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Exam Practice 14: Answers

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I. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Write A or B, C, D in the box for answers.
(15 pts)
1. Jane enjoyed the party, but as ________ Alex, he was simply bored.
A. for B. by C. about D. from 1.
2. Children in large families learn how to get ________ with other people.
A. through B. away C. across D. along 2.
3. Catching the earlier train will give us the ________ to do some shopping.
A. occasion B. luck C. opportunity D. possibility 3.
4. Now I feel too tired to do anything. I didn’t sleep ________ last night.
A. an eye B. a wink C. an inch D. a pitch 4.
5. The car had a ________ tyre, so we had to change the wheel.
A. broken B. cracked C. flat D. bent 5.
6. That is the best novel ________ has been published by this publisher.
A. which B. where C. who D. that 6.
7. Mary was the last student ________.
A. to interview B. to be interviewing C. to be interviewed D. to have interviewed 7.
8. Recent surveys have focused ________ on the nation’s health.
A. views B. opinion C. ideas D. attention 8.
9. There is no reason to ________ his honesty; he is absolutely sincere.
A. search B. doubt C. inquire D. ask 9.
10. He looks thin, but ________ he is very healthy.
A. consequently B. practically C. actually D. also 10.
11. He was deaf to everything ________ than what he wanted to hear.
A. apart B. other C. else D. except 11.
12. They didn’t have enough ________ in their suitcase for all things they had bought.
A. place B. size C. room D. area 12.
13. The man had a very strange ________, so I couldn’t tell where he was from.
A. pronunciation B. speech C. accent D. tone 13.
14. There was panic when people ________ the building was on fire.
A. recognized B. realized C. showed D. recalled 14.
15. According to its label, that medicine should take effect in about ten minutes. In this sentence
"take effect" means ________.
A. produce results B. be administered C. dissolve completely D. lose its strength 15.

II. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answers in the box provided. (10 pts)
1. There is a ............................ to overcome the problems. (DETERMINE)
2. A spaceman must learn to become accustomed to ............................ in a spaceship. (WEIGHT)
3. The software ............................ you to access the Internet in seconds. (ABLE)
4. This book is terrible. It’s completely ………………………………….. . (READ)
5. This man suffered as a child from a very strict ................................... . (BRING)
6. Mr. Patrick is one of the most .................................... members of the committee. (SPEAK)
7. Jack is a very ………………………….. little boy, constantly asking questions. (INQUIRE)
8. He’s promised to be here at ten o’clock ……………………….., not a minute later. (PRECISION)
9. The fuel …………………………. of this car is rather high. (CONSUME)
10. The school has set up an ……………………………committee to help parents (ADVISE)

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with particular problems.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8
9. 10.
III. For questions 1- 5, think of ONE word only which can be appropriately used in the two sentences.
There is one example at the beginning (0). Write your answers in the box provided. (5 pts)

0. a. When they do it by ……..………………, I know the result will be perfect.

b. I …………………….. them the key and leave them to it.
The answer is “hand”.

1. a. The restaurant ………………………….. out of fish quite early on in the evening.

b. Mrs. Benson …………………………… the company after her husband’s death.

2. a. “I’ve arranged a car parking ……………………………. for you,” said the guard.

b. We can see many interesting places on Earth and the stars from the outer ………………….

3. a. How can we ……………………. the needs of all the different groups.

b. I’ve got to go now, but I’ll try to ………….………. up with you later in the park.

4. a. There’s no ………………….…….. in persuading him to join our club.

b. Could you explain that ……………………………… again?

5. a. Professor Smith was equally famous in the ………….…………..…. of politics and science.

b. On the way to his uncle’s house, he crossed the green paddy …………..……………….. .

0. hand 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

IV. Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct words in the column provided
on the right. (5 pts)

1. My teacher asked me to give a truth of the project. 1. ……..............

2. I can’t tell the apart between butter and margarine. 2. …………........

3. To tell the lie, I’ve never cycled to the outskirts of our city. 3. …………........
4. Greg and Howard are twins. Most people can’t tell them difference. 4. …………........

5. My mum always knows when I’m telling a description, apparently I don’t look at her. 5. …………........

V. Match the words in A with those in B to form phrasal verbs and complete the following sentences with
their correct forms. Write your answers in the box provided. (10 pts)


put call take down over (x 2) for

look come break off out into

turn go (x 2) work up (x 2) round

1. I always .............................................. all my lessons before the test.

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2. The farmers are .............................................. the assistance from the government.
3. The only way to stop people using their cars is by ............................................. the price of petrol.
4. The police are ........................................... the cause of the accident.
5. Some friends of ours ......................................... last night and we watched the basket ball on the television.
6. Scientists are trying to ......................................... ways to reduce pollution from aircraft.
7. The fax machine has ......................................, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
8. Please do not ...................................... your examination papers until you are instructed to do so.
9. Milk .................................... very quickly if you don’t put it in the fridge.
10. She decided to get rid of some of her books; they were .......................................... too much room in her flat.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

VI. For questions 1 - 10 below, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Each line has a
mistake. Find out the mistakes and write your correction in the box provided. An example has been done
at the beginning (0). (10 pts)

0 Josef is the street musician. He works in an office during the week and 0.…… the à a ………..
1 does the trumpet in a jazz band at weekends. He feels that this …………………………..
2 combination suits him very good as it allows him the best of both worlds. …………………………..
3 He regards play in the street as a way of advertising the jazz band. …………………………..
4 People stop to listen and often ask if the band is for hiring. They get …………………………..
5 ask to play at private parties, weddings and clubs. In this way they can …………………………..
6 earn enough money to pay for their street license, it costs a lot. When …………………………..
7 there are more tourists around, the band does quite well financial. …………………………..
8 According to Josef, sunshine makes people more generously. The band …………………………..
9 can play in a town square where people are sitting outside enjoy a drink …………………………..
10 or a meal. In those occasions people like to sit for ages, listening to good …………………………..
music, eating, drinking and chatting to their friends.


I. For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answer A or B, C, D best fits each space.
Write your answers in the box provided. (10 pts)


Knowing what to expect from your destination will make all aspects of planning an adventure trip easier, as
well as helping you to (1)________ the most out of the experience. Research will help you pick the best places
to go but you will also learn what you need to pack, what health and safety (2)________ to take, and what
cultural (and sometimes political) issues you should be (3)________ of. Climate and seasonal pricing are
important (4)________ in your decision about when to go. (5)________ for adventure travel, bad weather or
weather you are not (6)________ for can ruin the trip. While you can’t predict the (7)________ weather in
advance, you can learn about climate (8)________ ahead of time when doing your destination research.
Seasonal popularity and pricing should also be considered if you intend to (9)________ peak-season crowds
and prices. While some research is absolutely (10)________ , don’t plan every moment of your trip in advance.
Over-planning tends to make us less willing to take part in the unpredictable and spontaneous events that are
part of any sort of adventure travel. It’s really important to keep a big reserve of excitement and energy ready for
the unexpected.
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1. A. take B. get C. find D. set 1.
2. A. insurance B. information C. warnings D. precautions 2.
3. A. aware B. familiar C. informed D. knowledgeable 3.
4. A. points B. reasons C. factors D. details 4.
5. A. Especially B. Exceptionally C. Definitely D. Necessarily 5.
6. A. anticipated B. expected C. prepared D. planned 6.
7. A. accurate B. correct C. true D. exact 7.
8. A. probabilities B. trends C. assessments D. estimations 8.
9. A. keep away from B. keep out C. keep off D. keep up 9.
10. A. needed B. ideal C. essential D. useful 10.

II. Read the text below and fill each blank with ONE word. Write your answers in the box provided.
(10 pts)
In the US, industries that generate hazardous wastes want to dispose of them as cheaply as possible.
Private companies hired to dispose of this waste compete with each other to (1) ________ the lowest
prices to these industries. The government does not get (2) ________, beyond setting minimum safety
Unfortunately, the goal of companies that generate and dispose of waste is to save money, (3)
________ to guarantee safety. These companies usually send waste to landfills (4) ________ this is
cheaper than recycling or incineration. Disposal firms who want to increase their business must cut corners
to lower costs and gain customers. At the same time, relatively (5) ________ is done to reduce the volume
of waste generated, because disposal costs remain relatively modest.
Things are different in Denmark. There the government (6) ________ in the waste disposal process
beginning at the front end. (7) _______ with industry, the government formed a corporation to establish and
operate waste disposal facilities. This company, called Kommunichem, has a monopoly on waste disposal.
Generators of hazardous waste must ship their waste (8) ________ one of Kommunichem's disposal (9)
________. In this system, there is no price competition in (10) ________ waste disposal business.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
III. Read this article about mobile phone use. Choose the most suitable heading for each of the
numbered sections from the list A - H. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. (7 pts)
A. Is your call absolutely necessary? E. Check your “ringer” isn’t embarrassing.
B. Too much information. F. Making the people you work with unhappy.
C. If you need to talk to me, get off the phone! G. We can hear you.
D. Talking to yourself? H. Just another way of annoying people.


In spite of their convenience and necessity, mobile phones are now another means whereby we can
irritate others. Theatres, restaurants, trains, even public toilets, are no longer safe from the possibility of an
untimely call. Somehow mobile phone ownership seems to affect common sense. Poor mobile phone etiquette
can even ruin a career. Are you committing any of the following breaches of etiquette?
The cha-cha, the latest pop single, your lover’s voice – I don’t want to hear any of these, and neither does
anyone else. Your boyfriend saying, “Ooh, baby, baby” may be funny to your friends, but it ruins your credibility
at the office. Believe it or not, that actually happened to a friend of mine. She went to a business meeting and
forgot to turn off her ringer. Midway through the meeting, she had a fancy ring that was a recording of his voice
telling her how beautiful she was. Thank goodness he didn’t use her name, so she pretended she didn’t know
the source of the mysterious voice.

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“We just landed, and I am waiting to get off the plane.” I must hear that from at least four or five people
every time I take a flight. Please: if there is nowhere for the rest of us to go, think about whether you really need
to have that conversation.
I have seen signs in fast-food restaurants and shops that say something to the effect: “We will gladly help
you when you have finished making your phone call.” It doesn’t surprise me. Many times I have watched people
talk on phones while queuing and then not even acknowledge the employees whose assistance they need.
Simple courtesy will go a long way.
A scheduled meeting is not the time for mobile phone calls. The rings alone are intrusive; answering them
is an even worse breach of etiquette. The message received by those at the meeting is that they are less
important than the voice coming through the mobile. Unless your intention is to make others feel insignificant
(definitely not a good move if your boss is waiting for you to get off the phone), then don’t answer and turn it off.
Who among us has not been surprised by the presence of another person walking the aisles of a
supermarket while having an animated discussion with himself or herself? We then realize there is actually a
streamlined headset attached to the person’s head yet well hidden underneath a hat. Unless you want to be
mistaken for an air traffic controller, leave your headset in the car.
Discussing anything of a private nature that others might be able to hear is unwise for a number of
reasons. Do you really want your co-workers to know the results of your latest lab tests from the doctor’s? Or
see your “dark side” when your contractor calls to tell you his work will take two months longer and $2,000 more
than he had originally stated? Take calls from those who probably have unpleasant or upsetting information
when you have total privacy.
On a very serious note, talking on your mobile while others are in your presence could cost you dearly. A
friend recently shared with me his experience of standing behind a woman talking on her mobile to a repairman
who was coming to her home to do some work while she wasn’t going to be there. By the end of the call, my
friend had learned the woman’s name, address, neighborhood (complete with directions on how to get there)
and the location of the spare key she had left for the repairman. He could have reached the woman’s place
before the repairman and taken everything.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


I. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that its meaning is as close as possible to the original
sentence. (6 pts)

1. It was a sunny day when they set off.

The sun ……………………………………………….................................…………………………….… .

2. They are living in a city with a population of 14 million.

The city in ……………………………………………………………………...............................…………..

3. You should go to the doctor at once.

Don’t put ………………………………………………………………………..............................………. .

4. He ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him.

So ……………………………………………………………………………………….............................…

5. People think that the jewels were stolen by one of the guests.

One of the guests ………………………………………………………………………….............................

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6. These two boxers weigh exactly the same.

There is no …………………………………………………………………………………............................

II. Complete the second sentence in such a way that it has the same meaning as the one before it, using
the word given in capitals. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD. (7 pts)

1. It looks as if he's forgotten about the meeting again. SEEMS

He ............………………………………………………………………………………. .

2. The service at the hotel wasn't as good as I expected. COME

The service at the hotel ……………………………………………………………....... .

3. The tornado resulted in the deaths of almost sixty people. CAUSED

The deaths of …………………………………………………………………….. ......... .

4. It's very kind of you to help me with the suitcase. APPRECIATE

I really …………………………………………………………. me with the suitcase.

5. Thomas never pays much attention to what his mother says. NOTICE

Thomas doesn't ever …………………………………………………………….. ...... .

6. You won’t benefit from seeing the doctor if you‘ve just got a cold. WORTH

It ……………………………………………………………………………………….... .

7. She had four daughters. The youngest of them was her favourite. APPLE

She had four daughters, the ………………………………………………… her eye.

III. Write a paragraph to answer the following question

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using public transport?










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