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Cambridge Assessment International Education

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

IGCSE - I Div _____

Chemistry (0620/22)

Paper 2 Multiple Choice Questions

Additional materials : Multiple Choice Answer Sheet SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION

Soft clean eraser April 2022
Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) 45 minutes
Marks - 40

Centre Candidate
Number Number


Write in soft pencil.

Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Write candidate name, number and centre number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided
unless this has been done for you.
There are Forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four
possible answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer
Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.
Each correct answer will score one mark.Amark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
Any rough working should be done in this booklet.
Acopy of the Periodic Table is printed on last page.
Electronic calculators may be used.
1) Elements P and Q are in the same period of the Periodic Table. P is a metal and Q is a non-metal. Which
statement is correct?

A. P has a greater nucleon number than Q.

B. P is to the right of Q in the period.
C. Q has more electron shells than P.
D. Q has more protons than P.

2) The positions of four elements are shown on the outline of the Periodic Table. Which element forms a coloured

3) For which substance is the type of bonding not correct?

4) The equations represent redox reactions. In which equation is the underlined substance acting as a reducing

A. 3CO + Fe2O3 → 2Fe + 3CO2

B. CO2 + C → 2CO
C. CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O
D. CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

5) Which property of elements increases across a period of the Periodic Table?

A. metallic character
B. number of electron shells
C. number of outer shell electrons
D. tendency to form positive ion

6) The diagram shows the structure of hydrogen peroxide.


What is the total number of electrons used for bonding in this molecule?

A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

Page - 1
7) Which row describes the formation of single covalent bonds in methane?

8) Concentrated aqueous sodium iodide is electrolysed using platinum electrodes. The solution contains the ions
Na+ , I– , H+ and OH– .

Which electrodes are the ions attracted to during this electrolysis?

9) Acids can react with metal oxides, carbonates and metals. Which reactions produce a gas?

10) What is not a property of Group I metals?

A. They are soft and can be cut with a knife.

B. They react when exposed to oxygen in the air.
C. They produce an acidic solution when they react with water.
D. They react rapidly with water producing hydrogen gas.

Page - 2
11) A student added dilute hydrochloric acid to four metals and recorded the results. Some of the results are not

Which two results are correct?

A. 1 and 3 B. 1 and 4 C. 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4

12) An experiment to determine the rate of a chemical reaction could be carried out using the apparatus shown.
Which reaction is being studied?

A. Cl2 + 2KBr → 2KCl + Br2

B. Mg + H2SO4 → MgSO4 + H2
C. NaCl + AgNO3 → NaNO3 + AgCl
D. NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H2O

13) Copper(II) carbonate reacts with dilute sulfuric acid.

CuCO3(s) + H2SO4(aq) → CuSO4(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

The speed of the reaction can be changed by varying the conditions.

Which conditions would always increase the speed of this chemical reaction?

1 Increase the concentration of the reactants.

2 Increase the size of the pieces of copper(II) carbonate.
3 Increase the temperature.
4 Increase the volume of sulfuric acid.

A. 1, 3 and 4 B. 1 and 3 only C. 2 and 3 D. 3 and 4 only

14) In athletics, banned drugs such as nandrolone have been taken illegally to improve performance. Nandrolone has
the molecular formula C18H26O2.
What is the relative molecular mass, Mr, of nandrolone?
(Relative atomic mass: H = 1; C = 12; O = 16)

A. 46 B. 150 C. 274 D. 306

Page - 3
15) Two chemical processes are described below.
In the combustion of methane, energy is ......1...... .
In the electrolysis of molten lead(II) bromide, energy is ......2...... .
Which words correctly complete gaps 1 and 2?

16) In separate experiments, a catalyst is added to a reaction mixture and the temperature of the mixture is
decreased. What are the effects of these changes on the rate of the reaction?

17) Only two elements are liquid at 20°C. One of these elements is shiny and conducts electricity. This suggests
that this element is a ......1...... and therefore its oxide is ......2...... .
Which words correctly complete gaps 1 and 2?

18) Why is argon gas used to fill electric lamps?

A. It conducts electricity.
B. It glows when heated.
C. It is less dense than air.
D. It is not reactive.

19) Statement 1 Hydrogen is used as a fuel.

Statement 2 When hydrogen burns in the air to form water, heat energy is produced.

Which is correct?

A. Both statements are correct and statement 2 explains statement 1.

B. Both statements are correct but statement 2 does not explain statement 1.
C. Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect.
D. Statement 2 is correct but statement 1 is incorrect

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20) Caesium chloride and rubidium bromide are halide compounds of Group I elements.

Caesium chloride has the formula ……1……, a relative formula mass ……2…… that of rubidium bromide and
bonds that are ……3…….

Which words correctly complete gaps 1, 2 and 3?

21) The rate of a reaction depends on temperature, concentration, particle size and catalysts.
Which statement is not correct?

A. Catalysts can be used to increase the rate of reaction.

B. Higher concentration decreases the rate of reaction.
C. Higher temperature increases the rate of reaction.
D. Larger particle size decreases the rate of reaction.

22) How many different salts could be made from a supply of dilute sulfuric acid, dilute hydrochloric acid, copper,
magnesium oxide and zinc carbonate?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

23) The table shows the reactions of four different metals with water.

What is the correct order of reactivity, from most reactive to least reactive?

A. W→X→Y→Z
B. W→Z→Y→X
C. Z→W→X→Y
D. Z→W→Y→X

24) Which information about an element can be used to predict its chemical properties?

A. boiling point
B. density
C. melting point
D. position in the Periodic Table

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25) Aqueous copper(II) sulfate solution is electrolysed using inert electrodes.
2+ + – −
Copper(II) ions (Cu ), hydrogen ions (H ), hydroxide ions (OH ) and sulfate ions ( 2 SO4 ) are present in the

To which electrodes are the ions attracted during this electrolysis?

26) In which compounds are pairs of electrons shared between atoms?

1. Potassium Iodide
2. Ammonia
3. Magnesium Chloride

A. 1 only B. 2 only C. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3

27) Substance X was electrolysed in an electrolytic cell. A coloured gas was formed at the anode and a metal was
formed at the cathode.

What is substance X?

A. aqueous sodium chloride

B. molten lead bromide
C. molten zinc oxide
D. solid sodium chloride

28) Which is an endothermic process?

A. burning hydrogen
B. distilling petroleum
C. reacting potassium with water
D. using petrol in a motor car engine

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29) Calcium carbonate was reacted with hydrochloric acid in a conical flask. The flask was placed on a balance and
the mass of the flask and contents was recorded as the reaction proceeded.

During the reaction, carbon dioxide gas was given off.

The reaction was carried out at two different temperatures.

Which row is correct?

30) The oxide of element X was added to an acid. It reacted to form a salt and water.

What is the pH of the acid before the reaction and what type of element is X?

31) The table compares the properties of Group I elements with those of transition elements. Which entry in the table
is correct?

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32) Which row describes an endothermic reaction?

33) How many atoms of hydrogen are there in a molecule of ethanol, C2H5OH?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 6

34) An element melts at 1455°C, has a density of 8.90g/ cm3 and forms a green chloride.
Where in the Periodic Table is this element found?

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35) Which diagram does not show the outer shell electrons in the molecule correctly?

36) A covalent molecule Q contains exactly six shared electrons. What is Q?

A. ammonia, NH3 B. chlorine, Cl2 C. methane, CH4 D. water, H2O

37) Which equation shows an oxidation reaction?

A. C + O2 → CO2
B. CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
C. CaO + 2HCl → CaCl 2 + H2O
D. N2O4 → 2NO2

38) Which methods are suitable for preparing both zinc sulfate and copper(II) sulfate?

1. reacting the metal oxide with warm dilute aqueous sulfuric acid
2. reacting the metal with dilute aqueous sulfuric acid
3. reacting the metal carbonate with dilute aqueous sulfuric acid

A. 1, 2 and 3 B. 1 and 2 only C. 1 and 3 only D. 2 and 3 only

39) Which statement about the halogens is correct?

A. A sample of bromine reacts with potassium chloride solution.

B. A sample of bromine reacts with potassium iodide solution.
C. A sample of chlorine has a higher density than a sample of bromine.
D. A sample of chlorine is a darker colour than a sample of bromine.

40) An inert gas X is used to fill weather balloons.

Which descriptions of X are correct?


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IGCSE - I Candidate Name

Examination Title - Chemistry Candidate Number

Paper 2 Multiple Choice Questions

Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper

Second Semester Examination 0620 / 22 02

Multiple-choice Answer Sheet

1 A B C D 21 A B C D
2 A B C D 22 A B C D
Use a soft pencil (B or HB). 3 A B C D 23 A B C D
4 A B C D 24 A B C D
Shade ONE letter only for each 5 A B C D 25 A B C D
6 A B C D 26 A B C D
Example : 7 A B C D 27 A B C D
For question 1, 8 A B C D 28 A B C D
if you think B is the right answer, A B C D
9 29 A B C D
fill in your answer sheet like this:
10 A B C D 30 A B C D
11 A B C D 31 A B C D
12 A B C D 32 A B C D
1 A B C D 13 A B C D 33 A B C D
14 A B C D 34 A B C D
Make sure you put your answer
15 A B C D 35 A B C D
in line with the correct question
Number 16 A B C D 36 A B C D
17 A B C D 37 A B C D
18 A B C D 38 A B C D
Rub out any answer you wish to
19 A B C D 39 A B C D
20 A B C D 40 A B C D
Cambridge Assessment International Education
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

IGCSE - I Div _____


Paper 4 Structured April 2022
1 Hour 15 Mins
Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Marks - 80
No Additional Materials are required.


Centre Candidate
Number Number


Write your candidate number, name and centre number on all the work you hand in. 1
Write in dark blue pen. 2
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid. 3

Answer all questions.
Electronic calculators may be used. 6
You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use
appropriate units. Total
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
A copy of the Periodic Table is printed on the last page.
Q.1)The names of a few gases are given.

carbon monoxide

(a) Answer the following questions about these gases. Each gas may be used once, more than once or not at
all. State which gas:

(i) bleaches damp litmus paper

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(ii) is a monatomic gas with ten protons in its nucleus

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(iii) is formed when hydrocarbons undergo incomplete combustion

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

iv) used as a fuel

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(v) is used in airships

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(vi) is used in advertising lights

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(b) Diatomic hydrogen molecules contain covalent bonds. State what is meant by the terms:

(i) diatomic _______________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(ii) covalent bonds _________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

Page - 1
(c) Complete the dot-and-cross diagram to show the electron arrangement in a molecule of chlorine. Show
outer shell electrons only.


[Total : 10]

Q.2)(a) Potassium manganate(VII) is produced from manganese(IV) oxide by an oxidation reaction. What is meant
by the term oxidation?


___________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(b) Potassium manganate(VII) decomposes when heated. The products are oxygen and manganese(IV) oxide.
Manganese oxide is used as a catalyst in decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide. How catalyst increases rate
of a reaction?



___________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(c) Manganese is a transition element. Sodium is an element in Group I of the Periodic Table. Describe three
ways in which the properties of manganese differ from those of sodium.

1 _______________________________________________________________________________

2 _______________________________________________________________________________

3 _______________________________________________________________________________ [3]

(d) The table compares the reactivity of four metals with hydrochloric acid of the same concentration.

Use this information to put the metals in order of their reactivity.

Put the least reactive metal first.

[Total : 11]

Page - 2
Q.3)(a) Complete the following table.


(b) Use your copy of the periodic table to help you answer these questions. Predict the formula of each of the
following compounds.

(i) barium oxide _____________________ [1]

(ii) boron oxide _____________________ [1]

(c) Give the formula of the following ions.

(I) sulphide _____________________ [1]

(ii) gallium _____________________ [1]

Page - 3
(d) Draw a diagram showing the arrangement of the valency electrons in one molecule of the covalent
compound nitrogen trichloride.

Use x to represent an electron from a nitrogen atom.

Use o to represent an electron from a chlorine atom.


(e) Potassium and vanadium are elements in Period IV.

(i) State two differences in their physical properties.


______________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(ii) Give two differences in their chemical properties.


______________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(f) Fluorine and astatine are halogens. Use your knowledge of the other halogens to predict the following:

(i) The physical state of fluorine at room temperature. The physical state of astatine at room temperature.


______________________________________________________________________________ [2]

Page - 4
(ii) Two similarities in their chemical properties


______________________________________________________________________________ [2]

[Total : 21]

Q.4) (a) Zinc is a transition metal. A major use of zinc is galvanizing; steel objects are coated with a thin layer of zinc.
This protects the steel from rusting even when the layer of zinc is broken.

Explain, why the exposed steel does not rust.




___________________________________________________________________________________ [3]

b) Two of the elements in chalcopyrite are the metal, copper, and the non-metal, sulphur. These have different
properties. Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity and is malleable. Sulphur is a poor conductor and
is not malleable, it is brittle. Explain, in terms of their structures, why this is so.

difference in electrical conductivity

___________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

difference in malleability

___________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

c) In the following list of ionic equations, the metals are in order of reactivity.

Page - 5
(i) In the space at the top of the series, write an ionic equation that includes a more reactive metal.


(ii) Define oxidation in terms of electron transfer.

_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(iii) Explain why the positive ions are likely to be oxidising agents.

_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(iv) Which positive ion(s) can oxidise mercury metal (Hg)?

_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

[Total : 09]

Q.5) (a) Sodium chlorate(I) decomposes to form sodium chloride and oxygen. The rate of this reaction is very slow at
room temperature provided the sodium chlorate(I) is stored in a dark bottle to prevent exposure to light.

2NaClO → 2NaCl + O2

The rate of this decomposition can be studied using the following experiment.

Sodium chlorate(I) is placed in the fl ask and 0.2g of copper(II) oxide is added. This catalyses the
decomposition of the sodium chlorate(I) and the volume of oxygen collected is measured every minute. The
results are plotted to give a graph of the type shown below.

Page - 6
(i) Explain why the gradient (slope) of this graph decreases with time


___________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(ii) Cobalt(II) oxide is a more efficient catalyst for this reaction than copper(II) oxide. Sketch, on the grid, the
graph for the reaction catalysed by cobalt(II) oxide. All other conditions were kept constant.
(iii) Explain, in terms of collisions between particles, why the initial gradient would be steeper if the
experiment was repeated at a higher temperature.




___________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(b) The ions present in aqueous sodium chloride are Na+(aq), Cl– (aq), H+(aq) and OH– (aq). The electrolysis
of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride forms three products. They are hydrogen, chlorine and sodium

(i) Explain how these three products are formed. Give ionic equations for the reactions at the electrodes.




_______________________________________________________________________________ [3]

(ii) If the solution of the electrolyte is stirred, chlorine reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium
chlorate(I), sodium chloride and water. Write an equation for this reaction.

Cl2 + ...NaOH → _____________+ _____________ + _____________ [2]

[Total : 11]

Q.6) (a) Ammonia is used to make Nitrogen Trifluoride, NF3. Nitrogen Trifluoride is essential to the electronics
industry. It is made by the following reaction.

Determine if the above reaction is exothermic or endothermic using the following bond energies and by
completing the following table. The first line has been done as an example.
Bond energy is the amount of energy, in kJ /mole, needed to break or make one mole of the bond.

Page - 7












_________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

Page - 8
(b) Draw a labelled energy level diagram for the reaction between ammonia and fluorine using the information in

(c) Draw dot & cross diagram showing electrons of Nitrogen & Hydrogen involved in bonding to form Ammonia

(d) The diagram shows the electronic structures of six atoms.

Answer the following questions by choosing from the structures A, B, C, D, E or F. You can use each
structure once, more than once or not at all.

Page - 9
Which structure represents,

(i) an atom in Period 3 of the Periodic Table. ______________

(ii) an atom containing six protons. ______________

(iii) an atom of a Group I metal. ______________

(iv) an atom of phosphorus. ______________

(v) an atom with six electrons in its outer shell. ______________

(vi) an atom with a complete outer shell of electrons? ______________ [6]

(f) Atoms D and F can combine to form a covalent molecule.

(i) Complete the following sentence using words from the list

atoms electrons ions neutrons solids

A covalent bond is formed when a pair of _____________is shared between two _____________. [2]

(ii) Which one of the following structures represents an ionic compound? Tick one box.


[Total : 18]


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Cambridge Assessment International Education
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

IGCSE - I Div _______

Chemistry (0620/62)

Paper 6 Alternative to practical SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATION

April 2022
Candidates answer on the Question Paper. Duration - 1 Hour
No Additional Materials are required. Marks - 40


Centre Candidate
Number Number


For Examiner’s Use
Write your Roll number and name on all the work you hand in. 1
Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs. 2
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid. 3

Answer all questions. 4

Electronic calculators may be used. 5
You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use
appropriate units. 6
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question
or part question. Total
1) The rate of reaction between excess calcium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid was investigated using the
apparatus shown below. The temperature of the hydrochloric acid was 25 °C.

The volume of carbon dioxide evolved was measured every minute for six minutes.

(a) Use the gas syringe diagrams to complete the table of results.


Page - 1
(b) Plot the results on the grid below and draw a smooth line graph.


(c) (i) Which point appears to be inaccurate? Explain why.


______________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(ii) Use your graph to work out the volume of gas expected at that time. Show clearly on the grid how you
worked out your answer.


______________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(d) Sketch, on the grid, the graph you would expect if the experiment was repeated using hydrochloric acid
at a temperature of 50°C.

[Total: 13]

Page - 2
Q.2] A student investigated the rate of reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid and aqueous sodium thiosulfate.
When these chemicals react, they form a precipitate which makes the solution go cloudy. The formation of this
precipitate can be used to show how fast the reaction proceeds.
Five experiments were done using the apparatus shown.

Experiment 1

Ÿ A large measuring cylinder was used to pour 50cm3 of aqueous sodium thiosulfate into a 250cm3 conical
flask. The conical flask was placed on a printed sheet of paper.

Ÿ 10cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid was added to the solution in the conical flask. A timer was started
immediately and the mixture was swirled.

Ÿ The time taken for the printed words to disappear from view was measured.

Experiment 2

Ÿ The large measuring cylinder was used to pour 40cm3 of aqueous sodium thiosulfate into a conical flask,
followed by 10cm3 of distilled water. The conical flask was placed on the printed sheet of paper.

Ÿ 10cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid was added to the solution in the conical flask. The timer was started
immediately and the mixture was swirled.

Ÿ The time taken for the printed words to disappear from view was measured.

Experiment 3

Ÿ Experiment 2 was repeated but using 35cm3 of aqueous sodium thiosulfate and 15cm3 of distilled water.

Experiment 4

Ÿ Experiment 2 was repeated but using 30cm3 of aqueous sodium thiosulfate and 20cm3 of distilled water.

Experiment 5

Ÿ Experiment 2 was repeated but using 10cm3 of aqueous sodium thiosulfate and 40cm3 of distilled water.

Page - 3
(a) Record the volumes of distilled water used in the table. Use the stop-clock diagrams to record the results in
the table.


Page - 4
(b) Plot the results from Experiments 1–5 on the grid. Draw a smooth line graph.


(c) (i) From your graph, deduce the time taken for the printed words to disappear from view if Experiment 2
3 3
were repeated using 20 cm of aqueous sodium thiosulfate and 30cm of distilled water.

Show clearly on the grid how you worked out your answer. __________________ s [2]

(ii) The rate of reaction can be calculated using the equation shown.
rate of reaction = 1/ time taken
Calculate the rate of reaction using your answer from (c)(i).

_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(d) (i) In which experiment, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, was the rate of reaction greatest?

_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(ii) Explain, in terms of particles, why the rate of reaction was greatest in this experiment.



_______________________________________________________________________________ [2]
Page - 5
(e) Give the name of a more accurate piece of apparatus for measuring volumes than a measuring cylinder.

___________________________________________________________________________________ [1]
3 3
(f) Suggest the effect on the results of using a 100cm conical flask instead of a 250cm conical flask. Explain
your answer.


___________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(g) Sketch on the grid the graph you would expect if all of the experiments were repeated at a lower
temperature. Clearly label your graph. [1]

[Total: 16]

Q.3) A student investigated the gases formed during the electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid using the apparatus shown.
Products obtained are gases.

(a) Complete the box to name the apparatus used. [1]

(b) On the diagram, sketch how a sample of one of the gases could be collected. [2]

(c) Name the gases formed as product

___________________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(d) The gas collected at the positive side turned limewater milky.

(i) Based on this observation, what gas was present?

_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(ii) Suggest how this gas was formed.

_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

Page - 6
(e) Give the reactions taking place, individually at positive & negative electrodes.


___________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(f) Name the products achieved if the same experiment is done using aqueous Sodium chloride solution.



___________________________________________________________________________________ [3]

[Total 11]


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