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Grade 7 - Revision - Rivers, Coasts & Glaciation - Answer Key

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Grade – 7 Revision sheet

Subject – Geography Topic – Rivers, coasts & glaciation

Date – 02/08/2021

Q. I. Define the following.

1) Define Weathering?

It takes place when the rocks are attacked by the weather.

2) Define Glaciers?

It forms when the climate becomes cold enough for precipitation to fall as snow. As the depth of snow piles up, its
weight turns the lower layers into ice. When the ice moves downhill under the force of gravity it is called a glacier.

3) Define Erosion?

Wearing away of the land.

Define graphs?

Q. II. Fill in the blanks.

1) Truncated spurs are ridges that have been shortened or cut off by moving glacier

2) Geographers call the scenery of a place the landscape

3) Corries are deep rounded hollows with a steep backwall and sides.

4) V-shaped valley is widened, deepened & straightened to leave a U – shape glacial trough

5) A gorge is a valley with almost vertical sides that has been carved out by the river and the waterfall.

Q. III. Answer the following questions.

1) Explain the erosional work of river and sea.

Refer textbook page no. 8

2) How erosion helps in building up new landforms?

Erosion wears away the land, transportation moves the material from one place to another and deposition builds up new

3) What do you mean by meanders?

The river has many bends these bends are known as meanders.

4) Explain flood plain.

On either side of the river channel there is an area of flat land called the flood plain. This area get covered in water when
the river overflows its banks. Flood plains are made up of alluvium (silt), a fine muddy material that is left behind after
5) What is Erratics?

Erratics are boulders transported by ice and deposited often in an area of totally different rock.

6) Explain arêtes

Corries often develop on more than one side of a mountain. When this happens, the land between them gets narrower,
due to erosion until a knife-edged ridge is formed. This is called as arête.

Q. IV. List the source for where a river starts

1) Course of a river. River channel

2) Material that is carried or moved by the river. Load

3) Ridges of land around which a river winds. Spurs

4) The shape of a valley in its upper course. V-shaped valley

Q. V. Differentiate between.

1) Freeze thaw weathering & Onion skin weathering

Freeze thaw weathering Onion skin weathering

Water may get into a crack in a rock and When a rock is repeatedly heated and
freeze. cooled.
Found in mountainous areas where Found in desert areas where it is very hot
temperatures are often around freezing during the day and cool at night.
Refer page no. 6

2) Biological weathering and chemical weathering

Biological weathering Chemical weathering

Action of plants and animals Action of water

Seeds, burrowing animals, etc Acid rain

Refer page no. 7

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