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Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360

DOI 10.1007/s11065-012-9220-3


Assessing Executive Function in Preschoolers

Peter J. Anderson & Natalie Reidy

Received: 2 August 2012 / Accepted: 19 October 2012 / Published online: 30 October 2012
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012

Abstract Executive function develops at an unprecedented 1989; Diamond and Goldman-Rakic 1989). An appreciation
rate during the preschool period, yet few clinicians attempt of the goal directed behaviors of infants and toddlers in the
to assess executive processes in young children. The prima- 1980s initiated a substantial body of research examining the
ry objective of this article is to demonstrate that executive development of executive function in early childhood, pre-
function can be assessed in preschoolers, and to highlight dominantly from developmental psychology and develop-
the importance of detecting executive dysfunction as early mental neuroscience fields. Certainly our understanding of
as possible. Following a description of executive function executive function development in preschoolers is now far
and the underlying neural systems, this article outlines some more advanced than it was a few decades ago.
of the challenges in assessing executive function in young Despite these advances in knowledge, pediatric neuro-
children. The various assessment paradigms used for assess- psychologists continue to avoid detailed assessments of
ing executive function in preschoolers are presented, and executive function until clients reach school-age. Even in
based on studies that have applied these measurement tools research of brain injured clinical populations, executive
normal development of executive domains is described. function is rarely a focus before children are deemed school
Finally, the benefits and opportunities for executive function ready. This is at least partly due to the lack of validated
intervention in the preschool period are considered. standardized assessment batteries, but also related to a per-
ception that preschoolers don’t have the attention, inhibitory
Keywords Executive function . Development . control and communication capacities to adequately assess
Assessment . Preschool . Children higher-order processes that are collectively referred to as
executive function. The primary objective of this review is
to demonstrate that executive function can be assessed in
It was only 30 years ago that it was assumed that cognitive preschoolers (3 to 6 years of age), and that it is important to
processes underpinning executive function emerged in early identify executive dysfunction as early as possible in order
adolescence, at which point the frontal lobes reached an to intervene and minimize the associated academic, emo-
adequate level of maturity to facilitate these higher-order tional, behavioral and social consequences. It is irresponsi-
cognitive abilities (Golden 1981). It is now well established ble to wait for problems to become pervasive if it is possible
that executive function emerges much earlier than this, and to detect and intervene at an early age.
that primitive signs of inhibition and working memory can
be observed in infancy (Diamond 1985; Diamond and Doar
Executive Function

P. J. Anderson (*) : N. Reidy Executive function is a construct composed of multiple

Victorian Infant Brain Studies (VIBeS),
inter-related high-level cognitive skills responsible for for-
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute,
Royal Children’s Hospital, Flemington Road, mulating goals, planning how to achieve them, and carrying
Parkville( 3052 Victoria, Australia out these plans effectively (Lezak 1982; Welsh and
e-mail: Pennington 1988). The key elements of executive function
include a) anticipation and deployment of attention, b) im-
P. J. Anderson
Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, pulse control and self-regulation, c) initiation of activity, d)
Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia working memory, e) mental flexibility and utilization of
346 Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360

feedback, f) planning ability and organization, g) selection executive function factor analytic studies have revealed a
of efficient problem-solving strategies, and h) monitoring of single latent variable (Hughes et al. 2009; Wiebe et al.
performance (Anderson 2002, 2008). These executive pro- 2008), although this is at least partly related to the measures
cesses develop throughout childhood and for preschoolers and variables included in the analysis and does not necessarily
the focus has been on self-regulation, impulse control, challenge the view that executive function includes distinct
working memory and mental flexibility, however there is components (Hughes et al. 2009).
evidence that young children also exhibit planning, organi- In the developmental literature the executive function
zation and decision making skills (Welsh et al. 1991). While framework proposed by Miyake et al. (2000) has been very
critical for academic performance (Bull et al. 2004; Clark et influential. In their factor analytic study of commonly
al. 2010; Espy et al. 2004; Willoughby et al. 2011), execu- employed executive function measures administered to
tive processes are also intimately linked to emotional, be- young adults, Miyake et al. identified three core factors—
havioral and social functioning (Blair 2002; Espy et al. inhibition, working memory and shifting. This model is
2011; Kochanska et al. 2000; Schoemaker et al. 2012). In appealing for developmental psychologists as these compo-
fact, it has been proposed that the construct can be dicho- nents of executive function are assessable from a young age.
tomised into “cool” processes that are cognitive and tapped Furthermore, studies with children broadly support the view
during abstract, decontextualized situations or “hot” pro- that executive function comprises similar components
cesses that represent affective responses to situations that (Lehto et al. 2003; Huizinga et al. 2006). While it could be
are meaningful and involve regulation of affect and motiva- argued that inhibition, working memory and shifting are
tion (Zelazo et al. 2004). “core” executive processes, this framework excludes func-
Numerous cognitive processes are labeled as “executive”, tions commonly considered “executive” such as conceptual
but some of these processes overlap and are highly inter- reasoning, planning ability, and organizational skills.
dependent. Thus, theoretical models of this complex multi- Therefore, for the purposes of this review, the Executive
dimensional construct are required to provide a framework for Control System (Anderson 2002, 2008) will be employed,
the selection of assessment tools, interpreting test performance which is a conceptual framework based principally from the
and everyday behavior, and understanding executive function developmental neuropsychology literature and largely influ-
development (Anderson 2002; Garon et al. 2008). Various enced by factor analytic and developmental studies (Brocki
conceptual models of executive function have been proposed, and Bohlin 2004; Kelly 2000; Lehto et al. 2003; Levin et al.
although none has been universally adopted. Early conceptu- 1991; Miyake et al. 2000; O’Donnell et al. 1994; Welsh et
alizations of executive function were unitary models such as al. 1991). The Executive Control System conceptualizes
the “central executive”(Baddeley 1986) or “supervisory acti- executive function as an overall control system that com-
vating system”(Norman and Shallice 1986), however it has prises four distinct domains, attentional control, cognitive
been demonstrated that a modular unit is too simplistic and flexibility, goal setting, and information processing (see
that this construct is composed of distinct but inter-related Fig. 1). Processes within domains are considered to be
components (Baddeley 1998; Parkin 1998). Evidence for the highly integrated. Each receives and processes stimuli from
fractionation of executive function includes findings that various sources including subcortical, motor, and posterior
patients rarely exhibit global executive dysfunction (Bigler brain regions, thus are dependent on similar prefrontal net-
1988; Grattan and Eslinger 1991; Pennington and Ozonoff works, and they exhibit comparable developmental trajecto-
1996); specific executive processes can be localised within the ries (Anderson 2002). To operate in a functional manner
prefrontal cortex (Courtney et al. 1998; Rezai et al. 1993; these domains interact and have bidirectional relationships,
Stuss et al. 2002); measures of executive processes correlate and together function as an overall control system. The
poorly (Cripe 1996; Della Sala et al. 1998); factor analytic mechanisms operating the executive control system are
studies identify multiple factors (Lehto et al. 2003; Miyake et task-dependent, that is, the nature of the task determines
al. 2000); and the developmental trajectories of specific exec- the level of input from each.
utive processes vary (Anderson 2002; Welsh et al. 1991). As a Attentional control refers to the capacity to selectively
consequence, concepts such as the “central executive” and attend to specific stimuli, remain attentive for a prolonged
“supervisory system” have been modified including an at- period, regulate and monitor actions and behavior, and
tempt to fractionate subcomponents of the various control control impulses. The cognitive flexibility domain includes
systems (Baddeley 1996; Shallice and Burgess 1996). the ability to transition to new activities, cope with changes
However, while executive function may comprise several in routine, switch between response sets, learn from mis-
distinct processes, they are inter-related and could still be takes and devise alternative strategies, multi-task, and pro-
conceptualized, and referred to, as an integrated supervisory cess temporarily stored information (working memory).
or control system (Alexander and Stuss 2000; Stuss and Goal setting refers to initiative, conceptual reasoning, plan-
Alexander 2000). It should be noted that certain preschool ning ability (anticipation of future events, formulation of a
Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360 347

Fig. 1 The executive control

system (Anderson 2002, 2008)

divided attention initiative

working memory conceptual reasoning
conceptual transfer planning
feedback utilisation strategic organisation


selective attention efficiency

self regulation fluency
self monitoring speed of processing

goal or endpoint, and development of steps or actions re- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Barkley 1997), autism
quired to achieve the goal), and organization (ability to (Ozonoff et al. 1991), traumatic brain injury (Anderson et
arrange complex information or a sequence of steps in a al. 2012), prematurity (Anderson et al. 2004), and phenyl-
logical, systematic, and strategic manner). The information ketonuria (Welsh et al. 1990).
processing domain focuses on the speed, fluency and effi-
ciency to complete novel, problem-solving tasks. It is in-
cluded as a separate domain due to findings from factor Executive Function Neural Systems
analytic studies that reveal a separate factor for fluency/
response speed variables from executive function tasks Historically the anterior regions of the brain, specifically the
(Kelly 2000; Welsh et al. 1991). This framework will be prefrontal cortex, have been considered to subsume execu-
utilized when categorizing the different executive function tive processes. This premise was largely based on observa-
measures that are available and when describing executive tions of patients following damage to the prefrontal cortex
function development. (Benton, 1968; Grattan and Eslinger 1991; Stuss, 1992), but
Impaired executive functioning, or executive dysfunc- also early functional neuroimaging studies that reported
tion, can be characterized by a variety of presentations, significant activation of the prefrontal cortex during perfor-
however it is important to recognize that some of the behav- mance on established executive function measures (Baker et
iors considered concerning in an older child maybe devel- al., 1996; Morris et al., 1993; Rezai et al. 1993). However,
opmentally appropriate for an infant or preschooler prefrontal cortex functioning is dependent on extensive
(Anderson 2002). Thus, everyday behaviors and perfor- efferent and afferent connections with most brain regions
mance on clinical tests for preschoolers need to be inter- (Heyder et al. 2004), and consequently damage at any
preted in the context of the child’s age and developmental level of these prefrontal networks could potentially result
expectations in order to avoid mislabeling a normally de- in impairments commonly associated with executive dys-
veloping child as impaired or delayed (Baron 2004). function (Alexander and Stuss 2000). Thus, it may be
Executive dysfunction in young children may include an argued that the integrity of the prefrontal cortex is a
inability to focus and maintain attention, extreme impulsiv- necessary but not a sufficient condition for intact execu-
ity, incapacity to inhibit established behaviors, difficulties tive functioning (Della Sala et al. 1998), and that exec-
transitioning to new activities or situations, inability to utive dysfunction may not always reflect prefrontal
switch between conflicting demands, and difficulties moni- pathology and instead reflect compromised neural net-
toring or regulating performance. Executive dysfunction is a works across the brain.
common observation in young children and has been Cognitive development is thought to reflect brain devel-
reported in many developmental and acquired disorders of opment (Casey et al. 2000; Casey et al 2005). Given that
the central nervous system (CNS) including attention cognitive processes are emerging and developing at a rapid
348 Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360

rate in early childhood, it comes as no surprise that this is early childhood still sees rapid growth in this anterior area of
also a period of rapid brain development (Fig. 2). During the brain. In addition to the changes at the microscopic level
early childhood primary cortical areas such as the auditory as mentioned above, further structural development has
and visual cortex, and association areas such as the medial been observed. Gogtay et al., (2004) demonstrated that
prefrontal cortex, have high levels of synaptic density and primary and secondary areas of the frontal lobes mature
undergo a dynamic period of synaptic elimination at differ- earlier than the association area of the prefrontal cortex, as
ing trajectories (Huttenlocher, 1990; Huttenlocher & measured by a reduction in gray matter thickness. Despite
Dabholkar, 1997). Concurrently, total brain volume this cortical thinning, the prefrontal region expands in size
increases and reaches 95 % of its adult size by age 6 years with age, more so than areas surrounding the central sulcus
(Lenroot & Giedd, 2006); however, brain volume trajecto- or the posterior medial surface (Sowell et al., 2004). These
ries differ according to region and tissue type. Giedd et al., concomitant changes have been explained as partly reflect-
(1999) conducted serial MRI scanning, and demonstrated ing an increase in myelination of the lower cortical layers
that from age 4, white matter volume increases steadily, but with age, causing both regional brain expansion and appar-
gray matter volumes in the frontal and parietal regions ent cortical thinning (Sowell et al. 2004). Individual tracts
increase and peak during mid-childhood before reduc- that are present in the frontal white matter are identifiable
ing. During infancy and early childhood, total white early in the post-natal period and continue to develop
matter is increasing in volume at a greater rate than throughout the preschool years (Hermoye et al., 2006).
total gray matter (Matsuzawa et al., 2001). Taki et al., Comparatively few functional imaging studies have been
(2012) examined white matter volume change in chil- conducted in preschool children due to the difficulties with
dren from age 5, and demonstrated that increasing white scanning young children and getting them to attend to tasks
matter volume with age is linear in many regions across during imaging sessions. Even so, areas of the prefrontal
the brain. The increase in white matter volume may be cortex have been shown to be active during tasks of exec-
related to an increase in myelination (Tsujimoto, 2008). utive function in this population. For example, Tsujimoto et
Myelination of the major cerebral tracts begins in the al., (2004) examined activation in the lateral prefrontal
post-natal period, with greatest development in the first cortex during a working memory task in children aged 5
2 years of life, continuing throughout childhood and and 6 years, and found that the patterns of activation were
adolescence (Gao et al., 2009; Paus et al., 2001). The similar to those in adult participants. Using EEG, Wolfe and
maturation of white matter, including myelination and Bell (2004) demonstrated the medial prefrontal cortex is
the increasing complexity of neural circuits, are thought active while children aged 4.5 years perform working mem-
to support the development of cognitive functions in ory and inhibitory control tasks. In examining the matura-
addition to changes to the gray matter (Johnson, 2001; tion of prefrontal cortex function, Moriguchi and Hiraki
Tau & Peterson, 2010). (2011) demonstrated using near infra-red spectroscopy that
A widely held view in brain development is that the from age 3 to age 4, children improve their performance on
frontal lobes develop much later in childhood and adoles- a conceptual switching task, and show a concomitant in-
cence than other brain regions, and although this region crease in activation in the inferior prefrontal region.
undergoes a period of protracted development, infancy and Different executive processes are supported by widespread

Fig. 2 Development course of

human brain development
(Casey et al. 2005)
Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360 349

neural circuits that mature and change with age (see Tau & mask personal and situational factors that could explain
Peterson, 2010 for a review). While it is not clear in pre- impaired performance, especially for young children
school children, activation in areas of the prefrontal cortex who are more distractible, have shorter attention spans,
during cognitively demanding tasks has been shown to require greater novelty and have less awareness of the
occur in school aged children and reduce into adolescence requirements of the testing situation (“test sense”). A
and adulthood as the functional networks become more more comprehensive interpretative approach incorporat-
efficient (Brauer & Friederici, 2007; Durston et al., 2006). ing quantitative (e.g., success/failure, latency, number of
At the same time, functional neuroimaging studies demon- errors, etc.), qualitative (e.g., motivation, energy, atten-
strate that the maturation of neural networks involves a tion, distractions, etc.) and cognitive-process (e.g., pro-
move from interconnected local regions, to the connectivity cess, strategies, actions, etc.) methodologies is likely to
of distributed regions that work together to subserve the provide a more meaningful picture of the child’s perfor-
same function, and this may mirror maturation of cognitive mance and improve the diagnostic utility of these meas-
skills (Fair et al., 2009). ures (Anderson 2002; Baron 2004).
Executive dysfunction can present in many forms, and
impairment in one domain does not necessarily imply
Assessment Challenges impairment in other executive domains. While it is well
known that interest and motivation levels affect perfor-
Even for adults what constituents a measure of executive mance on cognitive tasks, fluctuations in motivation and
function is not entirely clear, and this is less clear in young interest levels is greater in young children and can be
children given the substantial inter-individual variability ob- observed both across and within testing sessions.
served in infants and preschoolers. Traditionally, executive Accordingly, a comprehensive assessment of executive
function measures have been considered assessment tasks that function requires the administration of multiple measures,
are novel, complex, and involved the integration of informa- that collectively assess all executive domains and prefer-
tion (Walsh 1978) as these require the individual to focus, ably across different modalities. It is worth noting that
formulate a plan and strategy, and self-regulate. Tasks that are established measures do not necessarily assess what they
simple and routinized are performed more instinctively and as are claimed to assess (Baron 2004), and purported meas-
such are thought to require minimal attentional resources and ures of executive function are unlikely to be sensitive to
planning (Shallice 1990). However, it has been noted that impairments in all domains of executive function. Some
defining an activity as routine, overlearned, complex, or novel measures are more tailored towards evaluating inhibitory
is not always straightforward, as what may be complex or control, others towards working memory and cognitive
novel for one person may be rather simple or routine for flexibility, while complex problem solving tasks generally
another (Alexander and Stuss 2000; Gioia et al. 2001; Stuss tap planning and organizational ability, and strategic
and Alexander 2000), especially in the case of the young decision-making.
child. Moreover, as models of executive function have in- The ecological validity of many traditional executive
creasingly focused on self-regulatory processes, it has been function measures has been questioned due to the novel
argued that all cognitive tests involve executive functioning to nature of the tasks and reported discrepancies between per-
some extent (Alexander and Stuss 2000; Della Sala et al. formance on traditional executive function measures and
1998). real life behavior (Eslinger and Damasio 1985; Hughes
Most executive function measures are multi-dimensional 2011; Levine et al. 1998; Lezak et al. 2012). This discrep-
and as such tap multiple cognitive processes, executive and ancy may also reflect the assessment environment, which is
non-executive (Anderson 2002; Espy et al. 2008). Thus, generally a quiet, one-on-one, structured setting with mini-
executive function tasks generally suffer from task impurity mal distractions (Anderson 1998; Lezak et al. 2012) and
(Miyake et al. 2000), in that they are considered to evaluate very different to most home, classroom, or social environ-
a specific executive process yet performance is also depen- ments. Furthermore, during assessments examiners general-
dent on other cognitive processes. While this can make the ly provide children with support and encouragement, initiate
test sensitive to cognitive impairment, determining the un- activities, provide structure, and help to keep the child on
derlying reason for sub-optimal performance can be diffi- task (Anderson 1998; Lezak et al. 2012), and it has been
cult, limiting the capacity to differentiate specific cognitive suggested act as the “frontal lobes” of the child (Stuss and
deficits. One approach to overcome this limitation that is Alexander 2000).
sometimes adopted is to gradually increase task demand or Other sources of information should be attained in addi-
complexity; this enhances the capacity to isolate the cogni- tion to direct cognitive assessment, especially given that
tive deficit contributing to poor test performance. Summary assessment tasks do not always predict everyday behaviors.
scores are often used to assess performance but these may As well as behavioral observations during the assessment, in
350 Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360

the waiting area, at school and other settings, information in interpreting test performance, and consider generating
from parents and preschool/child care workers can help local norms and reliability estimates. Encouragingly, a re-
shape the assessment, clarify assessment findings, and assist cent study reported that same-day test-retest reliability for
in determining what remediation and compensatory strate- certain preschool executive function measures was good
gies are most likely to be effective. There are now validated (ICCs≥0.75) and that minimal learning effects were ob-
questionnaires that can assist with acquiring this information served; instead slightly poorer performance was observed
from various sources (Isquith et al. 2004). on second testing which was interpreted to reflect fatigue
Young children get tired quickly, struggle to sustain (Beck et al. 2011). Other papers reveal reasonable reliability
attention during cognitive assessments, often fail to comply for most experimental tests with estimates consistent with
with non-appealing tasks, and have immature receptive and those reported with older childhood and adult populations
expressive communication skills. Thus, it is hard work (Willoughby and Blair 2011) and published subtests in the
assessing preschoolers. To improve compliance, a range of NEPSY battery (Espy et al. 2008). Reliability estimates vary
practical approaches can be beneficial such as timing assess- across tasks and it may be that assessing certain exec-
ments at a time when the child is most alert, arrange multiple utive processes may be more stable than others. For
short appointments, alternate activities regularly but fluently example a recent report showed that test-retest reliability
to maintain interest and attention, provide structure so the was good for working memory and planning tasks but
child knows what is expected, and very importantly, provide moderate to poor for response inhibition tasks (Muller
age-appropriate and gender-specific reinforcement. et al. 2012). It is not yet known whether preschool
Most executive function measures used with school-aged executive function measures are predictive of executive
children were designed and validated in adult populations. It functioning in later childhood.
is clearly an advantage to have a suite of measures that can
be employed across a wide age range, however the practice
of administering adult-derived tests or scaled-down versions Measures
in children should be done with caution as 1) these tests may
be of little interest or relevance to children, 2) the novelty There are some general cognitive assessment batteries that are
factor and level of complexity of such tests are likely to be suitable for assessing IQ or general cognitive ability in pre-
greater in children, 3) there is a strong possibility that these schoolers such as the Wechsler Preschool and Primary
tests tap different skills (and neural networks) in children or Intelligence Scale (WPPSI-III; (Wechsler 2002)), Stanford-
at least require greater cognitive resources, and 4) they often Binet Intelligence Scales (SB5; (Roid 2003)), Differential
lack adequate normative data necessary to differentiate nor- Ability Scales (DAS-II; (Elliott 2007)), and the Kaufman
mal and abnormal performance within a developmental Assessment Battery for Children (KABC-II; (Kaufman and
context (Anderson 1998; Baron 2004; Fletcher and Taylor Kaufman 2004)). While these general cognitive batteries were
1984). Recent attempts to design measures for preschoolers not designed to specifically assess executive functioning, all
appreciate the need for age appropriate or child friendly include subtests that tap executive processes. The NEPSY
measures, and have specifically designed tests that are ap- (now updated to NEPSY-II; (Korkman et al. 2007)) is a
pealing to young children (Hughes 2011). Child friendly neuropsychological battery designed to provide a comprehen-
tasks will reduce the high refusal rate experienced when sive assessment of major cognitive domains from 3 to
assessing preschoolers (Beck et al. 2011). A major chal- 16 years, including attention and executive functioning.
lenge, however, is the attainment of good norms as deter- While the NEPSY is an important and popular tool for pedi-
mining age appropriate behavior is very difficult when atric neuropsychologists, it has few subtests that assess exec-
children are young and developing at a rapid rate (Baron utive functioning in the lower ranges of the preschool period
2004). Thus, measures with good age norms are important (Espy and Cwik 2004). There is currently no commercially
for accurate clinical interpretations. available, norm-referenced test battery that enables a compre-
Specific neuropsychological measures for this age group hensive assessment of executive function in preschoolers.
are not easily accessed, and research and preparation is Following is a review of some measures that are reported in
required to organize a battery of tests that cover the spec- the literature (see Table 1). The intention of the following
trum of cognitive abilities and have adequate normative section is to demonstrate that a range of measures are available
data. Most executive function tests designed for pre- rather than review all the executive function measures that
schoolers maybe considered “experimental”, in that they have been developed for preschoolers. This section will focus
are not commercially available, have limited information on measures for the attentional control, cognitive flexibility
on their reliability and validity, and norms may be limited and goal setting domains, as the assessment of information
or based on small convenience samples or a local geograph- processing is generally based on latency, efficiency and flu-
ic region. For these reasons practitioners need to be cautious ency parameters measured during these tasks. Further, there
Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360 351

Table 1 Selection of executive

function measures developed for Executive domain Type of measure Test name
Attentional Delay of Gratification Snack Delay; Gift Delay
control Impulse Control Statue
Go/No-Go Bear/Dragon; Simon Says
Response Inhibition (motor) Hand Tapping; Hand Game; Knock & Tap
Response Inhibition (verbal) Day-Night; Grass-Snow; Silly Sounds Stroop
Cognitive Working Memory (updating) Delayed Alternation
Flexibility Working Memory (self-ordered Self-ordered Pointing; Pick the Pictures; Six Boxes;
searching) Spin the Pots; Spatial Working Memory (CANTAB)
Working Memory Backward Digit Span; Backward Block Span
Switching Shape School; Trails-P
Shifting Attention Dimensional Change Card Sort
Goal Setting Planning Tower of Hanoi
Conceptual Reasoning Object Classification Task for Children

are well-established approaches for assessing information wrapping is considered a failure. For older children a vari-
processing speed, with research demonstrating significant im- ation on this task can be considered, such as asking the child
provement in reaction/response time during the preschool to look away and not peep while the tester wraps a prize for
period and that response speed varies as a function of com- the child. The child is videotaped or observed through a
plexity (Kiselev et al. 2009). one-way screen for peeping behavior (Carlson 2005;
Kochanska et al. 2000). The NEPSY-II includes a self-
Attentional Control control subtest, called Statue, which does not involve delay
of gratification (Korkman et al. 2007). In this task children
There are generally three approaches to assessing attentional attempt to maintain a body position and remain silent, eyes
control in preschoolers: 1) delay of gratification tasks that closed for 75 s while the examiner attempts to attract the
require the child to resist (for a specific period of time) a child’s attention by making sounds (Klenberg et al. 2001).
tempting response such as eating a treat, playing with an Many different Go/No-Go paradigms have been devel-
attractive tool or opening a present, 2) Go/No-Go paradigms oped for young children. Depending on the nature of the
that require a child to respond to target stimuli but refrain task and the degree of inhibitory control required, Go/No-
from responding to non-targets, and 3) complex response Go tasks can be administered to children as young as 3 years
inhibition tasks in which the child needs to learn a new rule (Willoughby et al. 2010). Factors that may influence com-
that involves responding in a way that conflicts with a plexity, and therefore age appropriateness, include the stim-
dominant behavior. uli used, the speed that stimuli are presented, and the
Delay of gratification or self-control tasks can be admin- response modality (verbal or motor). One paradigm that
istered in young preschool children, with the delay period has been shown to be age appropriate across the preschool
adjusted according to child’s age. Snack Delay (Carlson period is the Bear/Dragon task (Carlson 2005). The child is
2005) involves the child resisting the temptation to eat a instructed to follow the instructions of the “nice” bear pup-
treat placed in front of them during a period in which the pet (i.e. hand movements) but refrain from following the
tester has left the room. Including rewards of different value instructions of the “naughty” dragon puppet. Another Go/
can increase the complexity of the task. For example, two No-Go task is the well-known game Simon Says (Carlson
bowls of treats, one with a small amount and one with a 2005). In this imitation game the tester gives a command
larger amount, can be placed in front the child who is told and performs the action, and the child is requested to follow
that if they wait for the tester to return they are rewarded the commands and imitate the actions of the tester but only
with the large bowl of treats but if they can’t wait they are when the command is prefaced with “Simon says”, other-
rewarded with the small bowl of treats. Temptations other wise the child must remain still. The Simon Says task is
than snacks can be used such as gifts. In Gift Delay (Carlson significantly more difficult for children than the Bear/
2005; Kochanska et al. 2000), a wrapped gift is placed in Dragon task, despite both being Go/No-Go paradigms. In
front of the child who is asked not to open it until the tester Simon Says the No-Go cue is a verbal statement embedded
comes back into the room. The child is observed during this with the command, while the Go and No-Go cues in the
period and opening the present or peeping through the Bear/Dragon task are commands from different puppets and
352 Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360

much easier to differentiate. Simon Says is also more chal- is self-ordered searching tasks, which requires information,
lenging as it involves active imitation, which is difficult for usually visual-spatial, to be maintained and updated in
young children to inhibit. short-term memory. Examples of this approach are the
Complex response inhibition tasks require the child to learn Self-ordered Pointing and Pick the Picture tests
two (i.e. alternate) response sets that conflict with either an (Hongwanishkul et al. 2005; Willoughby et al. 2011). In
established or instinctive behavior. A commonly employed both tests the child is shown a page of pictures and asked to
approach is anti-imitation games, such as the Hand Tapping select one by pointing to it. A new page with the same
task. In this task the child is instructed to tap once when the pictures but in different locations is then presented, and
tester taps twice or tap twice when the examiner taps once the child is instructed to point to a picture not previously
(Diamond and Taylor 1996). Other variations are the Hand selected. The task gradually increases with complexity as a
Game in which the child does the opposite gesture to the tester function of the number of pictures presented, and for young
(fist or pointed finger) (Carlson 2005; Hughes 1998) and the children can start with as few as 2 or 3 pictures. The
Knock and Tap subtest from the NEPSY (Korkman et al. Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery
1998). These anti-imitation tasks are suitable across the pre- (CANTAB) has a computerized version of self-ordered
school age range, although young 3-year-olds may struggle. searching referred to as Spatial Working Memory. Identical
Instead of inhibiting an instinctive motor response, the Day- boxes are presented on the computer screen with the objec-
Night task requires children to inhibit a dominant verbal tive to search the boxes for tokens without returning to a
response. Children are instructed to say “day” when presented previously searched box (Luciana and Nelson 1998).
with the black card with a moon and stars and “night” when Another updating working memory task described for use
presented with the white card with a yellow sun (Gerstadt et al. with preschoolers is the Six Boxes test (Diamond et al.
1994; Montgomery and Koeltzow 2010). A number of tasks 1997). The task involves 6 visually-unique boxes in which
along the same concept of the Day-Night task have been rewards are placed. The child selects a box, and after each
developed such as Silly Sounds Stroop (Willoughby et al. search there is a brief delay during which the boxes are
2010) and Grass/Snow (Carlson 2005) tasks. Again, develop- scrambled. Following the delay the child is required to
mental trajectories across these response inhibition tasks can select a different box; one not previously searched. The task
vary, and it is assumed that the strength of the dominant can also be administered without scrambling the boxes, and
behavior that needs to be resisted differs influencing task for younger or more delayed children can be restricted to
difficulty (Espy et al. 2006; Prevor and Diamond 2005). fewer boxes. A variation on the Six Boxes test is the Spin the
Supporting this premise, young children perform significantly Pots test (Hughes 1998) in which 8 visually-unique pots are
better when the response rule to the Day/Night cards is com- used instead of 6 boxes. Traditional working memory tasks
pletely unrelated to the stimuli such as “dog” and “pig” can also be administered to preschoolers including back-
(Diamond et al. 2002) or when the child is instructed to say ward digit span and backward block span. In these tests the
“night” and “day” to neutral cards (Gerstadt et al. 1994). child is presented with a sequence of numbers or pattern of
tapped blocks and instructed to repeat the sequence/pattern
Cognitive Flexibility in the reverse order (Carlson 2005; Garon et al. 2008).
These tasks are challenging even for older children and
The key processes in the cognitive flexibility domain, espe- preschoolers are rarely able to reverse sequences of 4 or
cially when assessing young children, are working memory greater. Furthermore, a prerequisite is an understanding of
(capacity to update or manipulate information in short-term the “backward” concept, and this should be demonstrated
storage), switching between response sets, and shifting prior to administering reversal recall tasks.
attention. Switching is the ability to fluently switch between mul-
Delayed Alternation is a task used to assess working tiple rule sets. Performance on switching tasks generally
memory in young children, and can be administered to requires 1) inhibition to suppress previously applied rule
toddlers as well as throughout the preschool period (Espy set, and 2) working memory to maintain the alternating rules
et al. 1999). The child searches for a reward under one of and when to shift (Chevalier et al. 2012). The child needs to
two wells or cups; if the child searches correctly the location inhibit a previously applied behavior to enable fluent
of the reward is alternated to the other well/cup but other- switching, otherwise perseverative errors will be observed
wise the location of the reward remains in the original (Best and Miller 2010). The Shape School test (Espy 1997;
location (Espy et al. 1999). In addition to assessing working Espy et al. 2006) assesses both inhibition and switching. It is
memory, good performance on the Delayed Alternation designed in the context of a storybook, involving students in
requires the capacity to shift search strategy and, for older the playground, and has four trials or conditions. The first
kids, to learn the alternating pattern of the search location. trial is considered a control or baseline condition and
Another working memory paradigm used with preschoolers involves naming the color of figures (circles and squares
Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360 353

which represent students lined up in the playground) as decision-making. While not specifically designed for young
quickly as possible. In the second trial the child is also children, one test that has been successfully employed with
instructed to name the color of the students as quickly as preschoolers is the Tower of Hanoi (Espy et al. 2001; Welsh
possible, but this time only those with a happy face. Thus, et al. 1991). This test is purported to tap planning ability,
this trial applies a Go/No-Go paradigm and is considered the and requires the child to move three different sized disks
inhibition condition. The third trial is more complex and across three pegs to achieve a specific configuration. A
involves the child switching between two rules: 1) name the number of trials is administered which increase in difficulty.
color of the students without hats, or 2) name the shape of In order to help young children understand the instructions
the students with hats. The final trial involves switching plus Espy et al. (2001) administered the task in the context of a
response inhibition. Children are instructed to apply the story involving three monkeys (dad, mum, and child) who
switching rule as in the previous trial, but this time only need to jump across the trees (pegs). Other Tower tasks have
for those students with a happy face. The inhibition trial is been developed to assess planning ability such as the vari-
considered appropriate for preschoolers aged 3-years and ous versions of the Tower of London (Shallice 1982) and the
older, while the more complex switch and combined (switch Tower in the NEPSY (Korkman et al. 1998). The Tower of
& inhibit) trials are considered appropriate for children aged London involves rearranging 3 different colored balls on 3
3:6 years and older. Trails-P is a preschool adaptation of the pegs of different height to match specific configurations in
child and adult version of the Trail Making Test (Espy and the minimum number of moves. This task is generally
Cwik 2004), and is another measure of switching. As with considered too difficult for preschoolers, as demonstrated
most of the measures designed by Espy and colleagues, the by Luciana and Nelson (1998) who found that less than half
task is administered in the context of an age appropriate of their 4-year-old sample understood task requirements
story (i.e. family of dogs that differed in size) and colorful despite extensive training. The assessment of conceptual
stimuli are used. In the control condition children are re- reasoning in preschoolers can be attempted with the Object
quired to stamp the members of the dog family in order of Classification Task for Children (Smidts et al. 2004). In this
increasing size. The switch condition includes the dog fam- test children are presented with six different toys that can be
ily and matching bones that increase in size, and children are sorted into two groups across three different dimensions (i.e.
required to switch between stamping the dogs and bones in color, size, function). For younger children who cannot
order of increasing size. A third condition is administered successfully sort the six toys, the task can be re-
which involves inhibition. Again the children are presented administered with four toys sorted across two dimensions.
with a page with the dog family and matching bones, how- Additional steps such as explicit cuing can also be utilized
ever this time they must only stamp the dogs in order of to further examine conceptual reasoning in children who
increasing size and ignore the bones. In the final condition failed to sort using all three dimensions.
the children switch between stamping the dogs and bones in
order of increasing size, but this time ignore distractors, Behavioral and Social Manifestations of Executive Function
which in this case, are cat stimuli.
Some tasks assess the ability to shift attention to a new As performance on clinic based cognitive measures does not
response set after establishing a specific behavioral pattern. always correspond with behavior in real-life settings such as
The Dimensional Change Card Sort task has been used school and home, it is important to acquire as much informa-
extensively to evaluate shifting attention in preschoolers tion as possible about the child’s functioning and behavior in
(Zelazo 2006; Zelazo et al. 2003). It is a sorting task in these environments. Behavioral inventories, such as the
which the child is shown two target cards (e.g. blue rabbit or Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF;
red boat) and told that they must sort subsequent cards (e.g. Gioia et al., 2000), are a useful adjunct to cognitive assess-
3 red rabbit cards and 3 blue boat cards) according to the ments as they sample a range of behaviors in children and
object’s color. After six trials the child is told that they are enable qualitative information to be collected and interpreted
going to play a new game, and that they now need to sort the in a standardized format. A preschool version of the BRIEF is
same six cards according to shape. The child’s capacity to available, called the BRIEF-P (Isquith et al. 2004), with forms
shift their attention from color to shape and sort the cards for parents and preschool/childcare teachers. The BRIEF-P
accordingly is the primary interest. has five scales labeled Inhibit, Shift, Emotional Control,
Working Memory and Plan/Organise, which produces three
Goal Setting indices called Inhibitory Self Control, Flexibility, and
Emergent Metacognition. The level of agreement between
Few executive function measures designed for preschoolers the BRIEF and well-established EF cognitive tasks is at best
focus on the goal setting domain, such as conceptual rea- modest (Anderson et al. 2002), supporting the view that each
soning, planning ability, organizational skills, and strategic form of assessment provides unique information.
354 Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360

Testing Platforms Attentional Control

Preschoolers of today have access to a large range of child Substantial improvement in inhibitory control is observed in
friendly activities available on computers, tablets, gaming the preschool period (Carlson 2005). On the Bear/Dragon
and other devices. As a result, most young children are now task (Go/No-Go task), only about half of young 3-year-olds
very familiar with these IT platforms, and many are drawn (<3½ yrs) are able to resist responding to the instructions of
to these activities. As contemporary preschoolers are more the Dragon puppet, however this increases to 75 % for older
technologically sophisticated then preschoolers of previous 3-year-olds (>3½ yrs) and by age 5 years most children are
generations, the way many traditional preschool assessment successfully completing this task (Carlson 2005). Accuracy
tasks are presented may need to be updated if they are to of responding improved only marginally for children aged
continue to be appealing for this age group. Fortunately, between 3 and 5 years on the Inhibit condition (Go/No-Go)
most of the tasks described above can be easily designed on the Shape School test, but speed increased dramatically
for tablets and touch screen computers, and these platforms during this developmental period (Espy 1997; Espy et al.
can enhance flexibility and the presentation experience as 2001). In contrast, even 4- and 5-year-olds struggled to
well as ensuring standardization of administration. Another remain still on the No-Go items of the Simon Says task,
obvious advantage is the detailed information on task per- demonstrating that the context of the task makes some
formance that can be recorded and evaluated using these behaviors more difficult to resist than others. While
platforms (Hughes 2011). Kimberly Kerns and colleagues Carlson (2005) also showed continued maturation of inhib-
have successfully designed computer based tasks suitable itory control across 3 to 5 years on delayed gratification
for preschoolers based on previously validated measures of tasks, performance again varied and the discrepancy may be
attention and executive function including appealing and explained by the intrinsic value of the gift. For example,
interactive Go/No-Go, response inhibition, delayed alterna- approximately 60 % of children aged 3 to 4½ could wait
tion, self-ordered pointing and working memory tasks 5 min before eating snacks positioned in front of them,
(Hrabok et al. 2007; Muller et al. 2012). however this age group had more difficulty resisting the
urge to peep when their surprise prize was being wrapped.
When there is a choice between an immediate or delayed
Executive Function Development in the Preschool Period gratification, 3-year-olds are unlikely to wait even when the
delayed reward is significantly more appealing than the
The preschool period is associated with rapid development immediate reward (Lemmon and Moore 2007). In contrast,
in motor, language, cognitive, and social skills, and the 4-year-olds are able to resist immediate gratification for a
availability of age appropriate executive function measures greater reward.
for preschoolers enables executive function development Preschoolers have difficulty on complex response inhibi-
during this critical period to be investigated. Research uti- tion tasks. Carlson (2005) found that only about half of the
lizing measures described above demonstrates that pre- children aged between 3 and 4½ years were able to pass
school is a period during which executive processes tasks that required a response that conflict with their instinc-
develop at an unprecedented rate; consider the capacity of tive or dominant response (e.g. Day-Night). Similarly,
a 6-year-old in contrast to a 3-year-old. Following is a brief Gerstadt et al. (1994) found the Day-Night test to be too
summary of developmental trajectories for attentional con- difficult for children younger than 3½ years, and about half
trol, cognitive flexibility and goal setting domains, however of the children aged 3½ to 4½ years struggled on the task. In
it is important to note that there is enormous inter-individual contrast, children aged 5 years and older performed well
variability in developmental trajectories and this is particu- both in terms of accuracy and speed. In terms of accuracy,
larly obvious in young children. Developmental spurts are the most significant improvement in performance was ob-
commonly observed in individual children, and can also be served between 4½ and 5 years, although performance gains
observed on a population level (Anderson 2002). While continued to age 7 years. Children younger than 4½ years
development will be described separately for executive were slow on the Day-Night test, while the average latency
domains, it is worth highlighting again that these domains for the older age groups did not differ. Interestingly, all
don’t operate independently, instead function within an in- preschool age groups perform better at the start than at the
tegrated cognitive and neural system that comprises the end of the Day-Night test, suggesting that the task requires
different component systems (Garon et al. 2008). The on- considerable cognitive effort that is difficult to sustain
going maturation of executive domains and their associated (Gerstadt et al. 1994). On average children as young as
neural networks is dependent on refinement of other exec- 3½ years are able to get nearly two-thirds of the trials correct
utive and non-executive skills, as well as the enhanced on the Luria hand tapping test, but performance improves
coordination and integration of these systems. significantly throughout the preschool period both in terms
Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360 355

of accuracy and speed (Diamond and Taylor 1996). Thus, applied rules (Garon et al. 2008). The switch condition of
the developmental trajectories for the Day-Night and Hand the Shape School is successfully completed by most 4-year-
Tapping tasks differ, even though they both require the olds, and while accuracy increases slightly, improved per-
retention of two rules and inhibition of a dominant response formance in older preschoolers is predominantly reflected in
(Diamond and Taylor 1996). The Day-Night task may be better switching fluency and reduced time needed to com-
more difficult as it involves the inhibition of an instinctive plete the task (Espy 1997). While 3-year-olds can complete
verbal response rather than a motor response, as is the case the switch condition on the Trails-P, they are substantially
in the Hand Tapping task. slower in completing the task than 4-year-olds and require
In summary, enormous development of inhibitory control almost twice the time needed by 5-year-olds (Espy and
is observed between 3- and 6-years of age with continued Cwik 2004). Accuracy of switching on Trails-P also
maturation beyond the preschool period. Young pre- improves between 3- and 5-years of age, although generally
schoolers have limited impulse control and delay of gratifi- speaking preschoolers make few errors on this task. In terms
cation and simple Go/No-Go tasks are the most suitable for of shifting attention, 3-year-olds really struggle to shift
evaluating developmental status. Older preschoolers have sorting categories on the Dimensional Change Card Sort
greater inhibitory control, and more complex inhibitory test, but this perseverative behavior is far less common in
control measures are probably necessary to detect subtle older 4-year-olds (Carlson 2005).
impairments in these children.
Goal Setting
Cognitive Flexibility
In contrast to attentional control and cognitive flexibility,
Working memory, switching and shifting attention tasks less research has investigated the early development of goal
have been administered in numerous developmental studies setting processes such as planning and organizational abili-
and provide evidence that cognitive flexibility increases ty, and conceptual reasoning. On the Tower of Hanoi, a
greatly during the preschool period. On Delayed measure that taps planning ability, steady improvement in
Alternation (Espy et al. 1999) even very young children performance is observed across the preschool period (Espy
are able to shift search strategy between alternate wells. et al. 2001; Welsh et al. 1991). It should be noted however,
Some children as young as 3-years apply an alternating that children younger than 4-years of age get very few trials
search strategy at least some of the time, however there correct and a significant increase in performance is observed
are also some older children (e.g. 5-years) who struggle between 3- and 4-years. Considerable development of con-
with this concept (Espy et al. 1999). Performance improves ceptual reasoning is observed in the preschool period, par-
with age across the preschool period on measures of self- ticularly between 4- and 5-years of age. Using the Object
ordered pointing tasks (Hongwanishkul et al. 2005; Luciana Classification Task for Children 3-year-olds struggle to
and Nelson 1998). Hongwanishkul et al. (2005) reported identify a common feature within a group of six objects
significant developmental increments between 3 and 5-years (i.e. toys), but in contrast, children aged 4-years and older
of age with their Self-ordered Pointing task, with a particular find it relatively easy to sort different objects according to a
spurt observed between 3- and 4- years. With an older single dimension. It is not until children are aged 5-years that
sample and a computerized self-ordered search task, they can identify and sort according to a second and third
Luciana and Nelson (1998) reported that 4-year-olds make dimension. In summary, problem solving tasks that require
more perseverative errors than older preschoolers, which forward planning and conceptual reasoning can be adminis-
likely reflects less mature working memory. Consistent with tered to preschoolers, and this is potentially worthwhile.
these findings, younger preschoolers tend to make their first
perseverative error prior to older preschoolers on the Six
Boxes test, although the total number of searches needed to Intervention
find all six boxes decreases only marginally with increasing
age (Diamond et al. 1997). More complex working memory An objective of this review was to demonstrate that it is
tasks that require explicit manipulation of information in possible to assess executive function in preschoolers by
short-term memory store are generally too difficult for young providing examples of tasks that are suitable for this age
preschoolers. For example, very few 3-year-olds are able to group and evidence that executive processes undergo con-
correctly reverse the sequence of three digits but by 5-years of siderable maturation during the preschool period. However,
age most children have this capacity (Carlson 2005). just as importantly, we wanted to convince pediatric clini-
Before a child can successfully switch between rule sets, cians that the preschool period is a critical time to perform
they must be able to hold the multiple rules in working comprehensive neuropsychological assessments. Early in-
memory and have the capacity to inhibit other previously tervention is an effective approach for minimizing the
356 Neuropsychol Rev (2012) 22:345–360

long-term consequences of cognitive impairments, and de- as assisting those who are impaired. Given that the pre-
tailed assessments of young children are the best way to school period is associated with dramatic brain and cogni-
detect children in need for early intervention and for tailor- tive development, one could assume that this is a period in
ing interventions for the child’s specific needs. which cognitive training may be most effective.
It is well recognized that brain and cognitive development
are greatly determined by environmental factors. Consistent
with this notion, research has demonstrated that the family Conclusions
environment, in particular parenting styles, has important
implications to executive function development (Hughes In conclusion, executive function develops rapidly during
2011; Rhoades et al. 2011). While various elements of par- the preschool period. While there is a perception that pre-
enting have been associated with executive function develop- schoolers are difficult to assess, with the right assessment
ment, supporting autonomy and maternal scaffolding appear tasks and testing environment it is feasible to conduct a
to be the most critical aspects of parenting (Bernier et al. 2010; detailed assessment of executive function. There are numer-
Hughes and Ensor 2009). Unfortunately, this positive associ- ous executive function measures that are age appropriate for
ation between parenting and executive function development preschoolers, although none have adequate normative data
means that certain negative parenting characteristics such as and no commercially norm-referenced battery is currently
disorganization and unpredictability hinders early develop- available. Given the importance of detecting problems in
ment of these skills in young children (Hughes and Ensor executive function at an early age, further refinement of
2009; Rhoades et al. 2011). This knowledge provides hope preschool executive function measures is needed, especially
that early intervention programs focusing on maternal scaf- with regards to collating good test norms and generating
folding and support may be effective in enhancing executive age-standardized scores.
development in high-risk children and those exhibiting early
delays. Acknowledgements Financial support was provided by the National
Cognitive training involves intensive practice (and some- Health & Medical Research Council (PJA - Senior Research Fellow-
times intentional instruction) of a specific cognitive skill ship #628371) and the Victorian Government’s Operational Infrastruc-
such as working memory. While this is a controversial area ture Support Program.
of research and practice, a couple of studies have shown
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