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The Inquisitor

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Human: Ramon, Lucius, Maria, Isabella, Margaret, Dredd, Ximenes, Joanna Stoic Eyes, Cunning Eyes or Commanding Eyes

Elf: Elror, Miradir, Galadion, Imil, Eldarien, Alonel, Mirio, Evancha Cropped Hair, Ponytail or Bald
Traveling Clothes, Common Clothes or Robes
Thin Body, Pudgy Body or Knobby Body

 Lawful Experienced Investigator
Act in accordance to the law when it hinders you. Choose one of the following groups or associations as a Target Group and explain why
the inquisition has picked you to investigate their activities.
 Neutral  Criminals and Bandits
Discover a hidden truth about someone or something.  Nobles and Aristocrats
 A foreign Court or Nation
 Evil  Mages, Wizards and Others who practice the Arcane
Punish someone unnecessarily harshly or cruelly.  Heathens and Heretics of your Religion
 The Dead and Undead
 The Planar, Otherworldly and Demonic.
Race When you Discern Realities, add “How is [Target Group] connected to this?” to the list
 Human of questions you may ask. When you act on the answer to hinder or investigate them,
The inquisition has its resources. Whenever you first enter a take +1 forward.
civilized place, you can meet another member of the inquisition.
Name them and state how they can help you. Dispel (Wis)
When you remove an ongoing spell or magical effect, roll +WIS. *On a 10+, a lesser
 Elf spell is ended, or a powerful spell is reduced or dampened while in your presence. *On a
Your kind radiates superiority. Whenever you interrogate a non- 7-9, the spell is removed but choose 1:
elf, you may ask one extra question and gain one extra inquest.  The spell explodes and affects everyone nearby.
 The spell is completely suppressed, but only for up to a minute.
 The spell scatters, and a related elemental or demon senses this happening.

Fill in the names of your companions in at least one: Interrogate (Cha)

____________ is hiding something from me, and I intend to When you ask a question to someone who is locked up, tied up or otherwise at your
figure out what. mercy, roll +CHA. *On a 10+, they answer your question truthfully and you can choose
3. *On a 7-9, they answer your question truthfully and you can choose 1.
I fear someone is plotting against ____________.
 You can ask them 2 more questions, which they must answer truthfully.
____________ could wander off the right path. I must guide  They tell you something useful of their own accord. The GM will tell you what.
them.  They give you a useful item. The GM will tell you what.
____________ is highly perceptive and curious; I could learn  The interrogation doesn’t take long.
something from them.  They will talk to nobody about what just happened.

Inquest Access to the Dossiers (Wis)

Whenever you interrogate a member of your target group, foil When in a safe and civilized place and you request to view the inquisition’s dossier on
one of its plans or discover one of its secrets, you gain 1 someone, roll +WIS. *On a 10+, choose 3. *On a 7-9, choose 1.
inquest, up to a maximum of 5. When in a civilized place, you  The dossier carefully maps their contacts and acquaintances.
may send a report of your activities back to the inquisition  It contains a detailed description of their past.
and trade in your inquest for one or more assets. This asset will  It contains a detailed psychological analysis of their ambitions and fears.
arrive within a reasonable timeframe, depending on where you  It contains a map of their house or residence, if any.
are and the amount of inquest it costs.  It contains information about the source of their funds or resources.
Inquest:   The person is unaware that the inquisition is investigating their activities.

Your load is 9+STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, 1 weight) and You may spend inquest to commission:
the badge or symbol of your inquisition: describe it (0 weight). Choose your - Something common you could find yourself without too much trouble, such
defenses: as a room at the inn, a weapon, some cash, an address, and so on. (1 inquest)
 Leather armor (1 armor, 1 weight) - Something uncommon that could take a while to find, such as a magical
 Magical decoys that attract nearby magic (3 uses, 1 weight) scroll, silver bullets, something the boys at the lab cooked up, etcetera. (2
Choose your weapon: inquest)
 Mace (close, 1 weight) - Something you can’t get your hands on easily, like a forged invitation to a
 Rapier (close, precise, 1 weight) ball, a secret meeting with an expert or an enemy uniform. (3 inquest)
Choose one: - Something you’d otherwise never have access to, like a hidden safehouse, a
 Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight) masterwork weapon, a warship and so on. (4 inquest)
 Bag of books (5 uses, 2 weight) - Something Big. An-absolution-for-someone’s-crimes Big. A-one-of-a-
kind-relic Big. The-boss-will-kill-me-if-I-lose-this Big. (5 inquest)

When you gain a level from 2-5, choose from these moves. When you gain a level from 6-10, choose from these moves or the level 2-
5 moves.
 Rough Methods
You have ways of making them talk. When you interrogate someone, you  Mana Disruption
may choose one extra option from the list. However, you deal your damage Your weapon scrambles the flow of magic. When you deal damage to a
to them and their body will be bruised or otherwise visibly harmed. magical creature or person, you may instead choose to either reduce their
armor by that amount, or force them to roll twice for damage and take the
 Good Cop, Bad Cop worse result until the end of the battle.
When you try to persuade someone, through interrogation or otherwise, and
you and another PC assume the roles of Good Cop and Bad Cop, you  Inside Man
may always roll the dice twice and pick the highest result until the An associate has infiltrated or earned the trust of your Target Group. When
conversation ends. you need their help, roll +CHA. *On a 10+, they have an important or
useful piece of information for you, or will actively help you, your choice.
 Nobody expected this! *On a 7-9, they have a useful piece of information for you, but they are
When you suddenly interrupt a party, gathering or other occasion compromised and you will lose your inside man until they are replaced by
without any warning whatsoever, treat every player’s next roll as a 7-9 if another agent.
they roll 6-.
 Adaptable
 DETECT MAGIC Choose a second Target Group.
When you detect nearby magic, roll +WIS. *On a 10+, you detect what
kind of magic it is, and its source. *On a 7-9, you detect either the kind or its  BOUND BY THE LAW
source. You may arrest someone by launching magical shackles. When you do so,
roll +WIS. *On a 10+, their hands and feet are tied and they are entirely
 Shed Light constricted. *On a 7-9, either their arms or feet are cuffed, your choice. This
Whenever you unsheathe your weapon in a particularly flashy way, it move only works on people and anthropomorphic creatures.
will shine with an intense white light until you sheathe it again. When it
shines, you deal your damage +1d4 to members of your Target Group.  Mental Conditioning
When someone or something attacks your mind or psyche, you can shrug
 Illusion Breaker off all its effects but get the confused debility. This does not work if you
When you discern realities and ask “What here is not what it appears to already have that debility.
be?” the GM will also tell you what it really is.
 Grizzled Veteran
 It Takes One to Know One You’ve seen things in your life. When you remember a situation similar to
Choose any wizard or cleric spell that is one level below yours, or lower. the one you’re in right now, roll +WIS. *On a 10+, tell your party an
You may cast this spell as if you were that class. anecdote and explain how it is relevant to the current situation. If they act on
it, they gain +1 forward. *On a 7-9, tell your party an anecdote that is
 SCRUTINIZE completely irrelevant to the current situation. If they act on it regardless, they
When you meet a person for the first time and clearly see their face, roll take +1 forward.
+WIS. *On a 10+, you decide what alignment they are. *On a 7-9, you
decide one alignment they are definitely not.  Spell Bend
When a magical attack targets you, you may roll +WIS to try to deflect the
 The Light Protects incoming spell. *On a 10+, the spell bounces away and hits an enemy. *On a
When you have at least one free hand, you gain +2 armor against magical 7-9, the spell bounces away and hits an ally, or grazes you and deals half its
and otherworldly attacks. damage.

 Authority  One they Fear

When attempting to enter an area that is off-limits, you may flash the Towards members of your Target Group, you have the +terrifying tag.
inquisition’s badge or symbol to whoever is guarding it and roll +CHA. *On Additionally, your damage die becomes a d8.
a 10+, you may enter the area and do as you please. *On a 7-9, you may
enter, but only under supervision or strict conditions. The GM tells you  Cleansing Wave
which. Your dispel move can affect all magic within a reasonable distance if you so
desire. Dramatically raising your weapon or stamping your foot on the floor
is optional.

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