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Sidik-Chaula Urethroplasty and The Manset Flap For Non-Glanular Hypospadias Repair

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Sidik-Chaula Urethroplasty and the Manset Flap for

Non-Glanular Hypospadias Repair
Chaula L. Sukasah, Laureen Supit,
Jakarta, Indonesia.

Background: Hypospadias present with a wide array of meatal position and curvature. Choosing an op-
erative technique for the different types of hypospadias has been challenging and controversial among the
plastic, urologic, and pediatric surgeons. Regardless of the selected techniques, primary hypospadias repa-
ir still frequently results in complications requiring further surgery, such as fistula, residual chordee, and
stricture. Owing to its practicality, the single stage urethroplasties are more-popular and widely used at
present. However, our experience found higher rates of postoperative complications with the one-stage
procedure compared to the two-stage for repair of non-glanular hypospadia. This article details the opera-
tive techniques of the two-stage Sidik-Chaula urethroplasty, a technique that we have implemented in our
institution over two decades. It is applicable for the primary repair of any distal, middle, and proximal
hypospadias. We also introduce the Manset Flap, a simple modification to the first stage of urethroplasty,
which ease neourethra creation in the second stage. However, due to prior insufficient medical record-
keeping, we are yet unable to produce a quantified rate of success and complications by utilizing this tech-
nique. A study is currently being done to produce the numbers.

Keywords: Urethroplasty, Sidik-Chaula, hypospadia, manset, two-stage urethroplasty, stage one urethroplasty,
Latar Belakang: Hypospadia dibagi menurut posisi meatus dan derajat kelengkungan penis. Pemilihan
tekinik operasi yang tepat untuk berbagai tipe hypospadia menjadi sebuah tantangan dan perdebatan
diantara ahli bedah plastik, bedah anak dan bedah urologi. Diluar konteks teknik, koreksi primer
hypospadia sering kali berujung pada komplikasi yang memerlukan operasi lebih lanjut, seperti fistula,
residu chordee dan striktur. Single-stage urethroplasty merupakan teknik yang paling popular dan sering
dipakai. Bagaimanapun, pengalaman kami menunjukkan rerata komplikasi yang tinggi pada pasca operasi
one-stage urethroplasty dibanding dengan two-stage urethroplasty.
Artikel ini memberikan penjelasan detail tentang teknik operasi Sidik-Chaula Urethroplasty, yang telah
diimplementasikan di klinik kami selama dua dekade. Teknik dapat dipakai untuk koreksi dari
hypospadia primer, middle dan proximal. Kami juga memperkenalkan Manset Flap, yang merupakan
modifikasi dari single-stage urethroplasty, dimana aplikasi neo-urethra tahap kedua operasi dipermudah.
Meskipun demikian, prosedur penyimpanan medical record pada institusi kami kurang adekuat, dimana
kami belum dapat memberikan angka kesuksesan teknik ini. Sebuah studi sedang dilakukan dengan
harapan dapat memberikan data yang dimaksud.

Kata Kunci: Urethroplasty, Sidik-Chaula, hypospadia, manset, two-stage urethroplasty, stage one urethroplasty,
hypospadias repair

H ypospadia is defined as a three associa- deficient in the ventral aspect1. The prevalence
ted anatomical anomalies of the penis: (1) of hypospadia is around 0.3-0.8%, making it the
an abnormal ventral opening of the ure- most frequently occuring male external genita-
thral meatus, (2) an abnormal ventral curvature lia congenital malformation2-4. Surgery to repair
of the penis known as chordee, and (3) an ab- anatomical defect is the only treatment for hy-
normal distribution of the foreskin with a re- pospadias. The aim of surgical correction is to
dundant hoodlike foreskin in the dorsum while achieve: (1) a cosmetically acceptable penile
From Indonesian Hypospadia Center, Division of Plastic shaft, glans, and meatus; (2) allow a straight
Surgery, Department Of Surgery, Cipto forward-directed urinary stream; and (3) a stra-
Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Universitas ight penis on erection for adequate sexual func-
Disclosure: The authors have no financial
Presented as part of research proposal at The Fifteenth
Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Association of interest to declare in relation to the content of this
Plastic Surgeon. Semarang, Central Java. Indonesia. article. 74
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - January 2012

ion5. The Sidik-Chaula Two-stage

There are more than 300 surgical techniques Urethroplasty
for hypospadia correction described in the lite- In our institution, all distal (proximal to the
rature. As far as hypospadia surgeries stretch, coronal sulcus), middle and proximal hypos-
there is nothing new that has not been previ- padias are preferrably repaired using a two-
ously described in the historical documents and stage urethroplasty. We refer to the modified
books6. Attempt of creating a neourethra by pu- two-stage urethroplasty as the Sidik-Chaula
ncturing technique, whereby a cannula is per- technique. In the first stage, chordee is released
forated through the glans tip and connected to and neorutehra is created using a distal intra-
the hypospadic urethra then left for a secon- glanular tunnel raised from a vascularizied pre-
dary epithelialization, was first described by putial flap. The full-length urethra is then re-
Dieffenbach in the 19th century. The use of local constructed in the second surgery utilizing a lo-
tubularized flap was introduced by Theofil cally transposed cutaneous flap with minimal
Anger in the 19th century. The Mathieu’s now- manipulation.
popular meatal-based-flap-technique had been The tunnelization technique was first intro-
introduced back in the 1980s by Wood. Vascu- duced by Ulrich T Hinderer in 19688. He crea-
larized island flaps including the dorsal pre- ted the tunnel using an islanded dartos fascio-
putial flaps, and free-tissue transfer such as skin cutaneous flap, and require a special set of ins-
grafts has also been done in the 19th century. truments to create the glanular tunnel and to
The techniques used today are adaptations and pass the neourethra into the tunnel9. Our modi-
refinements of those described in the history, fication can be performed using any sharp di-
each surgeon adhering to their personal pre- ssecting scissor without the need of custom-
ference, combining techniques which suit them made instrumentations, and the neo urethra
best in producing the lowest complication rates. tube-flap is passed through the glans by placing
Perhaps, no surgical concern in history has ins- a traction suture. Here we outline the two-stage
pired as widespread and controversial opinion Sidik-Chaula hypospadia repair technique. An
in regard to management as has hypospadias7. additional subglanular bilateral flap appro-
ximation –called the Manset flap– is illustrated
(Figure 1) This is specifically useful in cases of
middle hypospadias.

a a’
a a’


Volume 1 - Number 1 - Early Burn Resuscitation And Burn Patient’s Survival

Place a traction suture into the dorsal penile is fully straight. An artificial erection by intra-
glans. Draw a double-opposing horizontal-Y in- cavernous saline injection may be used, it aids
cison line 1-mm superior from the urethral mea- in evaluating penile curvature.
tus. The superior tip of the Y design (a and a’) Release chordee and all fibrous tissues on the
on both sides should reach the base of prepuce lateral sides up to the coronary sulcus (Figure
skin. 3). Visualize the well vascularized corporus
Once the skin is incised and degloved to spongiosum. On the same plane, use a fine
Buck’s fascia, dissect ventrally and identify the sharp scissor to create a neo-urethra by creating
chordee (Figure 2). Release chordee until penis a tunnel in the glans .


Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - January 2012

Figure'4.((Sharp;dissecAon(to(create(tunnel. Figure'5.((insert(cathether(through(tunnel(into(naAve(


1 1

In creating the tunnel, do not dissect bluntly. dissection carefully, avoid injuring the intrinsic
Perforate through the glans ventrally by sharp vascularity of the skin flap.
dissection, from the proximal to the glans tip, The rectangular preputial skin flap is rotated
then cut further laterally if required to achieve and advanced ventrally, then inset flap under-
the desired tunnel diameter (Figure 4). neath the cathether. This will be used to create a
Pass a urine cathether from the newly made tube-flap (Figure 7).
tunnel on the tip of glans, through, then into the Using the catheter as a template, wrap the in-
native meatus. Secure catheter by inflating the setted rectangular flap invertly around the
balloon (Figure 5). cathe-ther and create a short tube (Figure 8).
Extend the incision made on step 1. Start at The epithelial surface of the flap is resting aga-
the base of preptium, cut dorsally in a circum- inst the catether wall, while the raw surface lies
ferential fashion, release the interal foreskin on the outside.
from external foreskin, following the coronal Leave the thread of the first suture of tube-
sulcus. Then elevate the flap by fully degloving flap uncut for traction control. Pass the tube-
the penis. Divide the flap into a triangular (1) flap into the tunneled penile glans. Use the
and rectangular (2) flaps (Figure 6). Perform traction suture and pull the tube-flap through

Volume 1 - Number 1 - Sidik-Chaula Urethroplasty and the Manset Flap

Figure'7.((CreaAon(of(tube(flap(using(the(rectangular( Figure'8.((Wrap(the(rectangular(flap(around(the(catheter(
prepuAal(flap. to(create(short(tube.

Figure'9.((Pass(tube(flap(into(the(glans(neo;tunnel. Figure'10.((Sub;coronal(addiAon(of(Manset(flap.

the tunnel until the distal edge of tube protrude Finally, the traction suture is secured against
out to the tip of tunnel. Suture circularly the catheter. Lay the penis against the abdomen.
without overeversion of tube-flap (Figure 9). Dress with butterfly shaped antibiotic tulle, po-
In cases of mid hypospadia, where after the vidone iodine soaked gauze, dry gauze, and se-
chordee release the proximal flap is retracted cure circularly with pore tape by applying light
and ventral coronal sulcus is exposed, a sub- circumferential pressure. Secure and connect
coronal soft tissue ‘pad’ called the Manset just the catheter tubes.
inferior to the tube-flap is added, by bilateraly
approximating part of the rectangular flap in The Manset Flap
the ventral midline (Figure 10). In most cases of middle hypospadias, after a
The rest of the rectangular flap beneath the double opposing Y incision is made above the
cathether is pulled across the midline, sutured urethral meatus, the proximal flap is retracted
to the penile shaft, and approximated to the proximally when the chordee is fully released.
posterior half of the native uretrhal meatus. In This leaves the ventral coronal sulcus hanging
the distal part, the flap is sutured circumferen- with no soft tissue beneath it. A subcoronal soft
tially to the subcoronal mucosa. The triangular tissue ‘pad’ is then added just inferior to the tu-
flap is then used to cover the remaining raw be flap subcoronally, by bilateraly approxima-
surface (Figure 11).

Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - January 2012



ting part of the rectangular flap in the ventral some part of the ventral coronal sulcus and
midline. This part is called the Manset (cufflink) glans to be incised and elevated as part of the
flap. The advantage of this Manset is apparent neourethral flap. Aside from technically easing
only in the second stage of urethroplasty, where the second stage surgery, adding a Manset flap
it preserves the ventral coronal sulcus of the has reduced the risk of fistula which often
glans from being cut in designing the neo- forms around this ventral corona. As a com-
urethra (Figure 12). parison, we illustrate a second stage urethro-
When the Manset is not insetted subcoro- plasty when no Manset flap added beneath the
nally in the stage-one operation, it will require coronal sulcus (Figure 13).

Volume 1 - Number 1 - Sidik-Chaula Urethroplasty and the Manset Flap

DISCUSSION cases. And aesthetic outcome are acceptable to
The debate over choosing a one-stage or two- the patients.
stage procedures for hypospadias repair is ne- Lack of structured patient follow-ups and
ver ending, nor do we intend to cease it. Neither tracking, as well as failure in keeping a hypos-
approach is applicable to all cases and many su- padia database in the past is a major drawback.
rgeons use the combinations, each with their This have cost us a great deal of objective data
own success and failure rates. A 2010 systematic to quantify the results of the hundreds of cases
review study is in line with this, stating that a done, making it impossible to solidly demon-
20-year review of the available surgical tech- strate the reliability of our two-stage procedure.
niques for hypospadias correction shows that A more structured data record and a pros-
‘no urethroplasty techniques appear to be defi- pective study is underway to provide us with
nitely superior10. The ongoing controversies some figures, hopefully in the near future. If re-
have in fact stimulate a great deal of advan- affirmed that the Sidik-Chaula urethroplasty
cements, refinements, and improvements can provide pleasing results with acceptable
within the scope of hypospadia surgery. complication rates, this adds one new alter-
In our division, any cases of hypospadia with native method of definitive hypospadias repair
urethral meatus located proximal to the corona into the literature.
of the glans undergo surgical repair by means Chaula L. Sukasah, M.D.,
of two-stage operations named the Sidik- Indonesia Hypospadia Center, Plastic Surgery Division
Chaula urethroplasty. With no statistical Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital
backing at this point, using this technique in Jalan Diponegoro.No.71, Gedung A, Lantai 4.
more than two , we observe a generally lower
complications. Rate of fistulas is lower by sta- Acknowledgement
ging the operation instead of doing the single We gratefully thank Sidik Setiamiharja, M.D. for
stage. Stricture complications are rare because a his tremendous ideas and innovation in
preputial flap is used instead of grafts. Satis- developing this techniques, Qori Haly, M.D. for
factory chordee release are achieved in most his great illustrations in this paper. Budiman
M.D. for the help in reviewing this article.

Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi - January 2012

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