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Corrosion and Its Prevention

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Corrosion is an electrochemical reaction between a metal and the

environment(oxygen & water), which results in destruction of

The Corrosion Triangle :

That the ship looks good after painting is a matter of consequence

and should not be the main reason for painting. There must be a
clear understanding of the difference between “Decorative” and
“Protective” painting. Marine paints are expensive and must be
properly utilized so as to obtain the maximum value out of them.

Erosion is purely mechanical. It removes protective coating by

mechanical means/ abrasion and exposes the metal surface to the
atmosphere, resulting in corrosion.
e.g. Abrasive effect of dust or salt particles carried by wind
Use of bulldozers, shovels or scrapers on deck or in the holds.
Abrasive effect of Tug coming hard along-side the vessel or
Vessel going hard against the berth.

The Corrosion Reaction :

It involves flow of electrons & is therefore called electrochemical
reaction. Whenever a metal is placed in an electrolyte, there is a
reaction because of tendency of metal to return to their stable state.
The maximum number of electrons in orbits is given by 2n2 (where
n is the number of orbit counting from nucleus onwards).
However the last orbit of any element can not hold more than 8

Galvanic or Reactivity Series:

1. Platinum
2. Stainless Steel
3. Copper
4. Mill Scale More Noble
5. Brass (Can be used as Impressed current
6. Nickel Anodes, generally used Silver or lead)
7. Tin
8. Cast Iron
9. Iron & Mild Steel - Ship side
10. Aluminium
11. Zinc Less Noble
12. Magnesium (Can be used as Sacrificial Anodes)

The Galvanic Cell :

Anode gets corroded Cathode gets protected

The combination of electrodes, electrolyte & electron flow is

called a galvanic cell.

This is the principle used in “Sacrificial Anode System” and the

“Impressed current System”.

Factors Affecting Corrosion :

1) Humidity : Corrosion increases with humidity. At < 65%

humidity, corrosion hardly takes place.
2) Availability of Oxygen : More corrosion takes place at water
surface (than underwater or in enclosed spaces due to less
oxygen available).
3) Temperature: Higher Air temperature means greater
corrosion. Underwater as temperature rises, the solubility of
oxygen decreases, so they tend to cancel out each other.
4) Velocity of Ship : greater velocity means plentiful oxygen
supply resulting in greater corrosion.

Corrosion always develops at the anode, where current leaves the
metal and enters the electrolyte, whilst a protective effect occurs at
the cathode. Thus if the whole metal surface is made sufficiently
cathodic, corrosion will not occur. This is the basic principle of
Cathodic Protection. In marine structures, such corrosion cells
may result from the use of dissimilar metals. Usually,
however, localised anodic and cathodic areas arise on the
surface of the same metal through differences in the metal
itself, variations in protective films, variations in stress
concentrations or changes in the electrolyte. i.e. aeration,
temperature and salinity.
Corrosion may be prevented by removing one or more of these
corrosive elements and for marine structures, the most practicable
method is to apply a protective coating, thus introducing an
electrical resistance between the metal and the electrolyte. Paint in
various forms normally provides the first level of protection.
However, even the most efficient coatings are subject
to defects during application or service, with inevitable
corrosion of the exposed metal.
It is therefore generally accepted that cathodic protection, in
conjunction with a high performance paint system provides the
most effective and economic safeguard against corrosion.
The Sacrificial Anode System :

An anode is a block of relatively pure metal, normally Zinc,

Aluminium or Magnesium. Certain alloys may be added to
increase the life and make it more economical. Anodes should
never be painted over.

The Anode corrodes protecting the steel and so it is made of less

noble metal. The flow of electrons is from anode to the ships
structure. Zinc or Aluminium anodes are most common.
Magnesium anodes can not be used internally in oil tanks as
they may cause a spark if they become detatched and fall or
are struck against.

Anodes should be periodically inspected for contact damage &

weardown. A few spare should be kept on board for replacement.

Areas to be most protected are in the stern region, in the vicinity of

the propeller and rudder, the bow propeller tunnel, sea chests, DB
tank drain plugs, bilge keel etc.
Advantages :
1) No capital outlay for power equipment
2) Simple installation, requiring no skilled labour.
3) Power can not be supplied in the wrong direction.

Cathodic Protection can only be used to protect the

underwater hull or ballasted tanks as seawater forms the
electrolyte. In ballast tanks, the sacrificial Anodes are placed
Close to the bottom of the tank.

The weight of anodes required to protect a given area of the ships

hull is given by
W=(IxAxH) / (l000xK)
W = Weight of the anodes in kilograms,
I = Current in milliamperes per square metre (ma/m2)
A = Area to be protected in square metres,
H = Duration of protection in hours,
K = Constant of the material used.

for Zinc,K = 760 aH/ kg @ 90% efficiency

for aluminium, K = 2400 aH/kg @ 90% efficiency

Potential measurements can be made around the ship by means of

a reference cell. If the paint condition is poor, then more current
will be required to protect the hull by providing extra anodes.
Some current requirements for various structures are:
Well painted hull : 1 ma/ m2
Underwater hull : 10-20 ma/ m2
Ballast tanks 50-70 ma/ m2
Oil rigs : 130 ma/ m2
Impressed Current System :
Sacrificial Anodes are unsuitable for large ships because of extra
turbulence and because it is more costly & cumbersome to fit them
on large ships. Therefore for such vessels Impressed Current
system is used.
Electrical connection with the hull via slip rings & brushes on
the rudder stock & propeller shaft ensures the protection of
the rudder & propeller.
As the underwater paintwork deteriorates, higher currents are
required for protection.
However too high a current can result in damage to paintwork
&Chalky deposit on areas of bare metal, which has to be
removed Before repainting can be carried out.

A protective shield of epoxy resin is applied for about 1 metre

around the anodes to withstand the alkaline conditions there.

Also in ICP system the Anodes are well insulated from the hull
& it’s appendages, simply because the Anodes are made of
noble metals & when ICP system is switched off, if these
Anodes are in direct contact with the hull they may cause
corrosion of hull.
Mill Scale
Mill scale, often shortened to just scale, is the flaky surface of hot rolled
steel, iron oxides consisting of Iron(II,III) oxide, hematite and magnetite.
Mill scale is formed on the outer surfaces of plates, sheets or profiles
when they are being produced by rolling red hot iron or steel billets in
rolling mills. Mill scale is composed of iron oxides mostly ferric and is
bluish black in color. It is usually less than 1 mm (0.039 in) thick and
initially adheres to the steel surface and protects it from atmospheric
corrosion provided no break occurs in this coating.
Because it is electro-chemically cathodic to steel, any break in the mill
scale coating will cause accelerated corrosion of steel exposed at the
break. Mill scale is thus a boon for a while, until its coating breaks due to
handling of the steel product or due to any other mechanical cause.
It is a nuisance when the steel is to be processed. Any paint applied over it
is wasted since it will come off with the scale as moisture laden air get
under it. Thus mill scale has to be removed from steel surfaces by flame
cleaning, pickling or abrasive blasting. All tedious operations wasteful of
energy. This is why shipbuilders used to leave steel delivered freshly
rolled from mills out in the open to allow it to 'weather' till most of the
scale fell off due to atmospheric action. Nowadays most steels mills can
supply their produce with mill scale removed and steel coated with shop
primers over which welding can be done safely.

1. Electro-chemical :
For an electro-chemical reaction, there must be anodic and cathodic areas
on the metal and a path i.e. electrolyte, for the current to flow. On a single
metal plate, different areas on the plate act as anodes and cathodes. The
anodic area is usually surrounded by the cathodic area. This anode and
cathode in the presence of an electrolyte makes up a ‘CORROSION
Thousands of such corrosion cells exist all over the plate. The part which
acts as the anode gets destructed while the part which acts as the cathode
is protected. When atmospheric conditions are uniform such as high
temperatures when accompanied by high humidities ashore, the corrosion
cells are very small so that the plate corrodes uniformly all over forming a
thin continuous layer of rust called ‘MILL SCALE’ When conditions are
severe and non-uniform such as at sea, the corrosion cells are large and
the plate gets severely corroded at places in what is known as ‘PITTING’.

Oxygen gets absorbed in the water forming hydroxyl (OH) ions which
react with the free iron ions liberated by the anode to form rust. The
complete reaction is,

Rust is formed in between the anode (where the free iron ions are present)
and the surface of the water drop (where the hydroxyl ions are present).
Here rust is formed close to the anode and as the reaction proceeds, it may
cover the anode and stifle the reaction. Rust being porous, the reaction
does not completely stop but proceeds at a slow pace. However if the rust
is removed, corrosion will again resume, hence the rust should not be
removed unless it intended to coat the steel with paint.

Corrosion cells on a steel plate

2. Cavitation (Erosion / Corrosion)

In a liquid, where there is turbulence-a due to rotation, vibration, etc.,
vacuum cavities are formed by the generating force e.g. in the propeller
region. These vacuum forces act on the steel hull and paintwork only
momentarily after which they collapse with astounding force exerting
opposite force on the hull. The vacuum cavities are constantly generated
due to movement of the propeller and as a result of the immense
alternating forces being exerted on the hull, it moves slightly in and out
like a bellows. This causes the paint to crack and break off as it is also
subject to these forces. Thus the surface of the metal gets eroded and
opens the way for electro-chemical corrosion to take place. This type of
corrosion is also observed in pumps and in pipeline flow.

3. Impingement attack
When the protective coating is removed, the surface is exposed as the
anode and becomes susceptible to corrosion. Impingement corrosion is
promoted by excessive local turbulence which results in anodic and
cathodic areas being formed, due to differing liquid velocities and/or
retention of a surface layer. If the anode which is the impingement site is
large as compared to the cathode, the corrosion will be light. However if
the cathode is large as compared to the anode, the corrosion will be
severe. If the turbulence is uniform over the whole area, the rate of
corrosion will be less. This form of attack often occurs at the waterline
especially at the bow and at inlets and outlets on the shipside. It can be
reduced by designing the system to keep turbulence to a minimum.

4. Bimetallic Corrosion

Aluminium superstructure joined to a steel deck

Bimetallic corrosion occurs when two metals are in direct contact with
each other or indirectly in contact through an electrolyte. To prevent
corrosion, the metals must be adequately insulated from each other or
protected by a good paint film. The more noble metal must be used for
fasteners to join the two metals. The rate of corrosion will depend on the
relative sizes of the anodic and cathodic materials. A small anode will
corrode rapidly when attached to a large cathode, e.g. a steel flange on a
copper pipe. Areas most susceptible to bimetallic corrosion are:

a. Welded areas as the weld is different from the parent metal.

b. Inlets and outlets to tanks and on the shipside.
c. Valves as they are composed of different metals.
d. Aluminium superstructures on steel decks, steel lifting hooks in
aluminium lifeboats, aluminium portholes in steel bulkheads.
e. Bow and stern propeller areas.
5. Stress Corrosion :
When a metal is subject to stresses such as bending, cold working or heat
treatment, the alignment of the grains in the metal are disturbed. Thus
anodic areas are set up which corrode and failure takes place along these
areas. This type of corrosion was quite common in rivetted ships where
the rivets used to corrode and fail. It can also occur in brackets and pipes
which are cold flanged.

6. Crevice corrosion :
When an electrolyte gets trapped within a crevice, either between a joint,
or between close-fitting components or within rust, due to a chemical
reaction, corrosive ions are formed which saturate the crevice. This results
in the localised areas around the crevice becoming the cathode and
corroding the crevice.

Crevice Corrosion

Composition of Paint

A) Vehicle or Binder
The binder, commonly referred to as the vehicle, is the actual film
forming component of paint. It is the only component that must be
present; other components listed below are included optionally,
depending on the desired properties of the cured film.
The binder imparts adhesion, binds the pigments together, and
strongly influences such properties as gloss potential, exterior
durability, flexibility, and toughness.
Binders include synthetic or natural resins such as acrylics,
polyurethanes, polyesters, melamine resins, epoxy, or oils.
Binders can be categorized according to drying, or curing
1) Alkyd Paints – Oxidation Curing vehicle or binders –
These require oxygen to cure. When applied to a surface, the
solvent evaporates & oxygen penetrates the film helping the
binder chains to interlink. Such paints remain liquid as long as
they are in a closed paint drum – not exposed to air.These
paints can not be applied as thick coats as it will prevent
oxygen reaching bottom layers.

2) Chlorinated Rubber, Vinyl, Coal Tar & Bituminous Paints,

drying oils, oleo resins – Physically drying vehicle – cure by
evaporation of Solvent-
There is no chemical process involved- therefore these are not
sensitive to temperature conditions during applications. When
touching up an old coat, the fresh paint will dissolve the edges
of the old paint making the two coats fuse into each other.

3) Epoxy & Polyurethane Paints – Chemically curing Vehicle-

Consist of two or three components i.e. a hardener, an
activator & the base. The curing process begins when the
components are mixed together in the correct proportion. The
time between mixing & curing is known as “potlife”. This
may vary from several minutes to a few hours, depending
upon product type & temperature. Suitable atmospheric
conditions are required for application of these paints. Such
paint will harden and dry at temperatures > +100C & Relative
Humidity < 80%. These paints are highly abrasion resistant.

B) Pigment :
Pigments are granular solids incorporated into the paint to contribute
color, toughness, texture or simply to reduce the cost of the paint.
Alternatively, some paints contain dyes instead of or in combination with
Pigments can be classified as either natural or synthetic types. Natural
pigments include various clays, calcium carbonate, mica, silicas, and
talcs. Synthetics would include engineered molecules, calcined clays,
blanc fix, precipitated calcium carbonate, and synthetic silicas.

3) Solvent
The main purpose of the solvent is to adjust the curing properties and
viscosity of the paint. It is volatile and does not become part of the paint
film. It also controls flow and application properties, and affects the
stability of the paint while in liquid state. Its main function is as the carrier
for the non volatile components. In order to spread heavier oils (i.e.
linseed) as in oil-based interior housepaint, a thinner oil is required. These
volatile substances impart their properties temporarily—once the solvent
has evaporated or disintegrated, the remaining paint is fixed to the surface.
This component is optional: some paints have no dilutant.

4) Extenders ( or Fillers)
These enhance the weather durability and consistency of the paint.
They increase the volume of paint & thereby reducing the price.

5) Auxilliaries
These are used for imparting special properties.
e.g. Walnut Shell powder is used for imparting “Anti-Skid”

Antifouling Paints : are the most expensive type of paints which

contain poisnous substances like cuprous oxides, mercury, arsenic,
tin, lead or zinc compounds which are slowly released into water
killing marine organisms such as slime(bacteria), Weed(Algae) &
barnacles etc. before they attach themselves to the ship.
These organisms destroy the paint film as well as increase the hull
roughness causing extra fuel consumption.

The leach rate i.e. the rate at which the poison is released is
governed by the type & amount of toxin in the paint, the solubility
of the binder and the design of the paint. Today high performance
Antifoulings can prevent fouling for upto 5 years.

Two basic types of Antifoulings :

Soluble Matrix Type :

Toxins are contained in water soluble binder composed of acidic
resin. This resin reacts with alkaline sea water and slowly
dissolves, releasing the toxin.

Insoluble Matrix Type:

Poison particles are in contact with each other throughout the film.
Also known as contact Antifouling. The poison is removed by sea
water as it reaches into the paint film.

Long Life/ High Performance Antifoulings – Two types

1) Reactivable Antifouling:
Chlorinated rubber based, highly charged with cuprous oxide.
When the toxin level in the outer layer becomes low, the surface
can be scrubbed down using special automated equipment. The top
layer of the paint is removed, exposing a fresh film. Reactivation
is carried out at intervals of 1-2 years.

2) Self Polishing Antifoulings

Acrylic binder with organo tin poisons. The binder slowly
dissolves in sea water releasing the poison in a controlled manner.
The abrasive action of sea water as the ship moves through it,
keeps the hull smooth, reducing friction and thereby fuel
consumption. Life of paint 3-5 years.

Antifoulings with TBT- Organotin Tributylin, have been

proven to cause deformation in oysters & sex change in
whelks(sea snails).

These antifoulings have been banned by “International Convention

on the control of harmful Anti Fouling Systems on ships”.
As recommended by the 21st session of the IMO assembly, the
conference agreed to an effective implementation date for a ban on
the application of organotin based systems.

By Jan 2008 ships either

- shall not bear such compounds on their hull or external parts
or surfaces

- shall bear a coating that forms a barrier to such compounds

leaching from the underlying non-compliant anti fouling

This convention includes a clause in Article 12, which states that a

ship shall be entitled to compensation if it is unduly detained while
undergoing inspection for possible violations of the convention.

Treatment of steel in a shipyard

In the shipyard corrosion protection is of prime importance.

The plates & profiles first pass through a pre-heater, this raises the
temperature of the metal ready for blasting & removes any surface

Blast Cleaning
Sheets & profiles are thoroughly blast cleaned.The blast chamber
removes rust and mill scale and provides a finish to
internationally recognised preparation grades.

Rust grades
Four rust grades are specified. These are defined by precise written descriptions
and photographic examples in ISO 8501-1documentation. They vary from A: mill
scale,to D: where the mill scale has rusted away and general pitting is visible.

Preparation grades
Surface preparation by blast cleaning is designated by the international standard
ISO8501. Four grades are specified, ranging from Sa 1: light blast cleaning, to Sa
3: blast cleaning to visually clean steel.

Paint spray chamber, voc-system and filter

The various plate and profile widths are automatically identified
and are coated in a continuous process with a weld-primer coating
thickness of approximately 15 - 25μm.
Paint dust and solvents (if no water based paint is used) are treated
according to the local requirements in an automatic filter unit and
aVOC-treatment plant.

Drying chamber & slat conveyor

This chamber can be heated by the exhausted air from the pre-
heater . Additional circulation of high quantities of air accelerates
the drying process.
Lying on the support points of the conveyor cross slats
the wet primer remains undamaged as the plates pass through the
drying chamber.

Each sheet has its own unique identification to allow subsequent
allocation and control. The mark is spray painted by computer
controlled nozzles.

Edge cleaning
To ensure optimum weld quality, the edges of the profiles are
blasted to remove paint from the weld area .
Airblast units for this operation are suitable for smaller profiles
and often precede a gascutting machine.

The plates are now conveyed to be fabricated
into ship segments.
Surface Preparation Standards & their meaning:
Steel Structures Painting Council / Swedish Standard/Meaning
SSPC-SP-1 / - / Solvent Cleaning
SSPC-SP-2 / St 2 / Hand Tool Cleaning
SSPC-SP-3 / St 3 / Power Tool Cleaning
SSPC-SP-4 / - / Flame Cleaning
SSPC-SP-5 / Sa 3 / White Metal Blast Cleaning
SSPC-SP-6 / Sa 2 / Commercial Blast Cleaning
SSPC-SP-7 / Sa 1 / Brush Off Blast Cleaning
SSPC –SP-8/ - / Pickling(Removal of rust or millscale by
electrolysis or chemical reaction or both)
SSPC-SP-9 / - / Weathering followed by blast cleaning
SSPC-SP-10/ Sa 2.5 / Near White blast cleaning
Safety Precautions for Painting
Typical Painting Scheme – Chugoku Paints
antifouling for underwater area and boottop

Type of system Name of paint DFT
of coats (6)
(in total)
NZ primer S surface
or 1 25 (u) preparation
Holding primer (optinal)
Epicon zinc rich primer (1) 25 (u)

Abrasion Resistant Pure Bannoh 500 R 2 250 u

Epoxy and Self-
polishing Antifouling Sea Grandprix
1-3 100-450 u +1
Latest generation Tin Series* (2)
Free Hydrolisys Type

Abrasion Resistant Pure Bannoh 500 R 2 250 u

Epoxy and Self- TFA Series or 3
polishing Antifouling 1st Seatender Series* 1-3 100-450 u +1
generation Tin Free (2)

Umeguard SX HS 1 175 u
Multipurpose Tar-free
Epoxy Self-polishing Hiper AC 1 50 u 4
Antifouling 1st +1
generation Tin Free TFA Series* or 2-3 100-450 u
Seatender Series (2) (2-3) (100-450 u)

Ravax AC-P 2 120 u

Chlorinated Rubber 3
Ravax AF 2 80 u

Hiper AC 1 50 u
Antifouling Sealer
Silvax SQ-K 1 50 u

underwater area

Type of system Name of paint DFT
of coats (6)
(in total)
NZ primer S surface
or 1 25 u preparation
Holding primer (optinal)
Epicon zinc rich primer (1) (20 u)

Abrasion Resistant Pure Bannoh 500 1 125 u 1

Epoxy 1st Generation
Bannoh 500 1 125 u
Sea Grandprix Eco-
1 100 u
Speed Tie-Coat
Foul Release Coating
Sea Grandprix 1 150 u

Bannoh 500 1 125 u

Abrasion Resistant Pure Sea Grandprix Eco-

1 100 u
Epoxy 2nd Generation Speed C Tie-Coat 1
Foul Release Coating
Sea Grandprix Eco-
2 150 u
Speed C

boottop area

Type of system Name of paint DFT
of coats (6)
(in total)
NZ primer S surface
or 1 25 (u) preparation
Holding primer (optinal)
Epicon zinc rich primer (1) 25 (u)

Abrasion Resistant Bannoh 500 2 250-300 u

Pure Epoxy 1
Epoxy Finish Epicon Marine Finish 1 50 u

Surface Tolerant Epoxy Umeguard SX 1-2 150-300 u

Epoxy Finish Epicon Marine Finish 1 50 u

Surface Tolerant Epoxy Umeguard SX 1-2 150-300 u

Acrylic Finish Acri 700 Finish 1 40 u

topside area

Type of system Name of paint DFT
of coats (6)
(in total)
NZ primer S surface
or 1 25 (u) preparation
Holding primer (optinal)
Epicon zinc rich primer (1) 25 (u)

Abrasion Resistant Bannoh 500 2 200-300 u

Pure Epoxy
Epicon Marine Finish 1 50 u 1
Epoxy Finish
Polyurethane Finish Uny Marine Finish (1) (50 u)
Surface Tolerant Epoxy Umeguard SX (3) 1-2 125-300 u
Polyurethane Finish Uny Marine Finish 1 50 u 4
Epoxy Finish Epicon Marine Finish (1) (50 u) +1
Acrylic Finish Acri 700 Finish (1) (50 u)

Acri 700 Primer 2 120 u

Acrylic 3
Acri 700 Finish 1 40 u

LZI Primer HB 2 140 u

Oleoresinous 3
Evamarine Finish 1 40 u

outside superstructure, fittings

Number Recommended
Type of Paint Name of Paint of DFT (6)
Coats (in total) Typical
Holding NZ Primer S or Surface
1 25 u Preparation
Primer Epicon Zinc Rich
(1) (20 u)
(optional) Primer B-2

Epoxy or Umeguard SX(3) 1-2 125-200 u

Surface Acrylic
Tolerant Chlorinated 6
Epoxy Rubber Finish Coat (4) 1 40-50 u

Chlorinated Acri 700 Primer 2 120 u

Acrylic Rubber 5
or Acrylic Acri 700 Finish 1 40 u

Roswan QD HB 2 140 u
Oleoresinous Oleoresinous LZI Primer HB (2) (140 u) 5
Evamarine Finish 1 40 u

weather deck coating

Type of system Kind of Paint Name of Paint of
DFT (in total)

NZ primer S or
Epoxy Non Zinc 1 22 u
Epicon Zinc rich primer
Epoxy Zinc Rich (1) (18 u)
Shop primer B-2
Inorganic Zinc (1) (15 u)
Elbond HM
Ultra Heat Resist (1) (15 u)
Cerabond 2000

Epoxy Anticorrosive Bannoh 500 1-2 125-2000 u

(Anti-abrasion) Finish Epicon Marine Finish 2 100 u

Epoxy Primer Anticorrosive Umeguard SX 1-2 125-200 u

Epoxy Finish Finish Epicon Marine Finish 2 100 u

Epoxy Primer Anticorrosive Umeguard SX 1-2 125-200 u

Acrylic Finish Finish Acri 700 Finish 2 80 u

cargo holds

Number Recommended
Type of Paint Name of Paint of DFT (6)
Coats (in total) Typical
Holding NZ Primer S or Surface
1 25 u Preparation
Primer Epicon Zinc Rich
(1) (20 u)
(optional) Primer B-2

Pure Epoxy Bannoh 500 (5) 2 200-300 u

(Anti- Epoxy 1
abrasion) Finish Coat (4) 1 40-50 u

Epoxy or
Epoxy Acrylic Umeguard SX (5) 2 200-300 u 2

LZI Primer HB 2 140 u

Oleoresinous Oleoresinous Hold Silver or 3

1 25 u
Evamarine Finish
(1) (40 u)

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