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Ebook - LCC Using ABC

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Jan Emblemsvåg


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Emblemsvåg, Jan.
Life-cycle costing : using activity-based costing and Monte Carlo methods to manage future
costs and risk / Jan Emblemsvåg.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-471-35885-1 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. Costs, Industrial. 2. Life cycle costing. 3. Risk management. I. Title.
HD47.E58 2003
Printed in the United States of America.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To my son Nikolai and my wife Navita

Preface ix

Acknowledgments xv

1 Introduction 1
What Does It Cost? 1
The Role of Life-Cycle Costing 4
Why Activity-Based Life-Cycle Costing? 5
Notes 14

2 Basics of Life-Cycle Costing 16

What Is a Life Cycle? 16
What Is a Cost? 28
Four Ways of LCC 36
Notes 47

3 Uncertainty Analysis and Risk Management 51

What are Risk and Uncertainty? 51
Uncertainty, Risk, and Utility 68
Common Ways of Analyzing Risk and Uncertainty 71
How Belief Sheds Light on Risk and Uncertainty 76
Reduce Risk by Introducing Uncertainty:
How Monte Carlo Methods Work 84
Traditional Risk Management 89
Notes 92

4 Activity-Based Costing 95
Motivating Example 95
Activity-Based Costing 100

ABC Example and Case Study 121

From the Trenches 145
Notes 147

5 Activity-Based Life-Cycle Costing 150

Step 1: Define the Scope of the Model and the
Corresponding Cost Objects 150
Step 2: Obtain and Clean Bill of Materials for
All Cost Objects 153
Step 3: Identify and Quantify the Resources 153
Step 4: Create an Activity Hierarchy and Network 156
Step 5: Identify and Quantify Resource Drivers,
Activity Drivers, and Their Intensities 159
Step 6: Identify the Relationships between Activity
Drivers and Design Changes 159
Step 7: Model the Uncertainty 160
Step 8: Estimate the Bill of Activities 161
Step 9: Estimate the Cost of Cost Objects and Their
Performance Measures 162
Step 10: Perform Monte Carlo Simulations and
Relevant Analyses 170
Further Explanation Regarding Some Steps 173
Notes 181

6 Case Study: Life-Cycle Costing and Tire Disposal 183

What the Decision Is About 184
Traditional LCC Implementation 186
Activity-Based LCC Implementation 200
Discussion 211
Closure 215
Epilogue 216
Notes 216

7 Activity-Based Life-Cycle Costing for Platform

Supply Vessels 218
Operating a Platform Supply Vessel 218
Problem Statement and System Boundaries 221

Information Sources 222

Activity-Based LCC Model Implementation and Results 222
Identifying the Major Operational Risks 242
Closure 243
Notes 244

8 Activity-Based Life-Cycle Costing at WagonHo! 245

WagonHo!’s New Strategy and Business Idea 246
Developing an Activity-Based LCC Model 247
Results and How to Use Them 266
Closure 281
Notes 283

9 From Hindsight to Foresight 284

Activity-Based LCC Revisited 284
Ideas for the Future 291
Some Thoughts at the End 294
Notes 297

Appendix A Monte Carlo Simulation Example 298

Problem Definition 298
Hypotheses to Be Tested 300
Results and Discussion 301

Appendix B SFI Group System 305

Glossary 308

Acronyms 314

Index 315

form the basis of systematic work toward gaining sustainable profitability for the
long term.
Some would say that LCC is to help engineers “think like MBAs but act like
engineers.” That is true and important, but I think of LCC in a broader sense. I
believe the main purpose of LCC should be to help organizations apply knowledge
about past performance and their gut feelings to future issues of costs and risks.
This should be done not in the traditional sense of budgeting, but in meaningful
predictions about future costs of products, processes, and organization, and their
associated business risks.
In order to turn LCC from being an engineering tool hidden in the cubicles in
an engineering department to a more useful and widely accepted engineering and
management tool, some changes must be made. The purpose of this book is to
present and illustrate one such approach that can bridge the gap between past and
future costs, engineering and management decisions, and direct and overhead
resource usage. To do that, I have taken two well-known concepts, Activity-Based
Costing and LCC, and merged the best parts while adding the usage of Monte
Carlo simulations, uncertainty, and some additional insight.
It should be noted that Activity-Based LCC is similar to the Activity-Based Cost
and Environmental Management approach, but as the saying goes, the devil is in
the details. The Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management approach
does not explicitly detail how to do cost forecasting, financial analysis, and so
forth, issues that are pertinent to LCC. Also, it leaves the reader with little explicit
support on assessing and managing risks. This book therefore concerns how to turn
the Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management approach into an LCC
approach, which for simplicity is referred to as Activity-Based LCC.
The result is an approach that in my opinion is flexible, highly effective, and
efficient for most cost management considerations (including LCC) and that can
handle risk and uncertainty in a credible fashion. This is evident both from its the-
oretical foundations and also from the three case studies provided in the book. For
those who are particularly interested in the theoretical foundations, I have provided
references to every chapter in the back of the respective chapter.
The book is organized into nine chapters. In Chapter 1, you will find the basic
premises for the book and the key characteristics of Activity-Based LCC. In
Chapter 2, the basics of LCC are discussed. It starts out by discussing what a life
cycle is, because that is not obvious and numerous definitions exist in the litera-
ture. Then cost as concept is defined and contrasted to expense and cash flow. This
distinction is important to understand because LCC models can be cost, expense,
and cash flow models, and it is important to understand which is which, and what
to use when.

Due to the inherent uncertainty in LCC, it is important to discuss how to han-

dle risk and uncertainty, and that is done in Chapter 3. Risk and uncertainty will
be defined and discussed in sufficient detail for LCC purposes. Situations where
an increase in uncertainty can reduce risks will be discussed and even shown in the
case study in Chapter 8. This finding links directly to the Law of Incompatibility,
which has important implications for all management efforts. Some of these impli-
cations are discussed throughout the book. Finally, a brief overview of a traditional
risk management approach is provided. It is intended as a basic introduction for
those who are not already fluent in risk management.
Chapter 4 is about Activity-Based Costing (ABC). ABC is an integral part of
Activity-Based LCC, as the name indicates. ABC has several indispensable char-
acteristics that are invaluable in cost management in general. Chapter 4 discusses
the background of ABC, how it compares to traditional, volume-based costing sys-
tems, what the basic concepts behind ABC are, how it can be implemented, and so
on. Like the two preceding chapters, Chapter 4 is intended as an introduction to
some vital concepts that must be understood in order to understand Activity-Based
LCC. Illustrative examples are also provided.
Then, in Chapter 5, the Activity-Based LCC approach is presented, which con-
sists of 10 steps that are discussed in detail. The best way to learn the approach is,
however, by carefully studying the case studies because they are organized accord-
ing to the steps of Activity-Based LCC.
The first case study is found in Chapter 6, which is coauthored with Randi
Carlsen. It concerns a tire disposal problem in the County of Ullensaker, north of
Oslo, Norway. A do-nothing approach to the problem is unlikely to succeed in the
long run because of the near proximity of Oslo Gardermoen International Airport.
Thus, something must be done. In the case study, we look at the feasible options
using both traditional LCC and Activity-Based LCC. Even in this simple case
study, it is evident that Activity-Based LCC provides additional value by its supe-
rior tracing capabilities and flexible uncertainty handling.
The second case study, found in Chapter 7, concerns the operation of a Platform
Supply Vessel (PSV) owned by Farstad Shipping ASA in Ålesund, Norway.
Operating a PSV is not easy due to the very narrow margins, and an LCC model
can be useful both in terms of providing decision support during bidding and cost
forecasting. Chapter 7 also shows how to provide decision support in relation to
choosing fuel and types of machinery, issues that have major structural impacts on
costs. Here an Activity-Based LCC model shows how both issues can be handled
effectively and efficiently.

In Chapter 8, the WagonHo!, Inc. case study is found, the most complex case
study in the book. Its complexity derives from the facts that:
● It incorporates multiple products and cost objects.
● It includes credible overhead cost considerations.
● It includes the entire life cycle of the products.
● It includes both a cash flow analysis and a costing analysis.
● It shows how Monte Carlo simulations can effectively be used in terms of
handling uncertainty as well as risks and in enhancing tracing.
This case study is, unlike the two other case studies, functional. That may be
viewed as a limitation. However, given the complexity of similar real-world case
studies, I am happy to use a simpler version because it is more than sufficient
enough to illustrate the potential of Activity-Based LCC. For example, the case
study clearly illustrates how Activity-Based LCC can handle multiple cost objects
at the same time, how Activity-Based LCC handles overhead costs in a credible
fashion, and that Activity-Based LCC is in fact a costing analysis and not just a
cash flow analysis. Another advantage of this case study is that it is also used in
Chapter 4 as an extensive example of an ABC implementation. By contrasting that
implementation to the model in Chapter 8, readers can easily see both the differ-
ences and similarities between ABC and Activity-Based LCC.
In Chapter 9, some key concepts and findings are revisited. Whereas Chapter 1
focuses on the problems Activity-Based LCC must overcome and how they relate
to traditional cost management approaches, including traditional LCC to a large
extent. Chapter 9 focuses on the building blocks of Activity-Based LCC. The ear-
lier chapter helps readers to understand what LCC ideally should be about and how
Activity-Based LCC overcomes the problems of traditional approaches. Chapter
9 explains how Activity-Based LCC can be applied. Both Chapters 1 and 9 tell the
same story, although they tell it differently. Finally, some future issues are dis-
The book also includes two appendices. Appendix A contains a Monte Carlo
example. This example is handy to read for those who do not quite understand the
power of Monte Carlo methods. It clearly illustrates how Monte Carlo methods
can be used for three purposes: (1) uncertainty and risk assessment/management,
(2) the tracing of critical success factors, and (3) information management.
Appendix B provides an overview of a ship component classification system,
which is applicable to the case study in Chapter 7.
As outlined in the last chapter of the book, Activity-Based LCC opens up a
completely different way of conducting cost management. Instead of depending
on hindsight and chasing the deceptive accuracy of past figures to look forward

It is difficult to mention one person before the other. However, I undoubtedly owe
much to Professor Bert Bras at the Systems Realization Laboratory (SRL) at the
Georgia Institute of Technology. Apart from being my supervisor, and an excellent
one, he and I worked together during my master studies in 1993 and 1994 to
develop a new Life-Cycle Costing method called Activity-Based Costing with
Uncertainty. Then we embarked on a new Life-Cycle Assessment method in 1996
through 1999 as a part of my Ph.D. studies, which upon completion turned out to
be useful for integrated cost and environmental management. In 2000, a popular-
ized and edited version of the Ph.D. dissertation was published as a book titled
Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management: A Different Approach to the
ISO 14000 Compliance.
I also am highly indebted to Professor Farrokh Mistree also at the SRL for his
mentoring of both me and his former student Bert Bras. In recent years, I have
found his insight concerning identifying “hidden assumptions” particularly inter-
esting because it turns out that they are literally everywhere. Now, working as a
consultant, identifying such hidden assumptions can be the difference between a
mediocre project and a great one.
Another great thing I learned from Farrokh and Bert was to articulate my
thoughts. Without such training, I would probably never even have written a sin-
gle paper. I have truly learned a lot from the two of you, Bert and Farrokh, more
than I can ever express. When I came to the SRL, I hated writing, but I came to
love it, and it is mostly due to your efforts. Because I can never repay you, I hope
that by completing this book without your help, you will think “yes, Jan has grad-
uated,” and you should know that it is largely due to your efforts through the years.
Meeting and working with the two of you has been a defining moment in my life.
Thank you!
After writing some hundreds of pages, it is virtually impossible to have a fresh
view of the book. I would therefore very much like to acknowledge the tremen-
dous effort made by Senior Partner John Erik Stenberg at Considium Consulting
Group AS and my colleague Lars Endre Kjølstad in reviewing, providing con-
structive comments, and simply making the book better. The proofreaders and
Sheck Cho at John Wiley & Sons also have done a great job in making this book

Regarding the case studies, I would like to thank Randi Carlsen from Sagex
Petroleum AS, who wrote Chapter 6; Jan Henry Farstad of Farstad Shipping ASA,
Annik Magerholm Fet of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
(NTNU), and Greg Wiles of the Center for Manufacturing Information
Technology. Without their help, none of my case studies would have materialized.
I would also like to thank Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Consulting for allowing
me to pursue writing this book and spend some time on its completion. Moreover,
the insight I have gained through DNV projects has been valuable.
Finally, I would like to thank my family for their support. In particular, my wife
has been very patient with me.

Which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and
counteth the cost?
Luke 14:28

This book concerns the age-old question, “What does it cost?” But not just in mon-
etary terms. Not understanding the uncertainties and risks that divide an organiza-
tion from its desired results is also a “cost” because it can, and often will, result in
a loss. Therefore, if we were to build a tower, we should also consider the risks and
uncertainties of building it when counting the costs.
Despite the fact that cost management has been around as a field of study for
more than 150 years, the answers we have found so far to this simple question have
obvious shortcomings. That is evident from the fact that virtually all cost man-
agement systems only concern the costs incurred within the four walls of the
organization. Even worse, we try to control costs after they are incurred instead of
eliminating them before they are committed. The result is a massively wasteful
In this book, a new approach is presented that deals with estimating future costs
and directing attention toward its root causes so that companies and organizations
can get useful decision support for solutions both inside and outside the organiza-
tion. The approach, called Activity-Based Life-Cycle Costing (LCC), is presented
by theory, argumentation, and illustrative case studies.


Most businesses, if not all, live by buying something, adding some value to it, and
then selling it for a higher price to someone. The organization cashes in the dif-
ference between the price charged and the costs incurred as a profit. Whereas the
price is given in the marketplace and is ideally a function of suply and demand, the
incurred costs are a result of a series of decisions throughout the organization that
started long before the product was even conceived. This chain of decisions leads

to costs being committed before they are incurred. Managing costs effectively and
efficiently thus implies that costs must be eliminated in the commitment stage and
not reduced in the incurring stage. Many organizations realize this, but is few prac-
tice it. The costing methods employed by most companies simply do not take such
notions into account as they embark on cost cutting. This happens for many rea-
sons, but it might simply be a matter of bad habits or because we dislike to learn
new things unless the consequences of not learning are worse than those of learn-
ing, as world-renowned psychologist Edgar H. Schein claims.2
The points argued so far are illustrated in Figure 1.1. The numbers are heuris-
tics from manufacturing. In the literature, we typically find that the number is
somewhere between 70/30 and 90/10; the most often quoted numbers are along
the 80/20 ratio. Figure 1.1 shows that although about only 20 percent of the costs
are actually incurred in the activities prior to production, these activities actually
commit 80 percent of the costs. The production costs, however, incur about 80 per-
cent of the costs, but production improvement efforts impact only about 20 per-
cent of the cost commitment. This has been a well-known fact for many years. In
fact, LCC came about in the early 1960s due to similar understanding concerning
weapons systems procurement in the U.S. Department of Defense.
The first to use such ideas extensively in cost management on a continuous
basis and on extensive scale, however, were the Japanese. After World War II,
Japan was in ruins, and to rise, the Japanese had to be more clever than the rest.
American industry, in contrast, saw no need to become smarter because they were
already doing so well—for the time being. It is therefore not strange that a
Japanese cost management concept, target costing, has most clearly emphasized
the need for the elimination of costs through design. Such emphasis leads to proac-
tive cost management, as opposed to reducing costs after they are incurred, which
is reactive cost management.

20% Legend

Production costs

80% Costs related, for example, to:

• Concept development
80% • Design and engineering
• Testing
• Process planning

Costs Incurred Costs Committed

Figure 1.1 Cost committed versus costs incurred.


Unfortunately, even today, more than 30 years after Japanese industry became
world class, most companies still manage costs reactively. While they try to elim-
inate costs via design, unless cost management follows suit, it will be two para-
digms fighting each other. Thus, the most established paradigm will usually prevail
unless the challenger can present a convincing case.
The traditional, reactive paradigm is a challenge for the new, proactive paradigm
because this paradigm inevitably incurs more costs up front, which traditionally is
thought to be bad for business since traditional accounting regimes treat Research
and Development (R&D) costs as period costs and not investments. Then design
departments will get insufficient funding to eliminate costs before they are
incurred. The intended results do not materialize, which in turn will be used as an
argument against the new paradigm. Therefore, what is needed is a change of mind-
set and a change of cost management approaches. We simply cannot achieve the
results promised by the proponents of cost elimination via design unless we com-
mit wholeheartedly to it. As Michael Porter argued concerning strategic position-
ing, middle positions are never successful.3 The traditional paradigm has some
other unwanted side effects that the new paradigm can overcome. The best-known
side effect is quality. Just as the Japanese designed products that were less costly
than their American counterparts, they also produced products that many consid-
ered better in terms of quality. The overall value of Japanese products was in other
words greater, at least if we use the definition of value that the European Committee
for Standardization uses.4
Value5 is defined as proportionate to the satisfaction of needs divided by the use
of resources. In other words, value is proportionate to quality divided by costs.
Value-driven organizations must therefore be both quality driven and cost con-
scious, something traditional management systems simply cannot deliver, as
explained in Chapter 4. On top of that, despite the fact that traditional cost man-
agement systems are partially designed to satisfy external needs for reporting, they
have completely missed the concept of shareholder value and its measure of eco-
nomic profit, or Economic Value Added (EVA).6
Costs like quality and other important aspects of the product, such as image and
branding, cannot be fixed after the product is manufactured, as is traditionally
done. They can be successfully handled only during an effective and efficient
design process supported by relevant cost management systems and value-driven
strategies. The new paradigm of cost elimination through design has far-reaching
implications that must be taken seriously if the intended results are to materialize.
Quick fixes and shortcuts, which have often been the rule of the day in many com-
panies,7 will not sustain a change toward the new paradigm. A change must occur
in both the culture of business and the performance measures, because those two
factors are the most important ones in change management efforts, as shown by
the two large surveys carried out by A.T. Kearney and Atticus.8

One such change in performance measures is to expand the horizon of the cost
management efforts from the four walls of the company to the relevant parts of the
life cycle where value is created and to employ foresight instead of hindsight. In
this context, LCC can play a far greater role than traditionally thought, and that is
one of the main messages of this book.


As discussed in Chapter 2, LCC serves mainly three purposes today:
1. To be an effective engineering tool for use in design, procurement, and so
on. This was the original intent.
2. To be applied proactively in cost accounting and management.
3. To be a design and engineering tool for environmental purposes.
Numerous publications are available on how LCC can be used as an engineer-
ing tool, and I therefore give this little attention. This book focuses on how LCC
can be a managerial tool because most organizatins seem to forget to use LCC in
cost accounting and management despite its great potential. Some attention is also
given to the use of LCC in the environmental domain because much confusion
exists in that area (see Chapter 2).
Nonetheless, the three purposes have a common denominator, which is the role
of LCC to provide insight in future matters regarding all costs. Furthermore, since
the future is always associated with uncertainty and risks, truly proactive cost man-
agement should also handle all sorts of risks that can incur losses to the organiza-
tion. Such risks are commonly referred to as business risks and have become a new
focal point of corporate governance. In fact, due to the many corporate scandals in
the 1980s and 1990s, large institutional investors have demanded better financial
transparency, integrity, and accountability.9 This push toward improved corporate
governance has resulted in the Turnbull Report, published in 1999 in the United
Kingdom, which was made at the request of the London Stock Exchange (LSE).
In fact, the Listing Rules disclosure requirements of the LSE demand full compli-
ance with the reporting requirements stated in the Turnbull Report for accounting
periods ending on or after December 23, 2000. It has been said that “non-compli-
ance with the Turnbull guidance would result in an embarrassing disclosure in the
annual report, which could attract the attention of the press, shareholder activists
and institutional investors.”10
In this light, it is evident that cost management should ideally be expanded to
risk-based cost management as well as a focus on total costs. In fact, just as “The
(Turnbull) guidance is about the adoption of a risk-based approach toward estab-
lishing a system of internal control and reviewing its effectiveness,”11 LCC must
take risks and uncertainties into account in order to be really useful for decision-

makers. LCC should therefore be an important way to help companies eliminate

costs before they are incurred and, to manage some crucial business risks related
to costs, cash flow, and profitability.
Unfortunately, as discussed in Chapter 2, most LCC methods cannot handle
these issues credibly, except cash flows, and that is why a different LCC method
was needed. Professor Bert Bras of the Georgia Institute of Technology and I first
came up with an approach called Activity-Based Costing with Uncertainty.12 Then,
based on my growing experience and insight from other areas of cost management,
I saw the need to improve it further. This book is about this new improved approach
called Activity-Based LCC.


On the one hand, Activity-Based LCC is a result of research spurred by dissatis-
faction with existing LCC methods; on the other hand, during my consulting work
I have seen that using the life-cycle cost idea purely for LCC purposes is a gross
devaluation of the idea. Many cost management efforts are ineffective because cost
management traditionally is performed after the fact. Although hindsight is 20/20,
it gives little room for effective decision-making.
Now, suppose we want to look at cost management from a different perspec-
tive. This perspective should be one in which we look forward in time, we look
farther than the four walls of the organization, and we reduce the wasteful activi-
ties of the annual budgeting ritual of chasing the numbers. Cost management and
budgeting of the future should concern itself with identifying the underlying driv-
ers of business performance, manage these, then settle for ballpark numbers, and
manage the risks: This is the ultimate goal of Activity-Based LCC. After all, costs
are statistical in nature and cannot be managed unless we understand the underly-
ing drivers.
This can be achieved by using the basic LCC idea (not the methods), coupling it
with the Activity-Based Costing (ABC) concept, and being more flexible in our def-
initions of what constitutes a life cycle. To power the whole thing, we use Monte
Carlo simulations to handle uncertainty and risks much more efficiently and effec-
tively than traditional methods, besides also effectively identifying critical success
factors. This is also done much faster than traditional approaches.
In short, this new perspective on the LCC idea entails three shifts and an
1. From a partial focus to holistic thinking
2. From structure orientation to process orientation
3. From cost allocation to cost tracing
4. Managing risk and uncertainty realistically

From a Partial Focus to Holistic Thinking

Several issues spring to mind when we talk about partial focus versus holistic
thinking in the context of cost management, notably:
● Making cost management relevant.
● Linking costs to quality. This linkage is important because value is a func-
tion of cost and quality.
● Linking costs to uncertainty and risks.

Making Cost Management Relevant

As discussed, cost management is predominantly concerned about costs in a very
fragmented way. Roughly speaking, in traditional cost management as performed
by most companies today:
● Downstream costs are largely ignored despite the fact that we know they are
of considerable importance.
● Historic costs are studied because the future costs are believed to be
● The focus is mostly on variable costs because fixed costs are assumed to be fixed.
● Direct costs are better understood than indirect costs because traditional cost
accounting systems virtually ignore overhead costs.
● The distinction between costs and expenses cannot be captured and is
In sum, traditional cost management focuses only on some aspects of an orga-
nization’s costs. It has been described in many unflattering ways, but essentially it
has lost its relevance.13
When LCC first was developed in the early 1960s, the first three of these “par-
tialities” were remedied; namely, one started to look beyond the four walls of the
organization, think of future costs, and treat all costs as costs or to think in terms of
total costs. Unfortunately, such thinking has not progressed much outside of LCC.
In parallel, however, ABC brought an elegant solution to the latter two points in
addition to the first and third ones. Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB), a step further
in the development of Activity-Based Management (ABM), whose roots are ABC,
also provides a sort of remedy to the third point. The point is that remedies exist for
the aforementioned shortcomings of traditional cost management.
These remedies can be put together—synthesized—and that is essentially what
Activity-Based LCC is about. Whether the name of the method should incorporate
LCC or not is a matter of perspective. I have chosen to do so because the underly-
ing idea of LCC—managing all relevant costs throughout the life cycle of a prod-
uct—is so intuitive, basic, and paramount. However, one can probably argue
convincingly for another name, such as value chain costing, (see Glossary).

Activity-Based LCC also incorporates effective and efficient handling of uncer-

tainty and risk, which neither ABC nor most LCC methods can do. This is dis-
cussed more in the sections “Linking Costs to Uncertainty and Risks” and
“Managing Risk and Uncertainty Realistically.”

Linking Costs to Quality

Everybody finally realized the importance of quality as the Japanese industry swept
the globe. What is less recognized is the enormous impact quality has on the oper-
ating costs of the company. In the distribution industry, for example, it is estimated
that up to 25 percent of operating expenses stem from internal quality problems.14
Unfortunately, traditional costing systems have little, if any, chance of estimating
the cost of quality, that is, what it costs to provide a certain level of quality.
The cost of quality is important to assess because “Too much quality can ruin
you,” as former vice chairman of Chrysler Corporation, Robert Lutz, puts it.15 The
other extreme version of quality commitment would be organizations that simply
seek ISO 9000 certification to comply to pressure. Such work is not expensive, but
it does not have any clear, measurable improvements on the organization accord-
ing to several surveys.16
In any case, what is needed is a cost management system that can link cost and
quality together. A well-designed ABC system can handle this challenge because
ABC is transaction based, and one significant group of transactions is related to
quality, as discussed in Chapter 4. This explains the large potential for quality-
driven organizations to implement ABC and total quality management (see
“Activity-Based Costing and Total Quality Management in Chapter 4). Therefore,
ABC can be used as a quality-enforcing system, not just as the cost-cutting tool
for which it has been criticized.17
By extending ABC to Activity-Based LCC, we benefit from having the oppor-
tunity to think of quality in life-cycle perspectives, which is difficult for traditional
LCC because traditional LCC methods are not transaction based. The traditional
LCC method can at best handle what is referred to as grade,18 which is defined by
the product’s features. Since quality and process performance is closely linked, the
structure orientation of traditional cost management approaches (see “From
Structure Orientation to Process Orientation”) inhibits the effective cost of quality

Linking Costs to Uncertainty and Risks

In cost management, except LCC and some special areas, uncertainty and risk are
completely forgotten topics. It is as if future costs can be determined with certainty,
although they are largely unknown at the time. However, as we shall see later, both
costs are statistical in nature, as is quality. Statistical quality control and statistical
process control are cornerstones of Total Quality Management.19 In cost manage-

ment, however, the world is still deterministic and determinable by simple aver-
ages. We hear, for example, about how executives rush into implementing inte-
grated cost systems but that “some (real-time cost information) will cause
confusion and error, delivering information that is far less accurate than what man-
agers currently receive.”20 The reason for such confusion and error is lack of under-
standing in the statistical nature of costs because “there will always be fluctuations
in spending, volume, productivity and yield.”
It is time to internalize the fact that costs simply cannot be determined with cer-
tainty and act accordingly. Basically, while it is important to avoid cost management
practices that act on random variation, information about cost fluctuations should
be incorporated in forecasts to provide uncertainty and risk measures for budgeting
and so on.

From Structure Orientation to Process Orientation

Structure orientation refers to the fact that costs are categorized according to their
types or structure. Examples of this would be marketing costs, direct labor costs,
depreciation, and so on. This thinking is not very effective because it does not con-
sider the underlying demands for jobs to be done. Cost effectiveness in such a set-
ting will inevitably lead to cost cutting, starting with the largest costs. Such cost
cutting can be highly damaging, as many in the literature report, because one might
cut costs for jobs that are in high demand rather than the intended idle capacity. Then
the company has reduced its ability to produce value and will consequently be worse
off. Further ill-founded cost cutting can further aggravate the situation, and the
organization may approach a so-called death spiral.
The only way to get around this problem is by thinking in terms of processes:
process orientation. The costs should be categorized according to the processes,
activities, tasks, jobs, or whatever desirable process element. Then a manager can
see that a particular machine costs such and such, with all costs included (depre-
ciation, energy, labor, tools, and so on). Then it is a lot easier to measure the time
the machine is idle, estimate what that idleness costs, and find out whether this
activity should be performed or not, or how it should be changed. A further advan-
tage of the process orientation is that a direct link is made to quality management,
as noted earlier. Cost of quality can be realistically estimated, and cost manage-
ment will become a quality and continuous improvement enforcer. Today, how-
ever, quality management in many companies is done despite the cost management
Unfortunately, the general ledger is structure oriented. It should be reorganized
to become object oriented (in terms of organizing the data) or process oriented (in
terms of its relation to the work processes), but this is probably not legal due to
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Sound cost management will

entail having a costing system for internal control and management and another
one for external reporting and compliance. This is, in fact, what many leading com-
panies do.
As of today, ABC is the costing method that has captured process orientation
the best, in my opinion. Activity-Based LCC enjoys the same benefits as ABC does
because it piggybacks on ABC in this context.
A more subtle part of process orientation is to also think about continuous
improvement when implementing or designing a costing system or model. That is,
it is important to steadily improve the costing model. When this is done, it is cru-
cial to notice that the cost estimates inevitably will change as well. Such changes
should not be interpreted as a sign of error, but rather a sign of improvement or
inevitability. Costs are, after all, statistical in nature. Hence, an estimate of $100
for something might be equally correct as $90, or vice versa. In fact, both are prob-
ably correct at some time, but not at the same time. The problem is that we will
never know when this “some time” occurs. Cost should therefore be treated
according to its nature, statistical and uncertain, as discussed earlier.

From Cost Allocation to Cost Tracing

Cost allocation refers to the process of assigning costs to cost objects using arbi-
trary allocation bases (see Glossary), whereas tracing is based on the establishment
of cause-and-effect relationships (drivers) between costs and cost objects. The
basic difference between allocation and tracing is therefore that allocation is arbi-
trary while tracing relies on cause-and-effect relationships.
Traditional cost management allocates costs in a single step, whereas ABC
traces costs using two stages of cause-and-effect relationships. The result of this
apparent small difference is enormous; it is in fact reported that the difference in
product costs can shift several hundred percent.21 In Chapter 4, this fact, along with
the theory of ABC, is explained in detail.
Traditionally, this difference would, however, play no role in LCC because most
LCC models concern only one cost object at a time. By performing LCC like this,
overhead costs are grossly mistreated, as in traditional, volume-based cost
accounting systems, or simply ignored. When overhead costs constituted up to 35
percent of total costs in a typical U.S. company in the mid-1980s,22 it is clear that
ignoring such a large proportion of total costs is a large risk in itself. For advanced
technological systems, the error of this approach is even larger. Activity-Based
LCC aims at handling overhead costs as realistically as possible, using ABC prin-
ciples, also in the context of LCC.
To do that, LCC cannot be performed product by product but must incorporate
the entire system whose cost base can be clearly defined. In order to clearly define
the cost base, however, the purpose of the LCC must be defined and an appropri-

ate life cycle chosen. Often it is more work limiting an analysis than performing a
complete analysis for the entire organization. The reason is that much work must
be spent trying to understand the consequences of limiting the analysis. Also, if
people know that many assumptions have been made to limit the analysis, they
may try to undermine the results, particularly if they do not like them.

Managing Risk and Uncertainty Realistically

When discussing risks and uncertainty, it is important to be aware of two things:
(1) assessing risks and uncertainties, and (2) reducing risks and uncertainties. Both
are important when it comes to managing risks and analyzing uncertainties. This
is discussed in the two subsequent sections. Then the topics of forecasting and how
to forecast are discussed because LCC is an attempt to forecast, or predict, the
future, and such predictions are always subject to risks and uncertainties.

Assessing Uncertainty and Risks Realistically

As will be evident from Chapter 3, the most common approaches of handling
uncertainty and risks have many problems. In fact, some people do not even dis-
tinguish between risk and uncertainty, and that is probably a reason why they have
never challenged some of the common approaches toward risk and uncertainty
Many risk assessment methods are unnecessarily limiting, as explained in detail
in Chapter 3. On top of that, many of the most popular sensitivity analyses are inca-
pable of measuring the consequences of interplay between variables. For example,
what happens if a variable has a high value, another variable has a medium value,
and a third has a low variable? Popular methods have a great difficulty in answer-
ing this simple question, especially if we do not find discrete choices (high, low,
and so on) satisfactory, but rather think in terms of continuous ranges (all real num-
What is truly amazing in my opinion is that even though the remedy for all these
unnecessary limitations, and much more, have been known for more than 30 years,
few seem to care or even know about them. The remedy for all these problems is
Monte Carlo simulations, and why they are applicable in this context can be
explained by both fuzzy logic and probability theory. This is discussed in detail in
Chapter 3, but here it is sufficient to recognize that with Monte Carlo simulations,
no limitations exist on how risk and uncertainty can be assessed. In fact, due to the
simple crudeness of Monte Carlo simulations, it does not matter if a variable is
probabilistic, statistic, stochastic, or fuzzy in nature; it will all be solved in the
same way. Moreover, as a by-product of the Monte Carlo simulation, you get a sen-
sitivity analysis that outperforms any form of sensitivity analyses. It is not with-

out reason that Monte Carlo methods have been referred to as “the perfect tool of
numerical theories and applications.”23
Some may argue that they do not like the Monte Carlo methods because they
involve the problem of random errors. Random errors occur as a consequence of
Monte Carlo methods being statistical in nature, and all statistical measures are
associated with some random errors. However, since costs are statistical in nature,
surely using a statistical method to handle the associated risks and uncertainties is
most appropriate. Also, the random errors are not a problem as long as you have a
computer that enables you to run enough trials to reduce the errors to acceptable
levels. As the clock speed of chips still seems to double every 18 months, it is safe
to assume that the problem of random errors is one of the past. In fact, most PCs
today have more than enough Random Access Memory (RAM) and high enough
clock speed to handle even large LCC Monte Carlo simulations. Add to that the
possibility of running Monte Carlo simulations over a local area network (LAN)
or a similar system, and the use of such simulations is virtually endless for any
practical cost-modeling purpose.

Reducing Risks and Uncertainty

Once the risks and uncertainties are assessed, the next step is to handle them.
Uncertainties should be handled with particular care, as explained in Chapter 3,
because an apparent reduction in uncertainty can in fact increase risks. This fact
ties nicely into the earlier discussions; excessive simplification of cost assess-
ments and management to reduce the uncertainty in the cost assessment—that
is, making it “simple”—in fact increases the risks associated with cost manage-
When it comes to managing the risks, numerous, well-known, and road-proven
methods are available, as discussed in Chapter 3. But any analysis, regardless of how
well it is done, is worth nothing if it does not lead to action. This is possibly the largest
risk of all the risks, because nonaction is in many cases worse than wrong action. As
one of the great executives of Ford put it:

If you’ve got ten decisions to make and you spend all your time making just
four, then you’ve made six wrong decisions.24

If we can act sensibly, we should be in good shape. In order to act sensibly, we

need to act on facts and not on whims, myths, and erroneous information. Here the
role of a good performance measurement system becomes crucial. When dis-
cussing performance measurement systems, it is important to emphasize that
research shows that in many cases of cost system implementation, success is
strongly correlated with behavioral and organizational variables, but not with tech-
nical variables, such as the type of software used.25 In fact, two large studies point

out that in the context of change management, changes in the performance meas-
urement system and in culture are the two most important factors of success.26

How to Forecast the Future

LCC is essentially the art of forecasting future costs, but any forecast is uncertain.
Being capable of assessing uncertainty and managing the associated risks is impor-
tant, but it is not sufficient. We must also decide what kind of mental model of fore-
casting we want to choose. Figure 1.2 shows four ways of performing forecasting
(in relation to economic performance):
1. The most common one is probably extending a trend line. The assumption
is that the future will roughly follow this trend line. That can be true, but that
approach completely misses new opportunities and threats.
2. Another common approach is to use experiments of some sort and, based on
the experiment, make generalizations concerning the future.
3. Basing the work on general economic forecasts is another approach, but then
you are in the hands of those who made the forecast. Also, it may be the case
that your organization will not follow the industry forecast.
4. The last approach is the grassroots approach where those facing the issues
are asked, surveyed, interviewed, and so forth, and based on this set of infor-
mation a forecast is made. Note that front-line representatives are the peo-
ple who work the closest with the issue under investigation. For example, if

General Economic Forecasts

(Multiple Regression Analysis)

Industry Forecast

bringing down

Experiments FORECAST Extending Trend Line

testing carrying

adding up
Grass Roots Approach
• Surveys
• Middlemen estimates
• Frontline Representatives
• Executive opinion

Figure 1.2 The four ways of forecasting. Source: Adapted from F. Allvine, Marketing:
Principles and Practices. Boston, MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1996.

we want to make a sales forecast, the front-line representative will be the

sales representative. If we want to make a technology forecast, the front--
line representative will be a technology worker who has a good overview of
all possible technologies. This approach is probably the most flexible in that
it is not necessarily based on past data or performance. We are allowed to
When innovations are the subject of the LCC, only the grassroots approach is
flexible enough to allow a wide-enough scope for the forecast. Extending a trend
line and performing experiments are not feasible options since an innovation is by
definition something new. Innovations are therefore more risky, but it is better to
make a forecast about the future than to ignore it. This is even truer when we talk
about the improvements of existing products and systems.
From this discussion, it follows that we need a way to handle uncertainty and
risks that is so flexible that guesses can be made, historical data can be utilized
when available, and so on. Otherwise, the approach will become a limitation in
terms of assessing uncertainty and risks and also in supporting forecasting.
Basically, we want no limitations.
Luckily, as explained in Chapter 3, modeling uncertainty and risks as probabil-
ity distributions, fuzzy numbers, and/or fuzzy intervals, and solving the problem
using Monte Carlo simulation are the most flexible approaches for both assessing
uncertainty and risks and for forecasting. Of course, the usefulness of the Monte
Carlo simulations cannot go beyond the meaningfulness of the mathematical mod-
eling, and some uncertainties and risks are simply impossible to formulate mathe-
matically. Consequently, there are limitations, as Albert Einstein put it:

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and
as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.

Outside of this, no limitations exist. However, even if we can guess as much as

we want, and use as much historical data as we want, we are ultimately affected
by the past, because even a guess is made with the past in mind to some extent or
the other. To forecast the future, we must understand the past, which further
emphasizes the need to make cost management relevant. ABC can be used to
understand the past, but Activity-Based LCC can be used to both understand the
past and forecast the future just as easily. This is because uncertainty and Monte
Carlo simulations work both ways, past and future.
I would like to point out that although this book builds on well-known subject
matter, and thus offers little new information per se, it is the unique synthesis of
that provides the real value. In the words of Robert Frost:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the road less traveled by. And
that has made all the difference.

1. P. Hawken, A.B. Lovins, and L.H. Lovins, Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial
Revolution. London: Earthscan Publications, 1999, p. 396.
2. D.L. Coutu, “Edgar H. Schein: The Anxiety of Learning.” Harvard Business Review
80, March 3, 2002, pp. 100—106.
3. M.E. Porter, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior
Performance. New York: The Free Press, 1985, p. 557.
4. Technical Committee CEN/TC 279, “EN 12973:2000 Standard: Value
Management.” Brussels: European Committee for Standardization, 2000, p. 61.
5. In the CEN 12973 Standard.
6. See J. Pettit’s, EVA & Strategy. New York: Stern Stewart & Co., 2000, p. 17.
7. See, for example, R.G. Eccles, “The Performance Measurement Manifesto,”
Harvard Business Review, January-February 1991, pp. 131—137, and R. Ernst and
D.N. Ross, “The Delta Force Approach to Balancing Long-Run Performance,”
Business Horizons, May-June 1993, pp. 4—10.
8. “Change Management: An Inside Job.” The Economist 356 (8179), 2000, p. 65.
9. See Graham Ward’s speech on corporate governance at INSEAD at
10. M.E. Jones and G. Sutherland, “Implementing Turnbull: A Boardroom Briefing.”
London: The Center for Business Performance, The Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), 1999, p. 34.
11. Ibid.
12. B. Bras and J. Emblemsvåg, “Designing for the Life-Cycle: Activity-Based Costing
and Uncertainty.” Design for X: Concurring Engineering Imperatives, ed, G.Q.
Huang. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996, pp. 398—423.
13. H.T. Johnson and R.S. Kaplan, Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management
Accounting. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1987, p. 269 and
Chapters 2 and 4.
14. N. Shepherd, “The Bridge to Continuous Improvement.” CMA. March 1995, pp.
15. R.A. Lutz, “Lutz’s Laws: A Primer for the Business Side of Engineering.” The
George W. Woodruff Annual Distinguished Lecture, 1998. Atlanta, GA: Georgia
Institute of Technology.
16. N. Bowie and H. Owen, “An Investigation into the Relationship Between Quality
Improvement and Financial Performance.” United Kingdom: Certified Accountants
Educational Trust, 1996. Häversjö, T, “The Financial Effects of ISO 9000
Registration for Danish Companies.” Managerial Auditing Journal 15 (No. 1 & 2),
2000, pp. 47—52.
17. H.T. Johnson, “It’s Time to Stop Overselling Activity-Based Concepts.”
Management Accounting, September 1992.
18. H.P. Barringer, “Why You Need Practical Reliability Details to Define Life Cycle
Costs for Your Products and Competitors Products!” New Orleans, LA: The 16th
International Titanium Annual Conference & Exhibition, October 9—10, 2000.

19. S.M. Hronec and S.K. Hunt, “Quality and Cost Management,” Handbook of Cost
Management, ed, J.B. Edwards. Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1997,
pp. A1.1—A1.42.
20. R. Cooper and R.S. Kaplan, “The Promise—and Peril—of Integrated Cost
Systems.” Harvard Business Review, July/August 1998, pp. 109 —119.
21. M. O’Guin, “Focus the Factory with Activity-Based Costing.” Management
Accounting, February 1990, pp. 36—41.
22. J.G. Miller and T.E. Vollmann, “The Hidden Factory.” Harvard Business Review,
September-October, 1985, pp. 142—150.
23. A. Kaufmann, “Advances in Fuzzy Sets: An Overview.” Advances in Fuzzy Sets,
Possibility Theory, and Applications, ed. P.P. Wang. New York: Plenum Press, 1983.
24. D.N. James, “The Trouble I’ve Seen.” Harvard Business Review 80, March 3, 2002,
pp. 42—49.
25. M.D. Shields, “An Empirical Analysis of Firms’ Implementation Experiences with
Activity-Based Costing.” Journal of Management Accounting Research 7, Fall
1995, pp. 148—166.
26. For details, see “Change Management: An Inside Job.” The Economist 356 (8179,
2000), p. 65.

A cynic is one who knows the price of everything and the value of
Oscar Wilde
Before we start thinking about Life-Cycle Costing (LCC), a very basic concept
must be clarified, namely the life cycle, and that is the topic in this chapter. After
that, the purpose of LCC is discussed followed by a discussion on what cost is,
because many people confuse cost with expense and even cash flow. An overview
of the various LCC approaches is also provided.


The interpretation of the term life cycle differs from decision-maker to decision-
maker, as is evident from the literature. A marketing executive will most likely
think in terms of the marketing perspective, which consists of at least four stages1:
1. Introduction
2. Growth
3. Maturity
4. Decline
A manufacturer, on the other hand, will think in terms of the production per-
spective, which can be described using five main stages or processes:
1. Product conception
2. Design
3. Product and process development
4. Production
5. Logistics
When the product has reached the customer (user or consumer), a different
perspective occurs: the customer perspective. This perspective often includes five
stages or processes:

1. Purchase
2. Operating
3. Support
4. Maintenance
5. Disposal
Because the purchase price the customer pays is equal to the cost of the pro-
ducer plus an add-on (profit), the life-cycle costs of the consumer perspective will
most often be the most complete. This is important to realize and to turn into a
competitive advantage, as Toyota did, for example. Over the years, Toyota has sys-
tematically worked toward minimizing total life-cycle costs, and this is something
its customers have benefited from, as Toyota’s cars are virtually problem-free after
purchase. Toyota can actually charge a higher price than its competitors and
increase its profits because its customers know that they also save money and has-
sles, a win-win situation for both customer and manufacturer. Unfortunately, tra-
ditional cost accounting methods give no decision support for such considerations,
but that will be discussed later. In fact, most accounting regimes require that spend-
ing for intangibles like Research and Development (R&D) be treated as period
costs. As a result, the current profit is reduced and financial measures like earn-
ings per share drop despite the fact that such spending is essentially investments
that take place into the future.2 Traditional accounting practices therefore distort
the picture and promote shortsightedness. In fact, it has been argued that “account-
ing practices often drive major business decisions despite—and not because of—
the economics.”3
That the customer perspective also incorporates the most costs is probably more
often the case in relation to infrastructure than in relation to any other type of pro-
duce or service. For example, it has been estimated that “the operating costs of a
school can consume the equivalent of its capital costs every 4 to 5 years and remain
in service for a century.”4
The three perspectives only consider “private” costs, that is, costs that directly
impact a company’s bottom line. The societal perspective, however, includes those
activities (and associated costs) borne by society, such as:
● Disposal
● Externalities (see Glossary)
Concerning disposal costs, the trend now internationally is that they are becom-
ing the cost of the manufacturer or the user. For example, in both Germany and
Norway, various take-back legislation exists. Thus, as societies become more afflu-
ent and knowledgeable, it is likely that it will become increasingly difficult for
companies to escape from their social responsibilities.
Finally, we have the most comprehensive perspective, namely that of the prod-
uct itself, as shown in Figure 2.1. The product life cycle is essentially all the activ-

ities that the product, or parts of the product, undergo regardless of which deci-
sion-makers are involved. It may therefore involve all the proceeding perspectives
except one: the marketing perspective. The reason is that the product life cycle is
on the individual level of each product unit, whereas the marketing perspective is
on the type level of a product. By the same token, if we compare the product life
cycle depicted in Figure 2.1 to the life cycle illustrated in Figure 2.3, we see that
the product life cycle always consists of processes and activities, whereas the mar-
ket life cycle in does not. Of course, underlying activities in addition to factors in
the business environment are needed to sustain or improve a product in a specific
stage or to move it to another stage. The stages themselves, however, are neither
processes nor activities. They are related to the market situation as characterized
by being new or old (introduction or decline) or the amount of sales (growth, matu-
rity, and decline), as shown later in Table 2.2.
In this book, this life cycle is therefore denoted as the market life cycle and not
product life cycle, which is the common denomination, particularly in manage-
ment literature. In my opinion, the term product life cycle logically fits the life
cycle shown in Figure 2.1 better than the one shown in Figure 2.3. Furthermore,
this book focuses on the product life cycle and not so much on the market life
cycle. However, because the underlying mechanisms of the market life cycle are
processes and activities, the approach presented in this book can easily be adopted
to market life-cycle issues. In any case, two genuinely unique life cycles exist: one
on the individual product level (the product life cycle) and one on the product-type
level (the market life cycle).


Material Product
Mining Distribution
processing manufacture

Environment: Use
air, sea, land 4 3 2 1 +
Demanufacture Service

Material Product Product

Disposal demanufacture demanufacture take-back

1 = Direct recycling / reuse

Energy Clean fuel 2 = Remanufacture of reusable components
recovery with production 3 = Reprocessing of recycled material
4 = Monomer / raw material regeneration

Figure 2.1 Generic representation of a product life cycle. Source: J. Emblemsvåg and
B. Bras, Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management: A Different Approach to
the ISO 14000 Compliance. Boston: Kluwer, 2000, p. 317.

Product Life Cycle

The product life cycle is comprised of the activities an individual part of the prod-
uct, or parts of the product, undergoes regardless of which decision-makers are
involved, as shown in Figure 2.1. For each activity, or process, in Figure 2.1, more
detailed activities can be defined depending on the specific products and
processes involved. A manufacturer will typically focus on the upper half of the
figure, whereas the customer typically thinks of the right-hand side of the figure.
Until recently, the lower half of the figure was left to society to handle, while
nobody thought of the left-hand side. But as environmental problems have
increased, from the 1950s on, more and more laws and regulations have been
made to respond to public demands. In fact, in 1991 the United Nations
Environmental Program (UNEP) listed 141 global, legally binding treaties con-
cerning the environment that add to the several thousand agreements, conven-
tions, and protocols on environmental issues. Today the number is probably much
All these new laws and regulations have created a compliance pressure for the
industry, but they have also opened up potential liabilities in the future, such as the
liabilities the tobacco industry is facing. Many companies have realized that the
only way to manage this situation is to be proactive, and in fact many are way
ahead of laws and regulations because they are convinced this is a great investment
opportunity for those who are prepared. For example, the world-leading carpet tile
manufacturer, Interface, Inc., is aiming toward becoming the first sustainable
enterprise in history5 and Percy Barnevik, the CEO of ABB, the Swedish-Swiss
engineering giant, claimed that “industry is the driving force these days” in an
interview with Newsweek in 1998. Other companies have also made great progress,
and many of their initiatives have one common denominator: They involve prod-
uct and/or process (re)design. Many of them also involve the lower half of
Figure 2.1.
To achieve such success, companies must think in terms of design. Many new
design methods and approaches have therefore been developed in the last 10 to 15
years, such as life-cycle design and design for X. Also, many new terms have been
coined, such as cradle to grave, reincarnation, and end of life. In fact, some refer
to LCC in this context as environmental LCC (see also the discussion in Chapter
1). This is because LCC has other roots than in the environmental domain, which
will be discussed later, but it has seen almost a renaissance in recent years due to
the environmental issues.
What is important about the lower half of the product life cycle is that several
different end-of-life strategies exist and each strategy has advantages and disad-
vantages. The first end-of-life issue to discuss is whether to take back the products
or not and, if so, what to do with them. Some companies will be forced to take back

their own products due to laws and regulations, as mentioned earlier. Others may
do this voluntarily, as Interface, Inc., did because it is good business. The third
option is that a third party takes back the products. If none of the above options
occur, the product will be disposed of.
After a product has been retrieved from the marketplace, it can be either directly
reused or demanufactured. Direct reuse is the best option in terms of both costs
and environmental impact, but selling directly reused products may be difficult.
Ironically, the farther to the left we come in the lower half of Figure 2.1, the eas-
ier it seems to be to sell the product, but the more downgraded it is. So typically a
product would have to be demanufactured in order to be economically interesting.
As the term indicates, demanufacturing is the opposite of manufacturing, that
is, it involves taking the product apart. During demanufacturing, several different
paths must be taken:
● Disassembly The product is taken apart without destroying any parts or
components. Some products may undergo only this process, which occurs if
the reusable parts are sold (the product loop is closed) whereas the rest is
● Remanufacturing This is an industrial process that restores worn products
to like-new condition. A retired product is first completely disassembled, and
its usable parts are then cleaned, refurbished, and put into inventory. Finally,
a new product is reassembled from both old and new parts, creating a unit
equal in performance to the original or a currently available alternative. In con-
trast, a repaired or rebuilt product usually retains its identify, and only those
parts that have failed or are badly worn are replaced.6 Remanufacturing is
therefore a systematic way of closing the product loop.
● Material demanufacture Products and components that cannot be reused
or remanufactured are broken down further into either simpler products
(polymers are broken down into smaller polymers) or incinerated for energy
recovery purposes. The simpler products can be either consumed (as fuel, for
example) or used in material regeneration (the material loop is closed).
● Recycling In this process, material is reprocessed into “new” raw material.
This is, in other words, the same as closing the materials loop. Recycling is
perhaps the most common strategy to closing the loop, but it is the least effec-
tive one in the sense that it is the most wasteful strategy (except disposal).
● Disposal The last resort is disposal, which ideally should not happen at all.
In fact, Interface, Inc. aims toward totally eliminating disposal from its value
chain.7 But in the grand scale, disposal is the most common of all end-of-life
strategies. In fact, less than 2 percent of the total waste stream is actually
recycled, primarily paper, glass, plastic, aluminum, and steel. Over the course
of a decade, 500 trillion pounds of American resources have been trans-
formed into nonproductive solids and gases.8

Once an end-of-life strategy has been chosen, the design job begins. Of course,
the strategy is chosen in relation to what is feasible given the current product mix,
but over time the products and their value chains should be designed concurrently
to fit each other. In any case, depending on the scale of the temporal and organi-
zational concerns, seven major umbrella terms are pertinent to look at, both from
a strategic and a design-related perspective (see Figure 2.2). It is, after all, a quite
different task to become sustainable than to run environmental engineering pro-
grams, and this must be reflected in everything in the company (vision, strategy,
product mix, suppliers, and so on).
Under each umbrella are a huge variety of methods, approaches, and tools. All
these approaches, however, can be grouped into three according to their relation to
the product life cycle: those that are applied within a single product life cycle and
focus on specific life-cycle stages, those that focus on a complete product life cycle
and cover all life-cycle stages, and those that go beyond single product life cycles.
For this book, it suffices to acknowledge that these methods exist and that LCC
should be used in conjunction with useful design methods. LCC and other per-
formance measurement techniques can, after all, only direct attention and indicate
paths of improvements; they cannot actually improve anything.

Market Life Cycle

The marketing perspective is the background for the market life cycle. This life-cycle
concept may be defined as the “progression of a specific product (service) from mar-
Scale of Organizational Concern

1: Environmental Engineering
2: Pollution Prevention
X Manufacturers 3: Environmentally Conscious
Design & Manufacturing
Industry Life Cycle

6 4: Design for the Environment

One Manufacturer
Company Life Cycle

5: Life Cycle Design

X Products
6: Industrial Ecology
Market Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle

7: Sustainable Development
Final disposal
Use 3,4,5

Manufacturing 1

Manufacturing Use Disposal Human Civilization

Product Life Cycle Lifetime Span

Scale of Temporal Concern

Figure 2.2 Environmental and organizational scales of environmental impact reduction

approaches. Source: Adapted from S. Coulter, B.A. Bras, and C. Foley, “A Lexicon of
Green Engineering Terms,” 10th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED
1995), Praha, Heurista, Zürich, 1995, pp. 1033—1039.


Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Stages of

Product Life

Figure 2.3 Market life cycle.

ket development to market decline.”9 The market life cycle is therefore also concep-
tually strikingly similar to industry life cycles, business life cycles, and even human
life cycles as they all go through the same four generic stages (see Figure 2.3). The
shape of the curve will of course depend on many different situational factors.
Although, Figure 2.3 is symmetric, this situation is not likely to occur in real-
ity. The figure should only be interpreted schematically. As noted earlier, seven-
stage models can also be found in the literature, but the crux is the same.
In Table 2.1, the different typical characteristics and responses related to the
four stages are shown. It is important to be aware of the fact that a product in the

Table 2.1 Market Life Cycle: Characteristics and Responses

Stages of Cycle Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
Sales Small Substantial Maximum Falling
Profit Loss Accelerating Declining Low or
Cash flow Negative Negligible Large Low
Customers Innovative Early user Mass market Laggards
Competitors Few Increasing Stable Fewer
Strategic focus Expand market Develop share Defend share Retrenching
Marketing Highest High Falling Low
Promotion Product Brand Brand Eliminated
attributes preference loyalty
Distribution Limited Broad Maximum Selective
Price Highest High Lower Lowest
Product Basic Extensions Quality Narrower

Source: Adapted from F. Allvine, Marketing: Principles and Practices. Boston, MA:
Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1996.

decline stage can be repositioned in the market, but if it has gone too far, only two
options are available. The best is usually to discontinue the product as soon as
other products can more profitably utilize the resources earlier allocated to that
particular product, but often companies keep their products too long. However,
products can be made profitable for some time by using a retrenching program.
Such programs would typically attempt to appeal to customers’ sentimental
attachments to the products and increase the price up front to an announced dis-
continuation of the product. Volkswagen, for example, increased the price of its
convertible as the company announced plans to drop the product.10
Clearly, “What is a life cycle?” is not possible to answer straightforwardly using
a simple definition. All life-cycle terminology is subject to considerable confusion.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for example, states that “some
people view life-cycle costing as referring only to private costs, while others view
it as including both private and societal costs.” Hence, it is important to define the
purpose of the analysis in order to define an appropriate life cycle and conse-
quently a suitable cost base.
Luckily, Activity-Based LCC is a process-oriented method, and defining the
correct life cycle is therefore quite easy. The difficulty lies in defining the activi-
ties so that reliable data can be found, but this and more will be discussed in
Chapters 4 and 5.
In the “Purpose of LCC” section, the purpose of LCC is discussed, but first the
difference between a life cycle and a value chain must be explained.

Differences between the Life Cycle and the Value Chain

The definitions of a life cycle (product/market life cycle) may seem elusive,
whereas value chain was defined quite straightforwardly as a basic tool for sys-
tematically examining all the activities a firm performs, and how the firm interacts
is necessary for analyzing the sources of competitive advantage.11 Yet the value-
chain idea became “one of the most discussed and misunderstood in the whole of
the management area”12 in the decade after its launch in 1985.
Later the term value chain has come to mean three things (see Glossary). Its
original definition was simply as a tool, but it came to be seen as any set of value-
creating activities up to the final consumer. It is also defined as the set of activities
required to design, procure, produce, market, distribute, and service a product or
service. Value chain is therefore no longer so crisply defined as it once was.
Regardless of what definition we choose for the value chain, we see that at least
one major difference exists between life cycle and value chain: The value chain
takes the perspective of a specific company. The life-cycle definitions, however,
follow the product, which has significant implications in the case of the product
life cycle. In a product life cycle, many decision-makers are normally involved,
such as suppliers, the producer, customers, and so on. The life cycle has also a

longer chain of activities, from cradle to grave, and consequently the time horizon
is also longer. The life cycle is therefore a more generic, less limiting concept than
the value chain, and that is why I prefer the concept life cycle to value chain.
However, in many cases an Activity-Based LCC implementation will essentially
be a value-chain costing implementation.

Purpose of LCC
As most concepts, LCC has evolved over time, and today LCC serves three main
1. LCC can be an effective engineering tool for providing decision support in
the design and procurement of major open systems, infrastructure, and so on.
This was the original intent for which it was developed.
2. LCC overcomes many of the shortcomings of traditional cost accounting and
can therefore give useful cost insights in cost accounting and management.
3. LCC has reemerged as a design and engineering tool for environmental pur-

LCC as an Engineering Tool

LCC is a concept originally developed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
in the early 1960s to increase the effectiveness of government procurement. Two
related purposes were to encourage a longer planning horizon that would include
operating and support costs and increase cost savings by increasing spending on
design and development. The traditional approaches of making decisions on the
initial procurement costs, often derived from simple rules, “are so cheap that they
are not affordable.”13 From the very beginning, LCC has therefore been closely
related to design and development because it was realized early that it is better to
eliminate costs before they are incurred instead of trying to cut costs after they are
incurred. This represents a paradigm shift away from cost cutting to cost control
during design.
In fact, the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) has estimated that 70 percent
of the costs during the life of a weapons system are determined during the design
and development phase.14 Others claim that 80 to 90 percent of the manufacturing
costs are committed during the design and testing phases, as discussed in Chapter
1. In any case, the traditional approach of cost cutting is a very ineffective one.
Since the beginning of LCC roughly 40 years ago, the concept has spread from
defense-related matters to a variety of industries and problems. The common
denominator seems to be that LCC is mostly applied by companies and public insti-
tutions that either procure or manufacture large capital goods, facilities, weapons
systems, and other products (or systems) that are open. An open system is a system
that evolves over time and changes with its environment. For example, the aircraft

carrier the USS Enterprise was first commissioned in 1961 but is still in service.
During those 40-plus years, it has naturally undergone many updates, repairs, major
maintenance jobs, and so on. The costs of building the USS Enterprise therefore
was minor compared to the costs incurred during its life span, and this illustrates
why it is so important to perform LCC analysis before making decisions. Many, if
not most, open systems incur more costs during their life span than the purchasing
costs. For example, the cost of sustaining equipment is frequently 2 to 20 times the
acquisition costs.15 Assessing, eliminating by design, or managing the downstream
costs as well as their associated risks and uncertainties are therefore vital for both
the manufacturer and the purchaser because:
● The downstream costs after purchasing will most likely be very significant
and should therefore play a major role in purchasing decisions.
● The knowledge about downstream costs and their associated risks and uncer-
tainty can be used during negotiations both when it comes to costs/pricing
and risk management.
● The simulation of downstream costs can be very useful in designing the prod-
ucts so that the costs are eliminated even before they are incurred.
Essentially, LCC in an engineering context helps engineers think like MBAs
but act like engineers. But why was it necessary to come up with a new concept to
assess the life-cycle costs?

LCC as Decision Support for Management

Historically, engineers were heavily involved in managing the costs in companies.
For example, the well-known Standard Costing method was developed in the
1870s by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), although it was
not commonly in use until the 1920s or even later.16 At the time, factories were
technologically simple and labor intensive and product variety was very limited.
We have all heard a version of Henry Ford’s famous statement that “you can have
any color Model T that you’d like—as long as it is black.” The degree of overhead
was therefore very low, and it made perfect sense to allocate costs according to
direct labor hours. The costing systems at the time consequently had sufficient
managerial relevance.
Around 1920, however, laws were passed that required companies to provide
various estimates for tax purposes. After this, cost management became more and
more externally and financially oriented. Consequently, it gradually lost its man-
agerial relevance particularly when major business environmental changes came
about after World War II.
Arguably, one of the most important is the invention of the digital computer,
which in the simplest form is known as Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs),
and PLCs are the precursors to the personal computer (PC). The result was an

explosion in product variety at affordable prices due to the new manufacturing tech-
nologies that enabled mass production at an unprecedented scale. This required
more support in the companies, and overhead grew increasingly. These days, sur-
veys indicate that overhead costs constitute roughly 35 percent of an average
American company, whereas 100 years ago it was somewhere around 10 percent.
This should indicate that the costing systems invented more than 100 years ago are
long outdated, and indeed they are; they have lost their relevance in managerial
accounting, as H. Thomas Johnson and Robert S. Kaplan argued in their famous
book, Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting.17
Traditional cost accounting is capable of handling only a relatively small part of
the costs, despite the fact that a company’s bottom line incorporates total costs. In
other words, traditional cost accounting can focus only on partial costs, not total costs.
Companies simply cannot afford to segregate cost accounting from design,
engineering, production, and other core business processes as in the good old days.
Nowadays, even the customer relationships must be scrutinized by cost account-
ing because keeping the customers satisfied has both an upside and a downside
(costs). The four walls of the company are basically no longer the borders. This
puts new challenges on management that traditional cost accounting techniques
have little chance of handling well.
These facts were unpleasantly revealed to many western companies in the
1980s due to the tough competition from primarily Japanese companies. The
Japanese had long realized that it is better to eliminate costs via design than to cut
costs during production, which was pretty much the western approach. But
because many studies concluded that up to 85 percent of production costs are com-
mitted before even a single unit of the product is manufactured, new approaches
were needed. One of the approaches people turned to was LCC. In fact, it was said
that “LCC is an accounting methodology that became very popular in the 1980s,
when the increasing competitive pressure on most markets forced firms to improve
their capability to control and reduce manufacturing costs.”18 Hence, the LCC prin-
ciples of the 1960s became pertinent during the 1980s for a quite larger context
than procurement, and in this book I try to take it a step further.

LCC in the Environmental Domain

Over the years many approaches have been presented to assist environmental man-
agement. Recently, the ISO 14000 Environmental Management System standard
has received much attention. Although this set of 14 distinct standards is compre-
hensive and covers many interesting topics, they have failed to provide something
basic for the industry, namely comparability. In fact, some researchers themselves
admit that “it is not possible to give a general rank of priorities of strategies and
options for improvements.” This is a serious problem that lies inherently in their

performance measurement standards (particularly the ISO 14040 series) and will
not be remedied by more accurate data and scientific understanding.19
Despite such dedicated and thorough attempts in managing environmental
issues that ISO and others can show, LCC has remained one of the premier envi-
ronmental management tools. LCC has the potential of being a more effective deci-
sion-making tool than conventional LCA for reasons such as:
● Cost is often a more reliable indicator of resource consumption than any phys-
ical analysis because the economic system systematically captures many more
difficult-to-trace subtle interactions than an ad hoc approach can.
● Costs provide a more direct measure compared to scientific measures (such
as gigajoules of energy) that do not reflect marginal economic effects relat-
ing to resource scarcity.
● Priority setting in environmental improvement projects can be very difficult
in view of the profusion of available options. The environmental improve-
ments combined with cost reduction can greatly facilitate this process.
● It is easy to promote the results of environmental studies if related cost sav-
ings can be demonstrated.
● The data needed for LCC calculations are generally easily accessible. In fact,
they are much easier to access than the detailed process data needed for car-
rying out Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies, as several in the literature
have pointed out.
● The LCC information regarding a product can be a real eye-opener to man-
agement by revealing hitherto unidentified cost drivers.20
Thus, not only can LCC aid in making cost management more relevant and proac-
tive, which was the original intent, but LCC can be useful in aiding companies
toward “doing (economically) well by doing (environmentally) good.” Thus, LCC
has grown substantially in scope over the 40 years the concept has been around.
Before proceeding, it should be noted that these points do not apply to all LCA
methods, except for the point about data being easily accessible. A method called
Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management can be used for conducting
integrated cost and environmental management according to Activity-Based
Costing (ABC) principles.21 The result is that environmental issues can be man-
aged just as closely as economic issues, given that data are available. In fact,
Activity-Based LCC can be viewed as a subset of the Activity-Based Cost and
Environmental Management method. In this book, it is therefore focused on LCC,
cost management (as a managerial tool), and related issues.
We have now discussed what a life cycle is as well as the purpose of studying
it and assigning costs to it. We need to understand the concept of costs, because a
great deal of confusion exists in the literature and among practitioners, particularly
in the field of environmental management.

Two terms are often used incorrectly or interchangeably, both in the literature and
among practitioners, including the undersigned, namely cost and expense. This is
probably partly due to language simplifications but also to ignorance. Let us there-
fore look at what a cost is and what an expense is.
Cost is a measure of resource consumption related to the demand for jobs to be
done, whereas expense is a measure of spending that relates to the capacity pro-
vided to do a job.22 For example, a stamping machine costs $100 daily to operate
and it can stamp 10,000 coins per day. One day, only 5,000 coins are stamped. The
expense is $100 because that is the capacity provided, which shows up in the
books, but the cost of stamping the coins is only $50. Hence, this day there was a
surplus capacity worth $50.
It is the resource consumption perspective that counts, because management
must match capacity to demand and not the other way around. In our example,
management must consider if the excess capacity should be kept or removed, not
stamp more coins than demanded because that only drives costs, and the risks of
producing obsolete coins increase. However, in most companies, the latter is the
case because “producing to capacity rather than to demand often appears to reduce
costs.”23 This in turn leads to overinvestment and surplus capacity for companies
with significant free cash flow, which further erodes profits. In such cases, debt is
a greater good because their cost systems foster erroneous decisions but debt intro-
duces spending discipline.
While the logical consequence of this is that an LCC model should represent
the cost/resource consumption perspective, from the literature we see that most
LCC models are actually cash flow models or expense models at best.
Cash flow models are necessities in situations where revenues and their related
costs occur in different time periods. Cash flow models are important to ensure
sufficient liquidity, but they cannot replace cost models. Also, it is important to
take the time value of money into account using a discounting factor, because, as
we have all heard, “it is better to earn one dollar today than one dollar tomorrow.”
The time value of money is, however, not confined to cash flow models, but this
will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 3 because risk and uncertainty is
closely related to time and value. In any case, such models are always used in
investment analyses, which in some ways are like LCC analyses. But what is the
In the wide sense, an investment is a sacrifice of something now for the prospect
of something later. Furthermore, “we see two different factors involved, time and
risk. The sacrifice takes place in the present and is certain. The reward comes later,
if at all, and the magnitude may be uncertain.”24 Depending on the type of sacrifice,

we are talking about financial investment and real investments. Financial investments
typically involve assets that can be quickly liquidated (cash, stocks, and bonds).
Financial investment analyses therefore include cash flow analyses and financial per-
formance measures. Real investments, on the other hand, concern physical (real)
assets that depreciate over time, such as buildings and equipment, and their economic
evaluation is variously referred to as economic analysis, engineering economy, and
economic decision analysis. Hence, real investment analyses can in principle be the
same as LCC, whereas financial investment analyses are not. Furthermore, LCC may
or may not include consideration of the time value of money. That depends on the
scope of the LCC, which is discussed in Chapter 5.
Expense models typically support environmental initiatives and policies by
including the expenses and benefits that are derived from the effects of the envi-
ronment on the General Ledger while expenses outside the four walls of the organ-
ization are included when possible or desirable. Such practices go under many
names in the literature, such as environmental accounting, environmental cost
accounting, life-cycle accounting, total cost accounting, green accounting, full-
cost accounting, and full-cost environmental accounting. Depending on whom you
ask, these practices can be anything from essentially financial reporting and analy-
sis of environmental aspects as they show on the General Ledger to a national
income accounting. The managerial relevance therefore varies considerably.
This proliferation of terminology and the associated confusion has also led to
many different definitions of what a life-cycle cost is. Some of the better defini-
tions are:
● The sum total of the direct, indirect, recurring, nonrecurring, and other
related costs incurred, or estimated to be incurred, in the design, develop-
ment, production, operation, maintenance, and support of a major system
over its anticipated useful life span.25
● The amortized annual cost of a product, including capital costs, installation
costs, operating costs, maintenance costs, and disposal costs discounted over
the lifetime of a product.26
● The total cost throughout its (an asset’s) life, including planning, design,
acquisition and support costs, and any other costs directly attributable to
owing or using the asset.27
To keep things simple, in this book the life-cycle cost for a product is defined
as “the total costs that are incurred, or may be incurred, in all stages of the prod-
uct life cycle.” This simple definition relies on the definition of the product life
cycle and will therefore vary from product to product. It must be so, because LCC
is a decision-support tool that must match the purpose and not an external, finan-
cial reporting system that should obey rigid principles, such as the U.S. GAAP.

LCC is therefore defined more widely in this book than what is common. That
is by intention, because LCC should be just as much an approach to capture future
costs as it is a technique to compute the life-cycle cost for a specific product. After
all, ABC goes well beyond assessing the costs of the activities. Thus, just as ABC
employs activities as a core element in its costing assignment, I suggest using a
specific life-cycle definition as a premise for a specific LCC analysis. By doing it
this way, we do not have to use all the different acronyms and terms that plague
the environmental accounting field in particular.
It is not, as some seem to believe, that having many accurate terms makes life
easier, because as Hegel said, “Theories conceal as much as they reveal.” It is bet-
ter to keep things simple and rather concentrate on understanding the essentials
and how they relate to reality. As Nanquan explains to Zhaozhou in Case 19 of
Gateless Barrier:
Zhaozhou asked Nanquan, “What is the way?”
Nanquan said, “Ordinary mind is the way.”
Zhaozhou asked, “Shall I try for that?”
Nanquan said, “If you try, you’ll miss it.”
Zhaozhou asked, “How do I know it’s the way if I don’t try?”
Nanquan said, “The way has nothing to do with knowing or not knowing.
Knowing is illusion; not knowing is ignorance. If you penetrate the way
of no-trying, it will be open—empty and vast. What need is there to affirm
this or deny it?”
Zhaozhou was suddenly enlightened upon hearing this.
To better understand the costs in a life-cycle perspective, the next two sections pro-
vide discussions and some examples regarding categories of costs (and expenses) and
business activities that create cost, that is, a demand for jobs to be done.

Categories of Life-Cycle Costs

Costs can be categorized in numerous ways, and some are more useful than oth-
ers, at least on a general basis. Two main categories exist: (1) acquisition costs and
(2) sustaining costs. These categories are then broken down into some generic cost
trees that are memory joggers. This way of categorizing costs is handy for a cer-
tain type of LCC problem, such as the replacement and procurement of equipment,
but it does not work on a general basis.
In general, four types of costs must be considered (usual, hidden, liability, and
less tangible) in a product life cycle, regardless of the scale of the organizational
concern (discussed in Figure 2.2). The costs and expenses referred to as usual costs
include, for example:

● Capital costs:
䡩 Buildings
䡩 Equipment
● Expenses:
䡩 Labor
䡩 Supplies
䡩 Raw materials
䡩 Utilities
䡩 Disposal
● Revenues:
䡩 Primary product
䡩 Marketable byproducts

As the name indicates, these are the costs—or expenses, to be accurate—that

traditional accounting methods usually handle. Traditional cost-cutting exercises
often cut such costs, and not without reason; they are usually the largest costs in a
The second cost category is the hidden costs. These costs are typically associated
with regulation of some sort. In traditional cost accounting, these costs are lumped
together in the big bag of overhead costs that is usually allocated to products nor-
mally using direct labor or direct machine hours as allocation bases. This way of allo-
cating costs leads to large cost distortions and wrong cost allocation, which is why
a new method called ABC (see Chapter 4 for a full description) was designed in the
1980s. ABC has overcome these shortcomings and proved highly useful (see Table
4.12), yet a few years later surveys reported that 94 percent of the surveyed compa-
nies still used direct labor as an allocation base. Basically, the companies went on as
before. Nonetheless, these costs should be found and eliminated or reduced because
they are usually nonvalue-added costs. Some examples of such hidden costs are:
● Capital costs:
䡩 Monitoring equipment
䡩 Preparedness and protective equipment
䡩 Additional technology
● Expenses:
䡩 Reporting
䡩 Notification
䡩 Monitoring/testing
䡩 Record keeping
䡩 Planning/studies/planning
䡩 Training
䡩 Inspections

䡩 Manifesting
䡩 Labeling
䡩 Preparedness and protective equipment
䡩 Closure/postclosure care
䡩 Medical surveillance
䡩 Insurance/special taxes
The third type of costs is liability costs, or costs that arise due to noncompli-
ance and potential future liabilities. These costs are also referred to as contingent
costs by some. Depending on the type of costs, these costs traditionally will either
be handled as overhead costs and be put in the big bag of poorly allocated costs,
or be handled as extraordinary costs. An example of these costs would be the
cleanup costs of the so-called Superfund sites in the United States, which were
estimated to be between $300 and $700 billion as of 1991.28
Since liability costs include future liabilities, it is difficult to estimate them;
environmental liability costs are particularly difficult to estimate and hence prob-
ably understated. Nonetheless, here are some examples:
● Legal staff and/or consultants
● Penalties and fines
● Future liabilities from customer injury
● Future liabilities from hazardous waste sites:
䡩 Soil and waste removal and treatment
䡩 Groundwater removal and treatment
䡩 Surface sealing
䡩 Personal injury (health care and insurance ramifications)
䡩 Economic loss
䡩 Real property damage
䡩 Natural resource damage
䡩 Other

The last category of less tangible costs, or image and relationship costs, as some
denote such costs, are very difficult to estimate. They are, however, far from unim-
portant as is evident from the following examples:
● Customer acceptance
● Customer loyalty
● Worker morale/union relations
● Corporate image
● Brand name
● Stakeholder relations
One of the classic examples of such less intangible costs and the effect on a com-
pany is the introduction of New Coke by the Coca-Cola Company on April 23, 1985.

Preliminary taste tests concluded that New Coke was “better” than the old Coke
because during blind testing they found that people preferred the New Coke taste.
But this was a classic market research error, because what Coca-Cola completely
failed to take into account was the fact that people ascribed a certain taste to the brand
Coca-Cola. Thus, when New Coke was released on the market, it became an instant
failure. The sweeter and less carbonated New Coke was to many more like Pepsi-
Cola than Coca-Cola. Suddenly, millions of customers thought that Pepsi, not Coke,
was the “Real Thing.” After New Coke spent only 77 days on the market, Coca-Cola
had to quickly reintroduce the old Coca-Cola under the new name Classic Coke.
Most will agree this was a huge embarrassment for Coca-Cola. But according to
chairman Roberto Goizueta, the introduction of New Coke was the best thing that
ever could have happened for Coca-Cola because it taught management a valuable
lesson as to why the company has one of the highest returns on investment of any
U.S. company today.29 This goes to show that although the costs of a catastrophe can
be great, if handled properly, the lessons taken from it can be a turning point for the
better. Indeed, catastrophe is a Greek word that originally means turning point.
An example from the environmental domain is the Exxon Valdez accident in
Alaska in 1989. Prior to the accident, Exxon said it saved $22 million on building
the Exxon Valdez with a single hull (as opposed to a double hull). But then came
the accident in Prince William Sound. Exxon spent roughly $2 billion just on
cleaning up, yet it captured only 12 percent of the 11 million gallons spilled. Law
suits followed from both the state of Alaska and a group of 14,000 fishermen and
citizens in the region. The state demanded compensatory and punitive damages
possibly in excess of $1 billion, while the people in the region sought punitive
damages of $15 billion. In September 1994, Exxon was ordered to pay $5.3 bil-
lion, with $4 billion for environmental costs and $1 billion as retribution for insen-
sitivity. But Exxon appealed both damage awards, won, and avoided paying both
the damages and any interest on them. In the end, the fishermen and fisheries were
awarded $286 million as compensatory damages for losses incurred as a result of
not being able to fish in the area of the spill. In any case, Exxon ended up paying
in excess of $2 billion as almost a direct result of saving $22 million. But these are
only tangible costs. What about the costs related to the corporate image or loss of
These various types of costs are associated with various degrees of quantifica-
tion difficulty, as illustrated in Figure 2.4. On the right, we have the so-called exter-
nalities or costs that are external to the economic system. Basically, we just know
that they exist but cannot really provide any meaningful cost quantification. Many
in the literature refer to external costs or externalities as societal costs. I do not sub-
scribe to that view because it does not acknowledge the fact that some costs are
simply incomprehensible in an economic sense; they are external to the economic
system, hence the name. For example, what is the cost of clearing 1,000 km2 of

Quantification Difficulty
Degree of

Usual Hidden Liability Less tangible Externalities

Cost Category

Figure 2.4 The difficulty of quantifying costs.

rain forest? Clearly, we can identify the labor costs, the costs of machinery, admin-
istrational costs, the costs to the local society, and so on, but what is the cost of the
potential loss of an indigenous species? Maybe we lost a plant that could provide
cancer medicine. What cost is that?
From my point of view, four economic cost categories exist (usual, hidden, lia-
bility, and less tangible) as well as an external category (externalities). These five
different categories exist in all organizational concerns and even individual con-
cerns. For example, a manufacturer has usual, hidden, liability, less tangible, and
external costs. The external costs of a manufacturer are in many cases societal
costs, but some will also be externalities (this is the point that I feel many in the
literature miss).
The same logic applies to society as well as an individual. The cost categoriza-
tion is therefore two-dimensional: (1) the obvious cost category dimension, as
shown in Figure 2.4, and (2) the less obvious organizational concern dimension.
These two dimensions are inseparable. Thus, we should not talk about a cost cat-
egory without also specifying the organizational concern. For example, if we talk
about a hidden cost, we must say “hidden” with respect to what? The department?
The company? The society? Nature?

Business Activities That Create Costs

Most companies work with environmental issues in some form or another.
Typically, they implement product stewardship programs, pollution prevention con-
trol programs, and/or environmental accounting systems, particularly the latter two.
Table 2.2 lists possible costs associated with a pollution prevention program.

Table 2.2 Examples of Production and Environmental Costs Firms May Incur
Labor Materials Equipment Other
Production work Raw materials Production equipment Depreciation
Material handling Solvents Cleansing/degreasing Waste disposal
Inspection Process water Material-handling Insurance
Record-keeping Cleaning water Waste treatment Utilities
Manifesting Office supplies Wastewater treatment Regulatory fees
Labeling Training materials Air pollution control Taxes
Stocking Safety materials Painting equipment Maintenance
Training Parts Protective equipment Lab fees
Permitting Storage equipment

Source: Adapted from S. Perkins and T. Goldberg, Improving Your Competitive Position:
Strategic and Financial Assessment of Pollution Prevention Investments. Boston, MA: The
Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association, 1998, p. 81.

The importance of environmental accounting can be exemplified by a study in

which “one major US oil company was found to have environmental costs equal
to 20% of its operating costs, far in excess of the 2—3% initial estimate.”
Lately, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been added to the list. Such
programs will inevitably create the need for environmental compliance activities
and related oversight activities to be performed. These activities will come in addi-
tion to all the other activities, and thus managing environmental costs seems to
become more and more important.
An organization that has an effective environmental cost accounting system,
however, will reap greater benefits from having the system than the costs of keep-
ing the system. As one study claimed, “environmental cost accounting is an appro-
priate instrument to ensure legal compliance at lower costs.” In fact, another study
estimated in 1997 that companies could reduce their total costs by 5 percent with
a decision-oriented environmental management system, showing more than 1,000
examples of how companies could reduce costs through environmental protection.
Why companies have not understood these potential reductions, and some of them
are very obvious, is probably a product of accounting systems that push for over-
investment in capacity, as explained in “What Is a Cost?”
Environmental cost accounting most frequently explicitly reports and ana-
lyzes the costs in the two right columns of Table 2.2 as they appear in the General
Ledger, in addition to the traditional costs in the left column that are always ana-
lyzed. This has the advantage of making the environmental compliance costs and
the related oversight costs visible; normally they are just lumped together in the
big sack of general overhead costs, which makes environmental cost accounting,
and ultimately environmental management impossible.

Concerning the discussion we had earlier about expenses versus costs, we see that
even the heading of Table 2.2 speaks solely of costs, although in fact a mixture of
costs and expenses exists. This may be confusing, but it is common and almost
unavoidable. The point, however, is not to get stuck in terminology but to realize that
a fundamental difference exists between costs and expenses, namely the measure of
the demand for jobs to be done versus the capacity provided to do the jobs, respec-
tively. This is important for cost management purposes, but it is also important in
relation to challenging the ruling theory of the business. The reason is that faulty cost
management sustains this theory by indirectly creating myths about what is prof-
itable and what is not. Challenging these theories is vital for companies to sustain
long-term profitability: “What underlies the malaise of so many large and success-
ful organizations worldwide is that their theory of business no longer works.”30


Depending on the amount of resources available, the time available, the degree of
accuracy, and other factors such as data availability, four main different ways of
performing LCC exist: analogy, parametric, engineering cost methods, and cost
accounting.31 The different ways are, as everything, suspect to different advantages
and disadvantages.

Analogy Models
An LCC estimate made by an analogy identifies a similar product or component
and adjusts its costs for differences between it and the target product. This way of
conducting LCC is common in shipbuilding, for example, where mass is the fac-
tor they relate costs to.
In the energy sector, we find approaches such as exergy costing, which is a part
of exergoeconomics or thermoeconomics. The essence of exergoeconomics is that
it “combines a detailed exergy (exergy is the availability to do work) analysis with
appropriate cost balances to study and optimize the performance of energy sys-
tems. The analyses and balances are usually formulated for single components of
an energy system. Exergy costing, one of the basic principles of exergoeconom-
ics, means that exergy, rather than energy or mass, should serve as a basis for cost-
ing energy carriers.”32 In the literature, exergy costing has also been used in the
complete life cycle of an energy system.
This way of handling costs may sound utterly crude, and it is. It says nothing
about direct labor or overhead costs. It simply looks at what the costs have been his-
torically and scales them according to the most important cost driver, which in ship-
building is mass and in some energy systems is exergy. Such methods can serve well
when extensive historical material is available, the products are produced unit by

unit (such as a shipyard producing ferries), one dominant cost driver is used, and the
products do not differ much (such as in size, technology, use patterns, and opera-
tional characteristics). It is crucial that the products are produced unit by unit
because that effectively reduces cost allocation issues to virtually nothing. By the
same token, the existence of a dominant cost driver is paramount because otherwise
the analogy has no basis. To ensure the relevance of historical data, it is vital that the
products do not change much. Thus, such methods have limited usage.
This book does not discuss such ways of performing LCC because it is simple
and well established. You don’t need to read this book to do analogy LCC,
although Chapter 3 on uncertainty and risk management may be useful.

Parametric Models
Parametric models are in many ways more advanced analogy models. A paramet-
ric LCC model is based on predicting a product’s or a component’s cost either in
total or for various activities by using several models describing the relationships
between costs and some product- or process-related parameters. The predicting
variables typically include:
● Manufacturing complexity
● Design familiarity
● Mass
● Performance
● Schedule compression
Compared to the analogy models, three main differences exist. First, an analogy
model depends on one single, dominant cost driver, whereas a parametric model
can use several parameters. Second, an analogy model is based on linear33 rela-
tionships between costs and cost drivers, while parametric models rely on one or
more nonlinear regression models. Third, whereas analogy models use an analogy
(such as mass) as a driver, parametric models are essentially regression, or response
surface, models that can be linear, quadratic, multidimensional, and so on.
Like the analogy models, parametric models do not handle overhead costs in a
credible fashion, nor do they go beyond simply presenting an assessment number
without any further insight, except what is a direct consequence of their parameters.
Parametric modeling, like analogy modeling, has clear limitations, but under some
circumstances they are sound approaches. However, when some propose parametric
approaches to optimize the economic performance of a manufacturing system, they
seem to stretch the validity of parametric modeling beyond its limits. It is clear that
parametric models are easy to use in optimization algorithms. However, one must
remember that open systems cannot really be optimized because they interact with
the environment and because implementing a solution can take so much time that

the solution is no longer the optimum by the time it is implemented. It is not with-
out reason that Nobel laureate Herbert Simon invented the terms bounded rational-
ity and satisficing. Basically, what he said was that in most real-life circumstances,
we must search for a solution that is good enough and not necessarily “the best.”
Since parametric models can offer more insight and higher accuracy than anal-
ogy models, they are often found in the engineering literature. Parametric models
can also perform well as models within a cost accounting system, preferably one
that can handle overhead costs well, such as ABC (see “Cost Accounting
Models”). For example, if an ABC model discovers that a particular product incurs
too many disposal costs related to cutting raw materials, a parametric model can
be used to investigate how to reduce the need for disposing of waste. In such a
model, it would be useful to look at the direct labor costs, the machine times, and
the associated overhead costs, for example.

Engineering Cost Models

According to the New South Wales Government Asset Management Committee in
Australia, “The Engineering Cost Method is used where there is detailed and accu-
rate capital and operational cost data for the asset under study. It involves the direct
estimation of a particular cost element by examining the asset component-by-com-
ponent. It uses standard established cost factors (e.g. firm engineering and/or man-
ufacturing estimates) to develop the cost of each element and its relationship to
other elements (known as Cost Element Relationships—CER).” This type of
model is probably what some refer to as an industrial engineering approach.
Numerous methods in the literature probably mix the three aforementioned
methods, particularly parametric and engineering cost models. None of these
approaches, however, handles overhead costs correctly because none captures the
complexity of modern organizations, and many of them include only simple math-
ematical manipulations of already identified costs. These cost estimates that are
taken as input are probably generated by traditional cost accounting systems and
are therefore likely to be distorted.
The importance of handling overhead costs correctly is increasing due to the
increased automation and use of advanced technologies in companies. If a com-
pany cannot manage 35 percent34 of its costs properly, it will soon find itself in a
severe situation, as many companies found themselves in the 1980s. For the same
reason that the fraction of overhead costs is increasing, the complexity that a cost-
ing system must handle is increasing.
Engineering cost models, although offering much more insight than analogy
and parametric models, are therefore also limited in usage. But as the name indi-
cates, they are particularly useful in engineering and development situations to
give an early cost estimate. However, as information becomes more and more
available, the next type of models is preferable: cost accounting models.

Cost Accounting Models

The literature contains numerous cost accounting models and systems. Here these
systems are grouped into three groups for simplicity:
1. Volume-based costing systems
2. Unconventional costing methods
3. Modern cost management systems
As noted earlier, LCC cost accounting models came about during the 1980s, a
point further supported by the fact that in 1979, Benjamin Blanchard, in his book,
Design and Manage to Life Cycle Cost, only speaks of three LCC methodologies.
Some of the most important cost accounting approaches are discussed briefly in
the next three sections.

Volume-Based Costing Systems

In the literature, volume-based costing systems are often referred to both as conven-
tional costing systems and traditional costing systems; an example is standard cost-
ing. Volume-based costing systems have been thoroughly discussed since ABC
arrived in the mid-1980s because their limitations became increasingly apparent to
companies and ABC provided a solution to it. In the much-acclaimed book,
Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting, Johnson and Kaplan
explain how early costing systems were focused toward decision-making, but then
they became more and more focused toward external, financial reporting. This legacy,
combined with an unsurpassed technological development and the subsequent
increase in organizational complexity and therefore in overhead costs, is an impor-
tant reason why volume-based costing systems perform relatively poorly today.
In a survey in 1987, 94 percent of the companies contacted reported that they
used labor hours to allocate overhead costs. This is shocking news given the known
limitations of using only direct labor as an allocation base. Thus, it can be argued
to some extent that most in the industry do not know what their products cost and
that many companies therefore have survived despite their cost management sys-
tems. Obviously, this is not a desirable situation, and in the recession in the 1980s
many companies learned this the hard way. Hence, volume-based costing systems
are not attractive under any circumstances for LCC purposes because they perform
too poorly.

Unconventional Costing Methods

The term unconventional is used to signify that the approaches discussed here are
either quite different from most cost management approaches or not popular.
Probably many more approaches deserve to be mentioned, but these two are suf-
ficiently illustrative for this book.

The first is called Attribute-Based Costing, which is a development of ABC and

hence is simply denoted ABCII. The purpose is to provide a detailed cost-benefit
analysis of customer needs aimed at improving effectiveness. Moreover, “the focus
of ABCII is on planning rather than analyses of past costs which can have little
impact since 60 to 80 percent of costs are already locked in at the design stage.”35
ABCII uses the standard ABC approach to cost product attributes, that is, it uses
drivers and the like, but the problem arises when a one-to-one relationship no longer
exists between a certain attribute and a certain activity. Quality Function Deployment
(QFD) can be interfaced with costing, and in the recorded applications of QFD that
involve costing, target costs are “deployed” or broken down to product attributes,
components, and parts and then compared with current quoted costs. This is appar-
ently a possible bridge in cases where the one-to-one relationship does not exist,
which I believe is common. In other words, ABCII appears to be a hybrid between
ABC, Target Costing (TC, which is discussed later), and QFD. However, QFD brings
in a lot of subjectivity and caution is advised, which probably explains why such an
interesting idea has receieved so little attention in the literature.
The second unconventional costing method is Feature Costing (FC) and is
another spin-off from the ABC methodology. Instead of focusing on the product
attributes, as in ABCII, the product features are the focal point.36 Since features are
easier to link to specific activities, FC seems to be more realistic than ABCII. FC
can be an improvement over ABC in that it leads to a more direct reduction of costs
and an improvement of performance. Nonetheless, how FC is an improvement
over ABC in general cases is unclear.

Modern Cost Management Systems

By modern, I am referring to costing systems that are commonly discussed in pos-
itive ways in the current cost management literature and some of their derivatives.
Four such systems are discussed here:
1. ABC
2. Just-in-Time (JIT) Costing
3. Target Costing (TC)
4. Strategic Cost Management (SCM)
These methods will be explained in more detail, starting with ABC. It is evi-
dent that valuable lessons can be learned from all the concepts, with respect to cost
management in general but also with respect to LCC in particular.

Activity-Based Costing
Activity-Based Costing (ABC)37 is a significant improvement over the volume-
based systems for reasons explained in Chapter 4. However, ABC alone cannot
handle the design needs in the twenty-first century for at least four reasons:

1. ABC does not handle uncertainty. Since uncertainty is inherent in design, it

is vital to understand how uncertainty can affect the solutions.
2. By using large cost pools, the direct association of costs with their respec-
tive activities leads to a lack of process information.
3. The relationships among products, processes, and production costs are not
clearly delineated.
4. ABC does not facilitate any ways of simulating changes to see how the
changes work. This is also true for virtually all cost accounting
approaches because they are invariably hindsight oriented. To look for-
ward instead of backward (hindsight) is clearly important since design is
upstream of manufacturing and other activities in the life cycle, yet it has
a tremendous impact on the final solution, Therefore, one of the most
important aspects of this book, is turning cost accounting around from
hindsight to foresight.
Before we continue, it should be noted that the second and third reasons are more
due to the way ABC is commonly implemented and not because of a conceptual lim-
itation of ABC, which will be evident from the discussions in Chapter 4.
Nonetheless, these common limitations associated with many ABC implementations
have led people to develop ABC methods for use in process design. Unfortunately,
the frameworks presented are not easy to understand nor do they handle uncertainty.
As some note, “The framework presented . . . is not simple. Indeed, this framework
is likely unworkable except in an advanced manufacturing environment.”38 This
unworkability is a good reason for trying to come up with a better method, which is
one reason why I wrote this book.
Others have taken ABC and tried to extend it to deal with the environmental
issues; however, only a slight improvement (at best) of what has been done earlier
is achieved, and uncertainty is ignored. The fact that linear goal programming is
used also ruins the credibility of the ABC implementation since one of the great
benefits of ABC is to capture nonlinear phenomena by choosing nonlinear drivers.
Linear drivers, such as the number of units produced, are the basis for volume-
based costing methods, but only product material costs (direct material) are truly
Interested readers and readers not fluent in ABC are referred to see Chapter 4,
where ABC is presented and contrasted to volume-based costing systems.

Just-in-Time Costing
In contrast to volume-based costing systems that focus on products, Just-in-Time
(JIT) Costing is oriented toward process and time, as measured by the cycle time.
Compared to all other costing systems I am aware of, JIT Costing has special ways
of finding the cycle time cost and also treating direct labor. More specifically, in
JIT Costing39:

● Only one single cost driver is used: cycle time.

● The cycle time cost formula is unique.
● Direct labor is considered an overhead cost.
In most costing systems, the unit cost formula is given as a process flow cost
Overhead Expenses ⫹ Direct Labor Costs
Number of Units Produced

The focus on cycle time in JIT costing, however, has led to a slightly different
definition but nevertheless a significant cycle time cost formula:
Overhead Expenses ⫹ Direct Labor Costs
Cycle Time in Hours
The big difference between these two definitions is that the JIT Costing uses
time as a basis for cost absorption. The cycle time includes:
● Process time (machine, direct labor, total quality control in line inspection)
(value added)
● Queue (nonvalue added)
● Setup (nonvalue added)
● Wait (nonvalue added)
● Move (nonvalue added)
● Inspection (nonvalue added)
Cycle times exclude line stops for quality, direct delivered parts, and training.
Evidently, line stops are not included in the cycle time. Consequently, in a JIT envi-
ronment, a very unique practice is employed: JIT encourages manufacturing to
stop production immediately whenever a quality problem is discovered!
Although defining cycle time is straightforward, tracing cost contributors is
more complicated. A common method is the Average Unit cycle time Method
(AUM), which is based on First-In, First-Out (FIFO) product flow (see Equation
2.3). Another requirement is a line audit at least twice a day, where an actual count
of the number of products at each process step is performed.
Daily Production Hours
AUM ⫽ (2.3)
Number of Units Produced
Total Product Cycle Time ⫽ Average Number of Units in Process ⫻ AUM (2.4)
Because of this heavy focus on time, to avoid serious cost distortions, it is clear
that the product diversity cannot be too large. Thus, some claim that JIT is best
suited for the manufacture of closely related standardized products in which homo-
geneity (rather than heterogeneity) is a dominant characteristic of the output.

Yet some disagreement exists as to what extent cycle time is the cost driver. This
disagreement seems to be mainly due to how people envision the JIT manufactur-
ing environment, that is, the degree of automation and hence time focus. For exam-
ple, some explain that JIT environments normally operate with automated
equipment but not necessarily, and the product costs are classified as either mate-
rials costs (including all materials-related costs) or conversion costs (the rest of
production-related costs). The allocation procedure is mostly based on cycle time,
except materials costs, which are allocated in a traditional way. Clearly, this way
of doing JIT Costing is less radical than what is proposed here.
A third view holds that JIT Costing distinguishes itself mainly in three aspects:

1. Costs associated with raw materials and in-process inventory are put in a
Raw and In-Process inventory (RIP) account.
2. The usage of conversion costs (see above).
3. Overhead costs are not included in the product costs until the products are
finished. Thus, no Work In Process (WIP) accounts are needed.

Regardless of what view we take, JIT Costing is almost like a subset of ABC in
the sense that volume-based drivers are not necessarily used at all. In JIT Costing,
however, the main cost driver is predetermined—time—while ABC enables com-
plete flexibility in cost driver definitions. Other similarities exist as well. For exam-
ple, ABC was originally designed to improve the accuracy of product costing while
JIT was conceived as a method for eliminating all forms of wasteful activity in an
organization, yet both focus on value adding with ABC as a side benefit.
Essentially, while ABC is designed to manage (eliminate or reduce) the com-
plexity of modern organizations, JIT seeks to simply eliminate this complexity.
Clearly, time is a very important factor when it comes to utilizing the production
resources as efficiently as possible, because the less time spent per product unit,
the higher the throughput and the more likely it is to be profitable. However, time
is not the only possible cost driver that could be employed, and in some cases a
heavy focus on time can even be counterproductive, as shown in the literature.
Therefore, ABC seems to provide a more general approach than JIT Costing does.
It is evident that ABC will work well in a JIT environment; however, since the
JIT environment seeks to eliminate the complexities ABC is good at handling, one
might as well settle for the simpler JIT Costing system. Thus, the ultimate ques-
tion is whether the complexity is needed or not, which is a strategic issue (diver-
sification versus cost effectiveness, for example).
How JIT Costing would work for LCC purposes is not discussed in the litera-
ture I have reviewed, but since time estimates will be very difficult to obtain real-
istically, particularly in the use phase of the product, it is not likely that JIT Costing
would work in LCC. Also, JIT Costing seems to be too specialized for manufac-
turing environments.

Target Costing
The conceptual idea behind Target Costing (TC) is to balance the needs of the cus-
tomers with the profit need of the company. The Consortium for Advanced
Manufacturing—International utilizes the following definition:
Target Costing is a system of profit planning and cost management that is
price driven, customer focused, design centered and cross functional. Target
Costing initiates cost management at the earliest stages of product develop-
ment and applies it throughout the product life-cycle by actively involving
the entire value chain.
The earliest (late 1960s and early 1970s) implementers of TC were Japanese
automotive manufacturers. TC was a logical outgrowth of their analysis of the
causes of cost. As they sought ways to reduce or eliminate costs, the influence of
the design of manufacturing costs became apparent. The Japanese recognized that
profitability depends on marketplace success, which is the result of developing
cogent business strategies, satisfying customers, and confronting competitors. The
costing process becomes interdependent with the business management process
and provides a common focus for the activities of the enterprise. Hence, TC is
process oriented, but, more important, TC is employed in strategic management.
Thus, TC can, for example, be combined with ABC and JIT Costing if desired.
However, TC provides two concepts that ABC does not offer explicitly. One is
the way products are being priced and the other is to turn away from cost cutting to
cost elimination via design and planning. These two points are important paradigm
1. From cost-plus pricing40 to market-based pricing In TC, customers and
competitors drive market prices. The company sets the target profit and the
resulting cost (target price ⫺ target profit) is the targeted cost the company
must meet. In the literature, this approach is also referred to as the market-
based approach or the deductive method, and it is a fundamentally different
way of looking at pricing. It is rooted in the fact that in the marketplace, cus-
tomers have many high-quality products to choose from; the price of these
products may therefore be the only significant competitive edge for a com-
pany. It should be noted that the other popular method in TC, called the addi-
tive method, is essentially a cost-plus approach, but it is less attractive in my
opinion because it is less customer focused.
2. From cost-cutting during production to cost control during design As
we have seen, it is widely noted in the literature that during the design phase
(concept, design/engineering, and testing), most of the basis for the costs is
formed (refer to Figure 1.1). TC takes this into account and is proactive
rather than reactive in its management focus.

TC also requires a shift (1) from an internal to an external focus, (2) from an
internal vantage point to listening to the customer, and (3) from independent
efforts to interdependent efforts, but these shifts are not limited for TC. Indeed,
these paradigm shifts were probably preceded by the work of Deming and others
like Juran and Crosby. These thoughts and more were popularized in the “If Japan
Can, Why Can’t We” TV show on NBC in 1980 and were articulated for the gen-
eral public in Deming’s 1986 book, Out of the Crisis. The focus on quality is an
idea adopted by all modern cost management approaches, since quality affects
customer satisfaction substantially, as noted in a wide array of management and
design literature.
What is less known is the enormous impact the focus on quality has on the
operating costs of the company. As Taiichi Ohno, the former vice president of
Toyota, said, “Whatever an executive thinks the losses of poor quality are, they
are actually six times greater.”41 In the distribution industry, for example, studies
indicate that up to 25 percent of operating expenses stem from internal quality
problems. But former vice chairman of Chrysler Corporation Robert Lutz warns
us that “too much quality can ruin you.” Indeed, in the literature we can read about
many companies that have received quality awards soon after getting into serious
financial difficulties. For example, many Baldrige Award winners have encoun-
tered severe financial difficulties. In fact, 14 out of the 43 supposedly best-run
companies in the United States that Peters and Waterman reported on in their book
In Search of Excellence “were in financial trouble within two years of the book’s
completion.”42 Hence, a cost management system that can also capture internal
quality is essential.

Strategic Cost Management

One of the major concerns in Strategic Cost Management (SCM) is how the firm
organizes its thinking about cost management.43 To answer this question, Michael
Porter introduced the notion of value chain in his highly acclaimed book,
Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. In sev-
eral ways, this is the root to the value-added notions that can be found in ABC, for
example. It also is remarkably close to the product life-cycle concepts discussed
earlier in “Differences between the Life Cycle and the Value Chain.”
The value-added concept focuses on internal activities, while the value chain
focuses on external activities. This has significant implications from a strategic
perspective because the value-added concept (1) starts too late and (2) stops too
soon. As a result, a large proportion of the entire value chain in which significant
improvement opportunities exist is missed. This argument also emphasizes why
LCC should be important.

The methodology of the value chain concept can be summarized into three
1. Identify the value chain and then assign costs, revenues, and assets to the
value activities.
2. Diagnose the cost drivers regulating each value activity.
3. Develop sustainable competitive advantage either through controlling cost
drivers better than competitors or by reconfiguring the value chain.
In the value-chain concept, the cost drivers are diagnosed by grouping them into
two different groups: (1) structural cost drivers and (2) executional cost drivers.
The structural cost drivers are derived from a company’s choices of economical
● Scale What is the size of the investment to be made in manufacturing,
R&D, and marketing resources (horizontal integration)?
● Scope What is the degree of vertical integration?
● Experience How many times in the past has the firm already done what it
is doing again?
● Technology What process technologies are used in each step of the firm’s
value chain?
● Complexity How wide a line of products or services is being offered to
The executional cost drivers determine a firm’s cost position, which hinges on
its ability to execute successfully. In contrast to the structural cost drivers, more is
always better:
● Workforce involvement Is the workforce committed to continuous
● Total Quality Management (TQM) Is the workforce committed to total
product quality?
● Capacity utilization What are the scale choices on maximum plant con-
● Plant layout efficiency How efficient against current norms is the plant’s
● Product configuration Is the design or formulation of the product effective?
● Linkages with suppliers or customers Is the linkage with suppliers or
customers exploited according to the firm’s value chain?
Attempts have been made to create a comprehensive list of cost drivers. In the
strategic management literature in particular, good lists of cost drivers exist. The
grouping of the cost drivers is particularly interesting as a way of helping man-
agement focus on the correct aspects of the company from a strategic perspective.

The last two lists are good preliminary checks for management before a more
elaborate analysis is undertaken. However, as indicated by the very name Strategic
Cost Management, this methodology is intended for strategic purposes only.
Hence, SCM is not very useful in design except when it comes to identifying goals
and objectives. Most important, it introduces the notion of value-chain analysis,
which is essential in three ways:
1. Supplier linkages, which are vital to consider every time major changes are
made to make sure that suppliers can handle the changes.
2. Customer linkages, which basically mean that an LCC for the customer
should be performed to make sure long-term relationships with customers
are a win-win situation.
3. Missed opportunities, which must be avoided primarily by being aware of
what is going on in the value chain. For example, if technology changes in
one of the links in the value chain, both downstream customers and upstream
suppliers must evaluate the effects on their business.
Furthermore, SCM does not focus much on risk and uncertainty and is suited
for strategic issues only. Also, the last two steps in the approach seem too generic
to provide any help for many practitioners.
Before Activity-Based LCC can be introduced along with pertinent LCC dis-
cussions, we need to discuss how to deal with risk and uncertainty, which is done
in chapter 3. Risk and uncertainty are, after all, inherent in LCC. Also, the brief
discussion on ABC in this chapter must be expanded upon significantly, which is
done in Chapter 4. Without understanding ABC, at least conceptually, there is lit-
tle hope of understanding Activity-Based LCC.

1. Other models also exist for the marketing perspective, such as the seven-stage model
presented by H.G. Adamany and F.A.M. Gonsalves in “Life Cycle Management,”
Handbook of Cost Management, ed. B.J. Brinker, Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham &
Lamont, 1997, pp. D5-1—D5-26. However, they all essentially say the same; only
the degree of refinement varies.
2. More details are provided in M. Schwartz’s, The Value of R&D: Creating Value
Growth through Research & Development, London: Stern Stewart Europe, Ltd.,
1999, p. 11.
3. J. Pettit, EVA & Strategy, New York: Stern Steward & Co., 2000, p. 17.
4. Government Asset Management Committee, “Life Cycle Costing Guideline,”
Sydney, New South Wales: Government Asset Management Committee, 2001, p. 15.
5. According to its CEO and Chairman of the Board, Ray C. Anderson. See R. C.
Anderson’s, Mid-Course Correction, Atlanta, GA: The Peregrinzilla Press, 1998,
p. 204.

6. An excellent discussion on remanufacturing is provided by R.T. Lund in

“Remanufacturing,” Technology Review 87, 1984, pp. 18—23.
7. See note 5.
8. For more details, see P. Hawken, A.B. Lovins, and L.H. Lovins, Natural Capitalism
—The Next Industrial Revolution, London: Earthscan Publications, Ltd., 1999,
p. 396.
9. T. Levitt, “Exploit the Product Life Cycle,” Harvard Business Review, November-
December 1965, pp. 81—94.
10. According to F. Allvine’s, Marketing: Principles and Practices, Boston, MA:
Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1996.
11. M.E. Porter, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior
Performance, New York: The Free Press, 1985, p. 557.
12. According to T. Hindle’s, Guide to Management Ideas (London: The Economist
Books, 2000, p. 241).
13. H.P. Barringer and D.P. Weber, “Life Cycle Cost Tutorial,” Fifth International
Conference on Process Plant Reliability. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing Company
and Hydrocarbon Processing, 1996.
14. R.I. Winner, J.P. Pennell, H.E. Bertrand, and M.M.G. Slusarczuk, The Role of
Concurrent Engineering in Weapons System Acquisition, Alexandra, VA: Institute
for Defense Analyses, 1988.
15. See note 13.
16. A thorough discussion is found in R.K. Fleischman’s, “Completing the Triangle:
Taylorism and the Paradigms,” Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 13
(5), 2000, pp. 597—623.
17. For a more complete discussion on the developments in management accounting, see
H.T. Johnson and R.S. Kaplan’s, Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management
Accounting, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1987, p. 269.
18. P. Maccarrone, “Activity-based Management and the Product Development
Process,” European Journal of Innovation Management 1 (3), 1998, pp. 148—156.
19. A thorough discussion of these problems is provided by J. Emblemsvåg and B. Bras,
“LCA Comparability and the Waste Index,” International Journal of Life Cycle
Assessment 4 (5), September 1999, pp. 282—290.
20. A complete discussion is found in E.F. Finch’s, “The Uncertain Role of Life Cycle
Costing in the Renewable Energy Debate,” Renewable Energy 5, Part II, 1994, pp.
21. J. Emblemsvåg and B. Bras, Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management:
A Different Approach to the ISO 14000 Compliance, Boston, MA: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2000, p. 317.
22. R. Cooper, “Explicating the Logic of ABC,” Management Accounting (UK),
November 1990, pp. 58—60.
23. See note 2.
24. C.S. Park and G.P. Sharp-Bette, Advanced Engineering Economics, New York: John
Wiley & Sons, 1990, p. 740.

25. OMB, “OMB Circular No. A-109,” April 5, 1976.

26. Executive Order, “Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention,”
Executive Order 12873, Section 210, October 20, 1993.
27. See note 4.
28. P. Passel, “Experts Question Staggering Costs of Toxic Cleanup,” The New York
Times, September 1991, p. A1.
29. See note 10.
30. P.F. Drucker, “The Theory of the Business,” Harvard Business Review, September-
October 1994.
31. For a comprehensive introduction to traditional LCC, review S.K. Fuller and S.R.
Petersen’s, Life Cycle Costing Manual for the Federal Energy Management
Program, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996, p. 210.
However, be aware that some of the terminology used is somewhat different than
elsewhere. Good discussions are also provided by M.D. Shields and S.M. Young’s,
“Managing Product Life Cycle Costs: An Organizational Model,” Journal of Cost
Management for the Manufacturing Industry 5, No. 3, Fall 1991, pp. 39—51.
32. G. Tsatsaronis, L. Lin, and J. Pisa, “Exergy Costing in Exergoeconomics,” Journal
of Energy Resources Technology 115, March 1993, pp. 9—16.
33. Nonlinear relationships between two variables can often be approximated linearly
by using, for example, logarithmical functions.
34. This is the amount of overhead costs of typical American companies, as mentioned
35. See both M. Walker’s, “Activity Based Costing Using Product Attributes,” Manage-
ment Accounting (UK), October 1991, pp. 34—35, and “Attribute Based Costing,”
Australian Accountant, March 1992, pp. 42—45.
36. J.A. Brimson, “Feature Costing: Beyond ABC,” Journal of Cost Management for
the Manufacturing Industry, January/February 1998, pp. 6—12.
37. With ABC here, it is referred to the costing part including the value-added analysis
(see Chapter 4).
38. T.G. Greenwood and J.M. Reeve, “Activity Based Cost Management for Continuous
Improvement: A Process Design Framework,” Journal of Cost Management for the
Manufacturing Industry 5 (4) Winter 1992, pp. 22—40.
39. Most of this section is based on A.J. Dodd’s, “The Just-in-Time Environment” in The
Handbook of Cost Management, ed. by B.J. Brinker, Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham
& Lamont, 1997, pp. A3-1—A3-35. Others sources of information include C.T.
Horngren and G. Foster’s, “Cost Accounting and Cost Management in a JIT
Environment” in Emerging Practices in Cost Management, ed. by B.J. Brinker,
Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1990, p. 200; J.B. MacArthur’s, “The
ABC/JIT Costing Continuum,” Journal of Cost Management for the Manufacturing
Industry, Winter 1992, pp. 61—63; H.H. Anderson, B.E. Needles, J.C. Caldwell, and
S.K. Mills’, Managerial Accounting, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1996,
p. 657; and H.M. Sollenberger and A. Schneider’s, Managerial Accounting,
Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 1996, p. 822.

40. Cost-plus pricing is based on calculating the price as the cost plus a profit. Various
companies use different cost as a basis, but often the cost of goods sold is the basis.
41. G. Taguchi and D. Clausing, “Robust Quality,” Harvard Business Review, January-
February 1990, pp. 65—75.
42. J. Kandampully and R. Duddy, “Competitive Advantage Through Anticipation,
Innovation and Relationships,” Management Decision 37 (1), 1999, pp. 51—56.
43. J.K. Shank and V. Govindarajan, “Strategic Cost Management and the Value Chain,”
Handbook of Cost Management, ed. B.J. Brinker, Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham &
Lamont, 1997, pp. D1-1—D1-37.

I have seen something else under the sun:

The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to them all.
King Solomon
Ecclesiastes 9:11

“Time and chance happen to them all.” It is the death of certainty and simple, clear-
cut, cause-and-effect relations. It is a nightmare for engineers, for managers, and
for decision-makers in general. Yet many systems will not function without uncer-
tainty. In fact, if you reduce the uncertainty to zero, the risk may increase, but if
the uncertainty is balanced, the risks may be acceptable. Indeed, risk and uncer-
tainty are formidable opponents for any decision-maker, because when we make
decisions, we expose ourselves to the risks that lurk in uncertainty as it were. But
luckily we are not left to our own devices.
In this chapter, a discussion of risk and uncertainty is provided along with a
simple yet powerful way of analyzing risk and uncertainty to support effective
uncertainty analyses and risk management.


Dictionary definitions of risk and uncertainty provide some good hints to start with,
but often risk and uncertainty are used interchangeably. In fact, for auditors “risk is
uncertainty.”1 It may be that distinguishing between risk and uncertainty makes lit-
tle sense for auditors, although I doubt it because the fact is that many, and very inter-
esting, differences exist, which are discussed in this chapter.

Risk: The Chance of Loss

The word risk derives from the early Italian word risicare, which means “to dare.”
In this sense, risk is a choice rather than a fate.2 This idea is also found in recent
definitions, such as the 1989 edition of Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged
Dictionary of the English Language, where risk as a general noun is defined as
“exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance.” In fact,
in statistical decision theory, risk is defined as “the expected value of a loss func-
tion.” It is important to emphasize that risk is not just bad things happening, but
also good things not happening; in any case, we are talking about loss. Thus, var-
ious definitions of risk imply that we expose ourselves to risk by choice, and that
is an important point: Risk arises from choice.
Risk is commonly measured, however, in terms of consequences and likelihood,
where likelihood is understood as a qualitative description of probability or fre-
quency. Frequency theory, however, is dependent on probability theory.3 Thus, risk
is ultimately a probabilistic phenomenon as it is defined in most of the literature.
We see from this that it is important to discuss two aspects: Risk gives negative
associations and risk is a probabilistic phenomenon. These aspects are discussed
in the two subsequent sections.
But first, a third aspect to discuss is that the source of risk is uncertainty. This
follows as a logical consequence of the fact that risk is a choice rather than a fate,
as already stated, because choices can occur only if things are not decided, and
undecided things are uncertain. Risks arise when we make decisions because we
expose ourselves to uncertainty in which the risks lie. This is discussed more in
the “Uncertainty, the Lack of Information and Knowledge” section.

Risk and Our Negative Associations

We see from the definition that risk is always associated with negative things such
as a loss, a hazard, or an injury. This coincides well with a survey that indicates
that people in business view risk as primarily associated with the probability of not
achieving a target return.
Also, risk is perceived differently in terms of gender, age, and culture. In fact,
another survey found that women are more risk averse than men and that older,
more experienced managers are more averse to risk than younger managers.
Furthermore, evidence suggests that successful managers take more risks than
unsuccessful managers.
As already emphasized, risk is not just bad things happening, but also good
things not happening, a clarification that is particularly crucial in a business con-
text, because many companies do not fail from primarily taking wrong actions but
from not capitalizing on their opportunities. Combining traditional business devel-
opment approaches and risk management is important because traditional

approaches can be outright dangerous as they may ignore risks (positive and neg-
ative). This is further emphasized as “The effective business focuses on opportu-
nities rather than problems.”4 Thus, risk management is ultimately about being
proactive, and that must be a part of all other management activities. It is therefore
important that risk goes beyond the directly negative associations. The loss of
opportunities is just as bad for business as direct losses. The difference in my opin-
ion lies in that direct losses have mostly a short-term effect and therefore get more
attention, whereas losses of opportunities have mostly a long-term effect.
Also, it may be useful to be aware of cultural differences. In a survey, for exam-
ple, 49 countries were studied for more than 20 years by questioning over 100,000
respondents. Hence, the study is without any doubt statistically significant; that is,
the chance of error is low. The results are shown in Table 3.1.
With uncertainty avoidance, the degree to which cultures feel uncomfortable
with uncertainty is understood. Whether the questions are risk oriented and/or
uncertainty oriented I do not know, but the respondents are probably mainly think-
ing in terms of risk; that is what most people are concerned about, because it
involves loss and other negative associations. In any case, what is interesting is that
very few of the really risk-averse cultures are also doing very well. The only excep-
tions seem to be France, Japan, and South Korea, whereas many of the most suc-
cessful economies are risk takers, such as Canada, the United States, Great Britain,
Hong Kong, and Singapore. We also understand from Table 3.1 that being eco-

Table 3.1 Uncertainty Avoidance by Selected Countries

Uncertainty Uncertainty Uncertainty
Country Avoidance Country Avoidance Country Avoidance
Argentina 86 Indonesia 48 Portugal 104
Australia 51 India 40 South Africa 49
Austria 70 Iran 59 San Salvador 94
Belgium 94 Ireland 35 Singapore 8
Brazil 76 Israel 81 Spain 86
Canada 48 Italy 75 Sweden 29
Chile 86 Jamaica 13 Switzerland 58
Colombia 80 Japan 92 Taiwan 69
Costa Rica 86 South Korea 85 Thailand 64
Denmark 23 Malaysia 36 Turkey 85
Ecuador 67 Mexico 82 Uruguay 100
Finland 59 Netherlands 53 U.S.A. 46
France 86 Norway 50 Venezuela 76
Germany 65 New Zealand 49
Great Britain 35 Pakistan 70 Score Ranges
Greece 112 Panama 86 Low 8-53
Guatemala 101 Peru 87 Medium 54-84
Hong Kong 29 Philippines 44 High 85-112

Source: Adapted from P.C. Brewer, “Managing Transnational Cost Management Systems,”
Journal of Cost Management for the Manufacturing Industry, November/December 1997, pp. 35—40.

nomically successful consists of more than taking risks because although Jamaica
is a risk taker, but it does not perform well.
Because risk and success seem to follow each other in many cases, it is impor-
tant that organizations have a consistent attitude toward risk. According to some
research, the risk-taking strategy is an essential part of the total strategy, and fur-
thermore, risk acceptance characteristics are essential to the success of many
strategies. This is particularly crucial in organizations where innovation and cre-
ativity are important, because innovation and creativity are uncertain and often
associated with great financial risk as the capital needs are often substantial. One
way to accomplish this is to consider failure as “enlightened trial and error,” which
essentially means that we must learn from our mistakes. That can be a source of
success as well. According to former chairman of the Coca-Cola Company,
Roberto Goizueta, the disastrous New Coke “was the best that could ever happen
to Coca-Cola because this gave a valuable lesson to management. That is why the
company has one of the highest returns on investment of any U.S. company
today.”5 This goes to show that although risk is a negative thing, it can be a source
of great success as long as we learn from our failures.

Sources of Risk
Of course, too many sources of risks exist to mention them all, but in Tables 3.2
and 3.3 provided some examples that may be helpful to consult when doing risk
analysis. It is important to limit oneself to such tables or checklists. Often, the
greatest risks are due to the inherent belief system in an organization, the theory
of the business. When this system no longer reflects reality, the organization runs
a great danger of becoming outdated. This is what caused many large multina-
tionals to succumb in the last 20 years; their theory of business no longer worked.6
Take the American car makers, for example. For decades, they provided affordable
cars to a vast number of customers, but they failed to recognize the quality drive
initiated by Japanese car makers; their theory of business no longer worked.
Of course, not all the aforementioned sources of risks are equally important. A
1999 Deloitte and Touche survey identified the following five risks as significant
(on a scale of 1 to 9):
● Failure to manage major projects (7.05)
● Failure of strategy (6.67)
● Failure to innovate (6.32)
● Poor reputation/brand management (6.30)
● Lack of employee motivation and poor performance (6.00)
The survey basically indicates that the most significant risks were frequently
operational or strategic in nature. For example, the problems that ABB, the
Swedish-Swiss engineering giant, is in today are due to “its exposure to operating
Table 3.2 Examples of Sources of Risk
Commercial and Strategic Economic Environmental
1. Competition 1. Discount rate 1. Amenity values
2. Market demand levels 2. Economic growth 2. Approval processes
3. Growth rates 3. Energy prices 3. Community consultation
4. Technological change 4. Exchange rate variation 4. Site availability/zoning
5. Stakeholder perceptions 5. Inflation 5. Endangered species
6. Market share 6. Demand trends 6. Conservation/heritage
7. Private sector involvement 7. Population growth 7. Degradation or contamination
8. New products and services 8. Commodity prices 8. Visual intrusion
9. Site acquisition
Political Social Contractual
1. Parliamentary support 1. Community expectations 1. Client problems

2. Community support 2. Pressure groups 2. Contractor problems

3. Government endorsement 3. Delays
4. Policy change 4. Force majeure events
5. Sovereign risk 5. Insurance and indemnities
6. Taxation 6. Joint venture relations
Financial Project Initiation Procurement Planning
1. Debt/equity ratios 1. Analysis and briefing 1. Industry capability
2. Funding sources 2. Functional specifications 2. Technology and obsolescence
3. Financing costs 3. Performance objectives 3. Private sector involvement
4. Taxation impacts 4. Innovation 4. Regulations and standards
5. Interest rates 5. Evaluation program 5. Utility and authority approvals
6. Investment terms 6. Stakeholder roles and responsibilities 6. Completion deadlines
7. Ownership 7. Cost estimation
8. Residual risk for government
9. Underwriting

Table 3.2 Examples of Sources of Risk (Continued)

Procurement and Contractual Construction and Maintenance Systems

1. Contract selection 1. Buildability 1. Communications or network failure
2. Client commitment 2. Contractor capability 2. Hardware failure
3. Consultant/contractor performance 3. Design and documentation 3. Linkages between subsystems
4. Tendering 4. Geotechnical conditions 4. Software failure
5. Negligence of parties 5. Latent conditions 5. Policies and procedures
6. Delays: weather or industrial disputes 6. Quality controls
7. Damages and claims 7. Equipment availability and breakdowns
8. Errors in documentation 8. Obsolescence
9. Force majeure events 9. Industrial action
10. Insurance and indemnities 10. Materials availability
11. Shutdown and startup
12. Recurrent liabilities
13. Health and safety
14. Accidents, injury
15. OH&S procedures
16. Contamination
17. Noise, dust, and waste
18. Disease
19. Irradiation
20. Emissions
Human Factors Natural Events Organizational
1. Estimation error 1. Landslide/subsidence 1. Industrial relations
2. Operator error 2. Earthquake 2. Resource shortage
3. Sabotage 3. Fire 3. Scheduling
4. Vandalism 4. Flood 4. Operational policies
5. Lightning 5. Management capabilities
6. Wind 6. Management structures
7. Weather 7. Personnel skills
8. Work practices
Source: Adapted from Government Asset Management Committee, “Risk Management Guideline,” Sydney, New South Wales: Government Asset

Management Committee, 2001, p. 43.


Table 3.3 Examples of Sources of Risk

Business Operational and Other
1. Wrong business strategy 1. Business process not aligned to
strategic goals
2. Competitive pressure on 2. Failure of major change initiative
price/market share
3. General economic problems 3. Loss of entrepreneurial spirit
4. Regional economic problems 4. Stock out of raw materials
5. Political risks 5. Skills shortage
6. Obsolescence of technology 6. Physical disaster (including fire and
7. Substitute products 7. Failure to create and exploit intangible
8. Adverse government policy 8. Loss of intangible assets
9. Industry sector in decline 9. Breach of confidentiality
10. Takeover target 10. Loss of physical assets
11. Inability to obtain further capital 11. Lack of business continuity
12. Bad acquisition 12. Succession problems
13. Too slow to innovate 13. Year 2000 problems (not applicable
14. Loss of key people
15. Inability to reduce cost base
16. Major customers impose tough contract
17. Overreliance on key suppliers or
18. Failure of new products or services
19. Poor service levels
20. Failure to satisfy customers
21. Quality problems
22. Lack of orders
23. Failure of major projects
24. Loss of key contracts
25. Inability to make use of the Internet
26. Failure to outsource provider to deliver
27. Industrial action
28. Failure of big technology-related
29. Lack of employee motivation or
30. Inability to implement change
31. Inefficient/ineffective processing of
32. Poor brand management
33. Product liability
34. Inefficient/ineffective management
35. Problems arising from exploiting
employees in developing countries
36. Other business probity issues
37. Other issues giving rise to reputation
38. Missed business opportunities

Table 3.3 Examples of Sources of Risk (Continued)

1. Liquidity risk
2. Market risk
3. Going concern problems
4. Overtrading
5. Credit risk
6. Interest risk
7. Currency risk
8. High cost of capital
9. Treasury risk
10. Misuse of financial resources
11. Occurrence of types of fraud to which the business is susceptible
12. Misstatement risk related to published financial information
13. Breakdown of accounting system
14. Unrecorded liabilities
15. Unreliable accounting records
16. Penetration and attack of IT system by hackers
17. Decision based on incomplete or faulty information
18. Too much data and not enough analysis
19. Unfilled promises to investors

1. Breach of listing rules
2. Breach of financial regulations
3. Breach of Compliance Act requirements
4. Litigation risk
5. Breach of competition laws
6. VAT problems
7. Breach of other regulations and laws
8. Tax penalties
9. Health and safety risks
10. Environmental problems

Source: Adapted from Implementing Turnbull: A Boardroom Briefing with the kind permission of
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales.

risks that have been poorly understood.”7 The major projects that have been iden-
tified often had an element of technology.
However, be aware that risks often are industry specific and are closely related
to the circumstances of the company. In other words, only use Tables 3.2 and 3.3
as a starting point from which to get some ideas. Then input ideas in a process of
identifying/analyzing risks, because that must be done before we can even start
thinking about managing risk.
Identifying risks is often a creative exercise in which a process framework
is commonly used. There are probably as many ways of doing this as there are

companies, but according to the 1999 Deloitte and Touche survey, the following
techniques are the most useful (on a scale from 1 to 9) for identifying business
● Roundtable debates on key risks (6.92)
● Interactive workshops (6.62)
● Strategic risk reviews (6.58)
● Specific studies/surveys (6.42)
● Structured interviews (6.04)
● Management reports (5.60)
● Checklists/questionnaires (4.43)
It is important to recognize that the previous list is valid only for business risks
and not for technical risks, for example. Of course, these techniques must be
applied to the core areas of the company to have the desired effects. That includes
areas such as strategy, product development, market understanding, service and
product development, the quality of the company’s management, changes both
within and without, and so on.

Risk as a Probabilistic Phenomenon

Risk is based on a certain chance of an occurrence, according to the definition in
this book. Furthermore, we have said that risk is commonly measured in terms of
consequences and likelihood. Likelihood is understood as a qualitative description
of probability or frequency, and frequency theory is dependent on probability the-
ory. But what is probability?
In the literature, two major directions claim to have the best approach toward
modeling uncertainty, namely, probability theory and possibility theory, which is
based on fuzzy sets. But as Kaufmann points out, “We can probabilize the fuzzy
sets as well as fuzzify the events (in probability theory).”8 I believe that the reason
for this unfruitful discussion between the two camps is due to the fact that “theo-
ries conceal as much as they reveal” as Hegel put it.
Basically, it is important to realize that neither probability theory nor possibil-
ity theory came out of the blue; that is, they must be seen in a historical context.
Also, much of the argumentation is based on logic, but logic does not ensure any-
thing beyond itself. This follows as, for example, Wittgenstein pointed out, logic
is merely a tool that is consistent within itself but is “content free.” Hence, objec-
tivity is an illusion and logic cannot provide relevance to anything but itself.
As with risk, it is in my opinion important to distinguish between the concept
of probability and the measure of probability. Furthermore, it is important to real-
ize that probability has always carried a double meaning: “one looking into the
future, the other interpreting the past, one concerned with our opinions, the other
concerned with what we actually know.”9 It is the former interpretation of

probability that is relevant for this book and concerns most theories of probability,
and fuzzy sets,10 or possibility theory.
In the former sense, probability refers to a “degree of belief or an approvabil-
ity of an opinion,”11 but it should be noted that “the nature of its (probability) sub-
ject-matter is still in dispute” and that “its logic runs into ‘circularity’.”12 However,
by investigating the roots of the word probability, we find that the previous inter-
pretation is probably useful because the word ⑀␫␬␱␨ (eikos), which means “plau-
sible” or “probable,” was used by Socrates in ancient Greece to describe “likeness
to truth.”13 When we try to forecast the future, we are essentially trying to express
our opinion and belief about the future as it likens truth. Thus, this interpretation
of probability seems to be what we are looking for.
Evidently, the concept of probability in the former sense refers to a degree of
belief, but with respect to what? It is here that the probability camp and the possi-
bility camp stumble into each other, in my opinion. The opponents of possibility
theory and fuzzy logic uses Cox’s proof, saying that “if one wishes to represent
‘plausibility’ of a proposition by a real number and require consistency in the
resulting calculus, then the ‘axioms’ of probability follow logically.”14 The propo-
nents of possibility theory claim that the most limiting aspect of probability the-
ory is “that it is based on two-valued logic.”15 I believe the points these disputes
miss are that:
● Internal logic consistency does not prove anything with respect to reality, as
discussed earlier.
● Probability theory is not a complete representation of probability.
Probability theory is, as its opponents claim, digital, but that is more due to the
fact that the theory developed from gambling, and dice cannot have any interme-
diate values. But from the original concept of probability, as discussed earlier, we
see that probability is a measure of the degree of belief. Thus, the point is that prob-
ability theory simply does not capture entirely the term probability.
I believe much of the disagreement between the probability camp and the pos-
sibility camp is that both are unaware of these philosophical roots of probability
theory. They have to a large extent been comparing the various forms of measur-
ing probability to each other and claiming that one is superior to the other. What
they have missed is that both are trying to measure the degree of belief, but that
probability theory has often an absolute approach and always a digital approach,
while possibility theory has a relative approach based on measures of degree. This
will be clarified in “Increase Uncertainty to Lower Risks” section. For now, it
suffices to understand that probability theory requires more information than
possibility theory.
Of course, probability theory is a sound approach in many cases and it provides
the most insight, but as explained later in “Probability Theory Versus Possibility
Theory,” cases do occur when this approach may prove deceptive. In such cases,

the possibility camp view is more useful because for them the point is to compare
the outcomes against each other; that is, the solution space does not matter. This
eliminates several problems, but we lose precision. My point is simply that we
must understand that the two theories complement each other and that we must
understand which theory fits under which circumstances.
However, a genuine difference exists between the probability view and the pos-
sibility view, and that is the interpretation. In probability theory, an outcome will
either occur or not, whereas in fuzzy logic and possibility theory degrees of occur-
rence exist. Possibility theory is therefore closer to the concept of probability than
probability theory, but this is simply due to historical reasons.
In all situations where Monte Carlo simulations take place, the calculus part of
the theories matters the most in terms of operationalizing the difference, which is
explained in the “Probability Theory Versus Possibility Theory” section. From that
discussion, it is evident that because Activity-Based Life-Cycle Costing (LCC)
relies on such numerical approximation methods, this difference between proba-
bility theory and possibility theory evaporates in the realm of theory.
Monte Carlo methods are, however, not the most common approach in eco-
nomic analyses. Rather, the most common way is to assign probabilities to the out-
comes, including LCC (as far as I have seen), and the use of decision trees or
similar techniques, as illustrated in the example below, is common.

Decision Tree Example

The decision-maker in Figure 3.1 is facing a decision (the 䡺 node, a decision
node) whether to reuse or recycle some glass bottles she is receiving next year, but
the number of bottles (the O node, an event node) is associated with some risks
(10,000 units or 30,000 units) as shown. The probability for receiving 10,000 units
is 40 percent, while the probability for receiving 30,000 units is 60 percent.
If the decision-maker chooses to reuse the bottles but receives only 10,000, she
is facing a loss, whereas 30,000 will give her the highest potential profit, namely

Probability Monetary
Decision Action Events Outcomes of outcomes Value (EMV)
Number of bottles = 10,000 - $ 15,000 40% – $ 6,000
Number of bottles = 30,000 $ 40,000 60% $ 24,000
$ 18,000
Number of bottles = 10,000 $ 30,000 40% $ 12,000
Number of bottles = 30,000 $ 30,000 60% $ 18,000
$ 30,000

Figure 3.1 Decision tree example.


$40,000. Recycling, however, is always guaranteed to be profitable because dur-

ing the recycling process, no process loss exists (all the glass is broken before recy-
cling), but the process is more costly, hence less profits on average.
To decide what to do, the decision-maker designs a decision tree, as shown in
Figure 3.1. The Expected Monetary Value (EMV) of an action is calculated by
multiplying the outcome values by the associated probabilities and then summing
the values for each action. We see that Reuse has the lowest EMV and conse-
quently the bottles should be recycled.
Or have we missed something? Yes, we forgot to find out whether the decision-
maker is risk averse, risk seeking, or simply indifferent. In this example, as often, the
choice with the best outcome has a high risk associated with it. Maybe she should
reuse the bottles and gamble on receiving 30,000 units. That would give her the best
profit, but if she receives only 10,000, the costs are too high to be balanced by the
revenues and she may lose her job. Thus, deciding how to react to risks, which is dis-
cussed in the “Uncertainty, Risk, and Utility” section, is more complex than simply
choosing the option with the highest EMV. But first we must discuss uncertainty.

Uncertainty: The Lack of Information and Knowledge

Uncertainty as a general noun is defined as “the state of being uncertain; doubt;
hesitancy” in the 1989 edition of Webster’s. Thus, neither loss nor chance is nec-
essarily associated with uncertainty; it is simply what is not known with certainty,
not the unknown.
Others define uncertainty as “the inability to assign probabilities to outcomes
and risk is regarded as the ability to assign such probabilities based on differing
perceptions of the existence of orderly relationships or patterns.”16 In most cases,
however, relationships or patterns are not orderly; they are complex. Thus, uncer-
tainty and complexity are intertwined, and interestingly in real life we can find
many examples of how we depend on uncertainty to function and even survive.
Not only that, by increasing the uncertainty, risk can be reduced and vice versa.
This needs some explanation, and that is done in the following two sections.

Dependency on Uncertainty
Uncertainty exists in all situations that are unknown, unpredictable, open ended,
or complex, but matters that are unknown or unpredictable are too difficult for
analysis. I believe uncertainty can be best described as a subset of unpredictabil-
ity, which in turn is a subset of the unknown. The reason is that an uncertain mat-
ter is not unknown or unpredictable. We simply lack information and knowledge
about it; we lack certainty. In other words, unpredictability can be reduced to
uncertainty given enough knowledge. Uncertainty is therefore best described in
relation to complexity, which arises in open systems.

An open system is a system that interacts with its environment to various

degrees and evolves over time. An open system is therefore a complex system
because the interplay with the environment is complex; that is, only loose cou-
plings exist between the open system and the different parts of the environment. A
loose coupling can be thought of as an unclear or partial cause-and-effect rela-
tionship. Uncertainty, complexity, and openness are therefore intertwined and
complementary; we cannot have one without the others.
Before I continue, I would like to clarify a common mix of terms: complex ver-
sus complicated. Complicated situations refer to situations where the cause-and-
effect relations are well established (strong couplings) but where the sheer amount
of information makes it difficult to comprehend. For example, clockwork is com-
plicated, whereas sailing a boat is complex. Computers are therefore ideal in han-
dling complicated issues. Also, complicated issues are not uncertain in themselves,
but they may appear uncertain to us due to human ignorance.
When the complexity becomes large enough, we can talk about chaos. Possibly
the most famous example of loose couplings (complexity) is the butterfly effect
often cited as chaos theory in a nutshell. According to chaos theory, minute changes
in the initial state of a system will over time lead to large-scale consequences, and
the butterfly effect is a funny way of saying the same thing. A butterfly stirring the
air today in Beijing can cause a storm in New York next month. Basically, a small
change in a system can, but not necessarily, lead to a set of cascade effects that may
build up to something large. This fact was first established by Edward Lorenz, who
“realized that any physical system that behaved non-periodically would be unpre-
dictable.”17 This unpredictability means that the behavior of the system is uncertain
because we do not know how the system will react to change. Ironically, most com-
plex systems are robust because of this unpredictability.
Take nature, for example, arguably the pinnacle of complex systems. Would
nature as a system exist if it was predictable? I believe that the only systems that
are predictable are dead systems. In fact, not even a completely dead system is
completely predictable because of erosion and other degrading processes. But back
to nature: Let us hypothesize that nature is predictable and then discuss the con-
sequences. Any living organism tends to act in the easiest way possible (as seen
by the organism; others may consider the way ridiculous). Then, if nature is pre-
dictable, organisms would evolve in certain ways to improve their own situation.
In other words, the organisms would shed unneeded features and abilities. For
example, abilities related to responsiveness would not be needed since there is
nothing to respond to (because everything is already known and predicted). Yet one
of Charles Darwin’s most famous quotes is “It is not the strongest that survive, nor
the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” From this, we can
reach two possible preliminary conclusions of our discussion: (1) Darwin is wrong
or (2) our hypothesis is wrong. From our experience, I think it is fairly safe to say

that it is the hypothesis that is wrong. Nature is not predictable; nature is unpre-
dictable, but only within certain limits as defined by the laws of nature.
But how does that secure robustness? Because nature is unpredictable, all
organisms contain latent features or abilities in order to face the unpredictable.
This is not necessarily by purpose and design, but at least as a consequence over
time due to the continuous changes in nature. This information resides in the
organism’s genes and cells, and it contains much more information than needed
for its daily life. Essentially, every organism has an overkill of genetic information
for its own purpose, but this overkill makes nature robust. If a major cataclysm
takes place, someone will always benefit from it. For example, in the very early
history of our planet, oxygen was a toxic by-product of the bacteria that ruled the
world. Eventually, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere rose above a certain
level and the number of bacteria was vastly reduced (something like 99 percent of
bacteria died), yet this gave room for life that thrived on oxygen, which ultimately
led to the dawn of Homo sapiens—us.
Another example is the stock market. If the stock market was predictable, there
would be no point trading stocks because everybody would know what was going
to happen. Hence, there would be no market. Likewise, if the stock market was
completely unpredictable, nobody would gain anything because no way would
exist for establishing an advantage of some sort. Again, there would be no market.
A third example is democracy. If democracy was predictable, what would be
the point of voting? There would be no democracy. Yet if democracy was com-
pletely unpredictable, what would be the point of election campaigns and politics?
In other words, several examples support the claim that uncertainty is necessary
for the survival of open systems.
What determines whether something is unknowable, unpredictable, or uncer-
tain is our current level of knowledge. Something that appears to be unpredictable
can therefore be reduced to uncertainty given an increased amount of knowledge.
Thus, for a system that is as complex as nature, an uncertainty analysis is applica-
ble but quite unreliable because we currently understand too little about nature. As
Göthe said:
Nature goes her own way, and all that to us seems an exception is really
according to order.
In far less complex systems than nature, such as corporations, it may be useful
to create uncertainty in lieu of sufficient uncertainty in order to more effectively
respond to the overall environmental unpredictability. Without this uncertainty, the
system would gravitate toward one solution and hence lose its flexibility to
respond to environmental unpredictability. This supports large corporations in
using competing brands. Although they compete against each other and thereby
create uncertainty within the corporation, they tend to make the corporation as a
whole a more adaptable entity and therefore more competitive in the long run.

In other words, uncertainty is necessary for us. We depend on it because other-

wise we would get lazy and rigid. Those who can manage uncertainty thrive on it,
while those who cannot manage uncertainty face problems, and this is a source of
great risks for organizations. In fact, uncertainty has become a tradable “asset” by
using financial instruments such as derivatives. Thus, not only do we depend on
uncertainty, uncertainty can also be a very profitable phenomenon for those who
understand how to harvest its fruits.

Increase Uncertainty to Lower Risks

Risk and uncertainty are closely linked. As argued in the preceding section, adding
uncertainty can actually reduce risks and vice versa. This is due to the fact that
uncertainty and complexity are so closely linked and produce an unpleasant side
effect for decision-makers, namely, lack of precision. Lotfi A. Zadeh formulated
this fact in a theorem called the Law of Incompatibility:
As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning and meaningful state-
ments lose precision.
Since all organizations experience some degree of complexity in their decision-
making, this theorem is crucial to take seriously and act accordingly. Nobel laure-
ate Kenneth Arrow warns us that “[O]ur knowledge of the way things work, in
society or in nature, comes trailing clouds of vagueness. Vast ills have followed a
belief in certainty.” Basically, this means that ignoring complexity and/or uncer-
tainty is risky. Luckily, the reverse is also true; increasing the uncertainty in the
decision-making process and associated analyses to better reflect the true uncer-
tainty actually will lower the risk, as argued in the previous section. Thus, striking
a sound balance between meaningfulness and precision is crucial and can be
achieved only by possessing a relatively clear understanding of uncertainty and risk.
Uncertainty is essentially inherent in a system due to knowledge or information
deficiency. The former is due to the simple fact that some things are unknowable,
whereas the latter arises due to information incompleteness or limited cognition.
However, uncertainty can be categorized in order to make it clearer. One such way
is shown in Figure 3.2. We see that two main types of uncertainty exist: fuzziness
and ambiguity.
Fuzziness occurs whenever definite, sharp, clear, or crisp distinctions cannot be
or are not made. For example, “Let’s eat lunch around noon” is a fuzzy statement,
because what is “around noon”? Is it 11:55, 12:05, 12:30, or something else? We
do not know; the timing is fuzzy. Eleven sources of fuzziness exist,18 but the three
main sources are:
1. Fuzziness due to inexact conditions of observations
2. Fuzziness due to classification in an under- or overdimensioned universe
3. Fuzziness due to the intersubject differences with respect to the member-
ship function


The lack of definite or One-to-many relationships
sharp distinctions
• vagueness
• cloudiness
• haziness DISCORD
• unclearness Disagreement in choosing
• indistinctness among several alternatives NONSPECIFICITY
• sharplessness • dissonance Two or more alternatives
• incongruity are left unspecified
• haziness • variety
• discrepancy • generality
• conflict • diversity
• equivocation
• imprecision

Figure 3.2 Basic types of uncertainty. Source: Adapted from G.J. Klir and B. Yuan, Fuzzy
Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1995, p. 268.

The first fuzziness is essentially the error we make when making estimates from
observations. The second fuzziness revolves around our inability either to include
(exactly) everything or to simplify, while the third basically deals with the differ-
ences in human perceptions.
Ambiguity, however, results from unclear definitions of the various alternatives
involved. For example, “See you tomorrow at 7:00” is an ambiguous statement
because you will wonder whether it is A.M. or P.M. The alternatives involved can be
in conflict with each other or they can be left unspecified. The former is ambiguity
resulting from discord, whereas the latter is ambiguity resulting from nonspecificity.
The ambiguity resulting from discord is essentially what the probability theory
revolves around because “probability theory can model only situations where there
are conflicting beliefs about mutually exclusive alternatives.”19 In fact, neither fuzzi-
ness nor nonspecificity can be conceptualized by probability theory. In other words,
uncertainty is too wide-ranging a concept for probability theory.
In fact, one study discussed the various methods used in risk analysis and clas-
sified them as either classical (probability based) or conceptual (fuzzy sets based):
. . . probability models suffer from two major limitations. Some models require
detailed quantitative information, which is not normally available at the time
of planning, and the applicability of such models to real project risk analysis
is limited, because agencies participating in the project have a problem with
making precise decisions. The problems are ill-defined and vague, and they
thus require subjective evaluations, which classical models cannot handle.20

Zadeh therefore launched the concept of fuzzy logic, the first new method of
dealing with uncertainty since the development of probability. Another product of
Zadeh’s mind is possibility theory, which will be discussed in “Theory of Fuzzy
Numbers and Fuzzy Intervals.” With respect to the discussion in “Probability
Theory Versus Possibility Theory,” we see here that it is important to distinguish
the concept of probability, which has not been discussed earlier, and the measures
of probability, which have been scrutinized previously.
Both fuzzy logic and possibility theory are used to examine and reduce uncer-
tainty in areas as diverse as washing machines and environmental problems. Many
are therefore starting to believe that everything is a matter of degree. This is a lost
point in probability theory because in it everything is crisp and clear; an event will
either occur or not. This is not strange since probability theory was developed from
games of dice and gambling, and in such settings logic is crisp. That is, a dice will
produce a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, and nothing in between. Over time, probability distri-
butions have reduced this problem of discreteness to some extent, but they rely on
hard data, something we often do not have the luxury of possessing.

Probability Theory versus Possibility Theory

For my work, the crux of the difference between classic probability theory and pos-
sibility theory lies in the estimation of a probability. For example, consider the
Venn diagram in Figure 3.3. The two outcomes A and B in outcome space S over-
lap; that is, they are not mutually exclusive. The probability of A is in other words
dependent on the probability of B, and vice versa. In Figure 3.2, this was referred
to as a nonspecific ambiguous situation.
In probability theory, we look at A in relation to S and correct for overlaps so
that the sum of all outcomes will be 100 percent (all exhaustible). In theory, this
is unproblematic, but in practice determining the probability of A 傽 B is difficult
at best because A and B are interdependent; that is, they overlap. Thus, in cases


A ∩B

Figure 3.3 Two nonmutually exclusive outcomes in outcome space S.


where this interdependency is important, the larger the probability of A 傽 B is,

the larger becomes the mistake of using probability theory. In possibility theory,
however, we simply look at the outcomes in relation to each other, and conse-
quently S becomes irrelevant and overlaps do not matter. The possibility of A will
simply be A to A ⫹ B in Figure 3.3. Hence, at some point it is wise to use possi-
bility theory.
In other words, probabilistic approaches are based on counting, whereas possi-
bilistic logic is simply based on relative comparison. Clearly, possibility theory is
intuitive and easy, but we pay a price: loss of precision (an outcome in compari-
son to outcome space). This loss of precision, however, is truer to high levels of
complexity, and that is crucial in a business context.
Before we continue, it should be noted that the term event applied in probabil-
ity theory requires a certain level of distinctness in defining what is occurring and
what is not. The term sensation has therefore been proposed; a sensation is some-
thing weaker than an event. Also, although sensations have some probability of
happening, we introduce possibility, in addition to the aforementioned reasons, to
further emphasize that positive risks should be pursued actively (risicare), hence
including all opportunities (possibilities). That cannot be achieved unless risks are
connected to future, foreseen sensations and we capitalize on them.
But it is one thing to examine and reduce uncertainty and risk; it is another thing
to decide what to do. Several theories for decision-making exist. Possibly the most
popular one is the utility theory, at least in the face of risk and uncertainty.


The decision-maker in the example in “Sources of Risk” preferred to play it safe
and accept a profit of $10,000 lower than what it could have been in 60 percent of
the cases. Such behavior can be characterized as risk averse. This type of behav-
ior is the most common,21 but it has been argued that some people actually exhibit
risk-seeking behavior in certain situations. The rationale is, for example, that poor
people buy disproportionately more lottery tickets than wealthy people because a
poor person is willing to take risks in order to get out of his or her situation. If this
is true, people react to risk differently depending on their status, economic situa-
tion, and so on. Or as an economist would say, people would act in order to max-
imize their utility, not necessarily to maximize the EMV.
Utility can be defined in many ways, but if we turn to the 1989 edition of
Webster’s we find it defined as the “state or quality of being useful; usefulness.”
In other words, people will generally try to maximize whatever they think is use-
ful. For some, this will mean that they aim for the highest profits while accepting
a higher risk, whereas others may settle for a lower return knowing that it is rel-
atively safe. Economists have defined utility somewhat differently, namely as “the

ability to satisfy wants,”22 and saying that utility is “the ultimate goal of all eco-
nomic activity.”23
In fact, Daniel Bernoulli (in 1738) and later economists devised an entire the-
ory called utility theory. Utility theory, or expected utility theory, is important
because it attempts to reconcile real behavior with EMV in decision-making, and
it is in fact the theory that most economists rely on when dealing with risks and
decision-making.24 It is both a prescriptive and descriptive approach to decision-
making, as we are told how individuals and corporations should make decisions,
as well as predicting how they do make decisions.
The basic assumption in utility theory that Bernoulli developed is that people
make decisions to maximize Expected Utility (EU). According to the theory, each
decision-maker has a certain utility function that represents each outcome of an
event in terms of utility value. The utility function is therefore derived from the deci-
sion-maker’s attitudes toward risk and outcomes (refer to Figure 3.4) and is usually
determined by the popular Certainty Equivalent Method, whereby information from
an individual is elicited by asking questions about lotteries. Depending on the shape
of the utility function, it is determined whether an individual is risk averse, risk
seeking, or indifferent (risk neutral), as shown in Figure 3.4:
● Risk-averse person, concave utility function
● Risk-neutral person, linear utility function
● Risk-seeking person, convex utility function
As illustrated in Figure 3.4 and argued earlier, it is believed that the utility func-
tion is dependent on wealth. In fact, many economists argue that the logical thing
to do for an intelligent investor is to give up a smaller risk premium when faced
with the same risky option as those less fortunate.25 But people do not necessarily
act logically, as explained later.
The fact that decision-making can be described by such an apparently beauti-
ful mathematical theory is very appealing, and some have therefore introduced
utility theory into cost models. Thus, it may appear that utility theory can be very


Convex portion Linear portion Concave portion


Figure 3.4 Example of a utility function.


straightforwardly and effectively applied in LCC because of its mathematical rigor.

Three problems, in my opinion, make utility theory impractical in most situations,
although it is useful in explaining behavior.
First, establishing a reliable utility function is, at best, difficult. In some cases,
it is virtually impossible, whereas in others it is quite possible. The impossible
cases are cases when laymen are involved (such as consumer products) because
laymen are normally more irrational than experts. The most likely cases where util-
ity theory can actually have merit are when highly technical decisions are made
(technical products that are evaluated almost entirely by performance, such as
power cables).
Second, and possibly profoundly important, Arrows’ Impossibility Theorem
states that “a group consisting only of rational individuals need not exhibit transi-
tive preferences and in general will not.” Thus, even though we could establish reli-
able utility functions for each individual, the outcome would still be irrational and
hence unsuitable for mathematical modeling.
A third reason is that the theory in fact does not quite capture reality well:
“Expected utility theory says risk attitudes drive solely from changes in marginal
utility associated with fluctuations in lifetime wealth. Hence, the theory says that
people will not be averse to risks involving monetary gains and losses that do not
alter lifetime wealth enough to affect significantly the marginal utility one derives
from that lifetime wealth.”26 The theory hence implies that people should be risk
neutral to a gamble that involves small stakes, but people are not. Thus, utility the-
ory is internally inconsistent, or illogical. It has, however, produced good results
in, for example, financial markets in the shape of game theory. That might be
because most financial experts would view themselves as rational, yet the overall
financial market is often perceived as irrational, and that finance has a single objec-
tive. Hence, utility theory might be involuntarily correct concerning financial mar-
kets and some other special cases.
Nonetheless, for the aforementioned reasons, I believe that although we can
give detailed decision support using utility theory, it is probably wisest in the gen-
eral case to identify the risks and uncertainties, and estimate their impact on the
outcomes. Then the decision-maker(s) can decide how to use this knowledge. After
all, managerial thinking (especially at the more senior levels) in all organizations
requires intuition and the exercise of subjective judgment. For example, in Figure
3.1, I think it would be sound to estimate the probabilities for the outcomes and to
compute the EMVs, but it would be unwise to analyze what the decision-maker
should do using EU or something similar. That follows from Arrows’ warning that
“Vast ills have followed a belief in certainty,” because we would make something
appear certain that in reality is not. Thus, from what I have seen and understood,
it is a far greater risk to eliminate a risk than to manage it. Deception is a far greater
risk than most risks in my opinion.


Other sources provide many different ways of dealing with risk and uncertainty but
since this book is not about risk management, but about managerial LCC, this dis-
cussion is confined to the approaches that are most common in management today
and that may be pertinent to LCC. These are the decision tree and the what-if tech-
nique (and their derivatives), and they are discussed in the next two sections. After
that, a more generic technique for determining significant risks is discussed.
These techniques, however, lack an important part of risk management and
uncertainty analysis: how to develop and implement ongoing measures to deal with
risk and uncertainty. Since that particular part of risk management is very generic,
it is covered in “Traditional Risk Management” because it is always applicable,
regardless of risk and uncertainty analysis methods.
Much of the management literature seems to ignore the difference between risk
and uncertainty that is explained in this book. Risk and uncertainty are almost used
interchangeably and are simply often defined as, in one textbook, “the possibility
that an actual amount will deviate from a forecasted amount.”

Decision Tree Technique

Figure 3.1 shows a decision tree is from which the EMVs can be found. The deci-
sion-maker can ultimately make a decision, unless she wants to buy additional
information to further clarify issues that may be unclear. Whether she should pur-
sue additional information or not is a matter of cost versus benefit. But before the
decision tree is set up, a decision model must be designed.
As the name indicates, a decision model is a model that describes how the deci-
sion-maker is to arrive at a decision. The following five-step model illustrates a
decision model behind decision trees:
1. Identify the objective function (choice criterion) of the decision-maker. The
purpose of the objective function is to specify what the objective is; that pro-
vides the basis for choosing the best alternative.
2. Identify the set of actions that the decision-maker considers.
3. Identify the set of relevant events that can occur. It is important that this
set is mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustible so that all bases are
4. Assign probabilities for the occurrence of each event.
5. Identify the set of possible outcomes (payoffs) that are dependent on spe-
cific actions and events. Basically, for a given specific set of actions and the
relevant events that can occur as a consequence of these actions, identify the
possible outcomes. A decision table might be helpful to summarize the
information before drawing the decision tree.

Others propose an eight-step model that includes obtaining additional infor-

mation via experimentation, choice, and calculations of a desired profit function,
but the generic steps are the same. In any case, you will end up with a tree such as
the one shown in Figure 3.1, but how well does such a tree capture the real risk?
The best way to illustrate this method’s capability to capture the real risk (as
opposed to the calculated or assessed risk) is to plotting the results. If we look at
the situation in Figure 3.1, we can plot it as shown in Figure 3.5. Clearly, many
options have not been captured, such as the white box area compared to the four
points. Why is that? This is mainly for two reasons:
1. The decision tree analysis is a discrete technique. That is, the outcomes are
just points among a large area of possibility.
2. Only a very limited number of outcomes can be analyzed. This is partly a
consequence of the former point, but it is simply due to the fact that per-
forming an all-exhaustive search among all possibilities is too laborious even
with a computer.
Our example was only two-dimensional (the number of units and profits) for
each action. Now imagine a more real situation where profits depend on many vari-
ables. The situation in Figure 3.5 would be even worse. Hence, the reliability of
the decision tree approach is rather low.
An elegant solution to this problem is shown in the Reduce Risk by Introducing
Uncertainty section, but first another famous technique: the what-if technique.

What-If Technique
As the name indicates, the what-if technique is a technique where we ask ourselves
or a computer model many “What if this happens?” types of questions. Instead of

$ 60,000




–$ 20,000

5,000 50,000
Number of Units

Figure 3.5 Captured versus all possible outcomes.


calculating the probabilities of the various events as in the decision tree method,
we simply vary the input variables in the model and look at the response in the out-
put variable(s). In other words, we are investigating the responsiveness, or sensi-
tivity, of the output variable(s) to changes in the input variables. A what-if analysis
is therefore essentially a sensitivity analysis technique and a more general
approach to measuring the impact of uncertainty.
With respect to our example, we would not ask what is the probability of the
number of units being 10,000, 30,000, or anything else. We would rather ask
“What if the number of units received is 10,000?” and then use a model to assess
the profits. We would proceed like that until the decision-maker found the risk (of
making an erroneous decision) acceptable.
Although this technique is very simple, it is probably a better approach than the
decision tree method because it is easier and enables us to more easily and more
cost effectively study a larger amount of possible outcomes. Chapter 6 illustrates
the what-if technique in a case.
Unfortunately, the technique does not overcome the basic problems of the deci-
sion tree method, although it is easier to try out many more scenarios. Rather,
another problem has been added: We can only vary one variable at a time because
otherwise we cannot measure its impact on the output variable. Thus, an implicit
assumption exists, namely that for every new value of an input variable, everything
else remains constant. But how many times can you recall where everything actu-
ally did remain the same? None? This approach is therefore based on a major flaw
that makes it deceptively reliable. It simply ignores the fact that in reality some
input variables may have a higher value than anticipated, some have a lower value,
and others nobody knows.
In the “How Belief Sheds Light on Risk and Uncertainty” section, the solution
to these problems is presented, but first we turn to a very simple and generic
approach for determining significant risks.

Generic Risk-Ranking Technique

Both the what-if and the decision tree techniques rely on a common baseline of
impact, which in LCC will normally be a monetary/economic measure with a unit
such as U.S. dollars. But what if no common impact baseline exists? Then we must
establish it, and to do that we need a so-called risk factor (RF) or risk value that
can scale and aggregate the various risk estimates.
To calculate the RF for something, we need two things: a probability estimate
and a consequence/impact estimate. Since we have no common baseline, the first
impact statement is often expressed verbally; then we assign values that can be in
the (0, 1) range or on a 1 to 5 scale, for example. Here we can estimate the values
using probability theory, possibility theory, or something else, but often a very sim-
ple subjective assignment is used.

Table 3.4 Normalized Probabilities and Impacts due to Sea-Level Rise in the
Next 50 Years
If Sea Risk Risk
Level Rises Likelihood Probability (p) Impact Impact (i )
0.1 meters Almost certain 0.95 Low 0.05
0.5 meters Highly likely 0.70 High 0.50
1.0 meters Likely 0.40 Extreme 0.80
2.0 meters Unlikely 0.10 Catastrophic 0.95

Consider the example in Table 3.4. A sea-level rise is something we are actu-
ally facing, up to 3.0 mm per year, according to studies by the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), but what is the risk? Economic estimates of the
consequences have probably already been done, so the impacts are measured in
terms of money, but let us take another simpler approach.
Our job is to look at the consequences, but we do not want to use any economic
approach because we think money cannot really capture a problem of this magni-
tude. We obtain probability estimates from a risk analysis, so all we have to do is
find the impact and calculate the RFs.
First, we must identify the consequences. It is clear that a sea-level rise will
affect everybody living by the sea, but it is fair to assume that cities will face the
biggest challenges because they must build defenses for their harbors and/or raise
the city in some way. We therefore ask a group of city development experts what
they think the impact will be. Their answers are shown in the impact column in
Table 3.4.
Then we convert the verbal impact statements to numerical measures. We ask
the group to consider this: “On a scale of 0 to 1 (1 being the worst), how bad is cat-
astrophic? How bad is extreme?” We are essentially asking the experts to trans-
form the verbal statements to a baseline of their own liking. In other words, the
impact measure has no units.
The answers are found in the rightmost column of Table 3.4. We see from the
answers that the experts consider the rise in sea level from 0.1 meters to 0.5 meters
to be relatively worse than the rise from 1.0 meters to 2.0 meters. Perhaps they
think that once the water passes 0.5 meters, it is so bad that the impact curve starts
to flatten toward the 1.0 asymptote already at the 0.5 meters rise or even before.
Nevertheless, we now have both probability estimates and impact measures. Then
we just need to combine them to calculate the RF.
The RF can be calculated in numerous ways. It is important to be consistent and
document which method is used. The New South Wales Government Asset
Management Committee provides two techniques for calculating RF. Out of those
two techniques, the one I prefer is given by:

RF ⫽ p ⫹ i ⫺ (p ⫻ i) (3.1)
The sea-level consequences can therefore be described as in Table 3.5. By
ordering the RF in Table 3.5 in decreasing order, we can generate a so-called risk
The purpose of the risk profile is to aid decision-makers in prioritizing. Priority
should be given to the consequences with the highest RF values. In our simple
example, we see from Table 3.5 that it is the extreme options that got the highest
RF values. For city planners in coastal areas of the world, this would imply (if the
data were real) that they should concentrate on small sea-level rises and very large
rises. Those in between should have a lower priority.
We can also do it even more simplistically, but not necessarily less reliably. If
we use a 1 to 5 scale for both probabilities and impacts (1 being very low and 5
being very high), we get a reworked Table 3.4 as shown in Table 3.6.
The consequences will therefore be measured on a 1 to 25 scale because the
consequence is simply the product of the probability and the impact, that is:
RF ⫽ p ⫻ i (3.2)
For this particular example, the consequences are shown in Table 3.7. Since
Equation 3.2 is different from Equation 3.1, the consequences are, of course, cal-
culated differently and hence the results are different, as is evident from compar-
ing Table 3.5 to Table 3.7.
The immediate question that arises is naturally: Which method is most reliable?
Equation 3.1 or Equation 3.2? Should we focus on an 0.5-meter sea-level rise (the

Table 3.5 Normalized Sea-Level Rise Risk Factors

If Sea Level Rises Consequence (RF)

0.1 meters 0.95
0.5 meters 0.85
1.0 meters 0.88
2.0 meters 0.96

Table 3.6 Scaled Probabilities and Impacts Due to Sea-Level Rise

in the Next 50 Years
If Sea Risk Risk
Level Rises Likelihood Probability (p) Impact Impact (i)
0.1 meter Almost certain 5 Low 1
0.5 meter Highly likely 4 High 3
1.0 meter Likely 2 Extreme 4
2.0 meter Unlikely 1 Catastrophic 5

Table 3.7 Scaled Sea-Level Rise Consequences

If Sea Level Rises Consequence (RF)

0.1 meters 5
0.5 meters 12
1.0 meters 8
2.0 meters 5

worst according to Table 3.7) or on the extreme versions, as are evident from Table
3.5? Since we have no common baseline from which we can argue which equation
is the most logical, we cannot really say that one is better than the other. In many
ways, it seems more intuitive to focus on the extreme version (see Table 3.5 and
Equation 3.1), but on the other hand, it is difficult to understand why we should
accept Equation 3.1 over Equation 3.2. I tend to prefer Equation 3.2 and use a scale
of 1 to 5 because it is simple, easy to understand, and conceptually similar to the
EMV. Because that approach does not rely on normalized probability assessments
and impact statements, it is important to be consistent in the choice of scales.
This technique also works well in combination with monetary measures, but
when monetary measures are present, other techniques perform better most of the


Regardless of the assessment and management methods used, three main avenues
exist for dealing with uncertainty (see Glossary).
The most common approach is to use either discrete probability estimates or con-
tinuous probability distributions. However, in complex models, not to mention in
reality, the additional information needed to quantify probability estimates or prob-
ability distributions is often not obtainable at a reasonable cost if at all. Furthermore,
because of the computational strengths of modern computers, it does not make much
sense to simplify a problem that is already fairly easy to handle by making addi-
tional assumptions that only reduce the usefulness of the output from the models.
The second approach is Bayesian statistics. This is perhaps the approach that
relies the most on hard data and consequently involves the least guesswork, but
that also presents a problem. Historical data are often impossible to find when per-
forming an original design, and they are hard to find in many other situations as
well. Also, sometimes guesswork can be better than historical data because when
using historical data, one implicity assumes that the future will be somewhat like
the past. This is true enough when minor changes or product improvements are
involved, but it hardly applies to original products or major corporate decisions,
simply because such decisions are almost by definition not made frequently
enough to generate reliable historical data. Consequently, Bayesian statistics can-

not be used in general. It should be noted, however, that in some areas, such as
hydrogeology/hydrology, Bayesian statistics are commonly used.
The third approach is to employ the theory of fuzzy numbers and fuzzy inter-
vals, which derives from fuzzy logic. This is a very flexible way of handling uncer-
tainty, and it has two great advantages:
1. Fuzzy numbers and fuzzy intervals can be used with or without hard data.
Bayesian statistics, on the other hand, need quite a large sample of hard
data. However, it is always preferable to have as much relevant hard data as
2. The use of fuzzy numbers and fuzzy intervals has very few, if any, restric-
tions. This is the perfect tool of numerical theories and applications.27
The good thing about fuzzy numbers and intervals is that they are an effective
way to model gut instinct. This is crucial because gut instinct is important in man-
agerial thinking (especially at the more senior levels), and experiments show that
processing knowledge about uncertainty categorically—that is, by means of ver-
bal expressions—imposes less mental workload on the decision-maker than
numerical processing. Furthermore, the NRC Governing Board on the Assessment
of Risk points out the “important responsibility not to use numbers, which convey
the impression of precision when the understanding of relationships is indeed less
secure. Thus, while quantitative risk assessment facilitates comparison, such com-
parison may be illusory or misleading if the use of precise numbers is unjustified.”
An equally compelling reason, however, is that probabilistic approaches are
based on counting, whereas possibilistic logic is based simply on comparing.
Comparing is easier for people because, as experiments show, “one needs to pres-
ent comparison scenarios that are located on the probability scale to evoke people’s
own feeling of risk.” This is particularly true for low-probability risks, and many
business risks are low-probability risks because the number of potential outcomes
of a decision is so vast. Moreover, as the literature points out, given the increasingly
complex and uncertain environment in which contemporary organizations operate,
there is a need to be able to “embrace complexity and learn how to handle uncer-
tainty.” Thus, a method in which one can blend rationality with irrationality should
be highly useful. In the words of a commercial lender:
. . . basic credit decisions are often based solely on considerations of the
heart (often biased), head (analytical) or gut instinct (experience). Using
these guidelines, I have generally found that if my heart overrules my head,
the loan has almost uniformly been a poor one. If my head overrules my gut
instinct, the resulting loan may sometimes be a poor one. In looking back at
poor loans, I should have followed my gut instinct more often.28
The basic problem of probability theory is that it is too precise. Yet, in his
acclaimed book Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, Peter Bernstein

does not mention fuzzy logic at all. Evidently, fuzzy numbers and intervals have
many advantages over more conventional approaches; how this works is explained
in the following section. Also, as discussed below, there are virtually no disad-
vantages if fuzzy numbers and fuzzy intervals are approximated numerically.
Note that the next section is theoretical and can be skipped without losing the
thread of the book. However, it is helpful to understand the logic behind the use of
uncertainty distributions, which is discussed at the end of the section.

Theory of Fuzzy Numbers and Fuzzy Intervals

In order to understand what fuzzy numbers and fuzzy intervals are, we must go
back to the basics, to when we first started to learn mathematics. We looked at sets
of things and determined what belonged where. The most basic was to look at five
balls, three of which were green and two were blue, and then answer the question,
“How many green balls do you see?” From this, we learned class membership;
there were three balls that were members of the class of green balls. Furthermore,
there were two circles, one with five cows inside and four in the other. We were
asked to decide which set was greater than the other. We soon learned that five is
larger than four. Thus, such sets, ordinary sets, provided a very clear and sharp def-
inition of “much” versus “little.” They provided a systematic framework for deal-
ing with fuzzy quantifiers, such as many, few, and most, as well as linguistic
variables like tall, small, old, and so on.
Fuzzy sets, in contrast, are of the vague type (more versus less). Fuzzy sets are
therefore viewed as a generalization of ordinary sets and, according to Zadeh,
“provide a natural way of dealing with problems in which the source of impreci-
sion is the absence of sharply defined criteria of class membership rather than the
presence of random variables.” In other words, the occurrence of fuzzy sets is not
due to randomness but to imprecision, lack of certainty, vagueness, ambiguity, and
so on. This is a major difference from probability theory, but for Monte Carlo
methods the difference in interpretation makes no difference to the calculations,
because Monte Carlo methods are numerical approximation methods and, hence,
treat probability distributions, fuzzy numbers, fuzzy intervals, and possibility dis-
tributions in the same way.
Although fuzzy sets are of the vague type, the theory is by no means vague. In
set theory, an object (number) is either within the set or not, while in fuzzy set the-
ory, it is not that simple. If X is a collection of objects denoted generically by x,
then a fuzzy set à in X is a set of ordered pairs:
à ⫽ {(x, ␮à (x))ⱍ x 苸 X} (3.3)
where µÃ is the membership function that maps X to the membership space M and
µÃ(x) is the grade of membership (also the degree of compatibility or degree of

fuzzy number fuzzy interval


Figure 3.6 Fuzzy numbers versus fuzzy intervals. Source: Adapted from H. Bandemer
and W. Näther, Fuzzy Data Analysis. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic
Press, 1992, p. 341.

truth) of x in Ã. In other words, the real crux of the fuzzy set lies in the definition
of µÃ(x) which describes to which extent (degree) a number is part of the mem-
bership space. In ordinary sets, it would be either zero or one, but in fuzzy sets, or
fuzzy logic, it can be anything in between as well. In fact, µÃ(x) could be a proba-
bility distribution or a set of probabilities, or maybe we should say a possibility
distribution and a set of possibilities. We can go both ways; we can probabilize the
fuzzy sets as well as fuzzify the events (in probability theory). The possibilities are
limited only by one’s imagination and a mix is unavoidable. In fact, the role pos-
sibility theory plays for fuzzy sets is analogous to the role mathematical
expectancy plays in probability theory. Thus, possibility theory and fuzzy logic
match each other in much the same way that probability theory and ordinary crisp
sets match each other.
Nahmias in the United States and Dubois and Prade in France have taken the
notion of fuzzy sets and developed it further into fuzzy intervals and fuzzy
numbers. Basically, fuzzy numbers provide the connection between the fuzzy set
theory and the confidence theory. Fuzzy numbers and intervals define a multi-
dimensional area of confidence, whereas confidence intervals in confidence the-
ory are one-dimensional, as in Figure 3.6. A confidence interval would be like a
slice in the x direction, thus missing the l direction totally. In other words, fuzzy
numbers and intervals are less strictly defined, are associated with fewer assump-
tions, and are therefore more general approaches.
However, a difference also exists between fuzzy numbers and fuzzy intervals,
because depending on the shape of the membership function, fuzzy numbers and
fuzzy intervals are defined differently (see Figure 3.6). A fuzzy number has to be
bounded and convex, while an interval is only bounded.
For example, a triangular fuzzy number on R (see Figure 3.7) is characterized
by its membership function µN(x): R → (0, 1) with:

x⫺m⫺ 1
for x H 3l, m4
mN 1x2 ⫽ e m ⫺ 1 1

m ⫺ n x ⫺ m ⫺ n for x H 3m, n 4
1 n

0 otherwise (3.4)

Just like ordinary numbers and intervals, fuzzy numbers and fuzzy intervals can
be added and multiplied. For a triangular number like the one in Figure 3.7, the
computations involved in these two definitions are rather laborious. However, on
the basis of the extension principle, the addition and multiplication of two fuzzy
numbers, Ñ1 and Ñ2, for example, are defined as follows:

mN苲1䊝N苲 2 1z2 ⫽ sup1min1mN苲 1 1x2,mN苲2 1y2 2 2
1x, y2 H R2
⫽ sup1min1mN苲 1 1x2,mN苲 2 1z ⫺ x2 2 2
xHR (3.5)

mN苲1䊟N苲 2 1z2 ⫽ sup1min1mN苲 1 1x2,mN苲2 1y2 2 2
1x, y2 H R2
⫽ sup1min1mN苲 1 1x2,mN苲 2 1z>x2 2 2
xHR (3.6)

mN~ ( x )

1 m n

Figure 3.7 Definition of a triangular fuzzy number.


To reduce the amount of work associated with the aforementioned addition and
multiplication procedures, some approximation methods have been designed. For
example, one could approximate the addition but solve the rest of the computa-
tions exactly.
A step further from an exact solution and/or from approximating the exact solu-
tion is to approximate the entire solution by employing numerical approximation
techniques. This is done by modeling the uncertainty as fuzzy numbers, as in
Figure 3.8, and consequently solving the model numerically by employing a
Monte Carlo simulation technique. This is the method I have worked with the
most; I recommend it for reasons explained in the next section.
Since no difference exists between the various approaches of modeling uncertainty
when employing numerical approximation techniques, it is more useful simply to talk
about uncertainty distributions, given that we need not capture the difference in inter-
pretation between the various approaches. In the rest of the book, I therefore simply
talk about uncertainty distributions.

Handling Models with Many Variables

First, I would like to clarify why a numerical approach is chosen and not an exact
approach when it comes to the mathematical aspects. The reason is simply that
LCC in particular and cost management and performance measurement in general
depend heavily on performing sensitivity analyses and handling uncertainty.
Essentially, two distinct approaches to sensitivity and uncertainty analysis exist.
One is the use of differential methods, whereas the other is the use of statistical

Direct labor costs Car B


2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00

Figure 3.8 Example of a fuzzy number in a model.


Differential methods involve calculating partial derivatives and are therefore, in

my opinion, very difficult to apply for large systems of variables because “one run
of the code is required for each point at which partial derivatives are to be evalu-
ated.”29 Add to that the efforts spent in handling the uncertainty.
Statistical methods, on the other hand, involve the use of regression (response
surface) methods and related partial correlation coefficients, but they yield essen-
tially the same results. Moreover, “an advantage of statistical methods is that the
partial correlation coefficients are computed from model evaluations at several
points in some region in the input space.”30 In plain words, a statistical method
simulates what happens in the model for a sufficient number of points so that the
overall simulation of the model is good enough, but not exact. It is like conduct-
ing a political survey; although you interview only 1,500 individuals, you have a
pretty good idea about the overall opinion of the entire population.
Also, the sensitivity analysis and the uncertainty can be handled at the same
time. In fact, the very mechanism behind many statistical methods is to introduce
uncertainty on purpose in the model’s input variables in order to measure statisti-
cally the impact this uncertainty has on the output’s variables. Then you accurately
measure the output’s sensitivity to the input, given that the uncertainty is modeled
consistently and as bounded symmetric uncertainty distributions throughout the
model (see the simple example in Appendix A). So by adding uncertainty to the
model, the risk is actually reduced. As discussed later, the Monte Carlo methods
exploit this beautiful paradox for all it’s worth.
Statistical methods are methods that rely on n-point evaluations in m-
dimensional space to produce an approximate solution (because that is what we
need since an exact approach will not work). In plain English, m is the number of
variables, while n is the number of points used for an assessment. A point is a spe-
cific set of values for the m variables. “Among all numerical methods that rely on
n-point evaluations in m-dimensional space to produce an approximate solution,
the so-called Monte Carlo methods have an absolute error of estimate that
decreases as n⫺1/2 whereas, in the absence of exploitable special structure, all oth-
ers have errors that decrease as n⫺1/m at best.”31 This is a crucial point because it
says that the error in the approximation is smaller for Monte Carlo methods than
for other comparable methods. The error is basically an estimate of how
different the approximation is from the true answer. This can be assessed using
standard statistical techniques.
Despite this fact, “Monte Carlo methods were considered mathematical blas-
phemy until as recently as 1970. Today, however, Monte Carlo methods are the
only approaches capable of providing useful insights in several problems in
physics.”32 Although the Monte Carlo method is now the most powerful and com-
monly used technique for analyzing complex problems, some are less enthusias-
tic about using it.

For example, some claim that “the computational burden precludes the use of
standard33 Monte Carlo analysis.” This statement must be interpreted in relation to
climate models that are comprised of hierarchical computer codes, because then
the Monte Carlo analyses must be performed at several levels and provide input to
each other, which is not the case in LCC or any management discipline. Clearly, a
Simple Random Sampling (SRS) Monte Carlo method will be time consuming in
such a situation. However, by using Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS), the num-
ber of trials can be reduced drastically. The only problem with LHS is the diffi-
culty in computing the mean output response. It is therefore suggested to break up
the models into a hierarchy and run a simulation first to identify the most impor-
tant variables. Then run Monte Carlo simulations including only the most impor-
tant variables. However, this can be a dangerous approach because it neglects the
“insignificant” variables. Delta Airlines’ success over the past 20 years, for exam-
ple, can be attributed to the fact that they have done all the little things—that is,
the insignificant variables—right.34 Doing the big things right is probably more a
prerequisite for being in business than excelling in business. Excellence lies in the
details. It should be mentioned that a large number of various sampling techniques
is used with Monte Carlo methods and have certain advantages in certain situa-
tions, and some variations of LHS have been created that perform better.
In any case, the choice should be clear since LCC and cost management prob-
lems with many variables (large m) are not nested. In fact, I have not been able to
find any numerical method that can even remotely compete with Monte Carlo
methods for management purposes. Another issue is that Monte Carlo methods
never go wrong. Thus, the only issue is what is fastest:

● To run a Monte Carlo simulation once and for all and be done, or
● To reduce the size of the problem and then solve the problem wondering if
you missed something

The latter approach is a reductionist approach. Johnson and Kaplan argue, in their
book Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting, that the reduc-
tionist approach was one of the main reasons for the loss of relevance in manage-
ment accounting until the introduction of Activity-Based Costing (ABC).
Researchers simply made the problems so simple that they could employ their the-
ories; in the process they missed the point that reality is complex and cannot be
sliced up into one problem here and another problem there. Everything is connected.
In any case, I believe that because modern software enables distributed com-
puting over a web of computers, These methods will take over more and more in
uncertainty analysis, sensitivity analysis, and optimization. Monte Carlo methods
are already being used in an increasing number of areas, such as economics, biol-
ogy, chemistry, and engineering. We have only seen the beginning.


Conceptually, Monte Carlo methods are simple, stemming from three distinct but
related historical developments in the mathematical sciences:
1. Games of chance motivated seventeenth- and eighteenth-century mathe-
maticians to regard outcomes on successive trials as forming a sequence of
random events.
2. After observing that the mean of a function of continuous random variables
took the form of an integral, nineteenth- and early twentieth-century statis-
ticians subsequently recognized that, in principle, one could randomly draw
numbers, transform them according to prescribed rules, and derive an
approximate solution to an integral in a problem that intrinsically contained
no probabilistic content whatsoever. Also see the publications by the
National Bureau of Standards on Monte Carlo methods in 1951.
3. During the 1920s and 1930s, several new discoveries were made in solving
differential equations, in the relationship between a Markov stochastic
process and certain differential equations, and during the atomic energy
developments after World War II in which large multidimensional problems
proved too formidable for the differential equation approach. This develop-
ment led to discoveries by John von Neumann and Stanislaw Ulam, which
suggested that sampling experiments using random walk models executed
on the newly developed digital computer could provide readily usable
approximations to the desired solutions. This proposal reversed the direction
of reasoning. Instead of using the cumbersome differential equation
approach to provide solutions to probabilistic problems, one conducts sam-
pling experiments to provide solutions to the differential equations, which
did not necessarily have a probabilistic basis themselves.
Monte Carlo methods rely on introducing uncertainty into the models since no
uncertainty exists in them. But a more obvious use of Monte Carlo methods exists,
namely to assess the impact of uncertainty on the outcomes. The difference in the
application of Monte Carlo methods lies solely in the way uncertainty is modeled
(see Appendix A for a simple illustrative example):
● By modeling the uncertainty as it actually is, Monte Carlo methods can
be used to assess the impact of uncertainty. By conducting a statistical sen-
sitivity analysis on such a Monte Carlo simulation run, one can identify
which input variables are most important with respect to managing the
uncertainty. Such information is crucial if one wants to spend money on get-
ting better information or to simply reduce risks via Critical Assumption
Planning (CAP).

● By introducing uncertainty in the model, such as ⫾10 percent bounded and

symmetric uncertainty distributions like the triangular numbers in Figure 3.7,
we can measure and rank the relative impact the various input variables have on
the output variables. This is critical for management purposes, CAP, and prod-
uct and process design because it is a very effective way of identifying and rank-
ing performance drivers, provided of course that the model is well designed.
Surprisingly, defining a Monte Carlo method (or a method of statistical trials, as
some call it) is not straightforward, and a good deal of disagreement has taken place.
Historically, the first example of a computation by a Monte Carlo method is
Buffon’s problem of needle tossing, which he described in his 1777 treatise, Essai
d’Arithmetique morale. In 1908, the famous statistician Student used the Monte
Carlo method for estimating the correlation coefficient in this t-distribution. The
von Neumann–Ulam method, which is considered the original Monte Carlo
method, seems to be that Monte Carlo specifically designates the use of random
sampling procedures for treating deterministic mathematical problems. Some
define Monte Carlo to be the use of random sampling to treat problems of a deter-
ministic or a probabilistic sort. Others demand that the sampling be sophisticated
(involving the use of some variance-reducing techniques or swindle) in order to
qualify as Monte Carlo; they call those cases where simple random sampling is used
“straightforward sampling,” “experimental sampling,” or “model sampling.”
In 1954, the most common definition was that Monte Carlo is the use of random
sampling to treat problems, whether of a deterministic or a probabilistic sort.35 This
is the definition I use because of its simplicity and because it covers all the areas of
possible application in LCC, cost management, or management in general. A more
elaborate definition is “The Monte Carlo method consists of solving various problems
of computational mathematics by means of construction of some random process for
each such problem, with the parameters of the process equal to the required quanti-
ties of the problem. These quantities are then determined approximately by means of
observations of the random process and the computation of its statistical characteris-
tics, which are approximately equal to the required parameters.”36
In a stricter sense, the Monte Carlo method is defined as the construction of an arti-
ficial random process that possesses all the necessary properties but that is in princi-
ple realizable by a means of ordinary computational apparatus. After PCs were
introduced, the focus on the computer became clear: “The Monte Carlo method pro-
vides approximate solutions to a variety of mathematical problems by performing sta-
tistical sampling experiments on a computer.”37

Mathematics of Monte Carlo Methods

Given that x is the required quantity of the mathematical expectation of M␰ of a
certain random variable, the Monte Carlo method of determining the approximate

value of x consists of an N-fold sampling of the value of the variable ␰N in a series

of independent tests, ␰1, ␰2, . . . , ␰N, and the computation of their mean value:

j1 ⫹ j2 ⫹ p ⫹ jN
j⫽ (3.7)
Then, according to the law of large numbers (Bernoulli’s or Chebyshev’s
j ⬇ Mj ⫽ x (3.8)

with a probability that is close to unity for a sufficiently large N. A traditional

example in statistics is the tossing of a die and calculating the probability of obtain-
ing a total of three when tossing two ordinary dice. Simulating this problem using
a Monte Carlo method is straightforward. Simulate the tossing (one can also phys-
ically toss the dice) in N trials (each trial representing a toss), count the number of
trials when one gets threes, and then estimate the probability as
p̂ ⫽ (3.9)
The error in this estimate is measured by the standard deviation ␴, where

p11 ⫺ p2
s⫽ (3.10)

However, since we assume we do not know p, the error term can only be esti-
mated statistically. In the general case, for every ␧ ⬎ 0 and every ␦ ⬎ 0, there exists
a number N of trials, such that with a probability greater than 1 ⫺ ␧, the frequency
of occurrences of an event 1 NL 2 will differ from the probability p of the occurrence
of this event by less than ␦:

` ⫺p` 6 d (3.11)

The degree of certainty of the error is 1⫺␦. By investigating the error term, we
see that the accuracy is highly dependent on the number of trials (N) performed in
the simulation. By simplifying Chebyshev’s inequality, we can estimate the ␦ as
d⬃ (3.12)
We see that to improve an estimate tenfold, we need to run a hundred times
more trials! This equation holds for all cases. However, if we assume that the dis-
tribution of the event is approximately Gaussian (follows a normal distribution),
we get the following:

dⱕ (3.13)

Thus, we see that in most cases (Gaussian behavior is most common, and all other
behavior tends to approach the Gaussian behavior according to the Central Limit
Theorem), the error also depends on the variance of each independent test (trial).
To sum up defining and discussing the error in Monte Carlo methods, Monte
Carlo methods have three general key features:
1. It is necessary to perform a large number of trials.
2. The errors are smoothed out; thus, the method is stable against noise. This
was particularly important before the digital computer came, because early
computers had random defects. However, the problem with round-off errors
is still present.
3. Monte Carlo methods use a comparatively small amount of memory to
store intermediate results, which makes it well suited to multidimensional

Variance Reduction Sampling Techniques

A large number of sampling methods are available. Briefly, some of them are:

● Correlation and regression This technique can be employed whenever we

want to compare situations. By combining the comparisons into a single
problem, a significant amount of work can be saved. We therefore assess the
difference directly. Some claim that correlated sampling is one of the most
powerful variance reduction techniques.
● Extraction of the regular part In this sampling method, we try to extract
the regular part before running a Monte Carlo simulation, so that only the
remainder needs to be estimated by the simulation.
● Importance sampling The basic idea is that accuracy increases by using
more points (trials) in the important regions.
● Group sampling This concept is similar to importance sampling and
divides the region of interest into groups so that each group has similar func-
tion values.
● Russian roulette and splitting The sampling is done in stages and is
divided into two categories: interesting and uninteresting (splitting). The
interesting samples are split further, while the uninteresting samples are given
less effort or “killed off” if they do not seem interesting in a supplementary
sampling (Russian roulette).
● Systematic sampling The region of interest is systematically sampled.

● Control variates Instead of estimating a parameter directly, the difference

between the problem of interest and some analytical model is considered.
● Antithetic variates This method is based on seeking two unbiased estima-
tors for some unknown parameter, which have a strong negative correlation.
● Stratified sampling At least two different stratified sampling methods
䡩 Quota sampling This is a combination of importance sampling and sys-
tematic sampling.
䡩 Latin hypercube The region of interest is divided into intervals of equal
probability. This provides higher accuracy because the entire region is
sampled in a more even and consistent manner.
Today many of these variance-reduction techniques are only of academic or
even historic interest because of the new and powerful digital computers that
enable us to do heavy calculations much more easily than in the 1950s and 1960s.
In the literature, we therefore often find just SRS, LHS, or some variations of these.
In some studies, however, we find a so-called modified LHS Monte Carlo and a
so-called smart Monte Carlo. However, due to the high efficiency of LHS com-
bined with powerful computers, I see little reason to explore many of the old sam-
pling techniques, which were designed when the best computer was probably
slower than an average calculator today.

LHS Technique
The LHS strategy was developed, in part, to overcome some of the difficulties with
SRS. Roughly speaking, LHS involves dividing up the range of variables in sec-
tors of equal probability, sampling each sector using SRS, and finally combining
it all to form an LHS. The point is to ensure that the entire range of variables is
sampled properly to avoid leaving large ranges blank, as shown in Figure 3.4.
In more mathematical terms, the steps in LHS to generate a sample size N from
n variables ␰ ⫽ [␰1, ␰2, . . . , ␰n] with the joint probability density function (pdf) f␰(␰)
● The range of each variable is partitioned into N nonoverlapping intervals on
the basis of equal probability size 1/N. This step is illustrated in Figure 3.9.
● One value from each interval is selected and paired. The pairing may be ran-
dom (if the variables are independent) or may reproduce a correlation in the
input variables.
● The N values obtained for ␰1 are paired with the N values of ␰2. The N pairs
are (randomly) combined with the N values of ␰3 to form N triplets and so on,
until a set of N n-tuples is formed. This set of n-tuples is called a Latin
Hypercube sample.

Distribution of X 1


I 16 (6,6)

Distribution of X
(2,1) (2,2)
(1,1) (1,2)

I 22

I 12 (6,1)

I 11 I 21 I 61

Figure 3.9 Example of the first key step in LHS. Source: Adapted from A.M. Liebtrau
and M.J. Scott, “Strategies for Modeling the Uncertain Impacts of Climate Change,”
Journal of Policy Modeling 13(2), 1991, pp. 185—204.

As noted earlier, the LHS technique increases the accuracy of a Monte Carlo
simulation and reduces the number of trials necessary to achieve a specified accu-
racy drastically. A rule of thumb is that “the number of trials should be at least six
times the number of variables (emphasis added) to achieve satisfactory esti-
mates.”39 Some researchers have even devised a smart Monte Carlo scheme that
supposedly exceeds even the LHS for a low number of trials (10 to 200).
The biggest disadvantage of LHS is related to the mean output response since
computing its variance is difficult. But this level of sophistication and accuracy is
miles beyond what we need for cost management purposes and the like.
Before leaving the risk and uncertainty theme, I would like to provide a brief
overview of how risks are often managed. Unless we have this basic knowledge,
all our analyses of risk and uncertainty are wasted effort.


So far, I have talked about risk and uncertainty analysis techniques, that is, tech-
niques that are used to identify risk and uncertainty to estimate their probability
(or possibility) and to evaluate potential impacts (the outcomes). But all this is
pointless unless we can manage the risks.

Risk management is about devising and implementing responses to the most

critical risks—those that have the greatest RF. This stage consists of six steps:
1. Rank risks.
2. Identify feasible responses (to risks).
3. Select a satisfactory response.
4. Develop management measures and risk action schedules.
5. Report plans.
6. Implement plans if necessary.
Ranking risks is done by using the techniques described in the “Common Ways
of Analyzing Risk and Uncertainty” and “Reduce Risk by Introducing Uncer-
tainty: The Way of Monte Carlo Method,” sections, but to communicate the results
easily, a so-called risk-ranking matrix can be handy (see Figure 3.10). These are
most often 2⫻2 or 3⫻3 matrices, but it has been reported that some companies use
up to 6⫻6 matrices.
To use a ranking matrix, the decision-makers must first decide what constitutes
a minor risk, a moderate risk, or a major risk. Here are some working definitions:
● A minor risk is simply accepted or ignored.
● A moderate risk is either likely to occur or to have large impacts, but not
● A major risk has both a high likelihood of occurrence and a large impact.
Other working definitions exist, such as A, B, C, and D ratings; these are illus-
trated in Figure 3.10, where they can be interpreted as follows:
● A. High impact, high probability—act immediately.
● B. High impact, low probability—consider action and have a contingency
● C. Low impact, high probability—consider action.
● D. Low impact, low probability—keep under periodic review.
Whatever system we use, we can communicate risks, their importance, and
what to do about them (management measures and risk action schedules), but
before we know what to do, we must identify feasible responses. Risk has four
generic responses or strategies:
1. Risk prevention Risk prevention is directed toward eliminating the
sources of risk or substantially reducing their probabilities of occurrence.
2. Impact mitigation The purpose of impact mitigation is to reduce the
consequences—the impacts—of risk occurrence.
3. Risk transfer Risk transfer involves transferring the risk to a third party
such as an insurance company.

High Moderate risk Major risk

Impact Specify management measures Develop risk action schedule

Low Minor risk Moderate risk

Impact Accept/ignore Specify management measures

Low Probability High Probability

Figure 3.10 Risk-ranking matrix.

4. Acceptance of risk It is important to not forget such risks, because as

environmental and internal factors change, the risk profile changes as well.

The responses are situational, and we must therefore select among several alter-
natives. To guide the selection process, a set of accepted criteria should be decided
on first. In general, the selection will always revolve around costs versus benefits,
unless no options exist, in which case we must accept the risks.
Once the response strategies are chosen, we must decide what to do in case
something does not go as planned. For moderate risks, management measures
should be prepared. These measures are simple action statements that specify the
activities necessary to handle an event. Major risks, however, are more demanding
due to the potential for large losses. They require, in addition to the management
measures, clear definitions of who is responsible, what the time frame is, what the
reporting requirements are, what resources are needed, and so on. This is often
referred to as a risk action schedule.
During this process, it is important to document what is being done and create
a concise report at the end that others can use later. This is important because the
substantial lead time that many projects have or the long life cycle of many prod-
ucts makes it unlikely that the persons who worked with it during the design stage,
for example, will still be present or even remember what they did.
Implementation of the plans requires that risks are monitored and that new ones
are scanned for routinely and continuously so that deviations and problems can be
swiftly identified and dealt with. The frequency and the responsibility of the mon-
itoring depend on a variety of factors that must be decided on from case to case.

The true mastery of risk probably lies more in preparing for unidentified risks
than in managing identified risks.

1. G.T. Friedlob and L.L.F. Schleifer, “Fuzzy Logic: Application for Audit Risk and
Uncertainty.” Managerial Auditing Journal 14 (3), 1999, pp. 127—135.
2. P.L. Bernstein, Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk. New York: John
Wiley & Sons, 1996, p. 383.
3. This is a topic of great philosophical discussion, but for this book it suffices to sub-
scribe to the most accepted interpretation. See Honderich’s, The Oxford Companion
to Philosophy, New York: Oxford University Press, 1995, p. 1009.
4. P.F. Drucker, Managing for Results: Economic Tasks and Risk-Taking Decisions.
New York: HarperInformation, 1986, p. 256.
5. F. Allvine, Marketing: Principles and Practices. Boston, MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill,
6. P.F. Drucker, “The Theory of the Business.” Harvard Business Review, September-
October 1994.
7. “Barnevik’s Bounty,” The Economist, 362 (8262), 2002, p. 62.
8. A. Kaufmann, “Advances in Fuzzy Sets: An Overview.” Advances in Fuzzy Sets,
Possibility Theory, and Applications, ed. P.P. Wang. New York: Plenum Press, 1983.
9. See note 2.
10. Note that the term fuzzy set is the original term introduced by Zadeh, but that in the
1970s Richard C.T. Lee coined a new term, fuzzy logic, which is the same as fuzzy
sets. Personally, I prefer the term fuzzy logic and that is what is used in this book.
11. See note 2.
12. T. Honderich, ed. 1995. The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. New York: Oxford
University Press, p. 1009.
13. See, for example, Sambursky’s “On the Possible and Probable in Ancient Greece,”
Osiris 12, 1956, pp. 35—48.
14. See, for example, Cheeseman’s, “Probabilistic Versus Fuzzy Reasoning” in
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, eds. L.N. Kanal and J.F. Lemmer, New York:
North-Holland, 1986, pp. 85—102.
15. L.A. Zadeh, “Is Probability Theory Sufficient for Dealing with Uncertainty in AI:
A Negative View,” Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, eds. L.N. Kanal and J.F.
Lemmer. New York: North-Holland, 1986, pp. 103—116.
16. W.E. Gilford et al., “Message Characteristics and Perceptions of Uncertainty by
Organizational Decision Makers.” Academy of Management Journal 22 (3), 1979,
pp. 458—481.
17. J. Gleick, Chaos. New York: Penguin, 1987.
18. E. Hisdal, “Infinite-valued Logic Based on Two-valued Logic and Probability, Part
1.1,” International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 25, 1986, pp. 89—111; Hisdal,

E. “Infinite-valued Logic Based on Two-valued Logic and Probability, Part 1.2,”

International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 25, 1986, pp. 113—138; and Hisdal,
E. “Are Grades of Membership Probabilities?” Fuzzy Sets and Systems 25, 1988,
pp. 325—348.
19. G.J. Klir, “A Principal of Uncertainty and Information Invariance.” International
Journal of General Systems 17, 1991, p. 258.
20. R. Kangari and L.S. Riggs, “Construction Risk Assessment by Linguistics.” IEEE
Transactions on Engineering Management 36 (2), 1989, pp. 126—131.
21. According to C.S. Park and G.P. Sharp-Bette, Advanced Engineering Economics,
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990, p. 740.
22. As defined by P. Wonnacott and R. Wonnacott, Economics, New York: John Wiley
& Sons, 1990, p. 804.
23. According to G. Bannock, R.E. Baxter, and E. Davis, Dictionary in Economics,
London: Profile Books, 1999, p. 439.
24. According to “Averse to Reality,” The Economist 360 (8234), 2001, p. 61.
25. See note 20.
26. M. Rabin and R. Thaler, “Anomalies: Risk Aversion.” Journal of Economic
Perspectives 15 (1), 2001, pp. 219—232.
27. According to Kaufmann, see note 8.
28. S. Sailsbury, “Failures of My Lending Career.” Journal of Commercial Lending 67
(2), 1984.
29. A.M. Liebtrau and M.J. Scott, “Strategies for Modeling the Uncertain Impacts of
Climate Change.” Journal of Policy Modeling 13 (2), 1991, pp. 185—204.
30. See note 29.
31. G.S. Fishman, Monte Carlo Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications. New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1996, p. 698.
32. R.Y. Rubinstein, Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method. New York: John Wiley
& Sons, 1981, p. 278.
33. A standard Monte Carlo method is a method that uses Simple Random Sampling
(SRS). SRS means that the points are picked completely randomly without any plan
or structure.
34. See note 5.
35. A.W. Marshall, “An Introductory Note.” In Symposium on Monte Carlo Methods,
ed H.A. Meryer. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1954.
36. Y.A. Shreider, N.P. Buslenko, D.I. Golenko, I.M. Sobol, and V.G. Sragovich, The
Monte Carlo Method. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1966.
37. See note 31.
38. For details, see A.M. Liebtrau and P.G. Doctor, “The Generation of Dependent Input
Variables to a Performance Assessment Simulation Code,” an uncertainty analysis
for performance assessments of radioactive waste disposal systems, which was part
of the proceedings of a Nuclear Energy Agency workshop in Seattle in 1987. Also
see M. Keramat and R. Kielbasa, “Efficient Average Quality Index Estimation of

Integrated Circuits by Modified Latin Hypercube Sampling Monte Carlo

(MLHSMC),” from the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems in
Hong Kong, 1997, pp. 1648—1651.
39. B.R. James, J.P. Gwo, and L. Toran, “Risk: Cost Decision Framework for Aquifer
Remediation Design.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 122
(No. 6), November/December 1996, pp. 414—420.

Never ask for money spent

Where the spender thinks it went.
Nobody was ever meant
To remember or invent
What he did with every cent.
Robert Frost
“The Hardship of Accounting”
Activity-Based Costing (ABC) is one of the few management inventions that actu-
ally has its roots in industry, and that is interesting in itself because it shows that ABC
has arisen out of real-life needs. To introduce this interesting concept, I start with a
motivating example of ABC.1 The theory is then discussed in order to explain why
things turned out the way they did in the example. The following section provides
even more comprehensive ABC examples, and the case study presented will be
expanded on in Chapter 8 to provide a simple yet illustrative application of Life-
Cycle Costing (LCC). Finally, some of the critiques of ABC are discussed.

This motivating example illustrates how ABC can be employed in environmental
management. Consider a hypothetical manufacturer, Chair, Inc., which produces two
types of furniture: unfinished (UFIN) and finished (FIN) chairs. The difference
between the chairs lies in the finish, the UFIN chair being the simplest. The produc-
tion volume is 1 million chairs per year, divided equally between the two product
lines. Management views the finished chairs as the most profitable of the two lines
because it has a higher traditional margin. Recently, management has also given seri-
ous thought to phasing out the UFIN chair line, but is that a good decision?
To find out, we first take a brief look at the value chain. It turns out that the man-
ufacturing process for the UFIN results in very little waste that has environmental
consequences: sawdust and residual glue. The manufacturing process for the FIN,
however, involves paints, stains, solvents, and other toxic adhesives in addition to

sawdust and residual glue. But the way the traditional costing system treats the
$5.4 million in environmental overhead does not reflect the fact that UFIN hardly
incurs any environmental costs. In fact, the environmental overhead cost is allo-
cated to the products by using direct labor as an allocation despite the fact that
direct labor has nothing to do with the environmental overhead. This clearly indi-
cates a faulty cost management system, but to truly answer the question we must
analyze the costs for the products using both a volume-based approach and ABC.
Then it will become evident why management wants to phase out UFIN and
whether it is smart or not.
Chair, Inc.’s 1993 total overhead costs are $30 million. They are distributed as
shown in Table 4.1. Forty-five percent of the corporate/plant administration costs
are attributable to environmental costs, which are $5.4 million.
To keep the tables tidy, I use parentheses to denote which units I use. For exam-
ple, (MUSD) indicates that we are discussing numbers whose units are in millions
of U.S. dollars.
But we also need some information about the products. This is presented in
Table 4.2. We see that the FIN chairs are more costly in terms of raw materials but
also a little more labor intensive because of the finishing processes.
If we use a traditional volume-based costing system, the costs would be allo-
cated as shown in Tables 4.3 and 4.4. Since a substantial difference seems to take
place in the way environmental overhead and the other overhead costs are incurred

Table 4.1 Chair, Inc., Overhead Cost Distribution

Cost Category Cost (MUSD) Relative Importance
Corporate/plant adm. 12.0 40%
Indirect materials 4.5 15%
Marketing 4.5 15%
Miscellaneous 3.9 13%
Benefits 1.8 6%
Depreciation of equipment 1.8 6%
Utilities 1.5 5%

Table 4.2 Product Information

Raw Materials Direct Labor Sales Price Production
Product ($/unit) ($/unit) ($/unit) (units/year)
UFIN 10.00 8.00 45.00 500,000
FIN 15.00 10.50 65.00 500,000

Table 4.3 Traditional Cost Allocation (MUSD)

Product RM DL DC EOH OOH TOH TC Sales Profit
UFIN 5.00 4.00 9.00 2.34 10.64 12.98 21.98 22.00 0.02
FIN 7.50 5.25 12.75 3.06 13.96 17.02 29.77 32.00 2.23
Total 12.50 9.25 21.75 5.40 24.60 30.00 51.75 55.00 2.25

Table 4.4 Traditional Cost Allocation ($/unit)

Product RM DL DC EOH OOH TOH TC Sales Profit
UFIN 10.00 8.00 18.00 4.76 21.28 25.95 43.95 44.00 0.05
FIN 15.00 10.50 25.50 6.13 27.92 34.05 59.55 64.00 4.45

in the process, the overhead costs are divided into two groups, namely environ-
mental overhead and other overhead. These two groups are, however, allocated
using the same allocation base, as shown in Tables 4.1–4.4.

RM Raw materials costs

DL Direct labor costs
DC Direct costs ⫽ RM ⫹ DL
EOH Environmental overhead costs
OOH Other overhead costs
TOH Total overhead costs ⫽ EOH ⫹ OOH
TC Total costs ⫽ DC ⫹ TOH

We see that the volume-based cost system clearly supports the management
decision, but is everything all right? If we look carefully, we will see that the two
processes are treated in the same way and that all the overhead costs are just
lumped together. The volume-based costing system simply does not discover the
difference in activities in the two processes; it does not consider the fact that the
UFIN product line triggers few environmental costs, while the FIN product line is
responsible for triggering most of the environmental costs. This is reflected in the
cost accounting by the fact that the cost assignment mechanism is the same for
both EOH and OOH.
Convinced by this argument, the management of Chair, Inc. asks for an ABC
analysis to see what is really the case. We start by identifying and studying the fin-
ishing activities. We learn that these activities are performed equally unit by unit,
regardless of the amount of direct labor or anything else earlier on in the value

chain. Hence, we choose annual production as an allocation key for the environ-
mental overhead costs. Also, the UFIN chairs (together with the FIN chairs) only
incur sawdust and residual glue disposal costs, which amounts to $30,000. The rest
of the environmental overhead cost, $5.37 million, is solely attributable to the FIN
chairs. This gives us the cost allocations shown in Tables 4.5 and Table 4.6.
With the same selling price as earlier, this gives a $4.69 profit for the UFIN
chairs and a $0.19 loss for the FIN chairs. The situation has changed dramatically,
and the management decision is, according to ABC, wrong.
Management also has another problem: the Clean Air Act (CAA), which
imposes a $1.0 million investment to comply with the law. Management, realizing
the mistakes of traditional costing, decides to shut the FIN product line down. That
decision is apparently correct using ABC principles, assuming that the loss in vol-
ume can be compensated for by an increase in UFIN chair volume and/or a cut in
the overhead costs. But that large investment will erode profits substantially. Why
not try to modify the technology, establish Environmental Management Systems,
and try to recycle and reuse?
The required environmental audit costs $1.67 million. This cost is carried by
the FIN chair line since it directly triggers the need for an audit. Furthermore, it
can be argued that the audit is part of an investment. Thus, the $1.67 million is
depreciated linearly over five years, which gives an annual cost of $334,000.
Instead of eliminating the FIN, line management must employ a solvent recov-
ery system that treats the used solvents and removes the paint by-products. This
system will reduce hazardous waste disposal volumes so that only residual wastes
are hauled away. The solvent recovery system will also reduce the expenditures for
raw materials by $2 per FIN chair. In other words, we have saved:

Table 4.5 ABC Cost Allocation (MUSD)

Product RM DL DC EOH OOH TOH TC Sales Profit
UFIN 5.00 4.00 9.00 0.015 10.640 10.655 19.655 22.00 2.345
FIN 7.50 5.25 12.75 5.385 13.960 19.345 32.095 32.00 ⫺0.095
Total 12.50 9.25 21.75 5.400 24.600 30.000 51.750 55.00 2.250

Table 4.6 ABC Cost Allocation ($/unit)

Product RM DL DC EOH OOH TOH TC Sales Profit
UFIN 10.00 8.00 18.00 0.03 21.28 21.31 39.31 44.00 4.69
FIN 15.00 10.50 25.50 10.77 27.92 38.69 64.19 64.00 ⫺0.19

● $2 million a year in hazardous waste disposal costs.

● $1 million a year in material costs.
With these facts taken into account and the same production volumes as before,
we get the cost allocations and results shown in Tables 4.7 and 4.8. Note that dur-
ing the first five years, the results of the FIN line profit would be $334,000 lower
than the results shown in Table 4.7 due to the depreciation of the environmental
audit investment.
This program yields significant profit improvements for the FIN chair line, as
can be seen by comparing Tables 4.8 and 4.6. Ultimately, a $3 million profit
improvement in the bottom line for the company was achieved. This was good
news for management.
Thus, we have seen how a firm actually made money by becoming more “envi-
ronmentally friendly” when it was able to relate costs to environmental programs.
The example ignored possible benefits arising from being environmentally
friendly to customers and other stakeholders. These benefits, which are most likely
to increase in years to come, would have increased profits further.
Of course, this is a simple example, but it clearly illustrates the dangers of vol-
ume-based cost accounting. These dangers increase as the complexity of the organ-
ization increases. Hence, even though we could have solved this particular case
without using ABC and ended up with similar results, in real-life situations this
rarely is the case. See, for example, the case of John Deere Component Works.2
John Deere had quite recently (in the early 1990s) adopted a strategy of com-
petitively bidding for business and was now competing for the first time against
other producers. The existing cost system (a volume-based costing system) was
designed to report overall costs and not report accurate product costs, so it proved

Table 4.7 ABC Cost Allocation (MUSD) after the First Five Years
Product RM DL DC EOH OOH TOH TC Sales Profit
UFIN 5.00 4.00 9.00 0.015 10.64 10.655 19.655 22.00 2.345
FIN 6.50 5.25 11.75 3.385 13.96 17.345 29.095 32.00 2.905
Total 11.50 9.25 20.75 3.400 24.60 28.000 48.750 55.00 5.250

Table 4.8 ABC Cost Allocation ($/unit) after the First Five Years
Product RM DL DC EOH OOH TOH TC Sales Profit
UFIN 10.00 8.00 18.00 0.03 21.28 21.31 39.31 44.00 4.69
FIN 13.00 10.50 23.50 10.77 27.92 38.69 64.19 64.00 5.81

to be inadequate for the new strategy because the overhead costs that were treated
inadequately represented about 27 percent of the total costs. Essentially, the vol-
ume-based costing system was telling management that low-volume, low-value-
added parts were more profitable than high-volume, high-value-added parts. After
implementing an ABC system, management realized that production should shift
away from low-volume, low-value-added parts to the profitable high-volume,
high-value-added parts. In fact, prior to the installment of ABC, one can claim to
a certain extent that John Deere had systematically encouraged the production of
unprofitable products and reduced or eliminated the production of the profitable
products. Because John Deere was in a sheltered, competitive situation, however,
it did well financially.
In retrospect, some of the findings from the ABC analysis seem obvious. But
because common sense is not that common, sound cost management is needed. It
is better to stop the guesswork and forget rules of thumb and act on facts instead.

Activity-based costing (ABC) is a big topic, but in this book we discuss these
● The ABC concept and volume-based (traditional) concepts
● ABC compared to volume-based costing
● Cost-reduction opportunities using ABC
● The expansion of ABC into new areas
● Designing traditional ABC systems
● ABC and Total Quality Management (TQM)

ABC Concept
ABC is a costing system that is based on the formulations of resources, activities,
and cost objects (see Glossary), as shown in Figure 4.1. Resources are everything
the organization uses to operate, and the measure is cost. Activities are what are
actually being done in the organization. Groups of activities with certain com-
monalties are usually referred to as processes, activity centers, departments, and
so on, depending on the type of commonalty. Cost objects are the objects, typically
products and customers, for which we want separate cost, revenue, and profit state-
ments. These elements interact as follows: The cost objects consume activities,
which in turn consume resources. Thus, ABC is a two-stage costing system.
The volume-based (traditional or conventional, as often denoted in the litera-
ture) costing systems, however, are one-stage costing systems without any process
perspective, and hence the costs are allocated directly to the cost objects, usually
using highly volume-related allocation bases such as direct labor hours and

Activity-Based Costing Traditional Costing Systems


The performance of activities

causes costs

Allocation by
Activities direct labor hours
and bill of material

Cost objects create the need for

activities to be performed

Cost objects Cost objects

Figure 4.1 Main principles of ABC versus volume-based costing.

machine hours. This difference is important to notice because it implies that ABC
is process oriented, whereas volume-based systems are not. Put differently, ABC
is based on what really happens, while volume-based costing systems are based
on the organizational structure and volume. Many implications of this are further
discussed in the “Activity-Based versus Volume-Based” section, but first we
should look a bit closer at the direction of the arrows.
We see that in ABC the arrows go upward, whereas the arrows in volume-based
costing systems go downward. This is to signify that ABC is resource oriented and
aims to direct capacity toward demand, which is estimated by upward aggregation,
hence the upward arrows. Volume-based costing systems, however, simply allocate
the capacity quite arbitrarily, in the sense that the allocation is not based on any
cause-and-effect relationships. Thus, the arrows go downward. The cost assignment
in ABC is, however, top-down (see Figure 4.2). To appreciate this difference, recall
from Chapter 2 that cost is a measure of resource consumption that relates to the
demand for jobs to be done, whereas expense is a measure of spending that inves-
tigates the capacity provided to do a job. The resource consumption perspective
counts because management must match capacity to demand and not the other way
around;3 that is what ABC is based on. Volume-based costing systems, in contrast,
are capacity oriented and in fact ignore the demand altogether.
In addition to the cost assignment view, ABC also offers a process view or a
second dimension (see Figure 4.2), and a so-called two-dimensional ABC concept

Cost assignment view


Resource cost Resource

assignment drivers

Process view

Cost drivers
Activities measure

Activity cost Activity

assignment drivers


Figure 4.2 Two-dimensional ABC system. Source: Adapted from P.B.B. Turney,
Common Cents: The ABC Performance Breakthrough. Hillboro, OR: Cost Technology,
1991, p. 322.

emerges. The second dimension, the process view, is used for noneconomic per-
formance measurement.
This type of ABC concept is also referred to as a second-generation ABC archi-
tecture since it is an improvement over the older version shown in Figure 4.1. The
core of the second-generation architecture is, however, the same as before, but the
process view is enhanced further.

The two views serve different purposes. The cost assignment view, which was
the original perspective of ABC, deals with issues like:
● Pricing
● Product mix
● Sourcing
● Product design
● Setting priorities for improvement efforts
The process view, on the other hand, concerns matters such as:
● Why work takes place and how much effort must be expended to carry out the
work, which is measured by cost drivers. Cost drivers include factors related
to the performance of prior activities in the value chain as well as factors
internal to the activity.
● How well the work was performed, which is measured by the performance
measures. This includes such issues as quality, time, and efficiency.4
Notice that the process view and its performance measures provide an obvious
link to Balanced Scorecards and similar performance measurement systems such
as the performance prism.
Volume-based costing systems like standard costing, on the other hand, only
produce product costs using a bill of materials (BOM) and then allocate the over-
head costs using direct labor hours,5 machine hours, or something similar as an
allocation base. The process view is completely ignored.
From this discussion, it is clear that ABC has upward cost management,
although the actual cost assignment is downward, as the ABC cost assignment
has its roots in the actual ongoing processes; volume-based costing systems have
downward cost management and a cost assignment according to a simple over-
head allocation. Furthermore, ABC is process oriented (due to the formulation
and dependency of activities), while volume-based costing systems are structure
oriented (since costs are classified according to the current structure of the
The difference between volume-based costing methods and ABC is therefore
like day and night, yet the source of these differences lies in a few basic assump-
● Volume-based costing system:
䡩 Products consume resources.
䡩 Costs are allocated using unit-level allocation bases.
● ABC:
䡩 Products consume activities; they do not directly use up resources.
䡩 Costs are traced using multilevel drivers.

Clearly, two major differences exist: resource consumption versus activity con-
sumption, and unit-level allocation bases versus multilevel drivers, which are dis-
cussed in the next section.

Activity-Based versus Volume-Based

Figures 4.3 and 4.4 illustrate volume-based costing systems and ABC systems. A
volume-based costing system works as pictured in Figure 4.3. Volume-based cost-
ing systems have several essential features:6
● For product-costing purposes, the firm is separated into functional areas of
activity, that is, manufacturing, marketing, financing, and administration.
● The manufacturing costs of direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing
overhead are inventoriable costs; that is, they are accounted for in inventory
● Direct material and direct labor costs are considered to be traceable (or
chargeable) directly to the product.
● Manufacturing overheads of both production and manufacturing service
departments are treated as indirect costs of the product but are charged to the
product by the use of predetermined overhead rates.
● When a single, plant-wide, predetermined overhead rate is used, overhead is
charged indiscriminately to all products without regard to possible differ-
ences in resources utilized in the manufacture of one product versus another.
As one plant manager expressed, “We spread overhead to all products like
peanut butter.”
● The functional costs of marketing, financing, and administration are accu-
mulated in cost pools and are treated as costs of the period in which they are
incurred. These costs are not treated as product costs.
Of course, the volume-based way of performing costing has advantages: It is
widely used, understood well, simple, and fairly accurate when direct labor has a
large portion of product costs. But unfortunately, these costing systems have lost
their relevance.7 In the literature, very negative phrases have been associated with
volume-based costing systems. Examples are “number one enemy of production,”8
“undermining production,”9 and “systematically distorting product costs,”10 and the
question has been asked whether cost accounting was an asset or a liability.11
Although volume-based costing systems appear to be so inadequate, it is impor-
tant to remember that when they were invented roughly 100 years ago, many
important factors that determine the success of cost management systems today
were completely different. For example, the business environment was far simpler
in numerous ways, product mix complexity and organizational complexity were
minute compared to today, and the various stakeholders of the organizations were

Costs are incurred

(General Ledger)

Is the benefit Yes

Direct costs

No Period (overhead) costs

Period costs, e.g., R&D Bill Material and

Adm. and marketing Manufacturing Overhead

Allocation bases
Cost per unit

Cost object cost


Figure 4.3 Volume-based costing system overview.

far less demanding. Thus, volume-based costing systems worked just fine when
they were developed; however, the context in which they were developed around
1900 no longer exists. Thus, it is time to rethink, and ABC is the result.
Figure 4.4 shows a schematic overview of how the cost assignment in ABC
works. For more details, see the “ABC Example and Case Study” section. ABC is
often combined with other activity-related approaches under the wider umbrella
of Activity-Based Management (ABM).
If we compare ABC, as shown in Figure 4.4, to the volume-based costing sys-
tems shown in Figure 4.3, we see that many aspects are opposite. For example, the
various functions within a company are not found anywhere in Figure 4.4. That is
because ABC is cross-functional and process oriented. Furthermore, the definition
of activities, the process-orientation, is the central hub between ABC as a cost
assignment tool and as a cost planning/control tool (see Figure 4.2). This is com-

Resources and cost

pools (general ledger) Direct costs

Overhead costs


consumption intensity

Bill of activity Bill of material

Cost per

Cost object cost


Figure 4.4 ABC cost assignment overview.

pletely missing in Figure 4.3. Equally important is the fact that while ABC pro-
vides an important link to nonfinancial performance measurement during cost
planning/control, traditional approaches totally ignore nonfinancial aspects. The
result is that ABC provides a link to, for example, quality management and a
Balanced Scorecard that is completely missing in volume-based costing systems.
This is discussed more in the “Activity-Based Costing and Total Quality
Management” section.
However, all the differences between Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 are attributable
to the two conceptual differences previously mentioned: (1) resource consumption
versus activity consumption and (2) unit-level allocation bases versus multilevel
activity and resource drivers. These are discussed in detail next.
It should be noted that the terms resource driver and activity driver are used in
the second-generation ABC architecture (see Figure 4.2). In the first-generation

ABC architecture, the terms used were first-stage cost driver and second-stage
cost driver, respectively, thus implicitly implying that ABC systems consist of two
stages. But as ABC developed, it was recognized that the term cost driver could
be used more accurately to describe what actually drives the costs of an activity.
In this book, the term driver is used to encapsulate all three types of drivers in the
second-generation ABC architecture.

Resource Consumption versus Activity Consumption

The basic assumption that volume-based costing systems rest on is that products
consume resources, such as direct labor and material. This consumption is calcu-
lated using allocation bases, that is, the unit-level product characteristics of which
resources are allocated. Thus, traditional allocation bases only measure attributes
of a unit, such as the number of direct labor hours per product unit in making the
product. In this context, it becomes important to classify costs as fixed or variable
in an attempt to classify and manage the likely changes in spending or supply of a
resource. An ABC system, however, traces costs to the activities that consume
resources and then traces those activity costs to the cost objects that consume the
activities. Thus, changes in spending or supply of a resource are related not to a
change in the resources but rather to a change in activity consumption, which in
turn causes a change in resource consumption. This is an upward cost tracing, as
mentioned earlier. In other words, products consume resources indirectly via their
consumption of activities. For this reason, the use of the terms fixed and variable
costs has no meaning in ABC, except on an activity level. Also note that good prod-
uct costing systems measure long-term costs, for which the distinction between
fixed and variable costs is unwarranted.
As already mentioned, volume-based costing systems have a downward cost
allocation, and the resources are simply spread out over the product units using,
for example, direct labor as an allocation base. The distribution of overhead costs
in a volume-based costing system (in particular) will therefore be highly distorted
and arbitrary unless the overhead costs are directly proportionate to the chosen
allocation base. The likelihood of that is minimal to say the least.
From a management perspective, the difference between ABC and volume-based
costing systems is perhaps even larger. Traditionally, cost management is concerned
with managing costs. In ABC, however, it is recognized that costs cannot be con-
trolled. Rather, one must control activities that in turn cause costs. However, sev-
eral papers attack all the activity-based panaceas, and it is true that ABC is no
miracle cure. What is required is a change in mind-set. Hence, it is insufficient to
implement ABC without promoting a culture of continuous improvement, bottom-
up management, process thinking, and so forth. But although it is possible to imple-
ment ABC and continue with business as usual, this is rarely what happens.12

Just as ABC alone is not a guaranteed recipe for success, other practices also
require decision support concerning the cost perspective. For example, as men-
tioned in Chapter 2, many Baldrige Award winners have encountered severe finan-
cial difficulties; thus, focusing on quality and continuous improvement is not
enough by itself either. What is needed is a balanced approach, which can be
achieved by realizing that ABC is process oriented in a wide sense and that it
requires a paradigm shift to process thinking to be really successful. With process
thinking, I do not mean the superficial act of implementing nonfinancial perform-
ance measures, which is important in its own right, but rather a much more pro-
found process-orientation toward everything that happens within the four walls of
the organization. This should include measures such as:
● Separating13 external financial reporting systems from internal cost manage-
ment systems and making the latter process oriented. A process-oriented cost
management system will have all its costs assigned to processes. Today this
is not easy because workers are organized according to departments and
machines are often not treated as single objects, but rather broken down into
individual components based on, for example, depreciation time, point of
purchase, and so on.
● Extensive use of cross-functional teams and multidisciplinary teams.
● Implementing process-oriented information and quality management systems.
● Thinking about continuous improvement in everything that is done, and not
just in relation to quality management.

Unit-Level Allocation Bases versus Multilevel Drivers

In a volume-based costing system, the cost drivers are referred to as allocation
bases, which are a unit-level characteristic of the product, such as material costs
per product unit. That is, an allocation base is not really a cost driver at all. When
overhead costs are allocated using these unit-level characteristics, a major amount
of distortion is introduced in the assessments. For example, it is reported that the
difference in product costs can shift several hundred percent, and Robin Cooper,
one of the ABC pioneers, found that:
Conventional cost accounting systems systematically undercost small, low-
volume products and overcost large, high-volume products.
In ABC, such distortion is reduced significantly by using multilevel drivers.
These levels should be organized according to the processes, but usually four lev-
els are present:

1. Unit-level drivers, which are triggered every time a unit of a product is pro-
duced, such as drilling a hole and painting a surface.

2. Batch-level drivers, which are triggered every time a batch of products is

produced, such as machine setup time and the transportation of the produc-
tion lot. The effect on unit costs is significant (see Figure 4.5).
3. Product-level drivers, which are triggered by the fact that products are pro-
duced, such as design changes and maintaining the BOMs.
4. Factory-level drivers, which are triggered by the fact that production occurs.
An example would be kilowatt hours of electricity for lighting and cleaning
hours for the factory. However, note that how the drivers are grouped depends
on the focus of the model. In a plant where two products are competing for fac-
tory floor space, the kilowatt hours of electricity for a lighting resource driver
should be treated as a product-level resource driver, because the focus is to
identify how the floor space and its associated costs can best be used. In other
words, which product can give the highest return of the floor space resource?
The choice of drivers will always determine the accuracy of the model. A good
model should be capable of handling all the different cost-driving complexities of
the company. Some examples are presented in Figure 4.6. That is, the cost of main-
taining and designing the model must always be taken into consideration; sim-
plicity versus accuracy is therefore a very important issue to address when
designing a model. In any case, it is obvious that using only direct labor as an
allocation base, which is the case for volume-based costing systems, will not han-
dle all these sources of distortion well.

2.00 Legend
Volume-Based Costing
Activity-Based Costing
Product cost/feet



Number of
miles/batch: 1.0 2.5 5.0 10.0
Product: A B C D

Figure 4.5 The effect of batch size diversity for volume-based costing versus ABC.

Volume Size Product design Distribution

complexity complexity complexity complexity

Number of units Space Number of part numbers Number of customers

Machine hours Head count Number of material National standards
Direct labor Equipment structure levels Number of manual
Direct material Number of engineering customer orders
change orders Number of customer
Number of "special" parts "e-orders"
Number of internal

Procurement Process Product range Other

complexity complexity complexity complexity

Number of vendors Outscouring Number of products Inventory levels

National standards Change transactions Number of variants Internal transportation
Number of purchase Logistics transactions Number of accessories Information system
orders Quality transactions Number of bundling Rework
Number of parts Balancing transactions options Scrap
inspected Cycle time Number of new products Waste
Number of “A” parts Process flow Number of discontinued
Schedule changes

Figure 4.6 Examples of complexity that drives costs. Source: Adapted from R.G. Eiler
and C. Ball, “Implementing Activity-Based Costing,” Handbook of Cost Management,
ed., B.J. Brinker. Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1997, pp. B2.1—B2.33.

It is important to choose resource and activity drivers that reflect as closely as

possible the way activities actually are consumed. When this has been achieved to
a satisfactory degree, we can use the model to estimate costs, trace the costs, and
thereby identify cost-reduction opportunities.
It should be noted that a costing model will never be 100 percent correct in the
sense that not only can we never expect to estimate a cost 100 percent accurately,
but doing so is in fact impossible. The reason is that costs are in nature uncertain
because the underlying mechanisms for cost formation are complex. Thus, costs
should ideally be measured statistically, just like quality, and the most accurate cost
estimate cannot be more accurate than the inherent uncertainty. Cost estimates that
are more accurate than that are deceptive.
From a conceptual point of view, the problem of distortion can be illustrated as
in Figure 4.7, where it is one of three major sources of error in performance meas-
urement. The two others are reliability problems during implementation and defi-
ciencies concerning the method itself and the potential lack of data. The goal is to
make the three circles overlap as well as possible since the best assessment is the
intersection of the three circles.
The system of wrong costing caused by large amounts of distortion, explained
earlier in the section on volume-based costing systems, makes it necessary to esti-
mate the bias if we are to use such approaches. However, in a realistic situation

Sources of Distortion
1. Inherent uncertainty
in design.
2. Inevitable distortion.
3. Assessments affect
what is assessed.

Sources of Measured
Actual Distortion Performance

Deficiency Assessment Reliability Problems
Unidentified Performance Reliability 1. Situational factors
by the Model due to: Problems affecting the model.
1. Lack of data. 2. The method is not
2. Method is incapable of applied correctly.
handling the problem

Figure 4.7 The challenge of performance measurement.

(many products, multiple sources of bias, and so on), it is impossible to find this bias
before it is too late, that is, after a decision is made. In other words, it is impossible
to predict either the direction or the magnitude of this bias in volume-based costing
systems because the underlying source of cost formation is ignored. Thus, volume-
based costing systems are inappropriate as cost management tools in most situations.
ABC, on the other hand, has superb characteristics and is an excellent tool in
cost reduction studies. Also, because ABC is process oriented, we can quite reli-
ably identify the direction of the cost distortion. Identifying the magnitude is more
difficult, but not impossible.

Cost Reduction Opportunities Using ABC

What drives or triggers costs in ABC, how these costs can be reduced, and how
resources can be utilized more effectively and efficiently are important issues not
discussed so far. Before continuing, it should be emphasized that cutting costs is a
last resort, because by cutting costs a company reduces its resource base and thereby
its capability to launch successful strategies. To put it in a military context, no army
commander will fire soldiers and sell their guns, even if only launching a limited
attack, because the commander knows the value of reserves. Although sometimes
cost-cutting is simply necessary and represents the only sound path, the point is to
understand the difference between having too large an army and having necessary

Before we approach the issue of cost cutting, it is important to look at other

options. That starts by realizing that, in general, transactions drive costs. Figure
4.6 presents some of the types of complexities that drive costs. Some of the many
common transactions that drive costs in a manufacturing environment are:14

● Negotiating with vendors

● Ordering material and parts
● Scheduling receipts of material and parts
● Receiving incoming material and parts
● Inspecting incoming material and parts
● Moving inventory
● Tracking inventory
● Scheduling machines
● Setting up machines
● Inspecting parts after setup
● Performing quality assurance
● Expediting orders
● Assembling orders
● Shipping orders
● Paying for shipment received
● Billing customers
● Designing engineering change orders (ECOs)
● Implementing ECOs
● Reworking defective items
● Updating and programming the computer-based information system
● Designing products
● Processing customer orders
That transactions drive costs is old news. In 1963, Peter F. Drucker observed
While 90% of the results are being produced by the first 10% of events, 90%
of the costs are being increased by the remaining and result-less 90% events.
Economic events are, by and large, directly proportionate to revenue,
while costs are directly proportionate by number of transactions.
Furthermore, . . . efforts will allocate themselves to the 90% of events
that produce practically no results. . . . In fact, the most expensive and poten-
tially productive resources (i.e., highly trained people) will misallocate
themselves the worst.
These transactions can be grouped into four types of transactions:16

1. Logistical transactions order, execute, and confirm materials’ movements.

Personnel busy with such transactions include indirect shop floor workers
as well as people engaged in receiving, shipping, data entry, electronic data
processing (EDP), and accounting.
2. Balancing transactions match the supply of materials, labor, and machines
with demand. These transactions are typically performed by people doing pur-
chasing, materials planning, production control, forecasting, and scheduling.
3. Quality transactions validate that production is conforming with specifica-
tions. People in quality control, indirect engineering, and procurement per-
form quality transactions.
4. Change transactions update manufacturing information. Manufacturing,
industrial, and quality engineers involved with engineering change orders
(ECO), schedules, routings, standards, specifications, and BOMs perform
change transactions.

A well-designed ABC system can by definition handle these transactions well

since ABC is to a large extent transaction based. One group of transactions is
related to quality, which explains the large potential for quality-driven organiza-
tions to implement ABC and TQM. Therefore, ABC is a quality-enforcing system
if it is used as such and not just a cost-cutting tool.
A costing system, in addition to revealing status by keeping track of the trans-
actions made, should also be useful for finding ways to reduce the costs or iden-
tify better ways to use the resources. In an ABC system, this is done in four ways:17

1. Activity reduction is one of the key elements in continuous improvement.

This implies that the elapsed time and effort required to perform activities
must be reduced.
2. Activity elimination is based on the fact that changes in the production
process or products can eliminate the need to perform certain activities.
Many activities in an organization do not contribute to customer value,
responsiveness, or quality (nonvalue-added activities); however, it is wrong
to conclude that those activities can be eliminated. An example of this would
be all the cashiers; they perform nonvalue-added activities, but their jobs are
not eliminated. Activity elimination is the only way to affect the fixed activ-
ity costs, and it is therefore the most effective way to reduce cost/increase
resource utilization. This is an important angle for Business Process
Reengineering (BPR). Unfortunately, BPR “became debased because many
companies tried to boost productivity solely by reducing the number of peo-
ple on payroll (‘downsizing’) rather than by improving the production
process,”18 and it became “a euphemism for cost-cutting”19 in reengineering
financial processes.

3. Activity selection is applicable when a product or a production process can

be designed in several ways, with each alternative carrying its own set of
activities and costs.
4. Activity sharing provides economies of scale as the designer of a product
or process can choose design alternatives that permit products to share
One way of reducing costs is to simplify the transaction flow. As we can see
from Table 4.9, both product design and process design can be effective in this
In Table 4.10, a fairly complete list of possible cost-reduction approaches is pre-
sented. ABC supports most of them, while volume-based costing systems give lit-
tle aid.

Expansion of ABC into New Areas

ABC has been used in a growing number of arenas outside manufacturing, as
shown in Figure 4.8, because of its capabilities in reducing costs and increasing
the overall resource efficiency. This may seem surprising, but recall the fact that
ABC is based on the formulation of resources, activities, and cost objects, some-
thing that all organizations possess. In other words, it would be surprising if ABC
did not work in those new areas.
One study provides an even more comprehensive and updated overview of the
areas in which companies utilize ABC and the wider concept of ABM. In Table
4.11, this information is summarized. The study investigated 25 sources in the lit-
erature and 25 different applications. The Occurrences column in the table refers
to how many times the authors identified that particular way of applying activity-
based principles among their 25 sources in the literature.
Others have extended the ABC principles to include environmental manage-
ment in a broad sense. In fact, this book serves as a further extension of the list.

Table 4.9 Examples of Cost Reduction Possibilities Supported by ABC

How to Possible Process Possible Product
Reduce Costs Design Changes Design Changes
Activity reduction Reducing setup time Reduce number of parts
Activity elimination Eliminating material- Outsource subassembly
handling activities production
Activity selection Separate high-volume Choosing an insertion process
from low-volume products
Activity sharing Centralize functions Using common components

Table 4.10 Examples of Cost Reduction Approaches

Design and Manufacturing Methods: Manufacturing
Manufacturing Costs: Costs:
• Design to manufacture and assembly •• Economies
Economies of of scale:
• Group technology: 䡩䡩 Dedicated
Dedicated technology
䡩 Standardizing and reducing the 䡩䡩 Standardization
number of parts 䡩䡩 High
volume/experiencecurve curve
䡩 Standardizing the manufacturing process •● Economies
䡩 Manufacturing cells 䡩 䡩Flexible
䡩 Critical Path Planning (CPP) 䡩䡩 Focused
䡩 High-volume/experience curve 䡩䡩 Elimination
• Just in Time (JIT) manufacturing Activity and
Activity and Cost-Driver
• Design for X •● Eliminating
• Design for the life cycle •● Reduction
• Design for the environment Total Quality
Total Quality Control:
• Function analysis Statistical process
•• Statistical process control
• Value analysis and engineering •● Cost
• Concurrent and systems engineering Six Sigma
•• Six Sigma
• Reliability engineering Customer Consumption Costs:
Customer Consumption Costs:
• Design for maintainability
• Design for maintainability
• Quality Function Deployment (QFD) • Design for the life cycle
• Design for the life cycle
• Design for maintainability • Design for reliability
• Design for reliability
• Axiomatic design • Design for serviceability
• Design for serviceability
Design and Manufacturing Performance Measures of Continuous
Organizational Structure: Performance
Improvement: Measures of Continuous
• Early manufacturing involvement
• Constant flow of inventory and
• Constant flow of inventory and
• Manufacturing signoff standing inventory
• standing inventory
• Integrator • Cost
• Cost
• Cross-functional and multidisciplinary • Simplicity
• Simplicity
teams • Quality
• Quality
• Concurrent engineering team • Grade
• Grade
• Simultaneous engineering • Productivity, agility, and flexibility
• Productivity, agility, and flexibility
• Product-process design department • Time
• Time
Material Sourcing: Motivation:
• Vendor selection and certification
• Target costing
• Target costing
• Electronic data interchange and • Motivational standards
• Motivational standards
e-commerce • Ratchet productivity standards
• Ratchet productivity standards
• Purchasing of materials and • Design target accountability
• Design target accountability
subcomponents • Design productivity standards
• Design productivity standards
• TQC of incoming materials before arrival • Management by objectives
• Management by objectives
Inventory Management: Employee ownership
•• Employee ownership
• Manufacturing Resource Planning Employee training
•• Employee training
(MRP II) Suggestion box
•• Suggestion box systems
• JIT • Performance contingent compensation
• Performance contingent compensation
Advanced Manufacturing Technology: Skill contingent
•• Skill contingent compensation
• Computer-aided design and Accounting Control:
Accounting Control:
manufacturing (CAD/CAM) Budget planning
•• Budget planning andand control
• Robotics and automation Cost planning
•• Cost planning andand estimation
• FMS Actual cost
•• Actual cost accounting
• Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) • Standard cost accounting
• Standard cost accounting
• Rapid prototyping
Capacity Utilization:
• Optimized production technology (OPT)
• Total preventive maintenance

Source: Adapted from M.D. Shields and S.M. Young, “Managing Product Life Cycle Costs: An
Organizational Model,” Journal of Cost Management 5(3) Fall 1991, pp. 39—51.

Table 4.11 Application of Activity-based Approaches

Application Occurrences Application Occurrences
Activity analysis 20 Output planning 8
Activity drivers 10 Performance measures 17
Activity-Based Budgeting 12 Process reengineering 16
(ABB) Product costs 17
Benchmarking 10 Product design 9
Channel costs 6 Product pricing 10
Channel decision 4 Quality costing 13
Continuous improvement 17 Resource consumption 13
Cost drivers 7 Stock valuation 3
Cost modeling 6 Transfer pricing 1
Cost objects 17 Value chain analysis 5
Customer costs 10 VA/NVA analysis 18
Customer profitability 12
Organization redesign 3

Source: Adapted from M. Partridge and L. Perren, “An Integrated Framework for Activity-Based
Decision Making,” Management Decision 36(9), 1998, pp. 580—588.

Expansion into new areas

Cost utilities

Activity Distribution


Transfer services


Application Industries

Figure 4.8 ABC expanding into new areas.


Also, the concept of Economic Profit (EP) from the 1920s, or possibly earlier, that
Stern Stewart & Co. invented under the term Economic Value Added (EVA), can
quite easily be incorporated into ABC.
The introduction of EP into an ABC framework has the advantage of further
broadening the scope from operating costs and profits to operating costs and prof-
its, including the cost of capital. The reason is that some products, customers, and
processes may incur a disproportional cost of capital (in both positive and nega-
tive directions) and hence alter the picture provided by standard ABC to some
degree. Also, EP correlates well with changes in stock prices, according to Stern
Stewart & Co., and this provides an added benefit for publicly traded and listed
How to include EP in ABC is beyond the scope of this chapter. It will, however,
be explained in Chapter 5 because this extension is particularly important in the
LCC context as LCC often is applied on large capital goods investments. Here it
suffices to know that the extension is quite straightforward. It rests on two critical

1. The identification and usage of capital drivers whose purpose is to trace the
cost of capital. The term capital driver is analogous to resource drivers,
activity drivers, and cost drivers found in standard ABC.
2. The computation of the cost of capital. The most common way of calculat-
ing the cost of capital is to use the so-called Weighted Average Cost of Capital
(WACC) method20 and multiply that by the net worth of assets. The estimated
cost of capital is a pure calculation; that is, it does not appear in any books.

From this brief discussion, it is apparent that activity-based approaches are

becoming more and more encompassing. Judging from the literature, it does not
appear that this will stop in the near future.
Note that ABC has limited utility in certain circumstances. For ABC to be use-
ful, some degree of activity repetitiveness and complexity must exist. For exam-
ple, organizations that manufacture products on a project basis, which is unique
from time to time, such as a shipyard building specialty ships, have limited usage
of ABC because the uniqueness of the project makes the activity consumption too
unique. For a shipyard that produces the same types of ships, however, ABC can
provide insight into the overhead costs that volume-based costing systems can-
Also, sufficient complexity must be present for ABC to be really useful. For
very simple organizations such as food stores, gas stations, and very small organ-
izations in general, ABC would simply be overkill.

Some Good Advice for ABC System Design

Since the formalized21 ABC framework first arrived in the early 1980s, the frame-
work has undergone quite substantial changes. In 1990, Robin Cooper provided a
straightforward way of implementing an ABC system in a paper entitled “Five
Steps to ABC System Design” in the journal Accountancy, while The Handbook
of Cost Management provides some of the most up-to date discussions. Many
books about the topic have been published, including some by notable authors such
as Robin Cooper, Robert S. Kaplan, Gary Cokins, and Peter B.B. Turney. Lists of
things that typically can go wrong and how to avoid such problems are also dis-
cussed at great length. These lists are applicable to most activity-based framework
implementation, but only the main points are discussed here.
Not asking “the five why’s” is the number one problem in these lists—they fail
to define the scope of implementation properly. It is important to understand that
in order to have good answers, we must have good questions. Basically, the gen-
eral lack of asking why is a problem in itself. The five why’s refer to a technique
attributable to JIT concept developer Taichii Ohno that focuses on finding the root
cause and not the symptoms. The Fishbone diagram and Pareto Analysis are also
A second important problem is forgetting the three cost views: strategic, oper-
ational, and financial. The problem arises when practitioners try to do all of them
simultaneously. The three cost views are presented in Table 4.12. My experience
is mostly linked to strategic ABC analyses, and Activity-Based LCC is mainly such
a strategic approach, at least as long as organizations do not discover the blessing
of foresight cost accounting over hindsight cost accounting.
A third problem is looking at only manufacturing costs, not total costs, and
thereby omitting large areas of potential improvements. This happens easily if the
practitioner thinks in terms of fixed and variable costs.
A fourth important problem is related to the team setup, using a team solely
from finance, not cross-functional, which is rooted in three issues:

1. A group consisting solely of finance people will be stigmatized as being

“just another accounting project” and therefore not get the necessary com-
pany-wide buy-in necessary for success.
2. A model implemented solely by finance people will inevitably have too
much focus on the financial perspective.
3. Finance people do not have the knowledge to model the business processes
accurately enough. This is crucial since ABC is process oriented. In fact,
when Taichii Ohno implemented JIT at Toyota, he kept cost accountants out
of the plant to “prevent the knowledge of cost accounting from entering the
minds of his people.”22
Table 4.12 Three Cost Views
Operational Strategic Financial
User of information Line managers, process Strategic planners, cost Financial controllers, tax

improvement teams, engineers, capital budgeters, managers, financial accounting,

quality teams product sourcing treasury
Uses Key performance indicators, Activity-based product costing, Inventory calculation, external
value/nonvalue-added indicators, Target Costing, investment reporting, shareholders, lenders,
activity analysis for process justification, Life-Cycle Costing, tax authorities
improvements make/buy analysis
Level of aggregation Very detailed, little aggregation Plan or product line aggregation, High aggregation, often
detailed based on what is company-wide data
needed for a specific decision
Reporting frequency Immediate, sometimes hourly Ad hoc, as needed, or usually Periodic, often monthly, or
or daily a special study probably could be quarterly or
annually if other needs were met

Source: Adapted from R.S. Player, “The Top Ten Things That Can Go Wrong with an ABM Project (And How to Avoid Them),” As Easy As ABC, Summer
1993, pp. 1—2.

In my experience, it is important that the ownership of the ABC implementa-

tion is secured by someone who is accountable, such as the chief executive officer
(CEO) or chief operating officer (COO). Otherwise, the results of the analysis can
easily be forgotten and nothing happens after the ABC implementation.
Another problem from one of the lists is, in my opinion, among the most impor-
tant issues: not addressing the changes. An inherent resistance to change exists in
organizations, as expanded on by Edgar H. Schein in a 2002 interview with
Harvard Business Review, and such a resistance can be very damaging since
changes typically are necessary after an ABC implementation. In fact, changes
occur constantly, but in an organization where this is not acted on and the organi-
zational myths are not being challenged thoroughly, the benefits of an ABC analy-
sis will be severely reduced. The reason is that these myths—or the theory of
business, as Drucker calls it—are the prime reason for the malaise of many large

Activity-Based Costing and

Total Quality Management
In the literature, an increasing proliferation of activity-based frameworks is
employed for various purposes, as discussed in the previous section. Notably, Total
Quality Management (TQM) is one of the most important approaches. TQM and
ABC are complementary to each other in that they fulfill each other.
For ABC, some of the basic TQM notions are vital to avoid the business-as-
usual syndrome attacked by several ABC authorities. When ABC implementations
have failed, it is often attributable to a lack of understanding in management that
fundamental changes are needed and that ABC is not just another cost-cutting tool,
even though it works really well for that purpose too.24
For TQM, the cost perspective is important to ensure focus on what matters.
Hence, ABC aids TQM, which puts ABC in the right context. After all, ABC is
process oriented, and continuous improvement, which is a process, is one of the
cornerstones of TQM. Furthermore, TQM focuses on quality, which is one of the
four transaction types, and its importance in a long-term perspective can be illus-
trated by Figure 4.9. Quality is the basis for both dependability, speed, and cost
A study of 187 European manufacturers, for example, showed that long-term
cost improvements result from having first achieved improvements in quality, then
dependability, and finally in speed (time). The peak of the model, cost efficiency,
can only contribute up to 20 percent of the possible advantages.25 Others estimate
that traditional cost-efficiency improvement strategies can only affect circa 10 per-
cent of manufacturing costs (see Figure 1.1).

Cost Efficiency




Figure 4.9 Model of cost reduction. Source: Adapted from K. Ferdows and A.
DeMeyer, “Lasting Improvements in Manufacturing Performance: In Search of a New
Theory,” Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 9, pp. 168—184. Copyright 1991,
reprinted with permission from Elsevier Science.

Intuitively, after contrasting ABC to the volume-based costing systems, ABC

seems, and is, far more logical and better than the volume-based costing systems
in my opinion. Yet a study shows that:
● Direct labor as an allocation base is still dominant in product costing.
● These product costs are used for a wide range of strategic and competitive
● Nonmanufacturing costs are rarely (if ever) included as a part of product or
product line costs.
● However, the worst finding was that most people were confident with the sit-
These findings illustrate that even faced with a remarkable amount of informa-
tion and evidence, business as usual still prevails five years after the ABC concept
became well known. It is as a former colleague of mine, Tor Schaathun, liked to
put it: “Corporations’ ability to change is inversely proportionate to its distance
from bankruptcy negotiations.” This gives innovative companies an advantage in
sharpening and sustaining their competitive edge.


The following example is a pure comparison between ABC and a volume-based
approach to illustrate the computational differences. It is a reworking of an

example found in the much-debated paper “ABC: A Need, Not an Option,”

authored by Robin Cooper in 1990. Then, a more comprehensive case study is pre-
sented that will be further expanded on in Chapter 8.

ABC Example
Suppose we were invited by company XYZ to estimate the profitability of its four
products, P1, P2, P3, and P4. We are told that the products are produced on the
same equipment and use similar processes, but that they differ in physical size and
in production volumes, as indicated in Table 4.13. From this table, we also see the
various cost information available.
Furthermore, three types of information are available for the costs related to
direct inputs: (1) material costs, (2) direct labor hours, and (3) machine hours.
When it comes to the costs related to setting up equipment and planning produc-
tion, XYZ can also provide a threefold set of information: (1) the number of setups,

Table 4.13 Company XYZ Consumption Patterns and Overhead by Product

Costs Related to Direct Inputs
Material Direct Labor Machine
Product Size Volume Costs ($) Hours Hours
P1 Small 10 (Low) 60 5 5
P2 Small 100 (High) 600 50 50
P3 Large 10 (Low) 180 15 15
P4 Large 100 (High) 1800 150 150
consumed 2640 220 220
Overhead ($) 264 2200 3300
overhead ($) — — 5764

Setup-Related Costs
Costs Related Total
Number Number Times to Number Overhead
Product of Setups of Orders Handled of Parts ($) Costs ($)
P1 1 1 1 1
P2 3 3 3 1
P3 1 1 1 1
P4 3 3 3 1
consumed 8 8 8 4
Overhead ($) 960 1000 200 2000
overhead ($) — — 2160 2000 9924

Note: 5764 ⫹ 2160 ⫹ 2000 ⫽ 9924


(2) the number of orders, and (3) the times handled. The final cost category, the
costs related to the number of parts, has no further information available. This cost
category includes costs of handling the finished products, sending them to storage,
and so on.
Look at the way a volume-based costing system would report these costs. In
Table 4.14, the results are shown. As usual, direct labor has been chosen as an allo-
cation base, but in this example it would not make any difference if another one
was used. That is because a 1:10:3:30 ratio exists for the material costs, direct labor
hours, and machine hours for all the products. What makes the difference here is
the volume-based approach only considers direct input allocation bases and also
for the other overhead costs.
The overhead rates are found by dividing the total overhead cost ($9,924) by
the total number of direct labor hours (220 hours). The allocated costs are then
found by multiplying the direct labor hours by the overhead rate for each product,
as shown in Table 4.14.
We see that the volume-based costing system assesses the unit costs of P1 and
P2 to be equal and roughly three times lower than the unit costs for P3 and P4,
which are also estimated to cost the same. If we think carefully about those find-
ings, we realize that it does not sound very convincing because how can P1 and
P2, for example, cost the same when their needs for setups are 1:3, respectively?
Something was obviously not right, and to provide an alternative cost assessment
the management of XYZ asked us to implement ABC because they had heard
about it and thought that it sounded interesting.
To employ ABC, we first need to break up the work processes into smaller
units: activities. It turns out that many activities must be considered, but their prod-
uct cost assignment is governed by three distinct activity drivers, as indicated in
Table 4.13. Based on this insight, we divide the overhead costs into three cost
pools, each associated with an activity driver, as shown in Table 4.15. To trace the
costs of these cost pools, we use direct labor hours, the number of setups, and the
number of parts as activity drivers, as shown in Table 4.15. Then we take the over-
head costs associated with each activity driver and divide them by the total number

Table 4.14 Overhead Costs Reported by a Volume-Based Costing System

Direct Labor Overhead Costs Reported
Product Consumed (hour) Rates ($/hour) Allocated ($) Unit Cost ($)
P1 5 45.11 225.55 22.56
P2 50 45.11 2255.50 22.56
P3 15 45.11 676.65 67.67
P4 150 45.11 6766.50 67.67
220 9924.200

Table 4.15 Overhead Costs Reported by an ABC System for a Company

Costs Related to
Direct Labor Number of Setups Number of Parts
Total overhead costs ($) 5764.00 2160.00 2000.00
Total activity driver units 220.00 8 4
Consumption intensity 26.20 $/h 270.00 $/setup 500.00 $/part

of activity driver units. The result is the consumption intensity, which is the unit
price of a driver unit. We see, for example, that a setup costs $270.
After calculating the consumption intensities, we multiply the various activity
driver values for each product and for each cost pool, as shown in Tables 4.16
through 4.18, producing the traced costs for each product for each cost pool.
We sum up all the traced costs in the last column of Table 4.16 through Table
4.18 for each product, yielding the total costs traced in the second-to-last column
in Table 4.19. Finally, we just divide the total costs traced by the number of units
to compute the unit costs.
In Table 4.20, the difference between the volume-based approach and ABC is
presented. Clearly, the difference is substantial, up to 300 percent. Imagine the
consequences of XYZ pushing P1 at a $40-per-unit sales price as a part of a mar-
keting strategy, for example. The company risks digging itself into red numbers
while believing it is doing the right thing. All because the existing cost accounting
system tells the company that it is making more than $17 per product unit sold.
Clearly, making decisions based on a volume-based costing system is unwise,
because volume-based costing systems grossly mistreat overhead costs.
You may think that such results are rare and that it occurred in this example by
design, but the fact is that often companies lose money on roughly 80 percent of
their products. If we include the costs of capital, the numbers are even worse. It
is not an exaggeration to claim that companies survive despite their volume-based
cost accounting systems. Think about all the times you have heard about compa-
nies growing their market shares while their profits remain the same or even
decline. The good news is that this represents a major opportunity for those com-
panies that understand their costs, because they can focus on capturing profitable
market shares at a minimum expense while their competitors can have the rest.

ABC at WagonHo!
Implementing an ABC system can be done in many ways due to a variety of fac-
tors, such as budget, cost views (see Table 4.12), organizational complexity (see
Figure 4.6), and actual decision support needs. This case illustrates one of the most

Table 4.16 Costs Related to Direct Inputs

Direct Consumption
Product Labor Hours Intensity ($/h) Costs Traced ($)
P1 5 26.20 131.00
P2 50 26.20 1310.00
P3 15 26.20 393.00
P4 150 26.20 3930.00

Table 4.17 Costs Related to Setups

Product Setups Intensity ($/setup) Costs Traced ($)
P1 1 270 270
P2 3 270 810
P3 1 270 270
P4 3 270 810

Table 4.18 Costs Related to Part Numbers

Part Consumption
Product Numbers Intensity ($/part) Costs Traced ($)
P1 1 500 500
P2 1 500 500
P3 1 500 500
P4 1 500 500

Table 4.19 Total Overhead Costs Reported by an ABC System

Costs Related Costs Costs Related Total Reported
to Direct Related to Part Costs Unit
Product Labor ($) to Setups ($) Numbers ($) Traced ($) Costs ($)
P1 131.00 270.00 500 901 90.10
P2 1310.00 810.00 500 2620 26.20
P3 393.00 270.00 500 1163 116.30
P4 3930.00 810.00 500 5240 52.40

Table 4.20 Reported Unit Cost Difference

Traditional Costing
Product Unit Cost ($) ABC Unit Cost ($) Difference
P1 22.56 90.10 299.4 percent
P2 22.56 26.20 16.1 percent
P3 67.67 116.30 71.9 percent
P4 67.67 52.40 ⫺22.6 percent

common approaches, which is to use ABC as a single analysis for strategic usage.
WagonHo! is in such bad shape that for them it is most important to get the big
picture (strategy) right first before beginning to use ABC on a more continuous
This approach is also usually smart no matter what, because it is very difficult
—if not almost impossible—to go directly from traditional cost accounting prac-
tices to an integrated ABM system. To use ABC analyses for strategic purposes on
an ad hoc basis is therefore good training to prepare the organization for the full-
fledged version of ABM sometime later if they want that. Furthermore, it is a far
less costly approach since it takes time for a company to get used to managing and
acting according to ABC thinking.

Company Overview
WagonHo! is a toy manufacturer located in the computers at the Center for
Manufacturing Information Technology (CMIT) in Atlanta, Georgia. In other
words, WagonHo! is not a real company. CMIT uses it as a simulation company
in which local companies can test out the latest information technology for man-
ufacturing. However, CMIT does have a model factory built in the laboratory
where it actually produces products.
The company experienced a $1.3 million loss last year, which is a highly unsat-
isfactory result, and the management is, of course, in dire need of decision support
to turn this situation around. It operates in a somewhat price-sensitive niche mar-
ket, so increasing prices are not the first thing to consider, but the demand is fairly
good. Other problems are also pending, such as expected higher energy costs due
to an energy shortage.
WagonHo! has 56 employees organized mainly in six production teams and
indirect people. More specifically, the CEO is Samuel P. Stone and the plant man-
ager is Mary Ann Chesnutt. The six production teams consist of a supervisor and
six employees. Besides these production teams, the remaining 14 employees are
indirect. The supervisors of the six teams are also considered indirect. In other
words, 20 indirect people are employed in total.
The strategy is to target the high-price/quality market for children from afflu-
ent families. All the products are made of similar materials, that is, mainly plas-
tics, steel screws, and wood. WagonHo! produces only three products.
The high-end product is the CW1000 wagon, referred to as CW1000 for sim-
plicity. This is a wagon with four wheels and front steering (see Figure 4.10). The
sales price of this product is $120; corrected for 12 percent sales rebates and 2 per-
cent provisions, we get $103.20. Current production is 5,000 units per year. The
simplest product is the CW4000 wheelbarrow. This is single-wheeled, without
steering. It sells for $100, yielding a net sales price of $86. Current production is
3,000 units per year. The CW7000 garden cart is the middle product. This is a two-

CW1000 Wagon

CW4000 Wheel Barrow

CW7000 Garden Cart

Figure 4.10 The products of WagonHo!

wheeled cart also without steering that sells for $105, giving a net sales price of
$90.30. Current production is 2,000 units per year.
The shop floor is configured as shown in Figure 4.11 with six lathes (L), six
milling machines (M), six subassembly (SA) stations, one kitting area, six final
assembly and inspection (FA) stations, and one central conveyer. With this produc-
tion line, the estimated aggregated production cycle times are 462, 247, and 259
minutes for the CW1000, CW4000, and CW7000, respectively. The cycle times are
obviously long and clearly need improvement, but how? Also, an overall loss for
the company is not a sustainable situation either, so that must also be improved.
WagonHo! is currently using Contribution Margin Costing, a volume-based
costing system. But past experience has convinced management to try using ABC
to give them better decision support. Table 4.21 presents the hourly labor costs of

Table 4.21 Hourly Labor Costs at WagonHo!

Labor Classifications Labor Cost ($/h)
Mill operator 9.00
Lathe operator 8.50
Assembler 7.80
Kit maker 7.30
Inspector 11.30

Table 4.22 CW4000 Bill of Material (BOM)

Product Parent Part Number Estimated Unit Unit Ext.
Num. Description Num. Num. Required Time (h) Time (h) Cost Cost Comments

4000 Wheelbarrow CW4000 1 4.07 0.00 46.86 Complete

Labor, final inspection 4000 1 0.30 0.30 3.39 3.39 Labor
4100 Bed 4000 CW1373 1 6.54 6.54 Purchase assembled
4200 Screws 4100 SP4881 10 0.02 0.20 Purchase
4210 Labor, final assembly 4000 1 0.45 0.45 3.51 3.51 Assembly labor
4220 Labor, kit purch. parts 4000 1 0.30 0.30 2.19 2.19 Kitting labor
4300 Wheel assembly 4100 1 0.00 0.00 Subassembly
4310 Labor, assembly 4300 1 0.30 0.30 2.34 2.34 Assembly labor
4320 Axle bracket 4300 CW2019 2 0.87 1.74 Make
4330 Short axle 4300 CW3626 1 0.12 0.12 Purchase
4340 Wheel 4300 CW2314 1 0.73 0.73 Make
4350 Cotter pins 4300 SP6122 2 0.01 0.02 Purchase
4360 Labor, kit make part 4300 2 0.20 0.40 1.46 2.92 Kitting labor
4370 Labor, make part 4300 1 0.84 0.84 7.56 7.56 Machine part
4380 Raw material, wheel 4300 RM5784 0.5 0.78 0.39 Purchase raw
4390 Raw material, brackets 4300 RM5784 1 0.78 0.78 Purchase raw
4400 Leg/handle assembly 4100 1 0.00 0.00 Subassembly
4410 Labor, assembly 4400 1 0.15 0.15 1.17 1.17 Assembly labor
4420 Handle 4400 CW3908 1 0.47 0.47 Purchase
4430 Leg stand 4400 CW4240 1 0.95 0.95 Make
4440 Screws 4400 SP4881 6 0.02 0.12 Purchase
4450 Labor, kit make part 4400 2 0.20 0.40 1.46 2.92 Kitting labor
4460 Labor, make part 4400 1 0.93 0.93 8.02 8.02 Machine part
4470 Raw mat., leg stand 4400 RM5784 1 0.78 0.78 Purchase raw

Receiving Kitting Area Shipping

Bar Code Scanner


Bar Code Goods
M M M Scanners Storage


SA SA Conveyer


SA SA To offices

Figure 4.11 The initial shop floor layout at WagonHo!

the workers, and by multiplying the hourly labor cost with the estimated times, we
get portions of the BOM, as shown in Table 4.22, which presents the BOM for the
CW4000. The unit time in Table 4.22 is an estimated production time (h/unit).
The BOM should be read from bottom to top. Thus, for the CW4000, the total
direct cost is $46.86 per unit while the unit production time is 4.07 hours per unit.
We can also see the various subassembly numbers. For example, the product num-
ber for the bed is 4100 and its part number is CW1373.
Table 4.23 presents a summary of the BOM for the products, along with the
aggregated production times, which currently serve as overhead cost allocation bases

Table 4.23 Summary of BOM and Aggregated Production Times

for the Products
Unit BOM Aggregated Production
Product ($/unit) Times (h/year)
CW1000 wagon 90.04 38,500
CW4000 wheelbarrow 46.86 12,210
CW7000 garden cart 57.40 8,640

in the company’s volume-based costing system. The aggregated production times are
found by multiplying the unit time for each product by the annual production of each
product. These times will most likely also prove handy for the ABC implementation.

ABC Implementation
Since this chapter is about ABC in general, it is best to present here a common way
of implementing an ABC model rather than presenting the way that provides the
most decision support. It should be noted that this implementation is tailored to
MS Excel and not to ABC software. Personally, I prefer MS Excel for strategic
ABC analyses because such analyses are ad hoc and may require manual adjust-
ments to give proper decision support; hence, the argument of the organization
needing to maintain the model does not apply. Also, MS Excel provides a flexible
implementation tool so that, for example, EP can easily be incorporated.
Furthermore, in some cases executives have probing questions concerning the
implementation and its results, and then an open ABC implementation is much
more explanatory and trustworthy than the black boxes of software.
An MS Excel–based, strategic ABC analysis approach would typically consist
of nine steps, some of which can be performed concurrently:

1. Create ownership of the ABC analysis in the organization and define the
scope of analysis.
2. Review current cost accounting structures and clean out overhead costs from
the direct costs if needed.
3. Get cost data from the General Ledger and aggregate them into cost cate-
4. Define the activity library.
5. Design the questionnaire and hold group interviews.
6. Calculate a Bill of Activities (BOA).
7. Define activity drivers and gather data. Also gather other relevant data such
as sales data.
8. Aggregate the cost of activities that have the same activity drivers into sep-
arate cost pools.
9. Calculate product/customer costs and profitability.

It is important to include the customer perspective even though we are only

interested in product profitabilities. The reason is that customer behavior often
determines some costs and not product characteristics. An example of such costs
is the invoicing costs; invoices are, after all, sent to customers and not to products.
WagonHo! sells its own products to the end customers directly, and more impor-
tant, 97 percent of its customers buy only one unit at a time, which makes the cus-
tomer perspective redundant for practical purposes in this case.

Create Ownership and Define Scope

Creating ownership is very important in order to secure that once the ABC analy-
sis has been performed, it will be followed up by action. For that reason, the ABC
analysis should be championed by an executive with result responsibility, such as
the CEO or COO. In WagonHo!, CEO Stone is the champion. Together with his
team of managers, he defines the scope to be “assess the product profitability and
identify possible improvements.” Also, all costs are to be included in the model,
even the facility-related costs. The ABC model is, in other words, a full absorp-
tion model. That is, we trace all the cost to the products. Full absorption costing is
particularly useful in relation to pricing, outsourcing, sales promotion, and other
improvement activities that require understanding the total costs.

Review Current Cost Accounting Structures and Cleanse

Costs If Needed
As stated above, WagonHo! uses a volume-based costing system where estimated
production times are used to assist the BOM calculations. Unlike the situation in
many other companies, the direct costs in BOM are, in fact, direct costs. In other
words, we do not need any cost cleansing. For many companies, however, cleans-
ing the costs is needed because they often mix overhead costs such as production
planning into their direct costs using simple rules of thumb, direct labor hours, or
machine hours. Such mixed cost structures should in principle always be cleansed;
that is, the overhead costs must be separated from the direct costs. For companies
using standard costing, cost cleansing becomes substantially more complicated. In
standard costing, various cost deviations are tracked, and some of these deviations
must also be cleansed.

Get Cost Data and Aggregate Them into Cost Categories

From the General Ledger, we get all the cost data for the last 12 months. Table 4.24
shows how the costs are categorized. For completeness’ sake, the direct costs found
in BOM are also included although they will not be traced using ABC principles.
In step 9, the direct costs will be subtracted from the sales, yielding the contribu-
tion margins of the various products.
From Table 4.24, we see that the total annual costs of WagonHo! are about
$2.16 million, from which we understand that the company is small and that the
employees are not paid well. This might be a result of earlier attempts to improve
profits. We also see that the cost of the equipment is low (less than $75,000), which
may indicate that the equipment is old and potentially inefficient. Finally, the
building seems disproportionately expensive. Maybe WagonHo! should relocate
to a cheaper part of town? These are just questions that arise while working with
the cost data and are not particular to an ABC analysis.

Table 4.24 WagonHo! Costs

Cost Categories Costs ($/year) Cost Categories Costs ($/year)
Building 261,000 BOM 694,900
Conveyer system 5,100 Support equipment 11,900
Kitting equipment 270 Indirect labor 1,081,250
Lathe machines 22,500 Office equipment 45,650
Milling machines 17,000 Inspection equipment 650
Assembly equipment 1,050
Total 2,274,470

Define Activity Library

The activity library is defined by interviewing key personnel. During those inter-
views, it is important to keep in mind that it reduces the distortions if the activities
and the cost categories match somewhat. But more important, it is crucial not to
become overly detailed in the activity definitions, because it is pointless to be more
detailed than warranted by the data. Basically, it is a matter of cost versus benefit.
Consequently, creating an activity library can be done in different ways. The activity
library developed for WagonHo! is shown in Table 4.25 as a hierarchy. This is not a
common approach, but I find it helpful to provide tracing of the logic behind the activ-
ity library. The hierarchy also provides information aggregation structures.
The shaded cells in Table 4.25 represent the lowest-level activities for which
we need to gather data. An important way to gather data is to interview people
about their work.

Table 4.25 WagonHo! Activity Hierarchy

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Production A1 Logistics A11 Receive parts A111
Run inventory A112
Ship products A113
Produce Products A12 Kit parts A121
Run mill A122
Run lathe A123
Assemble products A124
Inspect products A125
Product support activities A2 Design products A21
Sell products A22 Market/sell products A221
Service customers A222
Facility support activities A3 Maintain facility A31
Administration A4 Lead company A41
Run production A42
Process orders A43
Manage costs A44

Design Questionnaires and Hold Interviews

The purpose of the questionnaires is to find out how the indirect people use their
time. Based on their answers, we will trace labor costs and some other costs to the
activities. The people are asked to think in terms of an annual average. You may
think that this is crude, but what would be a better way for finding out how people
use their time than asking them? Also, some people may be reluctant to tell us how
they spend their time, particularly if they perceive the whole ABC analysis as a
cost-cutting exercise. This emphasizes the need to thoroughly inform the organi-
zation about what is to take place, to create a sense of urgency, and to convey that
the main objective is to increase profitability, not necessarily cut costs. This has
worked well for me on several occasions when the employees were hostile to the
ABC analysis. Still, some people will inevitably try to fix their answers, but
because of the law of large numbers, such fixing will have little impact on the over-
all accuracy of the analysis.
Table 4.26 shows a sample of the answers. The times listed for a full-time
employee add up to roughly 100 percent. The reason for saying roughly is that
answers do not have to be accurate in order to be relevant. Moreover, it may seem
odd that the total time of, for example, Activity A111 becomes 24.8 percent. The
reason is that we often use tables to convert easy time concepts to percentages. For
example, if an employee performs activity A111 1 hour a week, that would yield

Table 4.26 Sample Interview Answers

Name, ID Name, ID
Activity Total Number, and Number, and
ID Name (%) Department Department
A111 Receive parts 24.8
A112 Run inventory 10.6
A113 Ship products 24.8
A121 Kit parts 254.9 5.0
A122 Run mill 447.8 20.0
A123 Run lathe 26.5
A124 Assemble products 242.5 5.0
A125 Inspect products 221.2
A21 Design products 83.2 25.0
A221 Market/sell products 83.2 45.0
A222 Service customers 123.9 10.0
A31 Maintain facility 24.8
A41 Lead company 49.6 20.0 7.0
A42 Run production 141.6 50.0
A43 Process orders 83.2 5.0
A44 Manage costs 157.5 8.0
Total 2000.0 100.0 100.0

an annual percentage of 48 hours divided by 1,800 hours, or 2.7 percent, assum-

ing that the employee works 48 weeks and roughly 1,800 hours a year.
After the interviews are conducted and the aggregated time percentages (the
Total (%) column in Table 4.26) are found, we proceed to calculate the BOA.

Calculate the Bill of Activities (BOA)

The first step in calculating the BOA is to determine the approach to use for the
time percentages. The approach I prefer is to first normalize the numbers in Table
4.26 to produce Table 4.27. The normalization basically consists of dividing every
activity time percentage by the total time percentage, which is 2,000 percent for
We must decide what to do about the cost categories in Table 4.24. Should we
use resource drivers, only the time percentages as resource drivers, or a mix? A
resource driver is a cause-and-effect measure between an activity and a resource. In
Table 4.28, we see that only two such resource drivers exist: area and labor hours.
The rationale behind area is that the more space an activity uses, the more building
resources this activity consumes, which sounds logical. Labor hours works only as
a resource driver for the indirect labor costs resource because labor costs will be
caused by labor, but “labor hours” is not a resource driver for the “support equip-
ment” resource because no clear cause-and-effect relationship exists. In this case,
we use “labor hours” as an allocation. It is important that not too many allocations
take place in an ABC model, because they reduce the quality of the model.

Table 4.27 Normalized Activity Time Percentages

Activity Time
ID Name Percentage
A111 Receive parts 1.2
A112 Run inventory 0.5
A113 Ship products 1.2
A121 Kit parts 12.7
A122 Run mill 22.4
A123 Run lathe 1.3
A124 Assemble products 12.1
A125 Inspect products 11.1
A21 Design products 4.2
A221 Market/sell products 4.2
A222 Service customers 6.2
A31 Maintain facility 1.2
A41 Lead company 2.5
A42 Run production 7.1
A43 Process orders 4.2
A44 Manage costs 7.9
Total 100.0

Table 4.28 Resource Driver Definitions

Cost Categories Costs ($/year) Resource Driver Name
Building 261,000 Area
Conveyer system 5,100 A12x activities
Kitting equipment 270 Direct
Lathe machines 22,500 Direct
Milling machines 17,000 Direct
Assembly equipment 1,050 Direct
Support equipment 11,900 Labor hours
Indirect labor 1,081,250 Labor hours
Office equipment 45,650 Labor hours
Inspection equipment 650 Direct
Total 1,446,370

Normally, I prefer that allocations govern less than 10 percent of the total overhead
costs. In this case, it is 2.7 percent, which is very satisfactory.
Concerning the conveyer system, the costs are distributed equally among the
A12x activities, that is, between activities A121 through A125. This is due to the
fact that all A12x activities use the conveyer system equally because they are all
interrelated via the production flow on the conveyer.
Direct is an even stronger relationship between the resource and activity. What
this means is that, for example, the kitting equipment has a one-to-one relation-
ship with the activity A121. This is the ideal situation of an ABC model because
it reduces the distortion to zero, provided that the activities are defined in enough
detail to provide any insight.
Note that in Table 4.28, BOM costs are excluded. That is because BOM costs are
direct costs and therefore are simply included in the end of the ABC analysis only.
Given these resource driver definitions and the data as shown in Table 4.29, we can
calculate the cost of the activities as found at the bottom of the table. One of the two
1,446,370 numbers is a control summation and should therefore be equal to the other
(to the left). This is necessary when using MS Excel or any other open model.
Table 4.30 provides a summary of the BOA, listing all the activities. These
results can be plotted in a graph, as shown in Figure 4.12. This figure can be help-
ful in identifying abnormal process costs or in identifying what activities are most
important to either eliminate or reduce. We see, for example, that most of the over-
head costs are in fact related to the core production activities (A12x), which may
indicate that many problems must be solved or that the production layout requires
a lot of follow-up.
The interesting question is: Can production costs be reduced significantly by
streamlining the production? Because the cycle times are so long, it may seem that
this is indeed the case.

Table 4.29 BOA Sample

A122 A44
Cost Costs Resource Consumption Resource Activity Resource Activity
Categories ($/year) Driver Total Intensity Driver Cost Driver Cost
Building 261,000 Area 16,550 15.8 1,000 (ft^2) 15,770 100 (ft^2) 1,577
Conveyer system 5,100 A12x act. 5 1,020.0 1 1,020
Kitting equip. 270 Direct 1 270.0
Lathe machines 22,500 Direct 1 22,500.0
Milling mach. 17,000 Direct 1 17,000.0 1 17,000
Assembly equip. 1,050 Direct 1 1,050.0
Support equip. 11,900 Labor hours 100% 11,900.0 22.4% 2,664 7.9% 937
Indirect labor 1,081,250 Labor hours 100% 857,200.0 22.4% 242,082 7.9% 85,164
Office equip. 45,650 Labor hours 100% 45,650.0 22.4% 10,221 7.9% 3,596
Inspection equip. 650 Direct 1 650.0
Total 1,446,370 1,446,370 288,757 91,274

Table 4.30 BOA Summary

Activity Activity Cost Percentage
A111 20,420 ($/year) 1.4%
A112 163,753 ($/year) 13.3%
A113 20,420 ($/year) 1.4%
A121 162,181 ($/year) 10.9%
A122 288,757 ($/year) 19.5%
A123 54,403 ($/year) 4.2%
A124 155,910 ($/year) 10.5%
A125 143,412 ($/year) 9.7%
A21 48,938 ($/year) 3.2%
A221 48,938 ($/year) 3.2%
A222 71,336 ($/year) 4.7%
A31 15,689 ($/year) 1.1%
A41 29,012 ($/year) 1.9%
A42 82,988 ($/year) 5.5%
A43 48,938 ($/year) 3.2%
A44 91,274 ($/year) 6.0%
Total 1,446,370 ($/year) 100.0%

Activity Costs

Cost ($/year)






A122 A112 A121 A124 A125 A44 A42 A222 A123 A21 A221 A43 A41 A111 A113 A31


Figure 4.12 Cost of activities in descending order.

Define Activity Drivers and Gather Data

Table 4.31 shows the activities, including costs, and the corresponding activity
drivers. Note that 11 different activity drivers are used. For example, “annual com-
ponent use” is an activity driver that is used in three activities, namely, A111,
A112, and A121. It seems reasonable to trace the cost of activities that involve
product parts in some fashion using such an activity driver. What is important to
remember is that the activity drivers must also be chosen according to what infor-
mation is available.

Table 4.31 Activity Driver Definitions

Activity Activity Driver Cost ($/year)
A111 Annual component use 20,420
A112 Annual component use 163,753
A113 Annual production 20,420
A121 Annual component use 162,181
A122 Mill labor hours 288,757
A123 Lathe labor hours 54,403
A124 Assembly labor hours 155,910
A125 Annual production 143,412
A21 Number of products 48,938
A221 Annual sales 48,938
A222 Number of inquiries 71,336
A31 Annual production 15,689
A41 Annual sales 29,012
A42 Number of batches 82,988
A43 Number of orders 48,938
A44 Direct labor hours 91,274
Total 1,446,370

The activity drivers that probably most accurately reflect the true cause-and-
effect relationships between products and activities are mill labor hours, lathe labor
hours, and assembly labor hours. This is due to the fact that the production is man-
ual with no usage of automation or batch production.
Other activity drivers also are used multiple times. To ease the analysis, we can
aggregate all the costs that share the same activity drivers into cost pools, which
is done next.

Create Cost Pools

Based on Table 4.31, cost pools based on activity driver similarity can be created
as shown in Table 4.32. The benefit of doing this is that it reduces the model com-

Table 4.32 Cost Pools

Cost Pools Activity Cost Pools
Activity Driver ($/year) Driver ($/year)
Annual component use 346,354 Annual sales 77,950
Annual production 179,520 Number of inquiries 71,336
Mill labor hours 288,757 Number of batches 82,988
Lathe labor hours 54,403 Number of orders 48,938
Assembly labor hours 155,910 Direct labor hours 91,274
Number of products 48,938
Total 1,446,370

plexity. Unfortunately, it may also reduce the accuracy of the model because it is
tempting to create larger cost pools than warranted to save work and effort. Again,
it is a matter of cost versus usefulness.

Calculate Product Costs and Profitability

The final step is to relate each cost pool to each product using the activity drivers
and assigning values to them, as shown in Table 4.33. We see, for example, that
the cost pool that relates to the “Annual comp. use” activity driver consumes in
total $346,354 and that 190,000 components are consumed annually by all the
products. The various products, however, do not consume an equal amount of com-
The CW1000 consumes 130,000 components annually and is by far the largest
user, whereas the CW4000 and the CW7000 consume 36,000 and 24,000 compo-
nents annually, respectively. These three numbers are then used to calculate the
costs for each product in the following fashion:
● CW1000 annual component use cost ⫽ $346,354 ⫻ (130,000/190,000)
⫽ $236,979
● CW4000 annual component use cost ⫽ $346,354 ⫻ (36,000/190,000)
⫽ $65,625
● CW7000 annual component use cost ⫽ $346,354 ⫻ (24,000/190,000)
⫽ $43,750
In this way, we calculate how the products consume all the cost pools and we
sum up in the total OH costs row. Then, we subtract the direct costs (materials and
direct labor) and sales rebates that are given to promote the products, which yields
a total cost. By subtracting this total cost from the total sales, we get the prof-
itability in the bottom row of Table 4.33.
These results are discussed further in the next section. But first, those of you
who may have read about this case in earlier publications may notice that the total
costs do not sum up exactly the same. That is because the standard version of ABC
implementation ignores changes in inventory. This represents a minor distortion in
the modeling, but as long as the inventory changes are modest, this omission of
inventory changes will have little, if any, impact on the usefulness of the analysis.
It is, therefore, important to be clear about the purpose of the analysis.
In this case, accurate profitability estimates were asked for that indicate that
temporal changes in inventory, asset utilization, and so on should be ignored
because we are interested in the true profitability of the products and not a mix of
profitability and process efficiency. If we are interested in an ABC analysis that is
to be used for process improvements, we should design the model to capture
process inefficiencies. We must then include capacity and asset utilization and so
on to best identify the hidden costs of the hidden factory26 as it were.

Table 4.33 Product Cost and Profitability Calculations

Wagon CW1000 Wheelbarrow CW4000 Garden Cart CW7000

Activity Activity Cost
Driver Driver Pools Activity Activity Activity
Name Value ($/year) Driver Cost Driver Cost Driver Cost
Annual comp. use 190,000 346,354 130,000 (comp.) 236,979 36,000 (comp.) 65,625 24,000 (comp.) 43,750
Annual production 10,000 179,520 5,000 (units) 89,760 3,000 (units) 53,856 2,000 (units) 35,904
Mill labor hours 25,200 288,757 16,650 (h) 190,786 5,130 (h) 58,783 3,420 (h) 39,188
Lathe labor hours 7,000 54,403 3,500 (h) 27,201 2,100 (h) 16,321 1,400 (h) 10,881
Assem. labor hours 15,750 155,910 10,750 (h) 106,415 2,700 (h) 26,728 2,300 (h) 22,768
Number of products 3 48,938 1 (product) 16,313 1 (product) 16,313 1 (product) 16,313
Annual sales 1,110,000 77,950 600,000 ($) 42,135 300,000 ($) 21,068 210,000 ($) 14,747
Number of inquiries 5,400 71,336 2,000 (inquiries) 26,421 1,900 (inquiries) 25,100 1,500 (inquiries) 19,816
Number of batches 5,000 82,988 2,500 (batches) 41,494 1,500 (batches) 24,896 1,000 (batches) 16,598
Number of orders 2,700 48,938 1,200 (orders) 21,750 500 (orders) 9,063 1,000 (orders) 18,125
Direct labor hours 55,950 91,274 34,900 (h) 56,934 12,330 (h) 20,114 8,720 (h) 14,225
Total OH costs 1,446,370 856,189 337,866 252,315
Direct costs 694,900 431,450 149,010 114,440
Sales rebate 133,200 72,000 36,000 25,200
Total costs 2,274,470 1,359,639 522,876 391,955
Total sales 1,110,000 600,000 300,000 210,000
Profitability ⫺1,164,470 ⫺759,639 ⫺222,876 ⫺181,955

The results are normally not presented in the manner shown in Table 4.33. Often,
the results are presented as shown in Table 4.34, in that the numbers are normal-
ized by the sales volume, providing a Return on Sales (ROS) perspective. That is,
we take, for example, the Margin 1 (sales ⫺ direct cost) of the CW1000 ($168,550)
and divide it by the sales ($600,000), which produces the number 28.1 percent. A
Margin 1 of 28.1 percent for the CW1000 essentially indicates that for every dol-
lar sold, 28.1 cents is generated as a surplus toward covering rebates and overhead
costs. Unfortunately, we see that the profitability of the CW1000 is ⫺126.6 per-
cent, or in other words, for every dollar sold, WagonHo! loses $1.266. In fact, all
the products are highly unprofitable.
To improve the situation for WagonHo! we must investigate the results in Table
4.34 more thoroughly. We see, for example, that Margin 1 is quite low for the
CW1000, which may indicate that the CW1000 either is priced too low or has
cycle times that are too long. In this case, probably both are the case, particularly
the latter.
We also see that all products generate too many overhead costs (over 100 per-
cent for all products). This may indicate that simply too many overhead resources
are included compared to the production volume and/or that the production vol-
ume is too low. Since laying people off is not a popular measure, the management
at WagonHo! would like to pursue increasing the production volumes significantly,
but as mentioned earlier, the cycles times are very long. In other words, the man-
ufacturing system must be reconfigured to either lower direct costs and/or reduce
cycle times.
From Table 4.31, we see that the lathes in Activity A123 generate little over-
head costs, yet WagonHo! has as many lathes as mills, for example. This seems to
indicate that too many lathes exist (too much capacity). An audit revealed that five
of the lathes could be sold without any further consequences.
Conversely, for Activity A122 (milling), excessive usage of overhead resources
is taking place. This may indicate that the milling operations have many problems,
so we decide to do something about the mills. After conducting an audit of activ-
ity A122, it became evident that if we had a saw that could cut some parts rapidly
and if the workers got to run extra mills, they could significantly increase output.
It also became clear that introducing cell manufacturing would reduce the prob-
ability of reworking because all the workers would understand the entire manu-
facturing operation and not just their part of it. In addition, the subassembly step
should include quality control, rather than the final assembly step as before. That
is, Activities A124 and A125 are merged. Furthermore, cell manufacturing will
reduce activity A121 significantly. The freed resources can be used in the increased
milling operations. After implementing these suggestions, the cycle time is

Table 4.34 ABC Results

Product Product Dir. Cost Sales Margin 1 Rebates Margin 2 ABC OH Costs Total Costs Profitability
ID Name 694,900 1,110,000 415,100 37.4% 133,200 281,900 25.4% 1,446,370 130.3% 2,274,470 204.9% -1,164,470 -104.9%

CW1000 Wagon 431,450 600,000 168,550 28.1% 72,000 96,550 16.1% 856,189 142.7% 1,359,639 226.6% -759,639 -126.6%
CW4000 Wheelbr. 149,010 300,000 150,990 50.3% 36,000 114,990 38.3% 337,866 112.6% 522,876 174.3% -222,876 -74.3%
CW7000 Garden C. 114,440 210,000 95,560 45.5% 25,200 70,360 33.5% 252,315 120.2% 391,955 186.6% -181,955 -86.6%

reduced with over 50 percent for all products, as shown in Table 4.35, and the shop
floor layout is changed, as shown in Figure 4.13.
However, we also suggest increasing the price for the CW1000 significantly to
cut demand for it. The reason is that the CW1000 actually costs a lot more to pro-
duce than was reflected before in its traditional cost accounting system, and this
capacity can be more profitably employed for the two other products. For exam-
ple, the CW1000 is the only product that consumes the A123 activity (lathes). On
top of that, the CW1000 is basically a more complex product. WagonHo! there-
fore increases the price from $120 to $225 for the CW1000, and sales have fallen
by 50 percent.
After making all these changes, we reestimated the previous estimated times
and they fell a lot. The new improved cycle times (see Table 4.35) will hopefully
make it possible to produce the products more resource-efficiently than before. A
secondary effect is that the production volumes can be increased, which will pro-
vide an economies-of-scale effect for all the products.
What the management of WagonHo! is particularly proud of is that all these
changes were made without firing a single person. Only a couple of early retire-
ments were needed.

Receiving Kitting Area Shipping

L Bar Code Scanner

Cell 1 M SA Goods
Bar Code
Scanners Storage
Cell 2 M SA

Cell 3 M SA
Cell 4 M SA

Cell 5 M SA FA FA FA
To offices
Cell 6 M SA FA FA FA

Figure 4.13 New shop floor layout for WagonHo!


Table 4.35 Cycle Time Reductions at WagonHo!

Old Cycle New Cycle
Product Time (Min.) Time (Min.) Improvement
CW1000 wagon 462 192 58.4%
CW4000 wheelbarrow 244 103 57.8%
CW7000 garden cart 259 113 56.4%

As mentioned at the beginning of this section, this case is a functional one. Most
real cases are much more complex, often having hundreds of products and cus-
tomers. However, that is why this case is so suited for illustrative purposes; we can
concentrate on the essential parts. Also, the processes in WagonHo! were apparently
poorly configured as some of them had quite a massive amounts of surplus capac-
ity. Most companies would manage to solve some of the problems of such gross
production resource misallocation as shown in the case here. The point, however,
is that they would have little, if any, aid from their cost management system. Here,
in contrast, we see that with ABC the production managers in this case will get sig-
nificant decision-support. ABC is basically an excellent attention-directing tool, and
that is what I hope you will learn from this case.
In this case, we focused a lot on production issues. That is due to the available
data from CMIT, which after all is preoccupied with manufacturing information
technology. However, even in this case, we can provide marketing with useful
information regarding pricing issues. In fact, in real-life situations, marketing peo-
ple can benefit quite rapidly from an ABC analysis due to the immediate relation-
ship between total costs and pricing. However, ABC analyses have the greatest
impact on manufacturing and other costly processes, but the road toward harvest-
ing results is longer and requires more diligent work.
Finally, it is important to keep in mind the cost view of the ABC analysis, as
exemplified in Table 4.12. In this case, a strategic approach was chosen. This is the
approach I would recommend for companies that have just started on the journey
toward modern cost management practices for several reasons.
First, the company should first evaluate its strategies, because these strategies
have an enormous impact on long-term profitability. Second, such ad hoc analy-
ses provide more than enough decision support the first five to six years. Third, a
more subtle reason is that one cannot jumpstart the organizational learning
process; it is important to take it step by step. Finally, due to the initial uncertain-
ties of the organization’s execution capabilities and the costs of implementation, a
simple, flexible, cost-effective approach should be chosen to reduce the costs com-

mitted and to increase the organizational learning. ABC is, after all, a very logical
approach, and companies that want to explore it should not be hindered by black
boxes and unnecessary committed costs.
Later, when a company feels comfortable with ABC, it can begin to use ABC for
financial cost views (refer to Table 4.12). This will require the use of ABC software
and managers who understand ABC sufficiently to avoid being dictated by the soft-
ware. After all, who would trust major decisions to software engineers who have no
stake in the company whatsoever and hardly understand ABC themselves?
The final stage in the learning process toward world-class cost management is
to use ABC for operational purposes (see Table 4.12). In fact, we no longer talk
about ABC, but ABM and nonfinancial performance measurements, including
Balanced Scorecard, Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB), and so on. Such solutions
must be embedded in an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system or a similar
system, but they require excellent managers that understand what they do.
Otherwise, the company runs the risk of “delivering distorted information every
single day”27 to managers who do not understand what they see.
From this discussion, it follows that although ABC has great potential for use
in all companies, it is important to implement it step by step to ensure sufficient
organizational learning. Using ABC for LCC purposes, as discussed in this book,
does not raise the risks of integrated ABM systems because LCC is ad hoc in
nature, at least for the time being. Activity-Based LCC therefore is a sound next
step up from traditional LCC and the hindsight of cost management in general. Its
theory is discussed in Chapter 5.
Finally, I would like to thank Research Engineer Greg Wiles at CMIT in Atlanta
for his cooperation and the data he provided, which made this case study possible.


In this chapter I have described ABC theoretically and used examples to illustrate
the costing system, but undoubtedly real-world problems that have made people
skeptical should be addressed. In my opinion, such skepticism is unwarranted,
caused by the fact that ABC has too often been implemented unwisely, rather than
the concepts themselves being faulty.
ABC is an advanced approach for improving the performance of companies,
and like all advanced tools, ABC requires understanding and proper implementa-
tion to work as desired. Furthermore, it requires a change in mindset to avoid the
business-as-usual syndrome, as pointed out in the controversial paper on activity-
based panaceas, “It’s Time to Stop Overselling Activity-Based Concepts,” written
by H. Thomas Johnson in 1992. The problem often lies not in the way ABC re-
sults are used, but rather in the way they are generated. Too often, ABC has been

implemented as an improved cost allocation mechanism, while the important

analyses of processes, value creation, and cause-and-effect relationships are
largely ignored. Basically, managerial tools must be coupled with sound judgments
to provide the desired results, but this is not always done.
On one hand, we have those ABC implementations that have gone astray by
digging themselves into a ridiculous level of detail. I have heard of implementa-
tions with hundreds of activities and drivers, and even worse, those who did the
job are proud of it. Such implementations become costly, ineffective, and exces-
sively bureaucratic. On top of that, they tend to inhibit action because the decision-
makers lose interest as the level of detail goes beyond what they consider relevant.
On the other hand, we find some implementations that are so simple that they miss
many of the distortions that ABC is supposed to handle. Both cases result from a
lack of understanding.
Unfortunately, consultants push for sales, and their customers push back to cut
the fees of the consultants, and the performance of ABC, BPR, or whatever man-
agerial tool is used suffers. Consultants sometimes push ABC and associated IT
solutions onto customers that either do not need ABC altogether or do not need an
IT solution because of certain organizational characteristics. Companies some-
times purchase costly IT solutions then try to save pennies on training, proper up-
front work, and assistance in performance improvement. Thus, it is no wonder that
in the literature we sometimes hear the sound and fury of practitioners, consult-
ants, and academics.
For ABC to work, it is absolutely crucial that consultants and other imple-
menters understand an organization’s characteristics (see Figure 4.6) and imple-
ment ABC accordingly; companies also must stop trying to save pennies while
wasting these larger amounts. As Michaela Driver writes, “Like organizational
learning, ABC is most useful, in terms of effective organizational performance, as
a process rather than a product.”28 Furthermore, we must understand that ABC can
be “described more as a cognitive tool for understanding systemic problems and
conducting root-cause analysis than a cost reporting tool.”29 Basically, we must
learn to walk before we can run, and it is important that both consultants and man-
agers realize this and do not push implementations beyond the maturity level of
the organization.
Consequently, I always recommend that the companies I work with first con-
duct ABC as an ad hoc, strategic analysis (see Table 4.12) without even using any
software except MS Excel. Excel is great for both enabling the managers to under-
stand the structure of an ABC model and providing detailed and thorough answers
to skeptics who may try to cast the results into doubt.
When the managers have become fluent in using such cost information, we can
proceed to the next step, which is to introduce software and do annual analyses.

My impression is that shortcutting this learning process is more often the rule than
the exception. It is no wonder that some companies become disappointed, and
claim that ABC is just another passing fad.
In my opinion, ABC is no passing fad. ABC represents the return to basics in
the sense that processes, measures, and causalities determine the cost allocation
and not some arbitrary allocation bases that are chosen more out of habit than any-
thing else. Furthermore, ABC is a great cost accounting tool, but its true value lies
in its learning potential and focus on causality. In this sense, the Balanced
Scorecard and similar approaches in which causality is one of the main points can
be seen as an offspring of ABC.
Cost management has invariably been the art of hindsight and cutting costs after
they are incurred. However, ABC as an organizational learning tool opens up for
proactive cost thinking and the identification of cost causalities. The next step
should therefore be to turn the entire cost management process around and focus
more on the cost causalities and less on the actual cost estimates, because it is only
by understanding the cause-and-effect relationships among cost objects, processes,
and resources can we truly manage costs. Once the cost causalities are understood,
cost management can become forecasting oriented and proactive, and that is what
Activity-Based LCC is all about.

1. The example is adapted from P.L. Brooks, L.J. Davidson, and J.H. Palamides,
“Environmental Compliance: You Better Know Your ABC’s,” Occupational
Hazards, February 1993, pp. 41—46.
2. The full case description is found in R. Cooper, “Activity-Based Costing: Theory
and Practice,” Handbook of Cost Management, ed. B.J. Brinker. Boston, MA:
Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1997, pp. B1.1—B1.33.
3. For more details on this matter, see R. Cooper, “Explicating the Logic of ABC,”
Management Accounting (UK), November 1990, pp. 58—60.
4. P.B.B. Turney, “What an Activity-Based Cost Model Looks Like.” Journal of Cost
Management, Winter 1992, pp. 54—60.
5. According to a survey in 1987, 94 percent of the companies use labor hours to allo-
cate overhead costs.
6. For more details, see J.W. Hardy and E.D. Hubbard, “ABC: Revisiting the Basics,”
CMA Magazine, November 1992, pp. 24—28.
7. A thorough discussion on this is provided in H.T. Johnson and R.S. Kaplan,
Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting, Boston, MA:
Harvard Business School Press, 1987, p. 269.
8. According to E.M. Goldratt in “Cost Accounting: Number One Enemy of
Productivity,” Proceedings of the APICS Conference, 1983, pp. 433—435.

9. According to R.S. Kaplan in “Yesterday’s Accounting Undermines Production,”

Harvard Business Review, July/August 1984, pp. 95—101.
10. See note 6.
11. According to R. Fox in “Cost Accounting: Asset or Liability,” Journal of Accounting
and EDP, Winter 1986, pp. 31—37.
12. R.S. Kaplan, “In Defense of Activity-Based Cost Management.” Management
Accounting, November 1992, pp. 58—63.
13. It is necessary to separate the two because Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP) do not enable many of the adjustments that must be made in
order to fully process-orient a costing system.
14. L.R. Dolinsky and T.E. Vollmann, “Transaction-Based Overhead Considerations for
Product Design.” Journal of Cost Management for the Manufacturing Industry 5,
No. 2, Summer 1992, pp. 7—19.
15. P.F. Drucker, “Managing for Business Effectiveness.” Harvard Business Review,
May-June 1963, pp. 54—55.
16. J.G. Miller and T.E. Vollmann, “The Hidden Factory.” Harvard Business Review,
September-October 1985, pp. 142—150.
17. P.B.B. Turney, “How Activity-Based Costing Helps Reduce Cost.” Journal of Cost
Management for the Manufacturing Industry 4, No. 4, Winter 1991, pp. 29—35.
18. “Back to Basics: A Survey of Management,” The Economist, 2002, p. 18.
19. P.T. Finegan, “Making Planning Relevant: The Real Role of Corporate Finance
Reengineering.” Corporate Finance Review 3, No. 3, November/December 1998,
pp. 6—15.
20. According to W.W. Hubbell, Jr., “Combining Economic Value Added and Activity-
Based Management,” Journal of Cost Management, Spring 1996, pp. 18—30.
21. Gordon Shillinglaw at Colombia and George Staubus at Berkeley had articulated
activity-based concepts by the early 1960s. Also in the early 1960s, General Electric
accountants may have been the first to use the term activity to describe work that
causes costs. However, the process of codifying the concept to what ABC is best
known for today is mainly attributable to Robin Cooper at the Harvard Business
School. For more details, see H.T. Johnson’s “It’s Time to Stop Overselling Activity-
Based Concepts,” Management Accounting, September 1992.
22. J.Y. Lee, Managerial Changes for the 90s. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1987.
23. For more details, see P.F. Drucker, “The Theory of the Business,” Harvard Business
Review, September-October 1994.
24. J.A. Miller, “Designing and Implementing a New Cost Management System.”
Journal of Cost Management for the Manufacturing Industry, Winter 1992,
pp. 41—53.
25. W. Skinner, “The Productivity Paradox.” Harvard Business Review, July-August
1986, pp. 55—59.
26. The term the hidden factory has been attributed to the seminal paper by J.G. Miller
and T.E. Vollmann, “The Hidden Factory,” published in the Harvard Business
Review, September-October 1985, pp. 142—150.

27. R. Cooper and R.S. Kaplan, “The Promise—and Peril—of Integrated Cost
Systems.” Harvard Business Review, July/August 1998, pp. 109—119.
28. M. Driver, “Activity-Based Costing: A Tool for Adaptive and Generative
Organizational Learning?” The Learning Organization 8 (3), 2001, pp. 94—105.
29. M. Lebas, “Which ABC? Accounting Based on Causality Rather than Activity-
Based Costing.” European Management Journal 17 (5), 1999, pp. 501—511.

The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that

would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.

Activity-Based Life-Cycle Costing (LCC) is an approach that was developed from

the more comprehensive Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management
approach1 that Professor Bert Bras and I developed in the latter half of the 1990s.
Although Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management deals with cost
and environmental dimensions (energy and waste in particular), Activity-Based
LCC only includes costs. Activity-Based LCC, however, has an improved struc-
ture and is more comprehensive with respect to costs.
Does that mean that Activity-Based LCC cannot be used in an environmental
setting? On one hand, cost as a measure has many advantages over environmental
measures, as discussed in the “LCC in the Environmental Domain” section of
Chapter 2. On the other hand, many environmental effects cannot be captured as
costs because they are externalities (see Glossary). We therefore must be careful
using costs as an environmental measure in general. As with most manage-
ment and engineering tools, we must strike a sound balance between theory and
In this chapter, the theory of the Activity-Based LCC method is explained as
concisely as possible. This will be done by going through each of the 10 steps
depicted in Figure 5.1. Note that the first seven steps are modeling steps, whereas
the latter three steps are for calculation.


Step 1 is generic to almost any assessment; that is, define the scope of the model.
The scope should include as a minimum the objectives of the model, its system
boundaries, and its perspective.

Modeling steps
Step 1 - Define scope of model and Step 10 - Perform Monte Carlo simulations
corresponding cost objects and relevant analyses

Step 2 - Obtain and clean Bill Of Materials Step 9 - Estimate the cost of cost objects
for all cost objects and their performance measures

Step 3 - Identify and quantify the resources Step 8 - Estimate the Bill of Activities

Step 4 - Create an activity hierarchy and Step 7 - Model the uncertainty


Step 5 - Identify and quantify resource Step 6 - Identify the relationships

drivers and activity drivers and between activity drivers and
their intensities design changes

Figure 5.1 Implementing activity-based LCC.

It is crucial to define the objectives of the model because this determines what
type of model one should build. Two options concern whether one should build a
back-casting model or a simulation/forecasting model. LCC models are almost by
definition forecasting models, but often one must build a back-casting model
before one can build a good forecasting model. Alternatively, one can include the
last year in the forecasting model to provide a 100 percent baseline and then use
this year’s costs to check whether the forecasting is good enough.
In a back-casting model, we would start with the resources. We would then, via
the model, determine the costs of activities and the costs of the cost objects. This
is a top-down approach at least as far as the cost assignment goes. Simulation mod-
els, however, are bottom-up models where we start with the process data, product
demand, and so on and calculate the resources needed to run the operation.
Alternatively, we can follow the target costing idea and end up with a target cost,
which is what the operation can cost. However, in order to perform a simulation
model, one must in general start with a back-casting model to determine the “as-
is” situation. Then from the as-is situation, changes can be made and the future
simulated, so to speak.
A more relevant distinction between models for this book is the difference
between cost accounting models and ad hoc LCC analyses. LCC cost accounting
models take a broad view of the situation and are applied to managing future costs
by predicting them and managing their drivers, as shown in Chapter 8. Basically,
they provide relevant decision support to numerous managerial issues as con-
strained and partly defined by a system boundary. In other words, the system

boundary is an important driver for cost accounting models and ultimately limits
which cost objects are relevant.
Ad hoc LCC analyses, as discussed in Chapter 2, are tailored toward specific
decisions or cost objects. They provide decision support as defined by the cost
object(s) that constrains the system boundary choice. The ad hoc analyses are
therefore focused on a specific cost object(s), whereas the cost accounting models
focus on the system boundary and understand what is inside it. Ad hoc analyses
are consequently more narrow in scope than cost accounting models, usually tai-
lored toward specific decisions, and the system boundaries are different. Tra-
ditional LCC is ad hoc and often focuses on one cost object at a time, whereas in
Activity-Based LCC many cost objects are handled simultaneously when
employed as either ad hoc analyses or cost accounting models.
Concerning the system boundary, we must distinguish between the system
boundary for cost accounting models and for ad hoc models, as mentioned. For
cost accounting models, it is important that the boundary is defined to minimize
the number of transactions across the boundary. The length of the life cycle must
also be defined by convention, such as by 1 year, 10 years, a strategic planning
time horizon, or the life cycle of a product line. Ideally, the physical system bound-
ary should be a Strategic Business Unit (SBU), a company, or an entire organiza-
tion/corporation. At the very minimum, the business unit under study must have
clearly identifiable cost accounts or cost information in a format that can be used.
For example, making a cost model of a department in a company can be greatly
inhibited if that department does not possess clearly identifiable cost accounts and
if substantial interaction does not exist between that department and other depart-
ments. In such a case, it is usually less work to include the entire company in the
cost model than to try to create proper system boundaries. Of course, once the sys-
tem boundaries are defined, we need not study every part of the system with equal
diligence. In other words, we can focus on one particular department if we want.
Thus, once the scope of the modeling is determined, the cost objects will be
defined by default in an LCC cost accounting model.
Conversely, in an ad hoc LCC model where the cost objects are defined first,
the system boundaries are defined with respect to both time and physical exten-
sion. They are primarily designed to follow the length of the life cycle of the cost
object(s) and include all conceivable costs and revenues.
Traditionally, the ad hoc approach has been associated with engineering, while
the cost accounting approach has been associated with managers. In Activity-
Based LCC, the difference no longer exists, except when it comes to defining the
system boundaries.
When it comes to the perspective of the model—that is, whose point of view
the model represents—several perspectives are possible. The most common per-

spective is the SBU perspective, which is the perspective of the SBU where the cost
objects belong. Such a perspective will typically revolve around the operating costs
and possible liability costs in the future. Another perspective that has gained much
popularity in recent years is the shareholder perspective. The shareholder per-
spective is similar to the SBU perspective, but it also includes the cost of capital
or something similar. A perspective that is popular in LCC models used in envi-
ronmental management is the stakeholder perspective. The stakeholder perspec-
tive includes all the costs as seen by many stakeholders. In such models, it is vital
to state for what stakeholder each cost assessment is made because a cost for one
stakeholder is revenue for another and so forth.


For LCC cost accounting models, it is important to assure that the existing costing
system does not mingle overhead costs with direct costs in the Bill of Materials
(BOM). Unfortunately, mixing up overhead costs with direct costs is a common
practice, rooted in an attempt to allocate as many costs to products as possible. For
an activity-based approach (such as Activity-Based Costing or Activity-Based LCC)
to function well, it is important that the BOM does not contain any overhead costs
that are not volume related in order to reduce possible distortions to a minimum.
If overhead costs and direct costs are mixed, which they usually are, the BOM
must be cleansed for overhead costs and the costs must be transferred back to
respective overhead accounts or to new accounts needed for the analysis. Doing so
takes just as much craftsmanship and art as anything else, but with one single objec-
tive: Reduce cost assignment distortion. Typically, reviewing the cost accounting
structures is useful but not sufficient, particularly for organizations with Standard
Costing systems because all the deviations must be identified and handled.
It should be noted, as explained later in the “Step 3 Issues: The Role of the General
Ledger” section, that these problems disappear if the General Ledger is disassembled
and regrouped in an object-oriented manner. This involves a lot of work but always
yields an overall better analysis. It is usually worth doing only if the results from the
analysis are to be used in process or product design or major decisions.


Identifying the resources implies listing all the resources within the system bound-
ary and according to the objectives of the model. For example, a company can be
the system boundary for an LCC model. The objectives may include a complete
life cycle, a decade, or another time frame, but the point is that we must include

the relevant costs given the appropriate perspective. For a company, the perspec-
tive will usually either be an SBU or shareholder perspective.
If the LCC model is to be used in scenario planning or any other activity where
costs (and revenues for that matter) may or may not appear, it is important to in-
clude all possible costs, but more important to decide how to handle such costs. If
we assign probability estimates to the costs, we implicitly assume that the
Expected Monetary Value (EMV) approach is suitable, but cases occur where this
would be highly misleading.
For example, if a cost either does or does not occur (with no intermediate val-
ues), then EMV will produce the average between occurring or not. The only prob-
lem is that this average will never occur; hence, it is misleading. For large costs,
this can become inappropriate, and in such cases it is best to use indicator vari-
ables (variables that take the value of either 0 or 1) or step functions (functions that
produce only discrete outcomes such as 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on). Then assign proba-
bility values to the values in the step function. This will essentially be similar to
using a decision tree but without computing a grand, weighted average.
Resources can be refined into smaller and smaller resource elements. For exam-
ple, a building is a resource that can be split up into the resource elements such as
rent, cleaning, electricity consumption, depreciation (note that depreciation and
other calculated costs can be calculated in several ways) and insurance, which in
turn can be refined into smaller resource elements depending on what is useful
with respect to meeting the objectives of the model. Thus, we can produce resource
hierarchies, but these are virtually impossible to comprehend due to the vast num-
ber of resource elements most companies possess. Consequently, resource hierar-
chies are used.
While performing Step 3, the resources should be identified and quantified if
possible. The identification only requires the name of the resource and type, such
as depreciation, house rent, insurance, and so forth. Proper identification is impor-
tant so that the resources can be identified during the analysis. The reason for
emphasizing “if possible” is that resources directly related to the production vol-
ume and other volume-related variables will not be completely known until Step
9 is completed in simulation models.
In Figure 5.2, three different types of resources, as they relate to the production
of products P1, P2, and P3, are illustrated:

1. Volume-related resources, which in reality are only materials and possibly

but not necessarily transportation and direct labor costs.
2. A mixture of resources, which in essence are resources that are somewhat
volume related such as labor and production planning. These resources are
often in need of proper cleansing.
3. Pure overhead resources, which are typically finance, payroll, and the like.

Volume- Mixture Pure

Resource Perspective Related of Overhead
Resources Resources Resources

Activity Perspective Aij Aij +1

Product/Service Perspective P1 P2 P3

Figure 5.2 The three different types of resources.

Note that the dividing lines between the three resource categories are blurred.
This is to signify that no 100 percent clear-cut distinction exists between the three
types of resources, not even for materials. The types of resources overlap.
However, Figure 5.2 serves as a mental map during implementation because the
nonvolume-related resources will be known only after Step 9 is completed in sim-
ulation models. The mixed resources will mostly be known before Step 9 is com-
pleted, while the only resources that will be completely known at Step 3 are the
pure overhead resources.
That this may sound difficult and even unclear is nothing to be alarmed by; it
is not without reason that the volume-based costing systems lost their relevance as
they were financially and structurally oriented. They were basically too simplistic
and too aggregated to capture the reality of businesses. This goes to show that
understanding resource consumption is not as easy as taught in school. In fact,
many textbooks do not offer definitions and proper explanations of resources,
costs, capacity, and expenses, let alone the differences. One reason might be that
the traditional cost accounting systems are incapable of distinguishing between
these terms, but for activity-based approaches it is important.
For example, when simulating the costs for a machine that is currently under-
utilized, but for which utilization will increase, it is important to realize that
although the resource consumption of the machine will increase, the expenses will
remain the same (except volume-related expenses). The reason the expenses remain
the same is that the capacity is the same. In this way, the simulation model will cor-
rectly point out the fact that the economics of the machine will improve because

the expenses stay the same, while the cost of surplus capacity decreases. In other
words, the hidden factory or the waste has decreased. This example concerns just
a machine, but the same line of argument holds for an entire corporation.
For advanced models, it is consequently important to distinguish between the
resource dimension and the capacity dimension, as just explained and further
expanded on in Chapter 4. This is, however, beyond the scope of this book because
this distinction is mostly fruitful for implementations used on a continuous basis
and provided that management in the SBU is capable of utilizing such informa-
tion. Utilizing such information may sound simple but it is actually quite chal-
lenging because one must, in addition to understanding costing, also understand
enough statistics to estimate whether changes in, for example, supply and demand
are statistically significant or not. Organizations where statistical quality control
is used should have an advantage at this because statistical cost control, as we may
call what was just described, is conceptually the same.
In activity-based frameworks, resource consumption is managed by the activ-
ity consumption, which can occur in many different ways. In theory, it is said that
activities are consumed on four levels: (1) unit level, (2) batch level, (3) product
level, and (4) facility level, as discussed in the previous chapter. This is a simpli-
fication because product-line levels, brand levels, department levels, and so on are
not included. In Activity-Based LCC, models of more than four levels are
employed if needed. Hence, although Figure 5.2 is crude with respect to resource
classification, it is more representative of reality than the classification into four
activity levels. But again this discussion is related to distortion problems and one
must choose a balance between accuracy and distortion, and cost and usefulness,
which can be determined only from case to case.


In this step, every process within the system boundary is broken down into more
and more detailed processes (activities), and thereby an activity hierarchy is cre-
ated. The activities should be defined in enough detail to get reliable information.
How to do this breakdown is an art. The most important point is that the break-
down does not proceed too fast; that is, the delineation from the top activities to
the detailed activities should progress in a logical manner step by step and be con-
sistent, as illustrated in the case studies provided in this book.
It is important to relate the level of detail to the objectives of the modeling. For
example, a model for strategic analysis requires less detailed activity definitions
than a model for product design. Basically, a model not intended for any design
purposes can be less detailed than a model intended for design. The reason is that
a model for design must be capable of capturing the links between activity drivers
and design characteristics, as explained later in the “Step 6: Identify the Relation-

ships between Activity Drivers and Design Changes” section. Other models are
more purely attention-directing ones. Regardless of circumstances, activities
should not be defined in more detail than the available information allows.
When identifying the activities, each activity should be labeled in a special
manner (see Figure 5.3). This method makes it easy to see where the activities
belong in the activity hierarchy and it saves a lot of space. Also, naming activities
in a meaningful way is important. The names should be expressed as verbs plus an
object. For example, an activity should be called Package Product and not Product
Packaging or simply Packaging. This may seem like semantics, but it is in fact
important for one reason: “a verb as attention director signals that continuous
improvement is the new paradigm for the company.”2 Verbs also better describe
what is actually being done. Using nouns to describe an activity easily hides the
real content of the activity.
The activity hierarchy looks like any other hierarchy, as shown in Figure 5.4. It
is important to note that the activity hierarchy shown in the figure is not easy to
use for large models because the hierarchy does not fit on a single page or a com-
puter screen. Activity hierarchies are therefore commonly presented as tables, as
shown in the case studies in this book. Such tables, however, should be interpreted
just like a hierarchy.
When the activity hierarchy is set up, the lowest level of activities, A11 through
Anm, is represented in an activity network, as shown Figure 5.5. The purpose is
mainly to show which products consume which activities, the order of consump-
tion, and important decisions involved. This is important to know when designing
the model because otherwise the wrong products may be associated with the wrong
activities or wrong decisions, which would cause fundamental errors in the model.

Ai j k l m and so on

Identification number for fifth-level activity

Identification number for fourth-level activity

Identification number for third-level activity

Identification number for second-level activity

Identification number for first-level (top) activity

Figure 5.3 Activity notation.


A1 A2 An

A11 A12 A 1k A21 A22 A 2l An1 A n2 A nm

Figure 5.4 Generic activity hierarchy.

Also, the activity network can help identify what a decision (the diamond-
shaped node) is really about. For example, if Product A is associated with a Yes in
Decision Node A, we see immediately that Product A will incur Activity Alk and
then activities A21, A22, A2k, An2, and An3.
The activity network in Figure 5.5 is not detailed, yet it suffices for most cases.
In cases where detailed process mapping is required or desirable, it is probably bet-
ter to use IDEF0 charts for the most critical parts of the process. The preferred
approach, particularly for design purposes, is to use action charts.3

A A1k

A11 Yes
A21 A22 A2k

An1 An2 An3


Aij Activity no. ij node A Decision node A

Figure 5.5 Generic activity network.



The purpose of resource drivers is to trace how the activities consume resources,
while activity drivers are to trace how the cost objects consume activities. When
identifying these drivers, it is crucial that they are chosen to represent as closely as
possibly the actual consumption as described by cause-and-effect relationships.
That is, the drivers are to represent cause-and-effect relationships between activi-
ties and resources and between cost objects and activities. However, it is important
to keep in mind that the cost of implementation versus the simplicity/accuracy of
the implementation must be decided. Basically, the more accurate the implementa-
tion, the more costly and more troublesome it is to maintain if that is an issue.
Note that in cases where only one cost object is studied, only resource drivers
are needed because all activities are related completely to a single cost object.
When the drivers are identified, the consumption intensities must be identified
when possible. Two types of consumption intensities exist: fixed and variable. A
fixed consumption intensity is a consumption intensity that does not vary as the
magnitude of the drivers (such as the material prices) changes. This is typically the
case for direct costs.
A variable consumption intensity, in contrast, varies as the magnitude of the
drivers varies, such as the machine-hour price. This is found by dividing the total
resources associated with that driver by the total number of driver units. For exam-
ple, if an activity costs $10,000 and 200 direct labor hours are associated with it,
the consumption intensity becomes $50 per direct labor hour. Variable consump-
tion intensities therefore usually are not known until the model is finished and they
typically belong to overhead costs.


In this step, we need to distinguish between two different design approaches. The
simplest is when we want to select from several options. Here no relationships are
needed since we are not interested in changing the design, only selecting. The most
common case, however, is that some relationships take place.
Relationships can be anything from explicit mathematical functions to action
charts. Mathematical functions are very accurate but are equally difficult to
establish. Hence, mathematical functions are rarely used.4 When the relationships
are modeled as mathematical relationships, the Activity-Based LCC model
becomes a mix that includes an LCC cost accounting model and the three other
ways of performing LCC discussed in the “Four Ways of LCC” section in
Chapter 2, particularly engineering cost methods.

At the other end of the scale are action charts where no explicit relations exist
between design parameters and activity drivers. This gives greater flexibility, and
action charts are therefore superb at directing attention toward any design changes
in general, not just product changes. Action charts are also useful tools for per-
formance measurements such as quality and time since they are time based and
quality measures such as the scrapping percentage and the like can be easily facil-
The action charts used in Activity-Based LCC are modified from action charts
found in the literature.6 Action charts are discussed in more detail later in the “Step
4 Issues: Building Submodels” section.


Chapter 3 discussed the various ways of modeling uncertainty (and risk). What is
important to emphasize is that Monte Carlo methods, or simulation techniques,
enable the most versatile handling of uncertainty.
In Activity-Based LCC Monte Carlo simulations, techniques are employed to
find numerically how the assumption cells (where the uncertainty is modeled in
the spreadsheet model) affect the forecast cells. An assumption cell can be viewed
as a source variable (any design or process parameter can be an assumption cell)
whose variability (modeled as uncertainty distributions) inflicts changes in the
forecast cell(s). A forecast cell is essentially a response variable whose response
is measured statistically.
The response is measured statistically because a Monte Carlo simulation is a
numerical approximation method. The problem with measuring the response sta-
tistically is that the number of trials in the simulation and the sampling technique
affect the reliability of the model due to unwanted random effects. The larger the
models, the more care must be exercised, but it is no problem as long as a few sim-
ple guidelines are followed, as shown in the case studies.
To explain further, consider the example in Figure 5.6. The model in this exam-
ple is simply Product Cost ⫽ Direct Labor ⫹ Material, where Direct Labor and
Material are assumption cells and Product Cost is the forecast cell. Direct Labor
is modeled as a triangular uncertainty distribution with a mean of $12 and lower
and upper bounds of $4 and $20, respectively. Material is modeled as an elliptical
uncertainty distribution with a mean of $10 and lower and upper bounds of $5 and
$15, respectively.
The key issue is how these two assumption cells will affect the forecast cell. To
find out, we run a Monte Carlo simulation. We see the three first trials: $4 ⫹ $6 ⫽
$10, $12 ⫹ $8 ⫽ $20, and $20 ⫹ $15 ⫽ $35. The numbers in the assumption cells
are picked randomly within the modeled distribution. This means that if we picked

Assumption Cells
Forecast Cell
Chosen uncertainty
Statistical distribution

Spreadsheet Model
Product Cost = Direct Labor + Material
Direct Labor
Trials: $4, $12, $20, etc.

Product cost
= Results: $10, $20, $35, etc.

Note that the forecast cell is always a histogram

(frequency chart), but the width of each column
can be changed—and therefore the histogram.
Trials: $6, $18, $15, etc.

Figure 5.6 A SRS Monte Carlo simulation example. Source: B. Bras and J.
Emblemsvåg, “Designing for the Life-Cycle: Activity-Based Costing and Uncertainty,”
Design for X, ed. G.Q. Huang. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996, pp. 398—423.

infinite numbers from Direct Labor, and afterward drew a histogram, the histogram
would look exactly like the triangular distribution. After all the trials have been
run, a histogram of the forecast cell is created; this is a graphical view of the fore-
cast cell and how it is numerically approximated to vary as a response to the uncer-
tainty in the assumption cells. Each estimate for the Product Cost is stored in the
computer and an ordinary statistical analysis is performed on these stored values
as if they were obtained by a real-life experiment. In other words, we are running
a virtual experiment in a virtual world, where the virtual world is defined in the
model as assumption cells, forecast cells, and model relationships.
We have so far discussed how to design the Activity-Based LCC model. The
remaining three steps are calculation steps. Note that in a simulation model, Step
9 proceeds Step 8 for the reasons explained at the beginning of this chapter.


To estimate the cost of an activity, the resource driver is multiplied by its con-
sumption intensity. This is done for all the activities and then is summed up to pro-
duce the total cost of all the activities, which is the Bill of Activities (BOA). Tables
4.30 and 4.31 in Chapter 4 are good illustrations of this step.


Step 9 works the same way as Step 8. The only difference is that in Step 8 resources
are traced to activities, whereas in this step activity costs are traced to cost objects.
From this, it is evident that Step 8 is the first step in an ABC system, whereas Step
9 is the second step. A good illustration for this step is Table 4.34 in Chapter 4.
When it comes to choosing performance measures, Economic Profit (EP) is
highly recommended in most cases. Even without using EP as a performance
measure, we must nonetheless have an idea about which discount factor should be
used in the Net Present Value (NPV) calculations when they are applicable (see
Glossary). This discount factor is also known as the discount rate, interest rate, or
Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR) in the literature.
The purpose of using discount factors is that earning a dollar today is better than
earning a dollar tomorrow. Basically, discount factors take into account the alter-
native or opportunity cost of capital, including time and risk. In some cases, how-
ever, other considerations should come before the time cost of capital, such as the
future. For example, if we are to investigate environmental issues, particularly from
a public organization’s point of view, we cannot discount the future because all gen-
erations must be treated equally. One cannot discount the future if one seriously
seeks sustainability. The overriding objective in choosing discount factors must be
that the choice is coherent with the overall mission of the organization. Otherwise,
discord will exist between objectives and their decision support.

Cost of Capital in For-Profit Organizations

For-profit organization capital has many sources, such as:

● Cash advances (typical in the construction industry)

● Bank loans (short and long term)
● Loans against inventory
● Loans against accounts receivable
● Delaying payment on accounts payable
● Bond issues
● Preferred stock issues
● Common stock issues
● Retained earnings

Most of these are, however, usually small compared to the two main sources:
equity and debt. The cost of capital should reflect this. A sound measure for the
cost of capital in for-profit organizations, therefore, is the Weighted Average Cost
of Capital (WACC). Table 5.1 shows the calculation of WACC. It has two struc-

Table 5.1 Example of Calculating WACC

Description Value Definition
Cost of equity:
Risk-free rate 6% Current long-term government bond rate
Beta (␤) 1.1 Individual stock volatility versus market
Market risk premium (Mp) 6% Fifty-year average
Cost of equity 12.6% ⫽ Rf ⫹ (␤ ⫻ Mp)
Cost of debt: 7% Company’s current weighted average
borrowing rate (short and long term)
Tax cost 2.8% Assumes 40 percent marginal tax rate
After tax cost of debt 4.2%
Capital structure:
Equity 70% Equity/(equity ⫹ debt)
Debt 30% Debt/(equity ⫹ debt)
WACC 10.1% ⫽ Equity ⫻ cost of equity ⫹ debt ⫻ after
tax cost of debt

tures, namely, the cost of equity and the cost of debt. WACC is simply a weighted
average of these two main costs. The cost of debt is the interest rates paid for the
various loans.
The cost of equity, however, is a more interesting topic to discuss. We should
be aware of a couple of facts concerning determining the cost of equity:
● Using the long-term government bond rate is only one of two common
approaches. It is used in Table 5.1. Another approach is to use treasury bills,
which are more risk free than government bonds, but bonds have a distinct
advantage in that they better reflect expected future interest rates than treas-
ury bills.7 In the United States, many companies use the 10-year U.S.
Treasury bond.8
● To infer investors’ expectations for the market risk premium, one must look
at periods longer than a year, and “conventional wisdom suggests one should
select the longest period possible.”9
The cost of capital is subsequently found by multiplying WACC by the net
assets employed, which is defined as the net working capital plus the net fixed cap-
ital. Thus, if a company has $100 in net assets and a WACC of 10.1 percent, the
cost of capital, or capital charge, is $10.10.
Many in the literature discuss many more discounting factors, such as the
borrowing rate offered by banks. However, they do not emphasize that for a com-
pany, all capital is capital. You can borrow money to finance a project, but ulti-
mately it will be difficult to say that certain capital is borrowed while the other
capital is equity or other loans. The reason is that everything is interrelated in an

organization. It would be like saying that eating breakfast provides nutrition for
the arm and leg muscles while lunch is for the brain, and so on.
Some may argue that in for-profit organizations we can also use an external
measure of the cost of capital such as the rate of borrowing capital in the market-
place. I strongly disagree, because such external measures implicitly assume that
placing capital externally is a viable opportunity, or alternative, for the decision
maker. Thus, such practices effectively drain the company of capital and thereby
reduce its capability to create value over time. External measures are only finan-
cially viable in the short term; they ruin the company in the long run. In my opin-
ion, for-profit organizations should use internal, consistent measures of the cost of
capital, such as WACC, because such organizations must generate profit by their
own business processes and capital.

Cost of Capital in the Public Sector

The public sector has features that make the for-profit discount factors unsuitable,
at least without adaptation. Three main types of discount factors are used in the
public sector:
1. The long-term government bond rate This represents the rate paid by
the government in order to acquire capital from sources other than taxes. For
public organizations that cannot issue bonds, this is close to the rate of bor-
rowing capital in the marketplace.
2. The social opportunity cost rate This is the rate whereby government
projects generate a return at least equal to the private sector projects dis-
placed by the government applying funds to the investment.
3. The social time preference rate This discount rate reflects the rate of return
by the community at large to forgo the current consumption for future genera-
tions. The government project is thus only undertaken if, in the eyes of the com-
munity, it provides an acceptable trade-off between current and future costs.
The long-term government rate obviously does not reflect the alternative cost
of capital well on a project level; it is more a reflection of macroeconomic gov-
ernment policy. The two other approaches are more subject to politics because they
are not so clear-cut. Some may argue that if the public sector cannot do a job with
less funding than the private sector, the private sector should do the job (the sec-
ond type in the list above). Others may think that one should find an acceptable
discount factor whereby a sound trade-off between current and future costs can be
made (the third type). Of these three approaches, only the second type actually rep-
resents an alternative cost, while the third is more a trade-off cost; that is, we can-
not decide which alternative to choose.
We could, however, also apply the WACC principles to the public sector.
Instead of using equity, since the public sector has no equity, we could, for exam-

ple, use taxes (corporate and individual) as capital with a cost equal to the annual
inflation in the economy. The debt works the same way in both the public and pri-
vate sectors. Then a project would be acceptable if it could provide a return higher
than the weighted average cost of capital of taxes and debts.
A final but crucial issue is the fact that the public sector, at least in Norway, does
not follow the same accounting principles as the private sector. The underlying
assumption of all use of discounting factors (one dollar today is better than one
tomorrow) may not be relevant. The reason is that most organizations in the pub-
lic sector spend their funds according to their budgets. This means that time is
close to irrelevant in the public sector; the only thing that matters is the size of their
budgets this year because that is what they can spend. In a situation like this, using
discount factors becomes somewhat artificial because one dollar today is one dol-
lar tomorrow or whatever the politicians decide.
Before discussing how to handle inflation, it should be noted that in non-
governmental organizations (NGO), which are nonprofit organizations, discount
rates should be chosen from case to case. The reason is that NGOs play a role that
they define themselves, and the chosen role should be reflected in their choice of
discount factors.

Handling Inflation
Before we can talk about handling inflation, we must first learn a little bit about
it. Inflation may be defined as “persistent increases in the general level of
prices.”10 Furthermore, “it can be seen as a devaluing of the worth of money.” To
exemplify the concept, if the annual inflation is 5 percent through the year 2000,
then a $100 bill in the beginning of January 2000 will be worth $95 one year
later in terms of purchasing power despite the fact that the bill is still a $100 bill.
In other words, the usefulness of the $100 bill as a means to exchange goods and
services has decreased by 5 percent. Over a long time, this will lead to the $100
bill having virtually no value. For this reason, and the consequences it leads to,
“inflation ranks with unemployment as one of the two major macroeconomic
diseases.”11 Note that inflation usually differs from industry sector to industry
sector and between goods. If we talk about a certain item and the price increase
associated with it, that is often called price escalation, or simply escalation,
rather than inflation although the same mechanism is behind it.
Inflation has numerous causes. The most popular arguments are that inflation
is caused by:
● Excess demand in the economy—demand-pull inflation
● High costs—cost-push inflation
● Excessive increases in the money supply—monetarism

Regardless of the causes behind inflation, it reduces the value of money. For
organizations, this is important to take into account; otherwise, an apparently prof-
itable project may become unprofitable. Organizations must look out for at least
three situations:
1. The revenues are fixed in, for example, dollar terms. This represents a poten-
tial loss for the organization because the costs may rise while the revenues
associated with the costs do not. The profit is therefore steadily declining
and may easily become negative if inflation increases enough, since many
companies have modest operating margins.
2. Their financial assets (bonds, or equities in other companies) produce less
than inflation. Then a net decrease in value takes place. This is mostly a
problem for retirees, financial institutions, or anybody else who has sub-
stantial financial assets.
3. The costs are fixed in, for example, dollar terms. This can produce an upside
for the organization if its suppliers (of raw materials, labor, and capital) have
fixed contracts and inflation is unexpectedly high.
Because inflation is a well-known phenomenon for the marketplace, most mar-
ket participants calculate a certain amount of inflation into fixed price contracts.
Thus, inflation is only a problem as long as it is not too high (although expected)
or when it is unexpected. When it is unexpected, it leads to a reshuffling of wealth
and this is generally considered economically unfair. This represents a major risk
for fixed contracts because inflation produces economic uncertainty.
When inflation is neither too high nor unexpected, it can be dealt with in differ-
ent ways. This is done by introducing a real rate of the object of discussion. For
example, as shown in Figure 5.7, if you borrow money from the bank at 8 percent
per annum and the inflation is 3 percent, the real interest rate is 5 percent. If the
inflation turned out to become 10 percent that year, however, the real interest would
be ⫺2 percent. The bank would actually give you purchasing power although you
paid the bank 8 percent, provided you had a fixed contract with the bank.
For LCC purposes, the previous first and third bullets are those most commonly
considered. The simplest case occurs when we assume that revenues and costs are
affected the same way by inflation. In other words, the ratio of real costs and rev-
enues remains constant. In such cases, we do not need to worry about inflation in
the model. This is a sound assumption when no long fixed price/cost contracts are
to be considered and when no significant time lag exists between costs and revenues.
If either prices or costs are fixed, or if a significant time lag exists between the costs
incurred and the revenues received, inflation must be included in the LCC models.
If a time lag exists but no fixed prices or costs, the easiest way of dealing with
inflation is to adjust the discounting factor using the principle shown in Figure 5.7.
That means one must add the inflation rate to the discounting factor so that the net

Nominal Less
interest rate Inflation

interest rate


Figure 5.7 Nominal and real interest with 3 percent inflation.

effect over time is the discounting factor. This is important to remember for all
types of equivalence calculations, such as when we calculate the value of future
cash flows to an equivalent present value.
If prices/costs are fixed for a period, the easiest way to handle the situation that
is to reduce the value of the prices/costs by a factor of 1 ⫺ inflation rate. That is
done by simply multiplying the prices/costs in question by that factor. Then it is
implicitly assumed that year 0 is the base year for the calculations.
Consequently, two approaches must be used when dealing with inflation:
1. Calculate future costs and revenues using nominal dollars, that is, money not
adjusted for inflation, and then use a real discounting factor (a discounting
factor adjusted for inflation). This approach is probably easiest to apply
when a time lag exists but no fixed prices or costs. However, this approach
has a drawback, namely that inflation is assumed to be constant, and that is
simply not the case, particularly if the LCC spans many years.
2. Calculate future costs and revenues in real dollars, or money adjusted for
inflation, and then use a nominal discounting factor, which is a discounting
factor that is not adjusted for inflation. This approach is the safest to use in
most situations because inflation will change over time and this approach
allows us to handle inflation with complete flexibility.12
When it comes to the actual calculations, I would recommend using the same
practical approach to the calculations as accountants do, which is to use spread-
sheets and do each step of the LCC in a step-by-step manner. The safe accountant’s
approach is much easier to validate than formulas. The accountant’s approach is
also recommended even when inflation is not included in the calculations.

Finally, tax effects can also be included. This is most easily and safely done
by multiplying the appropriate numbers by a factor of 1 ⫺ tax rate and using the
previous real dollars calculation approach. If WACC is used as a discounting fac-
tor, caution must be exercised because WACC is normally already tax adjusted.
It is also important to be aware of the fact that organizations have many ways to
evade tax (legally) that are difficult to model well. Thus, when tax considerations
are included in a model, it is more to give an idea than to calculate the exact

Using Economic Profit as Performance Measure

Economic Profit (EP) or Economic Value Added (EVA®), as Stewart Stern &
Company in New York has trademarked EP, is an old but sound concept. As the
CFO of General Motors, Donaldson Brown, described it in 1924: “The objective of
management is not necessarily the highest rate of return on capital, but . . . to assure
profit with each increment of volume that will at least equal the economic cost of
additional capital required.”13 Thus, a cost object must be capable of producing
enough profits to also pay for its use of capital; otherwise, the company will have
to get additional funding to replace assets as they depreciate and increasingly
require more maintenance and so forth. Whatever profit is left after the cost object
has secured enough profits to replace assets is a direct measure of the value the com-
pany has generated, an economic value added. Mathematically, EP is found as
Revenues ⫺ Operating costs and expenses
⫽ Net operating profits before tax ⫺ Taxes
⫽ Net operating profits after tax (NOPAT) ⫺ Cost of capital
⫽ Economic profit
The cost of capital is frequently calculated using WACC since a company can-
not distinguish debt from equity in reality. The WACC is explained in the “Cost of
Capital in For-Profit Organizations” section.
Positive economic profit will therefore increase the book value of the company
because profits after tax are greater than the cost of capital. Over time it is believed
that systematically increasing the book value also will increase the market value.
Stewart Stern & Company has found a 44 percent correlation between the stock
price and EP, which is well above common financial measures such as Return on
Equity (24 percent) and Return on Capital (35 percent). Thus, to some extent we
can say that positive EP over time increases the likelihood of increasing the mar-
ket value.
But others disagree, stating that “neither EP nor EVA is remotely related to
shareholder wealth creation, unless of course shareholders happened to have

invested at book value.”14 This statement is too bold in my opinion, but it does have
some merit because market value is often defined as:
Market value ⫽ Book value ⫹ Intellectual capital
Thus, the more knowledge-intensive the company is, the more likely it is that
the market value/book value (M/B) ratio is large. For example, in November 1996,
the M/B ratio of Microsoft was 91.93, whereas for IBM at the same time it was
4.25. In any case, the perceived value of the intellectual capital by far dominates
the book value in the market. This might also be due to the fact that both Microsoft
and IBM are in industries that move more rapidly than other industries, and hence
the need for innovation, which by nature requires a steady flow of new knowledge,
is larger. Companies in such industries will therefore be priced more according to
expectations than according to past performance. Another reason is that for knowl-
edge-intensive companies the balance sheet reflects their true capital base only to
a minor degree. The majority of the capital is in fact in their employees’ heads and
in the IT systems.
Apparently, the link between EP and market value is somewhat unclear, at least
for some companies. But that does not deny the fact that if EP is positive, the com-
pany is generating a net positive economic value, whereas if EP is negative, eco-
nomic value is destroyed. EP is therefore probably a good indicator for many
companies, while for some companies it has more limited value. But one thing is
sure: EP cannot be significantly negative over time without having negative con-
sequences for the market value.
The destruction of economic value is in principle due to two distinct but not
mutually exclusive reasons: (1) the cost objects do not generate sufficient profit to
maintain the capital base (the net assets15), and/or (2) the capital base is too costly.
In the former case, a company must become more cost effective and/or generate
higher net revenues, while in the latter case, the company needs to sell some assets,
preferably ones that produce little, if any, operating profit.
To include EP into an Activity-Based LCC model, we rely on two critical
1. The identification and use of capital drivers whose purpose is to trace the
cost of capital. The term capital driver is analogous to resource drivers and
activity drivers found in activity-based frameworks and works the same way.
2. The computation of the cost of capital, as discussed earlier.
This section has discussed what EP is, how to calculate it, and how to interpret
it, but how does EP compare to NPV? NPV calculations are safe approaches to use
in LCC and in general, because they always produce consistent and “correct”
answers. Interestingly, the present value of future EP is identical to the NPV, how-
ever, whereas “the total NPV of the project . . . helps one understand whether the

entire project is value creating or not. In contrast, EVA is NPV by period and helps
one understand the pattern of (economic) value creation throughout the project
life.”16 EP is therefore also more suitable for identifying risks. However, the cash
flow analysis that NPV is based on can provide additional insight to better under-
stand the project’s funding requirements and cash generation patterns.

The Moving Baseline

Discounted cash flow methods, such as NPV, implicitly assume that the cash flow
remains constant if an investment is not made. In many industries, however, this is
simply not the case. A minimum degree of progress is simply needed just to remain
competitive in the marketplace, and this is in essence what the theory of the mov-
ing baseline acknowledges.
According to the theory, an “incremental cash flow attributable to a capital
investment decision is higher than the capital investment model dictates because a
company’s cash flow without the investment is unlikely to remain constant.
Therefore, the incremental cash flows that should be built into the capital invest-
ment model should be based on an assumption of declining cash flows in the
future.”17 Figure 5.8 attempts to illustrate this theory. Of course, whether the
declining baseline is linear or nonlinear is not the point here; the point is that it is
declining and that this must be taken into account. The nonlinear curves in Figure
5.8 are possible cash flow scenarios. The more comprehensive the innovation, the
higher the potential improvement, and the longer the time for positive cash flow
to occur.
This illustrates a well-known problem with the commonly applied year’s pay-
back method. The accept criteria—which is normally a maximum payback period
—can miss good long-term investments if the highest positive cash flows come late
in the project. Payback methods should therefore not be applied in LCC at all since
many LCC projects have a long-term scope.
Once the discount factors (if applicable), performance measures, and baselines
are chosen, we can finally run the Monte Carlo simulations using commercially
available software if the model is implemented in MS Excel.


How the Monte Carlo simulations and the accompanying analyses, such as sensi-
tivity analyses, work is explained extensively in Chapter 3 and will therefore not
be repeated here. This section will rather discuss some important engineering
analyses that may greatly affect life-cycle costs and how to decide whether we
should iterate the model implementation or not.

of the company innovations

The comprehensiveness

Situation Flat Baseline

for the Time
Company The deterioration
of the company due
to nonaction at a
given point in time

Declining Baseline

Figure 5.8 Moving baseline. Source: Adapted from R.A. Howell and W.A. Schwartz,
“Asset Deployment and Investment Justification,” Handbook of Cost Management, ed.
B.J. Brinker. Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham, & Lamont, 1997, pp. D4.1—D4.32.

Some Engineering Analyses

Engineering analyses may come into play because things fail, and they rarely fail
on schedule. LCC calculations that ignore such issues will therefore miss costs and
risks and hence present an erroneous reality. In this book, these issues are only
briefly discussed, but they are, however, important background information for the
design of the maintenance program for the Platform Supply Vessels (PSVs) dis-
cussed in Chapter 7.
The life-cycle cost of a product, or system, is closely related to the effectiveness
and efficiency of the product and vice versa. This is particularly true for large systems
that are open and have a long life-span. In engineering-related LCC literature, they
particularly focus on effectiveness, and the system effectiveness equation is:
System Effectiveness ⫽ (5.1)
Life⫺Cycle cost
Although cost is a resource measure, system effectiveness is a measure of the
value received, particularly value in an engineering sense. Effectiveness in

Equation 5.1, which can also be thought of as a performance measure, can be fur-
ther specified as follows:
Effectiveness ⫽ Availability ⫻ Reliability
⫻ Maintainability ⫻ Capability (5.2)
These four performance measures have values in the interval (0, 1) and are typ-
ically defined as:
Availability ⫽ (5.3)
1Uptime ⫹ Downtime2
R1t2 ⫽ e ⫺lt (5.4)

M1t2 ⫽ 1 ⫺ e ⫺mt (5.5)

Actual ouput
Capability ⫽ (5.6)
Practical output
● Uptime is the time the system is up and functioning. Downtime is basically
the opposite.
● R(t) is the reliability as a function of time.
● ␭ is the failure rate and is defined as the reciprocal of the mean time between
● M(t) is the maintainability as a function of time.
● µ is the maintenance rate and is defined as the reciprocal to the mean time to
● Practical output is the maximum practical output of the system.
These issues are discussed in greater detail by Barringer and Weber.18 However,
it should be noted that reliability and maintainability are time functions. This fact
is an important reason to include the cost of capital in the model because a time
will come when purchasing new assets becomes less costly than maintaining old
assets. Only LCC models where the cost of capital and engineering analyses are
conducted can provide decision support in this matter. Unfortunately, I have been
unable to provide a case study to illustrate this. It is, however, quite straightfor-
ward once you understand the cost of capital and engineering analyses.

Check Model and Iterate If Needed

Whether the model is satisfactory or not is a matter of how it responds to changes,
the degree of meaningfulness of the results, and whether it actually meets the
objectives specified in the beginning of the implementation. Three issues must be
considered here:

1. Check if the model meets the objectives specified in the beginning. This is
obvious but nevertheless important.
2. Go through the model to check if any computational errors have been made,
which is done by using control sums. If the control sums are equal, no com-
putational errors exist, which are the first type of errors.
3. The second type of errors is logical errors. These are much more difficult to
identify, and here sensitivity charts can be used to see if any illogic tracings
take place. Also, we sort the results in sequences to identify any weird
results, such as excessively costly products. If we find such results, we back-
track in the model and often we find either a minor computational error or a
logical error. More important, however, is the way the implementation is
done. That is why it is important when implementing activity-based systems
in general that the implementation procedure is systematic and that the peo-
ple implementing the model know what they are doing.
If the model is deemed unsatisfactory, then depending on what failed the appro-
priate steps must be iterated until the model is satisfactory. Once the model is sat-
isfactory, it can be used as specified initially.


Some steps are more difficult or more important than others. In the following sec-
tions, I try to provide more detail about the more important steps in this process.

Step 2 Issues: Data Availability

Most organizations have too much data available, but often not the data we want.
The more comprehensive LCC model we try to build, especially accounting-type
LCC models because they require more consistent information than other LCC
types, the more likely it is that we will end up in a situation where we lack the data
we ideally would like to have. Several pitfalls or challenges must be avoided if pos-
sible or addressed and stated as possible limitations in the analysis.
First, and quite commonly, the availability of data may change substantially
from one year to another in organizations where new information systems have
recently been installed. It is important to avoid data from the year in which this
installation process took place, because most likely these data are hard to export
from the system in the format we want. It is better to have reliable data from a half-
year than hard-to-export data from another year.
Second, information systems that are up and running may be difficult to export
data from if the system utilizes several databases or if there have been mergers of
information systems within the overall information system. For example, one
company I worked with had eight databases from which it was impossible to

export any useful nonfinancial information. Because of this, we could not perform
the ABC analyses we were supposed to do.
Third, if information systems have merged within the overall information sys-
tem, this may present some unexpected problems. For example, one company I
worked with had just merged two accounting systems for two divisions into one
single accounting system. This was no problem in general for the analysis, but it
did add extra work to ensure that the information we had was consistent. The only
real challenge was that it became difficult to trace parts of the material costs of
some products that were manufactured in both divisions.
Fourth, be aware that information systems are set up in certain ways and that
exporting data from them in ways they were not intentionally set up for may intro-
duce challenges. Most of these challenges can be solved by having a skillful data-
base administrator. However, sometimes the data we want has been destroyed or
is simply too difficult to get. In such cases, we must find other information we can
use. One company I worked with installed an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
system a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, the system had been installed in such
a way that all batches that ran over 24 hours were assigned new batch numbers.
Thus, it became impossible to find out how many batches of a certain product, par-
ticularly high-volume products, were produced in a year.
These are some of the potential pitfalls and challenges we may face when per-
forming economic analyses in general. Most often they are solved by either choos-
ing a different year on which to perform the base calculations or by making some
additional assumptions. However, if we cannot make any viable or sound assump-
tions, we have a problem. If the problem is large enough, the whole analysis may
have to be planned differently than originally thought. For this reason, it is impor-
tant to identify data availability problems as early as possible.
However, a particular approach may be useful if we are only interested in the
relative difference between certain items and have no better alternative. For
example, let’s say we have three products and want to know their relative con-
sumption of a machine in order to assign the correct process costs to these prod-
ucts, but we lack data. In such cases, or whenever we want to establish relative
rankings, we can use an approach called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that
Thomas L. Saaty developed in the late 1960s. AHP is a tool to aid decision
processes, but its matrix system of pair-wise comparisons can be used to subjec-
tively establish the relative importance, or weight, between objects, criteria, or
whatever we want. Even though AHP is based on subjective statements from
groups of people, experts, and so on, it has an indispensable feature that other sub-
jective methods lack, namely an internal, logical consistency check. AHP, in other
words, produces logically consistent answers. Whether this logic is consistent
with reality is, of course, an entirely different issue that only the practitioners of
the method must judge.

From the discussion in this section, it is evident that finding which data to use,
how to get the data, how to find replacement data, and so forth is not straightfor-
ward. It is possibly the most difficult part of the entire analysis because it is not
only a challenge in its own right, but it also directly affects activity definitions,
driver definitions, and even, in the worst cases, cost object definitions. The over-
riding principle of data availability is consequently the cost of obtaining the data
versus the benefit of the data. As a rule of thumb, it is therefore wise to avoid too
many activities and drivers in the LCC model because the number of activities and
drivers is the primary origin of data needs.

Step 3 Issues: Role of the General Ledger

The role of the General Ledger is important to be aware of. Ideally, the General
Ledger should be object oriented and not function oriented as today. For example,
one account may be Depreciation, which should be related to the various processes
that are depreciated. A better solution is therefore an object-oriented General Ledger
where depreciation is accounted for by the various assets, such as equipment. Hence,
when implementing Activity-Based LCC, the General Ledger should ideally be dis-
assembled and reorganized to fit an object-oriented resource hierarchy. This will
ensure a perfect fit among capacity, demand, and cost information, but unfortunately
it a lot of work to reassemble the General Ledger in such a manner.
The approach chosen by several commercial ABC software vendors is to take
the General Ledger directly as is and then break it down into various cost centers.
From the previous discussion, it is clear that it is not ideal to use the General Ledger
as it is, particularly when the results are to be used for any design purpose. If the
model is to be used for purposes where understanding the process view is not so
important, such approaches will suffice, as shown in the case in Chapter 4.
This discussion is also closely linked to the discussion on data availability, and
we realize that no single way of implementing an Activity-Based LCC model
exists; it is a matter of the objectives of the model.

Step 4 Issues: Building Submodels

One issue is particularly important to be aware of when implementing Activity-
Based LCC for large systems: Various model configurations must be employed
when handling large problems. Then one model may feed into another, which may
affect the activity definitions. Some reasons for this are:

● A corporation wants models for the various plants, which are separate busi-
ness units, and models on division levels and on corporate levels. Hierarch-
ical models19 can be employed here.

● Several plants are tightly cooperating but are separate judicial entities and
make decisions on their own. In this case, relational models20 can be
● Software limitations can make it necessary to split up models into several mod-
els. This is the situation where either submodels or relational models suffice.
In the LCC context, only submodels are applicable, so we only discuss these here.
Submodels are simply models within a governing model where the governing
model communicates one way with the submodels. The sole purpose of submod-
els is therefore to give particular attention to a defined area within the governing
model. This can be done either by using action charts or by using mathematical
functions to describe the processes. In my experience, using action charts is by far
the most versatile approach.
In both cases, however, the governing model provides the submodel with the
resource elements and other system boundaries, and then the submodel provides
insight into the part of the governing model that needs particular attention. A sub-
model is therefore like a magnifying glass, as illustrated in Figure 5.9, where we
show how an activity (Aij) can be studied in detail by investigating the actions that
it consists of.
Figure 5.10 shows how to design a submodel. The first step concerns how to
use the governing model in setting the system boundaries for the submodel(s). The
system boundaries should include at least cost objects, activities, and their associ-
ated actions. It should be noted that action chart models can be built per cost object
because the governing model ensures proper cost assignment between the various
cost objects.

Aij Aij +1
Assemble Inspect
Hammer Hammer

Creating a Hierarchical
Activity-Based LCC Model
Di mat

cti ion

on Flo

1) Take Shaft
of w

2) Put Shaft in Machine

3) Take Hammer Head
4) Put Hammer Head in
5) Start Machine
Creating an Activity-Based LCC Submodel
6) Place Hammer on

Figure 5.9 How submodels magnify aspects of the governing LCC model.

Step 1 - Define system boundaries

If needed

Step 2 - Perform process study and fill in action Step 5 - Perform Monte Carlo simulations
action chart(s) and/or establish and relevant analyses
mathematical functions

Step 3 - Design an action-based

Step 4 - Model the uncertainty
cost model using time as
action driver

Figure 5.10 Creating submodels.

Step 2 focuses on the detailed process study needed to gain further insight. The
process study should include the cost object structure, which is usually more
detailed than BOM, action sequences, time estimates, and process parameters for
use in conjunction with mathematical functions. In addition, quality measures and
links to product characteristics can be useful in relation to product design. IDEF0
charts can also be used in the process study if desired.
Steps 3, 4, and 5 are similar to Steps 7 through 10 in the governing model. The
resulting model is like a small Activity-Based LCC model with time as the only driver.

Step 5 Issues: Choosing Drivers

Choosing drivers is one of the most important aspects when implementing any
activity-based framework. Three situations are shown in Figure 5.11 and they
occur in the resource activity cost assignment and in the activity cost object cost
assignment.21 The ideal situation occurs when, for example, a resource matches an
activity one to one and an activity matches a cost object, which can be referred to
as direct attribution. This ensures a 100 percent correct tracing due to the one-to-
one match. This always occurs with material costs that can be traced to an exact
product unit. If the General Ledger is object oriented, this would be much easier
to achieve than is usually the case. This must also be taken into account when
defining the activities, resources, and cost objects.
The other extreme, the last resort so to speak, is allocation in a traditional sense
(see Glossary). This is simply a way to distribute costs arbitrarily, such as allocat-
ing production planning costs using the number of units. Clearly, this is allocation
since the planning costs are not related to the number of units produced. Allocation
must never occur for activities with high costs because that will lead to significant

Resources Legend:
First Preference
1 2 3 ... j-2 j-1 j
Second Preference
Last Resort

Through Allocation


1 2 3 ... k-2 k-1 k

Through Allocation

Cost Objects

1 2 3 ... m-2 m-1 m

Figure 5.11 Preferences for driver identification. Source: Adapted from M.R. Ostrenga,
“Activities: The Focal Point of Total Cost Management,” Management Accounting,
February 1990, pp. 42—49.

In between these two extremes, we have assignments by drivers called tracing,

the second preference in Figure 5.11. When choosing drivers, three issues must
always be considered:
1. The ease of obtaining data required by a particular driver
2. The correlation between the consumption of an activity implied by that
driver and the real consumption
3. The behavioral effects a driver can induce
It is important to be aware of the fact that sometimes drivers cannot be identi-
fied using a single measurable variable, such as labor hours. One must simply be
creative and come up with a combination of measurable variables and combine
them to form a driver in a way that gives a high correlation between the driver and
the actual consumption. This can be difficult particularly for support activities,
ones not directly related to production.
In one project, this was done for a purchasing activity: The ideal driver would
be the number of purchase orders per product, but this information was not read-

ily available, so a second-best solution was found—identifying the total number

of purchase orders and how many articles were checked for every order. This infor-
mation was combined as Purchase Order Articles. Then how many of the various
articles a product consumed were identified, thereby creating a quite reliable
driver, although it had no physical meaning.
It is extremely important that the drivers, activities, and resources are defined so
that the distortion in the model is as low as economically feasible (due to budget
constraints). It is therefore vital to work with the best and brightest who know their
organization thoroughly. Activity-Based LCC models, as well as ABC systems, per-
form rather differently depending on the level of skills of those implementing them.
To ensure the high quality of the implementation of activity-based systems,
some rules of thumb can be useful, given a certain implementation budget:
● Secure ownership of the system Preferably, this should be someone at an
executive level who can directly use the results in his or her own work.
● Ensure that the implementation team contains at least one person who
has a holistic picture of the cost objects, such as a plant manager or a
similar employee Also, people with thorough knowledge of the various
functions and processes in the company need to be involved. Specifically,
there should invariably be people from management, marketing, production,
and design.
● Define activities, resources, and drivers so that as many one-to-one
matches as possible can be achieved Then concentrate on finding good
drivers for all the significant resource elements. This is crucial in order to min-
imize distortion of the system. Allocating up to 10 percent of the total over-
head costs is acceptable if it is difficult to identify drivers at a reasonable cost.
● Address the issues of maintaining the model early That is, never imple-
ment a model that is impossible to maintain within an acceptable budget.
Keep in mind the good advice from Robin Cooper: “The premise for design-
ing a new ABC system should be: ‘It is better to be approximately right than
exactly wrong.’”22

All Steps: Think Continuous Improvement

Even when a satisfactory solution is found, the constantly changing market con-
ditions make it important to continuously improve whatever processes must
undergo enhancements. It is also vital to keep in mind that success stems from the
famous Total Quality Management (TQM) dictum “do it right the first time.”
Hence, the improvement efforts must be directed toward where they make the most
difference. That is the primary goal of activity-based approaches in general and of
Deming’s concept of “profound knowledge.”

Profound knowledge signifies that gathering the right data from the right
sources at the right time, and then using the right resources to make the right inter-
pretations, leads to the right actions to improve quality.23 Deming understood at
least by the 1950s the importance of continuous improvement, and central in his
thinking was what later became known as the Deming Cycle (see Figure 5.12),
which is essential in continuous improvement thinking as well.
The four sectors—Simulation, Proactive, Assessment (or Accounting), and
Reactive—relate the Deming Cycle to Activity-Based LCC directly. Simulation
and assessment provide attention direction for the other two sectors.
The Deming Cycle consists of four steps:
1. The company should plan what to accomplish over a period of time and
what it is going to do to get there. Activity-Based LCC can be helpful in this
process in terms of simulation capabilities so that the critical success factors
can be known up front and the impact of uncertainty can be assessed.
2. The company should then do what furthers the goals and strategies devel-
oped previously. The identification of the critical success factors is crucial
in this stage because it allows proactive management of what is critical.
3. The company should then check the results of its actions to ensure a satis-
factory fit with the goals. This is the easiest way to employ Activity-Based
LCC because it is a simple after-calculation, or backcasting.
4. The company should then act to eliminate possible differences between the
actual performance and the goals stated up front. This reactive way of act-
ing is not discussed in the case studies.
It is important to realize that continuous improvement applies not only to prod-
ucts, services, and systems but also to measurement systems such as an Activity-

Reactive Simulation

Act Plan

Check Do

Assessment Proactive

Figure 5.12 The Deming cycle in an activity-based LCC context.


Based LCC model. Spending too much time on making the perfect model is usu-
ally counterproductive because the owners of the model typically need results, not
lengthy explanations of why the model is not yet finished. Also, most models
require changes after their initial design, either to answer questions about func-
tions other than what the models were originally designed for or because their
logic must be refined.
The second implementation of Activity-Based LCC will most likely be better
than the first implementation and so on. It is therefore important not to pursue per-
fection in the beginning because it is too time consuming. Rather, seek perfection
over time in understanding, application, and improvement. As Chan (Zen) Master
Jiantang Ji said:

Who has no faults? Excellence is a matter of reforming them.

And the reformation takes time, as this Zen saying indicates:
Those in a hurry do not arrive.

1. This approach is the result of my Ph.D. work and has been published in numerous
papers and in a book, Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Management: A
Different Approach to the ISO 14000 Compliance, by J. Emblemsvåg and B. Bras,
Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
2. J.A. Miller, “Designing and Implementing a New Cost Management System.”
Journal of Cost Management, Winter 1992, pp. 41—53.
3. For further details, see J. Emblemsvåg, “Activity-Based Life-Cycle Assessments in
Design and Management.” Ph.D. Dissertation. Atlanta, GA: George W. Woodruff,
School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999, p. 600.
4. A case where mathematical functions were employed is in the design of a vehicle
for handicapped persons discussed in J. Emblemsvåg’s master’s thesis, “Activity-
Based Costing in Designing for the Life-Cycle,” Atlanta, GA: George W. Woodruff,
School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995, p. 300.
5. In my Ph.D. dissertation (see note 3), I have discussed this in detail and also pro-
vided a good case from a furniture manufacturer in Norway.
6. Specifically, the action charts in W. Beitz, M. Suhr, and A. Rothe’s, “Recyclingorien-
tierte Waschmachine,” Berlin: Institut für Machinenkonstruktion—Konstruktion-
technik, Technische Universität, 1992. This report is in German.
7. For more details, see E. Dimson, P. Marsh, and M. Staunton, “Risk and Return in
the 20th and 21st Centuries,” Business Strategy Review 11 (2), 2000, pp. 1—18.
8. According to S. Godfrey and R. Espinosa, “A Practical Approach to Calculating
Costs of Equity for Investments in Emerging Markets,” Journal of Applied
Corporate Finance, vol. 9, Fall 1996, pp. 80—89.
9. Dimson, Marsh, and Staunton, “Risk and Return.”

10. G. Bannock, R.E. Baxter, and E. Davis, Dictionary of Economics. London: Penguin
Books, 1999, p. 439.
11. P. Wonnacott and R. Wonnacott, Economics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990,
p. 804.
12. S.K. Fuller and S.R. Petersen, Life Cycle Costing Manual for the Federal Energy
Management Program. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996,
p. 210.
13. A.P. Sloan, My Years at General Motors. New York: Doubleday, 1990, p. 472.
14. D.B. Kilroy, “Creating the Future: How Creativity and Innovation Drive Share-
holder Wealth.” Management Decision 37 (4), 1999, pp. 363—371.
15. The gross asset value must be corrected for depreciation because depreciation is
included in the operating costs and we must avoid double-counting. Be aware of the
fact that depreciation is a calculated cost and three main avenues exist for calculat-
ing it:
● Linear depreciation, which implies that the asset loses an equal amount of value
per period. This is the most common and crudest approach.
● Accelerated depreciation in which the value loss of the asset accelerates accord-
ing to its age. This approach has several variants.
● Activity-based depreciation, where the value of the asset is reduced by the ratio
between the actual use of the asset and the estimated useful life of the same asset.
16. For more details, see T. Gandhok, A. Dwivedi, and J. Lal, “EVAluating Mergers and
Acquisitions: How to Avoid Overpaying.” Mumbai, India: Stern Stewart & Co.,
2001, p. 8.
17. R.A. Howell and W.A. Schwartz, “Asset Deployment and Investment Justification.”
Handbook of Cost Management, ed. B.J. Brinker. Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham &
Lamont, 1997, pp. D4.1—D4.32.
18. H.P. Barringer and D.P. Weber, “Life Cycle Cost Tutorial.” Fifth International
Conference on Process Plant Reliability, 1996. Houston, TX: Gulf Publishing
Company and Hydrocarbon Processing.
19. See note 3.
20. See note 3.
21. Note that cost objects consume activities, which in turn consume resources as meas-
ured by costs. Thus, strictly speaking, no direct cost assignment exists between an
activity and a cost object, but rather an activity consumption assignment indirectly
produces a cost assignment.
22. R. Cooper, “Implementing an Activity-Based Cost System.” Journal of Cost
Management, Spring 1990, pp. 33—42.
23. S.M. Hronec and S.K. Hunt, “Quality and Cost Management.” Handbook of Cost
Management, ed. J.B. Edwards. Boston, MA: Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1997,
pp. A1.1—A1.42.
Randi Carlsen
Sagex Petroleum AS

Continue to contaminate your bed and you will one night suffocate in your
own waste.
Chief Seattle (Sealth)
All around the world car tires are worn out in massive quantities every year—
Norway is no exception. Some places have systems that collect and dispose, recy-
cle, and/or reuse the tires, whereas other places lack such systems. Depending on
whether such a system exists or not, tires can be either a useful resource or a major
waste problem.
When tires are treated as waste, problems arise from the fact that tires are bulky
and difficult, if not impossible, to compress and keep compressed. In turn, this cre-
ates a superb breeding ground for rodents and insects while simultaneously caus-
ing stability problems for the disposal sites. Also, the possibility of fire and the
associated environmental hazards makes tires unwanted material for disposal sites.
Managing tires at the end of their life is therefore important. This case study
investigates what can be done if a system is lacking and a large pile of tires is wait-
ing in the forest, so to speak. The case presented here is a reworking and extension
of a project that Randi Carlsen and Jon-Arve Røyset did during the spring of 2000
at the University of Oslo in Norway.
Two disposal sites for unwanted tires are located in the county of Ullensaker,
north of Oslo. The largest site is the one at Østli, which contains roughly 100,000
tires, while the site at Borgen is somewhat smaller. Since 1992, Ullensaker offi-
cials, the Statens Forurensingstilsyn (SFT),2 landowners, the Sessvollmoen mili-
tary base, and other neighbors have wanted to remove the tires (and other scrap)
from Østli, but it took about 10 years before the tires were removed.
The question was what should be done about the disposal site, and if the tires were
to be removed, what would be the best way of removing them from Østli? The cho-
sen approach must incur the least possible overall damage to the environment and

inconvenience to humans. Equally important, the solution must be as effective as

possible from a macroeconomic point of view. Because of pending ownership and
legal issues, the solution had to balance these with the economic and environmental
aspects. In other words, this case had three dimensions (economic, environmental,
and legal), of which this book focuses on the economic aspects. The environmental
and legal factors are included only to the extent that they have an economic impact.
These issues were discussed thoroughly and possible solutions were found by
Carlsen and Røyset in their report to which interested readers are referred.1 In the
next section, we discuss the decision in more detail, but first we describe the his-
tory of this project.
First, we discuss how the traditional Life-Cycle Costing (LCC) approach can
be implemented. We also include an uncertainty analysis using uncertainty distri-
butions and Monte Carlo methods. Second, how the Activity-Based LCC approach
can be employed is shown. Third, a discussion of the case study is provided.
Note that the currency in Norway is Norske Kroner (NOK). The exchange rate
between NOK and U.S. dollars is roughly 8:1 over the last couple of years; that is,
$1 equals NOK 8. To make the discussion less confusing, I have simply replaced
NOK with USD ($) without correcting for the exchange rate and purchasing power
differences. To make real cost comparisons, both exchange rate differences as well
as purchasing power differences must be included, but that is not done here because
those vary from year to year.
Environmental and legal issues of economic importance will be explained as
needed as the case study proceeds. It should be mentioned that a legal disagreement
exists concerning who should pay for cleaning up the site. In this case, it is assumed
that the county of Ullensaker is paying. The alternatives are therefore formulated
from the perspective of Ullensaker.


Several decisions must be made in this case, but primarily a decision-maker in
Ullensaker must consider three possible major options. The first is to continue as
before, that is, to do nothing. This option, which is the baseline, is denoted as
Alternative 1. But just because nothing is done, that does not mean that nothing
will, or may, happen. For example, what if the tires catch fire, what if toxic sub-
stances leak into the groundwater reservoir beneath, which is Norway’s largest,
and what if an accident occurs due to the fact that children often play in the site?
A fire will increase the risk of environmental hazards. A large amount of black,
toxic, and polluting smoke and ash will be released during a fire. The pollution will
consist mainly of substances like carbon monoxide (CO), soot, sulfur dioxide
(SO2), and substances that increase the risk of cancer. In addition to these envi-
ronmental hazards, the thick smoke may force the nearby Oslo Gardermoen

International Airport to close until the fire is extinguished. Closing the airport will
naturally have substantial economic effects. Finally, the rubber in the tires is a
resource that can be used, but in Alternative 1 it is wasted. Evidently, doing noth-
ing can have substantial negative consequences. The only upside of doing nothing
is that the expenses are few and known, at least in the short run.
The second option, Alternative 2, is to recycle the tires to reclaim rubber. This
alternative involves removing and transporting the tires away from their current
location, sending them to a recycler, recycling the rubber, and eliminating all the
risks. Although this option is potentially the most costly for Ullensaker, it is pos-
sibly the best option from a macroeconomic perspective.
The third option, Alternative 3, is to put the tires in a proper depot. This is essen-
tially the same as Alternative 2 except that the tires are transported to a proper
waste depot where the environmental risks are controlled and the impact of a fire
is mitigated. The potential risk of shutting down Oslo International Airport is prac-
tically eliminated; however, the rubber is still wasted and the legal issues around
using a depot to dispose of tires remain. Alternative 3 might, in fact, turn out to be
nonviable due to legal issues.
The three options are summarized in Table 6.1, which lists strengths and weak-
nesses. Opportunities can become future strengths, while threats are potential
problems that may follow each option.

Table 6.1 Three Decision Options

Alt. Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
1 Do Money saved in A resource is Environmental
nothing the short term. wasted. hazards.
The site is illegal. Risk of closing
Int. Airport.
2 Recycle All risks are May prove costly Overall Lack of funding.
tires eliminated. for Ullensaker. macroeconomic
benefits from
tire recycling.
3 Dispose Environmental A resource The risks are
of tires risks are (rubber) is prevented but
properly prevented. wasted. not eliminated.
Impact of fire Possible legal
is mitigated. issues may
The risk of closing render the
down Oslo alternative
Gardermoen Int. infeasible.
Airport is Lack of funding.

We see that Alternative 2 is the best from a risk management perspective

because the risks are eliminated, while Alternative 3 is basically a major risk man-
agement exercise. Doing nothing has potential large liabilities but costs nothing
right now. Thus, Ullensaker faces a classic choice between short-term spending
and long-term benefits.


The traditional LCC approach to decision-support problems of this kind is to first
identify all cost and revenue elements associated with each option. Then identify
potential risks and find a suitable discounting factor and time horizon. The over-
all economic performance is calculated as a Net Present Value (NPV).
This is what was done here too, and each option is discussed in the following
three sections. To find the best alternative, we perform an uncertainty analysis, and
investigate what value it can provide to the decision makers.
But first we should clarify what perspective we use; costs and revenues are after
all only a matter of perspective in a value chain. We have chosen to perform the
analysis using Ullensaker’s point of view. Also, we have chosen to include costs
that are, strictly speaking, external to Ullensaker, but for which it can be argued
that Ullensaker is liable. This includes costs that may be associated with accidents
and shutting down Oslo Gardermoen International Airport.

Alternative 1: Do Nothing
If we do nothing, 100,000 tires will still be lying around 20 years from now. This
will have three consequences: (1) accidents, (2) fires, and (3) environmental prob-
lems. These three categories, which represent possible future liability costs, are
discussed in more detail below.

Possible Costs of Accidents

A mountain of old tires is often an interesting playground for children, but the
inherent instability of the tires may cause accidents, even fatal ones. Even though
this may sound sinister, in an LCC we must try to quantify these costs too. For the
parents involved, this is impossible, but we must try to make an assessment.
It is particularly children between the ages of 7 and 15 who may find this tire
site interesting. The neighborhood has about 35 children in that age group.
Although children are unaware of all the dangers involved, they are somewhat
aware that they must be careful in the dump. The accidents that may take place are
therefore normally less dangerous. The costs of such accidents are difficult to
assess because they depend heavily on the type of accident.

In our cost assessment, we therefore limit ourselves to fatal accidents. To cal-

culate the costs of a lost life, we need to introduce the concept of a statistical life.
As Schelling put it, “It’s not the worth of human life I shall discuss, but of ‘life-
savings,’ of preventing death. And it is not a particular death, but a statistical
death.” In Norway, Elvik has calculated the value of a statistical life in relation to
traffic deaths to be $10 million. We use the same number for our purpose, but we
need to assess the chance of occurrence—the probability—of a life being lost as
well. According to Ståle Navrud, the probability can be set to roughly 0.1 percent
or 1 death in 1,000 lives.
To estimate the cost of losing a statistical life, we simply multiply the value of
a statistical life by the chance of occurrence, which yields $10,000. What we essen-
tially have done is calculate the Expected Monetary Value (EMV) of a life and then
explain that a loss of life will occur in 1 out of 1,000 times.

Possible Costs of Fires

Anybody who has witnessed a rubber fire will never forget the immensely thick
and black smoke. Neither will those who lived near Østli during the 1995 fire,
when 20,000 to 30,000 tires went up in smoke. Luckily, due to the rapid response
of several fire corps in the vicinity, the fire was contained and extinguished after
only five hours. The fire, however, reemerged twice during the week that followed.
The cost of these operations amounted to $208,000, but there were also costs
not possible to quantify, such as the costs of inconvenience for all the inhabitants
and businesses in the area. In this case study, these costs are ignored in the calcu-
lations but acknowledged. Our cost estimate is therefore slightly optimistic.
Since Østli first was utilized for disposal purposes in 1975, there has been one
major fire, and that can be used as a premise for quantifying the probability of the
future occurrence of fires. It should be noted that there were arson investigations, but
the evidence was inconclusive and the case was closed. Nevertheless, if we assume
that fires in the future will occur as often as in the past, we can say that in 1 out of the
20 years there was a fire. In other words, there is a 5 percent probability of fire.
If we utilize the EMV concept as before, we find that the annual cost is 5 per-
cent of $208,000, or $10,400. Today, however, the costs are likely to be much
higher because in 1996 the new national airport of Norway opened just a few miles
away. This airport, Oslo Gardermoen International Airport, has about 300 arrivals
and departures every day. If a fire like this took place today, it is virtually guaran-
teed that air traffic will be affected. How much the air traffic would have been
affected, however, is very difficult to quantify since it depends significantly on the
weather and the time of the day and week. But in the worst case it would be a com-
plete shutdown, which would cost the airlines roughly $180 million per day
according to the air traffic controller at Oslo Gardermoen. Weather reports from

Det Norske Meteorologiske Institutt (the Norwegian Meteorological Institute)

indicate that the weather is likely to be unfavorable 20 percent of the time.
If we combine the weather probability with the fire probability, we see there is
a 1 percent chance of fires that will affect the airport significantly (shutdown). This
yields an EMV of $1.8 million. The overall EMV is then simply the sum of the
aforementioned EMVs, or $1,810,400.

Possible Costs of Other Environmental Problems

Some of the obvious problems are that this tire disposal site is ugly, it reduces the
value of the surrounding natural habitats and housing areas, and it can be a source
of both accidents and fires. However, there are numerous other environmental
aspects to the threat presented by this mountain of decaying tires.
Since we do not possess comparable data for disposal costs in Norway, we can
utilize data found in a study done in the state of California.3 In that report, it is esti-
mated that it costs roughly $2.50 to $3.00 per tire per year for low-standard dis-
posal sites (no fencing, wastewater removal, and so on). That means that Østli’s
100,000 tires incur a cost of roughly $250,000 annually. This is probably a low
estimate since the weather conditions in California are much more favorable than
in Norway. Add to that the lack of wastewater removal and its potential impact on
the aquifer below, the largest underground freshwater reservoir in Norway.

Cost Savings
Because we do nothing, we save on costs. These mostly concern two issues: (1) the
removal of the tires and recycling them, and (2) cleaning the soil where the tires
are burnt.
To remove the tires, we have looked at the less costly scenario. It includes pay-
ing a local sports club $40,000 for loading the tires onto trucks and then using sol-
diers to transport the tires to a recycler. The reason we think the tires will have to
be recycled some time in the future, as a consequence of delaying a decision to act
now, is that current trends, which are growing day by day, point toward a future
where recycling will be more important than it is today. Furthermore, SFT in
Norway has been very restrictive about disposing tires in waste sites.
The soldiers come as an offer from Major Øyamo of the Norwegian Army as
he has offered to do the freight free of charge as part of the training of recruits in
the logistics regiment. The value of this offer is around $60,000. If Ullensaker does
not act now, it may lose this opportunity.
The price the recycler at Moreppen charges depends on whether the tires are
cleaned or not. Clean tires cost $1,180 per metric ton, whereas tires that also need
cleaning cost $1,400 per metric ton. Roughly, 125 tires are in a metric ton, and if
we assume that 10 percent of the tires need cleaning, the total cost of recycling the
tires amounts to $965,000.

After the fire in 1995, some soil was seriously polluted, and this needs to be
cleaned up. Deconterra, a local company that cleans soil, charges $600 per metric
ton to clean up the soil. According to Major Øyamo, the burnt area is roughly 25
⫻ 25 ⫻ 1.5 meters, or 1,700 metric tons. The total cleanup cost will therefore be
around $1,020,000.

LCC Calculation
If we compile the information in the last sections, we get the following costs and
savings shown in Table 6.2. We see that the margin is negative all the years, which
means that this alternative is not a good idea from an economic perspective. Even
if we ignore the fact that the Oslo Gardermoen International Airport can be seri-
ously affected by fire, the sum of the annual margins will still be negative. But due
to the principle that it is better to earn a dollar today than one tomorrow, we should
also compute a NPV—or should we?
Traditionally, we would compute an NPV despite the fact that the idea behind
it is to discount the future, an approach that is not compatible with sustainable
development and environmental management ideas. This is particularly true when
the decision makers are politicians and public officials, because they are by default
servants of the people and also future generations. In any case, to compute the
NPV we must first find a discounting factor. As discussed in Chapter 5, several
premises exist for doing so.
When the decision maker is a public organization, it may operate according to
accounting principles that, for example, ignore depreciation; everything is pure
spending. In this light, the time-value of money has no meaning because it is only
the present that counts. The discounting factor should therefore be 0 percent, but
that is not what is commonly done. Traditionally, the discounting factor is set equal

Table 6.2 Costs, Savings, and NPV of Alternative 1

Annual Costs Year 1 Year 2 ... Year 20 Sum NPV (6%)
Accidents 10,000 10,000 10,000 200,000 121,581
Fire, airport 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 36,000,000 21,884,610
Fire, crew 10, 400 10,400 10,400 208,000 126,444
Environment 250,000 250,000 250,000 5,000,000 3,039,529
Free transport
lost opportunity 60,000 60,000 60,000
Total costs 2,130,400 2,070,400 2,070,400 41,468,000 25,232,164
Annual savings ...
Loading tires 40,000 40,000 40,000
Recycling tires 965,000 965,000 965,000
Cleaning of soil 1,020,000 1,020,000 1,020,000
Total savings 2,025,000 2,025,000 2,025,000
Annual margin ⫺105,400 ⫺2,070,400 . . . ⫺2,070,400 ⫺39,443,000 ⫺23,207,164

to a market interest rate, as if investing in the market were an alternative option for
the decision maker, which in the public sector it is not. In their project, Carlsen and
Røyset chose this to be 6 percent.
With a discounting factor of 6 percent, we get an NPV of ⫺$23.2 million. In
other words, the economics of doing nothing is highly negative almost regardless
of what discounting factor is chosen. In fact, already in the first year, the annual
margin is negative (see Table 6.2). This is largely due to the risk of shutting down
Oslo Gardermoen International Airport. However, if that risk is ignored, the NPV
will still be negative (⫺$1.3 million) during the period. Thus, to do nothing about
the tire disposal site is outright uneconomic. Add to that the potential loss of
human lives, degrading the natural environment, and a loss in real-estate value.
The next step in the analysis is to include uncertainty and perform sensitivity
analyses. Traditionally, the values of the discounting factors and some other cru-
cial parameters are changed systematically, and the changes in the result, NPV in
this case, are recorded manually. Here we have chosen a more efficient solution by
running a Monte Carlo simulation (it took only 103 seconds). The NPV with the
associated uncertainty is shown in Figure 6.1. The choice is clear: Something must
be done. In the worst case, doing nothing can inflict a cost of potentially up to $39
million, but more likely $25.1 million, or Ullensaker can hope for $11.2 million in
costs. In any case, the NPV is very negative. What is interesting to note is that the
deterministic NPV of ⫺$23.2 million is higher than the mean of the Monte Carlo
simulation (⫺$25.1 million). This indicates that the uncertainty has most likely a
downside. In other words, the uncertainty is generally unfavorable; hence, the
more risky it is to not act.

Forecast: NPV of Annual Margins

10,000 Trials Frequency Chart 81 Outliers
.022 217

.016 162.7

.011 108.5

.005 54.25

.000 0
–39,041,857 –32,092,482 –25,143,107 –18,193,733 –11,244,358

Figure 6.1 Alternative 1 NPV uncertainty distribution.


Alternative 2: Recycling
If the county of Ullensaker chooses to recycle the tires, all the cost and savings
elements are in fact the same as before. They just turn up differently on the bal-
ance, as shown in Table 6.3.
The reason that Table 6.3 is almost like a negative image of Table 6.2 is that the
baseline in Alternative 1 is recycling due to the likelihood of recycling becoming
the most feasible alternative some time in the future. The biggest difference is
therefore that recycling eliminates many potential liabilities and that makes recy-
cling a very economically sound alternative with an estimated NPV of $23.2 mil-
lion. If we think about the uncertainty involved, we can use Figure 6.1 and simply
remove the minus signs.

Alternative 3: Proper Disposal

Alternative 3 is the only option that is truly different in terms of the cost and sav-
ings structure. Although many of the costs and savings will be as before, some
unique elements occur.
Not far from the tire disposal site is a high-standard waste management site
called Dal Skog, but a complicating factor is that this site does not accept tires, due
to regulations. This is not the end of the road, however, because if Ullensaker
applies for a one-time permit to SFT and gets a positive reply, Dal Skog has agreed
to accept the tires. However, the probability of a positive reply is small because in
similar cases SFT has been very restrictive. For example, when the county of Hitra

Table 6.3 Costs, Savings, and the NPV of Alternative 2

Annual Costs Year 1 Year 2 ... Year 20 Sum NPV
Loading tires 40,000 40,000 40,000
Recycling tires 965,000 965,000 965,000
Cleaning of soil 1,020,000 1,020,000 1,020,000
Total costs 2,025,000 0 0 2,025,000 2,025,000
Annual savings ...
Free transport 60,000 60,000 60,000
Accidents 10,000 10,000 10,000 200,000 121,581
Elim. fire threats, 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 36,000,000 21,884,610
Eliminating fire 10,400 10,400 10,400 208,000 126,444
threats, crew
Elim. 250,000 250,000 250,000 5,000,000 3,039,529
Total savings 2,130,400 2,070,400 2,070,400 41,468,000 25,232,164
Annual margin 105,400 2,070,400 ... 2,070,400 39,443,000 23,207,164

applied to dispose of 1,700 tires, it was denied a permit. Nonetheless, if such a per-
mit is granted to Ullensaker, Dal Skog will accept all the tires at a cost of $850,000.
This cost, however, is probably too low to reflect the actual costs incurred at
Dal Skog because the cost of disposing tires is two to three times higher than dis-
posing of other municipal waste.4 In other words, Dal Skog is subsidizing
Ullensaker because it simply does not charge Ullensaker for what the service costs.
Most likely, Dal Skog itself does not account for the total costs.
Because Dal Skog has a high standard, the environmental costs of disposing the
tires there will be lower than at their current location. Such sites have an estimated
environmental cost of $0.60 per tire per year.5 This gives an annual cost of $60,000,
which is considerably less than the annual costs of $250,000 that is incurred at
Østli. Hence, from a societal perspective, it makes much more sense to let Dal
Skog handle the tires than Østli. Thus, we get the costs and savings for this alter-
native, as presented in Table 6.4.
We see that the overall picture is quite similar to the recycling scenario. The
biggest difference is that disposing of the tires is less costly for Ullensaker than
recycling them. The NPV of Alternative 3 is therefore slightly better than for
Alternative 2, $23.3 million versus $23.2 million, respectively.
Interestingly, this is a direct consequence of the fact that Dal Skog is pricing its
services too low. If Dal Skog charged $2 million, which would probably better
reflect the true costs, the situation would be turned around. This clearly illustrates
the dangers of subsidies with respect to solving environmental problems. As
pointed out in numerous publications, this is not an exception; it is rather the rule
in the world today. From this we understand that LCC as a concept can hold great
promise in relation to environmental management as well as cost management.

Table 6.4 Costs, Savings, and NPV of Alternative 3

Annual Costs Year 1 Year 2 ... Year 20 Sum NPV
Loading tires 40,000 40,000 40,000
Disposing tires 850,000 850,000 850,000
Cleaning of soil 1,020,000 1,020,000 1,020,000
Total costs 1,910,000 0 0 1,910,000 1,910,000
Annual savings ...
Free transport 60,000 60,000 60,000
Accidents 10,000 10,000 10,000 200,000 121,581
Eliminating fire 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 36,000,000 21,884,610
threats, airport
Eliminating fire 10,400 10,400 10,400 208,000 126,444
threats, crew
Eliminating 250,000 250,000 250,000 5,000,000 3,039,529
Total savings 2,130,400 2,070,400 2,070,400 41,468,000 25,232,164
Annual margin 220,400 2,070,400 ... 2,070,400 39,558,000 23,322,164

The preferred alternative for Ullensaker is nonetheless Alternative 3, disposing

of the tires at Dal Skog. But due to the regulatory constraints imposed by SFT, it
is an unlikely option. Also, knowing that Dal Skog, a company that Ullensaker co-
owns with other counties in the area, has priced itself too low, the overall best
choice for Ullensaker is undoubtedly to recycle the tires.
A look at how uncertainty impacts the two alternatives indicates that our con-
clusion also holds under the presence of uncertainty because the alternatives are
virtually identical since the two distributions overlap almost completely (see
Figure 6.2). In other words, it is not the economic performance of these two alter-
natives that makes the difference for Ullensaker; it is the legal and environmen-
tal issues, and recycling scores the best on both. Thus, recycling is the preferred

Uncertainty Analysis of the Preferred Alternative

Looking 20 years ahead involves, of course, some uncertainty, and so does the
quantification of many of the different cost estimates, such as the costs of acci-
dents and fire and their associated probabilities. This can be done in many ways,
but some are definitely better than others.
We start by performing an uncertainty analysis of Alternative 2 using modern
technology in traditional approaches. Then we take the next step into the world of
Monte Carlo simulations, and as will be evident, that is the way to go.

Traditional Uncertainty Analysis of Alternative 2

As shown in Chapter 3, a way of dealing with uncertainty would be to use the what-
if technique. This technique is especially adapted to performing uncertainty/sensi-
tivity analyses manually, but today computers can do this in a straightforward

Overlay Chart
Frequency Comparison

Alt. 2 NPV of Annual Margins



.007 Alt. 3 NPV of Annual Margins


5,000,000 13,750,000 22,500,000 31,250,000 40,000,000

Figure 6.2 Comparison of Alternatives 2 and 3.


manner. The fundamental shortcomings of the approach persist, however. The

analyses done in this book utilize Crystal Ball® 2000 where applicable.
A computerized what-if analysis of Alternative 2 can be done using a tornado
chart approach, as shown in Figure 6.3. This particular tornado chart is generated
by varying each variable one by one by ⫾10 percent, ceteris paribus.6 We see that
the single most important variable is the cost associated with fire and its impact on
Oslo Gardermoen International Airport because it is located on top and has the
widest bars. We also see that an increase in this variable has an upside effect with
respect to the forecasted variable (Alt. 2 NPV of Annual Margins). This is because
if the fire costs turn out to be higher than expected, Ullensaker will save more
money than expected because it avoided the cost by choosing Alternative 2. The
values beside the bars (such as 2,095,010) are the maximum values of those par-
ticular variables when the forecast variable had its highest value within the ⫾10
percent variation span of the assumption cells.
We also see that the NPV is, as expected, sensitive to the chosen discounting
factor, the market interest rate in this case. If the market interest rate becomes 7
percent, the corresponding NPV is roughly $21.5 million.
The good thing about the tornado chart is that it can provide clear answers to
questions concerning how much the forecasted variable will change as a conse-
quence of a change in an input variable. This is unfortunately a deceptive ques-

Alt. 2 NPV of Annual Margins

20,000,000 22,000,000 24,000,000 26,000,000 28,000,000

Fire Costs, Airport 1,714,099 2,095,010


Market Interest Rate 7% 6%


Environmental Costs
231,029 282,369

Cleaning of Soil Costs 1,122,000 918,000


Recycling Tires Cost Downside

1,061,500 868,500 Upside

Figure 6.3 Deterministic tornado chart for Alternative 2.


tion because it relies on an assumption that everything else remains constant; by

testing a one-by-one variable, interactions are ignored. Furthermore, the
approach is sensitive to the base case, that is, the values that were put in the
spreadsheet initially. So even though the tornado chart is a tempting tool, it is
deceptive if you rely too much on the numbers in it. Thus, we apply it only in
special cases.
Another way of presenting essentially the same information is the spider chart
shown in Figure 6.4. The spider chart, however, is easier to follow, and it does not
present numerical values that pretend they are measures of how important the vari-
able is with respect to the forecast. For example, we see that if Fire Costs, Airport
($) is 10 percent below the base case, the NPV will be roughly $21.5 million.
Whereas the importance of a variable in the tornado chart is illustrated by the
width of the associated bar, in a spider chart it is the slope of the line that counts:
the steeper the slope, the more the impact. The spider chart does, however, suf-
fer from the same problems as the tornado chart, but it is less deceptive because
it shows that we only look at deviations from the base case and exclude interac-
tions. Also, the traditional approaches are simply incapable of producing an
uncertainty distribution, as shown in Figures 6.1 and 6.2. They can only provide
a very limited number of discrete points, as shown in Figure 6.3, and that has
obvious limitations.
Next, we use Monte Carlo methods to perform an uncertainty analysis of
Alternative 2 because Monte Carlo simulations have significantly reduced the
shortcomings of the other approaches.

Alt. 2 NPV of Annual Margins

27,000,000 Fire Costs, Airport ($)

Market Interest Rate (%)
Environmental Costs ($)
Cleaning of Soil Costs ($)
Recyclig Tires Costs ($)

24,000,000 Accident Costs ($)

Fire Costs, Crew ($)
23,000,000 Free Transport ($)
Loading Tires Costs ($)
22,000,000 Free Transport Lost Opportunity
Costs ($)
21,000,000 Disposal Costs of Tires ($)
-10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0%

Percentage deviations from the base case

Figure 6.4 Deterministic spider chart for Alternative 2.


Monte Carlo Methods in an Uncertainty

Analysis of Alternative 2
By employing Monte Carlo simulations and statistical sensitivity analyses, we
have a much wider array of tools that not only are more effective but also are vir-
tually free of deception. In order to use Monte Carlo methods, we must first iden-
tify the variables that are uncertain and model the uncertainty as either uncertainty
distributions or fuzzy numbers and intervals. As explained in Chapter 3, Monte
Carlo methods are completely insensitive to the difference between uncertainty
distributions and fuzzy numbers and intervals because the difference lies mainly
in interpretation and not in the shape of the distributions. Uncertainty distributions,
fuzzy numbers, fuzzy intervals, and possibility distributions are therefore collec-
tively referred to as uncertainty distributions in this book.
The NPV model of Alternative 2 is very small, with only nine input variables, but
to illustrate the approach, it is sufficient to show and discuss briefly four distinctly
different ways of modeling the uncertainty (see Figure 6.5). We can start with the
most common approach, which is the normal distribution in the lower-right corner.
We typically choose to model uncertainty in the shape of a normal distribution if:
● We have hard data from which the distribution can de derived, but that is not
the case here.
● We have reason to believe that the variable will exert normal behavior over
time and/or in the future.
In the upper-left corner, we see an interesting version of a normal uncertainty
distribution. We know that the market interest rate over time will behave as a nor-

Market Interest Rate (%) Environmental Costs ($)


0% 3% 6% 9% 12% 225,000 243,750 262,500 281,250 300,000

Accident Costs ($) Cleaning of Soil Costs ($)


5,000 8,750 12,500 16,250 20,000 990,000 1,005,000 1,020,000 1,035,000 1,050,000

Figure 6.5 Uncertainty distributions in modeling Alternative 2 NPV.


mal distribution, but at the same time we are quite sure that the market interest rate
will never drop below 4 percent in Norway. Hence, we chop the distribution off at
4 percent. At the other end of the distribution, we think that it is very unlikely that
the interest rate will pass 12 percent. The last time that happened was in the mid-
1980s, but that was under a more socialistic monetary regime. Given the trend in
Norwegian politics during the last 30 years, it is unlikely that Norway will ever go
back to such regimes. Also, a return to a socialist monetary regime is unlikely in
light of the worldwide globalization process.
In the upper-right corner, we see a triangular uncertainty distribution. We pre-
fer to model the uncertainty as triangular distribution if we suspect the variable to
be normally distributed, but the uncertainty is quite large. When the uncertainty is
quite large, a normal distribution tends to emphasize too little on the ends of the
distribution, and that is not desirable if we are very unsure. Also, triangular distri-
butions handle asymmetry better than normal ones.
But if we are highly uncertain about a variable and have virtually no preference
for even an expected value, the uniform distribution is chosen. We see that in this
case even though the deterministic value of the accident cost is $10,000, we have
no idea concerning the real cost of an accident; we just know that it will probably
lie in the range of $5,000 to $20,000.
This way of handling uncertainty is clearly far more realistic than being forced
to come up with a single number or even a range of numbers. But more impor-
tantly, because uncertainty can be handled with such ease, we can concentrate on
finding likely uncertainty distributions instead of chasing the wind after the one
magic number. Thus, we increase the mathematical uncertainty in the model but
reduce the risk of giving bad or wrong decision support.
After deciding how to model the uncertainty, we proceed to the second step in
the Monte Carlo method, namely identifying the forecast variables. The forecast
variables are the variables we want to study; hence, they could be of any sort.
These variables are important to name properly so that after the simulation, it is
easy to find the results for them and interpret them. This is, of course, crucial in
large models with several hundred forecast variables.
The next step is to choose a sampling procedure and how many times the sim-
ulation is going to recalculate the model (trials). In this step, it is important to iden-
tify the capabilities of the computer first. Five years ago, it was often our experience
that the computer had to stop too early (with respect to keeping the random error
low) because the Random Access Memory (RAM) was too small. Today, however,
RAM is so affordable that this is no longer an issue for Monte Carlo simulations
used for LCC purposes. We therefore always choose the best sampling procedure,
which is Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) despite the fact that it demands much
more RAM than Simple Random Sampling (SRS). The advantage is that we do not
need as many trials as before to achieve a certain level of confidence, but again,

due to the power of modern computers we always run a high number of trials
(10,000). In fact, the last time we were forced to cut down on the number of trials
due to computer limitations was in 1996 when the case presented in Chapter 7 was
first run. Then a Pentium 120 MHz Laptop computer with 16 MB of RAM and uti-
lizing a SRS Monte Carlo method had to stop at around 4,000 trials.
When the sampling procedure and number of trials have been chosen, the sim-
ulation is run. Depending on the size of the model and the usage of logical tests
and macros, a simulation can take anywhere from 10 seconds to several hours.
In Figures 6.1 and 6.2, we see the results of such a simulation. From Figure 6.1,
we see that the uncertainty distribution of Alternative 1 is skewed toward the left,
which means that it is more likely that the NPV will be higher (than the mean) than
lower. This is good news for Ullensaker because it shows that if it acts now, it can
benefit from this likely upside.
From the sensitivity chart in Figure 6.6, we see that the possible elimination of
liability costs associated with fire and its impact on Oslo Gardermoen International
Airport is the primary reason for this upside. This is evident from that fact that if
the fire cost increases, the NPV increases. In plain words, the higher the fire costs,
the happier Ullensaker should be since it has avoided the liabilities (as a conse-
quence of recycling the tires). Also, the way we modeled the market interest rate
plays a significant role in the skewness as well as the overall amount of uncertainty.
The market interest rate is unfortunately beyond Ullensaker’s control. This is a fac-
tor that Ullensaker will just have to live with and adjust to.
Unlike the tornado and spider charts presented earlier, the sensitivity chart in
Figure 6.6 is generated by measuring the statistical response (in this case by the rank
correlation method) of the forecast variable given the uncertainty in all the input vari-

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Alt. 2 NPV of Annual Margins

Fire Costs, Airport ($) .86

Market Interest Rate (%) -.47
Environmental Costs ($) .03
Cleaning of Soil Costs ($) -.03
Disposal Costs of Tires ($) -.02

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 6.6 Alternative 2 NPV sensitivity chart, first run.


ables (to the left in the chart). It has therefore none of the limitations that the tornado
and spider charts have. There is, however, a caveat for the untrained practitioner.
Since the sensitivity chart is generated using statistical information, random
errors occur, as mentioned earlier. These errors are negligible for variables with a
rank correlation coefficient larger than roughly 0.05 (or ⫺0.05), such as the mar-
ket interest rate whose rank correlation coefficient is ⫺0.47. Therefore, the fact
that environmental costs turn up in Figure 6.6 might be due to random errors
because the rank correlation coefficient is only 0.03. To find out whether the rank-
ing of environmental costs is real or due to randomness, we must remove the two
dominating variables from the model and rerun it. Then the other variables will
show up as in Figure 6.7.
From Figure 6.7, we identify another random effect we must be aware of when
utilizing statistical approaches, namely variables that have absolutely nothing to do
with a certain forecast variable that might show up. This is due to the fact that a sta-
tistical correlation took place during that particular simulation between the variable
in question and the forecast variable. Luckily, such effects only appear for variables
with a very low rank correlation coefficient (less than 0.05), such as for the disposal
costs of tires in Figure 6.6, and will disappear or remain insignificant (see Figure 6.7)
if we rerun the model once more after removing the most dominant variables. A
dominant variable is a variable with a rank correlation coefficient of more than 0.10.
Both the aforementioned caveats are due to randomness. However, if you are
aware of the effects randomness may produce, you cannot go wrong using

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Alt. 2 NPV of Annual Margins

Environmental Costs ($/tire) .94

Accident Costs ($) .25
Fire Costs, Crew ($/day) .18
Recycling Tires Costs ($) -.07
Cleaning of Soil Costs ($) -.04
Disposal Costs of Tires ($) -.02
Free Transport ($) .01
Free Transport Lost Opportunity Costs ($) .01

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

6.7 Alternative 2 NPV sensitivity chart, second run.


statistical sensitivity analysis. Just remember to rerun models after eliminating the
dominant variables to check whether the variable that shows up is real or not.
Almost ironically, the same reason may present a problem for random effects,
namely, that statistical approaches do not rely upon direct relationships between
input variables and forecast variables, making statistical approaches the only ones
capable of measuring relations between variables that are loosely coupled as in
complex systems. That is why statistics play such an important role in many fields;
setting up a system of equations is simply not possible due to the sheer complexity.
This means that our way of performing an uncertainty analysis can handle not only
cause-and-effect relations but also weak relations between multiple variables. This
is something a tornado chart or a spider chart cannot do because they rely upon rela-
tions being modeled as systems of equations. This makes sensitivity charts the per-
fect tools for identifying critical success factors, which in this case are primarily to
avoid fires. Thus, if Ullensaker decides not to act, it should at least make plans for
a rapid response to fires. It cannot rely on the luck it had in 1995.


Employing Activity-Based LCC in this simple case may seem to be overkill, and
it is in many ways (no overhead costs, no product cost allocation, and so forth).
But as we shall see, Activity-Based LCC will provide additional insight and value.
In this particular case, this insight could also have been produced by traditional
means, but nothing inherent in the traditional methods supports it. In Activity-
Based LCC, such insight cannot be avoided because it is inherent in the system.
That is the point because, as Robert Lutz puts it, “common sense . . . is not all
that common.”7
The analysis follows the same steps as always, as shown in Figure 5.1. But
before we proceed to the modeling steps, we should define the goals of the imple-
mentation. The sole purpose of this implementation is to provide decision support
concerning what to do about the Østli tire disposal site. In other words, we only
need to find an answer to a one-time question, not to provide the continuous cost
management. In a decision support model, we must include the time value of
money if it is relevant. Because the decision maker, Ullensaker county, is a public
organization that does not follow ordinary accounting procedures with deprecia-
tion and so forth, the time value of money and its risk has no meaning. More
importantly, however, is that public organizations are obliged to think more
broadly than private decision makers, and in this case the issue of sustainability is
pertinent. Basically, county, state, government, or publicly elected or servicing
bodies cannot discount the future or future generations. Unlike the traditional
approach, Activity-Based LCC will therefore reject the notion of discounting fac-
tors in this particular case, even though it is a decision-support model.

Step 1: Define the Scope of the Model and the

Corresponding Cost Objects
The scope was defined in the “What the Decision Is About” section and will not
be repeated here. In this case, the cost objects are the possible alternatives because
this Activity-Based LCC model is designed solely to provide decision support for
choosing among those alternatives.

Step 2: Obtain and Clean the Bill of Materials

for All Cost Objects
In a decision-support model, the cost object is the decision to be made. The assess-
ment should therefore revolve only around what is needed in order to decide. In
this case, Ullensaker must decide whether to do nothing or act, and if it acts, it must
decide whether to recycle or dispose of the tires. This was discussed in detail ear-
lier in the “What the Decision Is About” section.

Step 3: Identify and Quantify the Resources

Here we can directly use the data presented in the “Traditional LCC Implemen-
tation” section. For brevity, we show this information together with its drivers in
Step 5 in Table 6.5. The reason is that the amount of information is so little that we
really do not need to split Steps 3 and 5.

Step 4: Create an Activity Hierarchy and Network

In order to create an activity hierarchy, we must think about what activities are
incurred as a consequence of the various decision alternatives. Start with the case’s

Table 6.5 Activities, Their Resources, and Resource Drivers

Resource Consumption
Activity ($ 1 year) Resource Driver
A11 10,400 Duration of fire ⫻ probability of fire
1,800,000 Duration of fire ⫻ probability of fire
and weather
A12 10,000 Life value ⫻ probability of accident
A13 250,000 Number of tires
A21 40,000 Number of jobs
A22 60,000 Number of loads
A23 1,020,000 Mass of contaminated soil
A241 100,000 Number of tires
10% Percentage of tires that need cleaning
A242 850,000 Number of tires

Table 6.6 Preliminary Østli Tire Disposal Site Decision Activity Hierarchy
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
(Decision Level) (Consequence Level 1) (Consequence Level 2)
Do nothing A1 Tires may catch fire A11
Accidents may happen A12
The environment degrades A13
Do something A2 Load tires A21
Transport the tires A22
Clean up site A23
Terminate the tires A24 Recycle the tires A241
Dispose tires A242

basis, which is to do nothing, and then identify the various decisions. Conceptually,
we can create a decision hierarchy that describes what decisions are involved, but
that would be overkill for this case. Nevertheless, we see that essentially two deci-
sions are involved (in Table 6.6, the corresponding activity hierarchy is presented):
1. The primary decision concerns whether or not Ullensaker should do some-
thing, denoted as D1.
2. We may have to decide how to remove the tires, this decision is denoted as D2.
Unlike an ordinary activity network whose purpose is to present the various
routings and process options in relation to the cost objects, a decision activity net-
work depicts the consequences of a decision in terms of the various routings and
process options that may occur. It is a simple tool for understanding the process
consequences of a decision.
The situation at Østli can be presented as shown in Figure 6.8, given the final activ-
ity definitions in Table 6.5. The activities between D1 and D2 are simply activities
that are necessary for D2 to take place. These activities are therefore nonvalue added
from the decision maker’s point of view. The same is true for all base case activities.
It is important to realize that activity networks say nothing about the sequenc-
ing between decision nodes. In other words, activity A22 does not have to follow
A21. In this case, it will, however, but we see that activities A241 and A242 are
mutually exclusive because only one will follow after decision D2 because they
are the two possible outcomes of decision D2. In other words, all activities that are
downstream to a decision are consequences of that particular decision.
The decisions that incur the highest number of activities are therefore more
risky than those with few activities in the sense that more things can go wrong.
However, this says nothing about the potential impact. In this case, we clearly see
this difference because although recycling has more activities attached to it, it is
less risky than doing nothing, because of the potential impact of activity A11 (tires
may catch fire) overshadows all other activities.

A01 A02 A03


D1 A11 A12 A13 D2

Legend: A142

X Decision node for decision X

Aij Activity node for activity Aij

Figure 6.8 Østli tire disposal site decision activity network.

Step 5: Identify and Quantify Resource Drivers,

Activity Drivers, and Their Intensities
The resource data are collected for convenience in Table 6.5. The resource drivers track
how changes in activity levels affect the resource consumption. For example, the cost
of A23 depends on the size of the area that is contaminated and therefore needs to be
cleaned up. Given the current area, this is estimated to cost $1.02 million.
Since all costs are associated with one cost object, we do not need activity driv-
ers. Furthermore, the consumption intensities (see Glossary) are fixed because they
are price quotes from other organizations.8 We use the same probability estimates
as earlier to estimate the EMVs. Also, the concept of statistical life is used to assess
the value of a life.
Given these assumptions, we can set up the consumption intensities and the val-
ues of the resource drivers as shown in Table 6.7. If we multiply the driver values
with the intensities, we get the resource consumption in Table 6.5.

Step 6
Step 6 is omitted because neither design issues nor activity drivers are used in
this case. We therefore have all the input data we need in order to set up the model.
We just need to model the uncertainty first, which is done next.

Step 7: Model the Uncertainty

How we model the uncertainty discussed in the “Monte Carlo Methods in an
Uncertainty Analysis of Alternative 2” section. We therefore simply present how
we modeled the uncertainty in Table 6.8 without any further discussion. It should
be noted that we normally just keep this information in an MS Excel® spreadsheet

Table 6.7 Resource Drivers and Their Consumption Intensities

Resource Driver Consumption
Resource Driver Value Intensity
Duration of fire ⫻ probability of fire 1 day ⫻ 5% 208,000 $/day
Duration of fire ⫻ probability of fire 1 day ⫻ 5% ⫻ 20% 180,000,000
and weather $/day
Life value ⫻ probability of accident 0.1% 10,000,000
Number of tires 100,000 2.50 $/tire
Number of jobs 1 job 40,000 $/job
Number of loads 200 loads 300 $/load
Mass of contaminated soil 1,632 metric ton 625 $/metric ton
Number of tires 100,000 9.50 $/tire
Percentage of tires that need cleaning 10% 3.00 $/tire
Number of tires 100,000 8.50 $/tire

because there is too much information to present, but this model is so small that
here the uncertainty distributions can be presented without problems.
In addition to modeling the uncertainty as accurately as possible, we use sym-
metric, bounded, and ⫾10 percent triangular uncertainty distributions for tracing
purposes. We introduce uncertainty into the model in order to trace the actual impor-
tance of the various assumption cells (input variables). This is important with respect
to finding the critical success factors regardless of whether they are uncertain or not.
We can then proceed to the results that are generated during Steps 7 through 9.
First, however, we should evaluate the quality of the modeling and decide whether
we must iterate (Step 10) or not.
We think that the current model captures all the relevant economic aspects of
decisions D1 and D2 and consequently fulfills Ullensaker’s needs. The greatest
weakness of the analysis is the amount of uncertainty surrounding the potential lia-
bilities, but we can’t do anything about that except model the uncertainty as accu-
rately as possible.

Step 8: Estimate the Bill of Activities

In this case, the Bill of Activities (BOA) is simple compared to the other two cases
in this book. The BOA is found in Table 6.9. Because we use a frequency inter-
pretation of probability the time frame is somewhat important. Activities that have
a time frame of one year are performed only once, in the beginning in the period.
We see, for example, that the five activities A11, A13, A23, A24, and A242
dominate BOA. A11 is particularly large and should therefore be avoided. It should
be noted that only the deterministic values are shown; how we modeled the uncer-
tainty is not shown.

Table 6.8 How the Uncertainty Is Modeled

Uncertainty Distributions Rationale
Duration of fire (days)

We assume that if there is a fire, it will take roughly


a full working day to extinguish it on average. It

may, however, only take 0.7 days or as much as 1.3
days in the worst case. We have chosen a normal
0,7 0,9 1,0 1,2 1,3
shape because time-related variables are usually
normally distributed.
Probability of fire (%)
During the last 20 years only one fire has occurred.
If we assume the future will be somewhat similar to

the past, we assume that in 1 out of 20 years there

will be a fire, that is, in 5 percent of the time. We
use a normal uncertainty distribution because we
4% 4% 5% 6% 7%
think that matches the reality the best.
Probability of bad weather (%)

The expected value of 20 percent is based on


weather reports, but we allow quite a substantial

amount of uncertainty.

14% 17% 20% 23% 26%

Probability of accident (%)

0.10 percent is a qualified guess obtained from Mr.


Navrud; however, as with other probability estimates

we allow for some added uncertainty. Basically, we
say that there are probabilities around the
0,07% 0,09% 0,10% 0,12% 0,13%
probability estimate.

Number of tires

Estimating the number of tires in a big mountain of


tires is not easy, but we are quite confident that

there are not more than 110,000 tires and no less
than 90,000. We use a triangular shape to signify
90,000 95,000 100,000 105,000 110,000
that we have an idea about the mean, but that we
are quite unsure.
Number of loads

The rationale is similar as for the number of tires.


180 190 200 210 220

Mass of contaminated soil (metric ton)

To estimate the mass of soil theoretically is quite


straightforward, but in practice no site will be dug

out as accurately as planned.

1,550 1,588 1,625 1,663 1,700


Table 6.8 How the Uncertainty Is Modeled (Continued)

Uncertainty Distributions Rationale
Percentage of tires that need cleaning

How many tires need to be cleaned is not easy to


estimate, but by investigating some tires up front we

expect 10 percent of the tires to need cleaning. An
investigation is like an experiment and hence a
7% 9% 10% 12% 13%
normal shape is warranted.

Airport Shutdown Cost ($/day)

To estimate the costs of shutting the Oslo

Gardermoen International Airport down is

associated with large uncertainties. We must

therefore use the uniform shape, because we have
virtually no preference among the range of
160,000,000 170,000,000 180,000,000 190,000,000 200,000,000
Fire crew cost ($/day)

The same logic applies here as for the Oslo

Gardermoen International Airport shutdown costs.

187,200 197,600 208,000 218,400 228,800

Environmental Cost ($/tire)

The environmental costs associated with landfills are

in the range of $2.50 to $3 per tire according to

studies abroad. We think that $2.50 is probably the

most likely, and maybe even a little lower, but we
open up for quite a substantially higher cost than
2,40 2,55 2,70 2,85 3,00

Step 9: Estimate the Cost of Cost Objects and

Their Performance Measures
In this case, the various alternatives are directly related to the various activities, as
shown in Table 6.10. Hence, the costs and savings of the cost objects are found
simply by summing the costs and savings for the activities incurred by the various
alternatives. Note that all numbers are deterministic.

Step 10: Perform Monte Carlo Simulations

and Relevant Analyses
The Monte Carlo simulation is performed using commercially available software:
MS Excel and Crystal Ball. The Crystal Ball software is employed to handle the
uncertainty in the model and, more importantly, to trace the critical success factors.

Table 6.9 Bill of Activities

Activity Time Frame (Years) Resources
A11 20 $36,208,000
A12 20 $200,000
A13 20 $5,000,000
A21 1 $40,000
A22 1 $60,000
A23 1 $1,020,000
A241 1 $965,000
A242 1 $850,000

The Results
First, we compare the various alternatives to decide which is the best before we
can discuss the best alternative in greater detail. From Figure 6.9, we see that
Alternative 1 is vastly inferior to the two others, which are virtually identical.
The reasons for this can be seen from the sensitivity chart in Figure 6.10. Alternative
1 is simply associated with too many liability risks. It may be that none of these risks
materialize; that is, no fires or unfavorable weather occur, but we do not know.
However, which is better: Alternative 2 or 3? It turns out that Alternative 3 has
a slightly better margin than Alternative 2. However, recall that Ullensaker has to
apply for a special permit from SFT to dispose of the tires at Dal Skog and that
permit is unlikely to be granted. Also, since Ullensaker partially co-owns Dal
Skog, it would be unwise to use a disproportionately amount of capacity in the
disposal site when the potential savings are minor. Alternative 2 therefore appears
to be the overall best alternative.

Overlay Chart
Frequency Comparison
Margin Alternative 1

.037 Margin Alternative 2

Margin Alternative 3
-60,000,000 -30,000,000 0 30,000,000 60,000,000

Figure 6.9 Comparing the alternatives.


Table 6.10 Cost ($) of Cost Objects

Alternative A11 A12 A13 A21 A22 A23 A241 A242 Costs
1 36,208,000 200,000 5,000,000 60,000 41,468,000
2 40,000 1,020,000 965,000 2,025,000
3 40,000 1,020,000 850,000 1,910,000

Alternative A01 A02 A03 A11 A12 A13 A141 A142 Savings
1 40,000 1,020,000 965,000 2,025,000
2 36,208,000 200,000 5,000,000 60,000 41,468,000
3 36,208,000 200,000 5,000,000 60,000 41,468,000

Alternative Margin Ranking

1 ⫺39,443,000 3
2 39,443,000 2
3 39,558,000 1

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Margin Alternative 1

Duration of fire (days) -.53

Probability of bad weather (%) -.53
Probability of fire (%) -.52
Airport Shutdown cost ($/day) -.36
Environmental Cost ($/tire) -.03
Number of tires -.02

1 0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 6.10 Alternative 1 sensitivity analysis.

Uncertainty Analysis of Alternative 2

The purpose of an uncertainty analysis in this case is to ensure that when all the
uncertain elements are included in the model, the margin of Alternative 2 is still
satisficing (see Glossary). If that turns out to not be the case, we must be able esti-
mate the likelihood of a positive margin.
From Figure 6.11, we see the uncertainty distribution of Alternative 2. The mar-
gin is always positive with a solid margin of more than $21 million. In other words,
Alternative 2 is an economically viable option under all conceivable circumstances.
Because Alternative 2 is the negation of Alternative 1 by definition in this case,
the uncertainty sensitivity chart of Alternative 2 will look like a mirror of Figure

Forecast: Margin Alternative 2

10 000 Trials Frequency Chart 112 Outliers

.023 228

.017 171


.011 114

.006 57

.000 0
21,824,566 30,777,611 39,730,656 48,683,700 57,636,745

Figure 6.11 Alternative 2 uncertainty distribution.


6.10; that is, the rank correlation coefficients that are negative in Figure 6.10 are
positive for Alternative 2 and vice versa. Therefore, the chart is omitted here.

Managing Alternative 2
In order to ensure that Alternative 2 indeed becomes the best option, Ullensaker
must manage its resources well. To assist it in that, we can employ the sensitivity
chart in Figure 6.12.
Unfortunately, Ullensaker can actually influence only one factor, namely the
duration of a fire. Ullensaker can also intensify the surveillance of the Østli dis-
posal site in order to prevent fires from starting until it has recycled all the tires,
thus reducing the probability of occurrence as well as the duration.
Recall from earlier discussions that the reason major costs such as airport shut-
down cost ($/day) show up with positive rank correlation coefficients is that they
are potential liability costs of doing nothing. Hence, if you recycle the tires, you
avoid these potential future liabilities completely, and that has a positive economic
value. The reason this line of argument may seem confusing is that often the base
case is implicitly assumed to be zero; this is, however, a faulty assumption in most
cases, as explained in the “Moving Baseline” section in Chapter 5. Also note that
we now look at the effect of the time frame, that is, the effect that extending or
shortening the time span has on the margins. We see that the longer the time hori-
zon is, the larger the margins. This is evidently sensible because the longer the time
horizon, the more likely it is that a liability will occur.
If we summarize our findings, we see that the greatest benefits to Ullensaker
arise from doing something, not necessarily doing “the right thing.” The point is
that Ullensaker must do everything in its power to prevent fires from occurring due

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Margin Alternative 2

Time frame (years) .48

Duration of fire (days) .44
Airport Shutdown Cost ($/day) .42
Probability of fire (%) .41
Probability of bad weather (%) .41
Number of tires .06
Environmental cost ($/tire) .06
Recycling cost ($/tires) -.02
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 6.12 Alternative 2 tracing sensitivity chart.


to the major potential liabilities, particularly if the weather is unfavorable, so that

the airport does not suffocate in smoke.The only way to do this is to act, and the
sooner the better.
Whether it should recycle the tires or dispose them seems to be a less clear ques-
tion to resolve, but our analysis indicates that the most feasible option is to recy-
cle them. The reasons are twofold:
1. Significant ownership, legal, and regulatory difficulties may arise in dispos-
ing of the tires.
2. Recycling the tires is almost as economically viable as disposing the tires.
The difference in the deterministic case is only $115,000, but this esti-
mate excludes the cost of wasting capacity at Dal Skog. If we include the
uncertainty, it will be somewhere between $102,000 and $128,000 (see
Figure 6.13).

The discussion of this case has four main purposes. The primary purpose is sim-
ply to illustrate how LCC can aid decision making concerning issues in the public
sector. Since the public sector expands when societies become more affluent
because “as countries grow richer, they want to spend more of their incomes on it
(social spending), and can afford to,”9 the public sector becomes increasingly dif-
ficult to manage. Yet the tools they have at their disposal were designed for times
when the public sector consisted only of the bare bones: defense, police, schools,
hospitals, and so forth. But what is the cost of a new school today? Politicians and

Forecast: Alternative 2 & 3 Difference

Frequency Chart
10 000 Trials 21 Outliers
.022 217

.016 162.7


.011 108.5

.005 54.25

.000 0
102,256 108,627 114,999 121,370 127,742

Figure 6.13 Economic differences between Alternatives 2 and 3.


other decision makers today typically discuss in great depth the construction costs
but give downstream costs little, if any, notice. The airtight walls between the var-
ious budget posts further enhance such thinking; the construction costs would be
in one budget post while maintenance would be in another post, not to mention the
costs of wages that would probably be in a third post. The result is that decision
makers miss the total costs and nobody is responsible for them. It is the perfect
recipe for wasteful spending or, perhaps more often, for misplaced spending or
cost cutting.
A perfect example of this is the Norwegian nursing home system. Due to the
poor economy of many counties, they try to save money where they can, and the
nursing homes must take their share. I was fortunate enough to work with one nurs-
ing home in becoming more competitive as the city of Ålesund opens up for pri-
vate nursing home initiatives. The nursing home had a process cost of $24.7
million in addition to direct costs related to food, medicine, and so on that
amounted to roughly $3 million. In another city, they tried to save money by no
longer feeding the elderly hot dinners. But for the nursing home that participated
in the project in Ålesund, more than $1.2 million (5 percent of the total process
costs) was spent on just making reports and in total 17 percent ($4.2 million) was
overhead costs. However, according to the General Ledger, overhead costs should
not be around $1.5 million. Thus, significant hidden overhead costs exist, even in
such a small organization. In addition, all the meals combined only cost $900,000.
Thus, no longer serving hot dinners in order to save costs is bad management, to
put it mildly. It also illustrates the danger of focusing on direct costs.
The question, of course, is why such things take place so often in the public sec-
tor. A part of the answer is simple: Decision makers are aided by accounting
schemes where labor, food, and electricity are typical accounts, but no accounts
exist for either the processes or for the services provided. Furthermore, no costing
system is utilized beyond the General Ledger. In other words, no reliable product
cost estimates take place; even the old volume-based costing systems would rep-
resent a massive improvement over today’s situation.
Hence, when costs are cut, the largest costs are axed first with no concern for
the product or processes. As in the previous example, food is a separate account
and therefore easy to spot, whereas no process cost estimates were made (until I
made them). The process costs are simply hidden, particularly the labor costs that
dominate the cost structure. With no costing system, such costs are completely
intangible for the manager of the nursing home. It is, in other words, very difficult
to improve the process efficiencies beyond reducing the inputs, and it is not feasi-
ble to cut labor costs. The logical conclusion is to try cutting somewhere else, but
this yields such bizarre results as trying to save costs by no longer serving hot
meals. Luckily, LCC ignores the artificial boundaries made by organizations. For

Activity-Based LCC, only actual, total costs count and the boundaries are set by
what actually goes on (the process), regardless of what department does what. This
is exactly what the public sector needs to produce a holistic picture.
A secondary purpose of this case study is to show how uncertainty analysis can
be carried out as discussed in this book. Also, we compare it to more traditional
ways of handling uncertainty. In the literature, many talk about handling uncer-
tainty, but very few actually do it, and in the industry even fewer do it. This may
be so, because the traditional ways of managing risk and uncertainty are so sim-
plistic that decision makers do not trust them. Another explanation might be that
these methods are too laborious to produce reliable decision support.
The fact that the traditional methods are very simplistic is beyond doubt since
they rest upon a very dangerous assumption, namely that “everything else remains
constant,” or ceteris paribus in Latin. This is an assumption that is virtually never
true. The only question is to what extent it is faulty, but that is exactly the type of
question that makes a decision maker distrust the approach because he or she has
spent money on it but is left with a major question that is unresolved. Resolving
this question adequately using traditional approaches is very laborious because we
must try out many different scenarios manually, and if the model is large with sev-
eral hundred variables, this task is daunting.
A totally different approach is to use the Monte Carlo methods. They are very
simple yet sample the entire solution space without a ceteris paribus constraint. So,
instead of wasting time on trying to find one single variable’s impact, we just vary
all the variables, store the results, and perform a statistical analysis in the end. We
perform in many ways a virtual experiment in a virtual world described by the
model and then perform an analysis in the end. Basically, the computer picks num-
bers in the input variables and stores the results of the corresponding forecast
ariables. It is apparently a crude method, which is why it was, and still is by many,
considered a “stupid” approach. However, it is, in our opinion, an ingenious method
because it is simple, efficient, reliable, and highly effective. Or as it was said in a
Chinese fortune cookie: “Simplicity of character is the result of profound thought.”
The efficiency of the Monte Carlo methods comes partially from the fact that
they are simple, but also from the fact that they can so easily be implemented in
computers. We simply model the problem as accurately as possible and crank it
through a Monte Carlo simulation; it does not matter much whether the number of
variables in the model is 100 or 1,000. Afterward we can spend time on under-
standing and implementing the results. We do not have to waste time on thinking
out smart ways of simplifying problems, solving complicated mathematics, or won-
dering about whether our model is valid or not. Because Monte Carlo methods are
reliable, we can concentrate on solving the actual problem and not on solving a
fancy, but possible deceptive, mathematical formulation of the actual problem.

Because of the comprehensiveness (many variables, many trials, little need for
simplifying the problem, and so on) of Monte Carlo methods, they are effective as
well. Monte Carlo methods simply enable us to spend time on making the deci-
sion because the mathematics and problem formulation parts are solved so
straightforwardly and with a minimum of assumptions. In this respect, this case
was not an ideal one because we could not contrast the power of Monte Carlo
methods to the traditional approaches. In many ways, the case was so simple that
even the traditional approaches were feasible. That is, however, the point of using
this case to illustrate the ways uncertainty can be handled: It is so simple, so easy
to follow, that we can show both the traditional approaches and the Monte Carlo
methods and discuss all approaches in relation to the case. Now you just have to
imagine a more complex case with maybe 100 or 1,000 variables and then ask
yourself how you would handle the uncertainty. We all would agree that the way
to go is with the Monte Carlo methods.
The third purpose of this case study is to illustrate two important aspects of
Activity-Based LCC: the process orientation and the use of drivers. The traditional
approaches lack a systematic process orientation and drivers. They do not incor-
porate any explicit way of securing process orientation, and drivers are usually for-
gotten. The traditional approaches are basically too cost focused, and the drivers
behind costs are largely ignored. That is not easy to see in this case, but it can be
seen, for example, from the fact that the traditional approach does not explicitly
consider the duration of a fire. It rather focuses on the cost of a certain time period.
Activity-Based LCC, however, focuses on the duration of the fire and the unit price
of the duration, that is, the cost of one day. Then, by multiplying the duration by
the unit price of the duration, the cost is found. Activity-Based LCC is in other
words a more systematic and general approach that disseminates complex cost
structures into relevant elements (drivers, resources, cost objects, and activities)
that are interrelated in a web of cause and effect.
The process orientation is obvious in Activity-Based LCC because we are
forced to define the various decisions and processes or activities that may take
place. By doing this, we discovered, for instance, that two decisions are to be
made: one concerning to do something or not, and one concerning what to do if
we choose to do something. This is useful because it divides up a bigger problem
into smaller, more easily graspable problems.
In a large and complex case, these seemingly academic differences have a huge
impact on the outcomes of an analysis, but that will be discussed later in Chapter
9. Here it suffices to acknowledge that these differences exist and that they have
had some impact even in this little, simple case.
The fourth, and last, purpose of this case study is to illustrate how LCC can be
used purely in providing decision support. In the rest of the book, however, the

LCC models are mostly used for cost management purposes. The difference is that
LCC models for decision making are attuned toward a specific purpose: providing
decision support for a specific decision or a set of decisions; however, managerial
LCC models have a broader view, a distinction that will become clearer in later

Things are not always what they seem, particularly if your cost information is irrel-
evant or highly distorted for the issue under investigation. For the county of
Ullensaker, it may seem tempting to do nothing about the tire disposal site at Østli.
After all, no costs result from having it there, according to the country’s account-
ing system. Removing the tires will therefore be an act of benevolence or, at worst,
a response to threats from the local population, industry, and others.
Luckily, LCC discovers a more interesting and challenging truth. The fact is
that although no costs exist in the books associated with the disposal site, hidden,
potentially large costs can be unleashed by a little child, a small flame, or simply
bad luck. These costs are liability costs, imaginary today, but maybe very real
tomorrow. After all, parents may sue Ullensaker for not securing a well-known
hazardous area close to residential areas. Airline companies may demand com-
pensation from Ullensaker in case of fire because Ullensaker should have pre-
vented fires because the disposal site is so close to Oslo Gardermoen International
Airport. Thus, Ullensaker should have acted accordingly. The local population
may hold Ullensaker responsible for environmental degradation. All such poten-
tial costs, and more, are simply not included in ordinary accounting practices, but
they lie at the very center of LCC and in this case they make all the difference. The
LCC analysis in this case, regardless of approach, discloses that doing nothing is
outright risky and very uneconomic. As John F. Kennedy said:

There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less than
the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.

The analysis of what should be done about the tires is less clear: The choice is
between recycling and disposal. Disposal is slightly more profitable, but that may
also be due to the apparently erroneous underpricing of disposing of the tires, as
discussed earlier. The difference in the margin of the two options is consequently
miniscule and probably lies within the range of the inherent uncertainty of the mod-
eling. Therefore, the decision of what to do about the tires will probably be deter-
mined according to other considerations rather than economic ones. Because
disposing of the tires requires special permits that are hard to obtain and disposing

of such voluminous objects uses a disproportionate amount of valuable landfill

capacity, recycling the tires is probably the overall best solution.

After Carlsen and Røyset made the county of Ullensaker fully aware of the pend-
ing legal, environmental, and liability issues it faced, Ullensaker acted quite
swiftly. Both LCC models clearly pictured the potential economic consequences
of further delay in the matter. The new and creative environmental consultant at
Ullensaker, Mari Kristel Gederaas, subsequently gained support and the tires were
removed right before snowfall in November and December of 2001.
RagnSells AS, the company now responsible for operating the tire return sys-
tem, took on the job for about $250,000. The low fee was attached to the condition
that Ullensaker would find a use for the shredded tires within the county within one
year. Currently, there are some pending issues concerning the fact that it is illegal
to dispose of shredded tires, and the rules and regulations concerning potential
applications of shredded tires are far from clear. Once these issues are resolved, the
disposed tires at Østli will finally be relegated to history.
The case illustrates that proper decision support can be a catalyst for effective
decision making because it is much easier to act on facts than relying on anecdotal
guesstimates or worse.

1. I would like to thank Randi Carlsen for providing this case study and her valuable
contributions to it. For a complete overview of the project, see R. Carlsen and J.A.
Røyset, “Dekkdeponiet På Østli: Uønsket Nabo” (The Tire Disposal Site at Østli:
Unwanted Neighbor), Oslo University, Oslo, 2000, p. 78. The report is written in
2. The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) is a directorate under the Ministry
of the Environment and was established in 1974. Its main goal is to promote sus-
tainable development. It is the Norwegian equivalent of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).
3. For more details, see Tellus Institute’s “Disposal Cost Fee Study: Final Report,”
Boston, MA, 1991.
4. According to a study by Mepex Consult.
5. According to the aforementioned report by the Tellus Institute.
6. This is a common condition in all traditional approaches and it implies that “all else
remains the same or constant” except the single variable whose value is being

7. R.A. Lutz, “Lutz’s Laws: A Primer for the Business Side of Engineering.” Atlanta,
GA: George W. Woodruff Annual Distinguished Lecture. Georgia Institute of
Technology, 1998.
8. The details of price quotes and so on are found in the report (see note 1).
9. “Globalisation and Its Critics: A Survey of Globalisation.” The Economist, 2001,
p. 34.

If you need a machine and don’t buy it, you pay for it without getting it.
Henry Ford
As organizations become increasingly aware of both environmental costs and cus-
tomer service costs, life-cycle costs will become more and more important to assess,
predict, and trace. This growing concern led to a project between Møre Research
and Farstad Shipping ASA (Farstad for short) in which the operation of a Platform
Supply Vessel (PSV) that operates in the North Sea was studied. In this project, the
economic and environmental aspects of the PSV were analyzed. We also looked at
the choice of propulsion machinery and support systems. The choice of fuel is par-
ticularly important due to the tradeoffs between low fuel costs and high mainte-
nance costs. In this chapter, only the costing part is discussed.
Note that all the input information is from 1995 and is probably not accurate
anymore, so the results are outdated. The purpose of this case study is therefore to
illustrate a complete Activity-Based Life-Cycle Costing (LCC) implementation for
a large and complicated system (the PSV). This case is, however, quite simple in
terms of, for example, overhead cost allocation and product-mix complexity
because it covers only one product.
Before we discuss the LCC modeling and its results, we must first understand
a little bit more about operating a PSV, which is the next issue.


Operating a platform supply vessel (PSV) profitably is not easy because competi-
tion is very stiff. Farstad’s technical manager, Jan Henry Farstad, illustrated this
by telling me that the company once lost a bid because MAERSK offered the cus-
tomer a contract that was NOK 50 cheaper (roughly $8 at the time) per day. The
margins are squeezed to the maximum, and very little room exists for error.

A further complicating factor is that the contracts are of different lengths. Due
to the tight margins in the industry, only a high degree of utilization of their ves-
sels translates into a high profitability for the shipowners. The most sought after
contracts are therefore the long ones (five years or so) because they offer less
uncertainty and revenue risk. The short-term contracts, or spot contracts, are more
profitable, but it is difficult to secure a high-enough degree of utilization. Spot con-
tracts are therefore the last resort.
Even with stable revenues, significant problems related to the maintenance,
service, and repair costs exist. The maintenance, service, and repair activities are
defined as:
● Maintenance All maintenance activities that can be done while the vessel
is in service, or operating as planned.
● Service Planned maintenance activities that require the vessel being out of
service. This happens every time the vessel is docking. How often the vessel
docks depends on the policy of Farstad, but the vessel has to be docked every
at least once every five years to renew its classification with Det Norske
Veritas (DNV).
● Repair Unplanned service.
The aforementioned challenges usually translate into a few crucial questions,
such as:
● How can the amount of off-hire be reduced? Off-hire occurs whenever the ves-
sel is incapable of fulfilling the contract and it results in a direct revenue loss.
In the contract between the shipowners and the charter group, off-hire condi-
tions are specified in detail. Planned services on dock (kept within the lay
days) are not considered off-hire. The lay days are the number of days speci-
fied in the contract between the shipowners and charter group when necessary
repair, service, and maintenance can be done without any revenue loss.
● How can the life-span costs be reduced?
● How can profitable contracts be acquired?
Depending on the contract, off-hire will occur in different situations. For FAR
Scandia, which is the PSV followed in this case, the contract states that:
● Planned service on dock is not considered off-hire.
● Unplanned repairs are considered off-hire.
● The shipowners are given one lay day per month, but the maximum annual
aggregated number of lay days is set to be six. Hence, the annual service time
that exceeds six days is considered off-hire.
Because of this situation, it is important for shipowners to project the costs as
reliably as possible so that they know what their margins are in bidding situa-

tions. The life-span costs (the total costs of the operational phase) must there-
fore be predicted many years ahead before negotiating with an oil company or a
charter group, or before new ships are designed. During contract negotiations,
the primary issue is therefore what price the shipowner should offer the charter
group, which usually pays the fuel costs, particularly on longer contracts. This
is beneficial for the shipowner because it eliminates the substantial risk of fuel
price fluctuations.
When new ships are designed and built, however, the issue is far more complex.
Typically, the shipowner would only order a new ship if it had a solid first contract.
The problem is that these contracts may last only up to 5 years, but the life span
of a PSV is about 20 years before it is sold. Thus, 15 years are completely uncer-
tain. During these 15 years, the PSV may change from being used in a time char-
ter to a line charter or vice versa.
A time-charter contract is a contract under which the shipowner puts the PSV at
the charter group’s full-time disposal for a certain period of time, whereas in a line
charter, the PSV performs a certain transportation job for a charter group from point
A to point B. The difference between these two contract types is that a time-char-
ter contract typically is longer, involves less activity for the main machinery because
much of the time is usually spent waiting either at the oil platform or onshore (see
Table 7.5), and the fuel costs are paid by the charter group. This means that the fuel
consumption is relatively lower than on a line-charter job, but the shipowner must
carefully manage the maintenance costs to avoid off-hire and too high costs that
would erode margins. The shipowner will therefore typically prefer Marine Gas Oil
(MGO), which is a fuel that keeps maintenance to a minimum.
In a line-charter job, on the other hand, the fuel consumption is high, the fuel
costs are incorporated in the bid, and the shipowner manages the maintenance
costs (as always). In this situation, it is advantageous for the shipowner to have
machinery that balances fuel costs and maintenance costs. Typically, heavy fuel
oil (HFO) is dirt cheap but causes many maintenance costs because such fuel is
very thick, almost like asphalt. Hence, HFO is only profitable when the fuel con-
sumption is high, such as on a line-charter job. In this light, it is clear that the
machinery installed in a new PSV can greatly alter the profitability depending on
the contracts the shipowner may acquire in the future.
In the project, the use of tributyltin (TBT) Self-Polishing Copolymer antifoul-
ing paint on the hull was also discussed. This paint has very positive cost effects.
According to studies,2 the savings compared to other painting types is “at the very
least £700 million annually (or roughly $1.1 billion) for the Deep Sea fleet due to
lesser fuel costs, lower repair costs, and less time in dock.” Unfortunately, TBT
causes environmental problems, such as imposex of the dogwhelk snail, Nucella
Lapillus (female snails develop a penis), and reduced growth and enhanced mor-
tality of larvae of bivalves.3 The costs of such environmental problems are unfor-
tunately impossible to estimate because they affect animals that have no economic

value4 to humans. Due to the difficulty of evaluating the environmental impacts of

TBT, the whole issue of hull paint was dropped in the project between Møre
Research and Farstad. In this book, the costing part also excludes the paint issue
for the same reason. Before looking into the Activity-Based LCC implementation,
the problem must be defined.


In the previous section, many of the problems that shipowners of PSVs face were
discussed. Farstad wanted to shed more light on two problems. First, the stiff
competition makes a model that can predict the total costs of operating a PSV
up to 10 years ahead very valuable because it can be used actively in negotia-
tions. Second, under what circumstances will machinery that runs on HFO be
preferable to machinery that uses MGO? This question is also important in nego-
tiations, but it is possibly more important when purchasing new ships because
that is when the type of machinery (HFO or MGO) is determined. Of course,
purchasing a new ship may indeed become an issue during negotiations.
Therefore, Farstad needs a cost model that can predict and trace life-span costs.
Also, the costs and benefits of using a type of HFO called IF 40 instead of the cur-
rent fuel, MGO, should be addressed. The decision concerning a fuel type is for
simplicity denoted as design decision A.
The tracing of significant cost contributors, or critical success factors, enables
improvement through design. Basically, the critical success factors can be used to
direct attention toward where the shipowners should focus their data collection for
further analysis and improvement efforts.
To provide data for the analysis, an overall representative PSV is chosen as the
base case. The chosen PSV is called FAR Scandia, a PSV of the UT 705 type. An
additional PSV, FAR Service, has provided data for an IF 40—an HFO—opera-
tion. The UT 705 PSV is a specific type of platform supply vessel designed by
Ulstein International AS capable of:
● Transporting pipes, cement, equipment, and goods to and from pipeline
barges, oilrigs, and ships
● Loading a pipeline barge under North Sea conditions with approximately 4.6-
meter-high waves and a tidal current of roughly 3.5 knots
Because an UT 705 PSV is a large and complex system, the analysis was con-
strained, in agreement with Farstad, to the most significant subsystems (see Figure
7.1). The subsystems are grouped according to the SFI grouping system, which is
provided in Appendix B. The analysis is constrained to SFI groups 27, 28, 60, 63,
70, 71, and 71. These SFI groups therefore define the system boundaries. Also
recall from the previous section that we have not included the cost of issues that
we know exist but whose impact is noneconomic.

UT 705
Platform Supply Vessel

SFI Group 2 SFI Group 6 SFI Group 7

Hull Machinery main Main engine
components components

SFI Group 27 SFI Group 60 SFI Group 70

External Material Diesel Engine Fuel Oil
Protection for Propulsion System

SFI Group 28 SFI Group 63 SFI Group 71

Interior Material Transmissions Lubrication Oil
Protection System

SFI Group 72

Figure 7.1 Seven main subsystems to be studied.

Before describing how the Activity-Based LCC model was built, the informa-
tion sources are discussed.

Many types of information are needed to design a reliable Activity-Based LCC
model for Farstad. Table 7.1 presents an overview of the information sources and
their contributions. This gives an idea of the comprehensive amount of informa-
tion that must be gathered for this costing model.


When developing the Activity-Based LCC model, only the operational phase of
the PSV is handled just as in the project. In Figure 5.1, a 10-step description of the
method is given, and the implementation of the Activity-Based LCC model will
follow these steps.

Table 7.1 Information Sources

Information Source Type of Information
Farstad Shipping ASA, Ålesund ● Maintenance and service plans and
respective costs.
● Overhead costs.
● Insurance and crew costs.
● Vessel specifications and some
technical information.
Farstad Shipping Ltd., Aberdeen ● Maintenance plans and respective
● Fuel (HFO) information.
International Maling AS ● Paint prices.
● Product data sheets.
● Analysis of tin antifouling versus other
Ulstein Bergen AS ● Environmental performance of
FAR Scandia ● Use pattern.
● MGO consumption.
Møre Research, Ålesund ● General information regarding the
operational phase of ships.
Different Shipyards ● Waste streams.
● Cost information.
ESSO—Mørebunkers AS ● Fuel prices.
Castrol ● Lubrication oil prices.
Ulstein International AS ● Technical specifications for an UT 705
FAR Service ● HFO consumption.

Source: A.M. Fet, J. Emblemsvåg, and J.T. Johannesen, Environmental Impacts and Activity
Based Costing during Operation of a Platform Supply Vessel. Ålesund, Norway: Møreforsking,

Step 1: Define the Scope of the Model and the

Corresponding Cost Objects
The scope of the model was defined in the “Problem Statement and System
Boundaries” section and will not be repeated here. The object of investigation, the
cost object, in this case is a UT 705 PSV owned by Farstad Shipping ASA. The
model does not concern any specific UT 705 PSV but rather attempts to look at
the UT 705 PSV as an object. Data are, however, obtained from specific but rep-
resentative UT 705 PSVs, as mentioned earlier.

Step 2: Obtain and Clean Bill of Materials

for All Cost Objects
Obtaining and cleansing the Bill of Materials (BOM) is relevant when several cost
objects are in the model and consequently may consume overhead resources dis-

proportionately. In this case, however, only one cost object is used and the step is
therefore omitted.

Step 3: Identify and Quantify the Resources

For brevity, only selected resources are presented (see Table 7.2). The revenues are
also omitted since they may indicate the bargaining power of Farstad. Note that in
1995 $1 U.S. equaled NOK 6.50. In this chapter, as previously, I have simply con-
verted the amount from NOK into U.S. dollars without correcting for differences
in exchange rates and purchasing power.
The maintenance costs for the tanks and the machinery are computed using a
job as basis. A job is a basic element in the maintenance program such as “wash
wing tanks (components 238.10.1 through 238.10.12).” When MGO fuel is used,
the maintenance spreadsheet contains 149 different jobs, whereas HFO IF 40
demands 198 different jobs. Each job is associated with a job number, an activity
number, a service interval (how often it should be performed), a machine compo-
nent (where the job should be done), a component number, component costs, and
labor hours.

Table 7.2 Sample Resources

Resource Costs ($/year)
Various types of insurance 620,000
Crew costs 6,697,600
Fuel costs (MGO) 3,774,000
Classification costs (annual average) 71,392

Step 4: Create an Activity Hierarchy and Network

Step 2 starts by forming an activity hierarchy (see Table 7.3). The activity hierar-
chy was mostly established by interviewing technical managers Jan Henry Farstad
and Bjarne Nygaaren. The maintenance programs for FAR Scandia (regarding
MGO fuel) and FAR Service (concerning HFO IF 40 fuel) provided detailed infor-
mation concerning activities A13 and A14. An important premise for defining the
activities is to balance accuracy versus the cost of obtaining information when it
comes to both activities and drivers.
From the activity hierarchy in Table 7.3, we see three main activities: (A1) Use,
(A2) Service on Dock, and (A3) Repair. All the activities under A1 (Use) sustain
production of service hours, which is essentially what the charter group pays for.
Activities A2 (Service on Dock) and A3 (Repair), however, are activities the

Table 7.3 Life-Span Activity Hierarchy for the UT 705 PSV

Activity Level 1 Activity Level 2 Activity Level 3 Activity Level 4
Use A1 Operate ship A11 Load ship A111
Be in service A112
Stand by A113
Service platform
Be out of service
Entering harbor A12
Maintain tanks A13 Wash A131
Test A132
Check A133
Maintain machinery Maintain SFI Check A1411
A14 group 6 A141 Test A1412
Lubricate A1413
Get fluid sample
Overhaul A1416
Honing A1417
Replace comp.
Maintain SFI Check A1421
group 7 A142 Test A1422
Lubricate A1425
Certify class A15
Service A2 Dock ship A21
on Dock Service hull A22 Sand-blast hull A221
Paint hull A222
Clean hull A223
Service machinery Check A231
A23 Change oil A232
Service cooling
system A233
Change anodes A24
Service tanks A25 Sand-blast tanks A251
Paint tanks A252
Clean tanks A253
Repair A3 Tow ship A31
Quay ship A32
Dock ship A33
Repair machinery A34
Repair propellers A35

Table 7.4 Repair Activities Information

Occurrence Expected Repair Expected Loss Expected Repair
Activity Frequency Cost ($) of Time (h) Costs ($)
A31 1.0 130,000 10.0 130,000
A32 2.0 1,400 5.0 2,800
A33 1.5 18,312 20.0 27,468
A34 2.0 500,000 5.0 1,000,000
A35 1.5 50,000 10.0 75,000

shipowner needs to provide the PSV service. The difference between A2 and A3
is that Activity A2 is according to the contract, whereas A3 is extraordinary and
hence results in off-hire and therefore loss of revenues for Farstad.
Also, the activities have four different levels. For example, the Repair activity
(Activity A3) consists of five level 2 activities: Tow Ship (A31), Quay Ship (A32),
Dock Ship (A33), Repair Machinery (A34), and Repair Propellers (A35). The five
level-2 Repair activities are far from the only unwanted incidents that may occur,
but according to historical data, these unwanted incidents occur relatively fre-
quently compared to other incidents like fire, collision, and war. The system
boundary of the project also limits which incidents to consider.
In Table 7.4, the information used for the Repair activities is shown. Note that
the occurrences are projected for a 10-year period.
After the hierarchy is made, an activity network is designed as shown in Figure
7.2. The circular nodes are activities, while the diamond-shaped nodes are design-

A111 - A115 A131 - A1425

A A12 A A15

A111 - A115 A131 - A1425

A231 A222 A223 A221 A21

A251 - A253 A31 - A35


A A24

A232 A = Different Fuel

Figure 7.2 Life-span activity network.


decision nodes. The letter in the decision nodes represents a specific design deci-
sion. In the activity network, we use the lowest-level activities from the activity
hierarchy in Table 7.3, that is, the shaded cells.

Step 5: Identify and Quantify Resource Drivers, Activity

Drivers, and Their Intensities
The Activity-Based LCC model is extensive, as indicated by the information
requirements. Hence, presenting all the drivers and consumption intensities (when
known) is unfeasible. The most important resource drivers are:
● Direct labor This resource driver is used mostly to capture the mainte-
nance and service activities performed by the crew and the workers at ship-
yards. Shipyards split direct labor into four resource drivers: (1) ordinary
direct labor, (2) 50 percent overtime direct labor, (3) 100 percent overtime
direct labor, and (4) shift direct labor. The direct labor resource driver related
to maintenance is not believed to affect the choice between the different fuel
types for the machinery. In Figure 7.3, the resource driver for activity A1416,
Job 0.61 for components 601.1—2.01 is modeled. The unit is hours/year,
● Number of components This resource driver is normally employed to cap-
ture the cost of replacing components in the machinery and is highly affected
by different fuel types for the machinery. It is therefore a design-dependent
● Running hours This resource driver is used to determine the use pattern
of the vessel, and it plays a key role (along with the days in dock resource
driver) in determining when the vessel is off-hire. Furthermore, running

601.1-2.01 A1416 Job 0.61 (h/year)

13,5 14,3 15,0 15,8 16,5

Figure 7.3 Modeling the A1416 Job 0.61 resource driver for components 601.1—2.01.

hours is the resource driver the overhead is distributed by, but it will not be
significantly affected by any design changes.
● Fuel consumption This resource driver keeps track of the fuel costs for the
vessel, is highly affected by different fuel types, and is consequently a design-
dependent driver.
Note that since only one cost object exists in this model, the UT 705 PSV, activ-
ity drivers are not needed.

Step 6: Identify the Relationships between Activity

Drivers and Design Changes
Since this model has only one cost object, the resource drivers will capture the
design changes. Due to the fact that the consumption of activities depends on a
variety of resource drivers, it is convenient to use historical data when available as
a basis from which the relationships can be determined. This is unfortunately asso-
ciated with more uncertainty than the use of mathematical equations. However, it
is the most feasible and probably the most reliable approach, because the variety
of known and unknown resource drivers is virtually impossible to model realisti-
cally as a set of equations.
The historical data is obtained by asking the crew on FAR Scandia, Bjarne
Nygaaren (Farstad Shipping ASA, Ålesund) and Jim Watt (Farstad Shipping Ltd.,
Aberdeen), to fill out some forms and by using invoices up to four years old from
different shipyards. Some data were also from FAR Service, which runs on HFO.
Table 7.5 presents the historical data obtained from FAR Scandia. In this
fashion, we see how historical data is used to quantify a cost driver, which is fuel
consumption in this case. The “% Run. Hrs.” is employed as a basis for the com-
putation of the running hour resource driver.

Step 7: Model the Uncertainty

The model consists of 501 assumption cells, or input variables, in which the uncer-
tainty is modeled. Most of them are modeled as either triangular distributions (see
Figure 7.3), whereas others are modeled as normal distributions. For our purposes
here, it is sufficient to acknowledge that the uncertainty is modeled as realistically
as possible without going into further details. The case in Chapter 6 illustrated the
considerations that must be taken into account when modeling the uncertainty.

Step 8: Estimate the Bill of Activities

Keeping track of the assumptions is vital in order to trust the computations. In gen-
eral, two types of assumptions are made: user-defined and inherent. The user-

Table 7.5 Typical FAR Scandia Mission in 1995

Operational Fuel Consumption
Mode Run. Hrs. % Run. Hrs. Speed (nm/h) (1,000kg/day)
In port 9.3 0.0 1.0
Stand vy 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0
Economic speed 2.1 5.4 10.0 14.3
Full speed 15.3 39.3 14.0 21.4
Service platform 21.5 55.3 0.0 4.8

defined assumptions are uncertainty distributions that are needed to model the
uncertainty, and they can be changed whenever the user wants to. In this model,
many user-defined assumptions5 are made, but only a small sample is presented
(see Figure 7.3 and Table 7.5) for brevity.
The inherent assumptions are made by the designer of the model (that is, me)
to simplify the modeling based on the user preferences and budget. These assump-
tions are therefore embodied in the framework of the model and thus cannot be
easily changed. In this model, only a few of these assumptions are made:
● The historical data are used as a good guideline for the future development.
That is, we assume the future will proceed similarly to the past, a common
assumption in all forecasting, as discussed in Chapter 1.
● Real revenues and costs are assumed constant. In other words, inflation is not
an issue.
● The maintenance program for the vessels is followed accurately so that the
jobs in the maintenance program are done as listed. According to technical
manager Jan H. Farstad, these programs are followed meticulously. The
model nonetheless allows ⫾10 percent variability.
● The technical condition of the machinery and hull remains adequate as long
as maintenance and service programs are followed. Thus, costs other than
depreciation due to aging will not exist. Since only the first 10 years of the life
span were considered, this assumption has very little influence on the results.
For vessels older than 20 years, the situation may be significantly different.
With these assumptions and design decision A embodied in the model, the
Monte Carlo simulations took place using the commercially available software
Crystal Ball®, which adds into Microsoft Excel as a macro. A high number of tri-
als are used in the simulations to reduce the random error to a minimum.

Step 9: Estimate Cost Objects’ Cost and

Their Performance Measures
Since only one cost object is used in the model, the cost of consumption of the
objects is the same as the cost of consumption of the activities. See the “Review

the Results and Iterate If Needed” section below for the actual results. Since this
was a pure costing exercise, no additional performance measures are done, except
risk measures, which are discussed in the “Identifying the Major Operational
Risks” section at the end of this chapter.

Step 10: Perform Monte Carlo Simulations

and Relevant Analyses
During the Monte Carlo simulations, statistical sensitivity analyses were the only
additional numerical analyses performed in this case due to the scope of the proj-
ect. The corresponding sensitivity analysis results are presented along with the
other results in the next section.

Review the Results and Iterate If Needed

The results and the discussions are divided into four main parts:
1. Using the results to check the model
2. Using trend charts to predict and trace future costs and revenues
3. Identifying the critical success factors for the shipowner
4. Investigating design scenario A
But first it is important to clarify how the profitability is determined because
two perspectives are possible. The first is the shipowner’s perspective. Farstad, as
a shipowner, has some expenses covered by the charter group, such as the fuel
costs, as long as the PSV is on a time-charter contract. While the PSV is on a line-
charter contract, Farstad must pay all the expenses. This latter perspective, where
all costs are included, is referred to as the vessel’s point of view.
The shipowner perspective is, as the name indicates, the perspective that the
shipowner mostly cares about because it is the bottom line for the shipowner. The
vessel’s perspective, in combination with the shipowner’s perspective, is more
interesting from a product design perspective because the shipowner would like to
reduce the total costs. After all, the vessel will sooner or later have to operate on
line-charter contracts, and potential charter groups will appreciate lower fuel costs.

Checking the Model

Many issues must be checked when validating a model.6 Briefly stated, these can be
summarized into two main concerns that are discussed in subsequent sections: (1)
the internal logic of the model and (2) the degree to which the model reflects reality.

Internal Validity. The most basic element in checking the internal validity of the
model is to evaluate its logic. In other words, has the model been built using all

available information as logically as possible while making sound assumptions?

The project group has every reason to believe so because technical managers Jan
Henry Farstad and Bjarne Nygaarden were closely involved in explaining the logic
of their business while at the same time supervising how it was used.
The internal logic of the model can also be checked using the results. For example,
the distribution of uncertainty in Figure 7.4 seems strange because the amount of uncer-
tainty is distributed very uncommonly7 and ought to be investigated. To find out if this
is a problem or in fact logical behavior, the sensitivity chart in Figure 7.5 is studied.
It is evident that the different maintenance intervals and the annual running
hours play a major role in the sense that they determine the periods in which costs
are incurred. Or to put it another way, depending on when a certain maintenance
job is performed, it can be reported in year 6, 7, or 8.
Therefore, let us investigate what happens if the service intervals and annual
running hours are kept constant, that is, with no uncertainty in the corresponding
assumption cells. Figure 7.6 shows the effect: A nice bell-shaped distribution
appears. The abnormal distribution in Figure 7.4 evidently arises because the reg-
istration of costs depends on when the activity is performed, thus producing this
large uncertainty in the forecast cells. This fact may be important with respect to
liquidity management, but that is not a topic of this book. Nevertheless, the behav-
ior is logical and the model is therefore deemed reliable. Next, we must find out if
the model seems to represent reality in a fair way.

External Validity. The external validity of the model can best be investigated by
showing the model to technical managers Farstad and Nygaarden because they
know their business very well, have extensive experience both technically and eco-

Forecast: Year 7 Maintenance Costs MGO

Cell AF158 Frequency Chart 5,403 Trials Shown
.055 308

.041 231


.028 154

.014 77

.000 0
450.00 575.00 700.00 825.00 950.00
1000 USD

Figure 7.4 Year 7 maintenance cost uncertainty distribution using MGO fuel.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Year 7 Maintenance Costs MGO

Annual Running Hours (h) .62

Hour Consumption Int. (NOK/h) .17
20.000 Hr. Maintenance Interval -.16
713.05.1-2 A1421 Job 0.10 (h) .13
10.000 Hr. Maintenance Interval -.10
40.000 Hr. Maintenance Interval -.09
1000 Hr. Maintenance Interval -.08
8000 Hr. Maintenance Interval -.08
25 Hr. Maintenance Interval -.07
713.05.1-2 A1421 Job 0.20 (h) .07
3 Mo. Maintenance Interval -.05
601.1-2.01 A1416 Job 0.61 (h) .04

: : -1 -0.5
: 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 7.5 Year 7 maintenance cost sensitivity chart using MGO fuel.

Forecast: Year 7 Maintenance Costs MGO

Cell AF158 Frequency Chart 6,315 Trials Shown
.026 162

.019 121.5


.013 81

.006 40.5

.000 0
760.00 780.00 800.00 820.00 840.00
1000 USD

Figure 7.6 Year 7 maintenance cost uncertainty distribution using MGO fuel.

nomically, and have been involved in the project from start to finish. We met and
presented the model and its results to them and they asked questions. They were
very pleased with the model because they found it logical, sound, and matched
well with their experience. Thus, we had every reason to believe that the model
captures the real issues well. After checking the model for internal and external
validity, the next step is to predict future costs and revenues.

Predicting Future Costs and Profitabilities

The predictions of future costs and profitabilities are, of course, greatly affected by
the logic of the model and how well the uncertainty is modeled. Concerning the
logic of the model, we can assume that it will remain valid because the overall logic
of operating will not change substantially within the period of time the predictions
concern. Modeling the uncertainty, however, is much more difficult because nobody
can tell the future. For example, what is the exchange rate between U.S. dollars and
Norwegian kroner in five years? Essentially, we must rely on guesswork when it
comes to modeling the uncertainty. Here an important principle applies: Invite those
who know the business to provide “guesstimates.” Technical managers Farstad and
Nygaarden played a major role is this part of the project as well.
Given these limitations, the Activity-Based LCC model can predict future costs,
revenues, or profitabilities. In Figure 7.7, for example, we can see how the main-

Trend Chart
UT705 MGO Main Component Cost Development





Year 7 Main Component Costs MGO
Year 1 Main Component Costs MGO

Year 2 Main Component Costs MGO

Year 3 Main Component Costs MGO

Year 4 Main Component Costs MGO

Year 5 Main Component Costs MGO

Year 6 Main Component Costs MGO

Year 8 Main Component Costs MGO

Year 9 Main Component Costs MGO

Year 10 Main Component Costs MGO

Certainties Centered on Means

Figure 7.7 Maintenance cost predictions (unit is $1,000).


Trend Chart
The Development of the Vessel s Profitability the first 10 years



3,500 50%


Annual Profit Year 1

Annual Profit Year 2

Annual Profit Year 3

Annual Profit Year 4

Annual Profit Year 5

Annual Profit Year 6

Annual Profit Year 7

Annual Profit Year 8

Annual Profit Year 9

Annual Profit Year 10

Certanties Centered on Medians

Figure 7.8 Profitability for the vessel the first 10 years (unit is $1,000).

tenance costs for the main components fluctuate from approximately $400,000 to
over $800,000 per year. If we look at the 70 percent confidence interval, for
example, we see it has a certain repetition, every three years being the most costly
from a maintenance point of view. This is not strange since the machinery has cer-
tain maintenance and service intervals that involve more work than others. Again,
this seems to indicate that the model is sound.
However, the trend chart in Figure 7.8 shows that these fluctuations have little
effect in the overall profitability for the PSV. The shift in profitability from year 4
to year 5 is due to the refinancing of the Farstad fleet in 1995.
Of course, predicting the future is nice, but the real strength of Activity-Based
LCC does in fact not lie in superior predicting and uncertainty analysis capabilities.
It lies in the process orientation and use of drivers because that enables us to find
the future critical success factors. When we have identified the critical success fac-
tors, it is much easier to work toward future goals because now we know what mat-
ters most.
In my opinion, too much effort is wasted every year in most organizations on
chasing “how much” and “how to do it” when they really should be concerned
about “what to do” and “why.” It is as Drucker says:8

Not in a very long time—not, perhaps, since the late 1940s or early 1950s—
have there been as many new major management techniques as there are
today: downsizing, outsourcing, total quality management, economic value
analysis, benchmarking, reengineering. Each is a powerful tool. But, with
the exceptions of outsourcing and reengineering, these tools are designed
primarily to do differently what is already being done. They are “how to do”
Yet “what to do” is increasingly becoming the central challenge facing
managements. Especially those of big companies that have enjoyed long-
term success.
Although activity-based techniques in general are mainly “how to do it” tools,
they also incorporate a “what to do” aspect in that they direct attention toward what
drives the business. Activity-Based LCC directs attention even better than standard
ABC due to improved forecasting and simulation capabilities and tracing mecha-
nisms. The critical success factors for Farstad is discussed next.

Identifying the Critical Success Factors for the Shipowner

The beauty of Monte Carlo simulations is that not only are their forecasting and
uncertainty-handling capabilities superb, but an equally important side effect occurs:
a large sample of statistical data. These data are used in statistical sensitivity analy-
sis. Figure 7.9 presents a sensitivity chart that allows us to identify the most signifi-
cant cost and revenue contributors, or drivers, to the life-span profitability.
The drivers are:
● Daily revenue This is the only driver that contributes to the revenues and
is consequently paramount to the profitability.
● Crew cost This is the second most important contributor to the profitability.
● Fuel-related drivers All these contribute significantly in a negative direc-
tion; that is, an increase in these resource drivers will result in a decreased
● Annual running hours If the number of annual running hours is increased,
the profitability will decrease. This is evident because the more a vessel is
running, the more fuel and maintenance are required, but the revenue remains
the same.
● Annual investment overhead (An.Inv. Overhead) This factor determines
Farstad’s annual cost of capital for this vessel and is therefore important.
The other drivers in Figure 7.9 are also significant cost contributors. However,
since the correlation coefficients are low, we should be careful with using them
right away because the method is based on a numerical approximation technique
that is susceptible to random errors.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Aggregated Profit

Daily Revenue (NOK/day) .89

Annual Crew Costs (NOK/yr) -.28
MGO Price (NOK/l) -.20
Annual Running Hours (h/yr) -.13
An. Inv. Overhead first 5 yr (NOK/yr) -.13
Nom. Fuel Consump. FullSpeed -.11
Time along Platform (h) .08
Time at Full Speed (h) -.07
MGO Tax (NOK/l) .06
Other Annual Overhead (NOK/yr) -.03

: : :
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 7.9 Sensitivity analysis for the aggregated life-span profitability.

For the shipowner, however, the situation is slightly different, because the char-
ter group provides the fuel. The difference between the vessel’s profitability and
the shipowner profitability is roughly $3.5 million, or the annual fuel costs. It
should be noted that not all the costs are included due to the system boundaries, as
was discussed in the “Problem Statement and System Boundaries” section.
So what is determining the profitability for the shipowner? For Farstad, the
profitability sensitivity chart is shown in Figure 7.10. Compared to Figure 7.9, we
see that the main drivers are more or less the same, except that the fuel-related driv-
ers have dropped out in Figure 7.10.
However, the sensitivity chart in Figure 7.10 may be unreliable, except for the
top three contributors, because how can anything with fuel affect the profitability
when the fuel cost is not included in the shipowner’s profitability? The reason for
the unreliable identification of the small critical success factors in Figure 7.10 is
that the top three are very dominant, especially daily revenue, whose correlation
coefficient is 0.94. To eliminate this problem, all the large critical success factors
already identified are eliminated:
● Daily revenue.
● Interest rate.
● Crew costs.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Shipowner's Aggregated Profit
Daily Revenue (NOK/day) .94
Annual Crew Costs (NOK/yr) -.28
An. Inv. Overhead first 5 yr (NOK/yr) -.14
Reimbursement (NOK/yr) .03
Other Annual Overhead (NOK/yr) -.03
Hull/Machinery Insurance (NOK/yr) -.03
Interest Rate (%) -.03
Annual Running Hours (h/yr) -.03
Unload Fuel Consumption (tonn/day) -.02

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 7.10 Sensitivity analysis for the shipowner’s profitability.

● Fuel-related drivers (if the shipowner pays the fuel as in line chartering).
● Annual running hours.
● All the different maintenance and service intervals. These do not affect the
total costs for the 10-year period significantly, but they highly affect the peri-
odicity of the costs, as mentioned earlier.
● Reimbursement for the usage of Norwegian seamen.
● Insurance.
The model is run once more and the results are presented in Figure 7.11. Now
the less important critical success factors can be identified.
Table 7.6 presents the 209 expected largest cost and revenue factors to the ship-
owner’s profitability. The table starts with the expected largest. Note that:
● The ordering of the critical success factors may be slightly wrong, and there
may be other factors that should have been listed instead of some of the con-
tributors listed at the end of the table due to random effects in the Monte
Carlo simulation. Nevertheless, the listed critical success factors are always
● All the cost factors from the A3 Repair activity are excluded due to the large
amount of inherent uncertainty in those activities. Farstad simply cannot
manage a vessel to avoid, say, a collision. Farstad can only launch some pro-
grams that can reduce the risk of a collision.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Shipowner's Aggregated Profit
Exchange Rate USD/NOK -.70
Serviced Tank Area (m2) -.32
601.1-2.10 A1418 Job 0.50 Comp. -.31
Lay days pr. year (day/yr) .27
Serviced Bottom/Hull Area (m2) -.23
601.1-2.25 A1416 Comp. (NOK) -.19
601.1-2.70 A1418 Comp. (NOK) -.13
A221 Hours (h) -.11
Number of Paint Layers -.11
634.33.1-2 A232 Comp. (NOK) -.08
A233 Hours (h) -.08
Intersmooth HISOL 900 (NOK/l) -.08
601.1-2.05 A1416 Comp. (NOK) -.07
601.1-2.01 A1416 Comp. (NOK) -.07
Consumed Paint (Partial Service) (l) -.07

: : :
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 7.11 Sensitivity chart for the shipowner’s aggregated life-span profitability after
eliminating the largest factors.

Table 7.6 Twenty Most Critical Success Factors for the Shipowner’s
Aggregated Life-Span Profitability
Ranking Cost/Revenue Contributors Type
1 Daily revenue Revenue
2 Capital cost Cost
3 Crew cost (included reimbursement) Cost
4 Annual running hours Cost
5 Other annual overhead costs Cost
6 Insurance Cost
7 Different maintenance and docking intervals Cost
8 Classification (exchange rate USD/NOK) Cost
9 Serviced tank area Cost
10 601.1—2.10 A1418 Job 0.50 component cost Cost
11 Lay days per year Revenue
12 Serviced bottom/hull area Cost
13 601.1—2.25 A1416 component cost Cost
14 601.1—2.70 A1418 component cost Cost
15 A221 hours Cost
16 Number of paint layers Cost
17 634.33.1—2. A232 component cost Cost
18 A233 hours Cost
19 Intersmooth HISOL 900 Cost
20 601.12.05 A1416 component cost Cost

Only two revenue factors, daily revenue and the number of annual lay days, can
be identified from Table 7.6. During negotiations with a possible charter group, the
different daily revenue and the number of annual lay days options can be simu-
lated using the model presented here. Farstad can then, aided by a trend chart as
in Figure 7.8, determine which option is preferable, or Farstad can determine
before negotiations how low daily revenue can be and what are the fewest lay days
it can agree upon. In both cases, some of the strength of the model presented here,
compared to ordinary LCC models concerning prediction, is that future uncer-
tainties can be modeled realistically and taken into account during the negotiations.
Table 7.6 can furthermore be used to identify potential areas of saving. After study-
ing the model and identifying the critical success factors, the effect of using dif-
ferent fuel, MGO versus IF 40 HFO, is investigated.

Investigating Design Decision A

As can be seen from the activity network in Figure 7.2, design decision A, IF 40
versus MGO, affects mainly the cost of fuel consumption and the cost of the main-
tenance activities. Figure 7.12 presents the uncertainty distribution for the aggre-
gated savings of using IF 40 (versus MGO).
The model estimates an expected $(USD)711,000 savings over a 10-year
period, but as can be seen from Figure 7.12, if IF 40 is chosen, the vessel still has
approximately 40 percent probability of increasing the costs. The choice is there-
fore difficult; IF 40 is only expected to be more cost effective. However, as can be
seen from Figure 7.13, the fuel prices, the fuel consumption, and the annual run-
ning hours play a major role. Thus, the IF 40 choice depends on favorable fuel
prices, high fuel consumption, and low number of annual running hours. From the
shipowner’s perspective, however, using IF 40 is highly unprofitable because the
consumption of machinery components increases by several hundred percent
while the benefits of lower fuel prices cannot be harvested since the fuel is pro-
vided by the charter group.
The sensitivity chart in Figure 7.14 pinpoints the most important maintenance
cost factors. Those with a negative correlation coefficient drive the cost associated
with using IF 40, and those with a positive correlation coefficient drive the cost
associated with MGO. Hence, an IF 40 system incurs much more maintenance
costs than an MGO system, and we can also see that the difference is mainly due
to a higher consumption of components.
From the discussion above, we understand that:

● From the vessel’s point of view, use IF 40 when (otherwise not):

䡩 The IF 40 price is expected to be favorable in the period. Favorable means
that the IF40 fuel price is as low as now or even lower.

Forecast: Vessel Aggregated Savings Using IF 40

Cell H21 Frequency Chart 4,500 Trials Shown
.028 127

.021 95.25

.014 63.5

.007 31.75

.000 0
-6,000 -2,500 1,000 4,500 8,000
1000 USD

Figure 7.12 Uncertainty distribution for the aggregated savings of using IF 40 from the
vessel’s perspective.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Vessel Aggregated Savings Using IF 40
IF 40 (lSO2 < 2.5%) (NOK/ tonn) -.67
MGO Price (NOK/l) .48
IF 40 Tax (SO2 < 2.5%) (NOK/ tonn) .28
MGO Tax (NOK/l) -.26
Nom. Fuel Consump. FullSpeed .18
HFO/MGO Consumption Ratio -.14
Annual Running Hours (h) -.12
Time at Full Speed (h) .11
Time along Platform (h) -.08

: : :
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 7.13 Sensitivity analysis for the vessel aggregated savings when using IF 40.

䡩 The vessel will be running steadily with a high fuel consumption. This can
only be achieved when the vessel is going back and forth on full speed,
because then the positive effect of high fuel consumption will dominate the
negative effect of more annual running hours.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Shipowner Aggregated Savings Using IF 40
601.1-2.01 A1415 Job 1.01 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.34
601.1-2.10 A1418 Job 0.50 Comp. (NOK) .27
601.1-2.01 A1416 Job 4.60 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.23
601.01.06 A1416 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.23
601.1-2.01 A1416 Job 5.60 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.23
601.1-2.25 A1416 Job 0.25 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.21
601.1-2.25 A1416 Job 0.24 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.21
601.1-2.01 A1416 Job 3.60 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.20
601.1-2.01 A1415 Job 0.64 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.20
601.1-2.01 A1416 Job 2.60 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.20
601.1-2.01 A1416 Job 6.60 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.20
601.1-2.25 A1416 Job 0.23 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.19
601.1-2.25 A1416 Job 0.26 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.19
601.1-2.25 A1416 Job 0.22 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.19
601.1-2.25 A1416 Job 0.21 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.18
601.1-2.25 A1416 Comp. (NOK) .17
601.1-2.70 A1418 Comp. (NOK) .14
601.1-2.10 A1418 Job 0.50 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.13
601.1-2.10 A1418 Job 0.20 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.12
601.1-2.70 A1418 Comp. (NOK) HFO -.11
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 7.14 Sensitivity chart for the aggregated savings of using IF 40 from the
shipowner’s perspective.

● From the shipowner’s point of view, it is favorable to use MGO, except when
the shipowner must pay the fuel and the previous points occur. This situation
is only likely to occur when the vessel is on line-charter contracts.
In summary, for the shipowner, MGO is best in most cases (unless the charter
group specifies something else). The only case where IF 40 will in general bene-
fit the shipowner is when the vessel is on line-chartering and the IF 40 price is
expected to be favorable.
It is important to understand that the way design decision A was investigated is
not for procurement/design purposes in the sense that we did not try to find out
what were the financial consequences of purchasing/installing machinery that used
HFO. If that was the purpose, we should have used a discounting factor because
the initial investment would be on the other end of the time-line than the operation
costs and benefits. The purpose was rather to find out under what operating cir-
cumstances HFO is preferable to MGO on a general and continuous basis. If we
had used discounting factors, we would have distorted the sensitivity analysis in

Figure 7.14, which would have led to erroneous conclusions regarding the critical
operating factors. Thus, understanding the purpose of the LCC model is pivotal.
Before we close this case, a few issues about risk management should be men-
tioned since any LCC inherently is about future profitability, which is associated
with risks.


The most important point regarding risk management is that sensitivity charts are
indispensable when it comes to identifying the risks because we should identify
the risks in relation to the critical success factors and the overall objectives. Since
the critical success factors will inevitably relate to the overall objectives, if the
model is built correctly, it is sufficient to identify the risks of the critical success
factors. Some of the critical success factors are operational risks in themselves
because they produce cost variances such as fuel consumption.
For Farstad, Table 7.7 represents a compilation of the critical success factors
found in the sensitivity charts as argued earlier, which can be used in conjunction
with a group session with Farstad representatives to identify the risks for each of
those critical success factors. Table 7.7 shows some of the risks related to three of
the most critical success factors. Note that risks involve not only bad things hap-
pening but also good things not happening, as explained in Chapter 3.

Table 7.7 Three Most Critical Success Factors for the Shipowner’s
Aggregated Life-Span Profitability and Their Risks
Ranking Contributors Risks Type
1 Daily revenue ● Contract is discontinued for Revenue
various reasons.
● Poor customer-relationship
management inhibits contract
2 Capital cost ● Fixed interest rates inhibit Cost
interest rate reductions.
● Market premium risk
● Farstad Shipping ASA beta
● Interest on long-term government
bond increases/decreases.
3 Crew cost ● Social costs increase/decrease. Cost
(included ● Wages increase.
reimbursement) ● Regulations require more employees.

The rest of what constitutes sound risk management practices can be done quite
straightforwardly, as briefly explained in Chapter 3.

The results from the Activity-Based LCC model include much more information
than presented here. But the results presented do illustrate the comprehensiveness
and the effectiveness of Activity-Based LCC, which is the main purpose of this
chapter. That Activity-Based LCC works well should be beyond any doubt.
The big question that may arise after reading this case is why no discounting
factors were used. Clues to the answer can be found in the the “Problem Statement
and System Boundaries” section, where the twofold problem statement is pre-
sented. Basically, Farstad wanted a LCC model that would provide decision sup-
port concerning:
● The total costs of operating a PSV up to 10 years.
● Under what circumstances will machinery that runs on HFO be preferable to
machinery that uses MGO?
The point is that both issues are related to the continuous operation of a PSV.
In such a situation, we simply cannot discount the future because operational/man-
agement issues are continuous in character and the time value is consequently the
same regardless of where you are in a timeline. That is, it is just as important to
operate a PSV well in year 5 as in year 1 provided that Farstad is interested in being
in business after year 5.
It is also important to find out how rapidly the industry is moving. The offshore
shipping industry is a mature industry and one year in it is therefore not compara-
ble to one year in a rapidly changing industry such as the IT industry. For Farstad,
a lag of one month between costs and revenues does not warrant using discount
factors except in extraordinary circumstances. Thus, what is continuous and what
is not is a matter of industry characteristics and the relative size of the costs or the
cash flows. All such issues should be considered when considering discounting
factors. Be sure that the assumptions that accompany the usage of discounting fac-
tors represent the reality of the case.
In what kind of situation could discount factors rightfully be used? For Farstad,
many investments (financial and real) can be supported by an Activity-Based LCC
model, but it all boils down to whether a significant time difference exists between
costs and revenues. For example, if Farstad decides to rebuild a PSV by changing
machinery from using MGO to HFO, it would have an initial cost that must be
recovered from a series of annual profitability improvements. Then it would be
necessary to use a discounting factor because the company has spent resources
today that will produce benefits for years to come. If Farstad simply wants to know

how to increase its annual profitability, it would be wrong to use a discounting fac-
tor because then it would be a matter of improving the daily operation, a continu-
ous activity where costs and revenues follow each other.

1. I gratefully acknowledge the very good cooperation and financial support from
Farstad Shipping ASA and Møre Research in Ålesund, Norway, that made the work
presented in this chapter possible. I would particularly like to mention that unless I
had been fortunate enough to be invited by Annik Magerholm Fet to participate in
the project, I would never have had the opportunity to present this case in the first
place. The project is described fully in A.M. Fet, J. Emblemsvåg, and J.T.
Johannesen, Environmental Impacts and Activity-Based Costing during Operation of
a Platform Supply Vessel (Ålesund, Norway: Møreforsking, 1996).
2. See, for example, J. Brown, “Copolymer Antifoulings: Look Beneath the Surface,”
Propeller Direct 3 (1), 1996, pp. 1—5.
3. For more information, see S.K. Bailey and I.M. Davies, “The Effects of Tributyltine
on Dogwhelks (Nucella Lapillus) from Scottish Coastal Waters,” Journal of Marine
Biology Association UK 63, 1989, pp. 335—354, and A.R. Beaumont and M.D. Budd,
“High Mortality of the Larvae of the Common Mussel at Low Concentrations of
Tributyltin,” Marine Pollution Bulletin 15, 1984, pp. 402—405.
4. Because something has no economic value does not imply that it is worthless in itself.
It simply indicates that the current transactions in the economic system do not include
it because there is no market for it.
5. There are 501 assumption cells and 65 forecast cells. The term cells is used because
the model is implemented in MS Excel. A more generic term would be variable.
6. See, for example, K. Pedersen, J. Emblemsvåg, R. Bailey, J.K. Allen, and F. Mistree,
“Validating Design Methods and Research: The Validation Square,” the 2000 ASME
Design Engineering Technical Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, ASME.
7. Due to the Central Limit Theorem, the common would approximately be a bell-
shaped curve, a normal distribution.
8. P.F. Drucker, “The Theory of the Business.” Harvard Business Review, September-
October, 1994.
9. By running more simulations and eliminating the most dominant factors in each sim-
ulation, this table could have been expanded to capture all the 501 assumption cells.

There are risks and costs to a program of action, but they are far less
than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.
John F. Kennedy
In Chapter 4, WagonHo! was discussed extensively within the context of identify-
ing ways to improve the company. In this chapter, a complete Activity-Based Life-
Cycle Costing (LCC) implementation for all WagonHo!’s products, and for the
entire product life cycle, is discussed. That is, the Activity-Based LCC model will
include all the stages shown in Figure 2.1 from manufacturing to use/service to
The primary purpose of this chapter is to illustrate how Activity-Based LCC
can be implemented to cover an entire product life cycle. A simple case like
WagonHo! is ideal for several reasons:
● Very few organizations are doing such exercises. Most organizations use
LCC for procurement and design. A very limited number of for-profit organ-
izations include end-of-life issues, as far as I know.
● A complete real-life case would have been too large and complex to com-
prehensibly present in a book format. For example, in one of the projects I
worked on recently, the model had about 4,000 variables, 100-plus product
lines, about 50 activities per manufacturing site, of which there were three,
and so forth. The model provided detailed decision support for deciding
between four major restructuring scenarios for a $150 million manufacturing
company and several process and product outsourcing alternatives. Because
of the complicated information system in the company combined with sim-
ulating the introduction of three new major product lines, we spent 14 days
checking and tuning it, which is twice the normal time usually spent. Clearly,
presenting such a case in a comprehensible manner to someone who does not
know the company would be virtually impossible.

● The WagonHo! case has all the elements needed (multiple products, detailed
process information, substantial overhead costs, and so on) to illustrate the
points, yet it is simple enough to provide value to the readers.
Since WagonHo!, Inc. was discussed in Chapter 4, where much background
information was presented, this chapter starts by reiterating some of the most
important issues. It then discusses how to implement Activity-Based LCC and
presents the results.


WagonHo!, Inc. is a small toy manufacturer in the computers of the Center for
Manufacturing Information Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.2 It manufactures
carts and wheelbarrows for children. Its products are high quality and cater to a
market segment for children whose parents are well off. It has been facing hard
economic times, mostly because it has not been able to manage its costs well, but
after implementing a new strategy, it turned a $1.3 million loss into a $225,000
To further increase profits, the company decided to implement a totally new busi-
ness idea. It was no longer going to just sell its products; it was also going to buy
the products back in order to reuse and remanufacture the parts and recycle materi-
als. That could potentially cut its material costs substantially and therefore make the
company more profitable. An initial idea was to stop selling and instead lease its
products, but this strategy proved too difficult for WagonHo! to finance at the pres-
ent time. This strategy must therefore be adopted at a later stage.
Reusing and remanufacturing components and recycling materials are indeed
interesting ideas, but what are the economic realities? How is the company going
to implement the strategy? To provide decision support, the chief executive asked
me to implement Activity-Based LCC, which is discussed in the next section.
As a first step, the company decided to keep products (including prices) as
before, as shown in Figure 8.1:
● CW1000 wagon, referred to as CW1000. This is a wagon with four wheels
and front steering.
● CW4000 wheelbarrow, which is denoted CW4000. This is a single-wheel
wheelbarrow, without steering.
● CW7000 garden cart, which we simply call CW7000. This is a two-wheeled
cart also without steering.
The products are mainly made of plastics, steel screws, and some wood. Since
these materials are easy to recycle and possibly reuse depending on how they have
been handled by previous owners, the main challenge is the take them apart
(demanufacture or disassembly) fast enough to be economically viable.

CW1000 Wagon

CW4000 Wheel Barrow

CW7000 Garden Cart

Figure 8.1 Products of WagonHo!

Later, however, redesign of the products may also become an option, but for
now management realizes that it cannot make too many big changes. More details
concerning products, the Bill of Materials (BOM), hourly labor rates, and so on
were discussed found in Chapter 4.


The steps for implementing Activity-Based LCC models are given in Figure 5.1.
In the following sections, each step is discussed in relation to WagonHo!

Step 1: Define the Scope of the Model and the

Corresponding Cost Objects
Since WagonHo! has no experience concerning its new business idea, it is impor-
tant that the Activity-Based LCC model provides decision support regarding the
most uncertain issues. At the time of implementation, the most notable uncertain-
ties were:
● What drives the profitability at WagonHo!?
● What products are profitable and why?
● What organization is needed to run the downstream operations after manu-
● What are the risks associated with the new business idea?

To facilitate decision support of these issues and more, both a costing model
and a cash flow model must be built. The reason for making a cash flow model is
that during the transition phase, it is important to keep track of liquidity to avoid
The Activity-Based LCC model implemented at WagonHo! is a full absorption
model. That is, all the costs are traced to the products. Such full absorption mod-
els are particularly useful with respect to evaluating the pricing of the products.
To provide the decision support needed for the downstream operations, we must
in addition to estimating the costs and profitabilities of the three products also
assess the costs of the main processes, as depicted in Figure 2.1. These generic
processes are:
1. Mining (raw material extraction)
2. Material processing
3. Product manufacture
4. Distribution
5. Use and service
6. Product take-back
7. Product demanufacture and disassembly, including the remanufacturing of
reusable components and the reprocessing of recycled materials
8. Materials demanufacturing, including energy recycling, fuel production, and
materials regeneration
9. Disposal
The first four processes are already covered in the standard ABC model pre-
sented in Chapter 4. The main focus of the Activity-Based LCC model is there-
fore processes 5 through 9 to the degree they are applicable. It is crucial to realize,
however, that since the product properties are established early in the product life
cycle yet have large consequences for the entire life cycle, the Activity-Based
LCC model must include all applicable processes. To give decision support with
respect to organizational issues, the model must therefore treat every activity as
a cost object.

Step 2: Obtain and Clean Bill of Materials

for All Cost Objects
The Bill of Materials (BOM) has been obtained (see Figure 8.2) where the
CW4000 BOM is found. We see that only material costs and direct labor costs are
included. Since no significant batch production is done at WagonHo!, we can use
the direct labor estimates. In other words, cleaning the costs is not needed.

Model: CW4000 Number of Components: 12

List Price 100
Net Price 88

Product Parent Part Num Unit Ext

Num Description Num Number Required Cost Cost
4000 Wheel Barrow CW4000 7.24
4100 Bed 4000 CW1373 1 0.5 6.54 3.27
4200 Screws 4100 SP4881 10 0.02 0.20
4300 Wheel Assy 4100 2.28
4320 Axle Bracket 4300 CW2019 2 1 0.87 0.87
4330 Short Axle 4300 CW3626 1 0.5 0.18 0.09
4340 Wheel 4300 CW2314 1 0.5 1.45 0.73
4350 Cotter Pins 4300 SP6122 2 1 0.01 0.01
4380 Raw Material - Wheel 4300 RM5784 1 0.25 0.78 0.20
4390 Raw Material - Brackets 4300 RM5784 1 0.5 0.78 0.39
4400 Leg/Handle Assy 4100 1.49
4420 Handle 4400 CW3232 1 0.5 1.12 0.56
4430 Leg Stand 4400 CW4240 1 0.5 0.95 0.48
4440 Screws 4400 SP4881 6 3 0.02 0.06
4470 Raw Material - Leg Stand 4400 RM5784 1 0.5 0.78 0.39

Direct Labor Activity Measured in Price Amount Total

Kit Parts A121 Minutes 0.12 12 1.46
Run Mill A122 Minutes 0.15 56.0 8.40
Run Lathe A123 Minutes 0.14 0.0 0.00
Assemble Product A124 Minutes 0.13 30.0 3.90
Inspect Products A125 Minutes 0.19 5.0 0.94
Direct Labor Costs 103 14.70

Figure 8.2 CW4000 BOM.

Step 3: Identify and Quantify the Resources

In a costing model, resources are defined as cost elements that are consumed by
the performance of activities. To run the demanufacturing process, WagonHo! has
hired five more employees: a supervisor and four workers (see Table 8.1). We see
that by Year 3, all new people are fully employed at an annual expense of $121,800.
The new strategy will produce both negative changes in the cash flow as well
as positive changes. The negative changes in the expense levels are shown in Table
8.2. The purchase of new equipment, for example, represents an increase in
expenses of $65,000 for new equipment in Year 0. After the initial three-year
period, the increased expense level for added equipment (due to the purchase of
new equipment) depreciation and maintenance, as well as the new employees, will
be $174,425.
But since materials and components are recycled, the benefits will start mate-
rializing when the old products are taken back and reused or recycled, which is
discussed later. Thus, savings yield a positive cash flow and reduced expense lev-
els, as shown in Table 8.3.
Finally, since a considerable amount of time takes place from when the initial
investments are committed in Year 0 until the strategy is fully implemented, infla-

Table 8.1 Hiring Plan

Personnel Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Supervisor 14,450 28,900 28,900 28,900
Truck driver 8,950 17,900 17,900
Worker 1 13,000 26,000 26,000
Worker 2 24,500
Worker 3 24,500
Total 14,450 50,850 72,800 121,800

tion could be included. However, the inflation will affect both expenses and sav-
ings in a similar fashion in this particular case, because the relative difference
remains the same as before. To make life simple, inflation is therefore omitted.
The changes in expense levels combined with the old cost structure have pro-
duced the current cost base, as shown in Table 8.4, after the three-year transition
period following the investment. Each cost element is broken further down into
greater detail in the model to fit the activity definitions as closely as possible. In
other words, the standard General Ledger, which is organized according to cost
categories (depreciation, direct labor costs, indirect labor costs, rent, and so on)
has been rearranged and become object oriented. This makes the distortion from
the resource level to the activity level in the model as small as possible. More
importantly, however, the object orientation makes process cost assessments eas-
ier and more accurate, and cause-effect relations are easier to identify.
The manufacturing costs were quantified using information from the BOM and
the existing cost accounting system. The cost of demanufacturing resources
is based on guesswork with respect to the kind of personnel needed and what
processes and activities are needed to sustain a viable demanufacturing process.
Even though this is guesswork, the point is that the Activity-Based LCC model
makes it possible to investigate the consequences (costs and risks) and what the crit-
ical success factors are regarding the entire demanufacturing process. All equipment
costs are handled as depreciation to which the annual maintenance costs have been

Table 8.2 Increase in Expense Levels

Elements Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Equipment 65,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Buildings 47,625 47,625 47,625 47,625 47,625 47,625
Labor 7,225 50,850 72,800 121,800 121,800 121,800
Total expenses 119,850 103,475 125,425 174,425 174,425 174,425

Table 8.3 Saved Expenses

Savings Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Saved energy 1,417 2,833 4,250 4,250 4,250
Materials savings 79,497 158,993 238,490 238,490 238,490
Total savings 0 80,913 161,827 242,740 242,740 242,740

added. The building is an aggregated resource that includes the annual gas and elec-
tricity costs. The resources in Table 8.4 also include all new employees.
In this case, it is important to notice that since the products are estimated to have
an expected life in the market of three years before WagonHo! can take them back,
there will be a transition period of roughly three years. Note that Year 0 appears
two years after the new strategy has been implemented. The reason is that it takes
three years before any products are taken back due to the life expectancy and the
expiration of leasing contracts. To monitor this period, a cash flow model is needed
to avoid liquidity problems.
The cash flow model is a comparative model; that is, it compares the cash flow
of the new strategy to not implementing the new strategy, and not to the total cash
flow in the company. This suffices in this case, and in most investment analyses,
the baseline is the “do nothing” option. This is a commonly chosen baseline, but
it is rarely the correct one because doing nothing has hidden implications. The rea-
son is that the baseline is always moving; the business environment as well as the
organization itself is always evolving, and doing nothing therefore means the

Table 8.4 Resources After a New Strategy Is Implemented

Resource Elements Costs
Administration labor costs 490,095 ($/year)
Demanufacturing building 47,625 ($/year)
Demanufacturing equipment 12,275 ($/year)
Demanufacturing labor costs 98,680 ($/year)
Design equipment 3,500 ($/year)
Facility overhead costs 80,000 ($/year)
Logistics equipment 2,900 ($/year)
Manufacturing building 238,125 ($/year)
Manufacturing labor costs 1,102,226 ($/year)
Material, design 2,500 ($/year)
Material, maintenance 3,000 ($/year)
Material, production 246,260 ($/year)
Office equipment 45,650 ($/year)
Production equipment 46,570 ($/year)
Truck for take-back 8,000 ($/year)
Total 2,427,406 ($/year)

situation will get worse, as explained in Chapter 5’s “Moving Baseline” section. For
WagonHo!, however, the new strategy will most likely have a positive impact. Doing
nothing as a baseline will therefore be a conservative choice because the future real-
ity will most likely be better than today since WagonHo! has already undergone sub-
stantial positive changes the last two years, as discussed in Chapter 4.

Step 4: Create an Activity Hierarchy and Network

To create the activity hierarchy, we simply break down all the operations per-
formed at WagonHo! and group them into activities. How to gather them depends
on what is most useful in terms of data gathering, accuracy, process understand-
ing, and so on. Consequently, an activity hierarchy can be created in different
ways. The activity hierarchy developed for WagonHo! is shown in Table 8.5.

Table 8.5 WagonHo! Activity Hierarchy

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Manufacture products Provide logistics Receive parts A111
A1 support A11 Run inventory A112
Ship products A113
Produce products A12 Kit parts A121
Run mill A122
Run lathe A123
Assemble products A124
Inspect products A125
Design products A13
Sell products A14 Sell products A141
Service customers A142
Renew leasing contract A143
Maintain facility A15
Demanufacture Take-back products A21
products A2
Inspect products A22
Disassemble products A23 Remove fasteners A231
Take products apart A232
Sort components A233
Clean good components
Recycle materials A24 Send metals to recycler A241
Incinerate nonmetal parts
Manage company A3 Lead company A31
Run production A32
Process orders A33
Manage costs A34

It should be noted that based on earlier implementations, as shown in Chapter

4, some improvements have already been made. Basically, this model has been
simplified in some respects. Note that because no costs are associated with using
the products and no need exists for servicing them, no activities are required in the
use and service process category.
In Figure 8.3, the activities in the gray shaded cells are linked together in an
activity network but not necessarily in the order of the process. If possible, how-
ever, the actual process flow should be mapped in the activity hierarchy and net-
The main purpose of the activity network is to give a visual but simplified
process view. It is important to relate the right products to the right activities in
order to avoid errors. We see, for example, that CW1000 is the only product that
uses the lathe. Similarly, in the demanufacturing process (activities A2xx), we
see that following the clean good components activity (A234) a decision is made
concerning what to do about the good components and the rest. The good com-
ponents are sent to the kit parts activity (A122) from which they enter the pro-
duction process. The rest of the material is recycled either by being sent off to a
recycler (A241) or being incinerated locally (A242) to provide heat for
WagonHo!, Inc.
Since the processes now include a demanufacturing process, more space must
be rented in the Atlanta Technology Center. Studies indicate that roughly 20 per-
cent more space is needed to facilitate the demanufacturing process. Figure 8.4
shows the new factory layout.
The factory is designed to minimize internal transportation needs, and as can
be seen, virtually no internal transportation takes place other than moving prod-
ucts, components, or materials from one activity to an adjacent one. In other words,

A111 A112 A113 A121 A122 A


Manufacturing Support Activities CW4000

A = Use Lathe A123 CW7000
A13 A141 A142 A143 A15

A232 A231 A22 A21 A125 A124

Reuse Overall Support Activities

B = Reuse or Recycle?

A31 A32 A33 A34

A233 A234 B A241 A242

Figure 8.3 WagonHo! activity network.


Take apart
and sort Remove Inspect
Incineration Fasteners
Ship Materials for Recycling Comp. Receive Take-back Products

Receiving Raw Materials Kiting Area Shipping Finished Products

L Bar Code Scanner

Cell 1 M SA Goods
Bar Code Storage
Cell 2 M SA

Cell 3 M SA
Cell 4 M SA
Cell 5 M SA
to offices
Cell 6 M SA FA FA FA

Figure 8.4 New factory shop floor.

WagonHo! does not need any internal, dedicated transportation system other than
the conveyer system.

Step 5: Identify and Quantify Resource Drivers, Activity

Drivers, and Their Intensities
Table 8.6 shows the resource drivers employed in the Activity-Based LCC model
at WagonHo! Direct means that the resource element matches the activity com-
pletely. This is preferable since the associated distortion is zero. Area, which is a
measure of the floor space, traces the consumption of the building. The larger the
area a particular activity uses, the more building costs are traced to that particular
The material costs, such as “material, production,” are not traced to any activ-
ity because they are the material costs of the products. Finally, the facility over-
head costs are allocated to the activities using activity labor costs as an allocation
base. The reason that this is an allocation is that the facility overhead costs are not
really related to the labor costs of the activities; it is just an arbitrary cost assign-
ment. Hence, the words allocation and allocation base are used.
Similar to Table 8.6, Table 8.7 provides the details of the second stage of the
cost assignment in Activity-Based LCC. Compared to standard ABC, we note that

Table 8.6 Resources, Resource Drivers, and Consumption Intensities

at WagonHo!
Resource Resource Consumption
Resources Drivers ($/year) Intensity
Atlanta Technology Center:
Manufacturing building Area 238,125 14.39 ($/ft^2)
Demanufacturing building Area 47,625 14.39 ($/ft^2)
Logistics equipment:
Fork lift Labor hours 2,900 1.53 ($/h)
Truck for take-back 8,000
Production equipment:
Conveyer system Direct 5,100
Disassembly equipment Labor hours 5,275 1.00 ($/h)
Kiting equipment Direct 270
Lathe machines Direct 3,500
Milling machines Direct 36,000
Assembly equipment Direct 1,050
Incinerator Direct 7,000
Inspection equipment Direct 650
Design equipment Direct 3,500
Material, design Direct 2,500
Material, maintenance Direct 3,000
Material, production See BOM 246,260
Manufacturing labor costs See Resources 1,102,226
Demanufacturing labor costs See Resources 98,680
Administration labor costs See Resources 490,095
Office equipment:
Computer systems Acquisition Costs 39,500 0.23 ($/$)
Furniture and so on Acquisition Costs 4,000 0.12 ($/$)
Reception Number of 2,150 0.03 ($/comm.)
Facility overhead costs Labor costs 80,000 0.05 ($/$)

no cost pools exist other than the activities themselves. Also, many activities have
two activity drivers. One is related to the variable activity consumption, such as
labor hours, whereas the other is related to the fixed activity consumption, such as
area usage.
It should also be noted that because production at WagonHo! is not automated
or performed in large batches, many activity drivers are volume related. One might
argue in such a situation that a volume-based costing system would suffice. The
reality is, however, that the existing volume-based costing system does not provide
correct enough cost assignments and is insufficient in providing decision support
in terms of what to do about the situation.2 Thus, even in a situation where the cost
estimates of a volume-based system and an ABC system are the same, the ABC

Table 8.7 Activities, Activity Drivers, and Consumption Intensities

at WagonHo!
Total Consumption
Activity Activity Driver Activity Costs Intensity
A111 Annual comp. use 19,852 0.05 ($/comp.)
Annual production 5,755 0.21 ($/unit)
A112 Annual production 9,425 0.34 ($/unit)
Annual comp. use 143,882 0.39 ($/comp.)
A113 Annual products sold 20,157 0.73 ($/product)
Annual production 5,755 0.21 ($/unit)
A121 Material cost 246,260
Labor hours 88,489 16.09 ($/h)
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit)
A122 Labor hours 405,665 14.53 ($/h)
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit)
A123 Labor hours 23,313 31.08 ($/h)
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit)
A124 Labor hours 210,112 12.96 ($/h)
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit)
A125 Labor hours 70,598 29.73 ($/h)
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit)
A13 Labor hours 120,456 2.28 ($/h)
Annual production 1,439 0.05 ($/unit)
A141 Number of batches 123,032 47.32 ($/batch)
Annual production 1,439 0.05 ($/unit)
A142 Number of inquiries 115,430 21.38 ($/Inquiry)
Annual production 576 0.02 ($/unit)
A143 Annual products sold 18,197 0.66 ($/unit)
A15 Annual production 25,027 0.91 ($/unit)
A21 Annual demfg. units 39,260 1.50 ($/unit)
A22 Annual demfg. units 4,251 0.16 ($/unit)
A231 Number of screws 38,888 0.09 ($/screw)
A232 Annual comp. use 9,127 0.03 ($/comp.)
A233 Annual comp. use 11,403 0.03 ($/comp.)
A234 Annual comp. use 29,718 0.08 ($/comp.)
A241 Number of screws 14,876 0.03 ($/screw)
A242 Nonmetal costs 16,725 0.07 ($/$)
Annual demfg. units 7,000 0.27 ($/unit)
A31 Number of comp. 64,626 1,292.52 ($/comp.)
A32 Number of batches 211,902 42.38 ($/batch)
Annual production 2,158 0.08 ($/unit)
A33 Annual products sold 90,323 3.25 ($/unit sold)
Annual production 1,439 0.05 ($/unit)
A34 Total labor hours 157,472 2.99 ($/h)
Annual production 1,439 0.05 ($/unit)

system would still be preferable due to its superior tracing capabilities, which are
essential for providing decision support.

Step 6: Identify the Relationships between Activity Drivers

and Design Changes
In this model, no explicit relationships exist between activity drivers and design
variables. Potential product design changes, however, can be found by simply
identifying the weaknesses of each product. The design team can then improve the
design by eliminating or reducing these weaknesses. When it comes to process
design and organizational changes, these are directly related to the activity costs
and activity drivers, and thus they are always incorporated into an activity-based

Step 7: Model the Uncertainty

Since WagonHo! embarks on a totally new strategy, it is difficult to say how sales
will be affected. However, since prices will be a little lower, it is safe to assume
that sales will not decrease. Thus, if sales are kept constant in the model, the model
is conservative.
Due to the fact that cash flow is a particularly important issue in this case, it is
necessary to model the uncertainty as realistically as possible. Then we can give
sound predictions, or forecasts, about possible cash flow scenarios. The same ben-
efits also apply to profitability and cost forecasts. How this can be done is explained
extensively in the latter half of Chapter 3, and in Figure 8.5 two sample assumption
cells are shown. The “Products that Can Be Demanufactured (%)” is chosen to be
normal because such variables tend to be normally distributed and WagonHo! is
quite confident that it will manage to demanufacture about 95 percent of the prod-
ucts it takes back on average. When it comes to the “Nonmetallic Parts that Can Be
Reused (%),” it is much more uncertain. In fact, the management at WagonHo! does
not even want to guess on a most likely outcome. Hence, a uniform uncertainty dis-
tribution is chosen. In other words, all we know is the degree of reuse concerning
nonmetallic parts will be somewhere between 45 and 55 percent.
For the management of the company, however, it is more important to identify
what drives costs and what are the critical success factors than to study the uncer-
tainty in detail. To do that, another model is made where all the key input data are
modeled as bounded and symmetric distributions. More specifically, the variables
are modeled as triangular uncertainty distributions, where the upper and lower
bounds are ⫾10 percent of the mean. The purpose of this is to perform sensitivity
analyses and to trace the effects of changes.

Products that Can Be Demanufactured (%)

90.5% 92.8% 95.0% 97.3% 99.5%

Nonmetallic Parts that Can Be Reused (%)

45.0% 47.5% 50.0% 52.5% 55.0%

Figure 8.5 Two assumption cells in the WagonHo! Activity-Based LCC model.

Step 8: Estimate the Bill of Activities

The computation of the cost of activities is the first stage in the overall cost assign-
ment process. Table 8.8 presents only the two first activities, but the rest of the
activities are treated in the same way. Note that the leftmost columns, including
consumption intensity, are the same as in Table 8.6.
Also notice that the lightly shaded cells in the spreadsheet, the assumption cells,
are where the uncertainty is modeled. The darker cells are forecast cells whose
responses, caused by the uncertainty in the assumption cells, are measured statis-
tically. The last issue to notice is that for every activity, there is a set of activity
drivers. The cost associated which each activity driver (for example, the costs asso-
ciated with the annual component usage of activity A111 is $19,852) is input to
the next stage in the cost assignment, which is discussed next.

Step 9: Estimate the Cost Objects’ Cost and Their

Performance Measures
The logic behind the second-stage assignment, which is the assignment of activ-
ity consumption from activities to cost objects (products CW1000, CW4000, and
Table 8.8 First-Stage Cost Assignment for the Two First Activities
A111 A112
Resource Total Consumption Resource Activity Resource Activity
Resources Drivers Resource Intensity Driver Cost Driver Cost
Atlanta Technology Center:
● Manufacturing building Area 238,125 14.39 ($/ft^2) 400.0 (ft^2) 5,755 10,000.0 (ft^2) 143,882
● Demanufacturing building Area 47,625 14.39 ($/ft^2)
Logistics equipment:
● Fork lift Labor hours 2,900 1.53 ($/h) 800.0 (h) 1,221 100.0 (h) 153
● Truck for take-back 8,000
Production equipment:
● Conveyer system Direct 5,100
● Disassembly equipment Labor hours 5,275 1.00 ($/h)
● Kiting equipment Direct 270
● Lathe machines Direct 3,500
● Milling machines Direct 36,000
● Assembly equipment Direct 1,050

● Incinerator Direct 7,000

● Inspection equipment Direct 650
Design equipment Direct 3,500
Material, design Direct 2,500
Material, maintenance Direct 3,000
Material, production See BOM 246,260
Manufacturing labor costs See 1,102,226 17,000 7,500
Demanufacturing labor costs See 98,680
Administration labor costs See 490,095

Table 8.8 First-Stage Cost Assignment for the Two First Activities (Continued)
A111 A112
Resource Total Consumption Resource Activity Resource Activity
Resources Drivers Resource Intensity Driver Cost Driver Cost
Office equipment:
● Computer systems Acquisition 39,500 0.23 ($/$) 3,000.00 ($) 685 5,000.00 ($) 1,142
● Furniture and so on Acquisition 4,000 0.12 ($/$) 500.00 ($) 62 1,000.00 ($) 123
● Reception No. of 2,150 0.03 ($/com.) 2,500 80 4,800 (comm.) 153
communi- (comm.)
Facility overhead costs Labor costs 80,000 0.05 ($/$) 17,000 ($) 804 7,500 ($) 355

Total activity cost: 2,427,406 25,607 153,307

Activity drivers Activity drivers
Annn. comp. use 19,852 Ann. production 9,425
Ann. production 5,755 Ann. comp. use 143,882

CW7000 in this case), is exactly the same as the first-stage assignment. The only
differences are what is being assigned, how it is being assigned, and to what:
● In the first stage, resources ($) are assigned to activities using resource drivers.
● In the second stage, activity consumption (various measures of activity lev-
els) is assigned to cost objects using activity drivers. Cost objects are there-
fore assigned costs indirectly.
With this in mind, we see the similarity between Table 8.8 and Table 8.9. Note
that Table 8.9 should also include the two other products, cost objects CW4000
and CW7000, but due to space constraints this is not possible.
An additional performance measure in this model is the Net Present Value
(NPV) of the cash flow. As explained earlier, in the current situation for
WagonHo!, keeping track of cash requirements is important to avoid insolvency.
It is also the chosen measure for the management at WagonHo! to decide whether
to invest in the new business idea or not.
Note that at the bottom of Table 8.9 we see the deterministic results for
WagonHo!, Inc. as a whole (to the left) and for CW1000 (to the right). The results
should be used with care because they are deterministic. Basically, the results do
not take uncertainty into account. To do that, we must run a Monte Carlo simula-
tion, as discussed next.

Step 10: Perform Monte Carlo Simulations and

Relevant Analyses
The Activity-Based LCC model for WagonHo! is modeled in commercially avail-
able software: MS Excel and Crystal Ball. The Crystal Ball software is employed
to handle the uncertainty in the model and, more importantly, to trace the critical
success factors. The Crystal Ball software performs the Monte Carlo simulations.
The sensitivity analysis measures statistically how the uncertainty of the dif-
ferent assumption cells affects the uncertainty of the forecast cells using rank cor-
relation as measure. The assumption cells with the largest absolute magnitude of
the correlation coefficient are the most critical success factors.
To provide more decision support regarding the use of their capital, Economic
Profit (EP) has been implemented in parallel with the more standard Activity-
Based LCC model. To do that, the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
must also be found. Other pertinent numerical analyses include the computation
of the NPV of the net cash flow, but before that can be done, a discounting factor
must be chosen. As argued in Chapter 5, WACC is a suitable discounting factor to
use, and for WagonHo! it is 8.9 percent.
Table 8.10 shows the balance sheet of WagonHo!, and Figure 8.6 presents the
computation of WACC. With respect to finding WACC only, the equity-and-debt
Table 8.9 Second-Stage Cost Assignment for the CW1000

Total Product: Wagon CW1000

Activity Activity Consumption Activity Driver Activity
Activity Driver Costs Intensity Driver Costs Cost
A111 Annual comp. use 19,852 0.05 ($/comp.) 65,000 (comp.) 3,535 4,058
Annual production 5,755 0.21 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 523
A112 Annual production 9,425 0.34 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 857 26,480
Annual comp. use 143,882 0.39 ($/comp.) 65,000 (comp.) 25,623
A113 Annual products sold 20,157 0.73 ($/product) 2,550 (product) 1,852 2,375
Annual production 5,755 0.21 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 523
A121 Material cost 246,260 33,925 43,277
Labor hours 88,489 16.09 ($/h) 500 (h) 8,044
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 1,308
A122 Labor hours 405,665 14.53 ($/h) 4,583 (h) 66,602 67,910
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 1,308
A123 Labor hours 23,313 31.08 ($/h) 750 (h) 23,313 24,621
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 1,308
A124 Labor hours 210,112 12.96 ($/h) 1,875 (h) 24,306 25,614
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 1,308
A125 Labor hours 70,598 29.73 ($/h) 292 (h) 8,670 9,978
Annual production 14,388 0.52 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 1,308
A13 Labor hours 120,456 2.28 ($/h) 8,000 (h) 18,268 18,399
Annual production 1,439 0.05 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 131
A141 Number of batches 123,032 47.32 ($/batch) 1,000 (batch) 47,320 47,451
Annual production 1,439 0.05 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 131
A142 Number of inquiries 115,430 21.38 ($/Inquiry) 2,000 (Inquiry) 42,752 42,804
Annual production 576 0.02 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 52
A143 Annual products sold 18,197 0.66 ($/unit) 2,550 (unit) 1,672 1,672
A15 Annual production 25,027 0.91 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 2,275 2,275
Table 8.9 Second-Stage Cost Assignment for the CW1000 (Continued)
Total Product: Wagon CW1000
Activity Activity Consumption Activity Driver Activity
Activity Driver Costs Intensity Driver Costs Cost
A21 Annual demfg. units 39,260 1.50 ($/unit) 2,375 (unit) 3,569 3,569
A22 Annual demfg. units 4,251 0.16 ($/unit) 2,375 (unit) 3,569 3,569
A231 Number of screws 38,888 0.09 ($/screw) 40,000 (screw) 3,535 3,535
A232 Annual comp. use 9,127 0.03 ($/comp.) 65,000 (comp.) 1,625 1,625
A233 Annual comp. use 11,403 0.03 ($/comp.) 65,000 (comp.) 1,625 1,625
A234 Annual comp. use 29,718 0.08 ($/comp.) 65,000 (comp.) 1,625 1,625
A241 Number of screws 14,876 0.03 ($/screw) 40,000 (screw) 1,352 1,352
A242 Nonmetal costs 16,725 0.07 ($/$) 32,475 ($) 2,277 2,914
Annual demfg. units 7,000 0.27 ($/unit) 2,375 (unit) 636
A31 Number of components 64,626 1,292.52 ($/comp.) 26 (comp.) 33,605 33,605
A32 Number of batches 211,902 42.38 ($/batch) 2,500 (batch) 105,951 106,147
Annual production 2,158 0.08 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 196

A33 Annual products sold 90,323 3.25 ($/unit,sold) 2,550 (unit,sold) 8,300 8,431
Annual production 1,439 0.05 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 131
A34 Total labor hours 157,472 2.99 ($/h) 8,000 (h) 23,882 24,013
Annual production 1,439 0.05 ($/unit) 2,500 (unit) 131

Total product-related costs: 2,427,406 508,927

Total revenues: 2,715,913 494,802
Result WagonHo!: 288,507 –14,125
Product unit profitability –6
Product unit profitability vs. result WagonHo! –4,90 %
Product unit profitability vs. product sales –2,85 %

Table 8.10 Balance Sheet of WagonHo!

Assets Cost of Capital Debt and Equity
Fixed capital Purchase value Depreciation Net value Short-term debt:
Ford Taurus 17,500 17,500 0 0 Credits 11,240
Ford F150 20,000 20,000 0 0 Short-term loans 97,565
Computer systems 105,000 70,000 35,000 3,123 Other 450
Furniture and so on 17,500 7,000 10,500 937 Sum short-term debt 109,255
Reception 6,000 2,000 4,000 357
Design equipment 30,000 12,000 18,000 1,606 Long-term debt:
Fork lift 10,000 6,000 4,000 357 Long-term loans 157,654
Truck for take-back 15,000 3,000 12,000 1,071 Unpaid tax 24,750
Conveyer system 50,000 35,000 15,000 1,338 Other 34,600
Kiting equipment 750 750 0 0 Sum long-term debt 217,004
Lathe machines 30,000 21,000 9,000 803
Milling machines 320,000 224,000 96,000 8,566
Assembly equipment 5,000 5,000 0 0
Inspection equipment 1,500 1,500 0 0
Disassembly equipment 50,000 5,000 45,000 4,015
Incinerator 50,000 5,000 45,000 4,015
Sum fixed capital 728,250 434,750 293,500 26,190 Sum debt 326,259

Working capital Equity:

Cash 74,678 6,664 Shares 233,850
Accounts receivable 171,591 15,311
Work in process 9,768 872
Inventory 10,572 943
Sum working capital 266,609 23,790 Sum equity 233,850
Sum assets 560,109 49,980 Sum equity and debt 560,109

side of the balance sheet is used. That is evident from Figure 8.6, where we can
see that we need data on the average cost of debt, both short-term and long-term,
and the cost structure, which is found by dividing total equity by the sum of equity
and debt, and likewise for total debt. In addition to those numbers, some macro-
economic numbers are needed, such as the tax rate, the return on long-term gov-
ernment bond, the beta, which is 1 for WagonHo! because it is not a publicly listed
company, and the market-risk premium.
The computations are:
● Cost of equity ⫽ long-term government bond ⫹ (beta ⫻ market-risk pre-
mium) ⫽ 13 percent
● Average cost of debt ⫽ ((avg. cost of short-term debt ⫻ sum short-term debt)
⫹ (avg. cost of long-term debt ⫻ sum of long-term debt)) ⫼ sum debt ⫽ ((8
percent ⫻ $109,255) ⫹ (9 percent ⫻ $217,004)) ⫼ $326,259 ⫽ 8.3 percent
● Avg. cost of debt after tax ⫽ (1 ⫺ tax rate) ⫻ avg. cost of debt ⫽ (1 ⫺ 28
percent) ⫻ 8.3 percent ⫽ 6 percent
● Cost structure, equity ⫽ sum equity ⫼ sum equity and debt ⫽ $233,850 ⫼
$560,109 ⫽ 41.8 percent
● Cost structure, debt ⫽ sum debt/sum equity and debt ⫽ $326,259 ⫼
$560,109 ⫽ 58.2 percent
● WACC ⫽ (cost of equity ⫻ equity) ⫹ (average cost of debt after tax ⫻ debt)
⫽ (13.0 percent ⫻ 41.8 percent) ⫹ (6 percent ⫻ 58.2 percent) ⫽ 8.9 percent

Average cost of short-term debt 9.0 %

Average cost of long-term debt 8.0 %
Long-term government bond 6.0 %
Beta (market volatility) 1
Market-risk premium 7.0 %
Tax rate 28.0 %

Cost of equity 13.0 %

Average cost of debt after tax 6.0 %

Cost structure
Equity 41.8 %
Debt 58.2 %

WACC 8.9 %

Figure 8.6 Computation of WACC.


Note that the 8.9 percent includes the newly purchased equipment. In general,
the purchase of assets and financing them by loans is likely to decrease the WACC
somewhat because equity normally produces a higher WACC than debt. The rea-
son is that most investors expect around a 15 percent return on equity, whereas the
interest on debt is usually less than 10 percent, at least in countries with a sound
economic policy.
The side of the balance that lists the assets is used to compute the cost of capi-
tal, which could have been used to compute the EP, or the Economic Value Added
(EVA), as Stern Stewart & Company in New York call it. For WagonHo!, the cal-
culation would have been as follows:
WagonHo! operating profit, found in Table 8.9 ⫽ $288,507
⫺ Taxes (assumed to be 28 percent) ⫽ $ 80,782
⫺ Cost of capital, found in Table 8.10 ⫽ $ 49,980
⫽ Economic Profit (EVA) ⫽ $157,745
An economic profit of $157,745, or 5.8 percent in terms of sales, is very good
for WagonHo!, because as long as the EP is larger than zero it indicates that share-
holder value is generated. We should, however, not be overly joyous concerning
the result because WagonHo! is labor intensive and the cost of capital is conse-
quently low. Also, since the cost of capital is so low compared to the annual prof-
its, it is not necessary to include EP calculations on a product and process level. If
we did, however, we would expect all products to become less profitable accord-
ing to their use of capital, in which case the CW1000 would probably become
more costly than the two others.
In any case, with a WACC of 8.9 percent, a time horizon of five years, and net
cash flows, as shown in Table 8.11, we get an NPV of $81,012 (deterministically).
This NPV suggests that the investment in new equipment and the process is worth
pursuing because it provides a higher return than WACC.


Many results can be discussed from this Activity-Based LCC implementation.
Since WagonHo! has made both an investment and a change of business strategy,

Table 8.11 Net Cash Flows and NPV

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Net cash flow ⫺119,850 ⫺22,562 36,402 68,315 68,315 68,315
Net present 81,012
value ($)

it is important to consider future risks and uncertainties as well as to understand

what drives the performance, and that is done as follows:

● Cash flow and NPV

● Critical success factor of the NPV
● Activity costs
● Profitability and uncertainty
● Profitability and tracing

Concerning the profitability, all cost objects are discussed.

Cash Flow and NPV

The cash flow of the new strategy is shown in Figure 8.7. As is evident, the cash
flow is mostly negative the two first years, but then positive the third year and
onwards. Normally, the cash flow would not stabilize this year (after only three
years), but in this case it does. The reasons are that new people are all employed
by Year 3, all purchases are done in Year 1, and the conservative modeling (no sales
increase) is used, even though prior to this WagonHo! made substantial changes
that led to the products being more profitable.
The net cash flow in Figure 8.7 can also be used as a measure of risk because
as long as the net cash flow is negative, a probability of loss exists. Most of the

Trend Chart

Net Cash Flow Development Years 0 - 5









Net Cash Flow Year 0

Net Cash Flow Year 1

Net Cash Flow Year 2

Net Cash Flow Year 3

Net Cash Flow Year 4

Net Cash Flow Year 5

Figure 8.7 Net cash flow trend chart.


Forecast: Net Present Value

Frequency Chart
10,000 Trials 9,989 Displayed
.021 205

.015 153.7

.010 102.5

.005 51.25

.000 0

–60,035 10,892 81,818 152,744 223,670


Figure 8.8 NPV uncertainty distribution.

Table 8.12 NPV 10 Percent Percentiles

Percentile NPV ($)
0% ⫺74,775
10% 8,197
20% 31,169
30% 49,343
40% 66,068
50% 81,569
60% 97,530
70% 114,404
80% 131,784
90% 152,655
100% 225,296

time, luckily, is not associated with any risk. But to assess whether this cash flow
is sufficient or not in generating enough positive cash flow, the NPV is computed.
Table 8.11 shows that the NPV is positive in the deterministic case, and from
Figure 8.8 we can see the uncertainty distribution of the NPV. The NPV is clearly
positive most of the time; that is, a small probability exists that the NPV will be
negative. To better investigate the NPV, we turn to Table 8.12 where the percentiles
are shown. Clearly, the probability of loss is a little less than 10 percent. The poten-
tial upside, however, is very substantial: If everything went as well as possible, the
NPV would in fact reach about $220,000.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Net Present Value

Nonmetallic Parts that Can Be Reused (%) .87

CW7000 Annual Production –.28
CW4000 Annual Production –.25
Increase in Building Costs (%) –.21
Heating Related Energy Consumption (%) .12
Building Rent ($/year) –.11
CW1000 Annual Production –.09

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 8.9 NPV uncertainty sensitivity chart.

The risk situation should be acceptable to WagonHo!, but to enhance the

chances of doing better than the expected value (which is $81,569) the sensitivity
chart in Figure 8.9 is used.
Using statistical sensitivity analyses and charts is an efficient, but most of all,
effective way of keeping track of all the factors that are uncertain and that directly
impact the cash flow. Interestingly, the single most important factor for the entire
strategy in terms of the uncertainty of the cash flow is the degree to which the non-
metallic parts can be reused. The second factor that is uncertain in a positive way
for the NPV is the degree to which energy is used for heating purposes. The higher
degree of the energy bill that is used for heating, the better the cash flow is due to
incinerating nonreused materials as an energy-recycling measure. It is also inter-
esting to note that as the production levels increase, the NPV decreases. That is
due to the fact that when production increases, the material costs increase and
hence the NPV decreases. Also, an increase in the uncertainty in the production
levels results in an increase in the uncertainty of the NPV because an increase in
uncertainty will always result in a higher uncertainty regardless whether or not it
is positive. The increase in building costs is a consequence of needing more area
due to the new demanufacturing process and will therefore reduce the NPV.
In any case, the most important finding for WagonHo! is that the uncertainty of
the degree of reuse is crucial for the overall cash flow uncertainty. If WagonHo!
wants further insight into the future, it should consequently spend money on reduc-
ing the uncertainty concerning the reuse of components and materials. Then it
could try to reduce the uncertainty regarding the production levels.
Next, the most important factors that determine the value of the NPV, or the
expected value of the uncertainty distribution, are determined.

Critical Success Factors of the NPV

The critical success factors of the NPV are those factors that impact the value of
the NPV, and these are presented in Figure 8.10. To put it another way, although
the factors in Figure 8.9 determine the bandwidth (or degree of uncertainty) of
Figure 8.8, the factors in Figure 8.10 determine the expected value of the NPV in
Figure 8.8. The factors in Figure 8.10 are therefore critical when it comes to per-
formance, whereas the factors in Figure 8.9 are critical with respect to uncertainty
and risk in the sense of the unknown. The factors in Figure 8.10 are also important
with respect to risk not in the sense of being unknown, but rather in the sense of
being mismanaged or ignored.
Clearly, the degree of reuse is less important from an improvement point of
view than an uncertainty and risk point of view, but it is still the largest factor by
far and is therefore the most important in all respects. Hence, WagonHo! should
probably introduce a Design for Manufacturing (DFM) and a Design for
Disassembly (DFD) to redesign their products so that an even higher proportion
of components and materials can be reused than suggested in their business plan.
However, as the analysis shows, the plan is economically viable now.
This finding is further supported by the fact that the production levels are more
important than believed, because a redesign effort may also have a positive impact

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Net Present Value

Non-metallic Parts that Can Be Reused (%) .70

CW7000 Annual Production –.34
CW4000 Annual Production –.30
CW1373 Cost ($/part) –.27
Increase in Building Costs (%) –.24
WB CW1373 Bed (parts/unit) –.13
Building Rent ($/year) –.13
GC CW1373 Bed (parts/unit) –.11
CW1000 Annual Production –.11
GC CW2314 Wheels (parts/unit) –.10
CW2314 Cost ($/part) –.10
RM5784 Cost ($/part) –.09
CW2019 Cost ($/part) –.07
CW3232 Cost ($/part) –.06
Heating Related Energy Consumption (%) .05
Products that Can Be Demanufactured (%) .05
CW2314 Cost ($/part) –.05

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 8.10 NPV tracing sensitivity chart.


on material costs. From Figure 8.10, we can even identify which components are
most important to redesign, such as the CW1373 bed.
The last important thing to notice is that although the degree of heating-related
energy consumption introduces large amounts of uncertainty into the model (refer
to Figure 8.9), it is not an important variable because the rank correlation coeffi-
cient is only 0.05. Further work, if initiated, should therefore not include the issue
of heating. It simply will not pay off, although it is a very uncertain issue.
The analysis so far suggests that the new strategy is an economically sound strat-
egy in the sense that the cash flows and NPV will be satisfactory. In the next two sec-
tions, costs and profitability are discussed, but first the activity costs are discussed.

Activity Costs
All activity-based frameworks consist of two stages in the cost assignment. The
activity costs are an intermediate stage when it comes to estimating cost and
profitabilities of products, for example. However, the activity costs can provide a
useful insight into business process reengineering, process design, and other
process-focused efforts.
Figure 8.11 presents a profile of the activity costs that includes the uncertainty.
Normally, it would have been organized according to descending activity costs,
but in a simulation model that is not feasible. In any case, what we would nor-
mally look for are the highest costs, which in this case are associated with

Trend Chart
Activity Cost Profile


375,000 100%


125,000 50%

A111 Activity Cost
A112 Activity Cost
A113 Activity Cost
A121 Activity Cost
A122 Activity Cost
A123 Activity Cost
A124 Activity Cost
A125 Activity Cost
A13 Activity Cost
A141 Activity Cost
A142 Activity Cost
A143 Activity Cost
A15 Activity Cost
A21 Activity Cost
A22 Activity Cost
A231 Activity Cost
A232 Activity Cost
A233 Activity Cost
A234 Activity Cost
A241 Activity Cost
A242 Activity Cost
A31 Activity Cost
A32 Activity Cost
A33 Activity Cost
A34 Activity Cost

Figure 8.11 Activity costs.


Activities A122, A124, A32, and so on. Then we can investigate more closely
whether ways exist for reducing the costs of all value-adding activities, such as
A122 and A124. The nonvalue-added (NVA) activities such as A32 should ideally
be eliminated. But everybody knows that we need some production management
and other NVA activities. Anyway, Figure 8.11 is useful in identifying activities
to start improving.
Often the sum of the activity costs for a certain process is different from what
we might expect, based on the organizational chart. For example, many companies
may have a few people in their organization working with taking orders from cus-
tomers, but once the activity costs for that process are added up, the costs are sev-
eral times larger than what those few people could cost. What is detected by the
ABC system is that many people work with customers’ orders in some fashion
throughout the organization. Such costs are useful to identify because they are
good indications of misallocated capacity, or most often they indicate that the sys-
tem does not work as planned and that people have to make telephone calls and so
on to correct errors, find missing information, and so on. For WagonHo!, a simi-
lar problem may exist because activity A32, run production, is very large: Is it sen-
sible to spend over $200,000 annually on managing the production for such a small
company? This may indicate severe system problems and further investigations
should be undertaken.
Finally, it should be noted that the trend chart is somewhat misguiding in this
context because it may look like there are costs between the activities. That is, of
course, not the case. The reason for using a trend chart for this purpose at all is that
it provides a simple overview of the activity costs.

Profitability, Uncertainty, and Risk

The most interesting profitability estimate for the management at WagonHo! is
undoubtedly the overall profitability, which is the operating result of WagonHo!
(see Figure 8.12). Evidently, the expected result is roughly $300,000 annually.
That is good news for WagonHo! However, on one hand, Table 8.12 indicates that
a small chance of loss exists, roughly 3 percent, while on the other hand, the upside
is very substantial with a possible profitability of $600,000 according to Figure
8.12 and $709,000 according to Table 8.13. The reason Table 8.13 contains a wider
range (from ⫺$62,906 to $709,229) than the uncertainty distribution in Figure
8.12 ($0 to $600,000) is that the probabilities of the ⫺$62,906 to $0 range and the
$600,000 to $709,229 range are so minute that they are negligible.
From the previous discussion, it is evident that due to the inherent uncertainty
of the matter, the possible uncertainty range of the WagonHo! result is almost
$800,000. It is therefore useful to understand how to reduce this uncertainty and

Forecast: Result WagonHo!

10,000 Trials Frequency Chart 9,982 Displayed

.025 253

.019 189.7

.013 126.5

.006 63.25

.000 0
0 150,000 300,000 450,000 600,000

Figure 8.12 Uncertainty distribution for WagonHo! results.

Table 8.13 WagonHo! Result Percentiles

Percentile WagonHo! Result ($/year)
0% ⫺62,906
10% 159,697
20% 202,760
30% 234,020
40% 261,087
50% 286,889
60% 313,449
70% 342,301
80% 373,811
90% 417,661
100% 709,229

manage the risks. That can be seen in Figure 8.13. We see that the six largest con-
tributors to the uncertainty are all related to sales-related factors (price and sales
volume). Unfortunately, we cannot do much about the prices because the market
is the master, but we can try to manage the operational risks associated with the
CW4000 production volume. One way of doing that is to ensure that, for example,
the CW4000 has a production priority above the two other products.
Another risk is related to the sales rebates. We see from Figure 8.13 that if the
sales rebates increase, the profitability decreases. Here we are in a classical
dilemma. Salespeople are often rewarded based on volume because a substantial
body of research from decades ago shows that a strong correlation exists between

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Result WagonHo!

CW4000 Products Sold (units/year) .49

CW4000 Sales Price ($/unit) .48
CW7000 Sales Price ($/unit) .41
CW7000 Products Sold (units/year) .39
CW1000 Sales Price ($/unit) .20
CW1000 Products Sold (units/year) .19
A122 Labor Cost ($/year) –.14
Non-metallic Parts that Can Be Reused (%) .13
Sales Rebate –.13
A32 Labor Cost ($/year) –.07
A124 Labor Cost ($/year) –.07
Building Rent ($/year) –.06
A34 Labor Cost ($/year) –.06
CW4000 Annual Production –.05
A142 Labor Cost ($/year) –.05

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 8.13 WagonHo!, uncertainty sensitivity chart.

market share and Return on Investment (ROI).3 This has, however, been taken to
the extreme in many cases, and the result is that salespeople push volume without
thinking of profitability. To manage this risk, however, WagonHo! should reward
salespeople using profit incentives and not volume incentives.
It might be tempting to reduce the uncertainty of such variables in the model in
order to narrow down the forecast. However, if we reduce the uncertainty without
reducing the real uncertainty, we increase the risks of making the decision support
deceitful, and that can be a major decision risk.
Of the factors we can do something about, we see that the A122 labor cost is
substantial, as is the degree of reuse of nonmetallic parts. The latter is also para-
mount for the NPV. Other important factors are the A32, A124, A34, and A142
labor costs. You may wonder how labor costs can be such important sources of
uncertainty, but the fact is that costs, like quality, are statistical in nature. Just think
of all the factors that may impact the labor costs: wage increases, overtime, lay-
offs, use of temporary employees, illness, and so on. All these factors are unknown
prior to the cost estimation.
When costs are statistical on the aggregate level, imagine how much more sta-
tistical they are on the product level, which is evident from Figure 8.14. The costs

Overlay Chart
Frequency Comparison

CW1000 Profitability

.021 CW4000 Profitability

CW7000 Profitability
–25.00% –11.25% 2.50% 16.25% 30.00%

Figure 8.14 Product profitability uncertainty distributions.

on the product level cannot, as on the aggregate level, be simply summed up. The
costs on the product level must first undergo a cost assignment process, as shown
in the “Step 7: Model the Uncertainty” and “Step 8: Estimate the Bill of Activities”
sections, which use resource and activity drivers, whose nature is also statistical.
The entire cost assignment process is highly statistical combined with a statistical
input (the resources that are measured as costs).
From this, we understand that to estimate costs with a single number is a major
simplification that ignores the fact that costs are statistical. The result is that deci-
sion-makers overtrust or reject the cost estimates and instead use gut feelings as a
gauge. Needless to say, when we have ways of presenting costs as they are, we
should use them, because guessing about such important fundamentals of compa-
nies is gambling with shareholder values to an unacceptable extent.
In any case, the profitability of the products of WagonHo! are associated with
substantial amounts of uncertainty. As Table 8.14 shows, if everything went really
badly, all the products would go into the red (unprofitable). Luckily for WagonHo!,
the probability of that occurring is small (less than 5 percent) for both CW4000
and CW7000.
According to Table 8.9, the profitability of the CW1000 is ⫺2.85 percent in the
deterministic case. However, from Table 8.14 we see that in fact a 30 percent prob-
ability of positive profitability exists, which should be good news for the manage-
ment of WagonHo! A substantial downside must be avoided, however, and to do
that the sensitivity chart in Figure 8.15 is helpful.
Finally, it should be noted that the CW1000 is also associated with the largest
uncertainty range (43.54 percent). This indicates that the CW1000 is also the most

Table 8.14 Product Profitability Percentiles

CW1000 CW4000 CW7000
Percentile Profitability Profitability Profitability
0% ⫺27.30% ⫺7.78% ⫺11.58%
10% ⫺11.80% 6.53% 4.27%
20% ⫺8.70% 9.09% 6.90%
30% ⫺6.55% 10.87% 8.82%
40% ⫺4.69% 12.45% 10.39%
50% ⫺3.02% 13.98% 11.89%
60% ⫺1.29% 15.35% 13.28%
70% 0.49% 16.75% 14.82%
80% 2.44% 18.39% 16.63%
90% 4.93% 20.52% 18.93%
100% 16.24% 30.17% 28.87%

difficult product to manage. In fact, the Japanese quality guru Genichi Taguchi
devised a loss function where the variability of a factor is viewed as an important
measure of quality. The larger the variability, the worse the quality, given the same
expected value. Eliminating the variance in all significant processes is also a major
objective in the successful Six Sigma approach, which is essentially a Total Quality
Management (TQM) methodology that focuses heavily on statistical measures.
If we apply that idea to the CW1000, we soon understand that the CW1000 is
inherently more difficult to make profitable, since costs are also statistical due to
the higher uncertainty range than the two others. This, like earlier findings, sup-
ports the advice to significantly redesign the CW1000. Simply too many things
can go wrong, which means that too many resources are spent ensuring that they
do not go wrong, which ultimately leads to poor profitability.
So far, the uncertainty of the profitabilities has been discussed; next the under-
lying factors that determine the profitability is identified and discussed.

Profitability and Tracing

The operating result of WagonHo! is estimated to be around $300,000 annually
after implementing the new business idea. The corresponding critical success fac-
tors that should be attended and managed are shown in Figure 8.15. It is strikingly
similar to the uncertainty sensitivity chart shown in Figure 8.13. That indicates that
the uncertainty surrounding the result of WagonHo! is not particularly great
because the tracing sensitivity chart in Figure 8.15 appears by simply modeling all
assumption cells in the spreadsheet as triangular uncertainty distributions with a
⫾10 percent uncertainty range, which is not much. This is also good news for the
management team at WagonHo!, because it means that they do not need to worry

about managing the uncertainty especially. They simply need to concentrate on

managing the company, and the most important factors for that are found in Figure
8.15. The overall impression of Figure 8.15 is that WagonHo! needs to do mainly
three things to improve the profitability:
1. Sell more product units. To increase the prices seems tempting, but given
that they are already at the high end of the market, it is not smart to push
prices further.
2. Reduce labor costs and/or increase the output, as mentioned previously. This
can most easily be achieved if the products are redesigned to consume less
direct labor. Other options may include process redesign, as mentioned in
the “Activity Costs” section.
3 Increase the degree of reused nonmetallic components. Again, as mentioned
many times already, the path goes through product redesign.
Finally, a factor in Figure 8.15 has not been mentioned at all so far. WagonHo!
offers a 12 percent leasing rebate to its customers, which results in over $200,000
lost revenue annually. Are sales rebates really necessary? Since its customers are
used to these sales rebates, it may be difficult to do anything about them at this
stage, but once the products are redesigned, it will be easier to change the pricing

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Result WagonHo!

CW4000 Products Sold (units/year) .49

CW4000 Sales Price ($/unit) .49
CW7000 Sales Price ($/unit) .41
CW7000 Products Sold (units/year) .38
CW1000 Sales Price ($/unit) .20
CW1000 Products Sold (units/year) .19
Sales Rebate –.16
A122 Labor Cost ($/year) –.15
Non-metallic Parts that Can Be Reused (%) .09
A32 Labor Cost ($/year) –.08
A124 Labor Cost ($/year) –.08
Building Rent ($/year) –.07
A34 Labor Cost ($/year) –.05
A141 Labor Cost ($/year) –.05
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 8.15 WagonHo! result sensitivity chart.


Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: CW1000 Profitability

CW1000 Sales Price ($/unit) .64

CW1000 Products Sold (units/year) .62
CW1000 Annual Production –.26
A32 Labor Cost ($/year) –.13
CW4000 Annual Production .11
CW1000 A122 Direct Labor (min) –.11
CW7000 Annual Production .10
Sales Rebate –.09
A141 Labor Cost ($/year) –.07
CW1000 Production Batches per Year –.07
A122 Labor Cost ($/year) –.06
A142 Labor Cost ($/year) –.06
A34 Labor Cost ($/year) –.04
CW1000 Inquiries per year –.04
Non-metallic Parts that Can Be Reused (%) .04
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 8.16 CW1000 profitability sensitivity chart.

Thus, the products must be redesigned also in order to change the leasing strat-
egy to eliminate the use of rebates altogether. For that to happen, WagonHo! must
most likely be capable of arguing that its new redesigned products are better than
before. How that can be achieved is unclear, at least for the time being.
Due to the similarity of the products, it suffices to discuss the two extreme
points: the most unprofitable CW1000 and the most profitable CW4000. The sen-
sitivity chart for the CW1000 is shown in Figure 8.16. As expected, sales price and
sales volume are the most important factors. The reason annual production turns
out negative is that the model handles inventory changes and then an increase in
production will result in reduced profitability because it is the number of units sold
that counts. Of course, over time production and sales must match.
It is interesting to note that an increase in the production levels of the CW4000
and the CW7000 increases the CW1000 profitability. This is the good, old
economies-of-scale effect; basically, the more units produced, the less overhead
costs will be traced to each unit on average. Another interesting factor to note is
the relatively low importance of the degree of reused components. This is due to
two factors.
First, the CW1000 has many special components and screws that make reuse
less feasible than for the two other products. Second, but more important, the other
costs in Figure 8.15 are large and substantial, so the reuse of components there-

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: CW1000 Direct Labor Cost

CW1000 A122 Direct Labor (min) .63

Mill Operator ($/hr) .63
Assemblers ($/hr) .22
CW1000 A124 Direct Labor (min) .22
Lathe Operator ($/hr) .10
CW1000 A123 Direct Labor (min) .10
CW1000 A121 Direct Labor (min) .07
Kit Makers ($/hr) .05
CW1000 A125 Direct Labor (min) .05

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 8.17 CW1000 direct labor cost sensitivity chart.

fore plays a relatively lesser role although substantial enough to result in an over-
all improvement of the WagonHo! result of roughly $75,000 annually. Many of the
labor costs are very substantial and significantly impact the profitability of the
CW1000 as is shown in Figure 8.16. These costs can be studied in greater detail
in Figure 8.17.
Three main sources for the costs exist:
1. The time it takes to manufacture the CW1000 is too long, particularly the milling
activity (A122) and the assembly activity (A124). This is a further indication of
the need to redesign the CW1000 completely both with respect to the way the
parts are manufactured (milling) and the way they are joined (assembly).
2. The CW1000 uses too many overhead resources, particularly production
planning and so on (A32). This is a result of the CW1000’s complexity,
which calls for product redesign via simplification.
3. The cost of the workers is important, but not easy to do anything about. The
best that can be done is to try to automate some particularly time-consum-
ing tasks. To do that, so-called action charts can be deployed,4 as explained
briefly in Chapter 5’s “Step 3 Issues: Role of the General Ledger” section.
The reason for not using action charts in this particular implementation is that
the products need a complete redesign and not just improvements with respect to
some functions or tasks.
The most profitable product is, as stated earlier, the CW4000, and Figure 8.18
presents the corresponding sensitivity analysis. As usual, sales-related factors are

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: CW4000 Profitability

CW4000 Sales Price ($/unit) .65

CW4000 Products Sold (units/year) .62
CW4000 Annual Production –.28
CW7000 Annual Production .18
A122 Labor Cost ($/year) –.10
Sales Rebate –.09
CW4000 A122 Direct Labor (min) –.07
CW7000 A122 Direct Labor (min) .06
Non-metallic Parts that Can Be Reused (%) .05
CW1000 Annual Production .05
Building Rent ($/year) –.05
CW4000 A124 Direct Labor (min) –.05
A124 Labor Cost ($/year) –.05
A34 Labor Cost ($/year) –.04

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure 8.18 CW4000 profitability sensitivity chart.

crucial, but compared to the CW1000 sensitivity chart in Figure 8.16, we see three
major and interesting things concerning the CW4000 in contrast to the CW1000:
1. It is relatively less labor intensive. The fact that the CW4000 is less labor
intensive gives a direct improvement on the profitability because labor is a
direct cost.
2. The degree of reused components plays a relatively more significant role.
This means that the direct materials become less costly because they are
reused to a significant extent.
3. The use of overhead resources is significantly less despite the absolute vol-
ume being several times larger (2,500 CW1000 units versus 14,000 CW4000
units). That the CW4000 production is more than five times larger also gives
it a better economies-of-scale effect, which is of course highly beneficial for
the unit cost of the CW4000, but not necessarily for the overall CW4000 cost
unless the CW4000 is a simpler product, which it is in this case.
All in all, the CW4000 seems to be a much better product than the CW1000,
although the price and traditional margin are less. The CW4000 goes through the

company without any extra work, complicating parts, procedures, and so on, and
that translates into lower costs and better profitability. The CW4000 is, however,
also plagued by the sales rebate.
The CW7000 product is somewhat between the CW1000 and the CW4000 in
most respects. That is important because it shows that if WagonHo! embarks on a
total redesign of all products to eliminate complexities (to cut overhead resources),
to reduce manufacturing times (to cut direct labor costs), and to make the products
easier to disassemble and reuse (to cut direct material costs), the rewards will be
positive. If it manages to redesign the products sufficiently, it may even get around
the sales rebate problem, because sales rebates are often signs of products being
not quite what customers want. The potential for the WagonHo! result will be, in
other words, much better than what it is today. By implementing the new business
strategy and then embarking on the redesign program, as shown in this this
Activity-Based LCC analysis, major profitability improvements can be made.

This case study is special since it concerns a simulated company and not a real one.
On one hand, this has bearing on the reliability of both the input information and
the way the output from the model is interpreted. On the other hand, the case study
is illustrative enough to point out several issues concerning LCC in general and
Activity-Based LCC in particular. For this book, the latter is more important than
the former, particularly as other real-world case studies are presented elsewhere in
the book. In any case, what can be learned from this case study is worth discussing,
and that is done in the next two sections.

LCC in General
As explained in Chapter 2, most LCC approaches are not costing methods but cash
flow methods. In this case study, both a cash flow analysis and a costing analysis
have been conducted.
The cash flow analysis is clearly useful in that it provides insight concerning
liquidity, the NPV of the investment, and the financial risk exposure. It cannot,
however, provide any insight in the profitability of the products, the company as a
whole, or the underlying success factors. In this case, as often, the success factors
of cash flows and operating profits are somewhat related. Both the costing analy-
sis and the cash flow analysis point out the degree of reuse as relatively important,
although it is relatively much more important for the cash flow than the operating
costs; however, the cash flow analysis totally misses the labor costs and most of
the overhead costs.

This goes to show that a cash flow analysis will not, and cannot, substitute for
a costing analysis. Unfortunately, many, particularly in the environmental man-
agement domain, believe that cash flow analyses are costing analyses. As shown
here, they are not. The consequences of that misinterpretation are that significant
areas of improvements can be missed.
One may, however, argue that the cash flow analysis in this case study was only
comparative and not absolute; that is, not all cash flows were incorporated in the
model. That is true in the sense that if all cash flows were incorporated, the cash
flow model would have had a wider scope, but many costs are simply not repre-
sented by cash flows and would have been missed in any case. Also, costs repre-
sent the demand for jobs to be done, whereas cash flows represent some of the
capacity for doing the jobs. Good management practice is to match capacity to
demand, and that cannot be achieved by a cash flow model.

Several Features of Activity-Based LCC

This case study is complex enough to illustrate several novel features about
Activity-Based LCC that cannot be shown when only one cost object is discussed.
First, Activity-Based LCC can handle multiple products and other cost objects
simultaneously. This is absolutely necessary if overhead costs are to be given cred-
ible attention. Most LCC analyses either forget overhead costs altogether or
grossly mistreat them. It is also shown that the profitability of one product is
closely intertwined with the performance of another product. See, for example,
Figure 8.16 where the production volumes of the CW4000 and CW7000 impact
the CW1000 profitability almost to the same extent as the CW1000 production vol-
umes. Performing an LCC product by product introduces large distortions but, as
shown here, Activity-Based LCC overcomes such problems.
Second, Activity-Based LCC can address the entire cost structure of the com-
pany and any other cost objects. Even the cost of capital can be introduced, as
shown here. Whether or not to include the cost of capital issues should be decided
from a cost/benefit perspective. If the cost of capital is large, this must be included;
however, for WagonHo!, that is not the case.
Third, due to the inherent flexibility of activity-based approaches, a number of
specialized analyses can be done easily . For example, cash flow analyses can be
easily incorporated because the basic information already exists in the system. To
put it another way, it is far easier to make a cash flow model using a costing model
as a basis than vice versa. Our case study also showed how economic profit con-
siderations can be included.
Fourth, the use of uncertainty distributions and Monte Carlo simulations offers
an unconstrained flexibility in handling uncertainty and risk, along with a greatly

enhanced tracing capability using statistical sensitivity analyses. In this way,

uncertainty can really become a manager’s or an engineer’s best friend, and not
just because uncertainty is used by will in Monte Carlo simulations. More impor-
tantly, since costs are statistical in nature, making precise cost estimates is not only
a waste of time but is actually wrong and deceptive. As Zadeh’s Law of Incom-
patibility states (see Chapter 3):
As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning and meaningful state-
ments lose precision.
From this discussion, it is evident that Activity-Based LCC eliminates many
problems that other LCC methods either cannot address or overly simplify or com-
pletely mistreat. This was shown in the case study, and it is the rule rather than the

1. I would like to thank research engineer Greg Wiles at the Center for Manufacturing
Information Technology in Atlanta for his cooperation and the data he provided,
which made this case possible.
2. This has been discussed extensively in J. Emblemsvåg and B. Bras, “ISO 14000 and
Activity-Based Life-Cycle Assessment in Environmentally Conscious Design and
Manufacturing: A Comparison,” 1998 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) Design Engineering Technical Conference, Atlanta, GA.
3. According to F. Allvine, Marketing: Principles and Practices, Boston, MA:
Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1996.
4. See, for example, J. Emblemsvåg and B. Bras, “The Use of Activity-Based Costing,
Uncertainty, and Disassembly Action Charts in Demanufacture Cost Assessments,”
1995 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Advances in Design
Automation Conference, DE-Vol. 82, Boston, MA, pp. 285—292.

It’s better to begin in the evening than not begin at all.

English Proverb

Life-Cycle Costing (LCC) is a tool for engineers, managers, and others who care
about downstream costs and total costs. As with most tools, the success of LCC
models is the result of balancing understanding on the one hand and craftsmanship
on the other. I have tried to find a suitable balance in order to avoid lengthy dis-
cussions about academic differences and also to avoid presenting many examples
with little reflection and insight. Experience without reflection is not worth much;
in fact, it can be outright dangerous. As Confucius said (The Analects, 2:16):
Study without thinking, and you are blind; think without studying, and you
are in danger.
Thus, some theoretical foundation is clearly needed to clarify what LCC is and
what it should be, what the difference is between traditional LCC and Activity-
Based LCC, and so forth. Similarly, the three cases were chosen to complement
each other and to complement the presented theory as well. This book should
therefore provide a practical guide to a new, powerful method of conduction LCC,
risk management, and uncertainty analysis that opens up many new avenues for
engineers, managers, and others.


Activity-Based LCC is in many ways a synthesis of Activity-Based Costing
(ABC), LCC, and Monte Carlo methods. In fact, Activity-Based LCC can be
described in terms of three layers, as shown in Figure 9.1.
These layers have great implications for the characteristics, the benefits, and the
pitfalls of Activity-Based LCC. These issues are discussed in the three subsequent

Monte Carlo Methods:

• Statistical sensitivity analysis • Large models
• Handle risk and uncertainty • No limits

Life-Cycle Costing:
• Life-cycle perspective • Cash flows
• Total costs • Discounting factors

Activity-Based Costing:
• Overhead costs • Process-orientation
• Relevant cost assignment • Cost vs expense
• Cause and effect • Cost vs cash flow
• Multiple cost objects • Links to TQM, EP

Figure 9.1 Three layers of activity-based LCC.

Characteristics refer to what is novel about Activity-Based LCC, both in relation
to traditional cost management as a whole and to traditional LCC approaches in
particular. As already discussed, these characteristics are closely linked to the three
layers of Activity-Based LCC, as shown in Figure 9.1.

Activity-Based LCC and ABC

As the name implies, Activity-Based LCC is an offspring of ABC. It shares the
common characteristics of ABC on the conceptual level, that is, the use of:
● Activity definitions to model the value chain and to report process costs.
● Resource drivers to trace how activities consume resources.
● Activity drivers to trace how cost objects consume activities.
● Cost drivers to measure nonfinancial process performance.
Chapter 4 explained in detail what these similarities imply. This chapter will
concentrate on the differences. The two major differences are explained in the fol-
lowing two sections. In addition, other differences revolve around the focal point
of implementation.
In ABC implementations, the cost of the cost objects is often the focal point.
The inclusion of the process perspective and the definition of the drivers are

viewed as hurdles to overcome in order to get to the results. In Activity-Based

LCC, however, it is almost the opposite. True, the cost of the cost objects is impor-
tant, but since they often are associated with significant uncertainties, ballpark
answers are usually good enough. The definition of the drivers, however, is crucial
because they allow us to identify the critical success factors, which are important
for most design and management processes. The process perspective is also impor-
tant in Activity-Based LCC as we try to predict the future, and many processes
materialize in the future. Understanding the costs of future processes can therefore
be very useful information, for example, when planning future organizational
capacity. In fact, understanding the processes and their cause-and-effect relation-
ships are crucial for good forecasting.
It is not that these issues are unimportant for standard ABC implementations,
but they rarely get the attention they need because ABC is often employed as just
another cost-cutting tool.1 In Activity-Based LCC, these largely ignored aspects of
ABC play a more crucial role due to their ability to predict and understand future
costs and risks. In other words, while ABC is a backcasting tool, Activity-Based
LCC is a backcasting and a forecasting tool, and that requires a different focal
point: from an accurate calculation and interpretation of past costs and events to
an approximate prediction and understanding of future costs and risks based on an
understanding of the processes and their cause-and-effect relationships to both cost
objects and resources.

Activity-Based LCC and Traditional LCC

The only aspect of traditional LCC that Activity-Based LCC shares is the idea of
estimating costs throughout the life cycle of a system. Other than that, the two
approaches are different. We can at least identify five major differences:
1. Activity-Based LCC handles both costs and cash flows.
2. It is process oriented.
3. It relies on the establishment of cause and effect relationships.
4. It handles overhead costs.
5. It estimates the costs of all cost objects of a business unit simultaneously.
First, traditional LCC often is cash flow oriented, and Activity-Based LCC han-
dles both cash flows and costs. It should, however, be noted that cash flow analy-
ses have a limited scope and hence need not be activity-based to provide relevance.
Second, traditional LCC is structure oriented and hence follows the traditional
cost breakdown, that is, variable cost, fixed costs, and costs organized according
to functions, attributes, or characteristics. Activity-Based LCC, however, is purely
process oriented and variable, and fixed costs have a different meaning (see
Glossary) because the traditional interpretation of fixed and variable costs is mean-
ingless in activity-based frameworks.

Third, traditional LCC does not emphasize the need for establishing cause-and-
effect-relationships to the extent that Activity-Based LCC does. This is partly a
consequence of the fact that traditional LCC is not process oriented. Therefore,
identifying cause-and-effect relationships is limited to issues such as material and
labor costs and product characteristics. Activity-Based LCC, in contrast, is sys-
tematically built up from definitions of activities, resources, and cause-and-effect
relationships (resource drivers, cost drivers, and activity drivers). Needless to say,
this gives an entirely different push toward understanding the cause-and-effect
Fourth, traditional LCC ignores overhead cost. This was not a major problem in
the 1960s when it was invented by the U.S. Department of Defense, but today when
many companies face 30 to 40 percent overhead costs, the need for handling such
costs is obvious. Handling overhead costs realistically is one of the strong sides of
Activity-Based LCC and other activity-based frameworks. The fact that traditional
LCC ignores overhead costs makes it less useful as systems today become increas-
ingly capital intensive and require more support.
Fifth, traditional LCC is incapable of handling several products at the same
time. This is because it is rarely attempted, but more importantly because tradi-
tional LCC is unable to handle overhead costs realistically, it simply cannot han-
dle multiple products. The problem with this product-by-product approach is that
it can, and often does, lead to suboptimization. Although the products may have a
satisfactory life-cycle cost when estimated in isolation, when put together, the
overall product line, product family, or product portfolio will have an unnecessary
complexity in terms of unique parts and practices and is therefore still too costly.
For Activity-Based LCC, handling many products is no problem at all. In fact,
activity-based frameworks are rarely used on a single product because that would
be overkill. That said, it should be mentioned that the process perspective of activ-
ity-based frameworks adds value that the traditional concepts cannot, as shown in
this book.
Traditional LCC has many shortcomings that make the concept increasingly
unsuitable for management purposes and engineering. For example, as technolo-
gies grow increasingly complicated, the need for support and capital increases. The
time when engineers could design a system or product without giving much
thought to the impact on overhead costs is gone. Likewise, the inability of tradi-
tional LCC to establish cause-and-effect relationships renders it incomplete in pro-
viding relevant decision support. Thus, I feel confident in claiming that the
characteristics of Activity-Based LCC outlined previously clearly indicate that it
is a more effective and efficient approach than traditional LCC. In fact, due to the
aforementioned five characteristics, the use of Monte Carlo methods becomes
much more potent than it would otherwise be.

Activity-Based LCC and Monte Carlo Methods

Activity-Based LCC can work effectively without any Monte Carlo simulations,
but it would be less efficient. The Monte Carlo methods are, in many ways, the
turbo of Activity-Based LCC.
The handling of uncertainty would be much more troublesome without the
Monte Carlo simulations since the uncertainty distributions used to model the
uncertainty are numerically approximated. To perform numerical approximations
manually is basically too tedious work.
However, a more important factor that ties Activity-Based LCC to Monte Carlo
methods is the fact that without Monte Carlo simulations to trace the critical suc-
cess factors, it would be practically impossible to use statistical sensitivity analy-
ses. The identification of the critical success factors is crucial because they are
basically the significant cause-and-effect relationships, and it is important to
understand these in order to continuously improve the performance of the cost
objects and manage visits.
Having said that, it is important to emphasize that without the characteristics of
Activity-Based LCC outlined in the previous section, the use of Monte Carlo sim-
ulations would be less potent. Other methods use Monte Carlo simulations, but
they lack its sting as the underlying structure of the models is traditional and hence
subject to the limitations pointed out previously. This is not to say that such mod-
els and applications of Monte Carlo are inferior; they are simply limited to a
smaller area of application.
Activity-Based LCC and Monte Carlo methods therefore mutually reenforce
each other. They offer a great way to harness the benefits of uncertainty for the
good of decision-support relevance. As we saw in the review of LCC approaches
in Chapter 2, most LCC approaches lack a powerful way of handling uncertainty
and have diminishing relevance to decision support. This is a natural consequence
of technological development, which has increased overhead resource use, which
in turn makes it necessary to handle all products and the entire organization in
LCC. Traditional LCC simply cannot match Activity-Based LCC.

The “absolute” benefits of Activity-Based LCC arise from the individual charac-
teristics of Activity-Based LCC as well as their totality, whereas the benefits of tra-
ditional LCC are due to the five differences explained in the “Activity-Based LCC
and Traditional LCC” section. Since this book is about LCC and not cost man-
agement in general, the discussion will be limited to benefits in comparison to tra-
ditional LCC.

In the literature, many practitioners and researchers discuss cash flow and costs
as if they were the same thing. Cash flow and costs are, however, different, as
explained in Chapter 2. Cash flows concern liquidity, financial measures, and
financial risk exposure; they are therefore important in cases where a significant
time difference exists between expenses and revenues. Costs, however, concern
resource consumption and determine the profitability for a given level of revenues.
Naturally, it can be useful to present both perspectives in order to provide decision-
makers with wide support regarding liquidity, net present value, profitability, and
other important economic measures of performance. Activity-Based LCC facili-
tates both perspectives. This versatility makes the approach useful in a wide array
of economic considerations even beyond life-cycle thinking.
The process orientation of Activity-Based LCC ensures a close link to other
well-established process-oriented methods, such as Business Process Reen-
gineering (BPR), Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, and so on. More-
over, the process orientation is important because we cannot manage costs directly;
we can only manage them indirectly, by understanding how the activities (pro-
cesses) impact costs, as explained in Chapter 4. Also, process orientation has
numerous more subtle benefits that are beyond the scope of the discussion here.2
The primary need for process orientation is to establish reliable cause-and-
effect relationships. Process orientation would be worth little if it were not for the
fact that causes are almost by definition found in the production processes, the
work processes, or the management processes. The reliance on cause-and-effect
relationships is crucial because it ensures accuracy and, more importantly, rele-
vance. After all, we cannot find a root cause unless we have some ideas about
causes and effects. We can measure the effects, but it is the causes we must man-
age. The benefits from this characteristic are numerous: They include accurate cost
assignment, accurate cost estimates, the correct handling of overhead costs, the
tracing of critical success factors/root causes, a clearer understanding of the under-
lying causes of cost formation, and superb forecasting capabilities. Activity-Based
LCC is an attention-directing tool. Unless attention is paid to the causes, relevant
decision-support information will never materialize. Thus, the systematic usage of
cause-and-effect relationships is at the very core of effective and efficient design
and management.
Due to the rapid increase in technology fueled by modern capitalism and tech-
nological innovations, the whole economy is changing to what many refer to as a
“knowledge economy.” The capital base of a company including intellectual cap-
ital is becoming an increasingly larger part of the company’s wealth. For example,
even though the book values of IBM and Microsoft are only $16.6 billion and $930
million, respectively, their market values are $70.7 billion and $85.5 billion.3 The
difference can largely be attributed to the perceived value of their intellectual

capital and its ability to generate future profits. The effect of these changes on all
forms of cost management is that it has become increasingly important to under-
stand the formation of overhead costs and assign such costs to cost objects. Other-
wise, decision-making would be based on an increasingly smaller part of the total
picture, thus increasing the risk of deceptive analyses and erroneous conclusions.
Activity-Based LCC is tailor-made in this respect because its root, ABC, allows
the effective handling of overhead costs, as discussed in Chapter 4.
Overhead costs are like a big clump of gel on top of the processes in an organ-
ization. By simply removing a product or an activity without any further reduction
in the overhead costs, the gel will simply flow over onto the remaining products
and activities. This is the malaise of the traditional approaches; they simply focus
on the direct costs and ignore the overhead costs. Similarly, estimating the cost of
a product in isolation to the other products induces gross errors because every
product in an organization is ultimately related to the other products in that they
share a common overhead cost structure and processes. Activity-Based LCC
avoids such problems by estimating the costs for all products and all activities in
a given business unit at the same time. Thus, we get the whole picture established
simultaneously and no room is left for costs to hide (at least in principle).
These benefits translate into a profound advantage, namely, the fact that
Activity-Based LCC provides decision-makers with the relevant information they
need to make better decisions. Traditional cost management and traditional LCC
are both too fragmented to provide relevant decision support. Activity-Based LCC
incorporates all costs, all cost objects, all activities, and the entire business unit—
basically, a complete cost picture.
We have all heard the story about the group of blind people who tried to
describe an elephant. Each person felt a different part of the animal and had a dif-
ferent fact about it. It was only when these facts were combined that the full pic-
ture could be seen. Activity-Based LCC provides the sight, but the decision-makers
must decide what to do about what they see.

Disadvantages and Pitfalls

As we have seen, Activity-Based LCC has many benefits, but it also has pitfalls
and disadvantages. One disadvantage is that Activity-Based LCC requires more
data than the traditional LCC approaches. The reason is that Activity-Based LCC
handles all products in one model and it always includes a complete process per-
spective. Another is that even though it is more logical than other LCC approaches,
it is easier to get lost during the implementation because it is important to strike a
suitable balance between the level of detail and the usefulness of the details, which
is not always that easy.

In fact, one of the greatest pitfalls of activity-based approaches in general is the

ease of designing very accurate models. But it is important to resist the temptation
of indulging oneself in accuracy because excessive accuracy often comes at the
expense of usefulness, costs, and even true accuracy. We simply must accept that
an inherent uncertainty exists in both the model and the numbers in the model.
Making a model more accurate than what is reasonable only makes the model
more deceptive.
It is important is to put time and effort into defining the activities—the resource
drivers and activity drivers— in order to provide as much useful information as
possible to reduce the inevitable distortion in the model. This can best be achieved
by having drivers and activities that match one to one so that the need for a driver
is eliminated. The drivers that are needed should follow cause-and-effect relations.
Naturally, not all costs and activities can be well matched to driver definitions. In
my opinion, it is good enough if such allocations constitute less than 5 percent of
the costs. Sometimes we can be even less precise; this depends on the complexity
of the organization and the available data. Thus, as with most methods, it is nec-
essary to use good judgment to produce good results and avoid the famous “gar-
bage in, garbage out” syndrome.
Another potential pitfall is the failure to understand the effect of randomness
on the statistical sensitivity charts. Monte Carlo simulations produce a lot of num-
bers, according to some input constraints and the model relationships, that are han-
dled statistically to produce the sensitivity charts. A side effect is that, in the
bottom of the sensitivity charts, many factors appear that are statistically insignif-
icant. Basically, they either should not appear or they have appeared with the
wrong sign. As a rule of thumb, only rely upon factors with a rank correlation coef-
ficient of 0.05 or larger. This avoids the whole problem.


Predicting the future in terms of costs and risks should by no means be limited to
LCC exercises. In fact, I believe it should become the standard in both budget-
ing/prognosis making and cost management. After all, would it not be smarter to
eliminate costs before they are incurred than to try to cut them afterwards?
Looking ahead is always an interesting exercise. After writing this book, I real-
ized that there is even more to the idea of combining ABC with other concepts than
described here. Activity-Based LCC is, as the name indicates, an LCC approach,
but what is really the core difference between LCC and budgeting?
Many companies waste substantial amount of resources every year trying to fig-
ure out how to allocate next year’s capacity. Even worse:

Corporate budgeting is a joke, and everybody knows it. It consumes a huge

amount of executives’ time, forcing them into endless rounds of dull meet-
ings and tense negotiations. It encourages managers to lie and cheat, low-
balling targets and inflating results, and it penalizes them for telling the
truth. It turns business decisions into elaborate, exercises in gaming. It sets
colleague against colleague, creating distrust and ill will. And it distorts
incentives, motivating people to act in ways the run counter to the best inter-
ests of their companies.4

Often the whole budgeting exercise is a simple increase from last year’s budget
by some percentage points. Some of the most progressive companies have already
left the old ways of doing budgeting and embraced a new forecasting-oriented
approach where the company only estimates capacity for the next quarter or so.
However, the basic problem is more or less the same, namely, that we chase num-
bers about future issues based on hindsight. One advantage of the new approach
is that it makes it easier to update the prognoses because we only forecast one quar-
ter at a time. This is definitively a step forward for industries undergoing rapid
change. The main problem, however, persists: Errors in budgeting will only be
detected when it is too late, and cost management becomes a matter of damage
If we use the ideas presented in this book, we can greatly reduce the chance of
budget errors and unforeseen financial troubles. The overall objective of a budget
is to ensure that economic and financial goals are met. In the traditional budgeting
world, this is achieved by controlling spending, or so it is believed. The problem
is that a company is an open system that interacts with an environment where
changes are frequent and surprises lurk around the corner. The greatest obstacle to
reaching budgeted goals is not a company’s control of spending, but rather its lack
of control over risks. Truly effective budgeting should therefore be risk-based;
hence, we can talk about Risk-Based Budgeting (RBB).
With the RBB idea in mind, we can introduce a second idea: Activity-Based
Budgeting (ABB). ABB was originally developed by consultants Coopers Lybrand
Deloitte.5 Its root is obviously in ABC, but it also brings in aspects from other
established techniques as appropriate, including Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB) and
Priority-Based Budgeting. It focuses the budgets on activities “by defining the
activities underlying the financial figures in each function and using the level of
activity to determine how much resource should be allocated, how well it is being
managed and to explain variances from budget.”6 One major objective and benefit
of ABB is its ability to provide an ideal7 interface between long-term planning and
budgetary control, but it is data intensive and it lacks risk capabilities. Hence, a
conceptual merger between RBB and ABB would produce a truly viable solution.

To further boost performance while at the same time reducing the need for accu-
rate numbers, Monte Carlo simulations should be used. Monte Carlo simulations,
as shown in this book and elsewhere, offer the great benefit of turning uncertainty
into an asset and not a liability.
This way of doing budgeting or continuously updating forecasts will greatly
reduce the costs of performing the budgeting/forecasting tasks because:

● They no longer rely on accuracy but on relevance and on understanding cause

and effect.
● They become far less data oriented and more risk- and process-oriented.
● The use of Monte Carlo simulations enables us to turn uncertainty into an

All this translates into a more effective, relevant, and less costly budgeting/
forecasting process. With a risk-based budgeting process, the next step would be
to also make some of the cost accounting information risk-based. Of course, the
cost accounting activities revolving around calculating the costs after the fact need
not be risk-based; they should, however, incorporate measures of uncertainty.
What I am talking about is when the Bill of Materials (BOM) and Bill of
Activities (BOA) are set up before production. Then it would be useful to under-
stand which risks are present in terms of either underestimating the costs prior to
production or increasing the costs during production. Such information is largely
ignored today, and all the missed budgets should therefore come as no surprise.
Organizations simply do not operate according to plans, either because of internal
problems and variations or external factors. In any case, it would be helpful to
think about risks before it is too late so that the worst problems can be either pre-
vented or mitigated.
So far, this is only an idea. Future research may prove it wrong or right, or
something in between. My feeling is that it may well prove useful, because after
all it is not a particularly novel idea; it is simply a matter of applying a body of
knowledge from one field to another field and making some minor adjustments. It
is time to stop restricting risk management ideas to engineering and finance, and
to employ them on a wider basis where they can add value. Cost management
seems to be one obvious place, and some people have probably already thought
about it to some extent.
However, the greatest impact from introducing risk management is probably on
the management process itself, because the management process is the pivotal
point of all major decisions in organizations. As Peter F. Drucker said:

The first duty of business is to survive and the guiding principle of business
economics is not the maximization of profits—it is the profit of loss.

Avoiding loss is the primary objective of risk management. Thus, risk man-
agement must become an integral part of the entire management process—from
the definition of objectives and strategies to the follow-up part. By using the
approach discussed in this book, significant decision support can be provided, but
this is not just a question of management tools. Risk management also requires
education and a change of mind-set. As Dag Hammarskjold said:
The longest journey is the journey inward.


For those who want to learn a subject well, writing a book about it is an effective
way of learning. After considering what I have learned so far, I realized that uncer-
tainty is the decision maker’s best friend if managed wisely. It would, of course, be
nice to know the future, but that is simply impossible, so we might as well embrace
uncertainty instead of rejecting it. The fact is that uncertainty is inherent in many
systems and situations. This is obvious, yet we keep chasing accurate cost estimates,
as management equivalents of Don Quixote; we make elaborate strategies and so on
as if the future were a game of chess. Take, for example, the well-known Balanced
Scorecard method developed by Kaplan and Norton that is used to help organiza-
tions stay strategy focused; I still have not seen a Scorecard that deals with uncer-
tainty and risk. This is also why I do not consider chess to be an interesting strategy
game; no surprises can occur other than those your opponent devises. A supercom-
puter will therefore always win simply because it can calculate the highest number
of moves ahead. Similarly, the company with the most rationally devised strategy
and Balanced Scorecard should in principle become market leader, but does it?
I believe it is time to take the consequence of uncertainty and seek relevance
rather than accuracy and foresight rather than hindsight. It is better to know which
causes and factors determine a cost than to calculate the cost accurately after the
fact. Responsiveness to uncertainty and future risks is more important than opti-
mization based on past performance. In fact, it is impossible to calculate a cost
accurately because, as every ABC practitioner knows, the cost estimates depend on
the choice of activity drivers, activity definitions, and so on. Optimization is use-
less in open systems because we cannot control the environment.
Managing a company, designing a product, or being a leader in an organization
are complex affairs. That is, no definite links exist between cause and effect. A
strategy may fail because it did not take into account a seemingly unimportant
issue, such as when IBM chose to outsource software development to Microsoft
and chip manufacturing to Intel because it believed the future, like the past, lay in
hardware design and manufacturing. A product may fail because the customers
turned out to love the product except when it has your brand name on it, as hap-

pened wih the New Coke flop by Coca-Cola. A cost estimate may turn out to be
way too low because hidden costs and risks were not considered, such as when
Exxon chose to use single-hull tankers to save money and ended up paying billions
in cleanup and fines. These are all examples of a small, unpredictable issue turn-
ing a situation upside down. Numerous examples exist; what they all have in com-
mon is that the complexity of the situation was not considered well enough prior
to the catastrophe. In hindsight, it is easy to see what went wrong. IBM failed
because they assumed the future would be like the past (a common assumption in
most forecasting), Coca-Cola thought that people bought Coke for the taste alone.
A simple risk analysis would have shown Exxon the madness of its actions.
Unfortunately, no means exists for eliminating such erroneous analyses and
decisions. However, I believe that one reason such problems arise is that many
analyses tend to appear more precise than they are, so decision-makers believe they
know more than they actually do. Such analyses focus on accuracy and answers
rather than approximations and understanding. The result is organizational self-
delusions and hidden assumptions become prolific. It is useful to think in terms of
Zadeh’s Law of Incompatibility:
As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning and meaningful state-
ments lose precision.
This is a profound insight. It implies that since uncertainty is inevitable, it is
outright dangerous and deceptive to reduce the uncertainty, for example, in an
analysis by making it appear precise. Similarly, grand plans of strategies and budg-
ets are bound to fail because the more precise they are, the less meaningful they
become. It is, for example, interesting to notice8 that “CEO Superman”9 Jack
Welsh of General Electric (GE), during his 20-year reign, focused on relatively
simple yet adaptable strategies without grand action plans and the like. Yet, accord-
ing to Stern Stewart & Company’s new Wealth Added Index™ (WAI), GE added
the most wealth ($226.8 billion) of all listed companies in the world from 1996 to
2000. Instead of viewing uncertainty as an enemy, GE used uncertainty to its
advantage by rapidly responding to new opportunities or threats. A good strategy
is more concerned about what not to do than what to do, in my opinion. Similarly,
a cost assessment should be carried out according to the succinct phrase: “It is bet-
ter to be approximately right than exactly wrong.” The point is that we should seek
a reliable solution space (an approximation) and not a point solution (exact and
accurate). After all, with a solution space, we know what is likely and what is not,
whereas with a point solution, we have no idea except that it is definitely wrong.
The interesting thing is that, on the one hand, an Activity-Based LCC model is
built up around cause-and-effect relationships, while on the other hand, the Monte
Carlo methods actually introduce uncertainty on purpose. Hence, the uncertainty

in the model is not a problem; it is a necessity since uncertainty is what makes

Monte Carlo simulations and statistical sensitivity analyses possible. In turn, crit-
ical success factors are identified, uncertainty is modeled, and risks are identified
in one shot.
In other words, the exploitation of uncertainty in a relevant performance meas-
urement framework is one of the most potent characteristics of Activity-Based
LCC. It thrives on the paradox that relevance and uncertainty coexist for mutual
benefit. It makes the use of Monte Carlo methods possible, which in turn greatly
enhances effectiveness by identifying the critical success factors and making han-
dling uncertainty and risks realistically a breeze. When we understand the causes
of something (the causes, or factors, of a cost), its approximate state (how much it
costs), and its risks (what are the risks that impact the costs), what more can we
ask for?
There is also, a more subtle benefit of systematically modeling uncertainty. This
benefit is not pertinent to Activity-Based LCC but it is highly relevant for decision-
makers and less quantitative management methods. Virtually all management
methods implicitly assume that stakeholders are rational. This includes everybody
who has a stake in the organization, such as customers, investors, managers, work-
ers, and so on. Yet the results from Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem10 clearly show
that even a group of 100 percent rational beings, if such existed, would still pro-
duce an irrational outcome. Since we cannot model irrationality, because if we
could, it would not be irrational, our only option is either to purposely add uncer-
tainty to the results or to make the results less precise. The point is to force
decision-makers to decide under an explicit presence of uncertainty—to decide in
chaos, so to speak. “Given the increasing complex and uncertain environment in
which contemporary organizations operate, there is a need for being able to
‘embrace complexity and learn how to handle uncertainty.’”11 A method in which
one can blend rationality with irrationality should therefore be useful. In the words
of a commercial lender:
Basic credit decisions are often based solely on considerations of the heart
(often biased), head (analytical) or gut instinct (experience). Using these
guidelines, I have generally found that if my heart overrules my head, the
loan has almost uniformly been a poor one. If my head overrules my gut
instinct, the resulting loam may sometimes be a poor one. In looking back at
poor loans, I should have followed my gut instinct more often.12
The good thing about the approach presented in this book is that it allows us to
model the gut instinct. This should be good news for all managers because mana-
gerial thinking (especially at the senior levels) requires intuition and the exercise of

subjective judgment in all organizations. In fact, I believe that intentionally using

uncertainty in general can open up many new avenues for management and engi-
neering improvements, ranging from strategy work to technical assessments. That,
combined with a diligent search for relevance, can prove to be a new way toward
foresighted, relevance-based management whose hallmarks are approximations,
cause-and-effect measures, responsiveness, and risk focus.
The future is unpredictable, but ignoring it will not help. We should learn from
the past by analysis and experience but act toward the future, keeping in mind that
things change. Hindsight is 20/20, but foresight is better.

1. According to H.T. Johnson, “It’s Time to Stop Overselling Activity-Based
Concepts,” Management Accounting, September 1992.
2. See, for example, J. Emblemsvåg and B. Bras, “Process Thinking: A New Paradigm
for Science and Engineering,” Futures 32 (7), 2000, pp. 635—654.
3. L.A. Joia, “Measuring Intangible Corporate Assets: Linking Business Strategy with
Intellectual Capital,” Journal of Intellectual Capital 1 (1), 2000, pp. 68—84.
4. M.C. Jensen, “Corporate Budgeting Is Broken: Let’s Fix It,” Harvard Business
Review 79, No. 10, November 2001, pp. 94—101.
5. According to J. Brimson and R. Fraser, “The Key Features of ABB,” Management
Accounting, January 1991.
6. See M. Morrow and T. Connolly, “The Emergence of Activity-Based Budgeting,”
Management Accounting, February 1991.
7. According to M. Harvey, “Activity-Based Budgeting,” Certified Accountant, July
1991, pp. 27—30.
8. J. Welsh and J.A. Byrne, Jack: Straight from the Gut. New York: Warner Business
Books, 2001, p. 479.
9. According to P.F. Drucker, “The Next Society: A Survey of the Near Future,” The
Economist 361 (8246), 2001.
10. K.J. Arrow, Social Choices and Individual Values. New Haven, CT: Yale University
Press, 1963.
11. D. Jankowicz, “Why Does Subjectivity Make Us Nervous? Making the Tacit
Explicit,” Journal of Intellectual Capital 2 (1), 2001, pp. 61—73.
12. S. Sailsbury, “Failures of My Lending Career,” Journal of Commercial Lending 67
(2), 1984.

Do not put your faith in what statistics say until you have carefully con-
sidered what they do not say.
William W. Watt
This appendix illustrates how Monte Carlo methods can be used to aid informa-
tion management, uncertainty analysis (and consequently risk management), and
cost management. To do that, a very simple example is used, which is structured
in three parts: (1) definition, (2) what hypothesis to test, and finally (3) the results
and discussion.

Assume that Company X has two products, P1 and P2, with the costs of materials
and labor as shown in Table A.1.
Company X wants to manage its costs from three different perspectives: uncer-
tainty/forecasting, information management, and continuous improvement. To do
that, Monte Carlo methods are employed in two different ways:
1. For cost management and the corresponding continuous improvement
efforts, the assumption cells are modeled as shown in Figure A.1, where all
the uncertainty distributions are modeled as triangular distributions with
⫾10 percent upper and lower bounds respectively. Note that it can, in prin-
ciple, be any value; thus, ⫾5 percent triangular is just as good as ⫾10 per-

Table A.1 Material and Labor Costs for Company X

Product Material Costs Labor Costs Total Costs
P1 1 1 2
P2 1 2 3

Tracing: P1 Material Cost Tracing: P1 Labor Cost

0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10

Tracing: P2 Material Cost Tracing: P2 Labor Cost

0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20

Figure A.1 Modeling assumption cells for cost and information management purposes.

cent triangular. The point is to be consistent and for the chosen distributions
to be symmetric and bounded. The purpose is to find out which factors have
the greatest impact on the total costs and what information is subsequently
most critical (and should therefore be paid extra attention to) respectively.
This is done by tracing the different contributors using sensitivity analyses.
This case is consequently referred to as the tracing case.
2. For uncertainty analysis and the corresponding information management,
we try to find out how the uncertainty affects the forecasts and what infor-
mation should be pursued in order to reduce this uncertainty. In this case,
which is referred to as the uncertainty case, we model the uncertainty as
accurately as possible. In this example, we simply choose triangular distri-
butions so that we can compare the two different ways of employing Monte
Carlo simulations. From Figure A.2, we see that we have chosen two ⫾10
percent triangular distributions and two (–5 percent, 10 percent) triangular
We note that information management in the two cases has two distinct roles.
In the tracing case, the information management revolves around the issue of what
information is most crucial to have with respect to managing costs, while in the
uncertainty case, the issue is what information generates the most uncertainty, and
risk for that matter, in the model.
Next, we put forth some hypotheses that we intend to test using Monte Carlo

Uncertainty: P1 Material Cost Uncertainty: P1 Labor Cost

0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 0.95 0.99 1.03 1.06 1.10

Uncertainty: P2 Material Cost Uncertainty: P2 Labor Cost

0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.90 1.98 2.05 2.13 2.20

Figure A.2 Modeling assumption cells for uncertainty and information management

The question is how will these two different ways of using Monte Carlo simula-
tions affect the forecast cells? Since this example is simple, we pose the following
four hypotheses:
1. For P1, in the tracing case, the material cost and the labor cost should be
found equally important since the material cost is equal to the labor cost.
2. For P2, in the tracing case, the labor cost should be found twice as impor-
tant as the material cost since the labor cost is twice the material cost.
3. For P1, in the uncertainty case, the material cost should be found more
important than the labor cost since the material cost is equal to the labor cost
in magnitude but associated with a larger uncertainty.
4. For P2, in the uncertainty case, the material cost and the labor cost should
be found unequally important because the magnitudes and uncertainties are
Furthermore, in Monte Carlo simulations, the number of trials is very impor-
tant for the accuracy. Hence, we put forth two more hypotheses:
5. When we increase the number of trials, the random effects that appear in the
sensitivity charts should be reduced.
6. When we add two symmetric distributions, the forecast distribution should
be symmetric as well. That is, the skewness should be zero.

If we find these six hypotheses to be fulfilled, we can conclude that the Monte
Carlo methods can be employed as claimed, provided that we are aware of the fact
that their accuracy is dependent on the number of trials performed. The results are
discussed next.


From the sensitivity chart in Figure A.3, we see that Hypothesis 1 is clearly sup-
ported because the correlation coefficients are close to equal (0.69 versus 0.70).
The reason that they are not equal is that the Monte Carlo method is a numerical
approximation technique where random effects occur. However, by increasing the
number of trials from 10,000 to 100,000, these effects are not detectable any more
(see Figure A.4). This clearly supports Hypothesis 5.
Similarly, we see that Hypothesis 2 is also valid. This is done in Figure A.5, but
we see that 0.42 ⫻ 2 ⫽ 0.84 ⬍ 0.89. This is due to random effects. By running the
model 100,000 times instead of 10,000, we reached 0.43 ⫻ 2 ⫽ 0.86 (see
Figure A.6). In other words, 0.89 will be reached when the number of trials is sub-
stantially high, say 1,000,000 trials.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Tracing: P1 Cost

Tracing: P1 Material Cost .70

Tracing: P1 Labor Cost .69
Tracing: P2 Material Cost .02
Tracing: P2 Labor Cost –.02
Uncertainty: P1 Labor Cost –.01

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure A.3 Tracing P1 cost sensitivity chart with 10,000 trials.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Tracing: P1 Cost

Tracing: P1 Labor Cost .69

Tracing: P1 Material Cost .69

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure A.4 Tracing P1 cost sensitivity chart with 100,000 trials.


Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Tracing: P2 Cost

Tracing: P2 Labor Cost .89

Tracing: P2 Material Cost .42
Tracing: P1 Labor Cost –.02
Uncertainty: P2 Labor Cost –.02
Uncertainty: P1 Material Cost –.01
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure A.5 Tracing P2 cost sensitivity chart with 10,000 trials.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Tracing: P2 Cost

Tracing: P2 Labor Cost .89

Tracing: P2 Material Cost .43

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure A.6 Tracing P2 cost sensitivity chart with 100,000 trials.

Similarly, Hypotheses 3 and 4 can be proven using the sensitivity charts in

Figures A.7 and A.8.
The last hypotheses to prove are Hypotheses 5 and 6, which concern the accu-
racy of the Monte Carlo simulation in terms of random effects and skewness
respectively. This can be easily seen from the results in Table A.2. The most inter-
esting results are in bold. Notice that the skewness of the tracing cases went from
0.02 to 0.00 and the range minimum and range maximum went from the asym-
metric (1.83, 2.18) to the symmetric (1.81, 2.19).
We have now illustrated some of the points that were discussed theoretically
in Chapter 3. It is clear that Monte Carlo methods are very powerful as they facil-
itate many different applications at the same time. However, we must remember
that Monte Carlo simulations are dependent on the number of trials performed.
This becomes more and more important the larger the models are.

Table A.2 How the Number of Trials Affects Random Effects and Skewness
Uncertainty Tracing Uncertainty Tracing
Statistics P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2
Trials 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Mean 2.02 3.03 2.00 3.00 2.02 3.03 2.00 3.00
Median 2.02 3.03 2.00 3.00 2.02 3.03 2.00 3.00
Standard 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.09
Variance 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01
Skewness 0.07 0.18 0.02 0.00 0.05 0.18 0.00 0.00
Range 1.86 2.83 1.83 2.74 1.86 2.81 1.81 2.72
Range 2.18 3.28 2.18 3.27 2.19 3.29 2.19 3.28
Range 0.32 0.45 0.35 0.53 0.34 0.48 0.38 0.56
Mean 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Uncertainty: P1 Cost

Uncertainty: P1 Material Cost .79

Uncertainty: P1 Labor Cost .59

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure A.7 Uncertainty P1 cost sensitivity chart with 100,000 trials.

Sensitivity Chart
Target Forecast: Uncertainty: P2 Cost

Uncertainty: P2 Labor Cost .83

Uncertainty: P2 Material Cost .53

–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Measured by Rank Correlation

Figure A.8 Uncertainty P2 cost sensitivity chart with 100,000 trials.


Before we leave this topic, let’s summarize the different models we can have:
● Tracing models Models where uncertainty is added consistently using
bounded and symmetric distributions only. The uncertainty distributions in
tracing models provide information regarding the possible distortion prob-
lems in the models. The sensitivity charts are used to identify the critical suc-
cess factors and what data are most important for the model in terms of cause
and effect.
● Uncertainty models Models where the true uncertainty is modeled as
accurately as possible. The uncertainty distributions in uncertainty models
give information with respect to how the uncertainty in the assumption cells
affects the forecast cells. The sensitivity charts are employed to identify what
information should be gathered to reduce the uncertainty in the model and
what data are most uncertain.
Tracing models are important because they show that adding uncertainty to a
model can make it more useful in identifying improvements. That is, by increas-
ing the uncertainty, we can lower the risk of making ill-fated decisions.
In short, we do not need accurate data. We need satisfactory process descriptions
that reflect the cause-and-effect relationships and data that are roughly correct.

The SFI group system is used in the shipping industry to categorize vessel parts
and components. SFI is distributed by Norwegian Shipping and Offshore Services
AS, and it is the most frequently used system in Norway.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

General Hull Equipment Equipment Crew Machinery, Main Engine Ship

Description for Cargo Main Components Systems
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Specification, Construction Hatches and Maneuvering Lifesaving Diesel engine Fuel oil Ballast and
drawings and materials ports equipment for propulsion system bilge system
11 21 31 41 51 71 81
Insurance: Afterbody Equipment Maneuvering Insulation, Lubrication Fire and
fees and on deck machinery and partition, oil system lifeboat alarm
certificates equipment bulkhead, panels,
and doors
12 22 32 42 52 72 82
Models Engine and Special Communication Interior deck Cooling Air and
midship area equipment for equipment covers: stairs, system sounding
cargo handling ladders and so on system from
13 23 33 43 53 63 73
Rigging Cargo area Cranes Anchoring, External Transmissions Pressure system
mooring, and deck cover:
towing stairs, ladders,
equipment and so on
14 24 34 44 64 74
Launching Forebody Winches Repair, Boilers, steam, Exhaust
maintenance, and gas systems
and cleaning generators and air
equipment intakes
15 25 45 65
Measurements, Super-structure Lifting and Generator sets for
trials, and tests transport main electrical
equipment production
16 26 66
Guarantee Hull outfitting Other aggregates
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
General Hull Equipment Equipment Crew Machinery, Main Engine Ship
Description for Cargo Main Eomponents Systems

Material protection,
28 88
Material Common
protection, electrical
internal system

For reference information concerning the various definitions, contact the author of
this book.

Action The various units of work that activities are comprised of, such as
individual tasks, jobs, steps, operations, or any other possible division of
Activity-Based Costing (ABC) A methodology that measures the cost and
performance of activities, resources, and cost objects. Resources are
assigned to activities, and then activities are assigned to cost objects based
on their use. ABC recognizes the causal relationships of cost drivers to
activities. ABC also adopts an attention-focusing, long-term, resource-
consumption orientation.
Activity-Based Management (ABM) A discipline that focuses on the
management of activities as the route to improving the value received by the
customer and the profit achieved by providing this value. This discipline
includes cost driver analysis, activity analysis, and performance
measurement. ABM draws on Activity-Based Costing (ABC) as its major
source of information.
Activity driver A measure of the consumption of an activity by another
activity or an assessment object. Activity drivers that measure the
consumption by an assessment object are also referred to as final activity
drivers, whereas activity drivers that measure the consumption of activities
by other activities are called intermediate activity drivers. Examples of
activity drivers are the amount of labor, the weight of a product, the number
of products, and so on.
Allocation 1. An apportionment or a distribution. 2. A process of assigning
cost to an activity or a cost object when a direct measure does not exist. For
example, assigning the cost of power to a machine activity by means of
machine hours is an allocation, because machine hours is an indirect
measure of power consumption. In some cases, allocations can be converted
to tracing by incurring additional measurement costs. Instead of using
machine hours to allocate power consumption, a company can place a
power meter on machines to measure actual power consumption. Note that
considerable confusion about this topic exists due to the early descriptions

of an ABC system by Robin Cooper and Robert S. Kaplan as a system to

get “more accurate fully absorbed unit costs” when it in essence is a
“contribution margin approach.” The reason for this confusion is that
allocation used in volume-based costing systems reflects an arbitrary
assignment and is therefore irrelevant for decision-making, whereas in ABC
it reflects an estimation. See also tracing.
Allocation base Unit-level product characteristics. The term is used in
discussing volume-based costing systems.
Assumption cell A cell in a spreadsheet in which input is given with an
associated, assumed uncertainty distribution representing a source variable.
Bill of activities (BOA) A listing of the activities required (and, optionally, the
associated costs of the resources consumed) by a product or other cost
Ceteris paribus Latin for “everything else remains constant.” This is a
common condition in economic theories.
Consumption intensity The unit price of a cost driver, an activity driver, or a
resource driver.
Cost driver Any factor that causes a change in the cost of an activity. Raw
material quality, the number of vendors, employee training, and the
complexity of assembly are examples of cost drivers. They are used in the
process view of Activity-Based Costing and Management to identify the
root cause of the work and cost of an activity.
Cost object Anything for which we want separate cost information.
Critical success factor The factors that have the greatest impact on the chosen
performance measures.
Deterministic The values of the variables are known with 100 percent
Effectiveness A measure of the quality of a decision (correctness,
completeness, and comprehensiveness) that is made by a designer.
Efficiency A measure of how swiftly information, which can be used by a
designer to make decisions, is generated.
Expected monetary value The sum of the monetary values of each of a
number of outcomes multiplied by the probability of each outcome relative
to all the other possibilities. This definition is based on Daniel Bernoulli’s
definition of expected value.

Expected utility A measure of the welfare accruing to a consumer from an

asset that yields an uncertain flow of benefits. Computationally, it is
calculated in the same way as an expected value but with the utility serving
as the weighting factor.
Externality A side effect of production or consumption that may be either
positive (vaccinations) or negative (pollution). These effects are external to
the economic system, hence the name, and can therefore only be very
crudely estimated, if at all. Many people in the environmental management
field use externality to denote what is here referred to as societal cost.
Fixed cost This has two distinct definitions depending on whether the term is
applied in either activity-based systems or in volume-based systems:
1. Fixed costs are costs that do not vary with the amount of output. Some refer
to this as nonvariable costs. Fixed costs can be divided into two categories:
● Programmed costs that result from attempts to generate sales volume
● Committed costs required to maintain the organization
2. A cost element of an activity that does not vary with changes in the volume
of cost drivers or activity drivers.
Forecast cell A cell in a spreadsheet in which an output (result) with
associated, resulting uncertainty distribution is given, representing a
response variable.
Life-cycle accounting A system for assigning specific costs to product
systems within a physical life-cycle approach and is based on total cost
assessment. See total cost assessment (TCA).
Open system A system that coevolves with its environment over time and
Product life-cycle The life-cycle of a product system begins with the
acquisition of raw materials and includes bulk material processing,
engineered materials production, manufacture and assembly, use,
retirement, and disposal of residuals produced in each stage.
Profitability Assessed revenues minus assessed costs associated with the
creation of the revenues. Profit, on the other hand, is actual revenues minus
actual costs.
Remanufacturing An industrial process that restores worn products to like-
new condition. In a factory, a retired product is first completely
disassembled. Its usable parts are then cleaned, refurbished, and put into
inventory. Finally, a new product is reassembled from both old and new
parts, creating a unit equal in performance to the original or a currently

available alternative. In contrast, a repaired or rebuilt product usually retains

its identity, and only those parts that have failed or are badly worn are
Resource An economic, energy-related, or waste/mass-related element that is
consumed by the performance of activities. Resources, like activities, can be
aggregated into hierarchies or one big hierarchy depending on what is
useful. In special cases, such as waste, resources may be generated by
activities instead of consumed.
Resource driver A measure of the quantity of resources consumed by an
activity. An example of a resource driver is the percentage of total square
feet of space occupied by an activity.
Risk Applies to situations of uncertainty (see uncertainty) for which the
outcome involves potential loss but about which we have good probability
information. Risk is, in other words, a subset of uncertainty.
Satisficing Not the best, but good enough. The use of this term in the context
of optimization is first attributed to Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon.
Simulation A numerical technique for conducting experiments on a digital
computer. It involves certain types of mathematical and logical models that
describe the behavior of a business or economic system (or some
component thereof) over extended periods of real time. However, in the
context of Monte Carlo simulations, some differences occur:
● In the Monte Carlo method, time does not play as substantial a role as it does
in stochastic simulation.
● The observations in the Monte Carlo method, as a rule, are independent. In
simulation, however, we experiment with the model over time so, as a rule,
the observations are serially correlated.
● In the Monte Carlo method, it is possible to express the response as a rather
simple function of the stochastic input variations. In simulation, the response
is usually a complicated one and can be expressed explicitly only by the com-
puter program itself.
Societal costs Costs borne by society rather than those involved in a
Target costing A system of profit planning and cost management that is price
driven, customer focused, design centered, and cross-functional. Target
costing initiates cost management at the earliest stages of product
development and applies it throughout the product life-cycle by actively
involving the entire value chain.

Total cost assessment (TCA) A comprehensive method of analyzing costs

and benefits of a pollution prevention or design project. TCA includes:
● Full-cost accounting, a managerial accounting method that assigns both
direct and indirect costs to specific products
● Estimates of both short- and long-term direct, indirect, or hidden, liability
and less tangible costs
● Costs projected over a long horizon, such as 10 to 15 years
Tracing Also known as direct tracing. This is the assignment of cost, energy
consumption, or waste generation to an activity or an assessment object
using an observable measure of the consumption of resources or the
generation of waste by the activity or assessment object. Tracing is
generally preferred to allocation if the data exists or can be obtained at a
reasonable cost. For example, if a company’s cost accounting system
captures the cost of supplies according to which activity uses the supplies,
the costs may be traced (as opposed to allocated) to the appropriate
activities. See also allocation.
Trigger The occurrence of an event that starts as an activity.
Uncertainty Applies to situations about which we do not even have good
probability information. Uncertainty is a superset of risk. See risk.
Useful life Measures how long a system will operate safely and meet
performance standards when maintained properly and not subject to stresses
beyond stated limits.
Utility The pleasure or satisfaction derived by an individual from being in a
particular situation or from consuming goods and services. Utility is defined
as the ultimate goal of economic activity, but it is not a label for any
particular set of pursuits such as sensual pleasure or the acquisition and use
of material goods. Thus, there is no single measure of utility.
Value chain Three distinct definitions exist for this term:
1. A cost-reduction and process improvement tool that utilizes information col-
lected about business processes and examines various attributes of the
processes (diversity, capacity, and complexity). It is used to identify candi-
dates for improvements efforts.
2. Any linked set of value-creating activities from basic raw materials through
the ultimate end-use product or service delivered to the final customer.
3. The set of activities required to design, procure, produce, market, distribute,
and service a product or service.

Value chain costing An activity-based cost model that contains all activities in
the value chain.
Variable cost Two distinct definitions exist depending on whether the term is
applied in volume-based systems or in activity-based systems:
1. Variable costs are costs that vary with the amount of output. Like fixed costs,
variable costs are also divided into two categories:
● The cost of goods sold, which covers materials, labor, and factory over-
head applied directly to production
● Costs that are not directly tied up in production but nevertheless vary
directly with volume, such as sales commissions, discounts, and delivery
2. A cost element of an activity varies with changes in the volume of cost driv-
ers or activity drivers.
Volume-based costing An umbrella term for all costing methods that rely on
the distinction of variable and fixed costs to determine the product costs.
Because variable costs vary with the amount of output and only one single
allocation base, it follows that the product costs strongly correlate with the
production volume. Contribution margin costing and standard costing are
two well-known volume-based costing methods.

Below is a list of acronyms used in this book.

Acronym Explanation
ABB Activity-Based Budgeting
ABC Activity-Based Costing
ABM Activity-Based Management
AHP Analytic Hierarchic Process
AVA Activity Value Analysis
BOA Bill of Activities
BOM Bill of Materials
BPR Business Process Reengineering
CAP Critical Assumption Planning
EMV Expected Monetary Value
EP Economic Profit
EU Expected Utility
EVA Economic Value Added
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
HFO Heavy Fuel Oil
ISO (Greek for equal) International Organization for Standardization
JIT Just-in-Time
LCA Life-Cycle Assessment or Life-Cycle Analysis
LCC Life-Cycle Costing
LHS Latin Hypercube Sampling
MGO Marine Gas Oil
NPV Net Present Value
NVA NonValue Added
PSV Platform Supply Vessel
QFD Quality Function Deployment
SPC Statistical Process Control
SQC Statistical Quality Control
SRS Simple Random Sampling
RF Risk Function
TQM Total Quality Management
VA Value Added
WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital

ABB (Asea Brown Boveri), 19, 54 Ambiguity, 65–66

Action chart, 159–160, 176 American Society of Mechanical
Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB), 6, Engineers (ASME), 25
145, 292 Analytic Hierarchy process (AHP), 174
Activity-Based Cost and Environmental Antifouling paint, 220
Management, 27, 150 Arrow, Kenneth, 65
Activity-Based Costing (ABC), 40–41, 43, Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, 70, 296
284–286 Assumptions, 10
Activity consumption, 107–108 Assumption cell, 160–161, 309
Accuracy, 109–110, 291 Attribute-Based Costing (ABCII), 40
And quality, 7
Basic assumptions, 103 Backcasting model, 151, 286
Concept, 100–103 Balanced Scorecard, 103, 106, 145, 147,
Cost, see Cost 294
Cost assignment, 101, 103 Barnevik, Percy, 19
Defined, 308 Barringer, H. Paul, 172
Distortion, 110–111 Bayesian statistics, 76–77
Drivers, see Drivers Bernoulli, Daniel, 69, 310
Expansion of, 114–116 Bernoulli’s Theorem, 86
Process view, 101-103 Bernstein, Peter L., 77
Resource consumption, 107–108 Bill of Activities (BOA), 161, 309
Second-generation architecture, Bill of Materials (BOM), 153
102–103, 107 Blanchard, Benjamin, 39
System design, 118–120 Book value, 169, 289
Transactions that drive costs, 112–113 Brand image, 33
Versus volume-based costing systems, Bras, Bert, 5, 150
103–106 Brown, Donaldson, 168
With Uncertainty, 5 Budgeting, 292
Activity-Based Management (ABM), 6, Business Process Reengineering (BPR),
308 113, 146, 289
Activity definition, 157, 285, 291
Activity elimination, 113 California, 188
Activity reduction, 113 Capacity, 28
Activity selection, 114 Capital, sources of, 162
Activity sharing, 114 Carlsen, Randi, 183, 184, 190, 216
Ålesund, 212 Cash flow, 28, 170, 251, 267, 281, 286–289
Allocation base, 177 Catastrophe, defined, 33
Defined, 108, 308–309 Cause-and-effect, 9, 63, 101, 147, 159,
Versus drivers, 108–110, 291 200, 286–297

Center for Manufacturing Information Sustaining, 30

Technology (CMIT), 126, 246 Three cost views, 118–119
Central Limit Theorem, 87 Tracing, 9
Certainty Equivalent Method, 69 Usual, 30–31
Ceteris paribus, 213, 194, 309 Variable, 107, 286, 313
Change management, 3, 12 Cost accounting, 293
Chebyschev’s inequality, 86 Environmental, 35
Chebyschev’s Theorem, 86 Types of, 29
Chrysler Corporation, 7, 45 Cost driver
Coca Cola Company, 33, 54, 295 Defined, 103, 285, 309
Cokins, Gary, 118 Executional, 46
Complexity First-stage, 107
Generic, 62–65, 296 Second-stage, 107
In simulations, 200 Structural, 46
That drives costs, 109–110 Cost management, 1, 3, 6, 147, 291–297
Confucius, 284 And environmental management, 192
Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing Proactive, 2, 3
—International (CAM-I), 44 Reactive, 2, 3
Consumption intensity, 309 Risk-based, 4
Continuous improvement, 9, 108, 180, Traditional, 6
298–304 Critical Assumption Planning (CAP), 84
Contribution Margin Costing, 127, 313 Crystal Ball® 2000, 194
Conventional costing systems, 39 Culture, 3
Cooper, Robin, 108, 118, 122, 179, 309 Cycle time, 42
Coopers Lybrand Deloitte, 292
Corporate governance, 4 Darwin, Charles, 63
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 35 Data availability, 173–175
Cost Death spiral, 8
Acquisition, 30 Delta Airlines, 83, 246
Allocation, 9, 39 Demanufacturing, 20, 251
Cleansing, 153 Deming, William Edwards, 45, 179–180
Committed, 2 Deming cycle, 180
Contingent, 32 Decision tree, 61–62, 71–72
Defined, 28, 289 Depreciation, 182
Fixed, 107, 286, 309 Direct attribution, 177–178
Hidden, 31–32, 139 Disassembly, 20
Incurred, 2 Discounting factor28, 162–170, 189, 241
Less tangible, 32–33 Disposal, 20
Liability, 32 Distributions
Nature of, 5, 8, 11, 274 Normal, 196
Objects, 9, 100, 150–151, 309 Triangular, 85, 197, 204, 276, 298–300
Of capital, 117, 162–168 Uncertainty, see Uncertainty
Of equity, 163 distributions
Of quality, 7 Uniform, 197
Operating, 7 Don Quixote, 294
Overhead, 9, 26, 38, 287–290 Downsizing, 113
Private, 17, 23 Driver, Michaela, 146
Reduction opportunities, 111–115 Drivers, 107–111, 214
Societal, 23, 33, 312 Activity driver, 106, 159, 285, 291, 308

Batch-level, 109 Foresight, 4, 118, 294–297

Capital, 117, 169 Frequency theory, 52
Choosing, 177–179 Frost, Robert, 14
Cost driver, see cost driver Full cost absorption, 131, 248
Factory-level, 109 Fuzziness, 65–67
Product-level, 109 Fuzzy logic, fuzzy sets, 59–61, 67, 78
Resource driver, 106, 159, 285, 291, 311 Fuzzy numbers and intervals, 77–81
Unit-level, 108
Drucker, Peter F., 112, 120, 234, 293 Game theory, 70
Dubois, Didier, 79 General Electric (GE), 295
General Motors (GM), 168
Earnings per share, 17 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Economic Profit, 3, 117, 168–170, 266
(GAAP), 8, 29
Economic Value Added (EVA), see
General Ledger, 29, 35, 153, 175, 250
Economic Profit
Goizueta, Roberto, 33, 54
Einstein, Albert, 13
Göthe, Johann Wolfgang von, 64
Engineering analyses, 171–172
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Grade, 7
systems, 145, 174
Environmental hazards, 184 Hammarskjold, Dag, 294
Environmental management, 192 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 30, 59
Environmental problems, 19, 192 Hindsight, 4, 118, 294–297
Computational, 173 IBM, 169, 289, 294–295
Logical, 173 IDEF0, 158, 177
Of approximation, 82, 86 Inflation, 165–168
Random, 11 Causes of, 165
Exergy costing, 36 Information systems, 173–174
Expected Monetary Value (EMV), 62, 68, Information management, 298–304
154, 187, 310 Institute of Defense Analyses (IDA), 24
Expected Utility (EU), 69, 310 Institutional investors, 4
Expense, 28, 101, 155 Intel, 294
Externalities, 17, 33–34, 310 Intellectual capital, 169, 289
Exxon, 33, 295 Interest rate, 166–167
Exxon Valdez, 33 Nominal, 166–167
Real, 166–167
FAR Scandia, 221, 228 Interface, Inc., 19, 20
FAR Service, 228 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Farstad, Jan Henry, 218 Change (IPCC) 74
Farstad Shipping ASA, 218–243 Investment, 28–29
Feature Costing, 40
Decision, 170
Fishbone diagram, 118
Defined, 28
Ford, Henry, 25
Financial, 28–29
Forecast cell, 160–161, 310
Real, 28–29
Forecasting, 10, 12–14, 286–304
Economic forecasts, 12 ISO 9000, 7
Experiment, 12 ISO 14000, 26
Grass root approach, 12
Model, 151 Ji, Jiantang, 181
Trend line, 12 John Deere Component Works, 99–100

Johnson, H. Thomas, 26, 39, 83, 145 Minimum Attractive Rate of Return
Just-In-Time (JIT) Costing, 41–43 (MARR), 162
Monte Carlo simulation/methods, 10, 13,
Kaplan, Robert S., 26, 39, 83, 118, 294, 61, 78, 81–89, 288, 291–296, 311
309 Case, 196–200, 213–214
Kaufmann, Arnold, 59 Defined, 85
Kennedy, John F., 215 Error, 82, 199, 301
Example, 160–161, 298–304
Law of Incompatibility, 65, 283, 295 Number of trials, 86–87, 198, 300–301
Law of large numbers, 86 Simple Random Sampling (SRS), 83,
Life cycle, 4, 16–24 85, 88, 197
Customer perspective, 16–17 Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS), 83,
Market, 18, 21–23 88–89, 197
Marketing perspective, 16 Time of simulation, 190
Production perspective, 16 Variance reduction sampling techniques,
Product, 17–21, 310 87–88
Societal perspective, 17 Møre Research, 218
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), 27 Moving baseline, 170, 251
Life cycle cost, 171, 287
Categories of, 30–34 National Bureau of Standards, 84
Definitions, 29 Net assets, 163
Life Cycle Costing (LCC), 4, 23, 118, 145, Net Present Value (NPV), 162, 169, 190,
284–291 267–270
Analogy, 36–37 New Coke, 33, 54, 295
Cost accounting, 39–47 New South Wales Government Asset
Environmental, 19 Management Committee, 38
Engineering tool, 24–25 Non-governmental organizations (NGO),
Engineering cost method, 38 165
Environmental tool, 26–27 Norske Kroner (NOK) versus USD ($),
Industrial engineering approach, 38 184, 224
Management tool, 25–26 Norton, David P., 294
Parametric, 37–38 NRC Governing Board on the Assessment
Purpose of, 24–27 of Risk, 77
Likelihood, 52 Numerical methods, 82
Linear goal programming, 41 Nursing home, 212
Linguistic variables, 78 Nygaaren, Bjarne, 228
London Stock Exchange, 4
Lorenz, Edward, 63 Objectives, of model, 151
Lutz, Robert, 7, 45, 200 Off-hire, 219
Ohno, Taiichi, 45, 118
Maintenance, defined, 219 Open systems, 24, 37, 62–63, 310
Malcom Baldrigde Award, 45, 108 Opportunity, 52–53
Management process, 293–294 Oslo International Airport Gardermoen,
Market risk premium, 163 184–188
Market value, 169, 289
Material demanufacture, 20 Payback method, 170
Mathematical functions, 159 Pareto analysis, 118
Microsoft, 169, 289, 294 Performance measures, 3, 11, 103,
Microsoft Excel®, 130, 146 110–111, 160

Perspective, of model, 152–153 Factor, calculation of, 75

Peters, Tom, 45 Financial, 54, 267, 281, 289
Platform Supply Vessel (PSV), 221 Identifying, 59
Porter, Michael, 3, 45 Impact mitigation, 90
Possibility Low-probability, 77
Distribution, 79 Measured, 52, 267
Theory, 59–61, 67–68 Management, 10–12, 53, 89–92,
Prade, Henri, 79 292–297
Precision, loss of, 68, 77, 296 Neutral, 69
Pricing Operational, 54, 242, 273
Cost-plus pricing, 44 Perceptions, 52–53
Market-based, 44 Prevention, 90
Target, 44 Quantitative assessment, 77
Priority-Based Budgeting (PBB), 292 Ranking technique, 73–76, 91
Probability, 52, 59–61 Seeking, 68–69
Continuous distributions, 76 Sources/examples of, 52, 54–58
Defined, 60 Strategy, 54
Discrete estimates, 76 Transfer, 90
Theory, 59, 66–68 Risk-Based Budgeting (RBB), 292
Process orientation, 8, 214, 286–289 Røyset, Jon-Arve, 183, 184, 190, 216
Product design, 159–160, 177
Profound knowledge, 179–180 Saaty, Thomas L., 174
Public sector issues, 164–165, 212 Schaathun, Tor, 121
Schein, Edgar H., 2, 120
Purchasing power, 184, 224
Self-Polishing Copolymer, 220
Sensitivity analysis, 10, 82, 235, 261, 283,
Quality, 3, 7, 42, 113, 120, 180, 276
Quality Function Deployment (QFD), 40
Charts, 198–200
Quality management, 7, 106
Differential methods, 82
Statistical methods, 82
Random Access Memory (RAM), 197
Service, defined, 219
Random error, 11, 82, 199, 301
Shareholder value, 3
Recycling, 20, 191, 269
Simon, Herbert, 38, 311
Remanufacturing, 20, 246, 311 Six Sigma, 276, 289
Repair, defined, 219 Social responsibility, 17
Resource, 28, 100, 153–156, 311 Spider chart, 195, 198–199
Return on Capital (ROC), 168 Speed, 120
Return on Equity (ROE), 168, 265 Spending, 28
Return on Investment (ROI), 274 Standard Costing, 25, 103, 313
Return on Sales (RoS), 141 Statens Forurensingstilsyn (SFT), 183, 191
Reuse, 20, 269 Statistical life, 187
Risk, 52–65, 68–70, 82, 292–297, 311 Stern Stewart & Co., 117, 168, 266, 295
Acceptance, 91 Strategic Cost Management, 45–47
Accept criteria, 91 Structure orientation, 8
And budgeting, 292 Subsidies, 192
Analysis, 71–72, 75 Superfund sites, 32
Averse, 68–69 System boundary, of model, 152, 176
Business, 4, 54, 59
Deception, 70 Taguchi, Genichi, 276
Defined, 52 Take-back legislation, 17

Target Costing (TC), 2, 44–45, 312 Function, 69–70

Tax, 168 Theory, 68–70
Theory of the business, 36, 54, 120
Thermoeconomics, 36 Validity, 230–232
Tornado chart, 194–195, 198–199 Value, 3, 8
Total Quality Management (TQM), 8, 113, Added, 45
120–121, 179, 276, 289 Defined, 3
Toyota, 17, 45, 118 Non-value added, 202, 272
Tracing, 107, 178, 204, 283, 299–304, 312 Shareholder, 3
Traditional costing systems, 39 Value chain, 21, 23–24, 45, 312–313
Transactions, types of, 112–113 Value chain costing, 6, 24, 313
Balancing, 113 Volkswagen, 23
Change, 113 Volume-based costing systems 39, 96–97,
Logistical, 113 104–110
Quality, 113 Characterizations, 104
Tributyltin (TBT), 220 Defined, 313
Turnbull Report, 4 Example, 122–123
Turney, Peter B.B., 118 Overview, 104–105
von Neumann, John, 84
Ulam, Stanislaw, 84 von Neumann-Ulam method, 85
Ullensaker, county of, 183–216
Uncertainty, 62–70, 82–84, 282, 287–304, Waterman Jr., Robert H., 45
313 Watt, Jim, 228
Ambiguity, 65–67, 78 Wealth Added Index (WAI), 295
Ambiguity, discord, 66 Weber, David P., 172
Ambiguity, nonspecificity, 66 Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Analyses, 10–12, 72–73, 213 (WACC), 117, 162–163, 265
Avoidance, 53 Welch, Jack, 295
Defined, 62 What-if technique, 72–73, 194
Distributions, 196, 204 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 59
Fuzziness, 65–67
Inherent, 291 Zadeh, Lofit A., 65, 67, 78, 283, 295
Modeling, 160–161, 205–206 Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB), 292
Trade of, 64
United Nations Environmental Program
(UNEP), 19
Unpredictability, 62–64
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), 2, 24,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), 23
U.S. Treasury bond, 163
USS Enterprise, 25
Utility, 68–70
Defined, 68, 312

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