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Subject: Chemistry Class: JC Chapter: Periodic Table Teacher: Arbab Mazhar

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Subject: Chemistry Chapter : Periodic Table

Class : JC Teacher : Arbab Mazhar

1) Palladium is an element, atomic number 46. Some of its properties, and the properties
of its compounds, can be predicted from its position in the Periodic Table.
Which row is correct?
predicted property of palladium predicted property of palladium

A Its density is similar to the density of Some of them can act as catalysts.
B Its density is similar to the density of They are white in the solid state.
C It is present in compounds in more than Some of them can act as catalysts.
one oxidation state.

D It is present in compounds They are white in the solid state.

in more than one oxidation state.

Answer : C
Reason: Transition elements have variable oxidation state. Some of the compounds of transition
elements can act as catalyst.
2) Iron(II) ions react with chlorine.
2Fe2+(aq) + Cl2(g) → 2Fe3+(aq) + 2Cl−(aq)
Which statement about this reaction is correct?
A. Chlorine is reduced by iron(II) ions.
B. Chlorine is the reducing agent.
C. Iron(II) ions are reduced by chlorine.
D. Iron(II) ions are the oxidising agent.
Answer: A
Reason: Oxidation state of chlorine is decreased from 0 to -1. So Chlorine is reduced.
3) Which reactions involve oxidation and reduction?
1. chlorine gas reacting with aqueous potassium iodide
2. dilute sulfuric acid reacting with magnesium
3. dilute hydrochloric acid reacting with aqueous sodium hydroxide
A) 1, 2 and 3
B) 1 and 2 only
C) 1 and 3 only
D) 2 and 3 only
Answer: B
Reason: 1. Cl2 + 2KI  2KCl + I2
In this reaction oxidation state of chlorine is decreased from 0 to -1, so chlorine is reduced. And
oxidation state of Iodine is increased from -1 to 0 therefore iodine is oxidized. That is why ,
Reaction 1 involves both oxidation and reduction.
2. Mg + dil H2SO4 → MgSO4 + H2
In this reaction oxidation state of magnesium is increased from 0 to +2, so magnesium is
Oxidized. And oxidation state of Hydrogen is decreased from +1 to 0 therefore Hydrogen is
reduced. That is why , Reaction 2 involves both oxidation and reduction.

Answer: B
Reason: Proton number of Li = 3 , Proton number of Cl = 17 , Proton Number of Ca = 20
So, Ca has highest proton Number.
No. of Valence electrons = group number in periodic table
Group No. of Li = 01
Group No. of Ca =02
Group number of Cl = 07
Therefore Cl has largest number of valence electrons.

5) Which ion has the most shells that contain electrons?

A. Al 3+ B. Be2+ C. N3– D. S2-
Answer: D
Reason. Numer of shells is equal to period numer. As S or (S-2) is present in 3rd period so it has
three shells.

Answer: D
Reason: C and D are halogens. In case of halogens, melting and boiling points increses down the
group. It means D has highest melting and boiling point so D is a solid non-metal at room
7) What is not a typical property of transition elements?
A. They form coloured compounds.
B. They have high melting points.
C. They have low densities.
D. They have variable oxidation states.
Answer: C
8) The table shows the proton numbers of four elements.
Elements Q R T Z
Proton Number 9 11 17 19
Which statement is correct?
A. Q is a metal.
B. Q is more reactive than T.
C. R is more reactive than Z.
D. T and Z are in the same period.
Answer: B
Reason: Electronic configuration of Q = 2, 7
Electronic configuration of T = 2, 8, 7
So, both Q and T are group 7 elements because they have 7 valence electrons. In group 7
(halogens) reactivity decreases down the group. Therefore, Q is more reactive than T.
9) Which pair gives two uses of argon?
A. disinfecting water and in balloons
B. disinfecting water and in light bulbs
C. in balloons and in the manufacture of steel
D. in light bulbs and in the manufacture of steel
Answer: D
10) Which element has a variable oxidation state, can act as a catalyst and forms coloured
A. Carbon C. Lead
B. Iron D. nitrogen
Answer: B
Reason: Iron is a transition element.
11) An element has a proton number of 5. Which group of the Periodic Table does the
element belong
Answer: B
Reason: Electronic configuration of that element is 2,3. Element has 3 valence electrons, So
group number is equal t0 3.
12) Which compound is likely to be coloured?
A. KMnO4 B. KNO3 C. K2CO3 D. K2SO
Answer: A
Reason: KMnO4 is a compound of transition metal Mn.
13) Which statement describes the trends going down group VII of the Periodic Table?
A. The boiling point and melting point both decrease.
B. The boiling point and melting point both increase.
C. the boiling point decreases but the melting point increases.
D. The boiling point increases but the melting point decreases.
Answer: B
14) Element X is a non-metal. In which position of the Periodic Table could element X be
A. at the bottom of Group I
B. at the top of Group 0
C. at the top of Group I
D. in the transition elements
Answer: B
Reason: Group 0 elements are called noble gases and these are non-metals.
15) The table shows some properties of the Group I metals.

What are the properties of rubidium?

A. melts below 63°C, very soft, reacts explosively with water
B. melts below 63°C, very soft, reacts slowly with water
C. melts above 181°C, very soft, reacts explosively with water
D. melts above 181°C, very soft, reacts slowly with water
Answer: A
Reason: In case of metals, melting points and boiling points decrease and reactivity increases
down the group. So, Rubidium melts below 63 and reacts reacts explosively with water.

16) Elements in Group I of the Periodic Table react with water. Which row describes the
products made in the reaction and the trend in reactivity of the elements?
Products Trends in reactivity
A metal hydroxide and hydrogen less reactive down the group

B metal hydroxide and hydrogen more reactive down the group

C metal oxide and hydrogen less reactive down the group

D metal oxide and hydrogen more reactive down the group

Answer: B
Reason: When Group 01 elements react with water, products are metal hydroxide and hydrogen.
And reactivity of metals increases down the group, becauses metallic character increases down
the group.
17) Which property of elements increases across a period of the Periodic Table?
A. metallic character
B. number of electron shells
C. number of outer shell electrons
D. tendency to form positive ions
Answer: C
18) The Periodic Table lists all the known elements.
Elements are arranged in order of .......1....... number.
The melting points of Group I elements .......2....... down the group.
The melting points of Group VII elements ......3....... down the group.
Which words correctly complete the gaps 1, 2 and 3?

Answer: C
19) Which information about an element can be used to predict its chemical properties?
A. boiling point C. melting point
B. density D. position in the Periodic Table
Answer: D
20) Two statements about argon are given.
1-Argon has a full outer shell of electrons. 2 Argon is very reactive and is used in lamps.
Which is correct?
A. Both statements are correct and statement 2 explains statement 1.
B. Both statements are correct but statement 2 does not explain statement 1.
C. Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect.
D. Statement 2 is correct but statement 1 is incorrect.
Answer: C
21) The Group 0 elements are unreactive.
The gas used to fill balloons is ---X---- .
This gas is unreactive because it has ---Y--- electrons in its outermost shell.
Which words correctly complete gaps X and Y?

Answer: D
22) Why is argon gas used to fill electric lamps?
A. It conducts electricity.
B. It glows when heated.
C. It is less dense than air.
D. It is not reactive.
Answer: D
23) Alkali metals are --------.
A. Oxidizing agents. C. Non-Reactive.
B. Reducing Agents. D. Gases
Answer: B
Reason: Alkali metals lose valence electron easily and reduces other substances.
24) The Oxidation state of Mn in KMnO4 is ------.
A. +3 C. +7
B. +5 D. +1
Answer: C
25) Halogens are ----------- .
A. Oxidizing agents. C. Non-Reactive.
B. Reducing Agents. D. Metals.
Answer: A
Reason: Halogens gain electron and oxidize other substances.

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