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Second Term Final Exam: Mark: Classes:1st Literary Streams

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Fatma N’Soumer High School full name 

Duration : 2hours Mark :

Classes :1st Literary Streams

Second Term Final Exam

Read the following text carefully ,then do the following activities:

Fresh rain is a necessary thing because it supplies water and makes plants, crops and
flowers grow. But, another kind of rain is not welcome. It is called acid rain. It poisons water,
kills the fish and destroys the trees and crops. Besides, acid rain-water is not drinkable.

Acid rain is rain and snow that has been polluted by acids. These acids are made by the
fumes of vehicles and factories.

Many people are worried about the pollution caused by acid rain, In some places, they are
angry because they think that acid rain is harming man, animals and plants. In many sea-side
towns, the air is polluted and the sea water is poisoned by factories wastes. A high number of
people are affected by dangerous diseases such as lung cancer and Parkinson’s disease.

Factories should clean up the smoke before it goes into the atmosphere. Scientists and
researchers should find solutions to the problem of pollution because people hope to have a
healthy life with fresh drinking water, pure air and good food.


1) ) The text is: a) narrative b) expository c) descriptive

2) Choose the most suitable title to the text:

a) Acid rain water b) pollution of air c) skin and lung cancer

3) Are these statements true or false? Put TRUE or FALSE

a) Acid rain causes the death of fish and the destruction of trees. ……………………….

b) Acid rain water is undrinkable. ……………………….

c) Acid rain water causes mental diseases. ……………………….

d) Scientists are responsible for the pollution of the water. ………………………

4) Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main cause of acid rain?

2. What’s the direct consequence of pollution on people’s health?


5) What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

- they (§3)………………………………... – it (§4) ………………………………..

Section II: Text Exploration

1) Find in the text words whose synonyms are the following:

- important (§1) = ……………………….. – cars (§2) = ………………………….

2) Find in the text words whose opposites are the following:

- protects (§ 1) ≠..................................... – bad (§ 4) ≠........................................

3) Give the adjective of the following words keeping the same root:

Word Adjective Word Adjective

4 Poison ……………………… Harm ………………………… ).

nature …………………….. ecology ……………………......

Combine the following sentences using the connectors in brackets making any necessary

a. The villagers are tempted. They need the money, (because)


b. The logging company buys the rainforest. Its fauna and flora disappear, (if)


c. Dr Cox has bought the forest. Its fauna and flora will be protected, (therefore)


5) Put the statements below into reported speech

a) " What did you put in the boiler? M

She asked him................................

c) " you can use my computer."

He says that....................................

D) "don’t pollute the environment".

He told me……………………………………

6) Fill in the gaps with the words given: chemicals – knows – rivers – problem
Everyone …….…….....that water pollution is a serious ……..… ….…... today. Oceans, lakes

and …..……………around the world are often polluted with rubbish and

7) Classify the words according to the pronunciation of their final / S /

Plants – flowers – crops – places –

/S/ /Z/ / IZ /

……………………………... ………………………………... …………………………….…

Section III: WRITTEN EXPRESSION : Choose either topic one or two:

1. Write a paragraph of about 10 lines (100 words) on the advantages of Forestation in

-create new forests

-allow new fauna and flora / appear

-diminish level/pollution /have more oxygen

-replace dead trees/ burnt forests

-reduce people's breathing problems/asthma

Topic 2: Write a paragraph of about 10 lines on the following topic:

How can we protect nature?












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