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The Low Potencies of Homeopathy

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W. E. BOYD, M.A., M.D.(GIas. Univ.)



Gift of


2l 6

W. E. BOYD, M.A., M.D.(Glas. Univ.)




First published in 1936

FEB 1965


Printed in Great Britain

Summary a 5

The Low Potencies oe Homceopathy . 7

Appendix AI . 24

All 25

A III 26

BI 26

BII 31

Bill 31

B IV 32

China 35

Nux Vomica 37

— .

An account is given of the method of preparation
of the homoeopathic potency. Research methods are
described by which investigations were carried out
on :

1 An insoluble metal.
2. A salt.
3. A simple organic substance.
4. A radio-active salt.
5. Organic substances containing alkaloids.

By these methods low potencies of various homoeo-

pathic preparations were shown to be capable of
identification by fluorescent and
Geiger counter methods. The clear watery tincture
of gold produced by the method of Hahnemann is
thus shown to contain gold, a fact denied by many.
Those who wish to experiment are therefore able to
do so with the assurance that the materials they
use contain constituents of the original substances.
It is pointed out that the action is definitely selective
and and that the correct method of
choice and demonstration must be followed to
obtain results of a convincing character. The work
was carried out partly by S. Judd Lewis, D.Sc,
F.I.C., partly by F. W. Harris, F.I.C., and partly by
Dr. W. E. Boyd, working for the Beit Research Com-
mittee of the British Homoeopathic Association.
The homoepathic so-called minute dose has caused
more difficulty in the consideration of homoeopathy
than any other feature of its principles or theory.
It is therefore essential to emphasise that the actual
principle of homoeopathy is independent of the use
of the apparent microdose. It is entirely possible to
test out the therapeutic maxim " Similia similibus
curentur " with doses which are easily acceptable in
these days of the biological assaying of internal
secretionsand vitamins.
Only recently Langdon Brown pointed out the
potency of the minute dose when considering the
therapeutics of vitamins and hormones. " The
body," he stated, worked with fractions of a milli-
gram. The potency of a hormone is enormous.
Abel's extract of the posterior lobe of the pituitary
can produce contractions of the uterus when one
part is dissolved in 15,000 million parts of water."
It is possible to test out the homoeopathic prin-
ciplewith dosage in material amount, provided this
amount is sufficiently small to be stimulative and not
depressant to the affected tissue. Some results have
been obtained by use of small doses of tincture with-
out much solution of them in any diluent. The
homoeopathic action of the drug is apt, however, in
sensitive patients, to be obscured by its direct gross
physiological action. It was in an attempt to escape
from this that Hahnemann began to attenuate his
original tinctures of soluble substances. In addi-
tion, he desired to experiment with attenuations of
apparently insoluble substances, and in his endea-
vours to do this he made one of the brilliant dis-
coveries which brought on him at the time scorn
and criticism, but which can now by modern
methods be shown to have been scientifically
correct. Hahnemann's solution of metallic gold
appeared to his contemporaries an absolute impossi-
bility, yet, as will be seen later, time and modern
instruments have shown his experiments to be
evidence of his great intuition and powers of exact
To avoid gross physiological action by attenuation
Hahnemann evolved a method of preparation which
was definitely distinct from simple dilution. Know-
ledge about the preparation of homoeopathic drugs
is frequently wanting amongst critics, and this has
led to many uninformed statements on the subject
of these so-called dilutions.
The method of Hahnemann consisted of (a) The
use of small quantities of drug and diluent ;
exact dilution and (c) definite succussion.
; The
scales of dilutionwere decimal and centesimal. In
the former case one part of drug to nine parts of
diluent formed the first decimal stage. This mixture
was then succussed heavily, the number of succus-
sions being usually ten. The important point was


that the number of succussions per stage should be

constant for any one preparation. Of the first stage
one part was taken to nine parts of the same diluent
and so on. The stages were termed lx, 2x, etc.
When the centesimal scale was used, the dilution
was in the proportion of one part to ninety-nine
parts of diluent and the stages were termed lc, 2c,
etc. This method, using either scale, was followed
when extractives were prepared or soluble sub-
stances, the diluent being distilled water or prefer-
ably a fixed proportion of alcohol and water. When
insoluble substances such as metallic gold were pre-
pared, then in place of the diluent lactose was used,
and prolonged trituration in a mortar carried out at
each stage. When the 6x stage of trituration had
been reached the material was placed in a mixture
of alcohol and water capable of dissolving lactose,
when, Hahnemann claimed, the gold went into the
solution and could be administered in this form.
The method of determination of the strength of the
original tincture of each drug was laid down, but as
the preparation of these " mother tinctures " is more
a matter of pharmacological interest, readers are
referred to the " Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia
for detailed information. It will be seen therefore
that the homoeopathic drugs can be dispensed either
as " mother tinctures " or as triturations or as solu-
tions designated either lx, 2x, etc., or as lc, 2c, etc.
On carrying out these procedures and on adminis-
tration of drugs in this prepared form Hahnemann
was astounded to discover that the homoeopathic
action of the drug appeared to be definitely increased.
By homoeopathic action is meant the action of the
drug in accordance with the homoeopathic principle,
which, it must be remembered, necessarily involves
extreme selectivity of action. In other words,
homoeopathic action only takes place when the con-
ditions enabling the action to be really " similar
are satisfied.
It is this selectivity of action and this distinctive
" homoeopathic " activity of the drugs which are
necessary factors for successful use of these reme-
dies. Selectivity of action is not only observable
biologically, as in the selectivity of vitamines or in
the response to soft or hard irradiation of different
types of tumour cells, but also in physical experi-
ments. For example, to make nickel emit its
characteristic X-radiation it is useless to irradiate
it by
Cu-rays, but Zn-rays will act, or rays more
penetrating. 1 If the homoeopathic remedy given
has no selective action on the appropriate affected
cell constituents of the individual, then no action
takes place. Hence will be seen the futility of
applying homoeopathic preparations in the expecta-
tion of getting a response when only the ordinary
gross physiological action of the drug is required. I
have, for example, known of a specialist who pre-
scribed homoeopathic belladonna where a gross
atropin effect was desired, and based his criticism
on the failure of that experiment.
We have seen that it is desirable to experiment
in homoeopathy with the homoeopathic preparations
rather than with the crude drugs or concentrated
tinctures. It is probably more acceptable to an

interested physician that he should for his preli-

minary trials use preparations of an order of dilution
which he can accept as heing physically active, as
containing definite evidence of the original source,
as well as being recommended as homceopathically
active. Modern physical research has been carried
on persistently by the Beit Research Committee
of the British Homoeopathic Association into any
physical methods likely to enhance the confidence of
the experimenter in Homoeopathy that he is adminis-
tering solutions which are capable of definite physical
or chemical action as shown by modern methods. It
is clear that if any drug can be shown in a stage of

homoeopathic preparation to be capable of a definite

physical activity, then it is decidedly within the
bounds of probability that it can have a definite
biological action, not necessarily in the gross physio-
logical mass sense, but rather along such lines as
radio-activity, molecular modification, surface energy
effects, and electrical variations, according to the
nature of the material considered.
It then follows that no objection can be taken, on
the grounds of impossibility, to an experiment to
discover whether there is any resultant effect from
the application of the selective action, in their
specially prepared form, of homoeopathic drugs.
Like all other experimental work, the technique of
the experiment must be correct to obtain results, and
no results will be obtained if the correct technique of
homoeopathic selection and administration of these
drugs is neglected.
The homoeopathic solutions were termed potencies
by Hahnemann, because he found that he obtained
more marked homoeopathic action with the specially
prepared solutions than with the ordinary dilutions.
The range of potencies is divided into low and high,
the low being of the order of lx, 2x, to 6x, the high
being solutions of the order of 12c and upwards. For
initial experimentation it is possible to satisfy our-
selves as to the homoeopathic principles of drug
action with these low potencies properly adminis-
This section of the research investigation on
potencies is therefore confined to the evidence for
the presence of original substances in certain of the
low potency solutions and to evidence of their power
of physical activity either optically, chemically, or
otherwise, in such a range of types of drugs that it is

entirely reasonable to accept the presence of similar

qualities in other members of the same type.
The substances considered were :
(1) An in-
soluble metal ; (2) A salt ; (3) A simple organic
substance ; (4) A radio-active salt ; (5) Organic
substances containing alkaloids.
For the demonstration of the activity of these
preparations widely different methods of analysis
had to be used, supplying the important comment
that no one method of analysis can be used in any
one sphere of science on which to base negative con-
clusions. Positive results depend on the selection of
the suitable method or instrument, and even then
are limited by the sensitivity of the method used.
Practically the only forms of homoeopathic drugs
which could not be examined by physical methods
Fig. 1. — Spectrogram of 7x Aurum Met. tincture.
(From "The Emanometer and bv W.
(Judd Lewis.)
Br. Hunt. Jour., October, 1935.)

{To face page 13


were the snake poisons, but the very deadliness of

these will make the question of the activity of low
potency preparations of these one requiring little
argument. Biological methods can be applied to the
investigation of these poisons, but such means he
outside the scope of this paper.
The outstanding criticism against the homoeopathic
preparations was directed against Hahnemann's
solutions of metallic gold. We are less sceptical
nowadays when we deal so frequently with colloidal
preparations, but it is to be remembered that these

are electricaUy or chemicaUy prepared colloids and

are frequently compounds of the metal with protein
decomposition products, i.e., combined as organic

salts. 2 It was Hahnemann who applied trituration

to the production of a clear solution of pure gold
long before the ultra-microscope made visible the
Brownian movement of colloidal particles. After
experimental work on the trituration it was decided
to obtain expert assistance in the spectroscopic
analysis of the gold tincture. In the figure shown
(Fig. 1) it will be seen that the spectrogram taken by
Dr. Judd Lewis, using a 7x Aurum Metalhcum
tincture, shows the definite presence of gold. The
nature of this solution is, in his opinion, probably
colloidal, with very fine particles. 3 Thus is
Hahnemann justified by modern physical methods,
as far as his preparation of insoluble metals is con-
cerned. Experimental work on homoeopathic lines
with a 7x tincture of aurum metalhcum therefore
becomes entirely justifiable from a present scientific
For the purpose of demonstration of a salt, the
homoeopathic preparation of Arsenicum Album was
submitted by the Public Analyst of Glasgow to
examination by means of a modification of the
Gutzeit test, the stains being examined by ultra-
violet radiation. Arsenic was definitely shown to
be present in the 7x stage of preparation by dilution
and succussion. 3 There is no reason to suppose
that with a similar careful preparation similar stages
of other salts should not contain the substances to
be tested in homoeopathic experimentation in at
least the 7x stage. While modern physical methods
only permit of analysis of certain of the homoeo-
pathic preparations at stages such as the 5x, yet
the fact that they do so establishes the reality
of the preparations and makes experimentation
Although unsuitable for examination in the later
potency stages an emission spectrograph^ examina-
tion of the mineral constituents ofLycopodium was
also carried outby Judd Lewis. 3 The spectrogram
shown makes clear that far from being an inert
dusting powder as used in allopathic circles we have
in lycopodium a source of tincture containing a
number of constituents which might prove of
definite value for experiment. The lx and 2x
together with the tincture (mother tincture) can

thus be shown to have present definite constituents

obtained from the original. That there are many
other constituents not demonstrable by this method
is also known, but this spectrogram serves to demon-

strate that lycopodium tincture should be considered

[To face page 15

by no means an inert substance (Fig. 2). In the

potencies mentioned their presence was clearly more
evident than in the control, thus showing their
origin. It is not, however, to be understood that
the constituents shown are the only ones in the
original lycopodium. Both chemically and spec-
troscopically lycopodium shows the presence of
copper, iron, aluminium, manganese, calcium, mag-
nesium, sodium, potassium, silicon, and boron, the
remainder of the ash consisting of phosphoric acid
derived from the total phosphorus content. 4 As a
matter of fact, lycopodium in potency is one of the
most valued remedies of the homoeopathic pharma-
The wide variety of mineral ingredients present
form in a number of well-known homoeo-
in a natural
pathic drugs as also in the initial stage of mother
tincture (<f>) was described in 1914 by Judd Lewis. 4
At that time the analysis was given of baptisia,
belladonna, colchicum, lycopodium, thuja, and
sepia, but we are here more concerned with the
evidence of physical or chemical properties in the
actual solutions of the homoeopathic drugs.
Even more definite evidence of physical activity
in these lower potency stages may be shown by
using the special properties of Radium Bromide.
Modern physical methods have been markedly
developed for the detection of gamma rays from
radium salts, and we applied some of these methods in
our Glasgow laboratory with most interesting results.
Using a Rajewsky modified Geiger counter, such as
is used for the detection of cosmic " rays " and
gamma rays, we tested radium bromide prepared
by homoeopathic methods. The photographs show
the registration of the number of ionisation shocks
produced in the Rajewsky counter without and
with a well-corked bottle of Radium Bromide tincture
approximated to the apparatus. Action took place
through the bottle (Jena glass) and through a sheet
of brass. For the purpose of the experiment it was
immaterial as to whether the effect was due to
primary radiation or whether due to secondary
radiation set up by the radiation from the tincture.
The ionisation shocks in the counter were registered
through an amplifier and could be heard on a loud-
speaker simultaneously with the taking place of
registration by means of a slow camera and an
Einthoven oscillograph with a copper fibre. The
record in each case lasted ten minutes, and by com-
parison over a large number of controls, was found
to prove indubitably the marked physical activity
of the tincture examined. The record shows the
activity of the 6x and 7x tinctures of radium bromide,
i.e., equivalent to 1part in 10,000,000, while electro-
scopic tests with the same series of preparations
showed activity with the lOx, i.e., 1 part in
10,000,000,000. A paper dealing with these Radium
Bromide experiments appeared in the British Journal
of Radiology, with details of the methods used
(Fig. 3).
In order to show the regularity of the methods of
attenuation used, as well as to demonstrate the
presence in low potencies of substances present in
or associated with the original drug, additional most
Fig. 3. — Oscillograph record of ionisation shocks in
Rajewsky-Geiger Counter. 1, Control 2, Rati.;

Brom. 7x (1 X 10" 7 ); 3, Control; 4, Bad. Brom.

The movement jre shows as a vertical black line
of the oscillograph fi I

on the white.
(From The Radioactivity of Radium Bromide Solutions for Internal
Medication by W. E. Boyd. Br. Journ. JOufiology, August, 1934.)

[To face pdije 10


valuable examinations were carriedout by Dr.

Judd Lewis, using China, i.e., Peruvian bark, and
Nux Vomica. 3 Consecutive potencies, as his report
points out, were examined by very modern methods 4
of absorption spectroscopy, exploring especially the
ultra-violet region of the spectrum. The advantage
of this method was that examination was carried
out without disturbing the physical balance or com-
position of the specimen. The only difference from
the normal preparations was that a very pure
alcohol was used, so as to definitely exclude any
criticism that results were due to impurities in the
alcohol (Figs. 4, 5).
Appendix A give3 particulars of the preparation of
the drugs, while Appendix B contains the technical
details of the Judd Lewis and other reports. It will
be seen from the charts and tables how markedly
regular is the absorption grading in the series of
dilutions, while the experiments show the persistence
of certain properties of the original drug source in the
7x potency of China, and the 5x of Nux Vomica.
It has thus been possible to show by the latest
research methods that definite physical or chemical
properties are present in homoeopathic preparations
of widely different origins. It would therefore
appear that there is no reason for criticising either
the methods of preparation or activity of the
homoeopathic low potencies, and that experimenta-
tion is therefore neither unreasonable nor impossible

along the lines claimed to give results by those who

use these drugs in accordance with the correct
technique of administration and dosage.

2- juapiyaco ^ uoijaujjxg



It will be seen that the low potencies referred to
have been studied at stages of dilution varying in
the case of different drugs from lx to lOx, i.e.,
1 X 10_1 to 1 10-10
X The biological activities

of solutions of similar attenuation are known experi-

mentally. Bose, for example, has shown that the
assimilation of plants can be enhanced 200 per cent,
by certain substances in a dilution of 1 X 10 .

Bogert, of the Chemistry Department, Columbia

University,New York, has shown that mercaptan
can be detected by the olfactory nerves in an
attenuation of 1 X 10
— 7 while Bronfenbrenner,

of Harvard University Medical School, found

botulismus toxin capable of killing mice in an
attenuation of 1 X 10~ 20 provided the pH was kept

equal to 4. 8 Walbum, of the State Serum Institute,

Copenhagen, has demonstrated very definite effects
on tar carcinoma in mice using an attenuation of
10~u to 10~15 molares of silver solution. The
interesting point about this biological research was
that this range of dosage was found to be the
optimum one. The reasons for this are discussed
fully by him. 9
The effect of subdivision on phenomena due to
surface energy has suggested the possibility of this
being the method of action of such subdivided sub-
stances. If we take a cube of gold 1 cm. along the
edge and subdivide it until it reaches a subdivision
where the particles almost reach the limit of ultra-
microscopic visibility (10/x^i), we would have a total
surface of over 600 square meters and a specific
surface of 6 X 10 6 10 .In other words, when a

substance is subdivided the increase of internal

surface in proportion to its volume relative to the

solution in which it is dispersed is enormous. That

surface tension effects are of physiological import-
ance has been shown in relation to electrical stimulus
of muscle and nerve. 11 On the other hand, while
this surface effect might be involved in the action
of the low potencies, the explanation is not satis-
factory for the higher potencies, and one is inclined
to believe that the method of action must be one
common to both the low and high potencies.
It may be argued that, while one may admit that
there are evidences of properties indicative of the
original drug, the quantity is so small that often in
ordinary circumstances, owing to the prevalence in
most water supplies or elsewhere of many con-
stituents, which are given as homoeopathic drugs,
people must be getting continuously quantities of
the same order. An example is the arsenic which
is to be found in lobster. As far as the actual
homoeopathic preparation of drugs is concerned it is
evident that any of the normal substances found in
the average pure alcohol and distilled water used as
diluent are at constant concentration throughout
the preparation and that the only factors having
any clinical activity are those which are subdivided
relative to the constant diluent. Subsidiary sub-
stances such as the cadmium found with zinc, the
silver in copper or the strontium with calcium, do
not confuse the issue, as the choice of the prepared
drug for administration is dependent on the selective
action noted during the " proving " or testing out
of the same substances with their usual accompany-
ing substances on volunteers or sensitive subjects.
It is necessary, moreover, to realise that success in

treatment depends on the specificity of the drug

constituent, not only for cells sensitised by disease,
but for these cells in a distinctive type of individual.
It is emphasised that for the most effective
also to be
action method of preparation is definitely
different from simple dilution, and that the clinical
action appears to depend on these two factors.
They he outside the field of spectroscopic or chemical
analysis and he in the field of biological response.
Hence the investigation of these factors can only be
made by direct experimentation under correct condi-
tions and in individuals sensitised by disease and
specifically sensitised to the drug to be tested.
To those who
that in their experiments with
the homoeopathic law of drug action they wish to
deal with definitely material quantities, speaking
from a molecular standpoint, we would recommend
their using preparations of the 6x or 7x type. Once
convinced of the homoeopathic action, then they can
venture into a realm of experiment with potencies
belonging to what has already been termed the high
potency range. In this latter range it must be made
clear that, in the 20c and other greater " attenua-
tions," there is no suggestion that there are any of
the original atomic or molecular constituents in the
final product. In these higher potencies we are
dealing with a physical property the actual nature of
which is at present unknown, but which is being
steadily investigated by modern research methods.

The evidence is beginning to suggest that we are

dealing with a form of radiation. This paper how-

ever does not deal with the high potency problem,
but is intended to emphasise that adequately in-
formed experiment may be carried out with sub-
stances still definitely of the molecular order to

obtain the clinical evidence required for demonstra-

tion of the principle of homoeopathic action.

1. Bbagg. " X-rays and Crystal Structure." Bell &
2. Martindaxe. " The Extra Pharmacopoeia." Lewis.
3. Appendix B.
4. Judd Lewis. " Mineral Constituents of certain Tinc-
tures and Drugs," Year-book of Pharmacy, 1914.
5. Boyd. " The Radio-activity of Radium Bromide Solu-
tions for Internal Medication," The British Journal
of Radiology, Vol. 12, New Series, Number 80,
August, 1934.
6. Bose. " Circulation and Assimilation in Plants,"
Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., xvii.
7. Leach. " Science in Therapeutics," Horn. Recorder,
March, 1929. Confirmed by letter from Bogert to
8. Bbonfenbbenneb and Schlesingeb. Journ. Amer.
Med. Assoc, Ixxviii., p. 1521.
9. Walbum. Z. f. Krebs Forschung 31, Bd. 1930 ; Acta
Pathologica et Microbiologics, Supp. 11, p. 477, 1931,
10. Ostwald. " Colloid Chemistry." Churchill.
11. DrxoN and Bennett Clabk. "Electrical Excitation
and the Possible Structure of Plasmatic Membrane,"
Nature, Oct. 26th, 1929.


Prepabation of drugs referred to in the text was

carried out by Nelson & Co., London, under super-
vision of D. W. Everett, M.P.S., and on detailed
instruction from W. E. Boyd, M.D.
Aurum Metallicum. All apparatus was sterilised
for three hours at 200° C. The vials were of Jena
glass. One part of pure gold leaf was triturated with
nine parts of lactose in a sterile mortar to which a
drachm of absolute alcohol was added to bind the
leaf. The first trituration was carried out for four
hours. One part of this triturated material was then
triturated with nine parts lactose for two hours,
after which the process was repeated, until six
triturations had been completed. This last tritura-
tion was then dissolved in 20 per cent, alcohol in
water. Both the alcohol and water were double dis-
tilled. This solution provided an apparently clear
tincture entitled 7x.
The control was produced in exactly the same
way, the lactose alone being used, but six triturations
were carried out, taking exactly the same time, the
7x tincture control being produced in the same way.
The 7x in 87 per cent, alcohol referred to was
incorporated for experimental purposes, the lactose
not dissolving. This experiment reveals that the
lower alcohol dilution was necessary, at least for the
purpose of these physical tests.


Lycopodium. The first solution was produced by

using one part by weight of lycopodium powder to
five parts by weight of absolute alcohol prepared
by eight days simple maceration. From this mother
tincture the lx, 2x, and 3x were made in double
re-distilled absolute alcohol. The alcohol was re-
distilled through a Jena glass condenser and the
control was of the same alcohol. Jena glass vials
were used, and sterilisation was carried out as
described previously.
Radium Bromide. One milligram of pure radium
bromide (re-crystallised) in a sealed tube was broken
under re-distilled sterile water to which was added
sufficient absolute alcohol to give 1 milligram in

100,000 milligrams by weight of diluent. This gave

a dilution equivalent to 5x. The relatively large
quantity of diluent was used in view of the prepara-
tion being required to be as free from experimental
error as possible. The were produced in
6x, 7x, etc.,
the usual way, cleaned sterile Jena vials being used
throughout, each potency being made in a separate
Arsenicum Album. The potencies of arsenicum
album were made from a preparation of arsenic alb.
(AS 2 3 ), forty years old, and nearest to the arsenic
of the type used by Hahnemann. The initial solu-
tion was made by dissolving 0-2 grain in 110
minims of 20 per cent, alcohol in double distilled
water. All apparatus was baked at 180° C. for
seventeen hours. The distillation flask and inner
condenser were of hard glass, the receiver being of
Jena glass. Jena glass vials were used throughout,
all carefully sterilised. The control was of the same
20 per cent, alcohol, and was previously shown to be
arsenic free.


Cinchona Bark (China) and Nux Vomica. The

initialstrength used was lx instead of the mother
tincture. This enabled a more perfect extraction to
be made, as a larger volume of alcohol could then be
used. For cinchona 17 grains of clean powdered bark
were used, while for nux vomica 17 grains of the
powdered seeds were used in the first place. Macera-
tion in 18 drachms of 87 per cent, alcohol was carried
out for five days, and thereafter the tincture thus
obtained was used for making the potencies with
87 per cent, alcohol. The alcohol used was specially
prepared by British drug houses for spectroscopic
work, so that no question of contamination should
arise. The filtration was carried out through Wat-
man 44 filter paper. All vials, etc., were sterilised as
described previously.


Report on an investigation of Homoeopathic pre-

parations of Aurum Metallicum, on behalf of Dr.
W. E. Boyd, 17 Sandyford Place, Glasgow C.3.

Laboratory Nos. 9480, 9481, 9482, 9513, 9514.


The preparations included :

Aurum Metallicum lx trituration.

>> >> ox ,,

„ „ 7x tincture in 20 per cent,

,, ,, 7x tincture in 87 per cent,
alcohol. In this case prac-
tically the whole of the 6x
trituration from which it
was prepared remained as
an insoluble suspension, the
majority of the space being
occupied by a clear alco-
holic solution.

Each of these preparations was received from

Messrs. A. Nelson & Co. Ltd., of 73 Duke Street,
London, W.l.
Each sample was to be examined spectroscopically
for gold, and some of the samples were to be
examined for colloidal gold in accordance with a
paper entitled " Some of the Physical and Chemical
Properties of Colloids,"by myself, published in the
British Homoeopathic Journal of November, 1919.
The spectroscopic test for gold was carried out on
the ash from the trituration or tincture, as the case
might be, using a large quartz spectrograph exploring
both the visible and the ultra-violet regions of the
spectrum. The experiment was conducted by the
arc method of spectrum analysis, the small portion
of ash being mounted on spectroscopically stan-
dardised copper electrodes.
Gold was found abundantly in the lx, and it was
in good evidence in the case of the 6x trituration, in
the 7x tincture in 20 per cent, alcohol and in the 7x
tincture made with 87 per cent, alcohol (the sample
in this case consisting of the liquid and solid portions
The original negatives (cut down to lantern slides)
accompany this report. The lines significant of gold
are marked, but their intensities must not be
regarded as indicative of the quantity of gold present
in the preparation. The manner of conducting the
test was that considered best for getting the strongest
evidence of the presence of gold where it was known
to exist in only minute proportion.
The colloidal properties of these preparations have
been studied by means of an immersion paraboloid
dark ground condenser fitted in an efficient micro-
scope, where by using a one-twelfth inch oil immersion
objective and a pointolite illuminant, the display of
colloidal particles wherever present is quite brilliant.
It must be realised that ultra-microscopy depends
upon the reflection of intense fight by the particles,
and that all colloidal particles of whatever nature
are capable of producing the phenomenon. It is,
therefore, largely a matter of judgment whether a
given particle is due to gold or to some other sub-
stance or to dirt. In the present instance, there is
little doubt regarding the observations made, inas-

much as the gold particles produced merely by

trituration may be expected to be large and to
reflect light more easily than the smaller particles of
dust occurring commonly in the sugar of milk. The
;; :


observations must, therefore, be regarded to some

extent as tentative. All one can do to press the
matter further would be to make two or three
entirely independent triturations of the gold and
contrast these with sugar of milk without the gold
which had been triturated similarly.
However, I have no doubt that the following
observations now made are quite satisfactory.
1. With a little of the lx trituration in a droplet
of water, the display was abundant, the particles
being larger than those seen in the following obser-
2. The 7x gave a
tincture, 20 per cent, alcohol,
good display.This was done three times under
various conditions with the same results.
3. The 7x " tincture," 87 per cent, alcohol

(a) The clear liquid only showed no Brownian

(6) The mixture of lactose and tincture also
showed no movement.
4. The 6x trituration could, of course, by itself

show no Brownian movement. It had to be mixed

with a liquid :

(a) With ten parts of water it showed Brownian

(6) With 20 per cent, alcohol it showed Brownian
(c) With strong alcohol and poured off there was
no display whatever.
These observations prompted the examination
of the suspension in the 7x tincture, 87 per cent,
alcohol, after pouring off the alcohol and dissolving

in water. The solution showed a good display of
colloidal gold.
In reviewing the foregoing results, I form the
opinion that in the trituration the gold has been
reduced to a very fine state of division, and that
quite probably the particles of gold are ground into
the surfaces of the particles of lactose, by which they
are held more or less imprisoned and are thus unable
to float away in the strong alcohol, in which the
lactose is insoluble, in sufficient quantity to make
their presence evident under the microscope.
On the other hand, when the lactose is dissolved,
the particles of gold are free to distribute themselves
in the liquid and to exhibit their characteristic move-
By way of control simple sugar of milk was
examined, and while it exhibited numerous colloidal
particles, none of them showed the large bright
flashes characteristic of certain particles seen in the
solutions reported above.

(Signed) S. Jtjdd Lewis.

Note. An additional later report on the ultra-

microscopic appearance of similar tinctures, freshly
prepared from the trituration compared with a
tincture of lactose alone similarly triturated and dis-
solved, gave the following opinion :

" I am of opinion, therefore, that some gold

is present in the Aurum Met. trituration in a
state of division sufficiently fine to exhibit
colloidal properties but in order to keep

within the bounds of observation, it is desirable

to make the statement guardedly."


Extract from Report of Glasgow City Analyst

on Solution of Arsenic submitted
Using the whole of the sample submitted, 5 c.c,
we were able to detect the presence of arsenic in the
sample labelled 7x. A total quantity of arsenic
amounting to something like -^^xsts part of a milli-
gram was found, which, corrected for a blank on
the reagents used, corresponded with a concentration
of 0-06 part per million, which is a fair approxima-
tion to the reputed potency.

F. W. Harris, F.I.C.
February \Uh, 1935.


Reports by S. Judd Lewis, D.Sc. (Tubingen),

D.Sc.(London), F.I.C, Ph.C.

I have analysed spectrographically the mineral
constituents in the lycopodium mother tincture,
lx, 2x, 3x, and also in the absolute alcohol where-
with these preparations were made, and the results
are very much as might be anticipated. There is
good evidence of calcium, magnesium, sodium and
aluminium in the ash from the mother tincture.
They appear again in the lx as they ought to do,
much less intense, and in the spectrum negative
they are just discernible by us here, although I
think it will be scarcely discernible by anyone not
practised, in the ash from 2x.

(Signed) S. Jtjdd Lewis.

Report on the Absorption Spectra of Homoeopathic
Dilution of Certain Tinctures, on behalf of Dr.
W. E. Boyd, Glasgow

Laboratory Nos. 9751, etc.

The purpose of the present investigation was to

demonstrate that the characteristic composition of
a vegetable homoeopathic medicine is evident by
physical test, over a wide range of potencies pre-
pared in accordance with homoeopathic practice.
The experimental procedure was to examine
several consecutive potencies by a modern method
of absorption spectroscopy, exploring especially the
ultra-violet region of the spectrum. This has
advantage in that the examination is made without
disturbing in any way the composition or physical
balance of the preparation. The observations are
made on the potency form in which it is adminis-


The remedies selected were :

A. China lx, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x and 7x

B. Nux vomica lx, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x
prepared in the ordinary way, except that in order
to avoid all possibility of interference by any trace
of impurity which may occur in even the best
ordinary alcohol, the original tincture and all the
dilutions were prepared with alcohol specially
purified for spectroscopic research purposes.
The measurements were made by means of a
" Judd Lewis " photometer in alignment with a
large quartz spectrograph. The procedure was to
place in the upper path of the instrument a 10 cm.
cell with the tincture, and make the light
intensity measurements by operating the sector in
the lower path. However, a similar cell of the same
pure alcohol was placed in the lower path to serve
as control, whence it follows that all the effect
recorded was due to the drug only. Details are
given in " Spectroscopy in Science and Industry
(Blackie), Chapter VIII.
The experimental data are given in the following
tables, and graphically displayed in the accom-
panying curves. All the several curves relative to
either remedy are plotted on one chart in order to
assist comparison.
It is seen that the absorption is graded with
marked regularity, the characteristic feature being
repeated in the several dilutions thus the absorp-

tion band at a wavelength of 2,800 in the China

Chart is obvious in the 4x, 5x and 6x curves,
although it is too feeble to be evident in the 7x.

Another band, not so obvious as such, appears as a

" step " in the 3x, 4x, 5x, and perhaps also in the
6x, at a wavelength of 3,300.
These bands should appear in highly exaggerated
form with the lower dilutions, but it is impracticable
to determine them experimentally. The range of
experiment is really very limited, viewed scientifi-
cally, although as a matter of practice it is very
The Nux Vomica curves show less character, but
the features, although feebler, may be traced in
similar fashion.
The fact that nux gives interesting results only as
far as 5x, whereas china responds at 7x is accounted
for by the much higher alkaloidal content of the
latter, assisted undoubtedly by substantial propor-
tions of tannins and other principles, of which the
nux is practically devoid.
The tinctures were prepared by Messrs. Nelson
(Signed) S. Judd Lewis.



lx 2x 3x 4x

01 6750 4260
0-2 — 6180 — 3925
0-3 — 5875 4685 3730
0-4 — 5620 4160 3593
0-5 6975 5460 3905 3510
0-6 6725 5370 3700 3405
0-7 6500 5300 3600 3277
0-8 6380 5235 3530 3105
0-9 6300 5180 3490 2994
10 6200 5130 3455 2940
11 6150 5105 3435 2915
1-2 6100 5080 3405 2892
1-3 6050 5050 3385 2842 2643 2600
1-4 6010 5030 3365 2800 2745 2552
1-5 5960 5020 3348 2523
1-6 5940 4990 3260 2498
1-7 5890 4980 3200 2484
1-8 5830 4945 3185 2475




5x 6x 7x

004 _ 3275
007 — — 2890
01 3760 4180 2605
013 — 3795 2470
016 — 3580 2428
0-2 3553 3222 2390
0-23 — 2940 —
0-26 — 2845 2616 —
0-3 3395 2572 —
0-33 3257 — —

0-36 3114 — —
0-4 3020 — —
0-43 2978 — —
0-46 2937 — —
0-5 2896 — —
0-53 2838 2700 2663 — —
0-56 — 2618 — —
0-6 — 2585 — —
0-63 — 2564 — —
0-66 — 2540 — —
0-7 — 2517 —
0-73 — 2488 —
0-8 — 2468 — —


lx 2x 3x

01 5950 4035 3890

0-2 6070 3940 3620
0-3 4800 3855 3475
0-4 4680 3790 3340
0-5 4590 3730 3235
0-6 4520 3705 3125
0-7 4450 3685 2975
0-8 4330 3665 2843
0-9 4235 3650 2740
10 4180 3640 2695
11 4115 3620 2660
1-2 4060 3615 2630
1-3 4020 3605 2595
1-4 3995 3595 2550
1-5 3970 3580 2505
1-6 3955 3575 2450
1-7 3920 3565 2420
1-8 3910 3555 "


4x 5x

•04 3355 2585

•07 3105 2410
•1 2960
•13 2860
•16 2713
•2 2628
•23 2563
•26 2440
•3 2393
•33 2353


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