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3.9 List of Mathematical Symbols 47

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9 List of Mathematical Symbols 47

3.9 List of Mathematical Symbols

In the following tables, you find all the symbols normally accessible from
math mode.
To use the symbols listed in Tables 3.12–3.16,6 the package amssymb
must be loaded in the preamble of the document and the AMS math fonts
must be installed, on the system. If the AMS package and fonts are not
installed, on your system, have a look at

Table 3.1: Math Mode Accents.

â \hat{a} ǎ \check{a} ã \tilde{a} á \acute{a}
à \grave{a} ȧ \dot{a} ä \ddot{a} ă \breve{a}
ā \bar{a} a \vec{a} 
A \widehat{A} A \widetilde{A}

Table 3.2: Lowercase Greek Letters.

α \alpha θ \theta o o υ \upsilon
β \beta ϑ \vartheta π \pi φ \phi
γ \gamma ι \iota + \varpi ϕ \varphi
δ \delta κ \kappa ρ \rho χ \chi
\epsilon λ \lambda 0 \varrho ψ \psi
ε \varepsilon µ \mu σ \sigma ω \omega
ζ \zeta ν \nu ς \varsigma
η \eta ξ \xi τ \tau

Table 3.3: Uppercase Greek Letters.

Γ \Gamma Λ \Lambda Σ \Sigma Ψ \Psi

∆ \Delta Ξ \Xi Υ \Upsilon Ω \Omega
Θ \Theta Π \Pi Φ \Phi

These tables were derived from symbols.tex by David Carlisle and subsequently
changed extensively as suggested by Josef Tkadlec.
48 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae

Table 3.4: Binary Relations.

You can produce corresponding negations by adding a \not command as

prefix to the following symbols.

< < > > = =

≤ \leq or \le ≥ \geq or \ge ≡ \equiv
 \ll  \gg = \doteq
≺ \prec  \succ ∼ \sim
 \preceq  \succeq  \simeq
⊂ \subset ⊃ \supset ≈ \approx
⊆ \subseteq ⊇ \supseteq ∼
= \cong
❁ \sqsubset a ❂ \sqsupset a ✶ \Join a
$ \sqsubseteq % \sqsupseteq 9: \bowtie
∈ \in & \ni , \owns ∝ \propto
( \vdash ) \dashv |= \models
| \mid  \parallel ⊥ \perp
; \smile < \frown , \asymp
: : ∈
/ \notin = \neq or \ne
Use the latexsym package to access this symbol

Table 3.5: Binary Operators.

+ + − -
± \pm ∓ \mp : \triangleleft
· \cdot ÷ \div 9 \triangleright
× \times \ \setminus = \star
∪ \cup ∩ \cap ∗ \ast
4 \sqcup 5 \sqcap ◦ \circ
∨ \vee , \lor ∧ \wedge , \land • \bullet
⊕ \oplus : \ominus ; \diamond
< \odot = \oslash > \uplus
⊗ \otimes  \bigcirc @ \amalg
A \bigtriangleup B \bigtriangledown † \dagger
✁ \lhd a ✄ \rhd a ‡ \ddagger
✂ \unlhd a  \unrhd a E \wr
3.9 List of Mathematical Symbols 49

Table 3.6: BIG Operators.

 ! " #
\sum \bigcup \bigvee \bigoplus
$ % & '
\prod \bigcap \bigwedge \bigotimes
( ) *
\coprod \bigsqcup \bigodot
+ , -
\int \oint \biguplus

Table 3.7: Arrows.

← \leftarrow or \gets ←− \longleftarrow ↑ \uparrow
→ \rightarrow or \to −→ \longrightarrow ↓ \downarrow
↔ \leftrightarrow ←→ \longleftrightarrow  \updownarrow
⇐ \Leftarrow ⇐= \Longleftarrow ⇑ \Uparrow
⇒ \Rightarrow =⇒ \Longrightarrow ⇓ \Downarrow
⇔ \Leftrightarrow ⇐⇒ \Longleftrightarrow O \Updownarrow
P → \mapsto P−→ \longmapsto Q \nearrow
←> \hookleftarrow ?→ \hookrightarrow R \searrow
@ \leftharpoonup A \rightharpoonup S \swarrow
B \leftharpoondown C \rightharpoondown T \nwarrow

\rightleftharpoons ⇐⇒ \iff (bigger spaces) ❀ \leadsto a

Use the latexsym package to access this symbol

Table 3.8: Delimiters.

( ( ) ) ↑ \uparrow ⇑ \Uparrow
[ [ or \lbrack ] ] or \rbrack ↓ \downarrow ⇓ \Downarrow
{ \{ or \lbrace } \} or \rbrace  \updownarrow O \Updownarrow
 \langle U \rangle | | or \vert  \| or \Vert
V \lfloor W \rfloor X \lceil Y \rceil
/ / \ \backslash . (dual. empty)

Table 3.9: Large Delimiters.

   
 \lgroup  \rgroup  \lmoustache  \rmoustache
 1 

 \arrowvert 1 \Arrowvert   \bracevert
50 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae

Table 3.10: Miscellaneous Symbols.

.. ..
... \dots ··· \cdots . \vdots . \ddots
~ \hbar ı \imath  \jmath F \ell
Z \Re [ \Im ℵ \aleph ℘ \wp
∀ \forall ∃ \exists ✵ \mho a ∂ \partial
 ’ ^ \prime ∅ \emptyset ∞ \infty
∇ \nabla A \triangle ✷ \Box a ✸ \Diamond a

⊥ \bot b \top \ \angle \surd
♦ \diamondsuit ♥ \heartsuit ♣ \clubsuit ♠ \spadesuit
¬ \neg or \lnot I \flat J \natural K \sharp
Use the latexsym package to access this symbol

Table 3.11: Non-Mathematical Symbols.

These symbols can also be used in text mode.

† \dag § \S 
c \copyright
‡ \ddag ¶ \P £ \pounds

Table 3.12: AMS Delimiters.

p \ulcorner q \urcorner x \llcorner y \lrcorner

Table 3.13: AMS Greek and Hebrew.

z \digamma { \varkappa i \beth k \daleth j \gimel

3.9 List of Mathematical Symbols 51

Table 3.14: AMS Binary Relations.

l \lessdot m \gtrdot + \doteqdot or \Doteq

6 \leqslant > \geqslant : \risingdotseq
0 \eqslantless 1 \eqslantgtr ; \fallingdotseq
5 \leqq = \geqq P \eqcirc
n \lll or \llless o \ggg or \gggtr $ \circeq
. \lesssim & \gtrsim , \triangleq
/ \lessapprox ' \gtrapprox l \bumpeq
7 \lessgtr ? \gtrless m \Bumpeq
Q \lesseqgtr R \gtreqless s \thicksim
S \lesseqqgtr T \gtreqqless t \thickapprox
4 \preccurlyeq < \succcurlyeq u \approxeq
2 \curlyeqprec 3 \curlyeqsucc v \backsim
- \precsim % \succsim w \backsimeq
w \precapprox v \succapprox  \vDash
j \subseteqq k \supseteqq \Vdash
b \Subset c \Supset Æ \Vvdash
❁ \sqsubset ❂ \sqsupset  \backepsilon
) \therefore * \because _ \varpropto
p \shortmid q \shortparallel G \between
` \smallsmile a \smallfrown t \pitchfork
C \vartriangleleft B \vartriangleright J \blacktriangleleft
E \trianglelefteq D \trianglerighteq I \blacktriangleright

Table 3.15: AMS Arrows.

L99 \dashleftarrow 99K \dashrightarrow ( \multimap
 \leftleftarrows  \rightrightarrows  \upuparrows
 \leftrightarrows  \rightleftarrows  \downdownarrows
W \Lleftarrow V \Rrightarrow  \upharpoonleft
 \twoheadleftarrow  \twoheadrightarrow  \upharpoonright
 \leftarrowtail  \rightarrowtail  \downharpoonleft
\rightleftharpoons  \downharpoonright
 \Lsh  \Rsh \rightsquigarrow
" \looparrowleft # \looparrowright ! \leftrightsquigarrow
x \curvearrowleft y \curvearrowright
\circlearrowleft  \circlearrowright
52 Typesetting Mathematical Formulae

Table 3.16: AMS Negated Binary Relations and Arrows.

 \nless  \ngtr & \varsubsetneqq

\lneq \gneq ' \varsupsetneqq
 \nleq  \ngeq " \nsubseteqq

\nleqslant \ngeqslant # \nsupseteqq
 \lneqq \gneqq - \nmid
\lvertneqq  \gvertneqq , \nparallel
 \nleqq  \ngeqq . \nshortmid
 \lnsim  \gnsim / \nshortparallel
 \lnapprox  \gnapprox  \nsim
 \nprec  \nsucc  \ncong
Æ \npreceq  \nsucceq 0 \nvdash
 \precneqq  \succneqq 2 \nvDash
 \precnsim  \succnsim 1 \nVdash
 \precnapprox  \succnapprox 3 \nVDash
( \subsetneq ) \supsetneq 6 \ntriangleleft
\varsubsetneq ! \varsupsetneq 7 \ntriangleright
* \nsubseteq + \nsupseteq 5 \ntrianglelefteq
$ \subsetneqq % \supsetneqq 4 \ntrianglerighteq
8 \nleftarrow 9 \nrightarrow = \nleftrightarrow
: \nLeftarrow ; \nRightarrow < \nLeftrightarrow

Table 3.17: AMS Binary Operators.

u \dotplus  \centerdot | \intercal

n \ltimes o \rtimes > \divideontimes
d \Cup or \doublecup e \Cap or \doublecap r \smallsetminus
Y \veebar Z \barwedge [ \doublebarwedge
 \boxplus \boxminus  \circleddash
 \boxtimes \boxdot } \circledcirc
h \leftthreetimes i \rightthreetimes ~ \circledast
g \curlyvee f \curlywedge
3.9 List of Mathematical Symbols 53

Table 3.18: AMS Miscellaneous.

~ \hbar } \hslash | \Bbbk
 \square  \blacksquare s \circledS
M \vartriangle N \blacktriangle { \complement
O \triangledown H \blacktriangledown a \Game
 \lozenge  \blacklozenge F \bigstar
\ \angle ] \measuredangle ^ \sphericalangle
 \diagup  \diagdown 8 \backprime
@ \nexists ` \Finv ? \varnothing
g \eth ✵ \mho

Table 3.19: Math Alphabets.

Example Command Required package

ABCdef \mathrm{ABCdef}
ABCdef \mathit{ABCdef}
ABCdef \mathnormal{ABCdef}
ABC \mathcal{ABC}
A BC \mathcal{ABC} mathrsfs
ABC \mathcal{ABC} eucal with option: mathcal or
\mathscr{ABC} eucal with option: mathscr
ABCdef \mathfrak{ABCdef} eufrak
ABC \mathbb{ABC} amsfonts or amssymb

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