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Chemistry Schemes Form 4

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1. Secondary Chemistry students book 4 By KLB
2. Longhorn Secondary Chemistry Form 4 By Longhorn Publishers
3. Principles of Chemistry Form 4 By P. Muchiri (POC)


1 1,2 Acids Bases and Salt By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
&3 S learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
Define acids. - Note taking Manila paper charts Pg1-3
State examples of strong and weak - Experimentati HCl - Teachers Guide
acids. on H2SO4 Pg3
Describe ion formation of - Problem Ethanoic acid
dissociation of acids in water solving
State Basicity of acids - Book marking
4,5 Physical and By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
chemical properties learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
of acids State the Physical and chemical - Note taking Manila paper charts Pg2,5
properties of acids - Experimentati - Teachers Guide
on Pg4
- Problem
- Book marking
2 1,2 Definition of bases. By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
&3 Strong and weak learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
bases. Dissociation State the meaning of the strength of - Note taking Manila paper charts Pg2,5
of bases in water acids, bases and other solutions - Experimentati NaOH - Teachers Guide
Basicity of bases on Ca(OH)2 Pg5
- Problem Ammonia solution
- Book marking

4,5 Physical and By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
chemical properties learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
of bases and alkalis. Classify Oxides of elements as - Note taking Manila paper charts Pg6-7
Strength of acids, acidic or basic - Experimentati pH charts - Teachers Guide
bases and other State examples of Acidic, basic on Universal indicator Pg 5-6
solutions neutral and amphoterism - Problem Lab equipment
- Book marking
3 1 Oxides of elements By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
as acids and bases learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
Acidic, basic State the products of reaction of - Note taking Manila paper charts Pg8-10
neutral and ampoteric oxides with strong acids - Experimentati Crystals of copper II - Teachers Guide
amphoterism and strong alkalis on sulphate Pg 6-7
- Problem
- Book marking
2&3 Reaction of By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
amphoteric oxides learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
with acids and Write equations on amphoteric - Note taking Manila paper charts Pg8-10
strong alkalis reactions of some oxides - Experimentati Concentrated NaOH - Teachers Guide
on and Pg 7-8
- Problem
- Book marking
4,5 Application of By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
amphoterism learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
The role of solvents State the role of solvents on the - Note taking Manila paper charts Pg9-12
on the solution solution formed. - Experimentati Water as polar - Teachers Guide
formed. State examples of polar and non on solvent Pg9
Polar and non polar polar solvents - Problem Kerosene
solvents solving
- Book marking
4 1&2 Amphoteric By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
hydroxides and learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
their reaction with Define salts - Note taking Pg12-13
acids and strong Use IUPAC system to name - Experimentati - Teachers Guide
alkalis complex ions on Pg10
Identify the central cation in - Problem
complex ions solving
- Book marking
3,4 Salts By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
&5 Types of salts learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
And formation of Define salts - Note taking Manila paper charts Pg47-49
complex ions Use IUPAC system to name - Experimentati Various salts 330-332
The central cation. complex ions on - Longman
IUPAC naming of Identify the central cation in - Problem Chemistry
complex ions complex ions solving revision book
- Book marking
5 1&2 Solubility of salts By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
Units learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
Saturated and super Define salts - Note taking Manila paper charts Page 20-30
saturated solution Use IUPAC system to name - Experimentati Saturated and super - Teachers Guide
complex ions on saturated solution Page 14
Identify the central cation in - Problem
complex ions solving
- Book marking
3 Solubility of salts By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
Units learner should be able to answering Solubility charts Chemistry book 4
Saturated and super Define solubility of salts - Note taking Manila paper charts Page 30-32
saturated solution Define saturated and super - Experimentati - Teachers Guide
saturated solution on Page 19-20
- Problem
- Book marking
4,5 Problem solving By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
Fractional learner should be able to answering Solubility charts Chemistry book 4
crystallization Draw and interpret solubility a - Note taking Manila paper charts Page 33-41
Extraction of trona curve - Experimentati - Teachers Guide
and sodium Use data from solubility curves to on Page 20
chloride solve problems - Problem
- Book marking
6 1 Problem solving By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
Fractional learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
crystallization Use data from solubility curves to - Note taking Manila paper charts Page 38-41
Extraction of trona solve problems - Experimentati Hard water - Teachers Guide
and sodium Define Fractional crystallization on Soap Page 23
chloride Explain application of Fractional - Problem
crystallization solving
extraction of trona and sodium - Book marking
chloride from lake Magadi
2&3 Water hardness By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
Definition learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
Types of hardness. Define Water hardness - Note taking Manila paper charts Page 42-47
Temporary State the sources of water hardness - Experimentati Hard water - Teachers Guide
hardness and State the types of water hardness. on Soap Page 23
removal - Problem
- Book marking
4,5 Permanent hardness By the end of the lesson, the - Question Chalkboard - Explore
causes and removal learner should be able to answering Wall charts Chemistry book 4
Advantages of hard State methods of removing - Note taking Manila paper charts Page 43-45
water. Permanent hardness causes - Experimentati on distillation - Teachers Guide
State the advantages of hard water. on Permutit and resins Page 23
- Problem
- Book marking
7 1 Energy changes in By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 33-34
physical and chemical should be able to:- Carrying out experiment Boiling tubes Longhorn Chem
processes Define exothermic and endothermic table 2.1 (KLB Pg 33) Thermometer BK 4 Pg 47-52
Exothermic and reactions using ∆H notations Reading temperature Glass rod Gateway Chem Rev.
endothermic reactions changes ∆T NH4NO3(g) Pg 161-162
Attempting exercise 2.1 H2O POC BK 4 Pg 65-68
2 Energy level diagrams By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 34-35
Units for heat and should be able to:- Drawing energy level Graph papers Longhorn Chem
energy and symbol Draw simple energy level diagrams for diagrams for the BK 4 Pg 47-52
exothermic and endothermic processes processes in exothermic POC BK 4 Pg 69-71
3 Energy changes By the end of the lesson the learner Carrying out an
Molar heat of fusion should be able to:- experiment Stop watch KLB BK 4 Pg 36-40
and vaporization Relate joules (J) to KiloJoules (KJ) Attempting self Bunsen burner Longhorn Chem
Explain fusion and vaporization as assessment exercises Thermometer BK 4 Pg 54-57
evidence of inter-particles forces Discussing latent heat of Ice POC BK 4 Pg 72
fusion/vaporization Wire gauze
4 Energy Changes in By the end of the lesson the learner Discussing bond

Chemical Processes should be able to:- breaking and bond Supervised KLB BK 4 Pg 41-45
Explain that heat energy changes in formation Practice questions Longhorn Chem
chemical reactions are due to bond Bond energies BK 4 Pg 57-63
formation and bond breaking ∆H Products - ∆H Reactants POC BK 4 Pg 76-80
Calculating enthalpy of
formation of HCl using
bond energies
5 Energy Changes in By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 33-34
Chemical Processes should be able to:- Attempting revision Beaker Longhorn Chem
Calculate the heat of reaction between exercise and worked Thermometer BK 4 Pg 45-46
methane and chlorine examples Burner POC BK 4 Pg
8 1 Energy changes in By the end of the lesson the learner Discussing and writing
physical and chemical should be able to:- definitions for: Beaker KLB BK 4 Pg 46-50
processes Calculate the heat of reaction Molar heat of fusion, Thermometer Longhorn Chem
Types of heat changes Define and explain various types of neutralization, Burner BK 4 Pg 65-70
heat changes (standard enthalpy and formation, displacement, POC BK 4 Pg 82
standard conditions) combustion and solution
2 Determining By the end of the lesson the learner
enthalpies through should be able to:- Working through Supervised practice KLB BK 4 Pg 50-54
experiment Determine molar enthalpy of: examples Questions Longhorn Chem
Displacement, Neutralization Attempting self BK 4 Pg 75
Writing correct simple thermo assessment exercise POC BK 4 Pg 85
chemical equations
3&4 Determining By the end of the lesson the learner
enthalpies through should be able to:- Working through Supervised practice KLB BK 4 Pg 50-54
experiment Determine molar enthalpy of: examples Questions Longhorn Chem
Displacement, Neutralization Attempting self BK 4 Pg 75
Writing correct simple thermo assessment exercise POC BK 4 Pg 85
chemical equations
5 Revision By the end of the lesson the learner Working through KLB BK 4 Pg 71-72
should be able to:- examples Supervised practice Longhorn Chem
Calculate enthalpies using Attempting self BK 4 Pg 74-84
experimental data and provided data assessment exercise POC BK 4 Pg 110
9 1 Energy Changes By the end of the lesson the learner Discussing the worked Balance
Hess law of constant should be able to:- examples on thermo Thermometer KLB BK 4 Pg 60-63
heat summation State Hess’ law and carry out related chemical cycles for Spirit lamp Longhorn Chem
calculations formation of CO2, CH4, Draught shield BK 4 Pg 85-95
CH3CH2OH Water POC BK 4 Pg 93
Relation between Ethanol
solution, hydration and Tripod stand
lattice energy

2 Energy diagrams and By the end of the lesson the learner Lagged beaker
activation energy should be able to:- Sketching energy level Thermometer KLB BK 4 Pg 70-71
Show graphically the activation energy diagram for exothermic Measuring cylinder Longhorn Chem
for exothermic and endothermic and endothermic Glass rod BK 4 Pg 83-84
reactions reactions 1g Zn(s) powder POC BK 4 Pg 94
Define activation energy 0.2M CUSO4
3 Relation between heat By the end of the lesson the learner Drawing energy level
of solution, hydration should be able to:- diagrams and thermo Worked example KLB BK 4 Pg 68-70
and lattice energy Define the terms: chemical cycles Longhorn Chem
Heat of solution Attempting calculations BK 4 Pg 85-95
Hydration energy based on; POC BK 4 Pg 101
Lattice energy ∆HSoln = ∆HLatt + ∆HHyd
4 Energy content of By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 95-98
common fuels should be able to:- Calculating the heating Charts in energy Longhorn Chem
Name solid, liquid and gaseous fuels value of fuels diagrams and thermo BK 4 Pg 70-73
State criteria for choosing a fuel chemical cycles POC BK 4 Pg 105
5 Pollution of the By the end of the lesson the learner Discussing acid oxides, KLB BK 4 Pg 73-74
environment by should be able to:- acid rain, stating the Writing summary Longhorn Chem
common fuels Name pollutants formed when measures to reduce notes BK 4 Pg 94-98
hydrocarbon fuels are burnt pollution POC BK 4 Pg 106
1o 1 Rates of Reaction and By the end of the lesson the learner Discussing observation
Reversible Reactions should be able to:- used to measure rate of a Charts KLB BK 4 Pg
Introduction Define rate of reaction reaction Chemical equations Longhorn Chem
Describe some methods used to Volume of gas, mass of BK 4 Pg 105-112
measure rates of reaction product POC BK 4 Pg 118
Decrease in mass of
Change of colour
2 Collision theory and By the end of the lesson the learner Discussing activation Copies of KLB and KLB BK 4 Pg 85-89
activation energy should be able to:- energy, collision theory, Longhorn students Longhorn Chem
Explain the term activation energy review kinetic theory books BK 4 Pg 105-108
POC BK 4 Pg 120
3&4 Factors affecting rates By the end of the lesson the learner Na2S2O3
of reaction should be able to:- Carrying out Stop watch KLB BK 4 Pg 83
Explain the effects of concentration of demonstrations HCl, White paper Longhorn Chem
reactants (aqueous reactants), pressure Drawing graphs on rate Beakers BK 4 Pg 112-114
(gaseous), temperature representation Stirring rods POC BK 4 Pg 122
5 Factors affecting rates By the end of the lesson the learner
of reaction should be able to:- Experiment KBr KLB BK 4 Pg 85-86
Explain the effects of temperature on Drawing graphs AgNO3 Longhorn Chem
rate of reaction Class discussion Large tubes BK 4 Pg 108-112

Explain the effect of light on rate of POC BK 4 Pg 123
11 1 Factors affecting rate By the end of the lesson the learner Conical flask, stop KLB BK 4 Pg 83-85
of reaction should be able to:- Experiment watch, balance, cotton Longhorn Chem
Explain the effects of surface area on Drawing graphs wool, HCl, marble BK 4 Pg 114-117
rate of reaction Class discussion chips, marble powder POC BK 4 Pg 129
2 Factors affecting rates By the end of the lesson the learner Conical flask, stop KLB BK 4 Pg 85-86
of reaction should be able to:- Class experiment watch, balance, cotton Longhorn Chem
Explain the effect of catalyst and light Self assessment exercise wool, HCl, marble BK 4 Pg 117-121
on rate of reaction Class discussion chips, marble powder POC BK 4
Pg 133-135
3 Introduction By the end of the lesson the learner 250cm3 beaker
Reversible reactions should be able to:- Experiment White tile KLB BK 4 Pg 93-95
State atleast 3 examples of reversible Attempting self Stop watch Longhorn Chem
reactions assessment exercise Na2S2O3 BK 4 Pg 123-126
Define chemical equilibrium © Education Plus Agencies 2M HCl POC BK 4 Pg 137
Graph paper
4&5 Reversible reactions By the end of the lesson the learner Balance
and equilibrium should be able to:- Demonstration Conical flask KLB BK 4 Pg 93-95
Describe equilibrium position Attempting assessment Cotton wool Longhorn Chem
Shifting the equilibrium position exercise Stop watch BK 4 Pg 122-126
CaCO3 POC BK 4 Pg 139
12 1 Effects of changing By the end of the lesson the learner
pressure on should be able to:- Class discussion Boiling tubes KLB BK 4
equilibrium position Answer almost all questions in the Writing equations 20V H2O2 Pg 102-107
Le Chatelier’s exercise correctly MnO2 powder Longhorn Chem
principle State and explain effects of change in Balance BK 4 Pg 130-136
pressure on equilibrium position Filter paper and funnel POC BK 4 Pg 141
State Le chatelier’s principle
2 Electro-chemistry By the end of the lesson the learner Writing summary notes Phenolphthalein KLB BK 4
Introduction should be able to:- Writing questions and solution Pg 105-107
(Redox Reaction) Answer all/most questions in the answers to revision 100cm3 glass Longhorn Chem
exercises correctly questions Beaker BK 4 Pg 72-74
White tiles POC BK 4
2M NaOH Pg 158-161
3&4 Electro-chemistry By the end of the lesson the learner Determining oxidation KLB BK 4
Introduction should be able to:- numbers Group discussion Pg 113-115
(Redox Reaction) Explain redox reaction in terms of gain Writing rules on Longhorn Chem
and loss of electrons oxidation number BK 4 Pg 147-150
Identify changes in oxidation numbers Attempting assessment POC BK 4
during redox reactions exercises Pg

5 Displacement reaction By the end of the lesson the learner Writing redox reactions KLB BK 4
and redox reaction should be able to:- showing: Chart showing redox Pg 113-115
Write balanced redox reactions Metal as reducing agent equation Longhorn Chem
Compare oxidizing and reducing Non-metal as oxidizing Half reaction (ionic BK 4 Pg 147-150
power of ions agent equation) for redox POC BK 4 Pg 167
13 1 Electrochemical Cell By the end of the lesson the learner Demonstrating
should be able to:- experiment 2 beakers KLB BK 4
Explain the working of an Discussion redox in Filter paper Pg 116-117
electrochemical cell in terms of Zn/Cu cell diagram Cotton wool Longhorn Chem
electron transfer process and ion Writing cell Connecting wires BK 4 Pg 150-155
migration (slat bridge) representation and Voltmeter POC BK 4
measuring e.m.f. of Cu/ZnFe and their Pg 170-174
various cells respective sulphate
2 Electrochemical Cell By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 118
and standard electrode should be able to:- Writing a list of Chart on Longhorn Chem
potential Describe the simple hydrogen electrochemical series electrochemical series BK 4 Pg 155-159
electrode with corresponding POC BK 4
State the standard conditions electrodes potential Pg 175-177
3&4 Cell e.m.f. By the end of the lesson the learner
Simple calculation should be able to:- Discussing worked List of electrode Longhorn Chem
using standard Calculate the e.m.f. of a cell using Eθ examples of e.m.f. potential and BK 4 Pg 152
electrode potential value Calculating cell e.m.f. in electrochemical series POC BK 4 Pg 179
Eθ values self assessment
5 Electrolysis By the end of the lesson the learner
should be able to:- Carry out and Dilute H2SO4 KLB BK 4 Pg 122
Define electrolysis experiment Ammeter Longhorn Chem
Explain the role of water in electrolysis Attempting exercises Connecting wire BK 4 Pg 162

14 1 Preferential discharge By the end of the lesson the learner Discussing factors KLB BK 4
of ions should be able to:- affecting preferential Battery Pg 122
State and explain factors that affect discharge of ions Carbon electrode Longhorn Chem
preferential discharge of ions Writing a summary of Connecting wire BK 4 Pg 168-172
Write half ionic equations for reactions electrolysis of aqueous Bulb POC BK 4
at electrodes solutions Test tube Pg 190
2 Quantity of By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 123
electrolysis should be able to:- Calculating amounts of Worked example Longhorn Chem
State faraday’s 1st law of electrolysis elements discharged in BK 4 Pg 175
Q = IT electrolytic processes POC BK 4 Pg 199
3&4 Application of By the end of the lesson the learner
Electrolysis should be able to:- Describe uses of Charts on electro KLB BK 4

Describe the application of electrolysis electrolysis plating Pg 155-156
Write electrode half ionic equation for Mercury cell Longhorn Chem
the process Diaphragm BK 4 Pg 182
5 Revision Exercise By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 165
should be able to:- Attempting revision Students textbooks Longhorn Chem
Write correct answers to all/most exercises BK 4 Pg 187-189
questions in the revision exercises POC BK 4 Pg 212


1 1 Metals By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4

Occurrence of metal should be able to:- Listing names of ores for Copies of tables Pg 168-169
Chief ores of metals Name the chief ore of some metals (Al, the metals Longhorn Chem
Na, Fe, Zn, Cu) BK 4 Pg 195-197,
201, 204, 206
POC BK 4 Pg 219
2&3 Extraction of Sodium By the end of the lesson the learner
should be able to:- Discussing groups of 3-5 Chart showing Down’s KLB BK 4
Describe a suitable method of and presenting cell Pg 169-173
extraction of sodium Describing the extraction Longhorn Chem
Describe and explain the extraction of process of Na by BK 4 Pg 195-196
sodium by Down’s Cell using electrolysis POC BK 4
electrolysis process Pg 219-225
Name chief ore of sodium
4 Physical and Chemical By the end of the lesson the learner
properties should be able to:- Class discussion and Group work KLB BK 4
Describe the physical and chemical presentation Pg 197-198
properties of sodium (M.P, B.P, Longhorn Chem
density and thermal conductivity) BK 4 Pg 218-225
Explain the chemical properties of POC BK 4
sodium Pg 226-228

5 Uses and By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4

environmental effects should be able to:- Research and Flow charts Pg 186-190
State the uses of Na representation done by Longhorn Chem
Explain the environmental pollution groups BK 4 Pg 218-225

brought about by Na metal and its by- Summary notes taking POC BK 4
products Pg 228-229
2 1 Aluminium By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 171
Extraction should be able to:- Group discussion Flow chart Longhorn Chem
Describe the extraction method of Al Presentation of results BK 4 Pg 197-201
State the chief ore (bauxite) Summary notes taking POC BK 4 Pg 229
2&3 Physical Properties By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4
should be able to:- Write the physical Table 5.9 (Longhorn) Pg 182-183
Describe and explain physical properties of aluminium, Longhorn Chem
properties of aluminium M.P, B.P, density and BK 4 Pg 215
thermal conductivity POC BK 4 Pg 232
4 Chemical Properties By the end of the lesson the learner Listing atleast 3 major KLB BK 4
and uses of its alloys should be able to:- uses of aluminium and Flow chart Pg 186-190
State and explain the various uses of its alloys Longhorn Chem
aluminium Relate uses of alloys to BK 4 Pg 215-225
properties POC BK 4 Pg 234
5 Iron By the end of the lesson the learner
Extraction should be able to:- Group discussions and Charts showing blast KLB BK 4 Pg 169
Describe the suitable method of presentations furnace Longhorn Chem
extracting Iron BK 4 Pg 195
Name the chief ore of iron
3 1 Physical Properties By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 215
should be able to:- Writing the physical Table 5.9 (Longhorn) Longhorn Chem
Describe and explain the physical properties of iron; M.P, BK 4 Pg 182-183
properties of iron B.P, density POC BK 4
Pg 239-242
2&3 Chemical Properties By the end of the lesson the learner Listing atleast 3 major
should be able to:- uses of iron and its Teacher made flow KLB BK 4
State and explain various uses of iron alloys chart Pg 186-190
Writing respective Longhorn Chem
chemical equations BK 4 Pg 218-228
Relate uses of alloys to POC BK 4
properties Pg 238
4 Environmental By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4
Pollution of Iron should be able to:- Discussing Group discussion and Pg 197
State and explain any environmental environmental effects of presentations Longhorn Chem
pollution caused by iron and its by iron and its by products BK 4 Pg 226-227
products POC BK 4
Pg 240
5 Zinc By the end of the lesson the learner Describe froth floatation KLB BK 4
Extraction should be able to:- and roasting Flow chart of zinc Pg 177-178

Describe the concentration of the ore Writing chemical Longhorn Chem
by froth floatation equation for the BK 4 Pg 204
Describe the reduction of the ore extraction of zinc POC BK 4 Pg 249
4 1&2 Physical and Chemical By the end of the lesson the learner Writing the physical KLB BK 4
properties and uses should be able to:- properties of zinc; M.P, Flow chart Pg 186
Describe and explain physical B.P, density, thermal Longhorn Chem
properties of zinc conductivity BK 4 Pg 218
State and explain various uses of zinc List major uses of zinc POC BK 4
and its alloys Pg 252
3 Environmental Effects By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4
should be able to:- Discussing in groups and Group presentation Pg 197
State and explain any environmental presenting findings in Longhorn Chem
effects caused by zinc and its by- class BK 4 Pg 226
products POC BK 4
4 Copper By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4
Extraction should be able to:- Discuss froth floatation Flow chart Pg 181-182
Describe and explain the concentration Write chemical Longhorn Chem
of the ore by froth floatation equations for reactions in BK 4 Pg 226
Describe the reduction of the ore the reduction POC BK 4 Pg 244
5 Physical and Chemical By the end of the lesson the learner
Properties of Copper should be able to:- Writing uses of copper, Making notes KLB BK 4 Pg 186
and uses Describe the physical properties physical and chemical Longhorn Chem
ofcopper properties BK 4 Pg 218
State and explain various uses of POC BK 4
copper Pg 247

5 1 Metals By the end of the lesson the learner Writing notes on air KLB BK 4
Copper should be able to:- pollution, water, land, Group presentation Pg 197-198
Pollution effects of Describe the effects of the industrial noises Longhorn Chem
copper production processes of copper on the Describe techniques on BK 4 Pg 226-
Extraction process environment reducing pollution POC BK 4
effects Pg 249
2 Summary Notes By the end of the lesson the learner Writing own summary Use revision books
Assessment test should be able to:- notes Group presentation Top Mark
revision exercises Briefly describe concentration , Answers to assessment Gateway Chem
reduction and purification tests, revision exercises Principles of Chem
3&4 Radioactivity By the end of the lesson the learner Revising isotopes by KLB BK 4 Pg
Stability of Isotopes of should be able to:- giving examples Class discussion Longhorn Chem
Elements Define radioactivity, half-life, radio- Defining RAM. Nuclides Making notes BK 4 Pg 283
isotopes and nuclides and distinction between POC BK 4

nuclides and isotopes Pg 325
5 Types of Radioactivity By the end of the lesson the learner Class discussion on the KLB BK 4
and Radiations should be able to:- types of radiations Charts Pg 210-212
State types of radioactivity Emphasize on the Longhorn Chem
Name the particles emitted during change in mass and BK 4 Pg 285-288
radioactive decay and state their symbols of each types of POC BK 4
properties radiation Pg 322-325
6 1&2 Radioactive Decay and By the end of the lesson the learner Ensure the learner draws KLB BK 4
half-life should be able to:- graphs Graph papers Pg 288-291
Carry out simple calculations involving Explain the exponential Longhorn Chem
half-life nature of the curve and BK 4 Pg 289
determine half-life from POC BK 4
curve Pg 246
3 Nuclear reaction and By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 4 Pg 213
radioactive decay should be able to:- Write and balance Textbooks Longhorn Chem
series Write balanced nuclear equations nuclear equations BK 4 Pg 292-295

Organic chemistry II By the end of the lesson, the learner

5 Introduction should be able to:-
Alkanols Write the general formular and name Class discussion
alkanols up to those with 10 carbon
7 1&2 Alkanols By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:- KLB BK 4 Pg 65
Prepare alkanols from hydrolysis of - Note taking Charts of alkanols/ Longhorn BK 4
Alkenes - Discussion Structures Pg 257
3&4 Preparation of ethanol By the end of the lesson, the learner - Class experiment Glocuse, beaker, yeast, KLB BK 4 Pg 211
should be able to:- - Note taking Polythene bag, Longhorn BK 4
Prepare ethanol from carbohydrates - Class discussion Distillation apparatus Pg 263
5 Physical properties of By the end of the lesson, the learner
Alkanols should be able to:- KLB BK 4 Pg 214
List and explain the trends observed in - Note taking Chart showing physical CSC BK 4
Physical properties of alkanols - Discussion properties of alkanols Pg 182-188

8 1,2 Chemical properties of By the end of the lesson, the learner KLB BK 4
&3 Alkanols should be able to:- Ethanol, Sodium metal, Pg 213-219
Uses of alkanols - State how alkanols react with Na, - Discussion H2SO4, Ethanoic acid, Longhorn BK 4
H2SO4 and alkanoic acids - Notes taking Means of heating air Pg 278
- State various ues of alkanoic acids CMS Pg 213
4,5 Alkanoic acids By the end of the lesson, the learner
Naming and drawing should be able to:- KLB BK 4
structures of alkanoic- Write the general formula (R COOH) Drawing and naming Chart on structures of Pg 219-222
acids Of alkanoic acids alkanoic molecules alkanoic acids CSC BK 4
- Name and draw formulae for 1st ten Pg 191-192
Alkanoic acids
9 1&2 Properties of alkanoic By the end of the lesson, the learner - Discussion on uses of
acid (continuation) should be able to:- Alkanoic acids Chart on uses of KLB BK 4
Uses of alkanoic acids Explain both physical and chemical - Writing relevant Alkanoic acids CSC BK 4
Properties Chemical equations Ethanoic acid Pg 196-197
3,4 Detergents soaps By the end of the lesson, the learner 4M sodium hydroxide
(Soapy detergents) should be able to:- Carry out experiment on Sodium chloride KLB BK 4
- Define soap Preparation of soaps Castor oil Pg 227-235
- Describe the preparation of soap by Record observations Distilled water Longhorn BK 4
Hydrolysis of fats by alkalis Discussion based on Bar soap Pg 302
- Explain how soaps clean observations Animal fats CMS BK4 Pg 221
5 Soapless detergents By the end of the lesson, the learner Carry out experiment on
should be able to:- preparation of soapless
- Describe the preparation of soapless detergents Soaps KLB BK 4
detergents Observations Pg 235-238
- Describe properties of detergents Discussion
1O 1&2 Uses of detergents By the end of the lesson, the learner Explain uses of detergents Soaps, soapless
Effects of hard water should be able to:- Carry out experiments to detergents, tap water, KLB BK 4 Pg 235
on detergents - State and explain uses of detergents show effects of hard distilled water, warm CSC BK 4 Pg 200
- Explain the effects of hard water on water on soaps and soap water, beaker
detergents less detergents, Discussion
3,4 Polymers By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:-
- Defining terms Charts on structures of KLB BK 4
- Define monomers and polymers - Naming monomers Natural polymers Pg 238-340
- Name various monomers and - Discussion Longhorn BK 4
Polymers they form Pg 318
- Explain how condensation and
addition polymerization occurs
5 Natural polymers By the end of the lesson, the learner - Listing examples of
should be able to:- Natural polymers Charts showing natural KLB BK 4
List some natural polymers and state - Drawing structures of polymers, charts on Pg 240-243
their uses cellulose, natural rubber uses of natural CSC BK 4
vulcanized rubber polymers Pg 201-202
11 1&2 Synthetic polymers By the end of the lesson, the learner - Carry out experiments
and fibres and their should be able to:- - Record observations 2M NaOH, Ethanol KLB BK 4
uses - List some synthetic polymers & fibres - Writing relevant solution of hexane-1,6- CSC BK 4

- Describe the preparation and Chemical equations diol acid, solution of Pg 203-211
Properties of synthetic polymers - Describing properties hexane-1,6-diamine,
- State the uses of synthetic polymers Of synthetic fibres pair of tongs, test tubes
3 Structure of polymers By the end of the lesson, the learner
should be able to:- KLB BK 4
Identify the structure of a polymer - Discussion Chart on structures of CSC BK 4
given the monomer - Drawing polymers & monomers Pg 204-205
4&5 Advantages and By the end of the lesson, the learner
Disadvantages of should be able to:- - Discussion 2M NaOH, Ethanol KLB BK 4
Synthetic material over State the advantages and disadvantages - Listing the advantages solution of hexane-1,6- CSC BK 4
Natural polymers of synthetic materials compared to and disadvantages diol acid, pair of tongs Pg 203-211
those of natural origin in terms of their of synthetic against
structures and properties polymers



1. Secondary Chemistry students book 4 By KLB
2. Longhorn Secondary Chemistry Form 4 By Longhorn Publishers
3. Principles of Chemistry Form 4 By P. Muchiri (PO


1-2 1-5 Opening By the end of the lesson the learner
Revision of Form 1 should be able to:- Class discussion Past Papers KCSE Past Papers
Topics Revise through the form 1 syllabus in Revision Books
the preparation for KCSE
3-4 1-5 Revision of Form 2 By the end of the lesson the learner KLB BK 2
Topics should be able to:- Class discussion Longhorn Chem BK 2 KCSE Past Papers
Revise through the form 2 syllabus in Group discussion Principles of chem
the preparation for KCSE Practicals BK 2
5-6 1-5 Revision of Form 3 By the end of the lesson the learner
Topics should be able to:- Class discussion KLB BK 3 KCSE Past Papers
Revise through the form 3 syllabus in Group discussion Longhorn Chem BK 3 Revision Books
the preparation for KCSE Practicals
7-9 1-5 Revision of Form 4 By the end of the lesson the learner
Topics should be able to:- Class discussion Past Papers KCSE Past Papers
(Form 4 Work) Revise through the form 4 syllabus in Group discussion Revision Books Revision Books
the preparation for KCSE Practicals


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