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Form - 2 Credit Points

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Maulana Azad
Note : For Assistant Professor (AGP-6000) short listing of the candidates to be called for Written Test and / or Technical
Presentation and Interview shall be done considering the credit points of Journals and Conference publications,
patents(granted only), Books and Chapters authored.
Name of Candidate Electronics and
(In Capital Letters) Communications Engineering
Assistant Professor Grade-II
Post Applied Specialization Nano Technology
(On Contract basis)
Date of Last Promotion Not Applicable Basic Pay on Not Applicable


S.No. as Activity Credit Enclosures Credit Point

per Points (Proof) Awarded by
Applicatio Claimed by From To Scrutiny
n Form Candidate Committee
1A Research Projects
1B Patents Granted
2 Consultancy Projects
3 Ph.D. Thesis Guided
4 Research Papers 12.48
5 Papers in Conference 0.46
6 Additional Responsibilities
7 Other Additional 4
8 Chairman and Convener
9 Departmental Activities
11 National Programs
12 Conference Organized
13 Length of Service
14 Establishment of Lab
15 Above 6 Credit Teaching
16 PG Dissertations Guided
17 UG Projects Guided
18 Books Authored
19 Books Authored (National)
Book Chapters 2
20 Outreach Activities 1
21 Fellow
22 Training & Placement
1A External sponsored Research Projects Undertaken (Please provide proof (award letter) for each
Credit Point Distribution: 8 Credit points per project (in case of more than one person in a Project, the
Principal Investigator gets 5 credit points and the rest to be divided equally among other members).
Project PI / Number Name of Amount Period of Credit Encl.
Title CO-PI of CO-PIs Sponsoring Sanctioned Project Points No.
Agency From To Claime


Total Credit Points

Enclosure Number
From To

1B Patents Granted (Only granted patents are considered)

Please provide proof for grant of patent issued by competent authority.
Credit Point Distribution: 8 Credit points per patent as inventor(in case of more than one person in a Project,
the Principal Investigator gets 5 credit points and the rest to be divided equally among other members).
Title of Patent PI / Number File Number/ Patent Granting Credit Encl.
CO-PI of CO- Patent Award Authority Points No.
PIs Number Claimed



Total Credit Points

Enclosure Number
From To

2 Consultancy Projects Undertaken (Please provide proof (award letter) for each consultancy)
Credit Point Distribution: 2 Credit points @ Rs.5 lakhs of consultancy, subject to maximum of 10 Credit
points (Rs. 5 lakhs amount may be in single or cumulative in multiple assignments).
Consultancy Project Title Name of Sponsoring Amount Period of Credit Encl.
Agency Sanctioned Project Points No.
From To Claimed


Total Credit Points

Enclosure Number
From To

3 Ph.D. Thesis Guided (Including Thesis submitted cases.)
As a Proof Notification of Concerned University/Institute must be attached for each candidate
Credit Point Distribution: 8 Credit points per Ph.D. student (in case there are more than one supervisor, then the Guide (1 st Supervisor) gets 5 credit points per
student and the rest to be divided equally among other supervisor(s).
S.No. Name of Supervisor/ Co- No. of Co- Title of Thesis Status Year Credit Encl.
Candidate supervisor supervisor Submitted/ Points No.
Awarded Claimed
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To
Published Research Papers in Science Citation Index (SCI/SCIE/SSCI/Scopus) (Paid Journals NOT allowed). As a proof please provide
a. Page containing title, author(s) name, affiliation & name of the journal
b. Enclose Scopus author search result sheet showing all unpaid Journal publications
Credit Point Distribution: 4 Credit points per paper. First Author or Main Supervisor will get 2 points and rest will be divided among others.
4 First Author or
Volume, Page Paper published in Main
Number Credit
Number & Year SCI/SCIE/SSCI/Scopus Quartile Index Supervisor Encl.
Title of Paper Name of Journal& ISSN Number of Points
(Reverse indexed journal (as (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) (Yes/No) No.
Authors Claimed
Chronological order) cited in paper) Attach proof for
FEM modeling and simulation of
SMFBAR sensor with PIB as sensing Materials Research Express and 6(1),015033
i. SCIE Q2 Yes 5 2
layer for tetrachloroethane (PCE) gas ISSN: 2053-1591 & 2019
Optimization of a Flexible Film Bulk
Journal of Electronic Materials 50(9),5387–5395
ii. Acoustic Resonator-Based Toluene SCIE Q2 Yes 7 2
and ISSN: 0361-5235 & 2021
Gas Sensor
Design, Analysis and Finite Element
Modeling of Solidly Mounted Film Journal of Electronic Materials 49(2), 1503-1511
iii. SCIE Q2 Yes 5 2
Bulk Acoustic Resonator for Gas and ISSN: 0361-5235 & 2020
Sensing Applications
Modeling, fabrication, and structural 46(12), 5716-
Materials Today: Proceedings
iv. characterization of thin film ZnO 5721 SCOPUS - Yes 8 2
and ISSN: 2214-7853 & 2021
based film bulk acoustic resonator
A wide tuning range, low noise AEU - International Journal of
Electronics and 125(1), 153390
v. oscillator with FoM of -188 dBc/Hz SCIE Q2 No 4 0.67
Communications and ISSN: & 2020
in 45 nm CMOS 1434-8411
Design and analysis of wide tuning Analog Integrated Circuits and
103(1), 17-29
vi. range differential ring oscillator Signal Processing and ISSN: SCIE Q3 No 4 0.67
& 2020
(WTR-DRO) 1573-1979
Effectiveness of Taguchi and Analog Integrated Circuits and
104(3), 331–341
vii. ANOVA in design of differential Signal Processing and ISSN: SCIE Q3 No 4 0.67
& 2020
ring oscillator 1573-1979
viii. Taguchi DoE and ANOVA: A AEU - International Journal of 116, 153070 SCIE Q2 No 7 0.4
systematic perspective for Electronics and & 2020
performance optimization of cross- Communications and ISSN:
coupled channel length modulation
AlGaN/AlN/GaN SG-HEMT as pH Materials Today: Proceedings 46(12), 5927-
ix. SCOPUS - No 7 0.4
detector: A simulation study and ISSN: 2214-7853 5930 & 2021
Development and characterization of
Materials Today: Proceedings 32(3), 261-263
x. ZnO thin film for piezoelectric SCOPUS - No 4 0.67
and ISSN: 2214-7853 & 2020
Low power, Wide Range Synthesizer Journal of Circuits, Systems,
xi. for 534 MHz - 18.56 GHz Band with and Computers and ISSN: Accepted SCIE Q3 No 3 1
FoM of -192.45 dBc/Hz 0218-1266
Total Credit Points 12.48
Enclosure Number
From To
5 Conference paper Indexed in SCI/SCIE/SSCI/ Scopus or web of science Conference or any internationally renowned conference. As a proof please provide
a. Page(s) containing title, author(s) name, affiliation & name of the proceeding of the conference
b. That the concerned conference is in the list of Science Citation Index or Scopus or Web of science Conference or any internationally renowned
Credit Point Distribution:1 Credit points per paper up to a maximum of 10 credit points since Last promotion. First author or Main Supervisor will get 0.6 and rest
will be divided among others.
Title of Paper Detail of Conference Volume, First Author or Number of Credit Points Encl.
Page Main Supervisor Authors Claimed No.
Number & (Yes/No)
i. Women Institute of Technology Page
Design and Performance Evaluation Number:
Conference on Electrical and
of Differential Ring Oscillators for 210-213 No 6 0.08
Computer Engineering &
Cognitive Radio Receiver
ii. Page
Comparison of Multi Chopper
IEEE Conference on Information Number: 1-
Amplifiers for Capacitive MEMS 6 No 5 0.1
and Communication Technology &
iii. Page
Design Automation of 5-T OTA IEEE Conference on Information Number: 1-
5 No 6 0.08
using gm/ID methodology and Communication Technology &
iv. Women Institute of Technology Page
Design, Analysis and Comparison of Number:
Conference on Electrical and
PFD Architectures for Fast Locking 218-222 No 5 0.1
Computer Engineering &
Frequency Synthesize
v. International Conference on Page
Tuning Range Enhancement Using Number: 1-
Advances in Computing,
Current Boosting In Common Source 4 No 5 0.1
Communication and Control &
Amplifier Based Ring Oscillator
(ICAC3) 2019
Total Credit Points 0.46
Enclosure Number
From To
6 Institute Level Additional Responsibilities
Head of the Department, Dean, Chief Warden, Professor In-charge (Training and Placement), Advisor (Estate),
Chief Vigilance Officer, PI (Exam) & TEQIP (Coordinator)
As a proof please provide copy of order(s) issued by concerned Head or Chairman and approved by the Director.
Credit Point Distribution: 2 Credit points per semester up to a max of 16 Credit points since last promotion
Name of Post Duration No. of Credit Points Encl.
Semesters Claimed No.
From To
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

7 Other Institute Level Additional Responsibilities

Warden, Assistant wardens, Associate Dean, Chairman or Convener institute academic committees, Faculty In
charge Computer Center or Information and Technology Services or Library or Admission or student activities
and other Institutional activities
As a proof please provide copy of order(s) issued by concerned Head or Chairman and approved by the Director.
Credit Point Distribution: 1 Credit point per semester up to a maximum of 8 credit points since last promotion
Name of Post Duration No. of Credit Points Encl.
Semesters Claimed No.
From To
i. Departmental Post Graduate Committee 31/03/2017 30/03/2019 4 4
(DPGC) Student Member
Total Credit Points 4
Enclosure Number
From To

8 Chairman and Convener of different Standing Committees and Special Committees (Ex-officio status will not be
considered). Faculty in-charges (Each for one year duration) of different Units or equivalent.
As a proof please provide copy of order(s) issued by concerned Head or Chairman and approved by the Director.
Credit Point Distribution: 0.5 Credit point per semester up to a maximum of 3 credit points since last promotion.
Name and Details of Post Duration No. of Credit Points Encl.
Semesters Claimed No.
From To
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To
9 Departmental activities identified by Head of the Department like Lab in Charges, or Department Level
Committee for a minimum period of one year.
As a proof please provide copy of order(s) issued by concerned Head or Chairman and approved by the Director.
Credit Point Distribution: 0.5 Credit point per Semesters up to a maximum of 3 credit points since last promotion
Details of Activity Duration No. of Credit Points Encl.
Semesters Claimed No.
From To
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

10 Workshop or Faculty Development Program or Short Term Courses of min 05 working days duration offered as
Coordinator or Convener
Please provide proof.
Credit Point Distribution: 2 Credit points per course up to a maximum of 8 Credit points since last promotion.
Post held Details of Duration Total No. of Credit Points Encl.
(coordinator or WS/FDP /STC Days Claimed No.
From To
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

11 Conducting National Programs like Global Initiative of Academic Networks etc. as Course Coordinator.
Please provide proof.
Credit Point Distribution: 2 Credit points per course up to a maximum of 4 credit points since the last promotion for
Program of two weeks duration.
1 credit point per course up to a maximum of 2 credit points since last promotion, for program of one week
Details of National Programs Conducted Duration Total No. of Credit Points Encl.
Days Claimed No.
From To
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To
12 National or International conference organized as Chairman or Secretary
Please provide proof.
Credit Point Distribution: 3 Credit points per program up to a maximum of 6 Credit points since last promotion.
Post held Details of Duration Total No. of Credit Points Encl.
Chairman or conference organized From To Days Claimed No.
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

13 Length of service over and above the relevant minimum teaching experience required for a given cadre
Please provide letter of appointment along with joining report/promotion as proof.
Credit Point Distribution: 2 Credit points per semester with maximum of 10 credit points since last promotion
Designation Organization Duration Total No. of Credit Points Encl.
From To Semesters Claimed No.
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

14 Establishment of New Lab(s)

Duly certified by Head of the department as proof(Up gradation of Existing Lab will not be considered).
Credit Point Distribution: 4 Credit points since last promotion.
Name of Laboratory Organization Year of Credit Points Encl.
Establishment of Claimed No.
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

15 Theory Teaching of over and above 6 credit hrs. course Attach copy of Time Table duly certified by Head of the
department as proof.

Credit Point Distribution: 1 Credit point or credit hours up to a maximum of 6 credit points since last promotion.
Name of Course Number of Credit Name of Credit of the Credit Points Encl.
points Department Course Taught Claimed No.
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

16 Post Graduate Dissertations Guided

List of the dissertation duly certified by Head of the department as proof.
Credit Point Distribution: 0.5 Credit point per project to a maximum of 10 Credit points since last promotion.
S. No. Name of Title of Dissertation Year of award Credit Points Encl.
Candidate Claimed No.
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

17 Under Graduate Projects Guided

List of the UG project duly certified by Head of the department as proof.
Credit Point Distribution: 0.25 Credit point per project to a maximum of 4 Credit points since last promotion.
S.No. Name of Title of Project Year of award Credit Points Encl.
Candidate Claimed No.
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

18 Text or Reference Books published on relevant subjects from reputed international publishers For Proof cover
page along with page(s) containing author(s) and publisher’s details of the published book should be submitted
Credit Point Distribution: 6 Credit points per book up to a maximum of 18 Credit points since last promotion.
S.No. Title of the Name of Publisher with ISSN/ISBN Year of Publication Credit Encl.
Book No. Points No.
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

19 A. Text or Reference book published on relevant subjects from reputed national publishers For Proof
cover page along with page(s) containing author(s) and publisher’s details of the published book should be
B. Book chapters in the books published by reputed international publishers only for Proof cover page of
the book along with first of the concerned chapter containing details of author(s) and title of the chapter
should be submitted
Credit Point Distribution: 2 Credit points per book/chapter up to a maximum of 6 Credit points since last
S.No. Title of the Book Name of Publisher with Year of Publication Credit Points Encl.
ISSN/ISBN No. Claimed No.
i. Micro and
Nanoelectronics Springer
Devices, Circuits 2021 2
and Systems ISBN 978-981-16-3766-7

Total Credit Points 2

Enclosure Number
From To

20 Significant outreach activities (Please provide Proof)

Credit Point Distribution: 1 Credit point per activity up to a maximum of 4 credit points since last promotion.
S.No. Name and Details of Outreach Activity Duration Credit Encl.
Points No.
From To Claimed

International Scientific Committee Member @ 4th

International Conference on Applied Mathematics, September 17, September 18,
i. 1
Modeling and Simulation (AMMS2021), which will be 2021 2021.
held in Guangzhou, China on September 17-18, 2021.
Total Credit Points 1
Enclosure Number
From To

21 Fellow IEEE, FNA, FNAE, FNASc (Please provide Proof)

Credit Point Distribution:10 Credit points
S.No. Name and Details of Fellow Date of Award Total Duration of Credit Encl.
Award Points No.

Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

22 Placement percentage (only for the placement cell officers or Faculty in-charge of Placement)
Please provide Proof
Credit Point Distribution:
4 credit points/year up to a maximum of 20 points since last promotion for Placement percentage > 85%
2 credit points/year up to a maximum of 10 points since last promotion for Placement percentage > 75% to 84 %(% to
be based on total number of students passing out and single job offer)
S.No. Name of Company/Organization Number of Selections Number of Selections Credit Encl.
more than 85% more than 75% to Points No.
84% Claimed
Total Credit Points
Enclosure Number
From To

Total Credit Points Claimed

(From Serial No. 1 to 21)
I hereby declare that I have read carefully and understood the instructions and particulars supplied to me,
and that all entries in this form, as well as, in attached sheets are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. At any stage
if any of the information furnished by me is found to be false or incorrect, my candidature will be treated as cancelled. If
selected, I promise to abide by the rules and regulations of the Institute.

Date: 25/08/2021
Place: Jaipur
Signature of the Candidate

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