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1st year scientific stream

Third term English test

Part One: Read the text carefully then do the tasks that follow.

Farmers and industrialists in the developing countries like Brazil are cutting down large sections of the Amazon
forests. These farmers and industrialists destroy thousands of plants which could absorb air pollution coming from cars
and factories.
Countries can solve the problem of pollution if all of them work together. Some countries have promised to cut down
on six gases which are the major cause of air and water pollution; they signed the Kyoto Treaty. But there are other
nations which continue to pollute the environment.


1/Give a title to the text

2/Answer the following questions according to the text:

a-What is the benefit of forests and plants of the Amazon?

b-What are the causes of air pollution?

c- Can countries solve the problem of pollution?

3/Find in the text words that are close in meaning to: destruct= swallow=

4/Find in the text words opposite in meaning to: small ≠ minor ≠

B/Text Exploration:

1/-Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

a- I (preserve) some plant and animal species if I were a Prime Minister

b- If we stop traffic pollution, the air (be) cleaner.

2-Join the following pairs of sentences using connectors between brackets:

a- Many people have become ill. Factories pollute the atmosphere.(consequently)

b- Fertilizers are spilled into the rivers. Fish is dying(as a result)

3-Use the following suffixes to build adjectives:-ous –able/ible -al –ive -ic -ing -ful/less

Pollute poison tradition

4-Mark the stressed syllable in the words below

Degrade degradation / deforest deforestation

Part Two: Written Expression

What will happen if we cut down the trees or don’t stop deforestation? Write a short paragraph in no more than 10
1st year scientific stream

Third term English test

Part One: Read the text carefully then do the tasks that follow

Air pollution is actually the addition of any harmful substances to the atmosphere, which causes the damaging of
the environment, human health and the quality of life. With the development in industry, came along the increase in air
pollution, which occurs inside homes, schools, offices even in the countryside. Consequently there has been an increase
in the death rates resulting from various diseases caused by air pollution varying from breathing problem to lung cancer.
Air pollution does not only affect people but it also damages the whole ecological system in which plants and animals
are harmed as well.


1/Give a suitable title to the text

2/Answer the following questions according to the text:

a) What is air pollution?

b) What does it affect?

c) What are the results of this phenomenon?

3/Find in the text words that are close in meaning to: growth= appear=

4/Find in the text words opposite in meaning to: decrease ≠ harmless ≠

B/Text Exploration:

1/-Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

*If we continue polluting our environment, we (lead) to our destruction

*If man wasn’t so greedy, we (live) a better life.

2-Join the following pairs of sentences using connectors between brackets:

a- Factories and cars send gases into the air. The atmosphere is polluted (as a result)

b- Acid rains destroy forests. The atmosphere is loaded with acids(consequently)

3-use The following suffixes to build adjectives:-ous –able/ible -al –ive -ic -ing -ful/less

Pollute poison fashion

4-Mark the stressed syllable in the words below

Preserve preservation / emit emission

Part Two: Written Expression

Write a short passage on pollution, which is a serious problem that faces our World. Try to mention its types, causes and
effects on both our health and environment.

Good luck
El Chorfa 06 Secondary School 2012 / 2013 Full Name: ……….……………….
Level: 1 year L+S Class: ………………

The Second Term English Exam

Part one: A/Reading

Read the following text then do the activities:

The environment is everything that surrounds us ,plant ,animal, country, air, water...The environment of
a town with its traffic, its noise and polluted smells, where everyone is on top everyone else, is a far cry from
that of the countryside with its fields and crops, its wild and domestic animals and its feeling of spaciousness.

Ecology is the science of how living creatures and plants exist together and depend on each other and local
enviroment.Where an environment is undisturbed, the ecology of an area is balanced, but if a creature is
exterminated, or an alien species is introduced, the balance of nature will be disturbed.

Man is a part of the environment and has done more to upset the ecology during his short life on earth
than any other living creature. He has done this by his ignorance, and his careless wastefulness. He has
poisoned the atmosphere and polluted both land and water, he has wasted the earth’s natural resources with
no thought for the future, and he has thought out the most devastating ways of killing his fellow men and
every other sort of life at the same time.

Since man has done so much damage, he must try to put matters rights if it is not already too late.
So if there is any remedy or solution, it is better to start now.

1/Are these sentences “True or false” or “not mentioned”:

a) Ecology is a science which studies plants and animals…………

b) Man is always devastating nature…………..

c) Ecology is a modern science………………

2/Put these ideas in the right order according to the paragraph:

a) Man has to find solution to his bad actions.Paragraph N°?............

b) The environment is everything in our life.Paragraph N°?..........

c) Man has created problems to nature and the environment.Paragraph N°?............

d) Ecology is the science that tries to protect the balance of nature.Paragraph N°?.......

3/What or who do the underlined words refer to:

a) its (§1) ……….

b) his (§3) ……..

4/Answer the following questions according to the text:

1-What do we mean by the word environment?

2-Why is man responsible for finding solutions to the ecological problems?

B/Text Exploration:

1-A-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:

a) place(§ 2)=…...............…. b) contaminated(§3)=...............…… c) destruction(§4)=…........…

B-Find in the text words that are opposites in meaning to the following:

a) savage (§1) ≠…............... b) artificial (§3) ≠…................… c) silence(§1) ≠…................

2-Complete the table:

Verb Noun

To solve ………

………… Pollution

………… destruction

To save …………

3- Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a)

a-The teacher ordered the pupils,”Don’t make noise”.
The teacher ordered the pupils………………………….
b- She says,” I am tired”.
She says ………………………………………….
c- She asked me, “Do they speak English?”
She asked me ……………………………………..

4- Combine the following sentences with connectors

a- the atmosphere is leaded with acids. / acid rains destroy forest.( as a result)
b- lot of students leave school. / they have family problems. (because)

5- Classify the following words according to their final “s”

helps , faces , trees , pages , rains , forests

/S/ /Z/ /IZ

Part Two: Written Expression:

Write a report using the following results of pollution questionnaire:

Pollution questionnaire results

Number of the informants: 80(male and female)

Age : 15 – 19

Do you know the meaning of the word pollution? 80(yes) 00(no)

How many kinds do you know? There are 3 kinds(60) there are 4 kinds (20)

Which pollution is the most dangerous? the urban pollution(50) the Rural pollution(30)

Does it effect diseases? 80(yes) 00(no)

What are the main illnesses caused by pollution? Lungs and skin cancers (80)


2014 / 2013 Ardjoun Maamer Secondary School

Date : 03 / 03 / 2014 Duration : 02 Hours Level :1st Year Literary & Scientific Streams

Mark: …..………./20 Class: ………………. Full Name: ………………..…………….….

PART ONE: Reading (15 points)

A/Comprehension: (08pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

The environment is everything that surrounds us ,plant ,animal, country, air, water...The environment
of a town with its traffic, its noise and polluted smells, where everyone is on top everyone else, is a far
cry from that of the countryside with its fields and crops, its wild and domestic animals and its feeling
of spaciousness.

Ecology is the science of how living creatures and plants exist together and depend on each other on
a local environment. Where an environment is undisturbed, the ecology of an area is balanced, but if a
creature is exterminated, or an alien species is introduced, the balance of nature will be disturbed.

Man is a part of the environment and has done more to upset the ecology during his short life on
earth than any other living creature. He has done this by his ignorance, and his careless wastefulness.
He has poisoned the atmosphere and polluted both land and water, he has wasted the earth’s natural
resources with no thought for the future, and he has thought out the most devastating ways of killing
his fellow men and every other sort of life at the same time.

Since man has done so much damage, he must try to put matters rights if it is not already too late.
So if there is any remedy or solution, it is better to start now.

1) Choose the best title: a) Ecology & science b) Ecology & the environment

2) Say if the following statements are “true”, “false” or “not mentioned”.

a) Ecology is a science which studies plants and animals. ………….………

b) Man is always devastating nature. …………….……

c) Ecology is a modern science. …….……………

3) Reorder the following statements according to their occurrence in the text:

a) Man has to find solution to his bad actions.  ............

b) The environment is everything in our life.  ............

c) Man has created problems to nature and the environment.  ............

d) Ecology is the science that tries to protect the balance of nature.  ............

4) What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text:

a) its (§1) ……….………..…. b) his (§3) ……………….…..

5) Answer the following questions according to the text:

a) What do we mean by the word environment?


b) Why is man responsible for finding solutions to the ecological problems?


B/ Text Exploration: (07pts)

1) a) Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:

place (§2)=….....................…. contaminated (§3)=.......................……

b) Find in the text words that are opposites in meaning to the following:

savage (§1) ≠…..................... artificial (§3) ≠….............................…

Page ½
2) Supply the appropriate punctuation and capitalization:

he announced we have to protect our environment ……………………………………………………………………….…………………

3) Complete the following table:

Noun Verb Adjective

Pollution ………………………… ………………………….
…………………………. to aggress …………………………
…………………………. ………………………… helpful

4) Rewrite sentence ‘a’ so that it means the same as sentence ‘b’:

A/ a- He said: "I am leaving tomorrow".

b- He said …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

B/ a- "I have been absent last week", Peter says.

b- Peter says ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

C/ a- She asked us if we had understood.

b- She asked ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5) Put the verbs between brackets in the right form:

a) If I went to the moon, I (to take) …………………………………… a lot of photos.

b) He will lose his job if he (to get) ………………………….……….… work late.

6) Circle the stressed syllable in the following words:

atmospheric protection artificial protect

PART TWO: Written Expression Choose one of the topics below: (05pts)

Topic 01: Write a report using the following results of pollution questionnaire:

Pollution Questionnaire Results

Number of the informants: 80 (male and female)

Age : 15 – 19

Do you know the meaning of the word pollution? 80 (yes) 00 (no)

How many kinds do you know? There are 3 kinds (60) there are 4 kinds (20)

Which pollution is the most dangerous? the urban pollution(50) the Rural pollution(30)

Does it affect diseases? 80 (yes) 00 (no)

What are the main illnesses caused by pollution? Lungs and skin cancers (80)

Topic 02: According to you what are the measures that should be taken to protect our environment?
Topic n=°………:




2015 / 2014 ArdjounMaamerSecondarySchool

Duration : 02 Level :1st Year Literary & Scientific Streams

Mark: …………./20 Class: ………………. Full Name: …………………………………………
Part One: Reading (15pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Air pollution is made up of many kinds of gases and particles that reduce the quantity of clean air in
both the city and the countryside.

In the city, cars, buses, and airplanes, as well as factories cause pollution. They swallow oxygen from the
air, rivers and seas and poison the air webreathe with Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Air pollution can irritate
the eyes, throat and lungs. Burning eyes, cough, skin cancer and chest tightness are common with
exposure to high levels of air pollution.

In the countryside, dust from tractors ploughing fields, fertilizers which contain phosphorus and
nitrogen, smoke from wood and crop fires cause pollution as well as most pesticides, which are toxic, and
are on food crops.

People react very differently to pollution; some people may notice chest tightness, or cough, while
others may not notice any effect. People with heart disease, such as Angina or with lung disease, such as
Asthma or Emphysema, may be very sensitive to air pollution exposure and may notice symptoms when
others do not. Children probably feel the effects of lower levels of pollution more than adults. They also
experience more illnesses, such as Bronchitis and Earaches, in areas with cleaner air.

1. Choose a title for the text: (0,5pt)

a. Heart and lung diseases
b.Causes and consequences of urban and rural pollution.
c.Air pollution
2. Say if the following statements are “true” or “false” according to the text. (1,5pts)
a. Only cities can be polluted. …………………
b. Air pollution is as dangerous as other kinds of pollution. …………………
c. People react in the same way to pollution. …………………
3. Answer the following questions according to the text.(2,5pts)
a. What are the main diseases caused by air pollution in cities?


b. What are the major causes of pollution in the countryside?



c. Are children more sensitive to pollution than adults?


4. In which paragraph is it mentioned:(1,5pts)

a.Rural pollution ……………
b.Urban pollution ……………
c.The influence of air pollution in the countryside ………………
5. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?(01pt)
a. They (§2)……………………………b.which(§3) …………………………
b. we(§2) ……………………………d.others (§4) …………………………

page 1/2

B/ Text Exploration: (08pts)

1. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:(1,5pts)
a. types (§1) = ……………………… /b. well-known (§2) = …………………… / c. poisonous (§3) = ……………………

2. Complete the following table: (01pt)

Verbs Nouns
……………………………… pollution
to save …………………………………
……………………………… destruction
to solve ………………………………
3. Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).(02pts)
1) a. “Is the Earth getting warmer?”, he asked.
b. He asked ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2) a. My father ordered me: “Don’t throw rubbish everywhere.”
b. My father ordered me ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Combine each pair of sentences with the following connectors. Make any necessary changes.
in order to – because –as a result(1,5pts)
a. A lot of students leave school. They have family problems.
b. The atmosphere is polluted. Many people become ill.
c. We must stop pollution. We want to protect our environment.

5. Supply appropriate punctuation and capitalisation where necessary.(01pt)

our air soil beaches and seas are polluted with sewage he says
6. Underline the stressed syllable in the following words. (01pt)
preserve – pollution – computer – erase

PartTwo: Written ExpressionChoose one of the topics below: (05pts)

Either Topic One: Use the following notes to write a paragraph about the four kinds of pollution.
- What are these four kinds?
- What are their main causes and consequences?
- How to fight them?
Or Topic Two: Is your country polluted? Discuss.

Topic n°………



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CHRAYET LAZHER Secondary School

The Second Term Examination of English

Level: Second year literary stream

Duration: 2 hours

(15 pts) Part One: Reading and Interpreting


Pollution is a major phenomenon that is destructing all the different parts of our environment.

The oceans of the world are suffering from a dangerous decrease in vitality. Before 1977, we thought that the greatest danger
came from chemical pollution. But we began to realize that the drop in animals which feed upon the oceans was much bigger than
could be explained by chemical pollution alone. The decline was due to mechanical destructions: dynamic fishing, or diverting rivers.
If all this doesn't change, we will face an awful catastrophe in the long term.

1- The text is about: (1pt)

a) Water pollution.

b) Air pollution.

2- Say whether these statements are True or false, according to the text. (2pts)

a) Oceans are suffering from a dangerous problem.

b) Chemical pollution is the only cause of this problem.

c) After 1977, specialists thought that the greatest danger came from chemical pollution.

d) An end must be put to this problem.

3- Answer the following questions according to the text. (4pts)

a) What is the problem that endangers our environment?

b) What could not be explained?

c) What was the other reason for the decline?

d) What will happen if the problem doesn't change?

4- Say in which paragraph the following idea is mentioned? 1pt

_ Chemical and mechanical pollution are the major problems that must be fought.

5- Match each word with its definition. ( 1.5pt)

Word Definition
- feed - not the same as
- differnt - fact or event known to exist
- phenomenon - give food to

6- Find in the text opposites to the following words. ( 1.5pt)

- increase ≠…………..
- smaller ≠……………

- the rise ≠……………

7- Write the second sentence so that it means the same as the one given. ( 2pts)

a) The world will face an awful problem.

* An awful problem………………………………………………….

b) Man demolished the marine life.

* The marine life……………………………………………………...

8- Put the verb between brackets into its correct form. (1pt)

* If pollution (to continue) to increase, our environment will be destroyed.

9- Fill in each gap with the appropriate word from the list below. (1pt)

needs _ machines _ to satisfy _ serious

Pollution is a very …1……..problem because most of it comes from……2…..which man has invented……3……his daily……4…….

Part Two: Written Expression ( 5 pts )

Choose one of the following topics:

Topic 1:

_ Use the following notes to speak about the problem of air pollution and its consequences.


 Factories and vehicles release gases into the air.

 A hole in the Ozone layer.
 People suffer from skin cancer, asthma.
 Some plant and animal species are in danger of extinction.
Topic 2:

_ In few lines say what could be done to stop water Pollution.

2010/2011: ‫السنة الدراسية‬ -‫ثــــانوية شريط لزهر – الحمامات‬

‫ ساعتانـ‬:‫المــدة‬ ‫ األولى ثانوي‬:‫المستـــوى‬

‫امتحـــان الثالثي الثاني‬

)‫ا ختبار في مادة اللغة اإلنجليزية(لغة أجنبية ثانية‬


Read the passage carefully then do the activities.

Global Warming

The latest scientific data confirm that the earth's climate is rapidly changing. Global temperatures increased by about
1 degree Fahrenheit over the course of the last century, and will likely rise even more rapidly in coming decades. The
cause is a thickening layer of carbon dioxide pollution, mostly from power plants and automobiles that trap heat in the

Scientists say that unless global warming emissions are reduced, average U.S. temperatures could rise another 3 to
9 degrees by the end of the century with far reaching effects. Sea levels will rise, flooding coastal areas. Heat waves will
be more frequent and more intense. Droughts and wildfires will occur more often. Disease-carrying mosquitoes will
expand their range. And species will be pushed to extinction.

Warmer temperatures could also increase the probability of drought. Greater evaporation, particularly during summer
and fall, could exacerbate drought conditions and increase the risk of wildfires. It increases the energy of the climatic
system and leads to more intense rainfall at some times and in some areas.

Rising global temperatures will speed the melting of glaciers and ice caps, and cause early ice thaw on rivers and
lakes. Consequences include loss of coastal wetlands and barrier islands, and a greater risk of flooding in coastal
communities. Low-lying areas, such as the coastal region along the Gulf of Mexico and estuaries like the Chesapeake
Bay, are especially vulnerable. Unless we act now, our children will inherit a hotter world, dirtier air and water, more
severe floods and droughts, and more wildfires.
1. How many sentences are there in the first paragraph?
2. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a) Why have global temperatures increased?
b) What is the source of carbon dioxide pollution?
c) What will our children inherit?
3. Put the following sentences in the right order according to the reading passage.
a) Global warming and temperature in U.S.
b) The increase of temperature because of carbon dioxide pollution.
c) Effects of Global Warming in cold regions.
d) The increase the energy of the climatic system.
4. Find in the text words, phrases or expressions closest in meaning to the following:
a) Increase (§1) b) consequences (§2) c) regions (§2) d) like
5. Match words with their opposites.
Words Opposites
1.latest a. clean
2. polluted b. earliest
3. more c.drop
4. increase d. less

SECTION TWO: Mastery of Language (08 points)

1. Supply capitals, punctuation and apostrophes where necessary.
global warming is caused by carbon dioxide pollution he said

2. Add 2 more words to each of these lists.

ocean river ………….. …………

chemicals pollution …………. …………

3. Complete the following chart as shown in the example.

Verb Noun Adjective

disturb distribution disturbed
Example ………….. dander …………..
………….. ………….. free
………….. difference …………..
act ………….. …………..
4. Complete sentence (b) so
that it means the same as sentence

1. a) Warmer temperatures could also increase the probability of drought.

1. b) the probability of drought…………………………………………………..

2. a) Unless we act now, our children will inherit a hotter world.

2. b) If ……………………………………………………………….

5. Reorder the following words to get a coherent sentence.

Pollution _ the _ warming _ is _ cause _ global _ first _ of

6. Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.

Accident – today – pollution – global.

One Syllable Two syllables Three syllables

SECTION THREE: Written Expression. (04 points)

Choose one of the following topics:

Topic one:

Using the following notes write a short composition on the following topic: ‘The consequences of Global

- Climate changing.
- Droughts and wildfires.
- Heat waves.
- Melting of glaciers and ice caps.

Topic two:

Write a short composition on the following topic:

“The importance of the Ozone layer



LEVEL: 1st year literary stream Duration: 2 Hours



Read the text carefully then do the activities.

It is easy to think of the world’s oceans as indestructible, bodies so deep and wide they can absorb anything.
And enormous they are -300 million cubic miles of water spread over 70 percent of the earth’s surface. The only trouble
is that we have managed to clog all the seas of the world with something like 20 billion tons of rubbish, including
everything from soda cans to radioactive waste and exotic chemicals to heavy metals. And now, perhaps the oceans are
finally telling us that enough is enough, and that those waters have suffered the worst effects of pollution.
At the bottom, the problem is one of overpopulation in coastal areas and inadequate waste management. In the
world-wide of pollution, almost no one is blameless.
The irony is that the technology and expertise already exist to alleviate some of the worst effects. For instance, there are
treatment plants that take the heavily contaminated water and make it drinkable. Such facilities are terribly expensive,
but it may eventually become clear that the costs of not investing in them are even higher.

1. Choose the general idea of the text. (1pts)

a. Pollution of environment.
b. The world’s polluted oceans.
c. Measures taken to fight water pollution.

2. Are these statements True, False? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to the statement. (2pts)

a. Oceans tell people to stop throwing rubbish.

b. Demographic explosion is cause of water pollution.
c. Polluted waters cannot be treated.
d. We cannot contaminate the world’s oceans.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.(2pts)

a. What makes people think that oceans can absorb anything?

b. What can be done to alleviate some of the effects of pollution?

4. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text (2pts)

a. they (§1) b. It (§2)


1. Find in the text words whose definitions follow (1pts)
a. Can’t be destroyed (§1)
b. Fast increase of inhabitants (§2)

2. Rewrite sentence (b) so that is means the same as sentence (a) (2pts)
I) a. He asked me: “where will you be tonight?”
b. He asked me....................................................
II) a. She said: “you mustn’t forget what I tell you”
b. She….............................................................

3. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. (2pts)

a. If I (to go) to the moon, I would take a lot of photos.
b. If I (not to be) here, he would not lose his job.

4. Add suffixes "ful" or "less" to form adjectives: (2pts)

Word Adjective

5. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s” (1pts)
Wastes, chemicals, beliefs, finishes

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/


- Choose one of the following topics:

Topic one:

Using notes, write a composition of about 80 to 120 words on the following topic:
-Life on Earth is in danger because of pollution, Give the causes and consequences of:
1) Air pollution .
2) Water pollution
3) Land pollution.
4) Noise pollution.

Topic two:

Write a composition of about 80 to 120 words on the following topic:

- According to you what are the measures that should be taken to protect our environment from the different kinds of

High school…………… Level: 1st year Scientific streams School year:

Duration:2 Hours
The Second Term Exam of English


Nowadays, air is getting more and more polluted because of the industrialization and noxious gases released from
cars. You can hardly breathe clean or fresh air in cities. People are getting dirtier and dirtier. They throw rubbish
wherever they can. They don't even use tins or bags. We can also talk about the boats which transport oil and sink in
seas and oceans. They cause great damages in the submarine world.

Everything polluting the air causes acid rains which damage the forests. If these disappear, great changes in the
climate will be caused because the trees are chemically very active as they provide us with oxygen. So let us safeguard
the nature or it will be an environmental suicide for humanity and especially for the ozone layer which is so important
for the world. If this layer is destroyed, people will be threatened to be affected by any kind of skin diseases.


Section1: Reading comprehension (7pts)

1/Say whether the statements below are true ,false or not mentioned:

A-People use tins and bags to throw rubbish.

b-The ozone layer protects people from skin cancer.

C-Trees give us oxygen.

D-Man is responsible for the climatic change.

2/Answer the following questions according to the text:

a- Why is air getting polluted?

b-Why is sub-marine world damaged?

c-What will happen if the ozone layer is destroyed?

3/Match each word with its synonym:

words synonyms

a-rubbish 1-menaced

b-provide 2-give

c-destroyed 3-damaged

d-threatened 4-waste material

4/Mach each word with its opposite

words opposites

a-more 1-passive

b-clean 2-less

c-active 3-death

d-life 4-dirty

Section2:Mastery of language(8pts)

1/Supply punctuation and capital letters:

He says our air soil beaches and seas are polluted with sewage

2/ reorder the following words to get a coherent sentence:

ozone – from- damaged – which – the – layer – being- protects- radiation- us- ultra- violet- is.

3/ put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

a- You (suffer) from lungs disease if you don't stop smoking.

b- She said that we (have) to stop deforestation.

4/Rewrite sentence "b" so that it means the same as "a"

1-a-He said :" We must stop pollution"

b- He said……………………………

2-a-She asked:" What will happen if we don’t stop it?"

b-She asked me…………………………………..

3-a-The major effect of the destruction of the ozone layer is skin cancer.


5/Classfy the words according to their stress

Modern- connect- destruction – grammar-connection-destroy

- ‫ثانوية شريط لزهر – الحمامات‬
2009/ 2008:‫السنة الدراسية‬ 5. what do the underlined words refer to in the text?
SECOND TERM ENGLISH EXAM ‫امتحان الثالثي‬ a. Its:…… …..
‫الثاني –أنجليزية‬- b. Them:……
‫ ثا‬1 :‫المستوى‬ 6. Answer the following questions according to the text.
‫ ج م ع تك – ج م أداب‬:)‫الشعب(ة‬
‫ ساعتان‬:‫المدة‬
Read the text carefully then do the activities. a. Which expression did the writer use to show that climate is
really changing?
There’s no doubt at all that our climate is b. Why does the volume of Carbon Dioxide increase in the
changing because the earth is getting warmer. air?
Many studies show that four years out of the last c. How does the change of winds and rain affect the world?
d. Is the writer worried about the future of the world?
ten have been the hottest since records began. The
B)Text Exploration: (07/08
cause is carbon dioxide in the air. Its volume has points)
increased a lot because of the burning of oil, coal 1. Find in the text words that are synonyms to the following:
and wood. This carbon dioxide has covered the a.Started = ………… (§1) b. As a result = ……(§2)
earth in a sort of greenhouse As a result
temperature will continue to rise if we don’t 2. Fill in the following table
reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Word Adjective
recycle …………………..
The winds and rain will change. Some Product ………………….
regions will have more storms. These storms will nation …………………..
destroy crops, houses and kill a lot of people. interest ………………….
On the contrary, vast regions of the world will 3. Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as
sentence (a)
suffer from lack of rain and drought can transform a. “I am at home watching TV with my wife.” he said.
them into desert; consequently, we will have less b. He said that……………………………………………
food to eat and less water to drink. This is why we a. The writer says that he found his wife alive but she was
are raising the alarm about climate change, which injured.
is really a question of life and death. b. The writer says:”
A) Comprehension and Interpretation: 4. Write the silent letters in each of the following words:
(08/07 points) climb – island – often – aisle – psychology – daughter.
1. Choose the general idea of the text: 5. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense:
a. Pollution a. When we (to heat) water , it boils
b. Climate change and its consequences. b. If I (not to be) here, they would kill her.
c. Global warming Written Expression (05
2. Are these statements true or false? Points)
a. The earth is getting colder. Choose one of the following topics:
b. Carbon Dioxide volume is dropping. Topic one:
c. Storms are harmful. Write a short paragraph about one type of pollution and its causes and
d. Climate change is a serious problem. consequences.
3. In which paragraph it is mentioned that climate Topic two:
change reduces food production? Write a short paragraph about the best source of energy and its
4. Choose the correct answer: advantages to encourage people to use it.
The text is.
a. Descriptive
b. Argumentative.
c. Expository.


LYCEE Chrayet lazher Stream: 1ST YAER SC



PART ONE: Reading                                                  ( 15pts )

A/ Comprehension: ( 07 pts)

Air pollution is made up of many kinds of gases and particles that reduce the quantity of clean air in both the city
and the countryside.

In the city, cars, buses, and airplanes, as well as factories cause pollution. They swallow oxygen from the air, rivers
and seas and poison the air we breathe with Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Air pollution can irritate the eyes, throat and lungs.
Burning eyes, cough, skin cancer and chest tightness are common with exposure to high levels of air pollution

In the countryside, dust from tractors ploughing fields, fertilizers which contain phosphorus and nitrogen, smoke
from wood and crop fires cause pollution as well as most pesticides, which are toxic, and are on food crops.

People react very differently to pollution; some people may notice chest tightness, or cough, while others may not
notice any effect. People with heart disease, such as Angina or with lung disease, such as Asthma or Emphysema, may
be very sensitive to air pollution exposure and may notice symptoms when others do not. Children probably feel the
effects of lower levels of pollution more than adults. They also experience more illnesses, such as Bronchitis and
Earaches, in areas with cleaner air.

1. Are these statements true or false?

a. Only cities can be polluted.
b. Air pollution is as dangerous as other kind of pollution.
c. People react in the same way to pollution.
d. Children are more sensitive to pollution than adults.

2. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a. What are the main diseases caused by air pollution in cities?
b. What are the major causes of pollution in the countryside?
c. How can air pollution affect human health?

3. In which paragraph is it mentioned:

a. Rural pollution
b. Urban pollution

4. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text

a. They ( § 1 )
b. They ( § 2 )

B/Text Exploration:                                     (08pts)

1. Find in the text words, phrases or expressions that are closest in meaning to the following:
a. Types (§1) =……… b. a lot of (§2) =…………..

2. Rewrite sentence (b) so that is means the same as sentence (a).

1) a. “Is the Earth getting warmer?”, he asked.

1) b. He asked………………………………..

2) a . My father ordered me: “Don’t throw rubbish everywhere.”

2) b. My father ordered me ………………………………………

3. Put the verbs between brackets in the right form.

a. If we heat ice, it (to melt)

b. If we (to reduce) Co2 in the air, we breathe clean hair.

c. If I (to be) you, I wouldn’t refuse his invitation.

d. If we used the air conditioner, the room (to be) cooler.

4. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”:

kinds – houses –diseases – types

/s/ /z/ /iz/

5. Fill in the following table:

Verb Noun
…………………….. pollution
To free ……………………..
…………………….. invention
To discover ……………………..


Choose one of the following topics and write a composition of about 80 words.

Either Topic one :

- Write a short paragraph about an invention that had helped people in their lives.

Or Topic Two: Using the following notes write a paragraph about the four kinds of pollution:

- What are these four kinds?

- What are their main causes and consequences?
- How to fight them.

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