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Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication/Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing Responsibilities: Generic

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GENERIC: Structurally related to I. INDICATION: Treatment of sustained Body as a Whole:

METHYLDOPA catecholamines and their moderate to severe hypertension, Hypersensitivity (Fever, skin
precursors. Has weak particularly in patients with kidney eruptions, ulcerations of soles
BRAND: Aldomet, neurotransmitter properties; dysfunction. Also used in selected patients of feet, flu-like symptoms,
Apo-Methyldopa , inhibits decarboxylation of with carcinoid disease. Parenteral form has lymphadenopathy,
Dopamet , dopa, thereby reducing been used for treatment of hypertensive eosinophilia). CNS: Sedation,
Novomedopa concentration of dopamine, a crises but is not preferred because of its drowsiness, sluggishness,
precursor of norepinephrine. It slow onset of action. headache, weakness, fatigue,
also inhibits the precursor of dizziness, vertigo, decrease in
serotonin. mental acuity, inability to
concentrate, amnesia-like
syndrome, parkinsonism, mild
ANTIHYPERTENSIV (methyldopa) is contraindicated in patients:
psychoses, depression,
E; AUTONOMIC Methyldopa may lower blood
nightmares. CV: Orthostatic
NERVOUS SYSTEM pressure by stimulating central
hypotension, syncope,
AGENT; ALPHA- inhibitory alpha-adrenergic
— with active hepatic disease, such as bradycardia, myocarditis,
ADRENERGIC receptors, false
acute hepatitis and active cirrhosis edema, weight gain (sodium
AGONIST neurotransmission, and/or
and water retention),
(SYMPATHOMIMETI reduction of plasma renin
paradoxic hypertensive
C) activity.
reaction (especially with IV
— with liver disorders previously
administration). GI: Diarrhea,
associated with methyldopa therapy (see
constipation, abdominal
WARNINGS) † with hypersensitivity to
THERAPEUTIC: distension, malabsorption
any component of these products.
Lowers standing and syndrome, nausea, vomiting,
supine BP, and unlike dry mouth, sore or black
adrenergic blockers, is tongue, sialadenitis, abnormal
not so prone to produce — on therapy with monoamine oxidase liver function tests, jaundice,
orthostatic hypotension, (MAO) inhibitors. hepatitis, hepatic necrosis
diurnal BP variations, (rare). Hematologic: Positive
or exercise DRUG TO DRUG INTERACTION: direct Coombs' test (common
hypertension. Reduces Decreased absorption with colestyramine. especially in African-
renal vascular Decreased serum concentrations with Americans), granulocytopenia.
resistance; maintains rifampicin and some anticonvulsants (e.g. Special Senses: Nasal
cardiac output without phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, stuffiness. Endocrine:
acceleration, but may primidone). Enhances the anticoagulant Gynecomastia, lactation,
slow heart rate; tends to effect of warfarin and other coumarins with decreased libido, impotence,
support sodium and prolonged use. Increased absorption with hypothermia (large doses),
water retention. metoclopramide and domperidone. positive tests for lupus and
Increased serum concentration with rheumatoid factors. Skin:
DOSAGE: probenecid. May increase serum Granulomatous skin lesions.
concentration of chloramphenicol.
Adult: PO 250 mg
b.i.d. or t.i.d., may be DRUG TO FOOD INTERACTION:
increased up to 3 g/d in Increased risk of hepatotoxicity with
divided doses IV 250– alcohol. Decreased serum concentration
500 mg q6h, may be with St John’s wort.
increased up to 1 g q6h

Geriatric: PO 125 mg
b.i.d. or t.i.d., may
increase gradually
(max: 3 g/d)

Child: PO 10–65
mg/kg/d in 2–4 divided
doses (max: 3 g/d) IV
20–65 mg/kg/d in 4
divided doses


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