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W6 Lesson 6 La Liga Filipina and Life in Dapitan - Presentation

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Life and Works of Jose Rizal

Jose Rizal’s La Liga Filipina and

Life in Dapitan
Flow of Discussion
• Events before the founding of La Liga Filipina
• The establishment of the La Liga Filipina
– Aims
– Membership (entry, duties and rights)
– Funds
• The disbandment of the La Liga Filipina
– Cause of disbandment
– Continuation
– Significance
• Jose Rizal’s life in Dapitan
– Life and experiences
– Works
Question to ponder:
What could we learn from Jose
Rizal’s La Liga Filipina and his life
in Dapitan?
I. Events before the founding
of the La Liga Filipina
I. Events before the founding of the
La Liga Filipina
• Failure of the Propaganda
I. Events before the founding of the
La Liga Filipina
• On June 21, 1892, Jose Rizal
accompanied by his sister
Lucia sailed back to Manila
• When they arrived in
Manila, authorities who
searched their luggage
claims that his sister carries
with her a seditious
writings under her pillow
case. The package included
copies of a tract called “The
Poor Friars”a caustic attack
on the Dominicans
II. The establishment of the
La Liga Filipina
II. The establishment of the La Liga

The founding of the La Liga Filipina. From the collection of National Historical Commission of the
Philiipines in Rizal Shrine in Fort Santiago.
Lifted from
II. The establishment of the La Liga
• On July 03, 1982, Jose
Rizal and other
nationalists and
masons gathered in the
house of Doroteo
Ongjunco, a Chinese
mestizo in KalyeYlaya,
Tondo, Manila for the
establishment of the La
Liga Filipina.
II. The establishment of the La Liga
• Aims
❖To unite the whole
archipelago into one compact,
vigorous, and homogenous
❖Mutual protection in every
want and necessity;
❖Defense against all violence
and injustice;
❖Encouragement of instruction,
agriculture, and commerce;
❖Study and application of
The constitution of the La Liga Filipina
reforms Lifted from
II. The establishment of the La Liga
• Motto
❖Unus instar ómnium [One
like all.]

The constitution of the La Liga Filipina

Lifted from
II. The establishment of the La Liga
• Membership
❖Entry. Becoming a
member of the
society requires
approval through a
unanimous vote of
the council where he
resides and passing
the required tests
The constitution of the La Liga Filipina
Lifted from
II. The establishment of the La Liga
• Membership
❖Rights. Each member
enjoys a set of rights
and privileges such as
moral, material, legal,
commercial and
financial aid from the
The constitution of the La Liga Filipina
Lifted from
II. The establishment of the La Liga
• Membership
❖Duties. The duties of every
member includes paying of
monthly dues (10 centavos),
obedience to the elected
officials, rendering of
services for the society,
helping the members of the
La LIga, following the rules
and regulations of the
society, adoption of new
name, and respect to one The constitution of the La Liga Filipina
Lifted from
II. The establishment of the La Liga
• Investment of Funds.
–Funds of the La Liga
Filipina will be used in
scholarship funds,
legal aid, loaning
capital and setting up
The constitution of the La Liga Filipina
Lifted from
II. The disbandment of the
La Liga Filipina
II. The disbandment of the La Liga
• Spanish authorities were so alarmed and
considered it dangerous that they secretly
arrested Rizal on the night of July 6, 1892.

Cuerpo de

La Liga Filipina

II. The significance of the La Liga

The La LigaFilpina is
The La Liga Filipina The La Liga Filipina
“a civic society“that
sought to involve is a society that
embodies Jose
the people directly aims to establish an
Rizal’s vision for the
in the reform independent and
betterment of the
movement. free nation.
III. Jose Rizal’s Life in
Jose Rizal’s Life in Dapitan
Jose Rizal in Dapitan
• Jose Rizal by the order of the governor-general,
was exiled to Dapitan, a remote place in
Zamboanga del Norte
Jose Rizal in Dapitan
• Jose Rizal reached Dapitan carried by the boat
Cebu on July 17, 1892.
• He was loved by the people of Dapitan because
of the way he treated and cared for them
Jose Rizal as a Teacher
• Jose Rizal put up a school which accommodated
of seventeen boys who were sons of leading
citizens of Dapitan.
• Formal classes were conducted between two
and five o'clock, he sitting in a hammock, while
the boys sat on a long bamboo bench.
• Jose Rizal taught his students arithmetic,
geometry, English, Spanish and nature study.
Jose Rizal as a Doctor
• Rizal spent many months draining
swamps to get rid of the malaria
which infested the region
Jose Rizal as a Scientist
• Rizal found Mindanao a
wonderful field for
collecting specimens.
Using his canoe, he
explored the coast,
seeking specimens of
shells, bugs, and new
varieties of plants.
Jose Rizal as a Scientist
• Rizal discovered some
rare specimens which
were named in his
honor by the scientists.
– Draco rizali (a flying
– Apogonia rizali (a small
– Rhacophorus rizali (a
rare frog)

Species named after Jose Rizal

Lifted from
Jose Rizal as a Community Organizer

• Jose Rizal envisioned

the establishment of
the ‘New Calamba’ in
• He made a relief map of
Mindanao outside the
town’s church
• He directed the
construction of a water
system for Dapitan.
Jose Rizal as a Community Organizer

• He installed lamps for

the Dapitan streets
from the money (500
pesos) he was paid for
having successfully
removed an
Englishman’s cataracts.
• He put up a hospital
which was located at
the opposite of the
house where he dwelt.
Jose Rizal as a Farmer/Agriculturist

• He purchased modern agricultural implements

from the United States and taught Dapitan
farmers how to use them

• Jose Rizal bought 16 hectares of land where

he built his house and planted it with many
fruit trees, including many coffee and cacao
plants and 800 to 1000 coconuts.
Jose Rizal as a Poet
• A Don Ricardo Carcinero .He wrote this poem in
honor Commandant Carnicero who became his good

• Hymn to the Talisay Tree. He wrote a poem in honor

of his place which was named after the tree. He also
dedicated this poem to his students in Dapitan and
made them sing it.

• Mi Retiro. It is a poem written by Jose Rizal for his

mother. It also expressed Jose Rizal’s serene life and
his acceptance of his destiny and whatever justice will
be given him.
Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken
• Jose Rizal and Josephine
Leopoldine Bracken met
when an American engineer
named George Taufer who
was based in Hong Kong
came to Dapitan for his
cataracts be treated by Jose
Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken
• Rizal found Josephine who
was then 18 years old
extremely attractive in his
melancholy and intolerably
lonely state of mind.

• She was not highly

educated, but she was quick,
witty, and eager to hear all
Rizal had to say
Jose Rizal and the Katipunan
• In May 1896, Andres Bonifacio sent Dr. Pio
Valezuela for an advice about the revolution.
• Rizal refused to be rescued by the Katipunan
and advice them to prepare first by acquiring
sufficient arms and ammunitions and the
loyalty and support of the principalias or
middle classes
II. Departure from Dapitan
Departure form Dapitan
• Cuban revolution has broke
out and Jose Rizal
volunteered to serve as
doctor for Spain.
• Jose Rizal bade his farewell to
the people of Dapitan when
a letter came granting his
petition to serve Spain in
• All the people of Dapitan, old
and young, formed a funeral
procession and walked
weeping to the shore
Question to ponder:
What could we learn from Jose
Rizal’s La Liga Filipina and his life
in Dapitan?

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