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The TRICK-TIP Rhinoplasty: Tip of The Nose Preservation Using The Combined Synergy of Open and Closed Approaches

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Aesth Plast Surg


The TRICK-TIP Rhinoplasty: Tip of the Nose Preservation Using

the Combined Synergy of Open and Closed Approaches
Francisco Villegas-Alzate1,2,3,

Received: 10 December 2023 / Accepted: 30 January 2024

Ó The Author(s) 2024

Abstract Conclusions The combined benefits of the wide-open

Background This study introduces and assesses the outcomes approach, shortened surgery duration, and nasal tip
of a novel rhinoplasty technique, TRICK-TIP (Transcolumel- preservation contribute to outcome optimization. TRICK-
lar and Inter Cartilaginous Keystoning with Tip preservation), TIP rhinoplasty is characterized by simplicity, enabling
employing a combined open and closed approach with tip targeted modifications, preventing soft triangle and rim
anatomy conservation and structured tip support. complications, and facilitating essential tip support while
Methods The procedure involves a low stairstep columellar maintaining favorable results.
sectioning, followed by transmembranous and intercartilagi- Level of Evidence V This journal requires that authors
nous incisions without skin dissection in the columella or tip. assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full
Elevating the entire mobile nose as a three-layered flap pro- description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings,
vides extensive access to the entire nasal pyramid and septum. please refer to the Table of Contents or the online
Tip modifications, including retrograde cephalic cartilage Instructions to Authors
resection and supratip skin thinning, are performed based on
individual cases. A key columellar strut is frequently used, Keywords Rhinoplasty/methods  TRICK-TIP  Patient
initially sutured in the interdomal space and then turned down satisfaction  Nose esthetic techniques  Patient reported
for height adjustment and final fixation. Interdomal sutures, outcome measures  Nose deformities acquired
supratip sutures, and alar resection are implemented as needed.
Results One hundred twenty patients participated, with
high satisfaction and a low frequency of adverse effects Introduction
reported using four FACE-QTM questionnaires. One hun-
dred and two independent raters evaluated pre and post- Gillies, in 1920, was credited with using the transcol-
operative photographs, scoring ‘‘overall nose result’’ as 3.6 umellar incision (‘‘elephant trunk’’). However, the allegory
out of 5, with minimal or absent nostril deformities (1.84), was not found in reading his book [1]; this term may have
soft triangle deformities (1.73), and columellar external been used in his lectures, referring to the incision and,
scar deformity/visibility (1.35) where 1 is the absence of probably, to the tubed forehead flap. Other rhinoplasty
the deformity and 5 is disfigurement. Complications were authors have used this metaphor occasionally [2].
absent, and revisions were infrequent. After utilizing intercartilaginous incisions for ‘‘Reduc-
tive Rhinoplasty’’ in 1921, Rhéti found the closed
approach, insufficient to modify alar cartilages. Subse-
& Francisco Villegas-Alzate quently, he devised a supplementary method, featuring a transverse columellar high incision connected to marginal
incisions, elevating the skin to expose the alar cartilages.
Private practice, Clı́nica San Francisco, Tuluá, Colombia
He confined the dissection to the tip, deeming it inadequate
Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia for dorsal modifications [3].
Unidad Central del Valle, Tuluá, Colombia

Aesth Plast Surg

Later, Sercer citing Rhéti, extended the approach to the risks and benefits, with assurances of confidentiality for
entire nose using the term ‘‘Decortication Rhinoplasty’’ [4]. academic research, education, or scientific publications
Padovan demonstrated its usefulness as it is used today [5]. using their facial photographs. Excluded were cases for
Goodman popularized the incision in the USA as the reconstructive purposes. All patients underwent presurgical
‘‘Butterfly Incision’’ [6], after a while, ‘‘Open Rhinoplasty’’ consultations and had surgeries in an academic practice
was the most cited term and became widely embraced for within a multispecialty private hospital under general
its advantages [7]. anesthesia.
The open rhinoplasty enhances visualization for precise
modifications, addressing complex deformities. Drawbacks Surgical Technique
include the need for specialized surgical skills, prolonged
surgical time, meticulous dissection, and increased costs A stairstep incision is made in the lower third of the col-
[8]. Additional dissection in the vestibular skin may be umella, near the crural foot plates and just above the labio-
necessary to prevent retractions and notching, posing risks columellar crease. This incision progresses in-depth,
of irregularities, asymmetries, and indentations of the alar involving sectioning of one or both crural feet, and con-
rim and soft triangles [9, 10]. Skin necrosis, particularly in nects to a vertical transfixing incision through the mem-
secondary cases, may be associated [11, 12]. branous septum behind the medial cruras, extending up to
On the other hand, closed rhinoplasty offers several the nasal vestibular apex. Bilateral inter-cartilaginous
advantages, including simplicity, shorter surgical time, no incisions follow. The mobile nose can then be elevated
visible external scarring, reduced swelling, faster recovery, without additional dissecting maneuvers. The elevated
and relative preservation of the columella and nasal tip mobile nose (tip and columella) pivots at the septal angle,
cartilages with minimal disruption to the blood supply. where the dissection to the dorsum continues up to the
Nevertheless, it has drawbacks, primarily limited visibility nasion and can be extended laterally on the nasal sidewalls
and less precise modifications, making it less suitable for (Fig. 1).
addressing severe nasal deformities [13] A supra-perichondral level of dissection is preferred in
Rhéti transformed classical endonasal surgery into a the cartilaginous vault to maintain upper lateral cartilages
dual approach by modifying alar cartilages through addi- integrity, preventing ruptures during folding maneuvers in
tional transcolumellar and marginal incisions [14]. Cur- chondroplastic techniques with auto-spreaders or spreader
rently, surgeons make modifications to closed rhinoplasty, flaps and spreader grafts that involve plication and suturing
extending incisions to the alar creases and nasal sill to [25].
utilize advantages and mitigate disadvantages of both In the bony nasal vault, subperiosteal dissection starts
approaches [15–24]. laterally using sharp dissectors. It progresses from lateral to
The ‘‘TRICK-TIP’’ technique, an acronym for medial and proximal to distal, creating an optical cavity
‘‘Transcolumellar and Inter-Cartilaginous Keystoning with from the caudal septum to the nasion. Efforts are made to
Tip Preservation,’’ involves elevating the nasal tip as a preserve periosteum integrity whenever possible. Septo-
three-layered chondro-cutaneous flap for a broad surgical plasty and septal cartilage graft harvest can be performed
field. Enhanced visibility allows precise modifications as needed, either through the caudal septum or from above
while preserving anatomical tip relationships, avoiding if the upper lateral cartilages are surgically separated from
dissection between the skin and tip cartilages. By circum- the dorsum (Fig. 2).
venting such dissection, the technique aims for tip preser- Tip modifications are completed from underneath, with
vation, simplicity and satisfactory results. To our retrograde cartilage trimming in the lateral crura or domal
knowledge, the TRICK-TIP technique is unique and not areas as needed. In most cases, minimal cartilage reversing
previously published, demonstrating easiness, favorable dissection is employed to spare the skin from resec-
outcomes, and reduced complications. tion. Modifications to the interdomal tissues, ligaments, fat,
and supratip areas can be achieved through direct excision.
Methods Fat removal can be completed by using curettage with a
2-mm Frazier’s suction cannula. To address supratip dead
A single surgeon’s retrospective experience with aesthetic space, a suture unites the skin to the cartilaginous vault,
TRICK-TIP rhinoplasty from 2010 to 2022 is examined. reinforcing stability between the dorsum and tip. Sutures
Inclusion criteria encompassed consecutive primary or can either be immediately tied (Guyuron) [26] or left for
secondary aesthetic cases with various deformities and tying after closure completion (Gubisch) [27].
complaints, featuring follow-up periods longer than 12 No surgical dissection occurs between the alar cartilages
weeks and assessable postoperative photographs. Patients and the overlying skin. However, intercrural and interdo-
were informed about the procedure, including potential mal sutures can be placed from below. A columellar strut,

Aesth Plast Surg

Fig. 1 TRICK-TIP rhinoplasty

(Transcolumellar and Inter
Cartilaginous Keystoning with
Tip preservation). a Depiction
of intercartilaginous and
transcolumellar incisions. Note
the low positioning of the
stairstep incision near the labio-
columellar crease. Sectioning of
one or both crural plates is
typical. b The entire mobile tip
and columella are elevated as a
composite flap, allowing for
easy access to the nasal pyramid

Fig. 2 TRICK-TIP rhinoplasty

Enhances Access. a After the
dorsum and skin are separated,
the bony vault can be reformed.
b The cartilaginous vault can be
molded with improved visibility

utilizing a septal cartilage graft, serves as a keystone sup- closure, utilizing the direct vision provided by the upturned
port initially sutured between the cartilages below the mobile nose. Similarly, placing alar rim struts can be
anticipated domal projection. Importantly, in this series, accomplished. Surgical wound closure uses 4-0 USP plain
grafts from the resected hump or the alar cartilages were Catgut. The closure sequence starts with the intercarti-
intentionally not used as struts, and neither conchal nor rib laginous incision, followed by the membranous septum,
grafts were employed. and then the external skin with three to four stitches of 5-0
Temporary graft fixation is achieved with a transfixing USP polypropylene. Porous paper taping is applied, and a
25G needle, followed by sutures reinforcing the medial dorsal splint immobilizes. Anterior nasal packing is avoi-
crura. Once the upper end is sutured into the desired ded whenever possible (Fig. 4).
position and the final tip height is determined, any length When necessary, alar flaring correction is performed.
excess of the graft is trimmed. The strut is then directly After initial demarcation, excision, and hemostasis, a stitch
placed on the anterior nasal spine, where it can be sutured. is tied in the nasal sill to achieve the desired nostril width.
Additional fixation stitches to the caudal septum using Transfixing ‘‘U’’ sutures are then placed from the inner
figure-of-eight sutures may also be added (Fig. 3). nose to the alar crease and back to the nasal vestibule using
Wide dissection enables effective skin redraping and 4-0 USP plain Catgut. These sutures are left as intranasal
direct access for inspecting central and lateral osseocarti- knots, typically requiring four to eight stitches. No external
laginous unions. This ensures correcting height differences sutures are used in the alar crease [31] (Figs. 5, 6, 7).
between nasal bones and cartilages, preventing step Postoperative visits are programmed 2 to 5 days after
deformity and avoiding the inverted ‘‘V’’ stigma. In cases surgery, and then after a week, additional follow-up visits
of excessive intraoperative bleeding or floppy skin, exter- are performed at irregular intervals where postoperative
nal running sutures like Auersvald’s net may be used for photographs are taken.
three days [28–30]. Demographics and pertinent clinical and surgical data
If a Z-plasty is necessary to prevent or correct rim were extracted from the patient’s charts and databases.
retractions in the vestibular skin, it should be done before

Aesth Plast Surg

Fig. 3 TRICK-TIP rhinoplasty: Preserving the Tip. a Without prevent over projection above the domes. The fixation is first
separating the skin from the lower lateral cartilages, a retrograde performed in the mobile tip and then secured to the anterior nasal
resection of the cephalic portion can be performed from underneath to spine and caudal septum
achieve tip definition. b A strut is sutured in the intercrural space to

Fig. 4 Wound Closure is

simplified in TRICK-TIP
rhinoplasty. a A supratip suture
is placed to unite the dermis and
cartilaginous vault, closing the
dead space at the breaking
point. b The supratip knot can
be tied and buried at the end. It
is important to note that the strut
has been adjusted and secured
based on the desired tip

Fig. 5 Primary TRICK-TIP rhinoplasty in an 18-year-old female, b Trimmed alar cartilages from below, while additional supratip
illustrating the surgery details. a Basal view during surgery, showing thinning and interdomal resections can be performed in a similar
an uplift of the entire mobile nose as a compound flap. Columellar manner. c Demonstrative portrayal of the mobile nose turned down,
and intercartilaginous incisions avoid dissection between alar carti- with resected parts superimposed. Purple drawings on the skin
lages and tip skin. Littler’s scissors point to the cephalic portion of the indicate remnant alar cartilages for clarity
alar cartilages, marked for modification in a reverse fashion.

Evaluation of Results Fifty-three patients reported their outcomes using three

validated Spanish FACE-QTM formularies administered
Results were assessed through patient-reported outcomes electronically [32–35]. Formularies for scoring ‘‘Satisfac-
and external raters’ evaluation of preoperative and post- tion with outcome’’ (Health-related quality of life), ‘‘Sat-
operative photographs. isfaction with nose’’ and ‘‘Satisfaction with nostrils’’
(Appearance scale), had 5 to 10 evaluable items scoring

Aesth Plast Surg

Fig. 6 Same patient as in Fig. 5 illustrating the surgery details of alar were left inside the nose. c Lateral view of the nose demonstrating the
flaring correction. a Basal intraoperative view. b Immediately after lateral extension of alar wedge resection and the absence of external
closure, alar resection was performed, and absorbable suture knots sutures. Also, note the modifications to the dorsum and tip

from 1 (very satisfied) to 4 (very unsatisfied). Raw scores (26.7%) had a main diagnosis of a deviated nose. Rhino-
for each set of items were added, producing a total. Using a plasty was often combined with other facial (27 cases
conversion table based on the Rasch Measurement Theory, (22.5%)) or body contour surgeries (31 (25.8%)). The
scores were converted into a range from 0 (worst) to 100 columellar key strut was performed in 52 patients (43.3%),
(best). A fourth FACE-QTM check list was completed to and alar flaring resection was done in 87 (72.5%). The
describe adverse effects relative to rhinoplasty. supratip suture was used in 78 (65%). External quilting
External raters, including experienced plastic surgeons sutures to the alar creases or extended to other nasal areas
and otorhinolaryngologists, were voluntarily invited to were used in 5 cases (4.1%) (Figs. 8 and 9).
answer questionnaires. These raters were online contacts,
blinded to patient identities and study authors. Examiners Complications
assessed standardized photographs using predetermined
rating scales administered through a GoogleTM question- Skin or columellar necrosis, hematoma, gross asymmetry,
naire. Each questionnaire featured preoperative and post- wound dehiscences, or infection were not reported; revi-
operative photographs of ten patients; respondents could sions were performed in 3 patients, one of them required
answer one to 12 questionnaires (10 to 120 patients). The two revisions (Table 1).
platform did not admit incomplete forms, and a respondent Patient-reported outcomes indicated high satisfaction
could not repeat a series of patients. Rating scales included with the nose’s appearance and the ‘‘overall outcome,’’
a five-point scale for assessing ‘‘Overall Rhinoplasty achieving a median of 100 out of 100 points. Satisfaction
Result’’ (1 the worst to 5 excellent) and a five-point scale with nostrils received a median of 87 (Table 2).
for evaluating ‘‘Nostril Deformities,’’ ‘‘Soft Triangle Patient reported adverse effects were informed as ’not at
Deformities,’’ and ‘‘Columellar External Scar Deformity or all’ in 72% of cases and ‘a little’ in 14%. ’Moderately’ and
Visibility’’ (ranging from Not Present to Disfiguring). ’Extremely’ were reported in 7% of cases each, with an
Descriptive statistics were conveyed through means and average score of 1.5 or lower, indicating a level less than ’a
their respective standard deviations (SD), and in applicable little’ on a scale of 1 to 4 (Table 3).
cases, through medians and their corresponding interquar- One hundred and two independent raters, including 93
tile ranges. The study examined correlations between var- (88.6%) plastic surgeons and 12 (11.4%) otorhinolaryn-
ious factors such as gender, primary or secondary surgery, gologists, conducted assessments. They evaluated between
previous nose deviation, alar resection during surgery, use 10 and 120 patients each, resulting in a total of 1820
of a columellar strut, and the application of a supratip evaluations. The ‘‘overall rhinoplasty result’’ across 120
stitch. The Shapiro-Wilk test checked if the data followed a cases had an average rating of 3.62/5 (SD 0.935). Evalu-
normal distribution; as it did not, the nonparametric Mann- ation of ‘Nostril deformities’ yielded an average rating of
Whitney U test was used for comparisons. 1.84 (SD 0.917), ‘Soft Triangle Deformities’ received an
average rating of 1.73 (SD 0.903), and the assessment of
‘Columellar External Scar Deformity or Visibility’ resulted
Results in an average score of 1.35 (SD 0.692) Table 4).
The statistical analysis examined six variables to iden-
The study included 120 patients, 86 (71.6%) of whom were tify correlations with the overall result qualification and the
females, with an average age of 29.8 (range 17-63). Pri- presence of deformities in the nostrils, soft triangles, or
mary procedures were performed in 106 (88.3%) cases, columella. No significant differences were observed
while 14 (11.7%) were secondary. Thirty-two patients between groups when comparing ratings for the three

Aesth Plast Surg


The study affirms the effectiveness of the TRICK-TIP

surgical approach, emphasizing tip preservation to enhance
patient outcomes, and to streamline the procedure. Com-
bining open and closed techniques yielded positive results
in patient satisfaction and external raters’ evaluations.
Initially employed for relatively straightforward cases, the
indications for the technique have diversified widely. It has
been utilized in 88% of primary cases and also in 12% of
secondary cases. Additionally, the technique has found
application in reconstructive surgeries, such as cleft lip
repair and severe trauma sequelae. Notably, these latter
cases are specifically excluded from this report.
Given the author’s experience in both open and closed
rhinoplasty, he intuitively recommends the procedure for a
broad range of cases. However, it is crucial to highlight that
it is not advisable for cases demanding highly precise tip
manipulations or for secondary cases requiring alar carti-
lage reconstruction. The primary indications encompass
surgeries involving extensive dorsal modifications, hump
removal, correction of nasal sidewalls, and osseocartilagi-
nous junction, particularly when grafts, spacers, and cor-
rections of asymmetries, lateral wall deformities, and septal
deviations are necessary.
Unlike traditional open approaches, the TRICK-TIP
stands out for preserving the union between alar cartilages
and skin, maintaining the integrity of the columella and tip,
preventing distortion of the alar rim and soft triangles. This
combined approach addresses drawbacks associated with
conventional open techniques, such as extensive dissection
and scarring, presenting a promising alternative. Its
preservative nature also renders the surgery more ‘‘re-
versible and revisable’’ due to its nondestructive technique.
Vascular safety is crucial in rhinoplasty, especially with
alar resection. The technique ensures vascular integrity by
avoiding excessive handling of the columellar skin, crucial
for procedures involving alar resection.
Fig. 7 Same patient in Figs. 5 and 6. Primary TRICK-TIP rhinoplasty
in an 18-year-old female. Left column: preoperative views. The A key columellar support was incorporated in 43% of
operative plan encompassed septoplasty, dorsal bony vault resection, patients based on preoperative criteria, including a lack of
chondroplastic modification with spreader flaps of the cartilaginous tip definition and support. In some cases, these criteria
pyramid, cephalic alar cartilage resection, supratip remodeling, and
were defined intraoperatively. Approximately three-quar-
alar wedge resection. Right: Four months after surgery, the scar is
imperceptible, and there is no evidence of crural plates deformity ters of patients underwent alar resection to correct alar
flaring, guided by preoperative, intraoperative, and sub-
jective patient willingness assessments. Suturing to oblit-
potential deformities. However, significant differences erate the supratip space and adhere the skin to the
were identified in overall rhinoplasty results for cases cartilaginous skeleton at the dorsum-tip junction was per-
categorized as secondary and those involving alar resec- formed in 65% of cases. This decision was made intraop-
tion. Gender, nose deviation, use of a columellar strut, and eratively based on the behavior of the skin during surgery.
supratip stitch did not exhibit differences (Table 5). The strategic fixation of the columellar strut, starting in
the upper part, facilitates a straightforward maneuver,
providing stable tip support. Furthermore, the TRICK-TIP

Aesth Plast Surg

Fig. 8 Secondary TRICK-TIP rhinoplasty in a 39-year-old female, plan, including residual hump resection, spreader grafts, vestibular
intraoperative details. a Intraoperative presurgical view: Having skin z-plasty, left alar rim strut, columellar strut, supratip stitching,
undergone a previous reductive rhinoplasty, she presented with and repeated alar resection. Notice the application of a hemostatic net,
concerns of supratip deformity, deviated nose, residual hump, and left as described by Auersvald, to accommodate the floppy skin. c External
alar rim retraction. Simultaneously, a lower blepharoplasty was sutures are removed 72 hours after surgery
planned. b Intraoperative snapshot post-completion of the surgical

Fig. 9 Same patient as in

Figure 8. Pre and postoperative
views. Top row: Presurgical
photos demonstrating residual
deformities after a previous
rhinoplasty. Besides revisions, a
lower blepharoplasty was
planned. Bottom row: 6 months
after surgery

technique enables various tip maneuvers, including retro- occurrences of rim or soft triangle deformities due to the
grade cephalic resection of alar cartilages and interdomal absence of skin and cartilage surgical separation.
and intercrural sutures (Figs. 10 and 11). An analogy can be drawn to Antonov plane in which its
The concept of tip preservation is integral to this pivot nasal elevation allows wide access to the inner part of
approach, as there is no skin separation in the tip-col- the aircraft to accommodate large military, agricultural, or
umellar region, maintaining the structural integrity of the complex medical equipment. The acronym ‘‘ANTONOV’’
support elements and the overlying and internal skin, this has been used in podium presentations of the technique to
preserves the natural contours and characteristics of the represent the ease and efficiency as follows: Aesthetic,
nasal tip, resulting in more natural-looking outcomes and Novel, Technique, Optimizing, Nasoseptal, Openness, and
reduced risk of tip-related complications. While perform- Visibility [36, 37].
ing tip modifications from below presents a learning curve Its noteworthy that the term ’’Novel‘‘ should be used
and challenges in achieving precise detailed definition, the cautiously, given historical references to proclaimed new
ease of supporting the tip and direct supratip molding with surgeries. However, no antecedent of this specific tech-
sutures is a positive aspect. This technique may also offer nique was found in the current medical literature.
advantages such as decreased swelling and reduced A strength of this study lies in its simplicity. Patient-
reported outcomes, assessed with a validated scale, and

Aesth Plast Surg

anonymous scoring by more than 100 experienced raters Yet, some limitations, such as the descriptive retro-
contribute to an unbiased presentation of results and spective design, and the need for further generalizability
complications. We included a follow-up period averaging and reproducibility of the technique, should be acknowl-
14.1 months (ranging from 3 to 60) in our study to thor- edged as it matures.
oughly examine overall results and the endurance of tip While the current results may not demonstrate a quali-
projection, especially concerning the columellar strut. This tative superiority, the intention is to offer insights into the
timeframe covers well-established results while recogniz- potential utility of this approach for fellow surgeons.
ing the possibility of relapse or variations noted at the Controlled trials in the future may provide a more com-
3-month mark. This approach contributes to a nuanced prehensive understanding of its effectiveness when com-
understanding of the reported outcomes over time. pared to existing techniques.
The assessment of overall rhinoplasty results relied on
objective measurements collected from over 100 surgeons,
utilizing a scale ranging from 1 (Very Poor) to 5 (Excel-
Table 1 TRICK-TIP rhinoplasty patients and surgery characteristics lent). The average score of 3.62 (SD 0.935) offers an
n: 120 objective measure that aligns with the presented reasonable
Age (years) Average 29.8 years (range 17–63) cases, falling short of outstanding or spectacular results.
However, the significance of these objective results
Follow-up (months) Average 14.1 months (range 3–60)
becomes apparent when contrasted with an exceptional
Females 86 (71.6%)
median score of 100/100 points in the patient reported
Males 34 (28.4%)
outcome, FACE-QTM for ’Satisfaction with outcome’
Primary rhinoplasty 106 (88.3%)
within the Health-related quality of life domain.
Secondary 14 (11.7%)
The overall outcome, assessed by external evaluators,
Deviated nose diagnosis 32(26.7%)
was analyzed to identify differences based on gender, the
Use of a key strut 52 (43.3%),
presence of nose deviation, alar flaring correction, the use
Alar flaring resection 87 (72.5%)
of a columellar strut, the use of supratip sutures, as well as
Supratip suture 78 (65.0%) whether the surgery was primary or secondary. Significant
External quilting sutures 5 (4%) differences were found in two out of the six analyzed cir-
Associated procedures (Face) 27(22.5%) cumstances. The results were better when alar flaring was
Associated procedures (Body) 31 (25.8%) corrected, and as expected, outcomes for primary surgeries
Complications Not reported were better than those for secondary surgeries. The author
Revision after TRICK-TIP 4(3.3%) has transitioned to using more and more this two-in-one
approach and recommends surgeons currently employing

Table 2 FACE-QTM Patient-reported outcomes after the TRICK-TIP procedure

Patient reported outcome Number of questions Median
(0 worst to 100 the best

Satisfaction with outcome (Health-related quality of life domain) 6 100

Satisfaction with nose (appearance scale) 10 100
Satisfaction with nostrils (appearance scale) 5 87

Table 3 FACE-QTM Adverse Effects on the Nose (patient-reported) n:53

1 2 3 4 AVERAGE
Not at All A Little Moderately Extremely (Points)

Difficulty breathing through your nose? 39 (74%) 6 (11%) 3 (6%) 5 (9%) 1.5
Tenderness (e.g., when wearing sunglasses)? 36 (68%) 11 (21%) 3 (6%) 3 (6%) 1.5
Is the skin of your nose looking thick or swollen? 45 (85%) 5 (9%) 0 (0%) 3 (6%) 1.3
Unnatural appearing bumps or hollows on your nose? 34 (64%) 7 (13%) 8 (15%) 4 (7%) 1.7
Average (Patients) 72% 14% 7% 7% 1.5 Pt.
Bold indicates specific numbers or data points of particular importance or interest

Aesth Plast Surg

Table 4 External rater’s

Average score SD
qualification of results and
deformities after TRIC-TIP Overall rhinoplasty result 3.62 0.935
procedure (n: 120 pts., 1820
scores) 1—Very poor, 2—Poor, 3—Fair, 4—Good, 5—Excellent
Nostril deformities 1.84 0.917
1—Not Present, 2—Mild, 3—Moderate, 4—Severe, 5—Disfiguring
Soft triangle deformities 1.73 0.903
1—Not Present, 2—Mild, 3—Moderate, 4—Severe, 5—Disfiguring
Columellar external scar deformity or visibility 1.35 0.692
1—Not Present, 2—Mild, 3—Moderate, 4—Severe, 5—Disfiguring
Bold indicates specific numbers or data points of particular importance or interest

Table 5 External rater’s average qualifications for ‘‘overall result’’ and correlations with six variables1,2
Variable Groups n Average rating p

Gender Females 86 3.69 0.88

Males 34 3.67
Type of rhinoplasty Primary 106 3.71 0.010*
Secondary 14 3.44
Nose deviation Present 32 3.57 0.12
No deviation 88 3.72
Alar resection Present 87 3.62 0.005*
No resection 33 3.86
Columellar strut Present 52 3.65 0.395
No strut 68 3.71
Supratip suture Present 78 3.68 0.985
No stitch 42 3.69
No differences between groups for qualifications of three possible deformities. 2Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparisons. *p \ 0.05

Fig. 10 Primary TRICK-TIP rhinoplasty in a 29-year-old male. Use temporally secured with a 26G needle. Full fixation is achieved with
of a key columellar strut. a Lateral presurgical view. The patient’s sutures. c Immediate on-table result after TRICK-TIP. Take note of
main goals included tip projection, narrowing of the tip, and the remarkable tip projection and definition, achieved without the
correction of alar flaring. b Intraoperative perspective, showcasing a need for alar cartilage dissection. Also, observe a pit, a result of
cartilage septal graft placed inlay between the medial crura and quilting sutures used to prevent supratip deformity

intercartilaginous endonasal rhinoplasty to consider improving the manipulability of the vault and tip
evolving to sectioning the columellar bridge. This creates a structures.
conversion from closed to a wide-open procedure, The TRICK-TIP technique offers a unique approach to
rhinoplasty, combining the advantages of open and closed

Aesth Plast Surg

Fig. 11 Same patient as in

Fig. 10. Top row: preoperative
views. Bottom row: seven
months post-surgery,
demonstrates acceptable results
as judged by external evaluators
and patient-reported outcomes.

approaches. This innovative surgery widens visibility holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.
without columellar and tip dissection of the soft tissue org/licenses/by/4.0/.
envelope, simplifies the procedure, and maintains favorable
Emphasizing vascular safety, diminished risk of com-
plications, the simplicity of the strut fixation, tip preser- 1. Gillies H (1920) Plastic surgery of the face. H Frowde, Hodder
vation, and the ANTONOV metaphor further highlight the and Stoughton, London. Available on internet https://ia600902.
distinctive benefits of this approach. Continued research,
clinical experience, and surgical education will further plasticsurgeryof00gilluoft.pdf. Accessed 28 June 2023
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