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Educ 151 Module 2 1

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The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)


Module 2:
The Science Curriculum

At the end of this module the students are expected to:

 describe the framework of K to 12 Science Curriculum; and

 explain the bases of inclusion of competencies into MELC in K to 12 Science Curriculum.

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for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
Lesson 1: The K to 12 Science Curriculum

Welcome to lesson 1 of this new module, this lesson lets you describe the framework of the K to 12
Science Curriculum of the Philippines. Look forward to study the science education structure and its
articulation across grade levels especially in secondary education. Without further ado, feel free to dive at
your own pace on this new journey towards becoming a science educator.

 Three domains of learning science: understanding and applying scientific knowledge in local setting as
well as global context whenever possible, performing scientific processes and skills, and developing and
demonstrating scientific attitudes and values.
 K-12 Science teaching approaches: multi/interdisciplinary approach, science-technology-society
approach, contextual learning, problem/issue-based learning, and inquiry-based approach. The
approaches are based on sound educational pedagogy namely, constructivism, social cognition learning
model, learning style theory, and brain-based learning.
 K to 12 science curriculum is learner-centered and inquiry-based, emphasizing the use of evidence in
constructing explanations

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The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)

A. In your own words, explain the Conceptual Framework of Science Curriculum. Your explanation
should be at least 400 words and contains all the essential elements found in the framework.

The conceptual framework of the science curriculum focuses on integrating science and engineering to
accumulate and develop the student’s skills in innovation and research. The main objective of the science
curriculum is to teach the students about the concept of learning in science and engineering to practice the
fundamental way of living in the modern-day. Conceptual Framework of Science Curriculum is a guide in
achieving the perfection of teaching and learning science that would assess the student’s competency for
innovation. It requires practical practices in the field of creativity through experiments and activities.
Students should acquire and understand the concepts of the lesson to be able to develop the skills they need
in achieving their goals as science learners. Indeed, the goal of this framework is to produce professional and
skilled science students to help develop the future of the next generation. In the 21st Century, science and
technology is the most important tool in living to make the things easier for the people. With the newly
developed technology, it provides us a useful creation to use in everyday life. That is why the science
curriculum is more about the practical experience in the field and understanding the concepts of science
subject to practice the students in improving their skills and capabilities.

The conceptual framework in the science curriculum is developed to guide and help the teacher what
are the most essential and effective ways of teaching science. It is all for the sake of the students who want
to pursue their goals in learning science. It is an opportunity for every learner who wants to develop their
skills especially their ability to create ideas. Science learners must possess several elements in scientific
methods. One of its goals is for all the students to graduate with sufficient knowledge of science and
technology to engage in public discussions on science-related issues in the future. Therefore, the purpose of
the conceptual framework in the science curriculum is to guide the students to have a good result in learning
science that would help them improve and enhance their knowledge and skills to be able to become a
professional science educator someday. These would provide a better result in learning at the same time
they would become a great teacher that would help for the improvement of the students in the future. That
is why this curriculum is very important and essential for learning especially for science students.

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for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)

B. Fill out the table below to differentiate the concepts/topics of Science across secondary grade levels.

Grade Matter Earth & Space Force, Motion & Living Things &
Level Energy their Environment
Grade 7  Substance  The Philippine  Motion in One  Parts and
and Environment Dimension Functions
Mixtures  Interactions in  Waves  Heredity:
 Solutions the Atmosphere  Sound Inheritance
 Elements  Seasons in the  Light and Variation
and Philippines  Heat  Ecosystems
Compound  Eclipses  Electricity
 Acid and
 Metal and
Grade8  Particle  Earthquakes and  Laws of  Structure and
Nature of Faults Motion Functions:
Matter  Understanding  Work Power Focus on the
 Atomic Typhoons and Energy Digestive
Structure  Other members  Sound System
 Periodic of the Solar  Light  Heredity:
Table of System  Heat Inheritance
Elements  Electricity and Variation
of Traits
 Biodiversity
 Ecosystems
Grade9  Chemical  Volcanoes and  Motion in Two  Respiratory
Bonding the Interior of Dimensions and
 The Variety the Earth  Conservation Circulatory
of Carbon  Climate of Linear Systems
Compound  Constellations Momentum Working with
s  Work Power the other
 Mole and Energy Organ
Concept  Heat, Work, Systems
and Efficiency  Heredity:
 Electricity and Inheritance
Magnetism and Variation
 Biodiversity
and Evolution
 Flow of
Energy and
Matter in

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The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
Grade1  Gas Laws  Plate Tectonics  Balance and  Coordinated
0  Bio Stability Functions of
molecules  Electromagneti the
 Chemical c Waves Reproductive,
Reactions  Light Endocrine
 Electricity and and Nervous
Magnetism Systems
 Heredity:
and Variation
 Biodiversity
and Variation
 Flow of
Energy and
Matter in

1. What can you say about the design of Science Curriculum? (Substantiate your answer in at least 200

The design of science curriculum represents a collaborative approach and is aimed to educate students in
scientific skill and creation. The design of the curriculum emphasizes the importance of student's ideas and
learning through interactions with objects, materials, activities, and their classmates. Student's new
knowledge and learn about scientific concepts involved in observing and constructing hypotheses,
predicting, planning, and carrying out investigations, recording and analyzing results, sharing and discussing
findings, and extending thinking to accommodate new findings. The content of the curriculum involves
looking for practical solutions to problems by exploring and assessing everyday objects in terms of the
functionality, the components of the materials, and the design to harness and nurture the student’s creative
and imaginative capabilities. Students are expected to develop not only knowledge and understanding of
content areas, but also core scientific skills as well as an awareness and appreciation of science. Teachers are
encouraged to employ a variety of teaching methods that allow students to work scientifically and apply
their scientific knowledge. Therefore, the design of the science curriculum focuses on enhancing and
improving the learner's capability to go beyond their limit and to be able to practice a scientific way of

2. How do the contents of Science unfold in the succeeding grade levels of K to 12 curriculum?

The contents of science are in a hierarchal order to easily understand the topics concerning their grades
levels. The topics are from easy to difficult according to the grade level to quickly comprehend all the topics.
Contents of science in every grade level are based solely on their ability to think at a particular level.

3. What are the purposes of teaching Science in secondary levels of K to 12 curriculum?

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The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
The main purpose of teaching Science in secondary levels of K to 12 is for all the students to have adequate
knowledge of science to participate in any kinds of science-related issues and to be responsible citizens of
scientific and technical information. It aims to train students to engage in scientific activities that will help
them to master all the scientific skills and methods. In that way, all students at the secondary level will
graduate with sufficient knowledge in science. All of this purpose is for all the students to gain more
experience and knowledge in science-related topic in any kind of situation in the school or society.

4. How do the theories of constructivism, social cognition learning model, learning style theory, and brain-
based learningenrich the Substantive and Syntactical nature of Science subject?

These theories have a great impact on teaching the nature of science subjects. All of the theories will affect
the students learning in a different way if it is applied in the teachings of the teacher. These theories will
provide the essential knowledge and techniques in mastering the science subject. With all of these theories,
teachers can be able to provide sufficient knowledge to the students to improve their learning in science.

5. For you, why do you think to topics about Matter; Earth & Space; Force, Motion & Energy; and Living
things & their Environment are important in elementary grade level curriculum?

All of the topics that mentioned above are essential for elementary students because it provides an
important knowledge to use if they will become high school students. In that way, if they enter high school
they will not become ignorant of that topics instead they have the knowledge to share with the other
students. With their knowledge, they will be able to improve their learning and they are able to use it in a
practical situation. Also, it gives them an advantage if they learn all the topics at such a young age because
they will have now a broad idea about science. If they are able to master all that topics they are likely to
develop their scientific skills at such young age.

Science education aims to develop scientific literacy among learners that will prepare them to be
informed and participative citizens who are able to make judgments and decisions regarding applications of
scientific knowledge that may have social, health, or environmental impacts.

The K to 12 science curriculum will provide learners with a repertoire of competencies important in
the world of work and in a knowledge-based society. It envisions the development of scientifically,
technologically, and environmentally literate and productive members of society who are critical problem
solvers, responsible stewards of nature, innovative and creative citizens, informed decision makers, and
effective communicators. This curriculum is designed around the three domains of learning science:
understanding and applying scientific knowledge in local setting as well as global context whenever possible,
performing scientific processes and skills, and developing and demonstrating scientific attitudes and values.
The acquisition of these domains is facilitated using the following approaches: multi/interdisciplinary
approach, science-technology-society approach, contextual learning, problem/issue-based learning, and
inquiry-based approach. The approaches are based on sound educational pedagogy namely, constructivism,
social cognition learning model, learning style theory, and brain-based learning.

As a whole, the K to 12 science curriculum is learner-centered and inquiry-based, emphasizing the use
of evidence in constructing explanations. Concepts and skills in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth

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The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
Sciences are presented with increasing levels of complexity from one grade level to another in spiral
progression, thus paving the way to a deeper understanding of core concepts. The integration across science
topics and other disciplines will lead to a meaningful understanding of concepts and its application to real-
life situations.


The learners demonstrate understanding of basic science concepts and application of science-inquiry
skills. They exhibit scientific attitudes and values to solve problems critically, innovate beneficial products,
protect the environment and conserve resources, enhance the integrity and wellness of people, make
informed decisions, and engage in discussions of relevant issues that involve science, technology, and


At the end of Junior High School, the learners should have developed scientific, technological, and
environmental literacy and can make that would lead to rational choices on issues confronting them. Having
been exposed to scientific investigations related to real life, they should recognize that the central feature of
an investigation is that if one variable is changed (while controlling all others), the effect of the change on
another variable can be measured. The context of the investigation can be problems at the local or national
level to allow them to communicate with learners in other parts of the Philippines or even from other
countries using appropriate technology.

The learners should demonstrate an understanding of science concepts and apply science inquiry skills in
addressing real-world problems through scientific investigations.

 Create at least 3 sample learning plans for secondary grades on the topics of Science subjects
o You are free to choose of which grade level you are going to make your LP for
o You are free to choose which grading quarter to choose topic from
o Format of the LP shall be sent to you by your course instructor.

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for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)

 Search for a research article online about Science curriculum. Identify the following:
A. Research Title
B. Author/s
C. Research Problem
D. Research Method
E. Research Conclusion
F. Personal Reaction regarding:
a. Is the problem evident in your locality case? In what degree?
b. Is the method appropriate to solve/learn more about the problem? How can you say so?
c. Is the conclusion useful for you as a soon to be teacher? How can you say so?

*Note: Make sure that the research article you choose was published on 2015 up to present

*This module is strictly for class instruction only. Any act of reproduction and redistribution of this material
for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
Lesson 2: MELC in K to 12 Science Curriculum

Welcome to lesson 2, in this lesson you aregoing to explore the Most Essential Learning
Competencies in the Science Curriculum. Only then you will be able to explain the bases of identifying the
MELCs. This lesson encourages you to study the reason for developing the MELCs and the significance they
have on the learning continuity endeavors of basic education amidst quarantine protocols. Another exciting
journey ahead, learn at your own pace and Godspeed.

*This module is strictly for class instruction only. Any act of reproduction and redistribution of this material
for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)

A. Procure a copy and read the Most Essential Learning Competencies in Science Curriculum. With it
complete the table below:
1st Quarter MELCs 2ndQuarter MELCs 3rdQuarter MELCs 4thQuarter MELCs
GRADE  Describe the  Identify parts of  Describe the  Demonstrate how
7 components the microscope motion of an places
of a scientific and their object in terms on Earth may be
investigation functions of distance located
or displacement, using a coordinate
 Recognize that  Focus specimens speed or system
substances using the velocity, and
are classified compound acceleration  Cite and explain
into elements microscope ways of
and compounds  Create and using Earth’s
 Describe the interpret visual resources
 Distinguish different representation sustainably
mixtures from levels of biological of the
substances organization from motion of  Discuss how
based on a set cell to objects such as energy from
of properties biosphere tape charts and the Sun interacts
motion with the
 Investigate  Differentiate plant graphs ayers of the
properties of and atmosphere
unsaturated or animal cells  Infer that waves
saturated according to carry energy  Account for the
solutions presence or occurrence of land
absence of  Describe the and
certain organelles characteristics of sea breezes,
sound monsoons,
 Explain why the using the and intertropical
cell is concepts of convergence zone
considered the wavelength, (ITCZ)
basic velocity, and
structural and amplitude
unit of all
GRADE  Investigate the  Using models or  Explain the  Explain ingestion,
8 relationship illustrations, properties of absorption,
between the explain how solids, liquids, assimilation,
movements along and gases and excretion.
amount of force
faults based on the
applied generate particle  Compare mitosis
and the mass of earthquakes. nature of and
the object matter. meiosis, and their
to the amount of  Explain how role in
change earthquake  Explain physical the cell
in the object’s waves provide changes in -division cycle.

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for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
motion. information terms of the
about the interior arrangement  Explain the
 Infer that when of the and motion of significance of
Earth. atoms and meiosis in
a body
molecules. maintaining the
exerts a force on  Explain how chromosome
another, typhoon  Determine the number.
an equal amount develops and how number of
of force it is protons,
is exerted back affected by neutrons, and
on it. landmasses electrons in a
and bodies of particular
water. atom.
 Identify and
explain the
factors that
affect potential
and kinetic

GRADE  Explain the  Explain how the  Describe certain  Describe the
9 significance of structure climatic horizontal and
meiosis in of the carbon phenomena that vertical motions of
maintaining the atom affects occur on a
chromosome the type of bonds a global level. projectile.
number. it forms.
 Show which  Perform activities
 Infer how one’s  Recognize the constellations to
lifestyle general may be observed demonstrate
can affect the classes and uses at conservation
functioning of organic different times of mechanical
of respiratory compounds. of the year energy.
and using models.
circulatory  Determine the  Construct a model
systems. percentage  Explain how to
composition of a different demonstrate that
 Differentiate compound given factors affect the heat can
basic its climate do work.
features and chemical formula of an area.
importance and vice
of versa.

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for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)

GRADE  Explain the  Compare the  Explain the role  Apply the
10 different relative of principles of
processes that wavelengths of hormones conservation of
occur along different involved in the mass to
the plate forms of female and male chemical reactions.
boundaries. electromagnetic reproductive
waves. systems.  Recognize the
 Enumerate the major
lines of  Explain the effects  Explain how categories of
evidence that of EM protein is biomolecules
support plate radiation on living made using such as
movement. things information carbohydrates,
and the from DNA. lipids, proteins,
 Describe the environment. and
different  Explain how nucleic acids.
types of plate  Identify ways in mutations
boundaries. which the may cause
properties of changes in the
mirrors and structure and
lenses determine function of a
their use protein.
in optical
instruments (e.g.,
cameras and

B. Talk to at least 3 Secondary Science Teacher online or in person (while following the standard health
protocols) and ask about the following questions:
a. What are MELCs?
b. Why are MELCs developed?
c. How to identify the MELCs in Science subject?
d. As secondary science teacher, how do you use these MELCs?

Write what you’ve learned from your conversations inside the box.


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for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)

1. As soon to be Science teacher, what can you says about the MELCs of Science subject?

The MELCs of Science subject is more on explaining, describing and applying things. It focuses in teaching
where the students can be able to assess all the skills and method of science to enhance and to have

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for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
sufficient knowledge. It provides a great impact to the students because they can be able to use it in a
different situation in related to science. As soon to be a science teacher, all I can about the MELCs about
science, it is a very effective technique to teach the students for the improvement of their skills and
knowledge. Thus, the MELCs science subject is a way of teaching in where all students can improve and
nurture their knowledge about science.

2. Which phase/s of the teaching-learning process should the MELCs manifest? How?

The phases that should manifest by the MELCs are the pre-active phase and interactive phase. All phases
should be applied before and during teaching to have a better result to all students. These phases must use
in the teaching and learning process to help develop the MELCs to be more effective.

3. How can these MELCs help in the continuity of learning progress of students?

The MELCS helps the continuity of the learning progress by providing adequate learning materials in
teaching. The help of MELCs will help the learning progress of every student to improve and have sufficient
knowledge. Thus, MELCs will provide better results in teaching and will continue to support the students in
their learning.

4. How do you think the MELCs are assessed at the end of the teaching-learning process?

I think that to assess the MELCs in the teaching-learning process, it needs to have an evaluation through
giving tests or performance tests to all the students to verify their learning outcomes. I think that it is more
useful if they will have a practical experience of what the students learned at the end of class. In that way, it
will determine now how the MELCs work in teaching.

As soon to be science teacher, how will you ensure the effective application of MELCs in your lessons?

As a teacher, I need to focus on using effective ways in teaching using the MELCs. I will use MELCs to develop
the knowledge and skills of my students. I will provide enough materials in teaching and give them a hands-
on experience so that all the students will become globally competitive and innovative in a science subject.

Essential learning competencies were defined as what the students need, considered
indispensable, in the teaching-learning process to building skills to equip learners for subsequent
grade levels and consequently, for lifelong learning. On the other hand, desirable learning
competencies were defined as what may enhance education but may not be necessary in building
foundational skills.

Characteristics of an Essential Learning Competency

1. It is aligned with national, state, and/or local standards/frameworks (eg: 'scientifically literate
2. It connects the content to higher concepts across content areas

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The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
3. It is applicable to real-life situations.
4. If students left school after this grade, it would be important for them to have this
competence above many others.
5. It wouldn't be expected that most students would learn this through their
parents/communities if not taught at school
These characteristics are based on a US-developed competency validation rubric, which is intended
to assure that learning competencies can reach the highest level of quality and comparability across
schools (New Hampshire Department of Education, 2012); adaptations were made for relevance in
the Philippine context.

As the Department anticipates the challenges in employing various schemes in the delivery
of the learning standards due to COVID19, the number of the identified essential learning
competencies per quarter were further reduced, thus, the term most essential learning
competencies (MELCs).

In determining the criteria for the selection of the most essential learning competencies, the
Department in consultation with stakeholders, during which the descriptor – ENDURANCE – was
considered the primary determining factor. A learning competency is considered enduring if it
remains with learners long after a test or unit of study is completed or if it is useful beyond a single
test or unit of study. Examples of such learning competencies include research skills, reading
comprehension, writing, map reading, and hypothesis testing, which are essential in many
professions and in everyday life (Reeves, 2002; Many &Horrell, 2014). The Department then
identified the MELCs through the application of these understandings.

Necessary in the above process is the decision whether a learning competency is to be

retained, merged, dropped, or rephrased. As a general rule, a learning competency is retained if it
satisfies the endurance criterion which greatly contributes to life-long learning and is a pre-
requisite skill to the next grade level. On the other hand, two or more learning competencies are
merged or clustered if they have the same objective or learning intention; and thus, can be
combined into one comprehensive learning competency. In addition, a significant number of
learning competencies is removed/dropped due to the following reasons:
- they are too specific (and the articulation is similar to that of a learning objective)
- they are deemed appropriate to be introduced in an earlier quarter or grade level or moved
to alater quarter or grade level
- they are recurring
- they are subsumed in another learning competency.
Field implementers and private schools are encouraged to contextualize the most essential learning
competencies in order to accommodate the varying contexts of learners, teachers, learning environment
and support structures considering both the content and performance standards. It is advantageous for
students to learn the concepts and skills in the MELCs through meaningful activities and scenarios relatable
to them and within the context of the students’ own environment. The MELCs are implementable as long as
the designed activities also teach the procedures and processes on how and when to apply those knowledge
and skills in a given context. With these, Filipino learners are guaranteed relevant and quality basic
education despite the current health crisis.

How to Use the MELCS

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The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
The Science curriculum guide lists the learning competencies (LCs) together with the code, which
was set to guide the teachers the time at which a certain competency is to be delivered. However, since the
learning competencies have been reduced to the most essential, the code will not be of much use. For this
reason, the proposed length of time for each of the competency is also included. It should be noted that the
time allocation for the competencies is not a hard and fast rule. Teachers may deviate from the time
allocation as long as the LCs are delivered and developed among the learners. The identified MELCS are
broad statements and should be therefore unpacked into learning objectives. In translating the LC into a
specific learning objective, it is best to look into the content and performance standards.

 Create at least 3 sample learning material for asynchronous classesin secondary grades on the topics
of Science subjects
o You are free to choose of which grade level you are going to make your IM for
o You are free to choose which grading quarter to choose topic from
o Your IM must supplement the student’s achievement of a selected MELC in Science.

 Search for a research article online about MELCs in Science curriculum. Identify the following:
A. Research Title
B. Author/s
C. Research Problem
D. Research Method
E. Research Conclusion
F. Personal Reaction regarding:
a. Is the problem evident in your locality case? In what degree?
b. Is the method appropriate to solve/learn more about the problem? How can you say so?

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for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.
The Teaching of Science (Teaching in the Specialized Field)
c. Is the conclusion useful for you as a soon to be teacher? How can you say so?

*Note: Make sure that the research article you choose was published on 2015 up to present

*This module is strictly for class instruction only. Any act of reproduction and redistribution of this material
for the purpose other than the faculty expects is prohibited.

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