plan for a home and for
a family.
I have great respect for women and for the many worthwhile contributions which women have made
in many fields of endeavor. But with all due respect to the ladies, God has a plan for them. He has a
plan for man. He has a plan for woman. Women are not fulfilling God's plan for their lives just as men
are not fulfilling God's plan for their lives. Neither men nor women are taking their proper positions in
the home, and the children are not taking their proper position.
Homes are going to be shaken. From the authority of the husband to the obedience of the wife, to
the respect of a child... they're going to be shaken.
One of the greatest shakings on the American social scene that has ever taken place will occur as the
various liberation movements gather steam and become more brazen and outrageous in their demands.
This scene has been comparatively quiet in the last several months...but do not be deceived. There
will be more demanding of "rights" than you can imagine... most of them in no way based on the
"rights" that God means for us to enjoy.
See how perverse mankind is? While there will be a lessening of marriages in the normal family
sense which God requires...we will be seeing more and more about marriages of men to men and
women to women which God regards as an abomination. This is confusion in the extreme.
The "gays" made an astounding advance of their position just a few weeks ago at this writing when
the California State Legislature passed a law repealing the ban against various perverted acts between
consenting adults.
Some might reason that whether or not the law is repealed makes little difference since such
behavior is already being flaunted. But it most certainly will be carried to greater extremes now.
There is already a church in Los Angeles, with branches in major cities all across America, which
describes itself with a denominational name long associated with fundamentalism, but the ministers of
this group EVERY MONTH marry an average of more than 30 homosexual couples "in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."
Some old line denominational churches now ordain homosexuals as ministers and pastors.
There are Gay Liberation parades which end up with fiery, evangelistic-style rallies on court house
or city hall steps. There was a "gay" sit-in in front of the Los Angeles Times not long ago where
homosexuals demanded...and got...a promise of better coverage of their "news" events.
They will be demanding more rights in days ahead. So will the Women's Lib, the Gray Panthers (a
Senior Citizens organization) and various ethnic organizations. I'm not saying some of the goals sought
may not be worthwhile, but all will add to the general social upheaval and disorder of American life.
College professors on two different Orange County, California, campuses have warned of rumblings
of uprisings and demonstrations which have come to their attention. Police have information from
informants that many militant groups are keeping their activities subdued from the limelight for the
moment...but are planning mass demonstrations to tear down confidence in America during the United
States' Bicentennial Celebration.
These all fit in with the sinister evil forces designed to tear down the structure of our society as
Satan makes his last great spectacular onslaught.

Chapter 6
"Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches..." (1 Timothy 6:17)
For years, I told about the recession that was coming. Many didn't believe it, but it came.
Later when the newspapers and economists were saying that the recession had bottomed out, I
maintained that we hadn't seen the worst yet...and it did get worse. In fact, the Wall Street Journal and
other newspapers, just a few days before I began work on this book, were saying that we hadn't seen
the worst yet...but I believe we have FOR A TIME!
Things are going to get better, look better. In fact I am expecting a banner time as far as the
economies of the world are concerned...for a season...but then LOOK OUT!
I am not going to set a time schedule publicly at this time, but in a little while, not too far off...well,
I would not want to have ONE DIME invested in anything, not one dime.
Stocks and bonds won't be worth the papering of your walls. There is going to be a world-wide
economic shake-up such as there has never been before in the history of the world. It's going to happen
fast. It's going to happen quickly.
Remember, God said EVERYTHING would be shaken.
The economists are going to think they have their problems licked, but disaster is going to come like
a whirlwind.
Politics? There's a new stress on "integrity" in political campaigns since the Watergate revelations...
but we are still going to see some hard shaking in any direction you look. It's unbelievable what is
already happening in the political arena. You read about this oil company or that one giving millions of
dollars to corrupt politicians. You read about millions being given to corrupt leaders in foreign
countries. Some of those refugee leaders from Vietnam carried out gold by the millions and stashed it
We haven't seen anything yet compared to what's coming on the domestic front. The CIA is trying
hard to explain reports that they hired the Mafia to kill Castro. Other things are going to come out that
are just unbelievable. In fact, you're reading the beginning of these things now in your newspapers.
Israel and Egypt are sort of co-existing now and it looks like everything has settled down in that
political hotspot of the world BUT LOOK OUT. The Bible says when they say "peace and safety"
there will be "sudden destruction." (1 Thessalonians 5:3)
Some of the "security blankets" people have trusted in for years are going to be shaken and will fail
them completely.
Look at Social Security. That system has been bankrupt for years. They're paying claims now with
what is coming in. The money people have paid in over years and years and years is not there, not on
Employment will be shaken, union funds, insurance short, everything in which man
has placed his claim to security.
Man's wisdom is going to be shaken. The educational systems. Every institution we've believed in.
Do you think that finally science is going to agree that the Bible is scientifically correct? Not for a
minute! There will be greater attacks on the Word of God than ever before, more efforts to discredit it.
There will be claims that Jesus Himself is a myth, an elaborate hoax perpetrated by a group of scholars
and writers. And these critics will go out of their way to try to convince the masses. MANY OF THE
Medicine? Now that we have liberal abortion laws, they're pressing for legalizing euthanasia or
mercy killings. Already courts have been called upon to decide when people are "legally" dead because
in some instances vital organs have been removed from still-breathing bodies for transplant into other
bodies. There's great confusion in the area of just who has the right of life and death, and this
confusion will grow.
The Constitution of the United States of America? The Bill of Rights? Founded on the Bible
principles in the beginning, a long series of rulings and interpretations by a liberal-oriented Supreme
Court has already made inroads into the original intent of these great documents...but the major attack
is yet to come. The Constitution has been held in higher regard than the Bible by many people, but the
Constitution is going to be greatly shaken.
Does that shock you?
God said EVERYTHING! Everything that CAN be shaken WILL be shaken!
Thank God for that which CANNOT be shaken!
Even the heavens are going to shake and the earth.
Peter tells of a time when "the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall
melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (2 Peter 3:10)
Jesus said "Heaven and earth shall pass away." (Mark 13:31)
But He added, "But MY WORDS shall not pass away." (Mark 13:31)
Another Scripture, Psalm 119:89, tells us that "For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven."
Everything that CAN be shaken WILL be shaken, but God's Word will abide.
This and this alone must be the fixed point of our faith.

Chapter 7
(The next great phase of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit)
"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord." (2 Corinthians 6:17)
Earlier I told you about the shaking that would take place in Christian experiences, in
denominations and in church structure. I also mentioned the great charismatic movement which has
transcended denominational barriers to bring the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the charismatic gifts of
the Spirit to thousands of earnest men and women around the world.
I want to enlarge upon both of these previous portions by telling you the next phase of the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the earth.
There is coming a time in the very near future when severe persecution is going to hit the church
and hit God's people.
It will last only a short while but it will bring a sharp line of division between the compromisers and
those who really are going to walk with the Lord through to the very end.
The reasons that it won't last long is because it will be only a short time before the rapture of the
church takes place.
The move of the Spirit which is the next phase of the outpouring and which will culminate with the
We have had the outpouring of the sign-gift ministry. We have had the outpouring of miracles. We
have had the great charismatic manifestations.
It won't be the signs and wonders and miracle revivals; that's already here. It will be a move of
SANCTIFICATION, a term little understood or used or stressed by most churches.
Remember, God said to me that there would come a time when you could distinguish between His
people and the world. That's hardly possible now. The church looks like the world, acts like the world,
is deeply involved in the world.
To end up on the right side of this line of demarcation which will be drawn, God's people are going
to have to be SPIRITUALLY MINDED. "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."
(Philippians 2:5)
The Christian who has worn his carnal feelings on his sleeve for so long and has been hurt by this
person or that one...that's going to be shaken.
You hear it all the time: "This person did thus and so to me, so I'm going to do this, that or the
Things like that are going to be shaken, for out of this turmoil and shaking is going to come
maturity. Christians are so immature in their day by day interaction experiences with one another. It is
no wonder that the world looks and says, "Are those Christians? Look at them fighting and backbiting
and criticizing...! don't want anything to do with that."
That's going to be shaken. The stench of carnality in the church is going to be replaced with love
and true spiritual growth.
You're going to be able to tell real Christians by looking at them and listening to them and observing
their habits.
"But God looks on the heart." That's what so many people say to excuse the way they dress or the
things they do. They fail to quote the part of that Scripture (1 Samuel 16:7) which says "man looketh
on the outward appearance"...and man is going to be able to tell the real from the pretense.
I'm not saying that holiness is not wearing pants, or not wearing adornment, or altogether in how
you dress. Holiness springs from a heart where Jesus Christ abides, where the Holy Spirit has full
sway, but it certainly is not manifested in many of the fashions and activities of the day in which we
live and in which church people take part.
I won't say that there is anything wrong with going to the beach or in mixed bathing, but I do say
there is something wrong with 90 percent of the bathing suits our girls wear. Christian girls on the
beach. Wives of many ministers and people prominent in Christian social circles many times wear
dresses that are extremely embarrassing with their low necks and low cuts.
There is a total lack of consciousness of what it means to walk even in our dress in pleasing the
Lord. A lack of consciousness about our speech pleasing the
Lord, or our interaction with other people. A total lack. There is no preaching in the church today to
give to our people a standard of what kind of outward appearance there should be in the life of a
But there is going to come a time of such testing and such trial and such persecution into the church
that it is going to bring about a spirit of dedication and holiness and consecration to God in those who
will not compromise.
There will be such an anointing of holiness come upon the church that the question will not be
"How close can I walk to the world?" but the cry will be
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any
wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:23-24)
The reason for this move towards holiness is that GOD IS NOT GOING TO RAPTURE ANY
The church doesn't understand the rapture. They talk a lot about it, but they don't understand it.
The rapture is the calling away of that precious undefiled element which God the Father is going to
present to His Son as a reward for His death on the cross.
Can you imagine God lifting out of this world the hypocritical, inconsistent, back-biting, worldly-
minded, lewdly-attired church people and saying, "All right, now, as you go up, in the twinkling of an
eye, I'm going to transform you and present you to my Son?"
Don't be deceived. That is just not going to happen.
This bride of Christ is going to be refined and purified right here on earth and then it is going to be
presented to Jesus without spot or wrinkle. (We will be changed in the twinkling of an eye—true
mortality will put on immortality.)
In order for this to happen, there must be a shaking. And it is going to bring about a beauty inside of
us that will be something fit for the bride of Christ.
I don't say that these other people won't be saved... but I do know what God's plan is for the bride of
Jesus Christ.
Those others may be saved through great tribulation, through fire, but I know that they will not be in
the bride of Christ.
There's the parable of the talents in the 25th chapter of Matthew where one man was given five
talents, one was given two and the third was given one. The first two servants doubled their
investments, but the last man just hid his one talent in the earth. He started out just as much in the
kingdom as the man with five talents, but he didn't make it.
The Scripture doesn't say he didn't make it because he was a drunkard or a gambler or a liar or a
cheat...He simply didn't do anything with what God gave him.
The other parable in that great chapter also makes a strong difference between two groups of people.
It is the parable of the ten virgins, five of whom made it in to the marriage supper and five of whom
did not.
Why did the Lord give us these two tremendous parables about the Kingdom of Heaven? He is
trying to tell us and to warn us that people can be in the kingdom, be virgins, be a part of it...and yet
not make it into the marriage supper of the Lamb.
There's coming a shaking.
"That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and
without blemish." (Ephesians 5:27)

Chapter 8
"Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure.”
(2 Timothy 2:19)
The story is told of a man who, when he heard a strange knocking noise in his car motor turned up
the radio so he wouldn't hear it.
The foolishness of such an act is immediately apparent.
Ignoring the noise did not make it go away. The noise was warning that something wasn't right
under the hood and the motorist should have taken proper precautions. The warning noise sounded
only a short time. When no corrections were made, the end of that motor came.
There are those who are spiritually just as foolish as that poor man. They ignore the warnings of
God. They launch themselves into other activities so that they might drown out the voice of God
speaking to them.
But ignoring the things that are going to come upon this earth will not make them go away. They are
going to come. The warning is out. We must prepare. The Bible says, "He that hath an ear, let him
hear." (Revelation 2:7)
"Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away." (Mark 13:31)
THIS BIBLE IS THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD: There shall not fail to come to pass a single
thing that God has said. This is our guide. This is our resting place. This is the voice of God giving us
direction for our lives, our businesses, our homes. This is the foundation that standeth sure though the
heavens and earth should shake a million-fold. Eternal. Secure. Immutable. The Word of God.
THE WORD OF GOD IS TWO THINGS. It is this WRITTEN WORD, the Holy Bible, and it is
also THE LIVING WORD, the Lord Jesus Christ.
"IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things
were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. And the Word was made
flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)
full of grace and truth." (John 1:1, 3, 14) You cannot separate God from His Word. God IS His Word!
God said that we must have a fixed point for our faith that was both INFALLIBLE and
Infallible means the last word. Infallible means it cannot be questioned.
Doctors do not have the last word. Bankers do not have the last word. Our children do not have the
last word. Our enemies do not have the last word. Satan does not have the last word. Governments,
denominations, etc. do not have the LAST WORD!
GOD has the last word. His word is infallible.
"Let God be true, but every man a liar." (Romans 3:4)
We must so fix our faith that we know we have the last word, that it cannot be questioned.
There is infallibility for our faith when it is not based on a man, when our faith is not based on a
spiritual gift or an experience, but when our faith is based on the Word...not the written word
alone...but the Living Word!
Impregnable means to be incapable of being taken by assault! God's Word is impregnable.
We have to come to a place in our experience where we know that we are impregnable! Where we
know that no matter what is thrown against us, our defenses cannot crumble...where there are no weak
lines in our defenses...where there are no places at which we are vulnerable for the enemy to come in,
attack, and conquer. We are impregnable.
There is one thing and one thing alone that cannot be shaken no matter what Satan does, no matter
how many trials and how many tests he puts the church of Jesus Christ through...there is one thing that
cannot be shaken, there is one thing that will last. That one thing and that one thing alone is the Word
of the living God!
It is our fixed point for our faith in the midst of every wind that may blow against our minds,
against our lives, that would seemingly attempt to shake us at the point of our problems and our
The Word of God has absolute authority for us in the midst of every circumstance, every problem,
every distress, every sickness, every need.
It is infallible. It is impregnable. It is unshakable. It is unassailable.
The Word of the Living God.
Get your faith fixed on the Word of God and let come what may. Let all satanic power come against
you. Let everything seem to go wrong in your life...your family, your business, your job, your home,
your children, your physical body...if you have your faith fixed on God's Word you will not be shaken.
You will not only survive the test of your faith in the midst of your problem, but while you are
going through the problem, whatever it may be, you will look up with a faith that shines. You will
radiate confidence, joy, assurance. You will not question. You will know that victory is inevitably
yours. You cannot be defeated. You CANNOT.
God has given us that fixed point for our faith. It will not fail. It cannot fail.
Jesus said:
"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a
rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and IT FELL NOT: FOR IT WAS
FOUNDED UPON A ROCK. " (Matthew 7:24-25)
That Rock is the Living Word...our FIXED, INFALLIBLE, IMPREGNABLE point of faith.

"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner ofpersons ought ye to be... " (2 Pet. 3:11)
Dear Friend,
Because God so definitely gave me this message for you, and because His anointing is so clearly
upon this book...and because I know that you did not read it by chance...I believe God is speaking to
your heart about your need to make doubly sure in these last days that you are fixed and grounded in
It will help you to articulate this desire if you take a definite step signifying your rededication.
Right now while the Spirit of God is still upon you, clip out the special dedicatory pledge below and
mail it to me. I will pray especially for you that God will strengthen, sustain and keep you in the very
difficult days ahead.
Faithfully God's servant, Morris Cerullo

About the Author

Morris Cerullo is the president of World Evangelism and is internationally known.
For over twenty-five years he has travelled to nearly every country of the world to preach the Gospel. Some of the largest crowds in missionary history have attended these crusades (up to 250,000 in a single
Dr. Cerullo’s messages are known for their uniqueness and the anointing of the Holy Spirit that can be felt in both the spoken and printed word. Over three million copies of his books have been published
The World Evangelism ministry is currently active in over forty countries of the world. Offices for this worldwide outreach for souls are maintained in England, Israel, Kenya, Brazil, Argentina, the Philippine
Islands, and the world headquarters in San Diego, California.
In addition to the evangelistic ministry, the training of foreign National Ministers is a vivid outreach. Rev. Cerullo has personally trained over 100,000 National Ministers in Schools of Evangelism throughout the
world. (In the methods and ministry of reaching other nations for God.)
Early in this decade God impressed upon the heart of Dr. Cerullo to return to North America. Since then he has held extensive crusades in major cities across the continent. Through the weekly “Helpline” series
thousands have come to learn of the ministry of World Evangelism and the power of God available to them through Jesus Christ. More recently Dr. Cerullo has released the “Masada” television special, which aired
nation wide in prime time to audiences in excess of 40 million.

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