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Vocabulary Exercises: Complete The Following Sentences With An Appropriate Form of The Word in Block Capitals

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Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in block
1. ANXIOUS Her…anxiety………was so great that she broke a glass.
2. APPLAUD The audience burst into…applause………at the end of the play.
3. COURAGE He felt very…discouraged. when he saw he had failed the exam again.
4. EXPERIMENT The work is still at a very…experimental………level.
5. FRIGHT It’s the most …frightening……film I’ve ever seen.
6. HEALTH It’s very…unhealthy………to live in a damp (ẩm ướt) room.
7. JEWEL They have a big…jewelry………shop in London.
8. MEMBER How much does…membership………of this club cost?
9. RELY He promised to come but he’s very…unreliable………
10. WEIGHT How much do you…weigh………?

1. ATTEND Since…attendance………has been so poor the class is being closed.
2. ATTRACTIVE Magnets will…attract………most metals.
3. BEHAVE His …behaviour……… has not improved much.
4. KNOW She is extremely… knowledgeable………about the history of art.
5. LAND The plane had to make a crash…landfall landing………in a field.
6. IMITATE Are they…imitative imitation………pearls or are they real?
7. POPULAR He owes his…popularity………largely to his sense of humour.
8. IMPRESS She has an…impressive………command of the language.
9. SATISFACTION As she is so unsatisfied dissatisfied with her present job she has
10.LEARN decided to leave.
What a very…learned………old man he is.

1. TROUBLE Travelling in big cities is becoming more…troublesome……everyday.
2. SHORT Less public transport is now available because of the shortage of staff.
3. JAM Therefore the roads become jammed…with private cars as people drive
4. PERMIT to work.
Because of the volume of traffic local councils are forced to give…
5. FORTUNE permission………for more roads to be constructed.
Unfortunately many houses have to be demolished to make ways for
6. HOUSE the roads.
So people are being…housed………in the suburbs and have to
7. ADEQUATE commute (thay đổi) to work.
(đầy đủ) This leads to more pressure being put on the…inadiquate………public
8. ATTRACT transport system.
But travelling by public transport is very…unattractive……… as there
9. FREQUENT are long delays.
The…infrequency………of the trains and the buses causes frustration
10. CHAOS (thất vọng) and annoyance.
The situation is so…chaotic………in some cities now that it is difficult
to see any solution.

1. EMBARRASS His behaviour always…embarrasses………me at parties.
2. EXCEPTION The new film is…exceptionally………good.
3. LOSE She felt a sense of…loss………when her friend went to live abroad.
4. PATIENT You need a lot of…patience………to be a teacher.
5.QUALIFICATION I’m afraid you aren’t suitably…qualified………for the job.
6. OCCASION The weather will be bright with…occasional………showers.
7. MIGRATORY Most birds…migrate………in the winter.
8. HUMOUR He draws cartoons for a…humorous………magazine.
9. NATION Do you have a…national………costume in your country?
10. LONG What is the…length………of the runway at this airport?

1. SHAME He was too…ashamed………to tell his teacher about the stupid
2. APPEAR The police are interested in the sudden…disappearance………of the
valuable painting.
3. TRUTH I believe you because I know you are…truthful……….
4. SLEEP I feel so…sleepy………I’m going to bed.
5. CARRY The cost of…carriage………must be paid by the buyer.
6. ARRIVE They’re going to announce the…arrival………of the Prince.
7. RESIST (kháng They caught him by the wrist and led him away; he went without…
cự) resistance………
His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant (liên
8. SLEEP tiếp) …unsleep sleeplessness……….
9. REFER She made no…reference………to our conversation of the night before.
10. ADMISSION She was the only visitor…admitted………into the sick room.
(nhận vào)

1. PERFORM She is one of the greatest…performers………to appear in this theatre.
2. PERFORM The…performance………she gave last night was marvellous.
3. ENCOURAGE She received a lot of…encouragement………from her mother.
4. ARRANGE Does this…arrangement………suit you?
5. ENTERTAIN Conversation is one of the most enjoyable forms of…
6. ADVERTISE …Advertising………is such a competitive profession (nghề nghiệp).
7. ADVERTISE Have you seen the latest…advertisement………for Pepsi?
8. COMPETE There’s a lot of…completions competition………in the show
9. COMPETE business.
10. PHOTOGRAPH There were 50.competitors…………in the talent contest.
…Photography………is an extremely popular hobby.

1. COLLECT She is a…collector………of theatre programmes.
2. COLLECT She has one of the biggest…collections………in Britain.
3. RESPONSIBLE The judge told him it was…irresponsible………to drink and drive,
and banned him for a year.
4. SENSITIVE This poem shows the wonderful…sensitivity………of the poet.
5. KIND She divorced him because of his…unkindness………to the children.
6. ENJOY The evening was…enjoyably………spent playing cards and talking.
7. LUCK The keys were locked inside the car. luckily…………, a side window
was open.
8. STUBBORN Due to the clerk’s…stubbornness………, we missed the train.
9. MISERABLE Thousands of people are living in…miserableness misery………after
(khốn khổ) the earthquake.
10. RELIABLE The thing I hate about John is his…unreliableness

1. FAIL It was a complete…failure……….due to poor planning.
2. FRIEND Their…friendship……….has lasted a lifetime.
3. QUALIFY He was turned down for the job because he wasn’t well-
4. EMPLOY In parts of the country the unemployed………….situation is terrible.
As many as 20.% of the working population is without a job.
5. COMPETE The world of computers is extremely…competitive……….
6. EMPLOY In many countries the…unemployed……….get the dole (tiền hỗ trợ).
7. QUALIFY She left school with good…qualification………..
8. COMPETE The factory was…uncompetitive……….so the management tried to cut
costs by making some workers redundant (dư thừa).
9. EMPLOY He is completely…unemployable……….! Not only is he lazy but he is
dishonest too.
10. COMPETE Their best designer went to work for a…competition………..

1. EMPLOY More than a thousand workers are…unemployed………
2. COMPETE Three firms are in…competition………..for the same contract.
3. RELY My car isn’t very…reliable………... It’s always letting me down.
4. END I wrote …endless………..letters of application, but got no reply.
5. UNDERSTAND I apologise for the mistake made by my office. There appears to have
been a slight…misunderstanding………...
6. ECONOMY Burning coal is an…uneconomical………..way of heating a house.
Gas is much cheaper.
7. ASTONISH I’ve just been told some…astonished………
8. COMPARE In …comparison………..with most other countries, Britain has a very
high rate of heart attacks.
9. COMPETE We have to keep our costs as small as possible. We have so many…
competions………..trying to take our customers away.
10. EXPLORE There are very few…inexplored………..places left on earth. Man has
been nearly everywhere.

1. HISTORY It is usually forbidden to destroy…historical………..buildings.
2. RETIRE The old couple have saved a lot of money for their…
3 PICTURE The old fishing village is very…picturesque………...
4. EMPLOY …Unemployment……… a very serious problem in many countries.
5. INDUSTRY The…industrial………..area of the city is not very attractive.
6. LAND The alpine (núi cao) …landing……… very dramatic.
7. HOME Many…homeless………..families have to live in hotels.
8. SUGGEST Have you got any…suggestion………..?
9. ADD I had to check the wages in…addition……… my normal work.
10. CHILD During his…childhood………..the family lived in Cornwall.

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