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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Prof. Chandrasekhar Seregara *1 Ambresh Duddgi *2 Puneet Pawar *3
Savitri Padasalgi *4 Bhagyajyoti Hugar *5
*1 Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics PDA Engineering College Kalaburgi.
*2,3,4,5 Undergraduate Scholars, Department of Electrical and Electronics PDA Engineering College Kalaburgi,
Abstract - The fastest growth of technology has made our 1.1 Objectives
lifestyle Comfort. The technology also increased the traffic
risks and the road accidents take place frequently which The Rapid increase of technology has made our lives
causes huge loss of life because inadequate of emergency easier. The creation of technology has also accelerated the
facility our project will help this displacement. The project traffic hazards and the road accidents take place
concludes when a vehicle meets with an accident, the Micro frequently which causes huge loss of life because
electro mechanical system (MEMS) sensor will analyze the inadequate of emergencies. Our undertaking will provide
signal and this signal to Arduino. The notification is sent an optimum solution to this draw back. According to this
through GSM module the location of the accident is project, while a vehicle meets with a twist of fate, the
gathered with the help of GPS module, to notify police Micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) sensor will hit
control room or a rescue team. So, the police or rescue team upon the sign and this sign will be analyzed via way of
can immediately trace the location through the GPS Module, means of Arduino. The Arduino sends the alert message
after receiving the information. Then after confirming the thru the GSM Module including the location to police
location necessary action will be taken And Video of the control room or a rescue team. So, the police can right
accident can be live streamed or can be stored with the help away hint the vicinity thru trace the location through the
of camera. The aim of this work is to automatically detect GPS Module, after receiving the information. Then after
an accident and alert the rescue team or control station. confirming the location necessary action will be taken And
Video of the accident can be live streamed or can be stored
with the help of camera. The aim of this work is to
automatically detect an accident and alert the rescue team
1. Introduction
or control station.
This system which can detect accidents in significantly less  Alert the rescue team on time
time and sends the notification to the rescue team or  Can save the life immediately
control station by covering geographical coordinates,  Can be fixed for any vehicles
where vehicle accident had occurred. This alert  Video stay streaming and may be saved in
reminiscence card
notification which containing emergency message along
with location of prone zone is sent to rescue team with in a
short time which helps in saving the person. The 1.2 Components used
notification is sent through the GSM module and the  GSM
location of the accident is detected with the help of the  GPS
GPS module the information gathers from this system  Arduino MEGA
which converted in to notification which consist of  MEMS
location link and vehicle information with emergency  LCD display
alert. The accident can be detected precisely with the help  Piezo Sensor
of both Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS and  ESP-32 Camera
vibration sensor. The angle of the tilt over of the car can
also be known by the message through the MEMS sensor.
This application provides the optimum solution where
there is inadequate of emergency facilities provided to the
road’s accidents in the most feasible way. 2. Methodology

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

phone. From the cell operator perspective, a GSM modem

appears similar to a cell phone. When a GSM modem is
attached to a pc, this permits the pc to apply the GSM
modem to talk over the cell network. While those GSM
modems are maximum often used to offer cell net
connectivity, lots of them also can be used for sending and
receiving SMS and MMS messages.

Fig. 2.1.1: Global System for Mobile Communication

2.1.2 GPS - Global Positioning System

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a worldwide radio-

navigation tool customary from the constellation of 24
satellites and their ground stations. GPS tracking is a
method of working out exactly in which some thing is. A
Block Diagram GPS tracking tool, for example, may be placed in a vehicle,
on a mobileular phone, or on specific GPS devices, that
When a vehicle meets with an accident, the piezo sensor could each be a hard and fast or portable unit. GPS works
and Micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) sensor will via presenting statistics on unique place. It can also song
detect the signal and convert it into digital. This sign will the movement of a vehicle or person. There are 24
be analyzed through Arduino. The Arduino sends the alert satellites being used withinside America GPS tool the least
message through the GSM Module and the location will be bit times. These satellites orbit the earth in such a way that
detected through GPS module. And live location can be at any given time and place, at least four satellites are
streamed and stored with the help of ESP-32 camera. visible to a GPS driven device. Each satellite tv for pc
Furthermore, the gathered data and will be converted to television for laptop is prepared with a very accurate
text message which will be sent to control station. atomic clock so the satellite tv for pc television for laptop
is continuously aware of the cutting-edge time on Earth at
2.1 Components Overview: theline of longitude. The satellites are also aware of their
very personal positions with the assist of ground stations
2.1.1 GSM – Global System for Mobile that offer non-prevent updates. The 24 satellites orbit the
Communication earth transmitting their respective data. These quantities
of facts are received via the antennas related to radio
GSM is used as a media that's used to govern and screen receivers internal a GPS device. As a GPS device starts off
the car or man or woman from everywhere through evolved off developed up, it ought to check its radio tuner
sending a message. It has its personal deterministic for very faint GPS satellite tv for pc television for laptop
character. Thereby, right here GSM is used to screen and signals. Once it has accumulated facts (the place of a
manage the car or man or woman through sending a satellite tv for pc television for laptop and the time the
message via GSM modem. Hence, it's miles taken into satellite tv for pc television for laptop despatcher the
consideration as fairly green communique via the cell as a place) from at least three satellites, an area restore can be
way to be beneficial in business controls, automobiles, and made.
home equipment which could be managed from
everywhere else. It is likewise fairly financial and much
less expensive; consequently, GSM is desired maximum for
this mode of controlling. A GSM modem is a specialized
sort of modem which accepts a SIM card, and operates
over a subscription to a cell operator, similar to a cell

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

minimal full-scale variety of ±three g. It can degree the

static acceleration of gravity in tilt-sensing applications, in
addition to dynamic acceleration as a consequence of
motion, shock, or vibration.

Fig. 2.1.2: Global Positioning System

2.1.3 Arduino MEGA

The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board Fig.2.1.4 MEMS Accelerometer

primarily based totally at the ATmega2560 (datasheet). It
has fifty-four virtual input/output pins (of which 14 may 2.1.5Liquid Crystal Display
be used as PWM outputs), sixteen analog inputs, four
UARTs (hardware serial ports), a sixteen MHz crystal LCD is the show tool that is of 16x2 length and it has
oscillator, a USB connection, a strength jack, an ICSP yellow Background light. This LCD is attached to
header, and a reset button. It includes the entirety had to microcontroller. To permit terminal latch of LCD excessive
guide the microcontroller; surely join it to a laptop with a to low pulse is despatched and RS bit is enabled. Once the
USB cable or strength it with a AC-to-DC adapter or latch is enabled the information is transferred via the
battery to get started. The Mega is well suited with interfacing pins parallel and the LCD suggests the show on
maximum shields designed for the Arduino Duemilanove it. These LCD are clean to software and they're reasonably
or Diecimila. priced too. LCD interfacing with microcontroller could be
very clean. Here in our car monitoring task LCD shows the
output i.e., range and longitude of the car. The following
discern 3. sixteen suggests the LCD show of range and

Fig.2.1.3 Arduino MEGA

2.1.4MEMS Accelerometer

This Accelerometer module is primarily based totally at

Fig.2.1.5 LCD Display
the famous ADXL335 three-axis analog accelerometer IC,
which reads off the X, Y and Z axis acceleration as analog
voltages. By measuring the quantity of acceleration 2.1.6 Piezoelectric Sensors
because of gravity, an accelerometer can determine out
the attitude it's miles tilted at with admire to the earth. By The phrase piezo comes from the Greek phrase piezo, that
sensing the quantity of dynamic acceleration, the means to press or squeeze. Piezoelectricity refers back to
accelerometer can discover how speedy and in what route the technology of power or to electric powered polarity in
the tool is moving. Using those properties, you could make dielectric crystals while subjected to mechanical strain
all types of cool projects, from musical instruments and conversely, the technology of strain in such crystals in
(consider gambling and having the lean linked to the reaction to an implemented in volt. In 1880, the Curie
distortion stage or the pitch-bend) to a pace screen to your brothers observed that quartz modified its dimensions
car (or your children’s car). The accelerometer may be while subjected to an electrical discipline and generated
very clean interface to an Arduino Micro-controller the electric rate while strain changed into pulse volt. Since
usage of three analog enters pins, and may be used with that time, researchers have observed piezoelectric houses
maximum different micro controllers, consisting of the PIC in loads of ceramic and plastic substances. Many
or AVR. piezoelectric substances additionally display electric
ADX335 is three axis accelerometers with on board outcomes because of temperature adjustments and
voltage regulator IC and sign conditioned Analog voltage radiation.
output. The module is made from ADXL335 from Analog
Devices. The product measures acceleration with a

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 We can intimate pals or own circle of relative’s

man or woman if the car is going out of a
certain/pre-determined tune with the assist of
 Video streaming enables to realize the precise
twist of fate area and may be reached quickly to
Fig.2.1.6 Piezo sensor
5. Advantages
2.1.7 ESP-32 Camera
 Sim card can be changed at any time.
The ESP32-CAM is a small size, low energy intake digital  Anybody and straight forward to operate.
digicam module primarily based totally on ESP32. It comes  Inform to the control station or rescue team
with an OV2640 digital digicam and gives onboard TF card immediately.
slot. The ESP32-CAM may be broadly utilized in shrewd  Enlightened protection and Simple in Design.
IoT packages which includes wi-fi video monitoring, Wi-Fi  In case of theft car ignition can switch off with the
picture upload, QR identification, and so on. useful resource of the usage of GSM.
 Live video streaming helps to identify the accident

6. Disadvantages

 The mobile network may not be available and the

notification to user may not be delivered in a
timely manner.
 The GPS receiver’s connections to the satellites
Fig.2.1.7 ESP-32 Camera may be hindered or time delay and the location
information may not be accurate.
3. Components and Cost Table
Table3.1 Components: 7. Outcomes Components Qty
1 GSM 1  Can alert the rescue team or authorized person
2 GPS 1  Can easily fixed in any vehicles.
3 Arduino MEGA 1  Gradually reduces the accidents.
4 LCD display 1  Can save the life of person.
5 MEMS 1
6 Piezo Sensor 1
7 ESP-32 Camera 1 8. Conclusion
8 Battery 1
 Vehicle tracking both in case of personal as well
Table3.2 Cost as business purpose improves safety and security.
 Performance monitoring and increases
Materials 6000 productivity. So, in the coming year, it is going to
play a major role in our day-to-day living.
Labour 1500
 Main motto of the accident alert system project is
Travel 2000
to decrease the chances of losing life in such
Report 3000
accident which we can’t stop from occurring.
Miscellaneous 500
 Whenever accident is alerted, the paramedics are
Total 13000 reached to the particular location to increase the
chances of life.
4. Future scope:  This device invention is much more useful for the
 We can reveal a few parameters of car like twist of accidents occurred in deserted places and
fate area and most important damages. midnights.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 05 | May 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

 This vehicle tracking and accident alert feature

plays much more important role in day-to-day life
in future.

9. References

“Accident Detection and Reporting System Using GPS and

GSM Module”. This project aims at finding the occurrence
of any accident and reporting the location of accident to
the previously coded numbers so that immediate help can
be provided by ambulance or the relatives concerned.

“Vehicle collision detection and remote alarm device using

Arduino”. This paper provides the following contributions
to detecting vehicle accidents via ATMEGA 16 controller.
Here it is seen how AVR controller, accelerometer, GSM
connections, and GPS can be used to provide situational

“Automatic vehicle accident detection and reporting with

black box”. This proposed system uses ARM controller,
black box, LCD, GPS module and GSM modem.

“Accident detection and reporting system using GPS, GPRS

and GSM technology”. This paper proposes to utilize the
capability of a GPS receiver to monitor speed of a vehicle
and detect accident basing on monitored speed and send
accident location to an Alert Service Center. The GPS will
monitor speed of a vehicle and compare with the previous
speed in every second through a Microcontroller Unit.

“An Introduction to MEMS (Micro-electromechanical

Systems)”. MEMS has been identified as one of the most
promising technologies for the 21st Century and has the
potential to revolutionize both industrial and consumer
products by combining silicon-based microelectronics
with micromachining technology.

“ESP32-CAM Video Streaming and Face Recognition with

Arduino IDE”. This article is a quick getting started guide
for the ESP32-CAM board.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 5

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