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EAPP Mastery 1 For Upload

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NAME: ___________________________ DATE: ____________________

SECTION: _________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the sentence below and identify if it’s academic text or not. Write AT if
it is academic text and NAT if it is not academic text.

______1. Just as the sun rises and peeps from the east, and as the roosters of the
neighborhood crow, the man gathered his be longings and left his house.

______2. When synthesizing information, a new understanding about a topic is developed

by using information from more than one source.

______3. Depression is one of society’s prevailing issues that requires attention. One’s
mental health is as important as one’s physical health.

______4. I want to obtain answers to the questions that are swarming in my mind. But, it
seems everything in life is just a cycle of questions with no answers in sight.

______5. He saw the pure crystal water turned crimson red as the monster devoured the
victim. He cried for help but it was too late.

______6. Statistics show that the higher percentage of the population prefer dogs over cats.

______7. Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was warm enough to feel comfortable in shorts.
A nice breeze made the air feel fresh. The flowers vibrated with color. It felt good to be alive.

______8. Antibiotics are prescribed to fight infections. Sore throats, earaches, and other
symptoms may be caused by the growth of bacteria in your body. As the antibiotics fight to
destroy the bacteria, the bacteria struggle to become stronger.

______9. It uses third person-point-of-view.

______10. The text used were subjective.


Directions: Read the paragraph and give what is asked. Write your answer in CAPITAL
letter before the number. NO ERASURE.

Marie Curie is not only the woman who won the Nobel Prize, she is also the only person
to win the Nobel Prize in two different sciences. Most notably, however, Marie Curie
discovered radiation. She was also the first person to use radiation to treat tumors. Curie
experimented extensively with radioactivity during her scientific career. Unfortunately the
damaging effects of radiation were not known then. Her exposure to radiation most likely
1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a. The discovery of radioactive.
b. Marie Curie’s cookbook is radioactive.
c. Marie curing did amazing work with radiation that caused her health
problems later.
d. Marie Curie is the only woman who won a Nobel Prize.
2 What is the appropriate title of the paragraph?

a. Radioactive Woman: Marie Curie Scientist Extraordinaire

b. Radiation
c. Marie Curie’s cause of death
d. All of the above
3.Who discovers radiation?

a. Marie Currie b. Marie Curie c. Mary Curry d. Marie Curry

4. What is the possible cause of her blindness and early death?

a. exposure to radiation

b. discovery of radiation

c. her scientific papers is too dangerous to handle

d. none of the above

5. Where did they store her documents?

a. in a lead boxes. b. in a lined boxes

c. in a blue boxes d. in a lead-lined boxes

Sir Isaac Newton was contemplating the universe in his garden one day in 1665 when
he noticed an apple fall from a tree. Newton wondered to himself, “Why should the
apple always fall to the ground? Why does it not go sideways or upwards but directly
towards the Earth’s center?” After much contemplation Newton concluded that objects
are pulled to the Earth through a force he called gravity, which means heaviness in
Latin. On July 5th, 1687 Newton formally expressed his law of universal gravitation in
series of books called The Principia.
6. What is the main idea of the paragraph above?

a. A falling apple inspired Newton to think about gravity.

b. The discovery of gravitational force.
c. Newton expressed his law of gravitation.
d. Newton is contemplating the universe in his garden.
7. What does the word gravitation mean?

a. gravity b. motion c. heaviness d. weightless

8. What is the title of his book series?

A. The Principal b. The Prince c. The Principia d. The Principian

9. When did Newton formally expressed his law of universal gravitation?

a. 1665 b. 1678 c. 1686 d. 1687

10. What is the appropriate title of the paragraph?

a. Look out! B. Look out Below! c. Stop, Look and Listen! d. Gravition


Directions: Match the informal language vocabulary with the more appropriate
formal options.

1. Look at ____ A. confirm, determine, verify

2. Show _____ B. demonstrate, indicate, illustrate
3. Begin ____ C. consider, monitor, analyze
4. Make sure ____ D. commence, initiate, undertake
5. Go over ____ E. revise, review


DIRECTIONS: Read each sentences carefully and identify it is true or false. Write
TR if it’s true and FL if it’s false. Write your answer on the space before the number.
_____1. An academic text should clearly state its thesis, argument or proposition.

_____2. It is acceptable to include one’s judgment but should be supported by evidence.

_____3. Both academic and non-academic texts can be used to inform.

_____4. Both academic and non-academic texts employ the use of informal language.

_____5. Academic texts can use first person point-of-view and include one’s emotional
attachment to the topic.

_____6. The language used in academic texts should be conversational.

_____7. Language used in academic texts employ technical terms specific for each field
and/or discipline.
_____8. Academic language should be objective, precise, impersonal and formal.

_____9. Slangs and colloquialisms are used in academic texts.

_____10. Students who master academic language are more likely to be successful in
academic and professional settings.

_____11. Jargons are the specific terms used in a particular course or field.

_____12. The words such as “haven’t”, “you’re” and “could’ve” are examples of acronyms.

_____13. The colloquial words are the denotative words found in the dictionary.

_____14. Hedges are used to express absolute certainty of a stance.

_____15. Grammar is one of the elements that need to be properly observed in an academic

Directions: Analyze the sentences carefully. For the first 5, replace the italicized
two word verb in each sentence with a single-word verb from the choices. Next,
complete the sentences. Choose your answers in the box below. Write your answers
before the number. CAPITAL letters all.

produces conducted raised eliminate

tolerate refuses produces creates
established increased abbreviation claims
evidences logical ideas formal
standard statistics illustrations value

__________________ 1. Mothers cut down spending on grocery items.

__________________ 2. Scientists come up with a good solution to the problem.

__________________ 3. Teachers brought up some issues on cheating during


__________________ 4. Private schools nowadays get rid of tuition fee hike.

__________________ 5. The team leader turns down the first project proposal
because of its inconvenience for the members

___________________1. Academic writing is formal where words __________

should be avoided such as doesn’t, couldn’t, and others.

___________________2. In Academic writing, information such as facts,

figures, graphs and _________________ are given precisely.
___________________3. Academic writing uses vocabulary and ________ that
conform to the correct value or standard.

___________________4. All evidences and justifications are provided to support

the ________.

___________________5. Academic writing is organized where the _______ are

presented on a logical manner.

DIRECTIONS: Analyze the sentences below and identify the word that is described.
______________1. It is a reading material that provides information which include
concepts and theories that are related to the specific discipline.

______________2. It refers to the oral, written, auditory, and visual language proficiency
required to learn effectively in schools and academic programs.

______________3. It is the simple, informal language we use when talking face to face
with family members and friends.

______________4. A characteristic of academic language that avoids colloquial and

idiomatic expressions, slang, and contractions.

______________5. A characteristic of academic language that is unbiased, based on facts

and is not influenced by personal feelings.

______________6. A characteristic of academic language that does not refer to yourself

as the performer of actions.

______________7. A characteristic of academic language in which the facts are presented

accurately, the choice of words are appropriate, and the use of technical terms is applied.

______________8. The purpose of this type of text is to inform and to entertain without
solid or factual evidence.

______________9. This type of structure features a detailed description of something to

give the reader a mental picture.

______________10. This structure convinces readers to agree to an argument or claim

about a particular topic

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