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Renal Cancer R

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RENAL CANCER to both near and distant lymph nodes and to other

So what is Renal Cancer? This is a malignant tumor organs in the body such as the brain and lungs.
that arises from the cortex, pelvis, or calyces of the
kidney. So what are the RISK FACTORS, for modifiable
The most common type of kidney cancer is RENAL we have here the exposure to toxins such as
CELL CARCINOMA or RCC. This is considered a tobacco, asbestos, cadmium, and gasoline (they
SILENT TUMOR because the symptoms don’t have toxic effectsthat causes inflammation and
typically get noticed until the tumor has grown scarring that damages DNA that turns normal cell to
pretty large. cancer cells)
OBESITY (carrying too much body fat increases
Where does RCC occur? So within the cortex and levels of insulin and cancer cells loves glucose
medulla, there are millions of tiny functional units because they grow quickly and multiply fast which
called the NEPHRONS (the mechanism is for takes a lot of energy)
filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion) HYPERTENSION (this can constrict and narrow
and it consists of the RENAL CORPUSCLE the blood vessels in the kidney that reduce blood
(filtration of blood happens) and RENAL flow and stops kidney from working well)
TUBULES (returns needed substances to the blood UNOPPOSED ESTROGEN USE (it inhibits a
and removes wastes). So here, the RCC originates protein called MLK3 that causes normal cell death
in the lining of the RENAL TUBULES especially that leads to uncontrolled growth of cancer cells)
(where in it reabsorbed sodium, water, glucose,
amino acid (tyrosine, cysteine), and secretes For non-modifiable
ammonia and creatinine), LOOP OF HENLE (it AGE 45 years and above
reabsorbed water), and DISTAL CONVOLUTED Mostly in MEN (more likely to smoke and have
TUBULES (to balance electrolyte (sodium, hypertension)
calcium, potassium) and regulate extracellular FAMILY HISTORY of RENAL CANCER
fluid). The COLLECTING DUCTS (drains the
urine). An imbalance in the electrolyte can lead to Now for the SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS, So
dehydration, edematous, and water retention. initially client are asymptomatic but as the disease
progresses then client will develop palpable mass
However the cause of RCC is UNKNOWN, but in abdomen or lower back, and can experience
RCC occurs when something triggers genetic symptoms like unintentional weight loss, fever,
mutation (rapid change or transformation) within malaise, nausea and vomiting.
the cells in the kidney like a mutation of the VON
HIPPEL-LINDAU or VHL because this is a tumor If the tumor grows enough to physically obstruct
suppressor it means that this helps control cell urinary flow then it can cause urine to build up
growth and cell division, so if there is a mutation in inside the ureter and this is what we called the
the VHL then it may increase the growth of cells hydroureter.
including abnormal cells that causes forming of As the tumor invades the tissue and breaks through
tumor or mass. This can be hereditary or non- the basement membrane then clients will experience
hereditary. hematuria (blood in the urine)
While compression of nearby nerves can cause pain
RCC often starts as a single mass of a tumor but can in the flank or near the hipbone.
also grow in one or in both kidneys.
We also have here the paraneoplastic syndromes
For the RCC we have 4 stages that vary based on where in when the tumor cells generate a hormone
the size and location of the tumor, the STAGE 1-4. that causes its own set of symptoms.
For STAGE 1 the diameter is 7cm or smaller and For example , the tumor can release erythropoietin
hasn’t spread anywhere else. For STAGE 2, the that increase the production of new RBC that can
tumor is larger than 7cm. For STAGE 3, the tumor lead to polycythemia or too much RBC that can
spreads nearby lymph nodes but does not involve cause blood to start slowing down to its normal
distant organs. And for STAGE 4, cancer has spread flow.
Next is the release of renin which causes AND RADIATION THERAPY to kill the
hypertension (it works together with angiotensin remaining cancer cells. Now for the client with
and aldosterone to accomplish this. Angiotensin unresectable metastatic tumor as well as those
narrows your blood vessels and aldosterone causes who cant have surgery . The treatment choice is the
your kidneys to retain water and salt. This increases MICROWAVE ABLATION or MWA, and
the amount of fluid in your body and raises your CRYOABLATION, which can slow tumor growth.
blood pressure) Next is the BIOLOGIC RESPONSE MODIFIER
Another one is the release of parathyroid hormone including interleukin 2 (cytokines- proliferation,
related peptide or PTHrP that mimics PTH causing activation, maturation of immune cells) , interferon
hypercalcemia, fatigue, and ,muscle weakness (glycoproteins)-response to infection), and tumor
Lastly the adrenocorticotropic hormone or ACTH necrosis factor have also been shown to increase
results in cushing syndrome which can cause survival time . Lastly the TARGETED THERAPY
hyperglycemia, hypertension, skin or medications that targeted specific molecules
hyperpigmentation, osteoporosis and weight gain involved in the growth of cancer cells. Like tyrosine
easy bruising and frequent infections from a kinase inhibitors (TKIs) (such as sorafenib,
weakened immune system. sunitinib, erlotinib) and mTOR inhibitors (such as
sirolimus, everolimus, and temsirolimus). These
drugs can get inside cancer cells and block certain
For the diagnosis of RRC, it starts with the clients enzymes and proteins that tell cancer cells to grow,
Additionally, Laboratory studies include a CBC
which may show anemia and increased electrolyte For the NURSING RESPINSIBILITES, we have to
sedimentation rate (m-0-22, f-0-29). When the assess baseline V/S as well as their pain level, fluid
tumor secretes erythropoietin then clients can have balance,and intake and output. Also review most
an increased haematocrit and low ESR. If the tumor recent lab test results including kidney function test
secretes PTHrP then calcium levels are also CBC, electrolytes, and urinalysis. Importantly be
elevated. Next is the KIDNEY FUNCTION TEST alert for complications including paraneoplastic
can show elevated serum creatinine and blood urea syndromes. Report to the HCP if there are problems
nitrogen, or BUN. Then URINALYSIS to look for like hypertension,hyperglycemia, or hypercalcemia.
red blood cells in the urine. And administer medications as prescribed.


ABDOMINAL CT SCAN can be used to stage the
tumor using the TNM classification by defining the
location and looking for lymph node involvement or
metastasis. Another is the RENAL
suspicious lesion is found on imaging test, a
RENAL BIOPSY is performed where multiple
core specimens are obtained to confirm the

The TREATMENT for RRC depends on

aggressiveness and extension. Where in if the tumor
is small and localized, this can be treated with
PARTIAL NEPHRECTOMY, where in the only
affected part of the kidney is removed. On the other
hand for clients with larger tumors, the treatment
choice is RADICAL NEPHRECTOMY or the
removal of the entire kidney. This Surgical
procedure is followed by CHEMOTHERAPY

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