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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Ms. Netra Karambelkar

Student, Dept. of Information Technology, Keraleeya Samajam (REGD.) Model College Maharashtra, India
Abstract - The main objective of the study is to Besides connecting with our friends, media also tells us
understand the responsibilities of various media forms in about the world happenings. Print and digital media
creating social awareness. To know whether media always takes the risk of their lives to inform us about important
uses relevant sources for their news or not. The aim of news. The information that people get from the media
research is to see the impact of media on people's opinions has a great power associated with it. The way we think
and point of views. Media is often considered as a mirror of and understand various issues about the world is also
the society. The main objective of the media should be to shaped by the media.
inform, educate and entertain the people. It covers all the
aspects of interest like weather, politics, war, finance, 2. TYPES OF MEDIA
music, etc. These days, media has simply become the voice
of some political parties. We find that the TV channels and
newspapers are competing with each other to gain profit.
In order to do so, the channels and news distributors are
cashing on the news in an unethical way. Moreover,
sometime, the media also hurt the sentiments of the
people. Original idea behind this was to entertain masses.
Radio, T.V, Cinemas and Magazines spend most of their
resources on entertaining items and programs. Because of
increasing population and develop lifestyle, demand for
entertainment is increasing.

Key words: Social awareness, society, media.


The Media, the most powerful instrument of 2.1 Print Media:

communication can help promote the right things in
right way. The communication forms can be radio, Any the newspapers, magazines, journals,
television, cinema, magazines, newspapers, and/or newsletters, and other printed material are the oldest
Internet-based websites. Media has a great responsibility forms of media. These publications are collectively
of delivering the truth and relevant information to the known as the printed media. Although print media
common people. readership has declined in the past few decades, many
people still read a newspaper every day or a magazine
Social awareness is defined as being aware of the on a regular basis.
problems and changes happening in and around the
world. Newspapers are the major source of information
for a large number of readers. It may be National or local,
Today everyone is connected with media in some or the daily or special audience newspaper.
other way. So, spreading awareness about any issue
becomes easy as the message get spread among a wide A magazine is a generalized advertising media
range of people. that come up with educational, informational,
entertainment and other specialized needs of customers,
Media focuses on commercialization. Now a days, hot businesses and industries. Types of magazines can be
news which can help in increasing the TRP rates of the General Interest Magazines, Glamour Magazine, Film
channel become the priority for them. magazine, Special Interest Magazine and women lifestyle
We must consider the fact that there are some honest
communication forms also. These forms often put their 2.2 Broadcast Media:
lives at risk to informs us about an event or activity
which may be in the form of a terrorist attack, natural It’s Broadcasting means distribution of audio
disaster and/or other crime related news. Media is the and video content to a wide range of audience via radio,
base of politics. It informs people about their political television, or other digital transmission media.

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1504
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

TV is a primary source of information and and providing us the latest updates about what is
entertainment for people exposed to mass media. It is happening in our world. It makes us aware about our
believed to be the most authoritative, influential, rights, exposes corrupt politicians and criminals by risky
powerful medium for reaching very large audience. It sting operations.
combines visual images, sound, motion and colour to
achieve viewer's insight. It allows development of
creative and imaginative advertisements in a unique

Radio is a premier mass medium for consumers

and advertisers. It has a wide spread capacity. Audio
broadcasting can be also done via cable FM, local wire
networks, satellite and the internet. Earlier, people use
to rely on radio broadcasts for their news. Even today,
many people still prefer listening to news and music on

2.3 Cinema: The areas where role of media is important are: -

A cinema where films are shown for public 3.1 News & Current Affairs
entertainment. Cinema or motion picture is an art of
moving images. It is a visual medium that tells stories The media cover all aspects like weather,
and exposes reality. The Cinema not only aware the politics, war, health, finance, science, fashion, music, etc.
people about what is happening but also explain the One of the major duties of media today is to inform
effect of that on people. everyone about the latest happenings around the world.
And when the terrorist attacks take place, it is media
2.4 Internet: who has the very important role of passing the message
to rest of the world.
The Internet is a medium that helps in
exchanging information through a series of 3.2 Political Awareness
interconnected computers.
The media updates about all the major political
situations, decisions and scenarios. Hence everyone can
better understand their rights and make better
decisions. Media seems to be the base of the political
system. If it plays its role sincerely and honestly, it will
be a great effort in building up the nation. It plays a
important role in bringing common man close to their

3.3 Education

It the spreading of education and professional

knowledge is dependent on a number of factors and
components in the society, out of which media is one of
the critical but effective way for increasing the outreach
It is rapidly transforming the news media for educational system. The power of media is so huge
because more people are relying on online sources of and broad that it can be used to educate people with low
news instead of traditional print or broadcast media. cost. But still because of lack of interest by government
Websites can provide text, audio, and video information, and money-making approach of media, very less efforts
all the way traditional media are transmitted. Mainly, are made in spreading the education.
Internet has truly become the need of every individual
both for our work and to connect to our friends and well- 3.4 Public Announcement
Arrival or departure of flights and trains, etc are some of
3. SOCIAL AWARENESS public announcements. In some cases, it is legally
required to publish notices in newspaper like tenders,
The media has an important role in modelling a good change of property ownership, etc. Various authorities
society to develop our lifestyle and bring it on correct and agencies make use of the power of media to spread
path. It is the most useful tool to spread awareness in the informative messages to public.
modern society may it be political, social or economic

© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1505
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 07 Issue: 12 | Dec 2020 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.5 Advertisement 3.

Almost all business companies use the power of media
to sell their products. They advertise in media to
increase their business profit. Large amount of money is
invested in media for marketing of a product. The more
attractive the advertisement, the more people will get
attracted to it.

3.6 Entertainment

The original idea behind the creation of different media

way was to entertain people. Radio, TV, Magazines and
Cinemas spend most of their resources focusing on
entertaining contents and programs. As the new
technologies are emerging, entertaining contents are
getting various new ideas through various applications.

Due to increasing population and developing lifestyle,

the demand for more entertainment is having a boost.


If we look around then we would find that there is no

aspect of our life which is not affected by media. Be it our
work, relationship, education or entertainment, media is
seen everywhere. And we cannot deny that we cannot
live without media.

Thus, it is also our responsibility to avoid and even

prevent other from sharing fake news on social media.
We must be aware of the social conditions in the society
and must avoid getting offended or offending others
believes and opinions.


The Research has placed an important part to explore

the practical work, to learn in detail part from the
theoretical studies.

I would sincerely like to thank all the Teachers who

helped me throughout the research.

I thank all the respondents for their cooperation and

time in completing this research, without whom, it
would not have been successful.



© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1506

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