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Grade 6th science

fun with magnets worksheet

Question 1

State True or False

(a) Magnetism of a magnet is lost by hammering and heating.

(b) Magnetite is a natural magnet.
(c) A cylindrical magnet has only one pole.
(d) Poles always exists in pair.
(e) Like poles repel each other.
(f) Opposite poles of a magnet attract each other.
(g) Wood is a non-magnetic Material.
(h) Plastic is a magnetic Material.
(i) If a bar magnet is cut into four pieces along its length, then 4 N and 4 S will
be formed.
j) A horse shoe magnet has only one pole.
k) Magnetite ‘an iron ore’ is an artificial magnet.
L) All magnetic substances are magnets.
m) A magnet can have two south poles.
n) A magnet is called a dipole.

Question 2
Fill in the blanks
(a) _________is a device used by pilots and navigators used to find the direction.
(b) Nickel is a ________ Material.
(c) Magnets are named after _______________.
(d) silver is a _____________ Material.
(e) _______________ is the surest test of Magnetism.
(f) ____________ type of magnet is used in cranes to lift heavy containers from
(g) Lodestone is a _______magnet.
(h) An electromagnet is a _________ magnet.
(i) The pole of a magnet which points towards the south direction is _______.
(j) ________poles always repel each other.
(k) A magnetic material can be magnetized using a __________.
(l) ____________is a natural magnet.
Question 3

give one word

1. Like poles shows this property

2. This is the name for natural magnets
3. Place where magnets were discovered
4. It is a temporary magnet
5. opposite pole shows this property
6. The end of the magnets are called
Check your Answers

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1
What will happen if take magnetic compass near a bar magnetic?
(a) The needle will deflect
(b) The needle will not deflect
(c) The needle will reverse the direction
(d) None of these

Question 2
The North end of the freely suspended magnet points towards?
(a) Geographical West
(b) Geographical East
(c) Geographical North
(d) Geographical South

Question 3
Which of the following is true of magnets?
(a) Like poles repel each other
(b) Opposite pole attract each other
(c) magnets has two poles (North and South)
(d) All the above

Question 4
What is incorrect of magnets?
(a) Magnetic power is more in the middle of bar magnets
(b) Magnetite is a natural magnet
(c) Magnetic compass always aligned towards North south direction
(d) None of the above

Question 5
A bar magnet is immersed in a heap of iron filings and pulled out. The amount of
iron filling clinging to the?
(a) North pole is almost equal to the south pole.
(b) North pole is much more than the south pole.
(c) North pole is much less than the south pole.
(d) Magnet will be same all along its length.

Question 6
Match the column
(p)N-N (u) Attraction
(q)S-N (v) Repulsion
(r) S-S
(s) N-S
(a) P -> V, Q ->U, R-> V,S-> U
(b) P -> U, Q ->V, R-> V,S-> U
(c) P -> V, Q ->U, R-> U,S-> V
(d) None of these

Question 7
The North Pole of a magnetic needle is painted
(a) red
(b) blue
(c) green
(d) black

Question 8
Statement A: Magnetism of a magnet is lost by Hampering
Statement B: Magnetism of a magnet is lost by breaking it
(a) Statement A is correct only
(b) Statement B is correct only
(c) Both the statement A and B are correct
(d) Both the statement A and B are incorrect

Question 9
Match the column
(p)Nickel (u) Magnetic Material
(q)paper (v) Non Magnetic Material
(r) Wood
(s) Iron
(a) P -> V, Q ->U, R-> V,S-> U
(b) P -> U, Q ->V, R-> V,S-> U
(c) P -> V, Q ->U, R-> U,S-> V
(d) None of these

Choose the correct answer:

(1) Which of the following can be used for making a permanent magnet
(a) Copper
(b) Plastic scale
(c) Steel
(d) Wood

(2) Which of the following can not be used for making a permanent magnet
(a) Iron
(b) Nickel
(c) Gold
(d) Cobalt

(3) Which of the following will not affect the magnetic properties of a magnet:
(a) Throwing it on the floor
(b) Hammering
(c) Bringing a magnet near it
(d) Heating

(4) A very small magnet ‘Y’ is placed near a heavy magnet ‘X’ as shown in the
figure. How will the magnets move?
(a) ‘Y’ will move away from ‘X’
(b) ‘X’ will move towards ‘Y’
(c) Both ‘X’ & ‘Y’ will move towards each other
(d) none of the above

Long Answer type Questions

1. What are magnetic and nonmagnetic Materials
2. What are different type of magnets? And where are the poles located?
3. Distinguish between with examples.
a. magnetic and non magnetic materials
b. Natural and artificial magnet
4. write the process of making your own magnet.
5.Name the natural magnet.
6. write any two properties of magnet.
7. A bar magnet has no markings to indicate its poles. How would you find out
near which end is its north pole located?
8. how is compass used to find the direction?

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