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Fosroc Nitoflor TF5000: Constructive Solutions

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Fosroc Nitoflor TF5000 constructive solutions

Heavy duty 5mm thick, chemical and abrasion resistant

epoxy floor screed

Uses Description

Nitoflor TF5000 provides an extremely high strength floor Nitoflor TF5000 is a solvent-free combination of epoxy resin,
topping with exceptional resistance to attack from mechanical modified amine hardener, filled with specially graded inert
wear and chemical spillage. In addition to being impervious aggregates. It is supplied in pre-weighed units of four part
its use facilitates a safe non-slip finish for personnel and system including colour pack, which are ready for on-site
vehicular traffic, and is ideally suited for : mixing and application.

„ Heavy engineering plants and steelworks. Nitoflor TF5000 is laid by trowel as a durable, chemically
resistant screed approximately 5 mm thick. The complete
„ Electricity substations and battery rooms.
system also includes Nitoprime 25*, a two-pack epoxy resin
„ Chemical handling and process areas. primer. The finished, cured floor has a slightly granular texture.

„ Oil refineries and plating factories.

„ Dairies and soft drinks factories.
Mechanical characteristics
In areas where high degrees of cleanliness are required, Compressive strength @ 7 days : 85 N/mm2
the surface of Nitoflor TF5000 can be sealed with either (ASTM C579)
Nitoflor FC150*†, Nitoflor FC140*† or Nitoflor FC130*† epoxy Flexural strength @ 7 days : 28 N/mm2
resin floor coatings. (BS 6319, Pt 3)
Tensile strength @ 7 days : 16 N/mm2
Advantages (BS 6319, Pt 7)
Abrasion resistance : 0.77 g/1000 cycles
„ Long service life - exceptional resistance to abrasion and
(ASTM D4060)
a wide range of chemicals.
Bond strength to concrete : > cohesive
„ Safe working environment - good gripping surface to both strength of
vehicular and pedestrian traffic. the concrete
„ Minimal disruption - 5mm thickness causes little Indentation characteristics : No indentation from a
interference with existing levels. Modified US MIL-D-3134 height of 2.4 m
„ Established track record - successfully proven in a wide Curing characteristics at : 20°C 30°C
variety of aggressive locations. Nitoflor TF5000
„ Versatile application - food grade and other special Pot life : 45 mins 30 mins
versions available to match individual requirements. Initial hardness : 18 hours 16 hours
Full cure : 7 days 5 days
Standards compliance
Nitoprime 25
Tested to a variety of international standards : ASTM C579 for Pot life : 45 mins 20 mins
compressive strength, BS 6319 for tensile and flexural Maximum overlay time : 3 hours 1½ hours
strength and ASTM D-4060 for abrasion resistance. Reaction to fire : Class A
(for Flame Spread Index(FSI) and Smoke Development
Specification Index(SDI))
The epoxy resin floor screed shall be Nitoflor TF5000 from
Fosroc. The screed shall be 5 mm thick with a compressive
strength of 85 N/mm2, a flexural strength of 28 N/mm2, and a
tensile strength of 16 N/mm2. The screed shall provide
abrasion resistance in accordance with ASTM D 4060, having
a maximum weight loss of 0.77 mg/1000 cycles.
Nitoflor TF5000
Fosroc Nitoflor TF5000

Chemical resistance Instructions for use

Fully cured blocks of Nitoflor TF5000 have been tested in a Surface Preparation
wide range of aggressive chemicals commonly found in
It is essential that Nitoflor TF5000 is applied to sound, clean
industrial environments. Tests were performed by constant
and dry surfaces in order that maximum bond strength is
immersion over a set period, followed by visual inspection
achieved between the substrate and the flooring system. All
and testing for Shore D hardness.
dust and debris should be removed prior to application of the
Acids (m/v) product or its primer.
Hydrochloric acid 36% : Resistant
New concrete floors
Sulphuric acid 10% : Resistant
Phosphoric acid 50% : Resistant Should be at least 21 days old (at 20°C) with maximum
Nitric acid 30% : Resistant moisture content not exceeding 5%. Laitance deposits on
Lactic acid 22.5% : Resistant new concrete floors are best removed by light grit blasting,
Citric acid 80% : Resistant mechanical scabbling or grinding.

Alkalis (m/v) Old concrete floors

Sodium hydroxide 24% : Resistant
Again, mechanical cleaning methods are strongly
Ammonia 35% : Resistant
recommended on old concrete floors particularly where heavy
Solvents & organics contamination by oil and grease has occurred or existing
Butanol : Resistant coatings are present. These may well have been absorbed
White spirit : Resistant several millimetres into the concrete. To ensure adhesion, all
Oil/grease/petrol : Resistant contamination should be removed. Proprietary chemical
Xylene : Resistant degreaser may be used on small areas of light contamination
Aqueous solutions
Bleach : Resistant Steel surfaces
Saturated sugar : Resistant
Steel surfaces should be degreased and grit blasted to SA2½
Saturated urea 10% : Resistant
immediately prior to application.
All the above properties have been determined by laboratory
controlled tests and are in excess of those expected in practice.
All surfaces treated with Nitoflor TF5000 should be primed
Nevertheless, success in use will be determined by the
with Nitoprime 25, a solvent based epoxy resin primer
implementation of good housekeeping practices.
designed for maximum absorption and adhesion to concrete
substrates. Add the entire contents of the smaller hardener
tin to the base tin and mix thoroughly. Once mixed, immediately
apply the primer in a thin continuous film to the clean prepared
surfaces. Work the primer into the surface and avoid over
application and puddling. On porous floors, the Nitoprime 25
will be absorbed very quickly leaving characteristic light
coloured dry patches. It is recommended that a second priming
coat is applied in these areas.

While still wet, dress the surface with ½kg/m² of Antislip Grain No.3
to provide a key for the application of Nitoflor TF5000. Ensure
that the primer is touch dry prior to commencing application.

Nitoflor TF5000 - Page 2 of 4

Fosroc Nitoflor TF5000

Mixing Technical support

It is important that Nitoflor TF5000 is mixed correctly. Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance,
high quality repair, maintenance and construction products.
Pour the entire colour pack into the base container and mix for
Fosroc also offers technical support service to specifiers, end
15-30 seconds.
users and contractors. It is also able to offer on-site technical
Add the entire contents of the hardner into the mix and stir for assistance, an AutoCAD facility and dedicated specification
further 30 seconds. assistance in locations all over the world.

Gradually empty the filler (aggregate) into the mix of base, colour
pack and hardner and continue mechanical mixing, using a
suitable Fosroc mixing paddle fitted to a slow speed forced - Nitoflor TF5000 should not be applied on to surfaces which
action mixer, for a further 2-3 minutes, until all components are are known to or likely to suffer from rising damp or have a
thoroughly blended. relative humidity greater than 75% as measured in
accordance with BS 8203 Appendix A or by Hammond
concrete/mortar moisture tester type COCO.
The mixed Nitoflor TF5000 should be spread to uniform
- Fosroc does not recommend acid etching as a method of
thickness on the primed surface using either a garden rake or
floor preparation. If used, the method should be approved
the edge of a plastic trowel. The material should be tamped
by the project consultant.
with a wooden float to ensure complete compaction and finally
finished to a closed even texture using a steel trowel. Screeding - Consult your local Fosroc technical department where
rods are useful to maintain a minimum compacted thickness application or service temperatures are outside the range
of 5mm. of 5°C - 40°C.

Once mixed, the material must be used within the specified - Generally not suitable for external use. Contact local Fosroc
pot life (see under "Properties"). After this time, any unused office for further details.
material will have stiffened and should be discarded.
Expansion joints
Expansion joints in the existing substrate should be continued
Nitoflor TF5000 : 12 litre packs
through the Nitoflor TF5000 topping, and filled to the required
(Including colour pack)
level with a suitable sealant from the Fosroc range incorporating
Antislip Grain No. 3 : 20 kg bags
the appropriate movement accommodation factor (MAF).
Nitoprime 25 : 1 and 4 litre packs
Coving Fosroc Solvent 102 : 5 litre Packs

Nitoflor TF5000 can be used to form a perimeter edge coving. Coverage

Skilled applicators can also form stairs and nosings. Nitoflor TF5000 : 2.4 m2/pack at 5mm thickness
Sealing (approximately)
Nitoprime 25 : 4.0 - 5.0 m2 per litre
Although Nitoflor TF5000 is impervious at 5mm thick, in
constantly wet operation areas or where a high degree of Note: The above coverage rates are given for guidance only
cleanliness is required, the Nitoflor TF5000 may be sealed as actual quantities used will vary depending upon the
with either Nitoflor FC150, Nitoflor FC140 or Nitoflor FC130. nature of substrate and conditions on site.
The Nitoflor TF5000 must have reached initial cure and high
spots such as trowel marks rubbed down.


All tools and equipment should be cleaned with Fosroc

Solvent 102* immediately after use.

Nitoflor TF5000 - Page 3 of 4

Fosroc Nitoflor TF5000

Storage Fire

Shelf life Nitoprime 25 and Fosroc Solvent 102 are flammable. Do not
expose to naked flames or other sources of ignition. No
Nitoflor TF5000 and Nitoprime 25 have a shelf life of 12 months
smoking during use. Containers should be tightly sealed
when stored in a dry place below 35°C in their original,
when not in use. In the event of a fire, extinguish with a CO2 or
unopened packs.
foam type extinguisher.
Storage conditions
Flash points
Store under warehouse conditions below 35°C in the original, Nitoprime 25 : 39°C
unopened packs. If stored at high temperature and/or high Fosroc Solvent 102 : 33°C
humidity conditions, the shelf life will be reduced.
Also refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.

Additional Information
Health and safety
Fosroc manufactures a wide range of complementary
Nitoflor TF5000, Nitoprime 25 and Fosroc Solvent 102 should products which include :
not come in contact with skin and eyes or be swallowed.
„ waterproofing membranes & waterstops
Avoid prolonged inhalation of solvent vapours.
„ joint sealants & filler boards
Some people are sensitive to epoxy resins, hardeners and
solvents. Gloves, goggles and a barrier cream such as „ cementitious & epoxy grouts
Kerodex Antisolvent or Rozalex Antipaint should be used.
„ specialised flooring materials
Ensure adequate ventilation and if working in enclosed areas
use suitable breathing apparatus. Fosroc additionally offers a comprehensive package of
products specifically designed for the repair and
If mixed resin comes into contact with the skin, it must be
refurbishment of damaged concrete. Fosroc’s ‘Systematic
removed before it hardens with a resin removing cream such
Approach’ to concrete repair features the following :
as Kerocleanse Standard Grade Skin Cleanser or Rozaklens
Industrial Skin Cleanser, followed by washing with soap and „ hand-placed repair mortars
water. Do not use solvent.
„ spray grade repair mortars
Fosroc Solvent 102 and should be washed from the skin
„ fluid micro-concretes
immediately with soap and water.
„ chemically resistant epoxy mortars
Should accidental eye contamination occur with any of the
above products, wash well with plenty of clean water and „ anti-carbonation/anti-chloride protective coatings
seek medical advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention
„ chemical and abrasion resistant coatings
immediately. Do not induce vomiting.
For further information on any of the above, please consult
your local Fosroc office - as below.
* Denotes the trademark of Fosroc International Limited

See separate data sheet

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for
the Supply of Goods and Service. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to
obtain the latest version.

Head Office
telephone: (+9714) 2039699 fax: (+9714) 2859649 email:
Al Gurg Fosroc LLC
Regional offices
Post Box 657, Dubai Abu Dhabi, Al Gurg Fosroc telephone: 673 1779 fax: 673 1449 email:
United Arab Emirates Bahrain, YBA Kanoo telephone: 17738200 fax: 17732828 email:
Kuwait, Boodai telephone: 4817618 fax: 4832124 email:
Oman, Al Amana telephone: 24815080 fax: 24817554 email:
Qatar, Tadmur telephone: 4432365 fax: 4419517 email:


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