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Viapal: Unsaturated Polyester Resins

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Unsaturated Polyester Resins

Solutions for Industrial Markets

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From defining more efficient processes for mining ment processes are dedicated to delivering customer
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We offer out customers advanced and diverse prod-
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■ Liquid Coating Resins and Additives
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■ Specialty Additives

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esses. All Spec Chem personnel in the order fulfill-
Contents 03

Base Resins ........................................................................................................................................................................ 04

Standard base resins ........................................................................................................................................... 04
Base resins with increased chemical resistance............................................................................... 05
Base resins with the highest chemical resistance .......................................................................... 06
Epoxy laminating resins ................................................................................................................................... 06
Special Resin Types .................................................................................................................................................... 07
Resins for hand lay-up and spray-up-technique ............................................................................ 07
Resins for hand lay-up and spray-up-technique for the
reinforcement of PMMA................................................................................................................................. 08
Resins for hand lay-up and spray-up-technique with
increased chemical resistance .................................................................................................................... 08
Resins, flame retardant or flame retardant adjustable............................................................ 09
Phenolic laminating resins ............................................................................................................................. 11
Resins with light stabilization .................................................................................................................... 11
Flexible resins ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Paste resins .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Button resins .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Putty resins for the stone industry ......................................................................................................... 12
Foam resins ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Cast resin, pure resin ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Resin for filament winding or centrifugal casting method .................................................. 13
Air drying resins ................................................................................................................................................... 14
Cast resins, fillable ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Solid surface ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Injection resins ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Pultrusion resins ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Gelcoats ................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Gelcoats for general applications ........................................................................................................... 17
Gelcoats for sanitary applications ............................................................................................................ 17
Gelcoats and Topcoats for FRP pools ................................................................................................... 18
Gelcoats for boat building ........................................................................................................................... 18
Tooling gelcoats .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Flame retardant gelcoats................................................................................................................................ 19
Topcoat ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Transparent gelcoats ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Additives ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Color Pastes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Information on Processing.................................................................................................................................. 22
Index ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
04 Base Resins

Standard base resins

Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elon- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] gation at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* O-phthalic acid resin, moulded parts medium 850 – 1150 15 – 25 2 90

UP 001/67 correspond to type 1110 in accordance with reactivity 3) 12)
DIN 16946, part 2.
VIAPAL®* Orthophthalic acid resin, fast impregnation, high 250 – 350 10 – 16 2 110
UP 002/60 short demoulding time, moulded parts corres- reactivity 3) 12)
pond to type 1110 according DIN 16946, part 2.
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, enhanced dimensional high 700 – 900 19 – 35 2 125
UP 004/64 stability at elevated temperature; moulded reactivity 3) 12)
parts correspond to type 1130 according
DIN 16946, part 2.
VIAPAL UP resin based on orthophthalic acid, preferably high 650 – 900 15 – 20 3,5 –
UP 221/68-15 used for the production of gelcoats and because reactivity 3) 32)
of its high impact strength also for the
production of castings, e.g. synthetic marble.
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, enhanced dimensional high 800 – 1000 20 – 30 2 130
UP 303/65 stability at elevated temperature and enhanced reactivity 3) 12)
impact strength; moulded parts correspond to
type 1140 according DIN 16946, part 2.
The resin has a low peak temperature.
VIAPAL UP resin based on orthophthalic acid, low high 1750 – 2350 20 – 30 1,2 135
UP 320/70 styrene content, very good mechanical reactivity 3) 12)
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin with good mechanical high 960 – 1090 8 – 14 2 102
UP 450 E/66 and chemical properties and increased storage reactivity 1) 18)
stability (increased impact resistance).
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin with good mechanical medium 440 – 530 25 – 36 2,3 86
VUP 4627 E/61 and chemical properties and increased storage reactivity 1) 18)
stability (increased impact resistance). Certi-
ficate from Lloyd’s Register of Shipping is
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin. Moulded parts display high 170 – 230 8 – 16 2,6 123
VUP 4779/55 increased HDT as well as impact resistance reactivity 18)
and correspond to type 1140 according
DIN 16946, part 2.

B = accelerated, E = increased storability,
M = environmental adjustment with reduced level of styrene
emission, T = thixotropic, S = light stability, G = granulated form
Viscosity measured at 23°C with cone and plate:
1) = shear rate 25 s-1; 2) = shear rate 100 s-1;
3) = shear rate 500 s-1; 4) = shear rate 300 s-1
For curing conditions please see technical instructions:
6) = 1,0 MEKP; 8) = 1,5 MEKP; 10) = 2,0 MEKP;
12) = 2,0 MEKP/0,3 Co1; 14) = 2,0 MEKP/0,5 Co1;
16) = 2,0 MEKP/0,8 Co1; 18) = 2,0 MEKP/1 Co1;
20) = 2,0 MEKP/2 Co1; 22) = 2,0 MEKP/3 Co1/0,8 DMA 10;
24) = 2,0 MEKP/3 Co1/1 DMA 10; 26) = 1 BP 50-P;
28) = 2 BP50-P; 30) = 5 BP50-P; 32) = special curing

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters


Base resins with increased chemical resistance

Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* Isophthalic/orthophthalic acid resin, enhanced medium 660 – 820 13 – 17 4,2 114
VUP 4649 E/65 strain at break, impact strength and dimensional reactivity 1) 18)
stability at elevated temperature.
VIAPAL®* Isophthalic acid resin, very high dimensional high 650 - 950 6 -12 1,5 163
VUP 4666/51 stability at elevated temperature; for manu- reactivity 1) 18)
facture of laminates and profiles preferably
used in electric industry.
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, very medium 600 – 800 5 – 11 3,7 129
VUP 4714/60 good penetration curing, high deformation reactivity 1) 18)
resistance in heat, high chemical suitability,
good hot water resistance.
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid resin, for the manufacture of medium 980 -1200 8 -16 2,4 76
VUP 4739/65 GR-UP moulded articles, also suitable for reactivity 1) 18)
formulation of Gelcoats.
VIAPAL Terephthalic acid/neopentyl glycol resin, good medium 550 – 750 20 – 30 2 146
UP 745/56 resistance to chemicals and very high dimen- reactivity 3) 12)
sional stability at elevated temperature.
Corresponds to type 1130 in accordance with
DIN 16946, part 2.
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid/neopentyl glycol resin, high medium 1000 – 1500 19 – 25 2 120
UP 746/58 dimensional stablity at elevated temperature, reactivity 3) 12)
high resistance to chemicals; moulded parts
corressponding to type 1140 according
DIN 16946, part 2. Approval of German
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, high medium 1080-1320 4-10 4,2 99
VUP 4792 E/66 chemical suitability; fullfills specification of reactivity 1)
German Lloyd and Lloyds register of shipping.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

06 Base Resins

Base resins with the highest chemical resistance

Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* Bisphenol A/fumaric acid resin, high deforma- high 300 – 510 5 – 15 2 140
UP 495/48 tion resistance in heat,high chemical suitability, reactivity 1) 22)
particularly high hydrolyse and alkali resistance;
for the construction of chemical facilities and
non-corrodible components; moulded parts
correspond to type 1140, DIN 16946, part 2.
VIAPAL®* The same as VIAPAL UP 495/48 but with in- high 300 – 510 10 – 20 2 140
UP 495 E/48 creased storability (tropical stabilization). reactivity 1) 22)
VIAPAL HET acid/neopentyle glycol resin, high deforma- medium 350 – 450 9 – 15 2 133
UP 797/59 tion resistance in heat, very good chemical resis- reactivity 3) 18)
tance, flame resistant according to ASTM E-84-98.
Moulded parts correspond to type 1130 accor-
ding to DIN 16946, part 2.
VIAPAL Low viscous vinyl ester resin on epoxy-novolak- high 240 – 410 13 – 27 3 146
VUP 4652/67 base; extraordinary good chemical resistance, reactivity 1) 24)
enhanced dimensional stability at elevated
temperature. Approval of BAM, Berlin, for lining
of tanks for storage of aircraft fuel and petrol
according to DIN 51600 and DIN 51607.
Approval of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping.

Epoxy laminating resins

Base resins For information regarding epoxy laminating resins and suitable hardeners please contact Technical Service.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

Special Resin Types 07

Resins for hand lay-up and spray-up-technique

Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* O-phthalic acid resin, pre-accelerated, medium thix. 20 – 30 2,5 95

UP 242 BT/57 thixotropic; moulded parts corresponding to reactivity 10)
type 1110 according DIN 16946, part 2.
Rapid wetting, low tension curing. Approval
of German Lloyd.
VIAPAL®* O-phthalic acid resin with extremely reduced high thix. 30 – 40 2 120
UP 303 BMT/55 level of styrene emission. The outstanding reactivity 6)
feature is its increased impact resistance and
deformation resistance in heat moulded parts
correspond to type 1140 in accordance with
DIN 16946, part 2. The resin has a low maxi-
mum temperature.
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, thixotropic. Moderate medium thix. 12 – 20 2,3 86
VUP 4627 ET/60 low tension curing even in thick layers. The reactivity 20)
resin has very good mechanical properties in a
hardened state. It can be used universally and is
used preferably for car bodies, boats and moul-
ded parts especially if increased impact resis-
tance is required. Certificate of Lloyd’s Register
of Shipping is available.
VIAPAL Pre-accelerated version of VIAPAL VUP 4627 ET/60, medium thix. 10 – 20 2,3 86
VUP 4627 BET/56 It contains peroxide indicator. reactivity 10)
VIAPAL The same as VIAPAL VUP 4627 BET/56 but medium thix. 11 – 21 2,3 86
VUP 4627 BEMT/56 with greatly reduced level of styrene emission. reactivity 10)
VIAPAL The same as Viapal VUP 4627 BEMT/56 but medium thix. 25 - 35 2,3 86
VUP 4627 BEMT/56-30 with extended geltime. reactivity 10)
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, pre-accelerated, thixo- medium thix. 25 – 35 2,8 90
VUP 4782 BET/55 tropic,contains peroxide indicator; very good reactivity 10)
saturation properties with high thixotrophy
strength; with relatively long gel time, good
penetration curing, preferably for boat-building.
VIAPAL Low styrene emission version (reduced level of medium thix. 25 – 35 2,8 90
VUP 4782 BEMT/55 styrene emission) of VIAPAL VUP 4782 BET/55. reactivity 10)
VIAPAL O-phtalic acid resin pre-accelerated, thixotropic, medium thix. 14 – 24 2,8 90
VUP 4791 BEMT/55-21 extremely reduced level of styrene emission. reactivity 10)
Particuolarly fast curing, even in thin layers.
The resin has very good mechanical properties
in a hardened state and can be used universally.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

08 Special Resin Types

Resins for hand lay-up and spray-up-technique for the

reinforcement of PMMA
Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* Orthophthalic acid resin, preaccelerated, medium thix. 11-21 2,3 86

VUP 4627 BEMT/56 thixotropic, reduced level of styrene emission. reactivity 10)
Moderate low tension curing even in thick layers.

Resins for hand lay-up and spray-up-technique with increased

chemical resistance
VIAPAL®* Isophthalic/orthophthalic acid resin, pre- high thix. 7 – 17 4 114
VUP 4686 BET/56 accelerated, thixotropic, contains peroxide in- reactivity 10)
dicator, increased elongation at break, impact
resistance and HDT.
VIAPAL VIAPAL VUP 4686 BET/56 in environmental high thix. 7 – 17 4 114
VUP 4686 BEMT/56 adjustment, with extremely reduced level of reactivity 10)
styrene emission.
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid/neopentyl glycol resin, pre- high thix. 17 – 28 2 129
VUP 4714 BET/52 accelerated, hixotropic, contains peroxide reactivity 10)
indicator; increased elongation at break, impact
resistance and high HDT.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters


Resins for hand lay-up and spray-up-technique with increased

chemical resistance (continued)
Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* UP resin, pre-accelerated, thixotropic; enhanced high thix. 17 – 27 4 94

VUP 4774 BET/57 strain at break and impact strength, very good reactivity 10)
resistance against styrene and UP-resin; for bar-
rier laminates of GR-UP moulds in combination
with GELCOAT® 935 BE resp. GELCOAT® 936 BE.
VIAPAL®* Polyester/polyurethane hybrid resin on neo- high 95 – 130 25 – 35 3,4 121
VUP 4805 B/64 pentyle glycol base, pre-accelerated. Always reactivity 2) 32)
processed together with a suitable di-isocyanate,
e.g. with ADDITOL® VXT 6225/1. Very fast curing,
surface cures tack free. Impregnates reinforcing
materials very fast and can be loaded with a
high proportion of mineral filler for the produc-
tion of low shrink moulded parts.
VIAPAL Polyester/polyurethane hybrid resin on neo- high 80 – 115 25 – 35 4,7 107
VUP 4812 B/60 pentyle glycol base, pre-accelerated. Always reactivity 2) 32)
processed together with a suitable di-isocyanate,
e.g. with ADDITOL VXT 6225/1. Very fast curing,
surface cures tack free. Impregnates reinforcing
materials very quickly and can be loaded with a
high proportion of mineral filler for the produc-
tion of shrink resistant moulded parts.
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid resin, pre-accelerated, thixo- medium thix. 25 – 33 2,3 106
VUP 4815 BET/57 tropic. It is preferably used for the production of reactivity 10)
the buffer layer between gelcoat and the carrier
laminate in the production of boats, car bodies
and swimming pools.
VIAPAL Vinyl ester resin, based on Bisphenol A; high 200 - 280 30 - 40 3,5 HDT: 97
UP 4838 BT/63 pre-accelerated, thixotropic, supports excellent reactivity 3) 8)
osmosis resistance as buffer layer resin.

Resins, flame retardant or flame retardant adjustable

VIAPAL HET-acid/neopentyl glycol resin, high dimen- medium 350 – 450 9 – 15 2 133
UP 797/59 sional stability at elevated temperature, good reactivity 3) 18)
resistance to chemicals, fire retardant. Transparent
moulded parts correspond to type 1130 according
DIN 16946, part 2.
VIAPAL Polyester/polyurethane-hybrid resin, preaccele- high thix. 25 – 35 0,4 127
VUP 4786 BT/81-30 rated. Always processed together with a suitable reactivity 32)
di-isocyanate, e.g. with ADDITOL® VXT 6225/1.
Thanks to a considerably low level of styrene
emission it has outstanding features of very fast
curing, tack free surface and low shrinkage and
thus short production time compared to un-
saturated polyester resins; does not contain
halogen or antimony trioxide. Used for the pro-
duction of self-extinguishing components that
correspond to German DIN 5510 T2 (classifica-
tion S4-SR2-ST2). Moulded part corresponds
further to French standard NF P 92-501 (classifi-
cation M2) and NF X 70-100 & NF X 70-702
(classification F1).

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

10 Special Resin Types

Resins, flame retardant or flame retardant adjustable (continued)

Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* Polyester/polyurethane-hybrid resin, preaccele- high thix. 40 – 50 0,4

VUP 4812 BT/81-50 rated. Always processed together with a suitable reactivity 32)
di-isocyanate, e.g. with ADDITOL VXT 6225/1.

Thanks to a considerably low level of styrene

emission it has outstanding features of very fast
curing, tack free surface and low shrinkage and
thus short production time compared to un-
saturated polyester resins; does not contain
halogen or antimony trioxide. Used for the pro-
duction of self-extinguishing components that
correspond to German DIN 5510 T2 (classifica-
tion S4-SR2-ST2). Moulded part corresponds
further to French standard NF P 92-501 (classifi-
cation M2) and NF X 70-100 & NF X 70-702
(classification F1).
VIAPAL®* UP resin, usable for the production of self- high 450 – 750 20 – 30 – HDT: 75
UP 4828 MT/82 extinguishing components that correspond to reactivity 3) 32)
Din 5510 part 2 of the classification S4-SR2-ST2.
Suitable for injection.
VIAPAL HET acid resin, excellent fire retardant properties, low 520 - 750 10 - 18 – 99
UP 660 A/73 suitable for infusion, for manufacture of non- reactivity 1)
transparent moulded parts, following certificates
are available: - underwriter laboratories; UL 94 V0
- DIN 4102: classification B1 - SBI-test according
DIN EN 13823: B-s3,d0 - M1 according NF P 92-502.
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, by addition of a suitable high thix. 30 - 40 2,0 120
UP 403 BMT/55 amount of ATH classification S4, St2, SR2 according reactivity 6)
DIN 5510 can be reached, guide formulation
available on request.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters


Phenolic laminating resins

PHENODUR®** For information regarding PHENODUR laminating resins and appropriate hardeners please contact Technical Service.
laminating resins For example, laminates based on PHENODUR VPW 9340 are able to fulfil the specification of prEN45 545 hazard level 4.

Resins with light stabilization

Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* Orthophthalic acid resin, light stabilized, high 100 - 150 15 - 25 1,6 110
UP 240 S/53 contains methyl methacrylate; for manufacture reactivity 1) 18)
of highly transparent flat light-elements at
room temperature.

Flexible resins
VIAPAL®* Isophthalic acid resin, high strain at break, high low 550 – 750 10 – 16 60 50
UP 130/65 impact strength; for flexibilizing of rigid types of reactivity 3) 12)
VIAPAL resin.
VIAPAL Low styrene emission, thixotropic; tack-free medium thix. 25 – 35 100 50
UP 179 MT/57 curing, tough-elastic; in combination with reactivity 32)
polyester surface tissue for seamless linings
(e.g. roof top coatings).
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, very flexible, special low 140 – 210 45 – 55 – –
VUP 4808 B/62 accelerator system enabling the production of reactivity 1) 10)
crystal clear laminated glass and security glass.
Interesting architectural effects can be achieved
by coloring.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

** PHENODUR phenolic resins
12 Special ResinTypes

Paste resins
Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* UP-resin, monomer-free, odourless; very good – 1400 – 1900 – – –

UP 151 storage stability, can absorb a high level of 2)
pigment; for the production of color pastes.
VIAPAL®* UP-resin, monomer-free, odourless; very good – 350 - 600 – – –
UP 152 storage stability, can absorb a high level of 3)
pigment; for the production of color pastes.
Low viscosity.
VIAPAL UP-resin, monomer-free, odourless; very good – 550 – 850 10 – 20 – –
VUP 4787 storage stability, can absorb a high level of 1) 22)
pigment; for the production of color pastes.

Button resins
VIAPAL Unsaturated polyester resin of very bright bluish medium 2240 – 2750 7 – 11 1,0 –
UP 465 E color, for production of button sheets. reactivity 1) 14)
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, very light, faint blue color medium 1900 – 2600 6 – 12 – –
VUP 4735 E/71 (“enhanced“); button sheets can be machined reactivity 1) 14)
well, even after a longer period of storage.
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, thixotropic, used especially medium 1200 – 1750 25 – 35 – –
VUP 4763 ET/68 for the production of rods with multi-colored reactivity 3) 14)
effects in the casting process. The light color
in its hardened state is to be emphasised in par-

Putty resins for the stone industry

VIAPAL Orthophthalic acid resin, special accelerator high 690 – 920 6 – 12 1,9 102
VUP 4706 B/65 and inhibitor system; after addition of di- reactivity 1) 32)
benzoyl peroxide, rapid and good curing even
in thin layer, bright color in cured state; for
manufacture of putties and adhesives for the
stone industry.
VIAPAL Orthophthalic acid resin, special accelerator high 740 – 850 5–6 2,0 102
VUP 4788 B/65 and inhibitor system; after addition of di- reactivity 1) 28)
benzoyl peroxide rapid and good curing even
in thin layer, bright color in cured state; for
manufacture of putties and adhesives for the
stone industry.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters


Foam resins
Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* O-phthalic acid resin, pre-accelerated, together high thix. approx. – 102
VUP 4688 BT/66 with Luperfoam® 329 (Arkema) for moulded parts reactivity 5 min (base resin)
in the foam resin process with short cycle times.
VIAPAL ®* O-phthalic acid resin, pre-accelerated, together high 1200 - 1500 12-16 min – –
UP 4836 BT/66 with Luperfoam 329 for moulded parts in the reactivity 1)
foam resin process for longer process times,
preferably for thick-walled moulded parts.
VIAPAL O-Phtalic acid resin, pre-accelerated, together high 800 - 1100 50 - 60 min na na
UP 4856 BT/65 with Luperfoam 329 for moulded parts in the reactivity
foam resin process for long process times,
preferably for thick-walled moulded parts

Cast resin, pure resin

VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, specially pre-accelerated, medium 600 – 800 25 – 35 2,5 80
UP 223 BS/65 light stabilized; cast resin for the production of reactivity 3) 6)
crystal clear components.

Resin for filament winding or centrifugal casting method

VIAPAL Bisphenol A/fumaric acid resin, high HDT, high high 300 – 510 5 – 15 2 140
UP 495/48 chemical suitability, particularly high hydrolyse reactivity 1) 32)
and alkali resistance; for the construction of
chemical facilities and non-corrodible compo-
VIAPAL Isophthalic/orthophthalic acid resin, enhanced medium 660 – 820 13 – 17 4,2 114
VUP 4649 E/65 strain at break, impact strength and dimensional reactivity 1) 18)
stability at elevated temperature.
VIAPAL Low viscous vinyl ester resin on epoxy-novolak- high 240 – 410 13 – 27 3 146
VUP 4652/67 base; extraordinary good chemical resistance, reactivity 1) 24)
enhanced dimensional stability at elevated
temperature. Approval of BAM, Berlin, for lining
of tanks for storage of aircraft fuel and petrol
according to DIN 51600 and DIN 51607.
Approval of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping.
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, very medium 600 – 800 5 – 11 3,7 129
VUP 4714/60 good curing, high HDT, high chemical suitability, reactivity 1) 18)
good hot water resistance.
VIAPAL Orthophthalic acid resin, enhanced strain at high 170 – 230 8 – 16 2,6 123
VUP 4779/55 break; good dimensional stability at elevated reactivity 1) 18)
temperature; specifically for manufacture of
pipes by centrifugal method (HOBAS-System),
moulded parts correspond to type 1140
according DIN 16946, part 2.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

14 Special Resin Types

Air drying resins

Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* UP resin, based on fumaric acid, Viapal UP 527 E/68 high 630-950 41 3,1 93 HDT
UP 527 E/68 is an air-drying unsaturated polyester resin curing reactivity 1) 18)
paraffin-free. Viapal UP 527 E/68 has only little
yellowing tendency.

Cast resins, fillable

Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* O-phthalic acid resin, moulded parts correspond high 250-350 10-16 2 110
UP 002/60 to type 1110 in accordance with DIN 16946, reactivity 3) 12)
part 2.
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, specially pre-accelerated; medium 1650 – 2100 18 – 32 1,9 80
VUP 4626 BE/67 cures clear and almost colorless with low reactivity 1) 6)
build-up of heat; for the production of thick-
walled sanitary articles (e.g. baths) with marble
or onyx effect.
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, with good mechanical medium 440 – 530 25 – 36 2,3 86
VUP 4627 E/61 and chemical properties (increased impact reactivity 1) 18)
VIAPAL P-phthalic acid resin. Moulded parts display high 170 - 240 30 - 40 2,8 123
VUP 4779/55 increased HDT as well as impact resistance and reactivity 1) 32)
correspond to type 1140 according DIN 16946,
part 2.
VIAPAL Polyester/polyurethane hybrid resin on neo- high 95 – 130 15 3,4 121
VUP 4805 B/64-15 pentyle glycol base, pre-accelerated. Always reactivity 2) 32)
processed together with a suitable di-isocyanate,
e.g. with ADDITOL VXT 6225/1. Very fast curing,
surface cures tack free. Impregnates reinforcing
materials very fast and can be loaded with a
high proportion of mineral filler for the produc-
tion of low shrink moulded parts.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters


Solid surface
Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, pre- medium 560 – 770 21 – 35 2,6 91
VUP 4777 BE/62 accelerated; acryl modified, low tension curing; reactivity 1) 6)
bright color in cured form, very good war
water resistance. In combination with aluminium
trihydrate for manufacture of “densified marble”
(solid surface).
VIAPAL®* similar to Viapal VUP 4777 BE/62 but with high 800 - 1200 17 - 21 2,6 91
UP 4777 B/66 shorter geltime and higher solid content reactivity
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, very medium 600 – 800 5 – 11 3,7 129
VUP 4714/60 good penetration curing, high deformation reactivity 1) 18)
resistance in heat, high chemical suitability,
good hot water resistance.

Injection resins
Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, short saturation and high 250 – 350 10 – 16 2 110
UP 002/60 mould release times; corresponds to type 1110 reactivity 3) 12)
in accordance with DIN 16946, part 2.
VIAPAL Polyester/polyurethane-hybrid resin on – 160 60 5,1 76 HDT
UP 4844 B/61 neopentyle glycol base, preaccelerated. Always 3) 32)
processed together with Additol VXT 6225/1.
Very low viscosity, very fast curing after
gelification, surface cures tack free. Impregnates
reinforcing materials very fast, can be loaded
with high proportions of mineral fillers for the
production of low shrink moulded parts.
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, increased elongation at high 170 - 230 8 - 14 2,5 123
VUP 4779/55 break; high HDT, moulded parts correspond to reactivity 1) 32)
type 1140 according DIN 16946, part 2.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

16 Special Resin Types

Pultrusion resins
Name Characteristic Reacti- Viscosity Gel time Elonga- Glass
vity [mPa s] [min] tion at transition
break tempera-
[%] ture [°C]

VIAPAL®* Isophthalic acid resin, light stabilized; enhanced medium 850 -1150 8 - 16 4,4 65
UP 262 S/66 strain at break; for manufacture of thick-walled reactivity 1) 18)
laminates by pultrusion and casting method;
basic resin for formulation of fast curing elastic
putties and adhesives (bonding of natural and
artifical stone, GR-UP laminates).
VIAPAL®* Terephthalic acid/neopentyl glycol resin, good medium 550 – 750 20 – 30 2 146
UP 745/56 resistance to chemicals and very high dimen- reactivity 3) 12)
sional stability at elevated temperature.
Corresponds to type 1130 in accordance with
DIN 16946, part 2.
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin with good mechanical and medium 440 – 530 25 – 36 2,3 86
VUP 4627 E/61 chemical properties and increased storage reactivity 1) 18)
stability (increased impact resistance).
VIAPAL Isophthalic/orthophthalic acid resin, enhanced medium 660 – 820 13 – 17 4,2 114
VUP 4649 E/65 strain at break, impact strength and dimensional reactivity 1) 18)
stability at elevated temperature.
VIAPAL Low viscous vinyl ester resin on epoxy-novolak- high 240 – 410 13 – 27 3 146
VUP 4652/67 base; extraordinary good chemical resistance, reactivity 1) 24)
enhanced dimensional stability at elevated
temperature. Approval of BAM, Berlin, for lining
of tanks for storage of aircraft fuel and petrol
according to DIN 51600 and DIN 51607.
Approval of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping.
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid resin, very high dimensional high 650 – 950 6 – 12 1,5 163
VUP 4666/51 stability at elevated temperature; for manu- reactivity 1) 18)
facture of laminates and profiles preferably
used in electric industry.
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, very medium 600 – 800 5 – 11 3,7 129
VUP 4714/60 good curing, high deformation resistance in reactivity 1) 18)
heat, high chemical suitability, good hot water
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid type, single component low high 1270 – 1570 5 – 15 2,5
VUP 4749/54 shrink resin; moulded parts have outstanding reactivity 1) 18)
features of high surface quality and dimensional
VIAPAL O-phthalic acid resin, flame retardant, halogen- high 400 – 550 9 – 16 2,1 87
VUP 4785/70 free; formulations with ATH produce profiles reactivity 1) 32)
with excellent flame protection properties.
VIAPAL Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, high medium 700 - 900 1000 - 1500 2,0 120
UP 746/58 deformation resistance in heat, high chemical reactivity 3) 3)
suitability; moulded parts correspond to type
1140 in accordance with DIN 16946, part 2.
Certificate of the Germanic Lloyd available.
VIAPAL Bisphenol A/fumaric acid resin, high deformation high 300 - 510 5 - 15 2,0 110 HDT
UP 495/48 resistance in heat, high chemical suitability, reactivity 1) 22)
particularly high hydrolyse and alkali resistance;
for the construction of chemical facilities and
noncorrodible components; moulded parts
correspond to type 1140, DIN 16946, part 2.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

Gelcoats 17

Gelcoats for general applications

Name Characteristic Non Gel time Elongation Applica-
volatile [min] at break of tion
content pure resins [%]

VIAPAL®* Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, specially pre-accelerated UP-resin 63 – 67 11 – 17 4,5 brush

920 B based on isophthalic acid; brush grade; for clear, 10)
resilient gelcoats with good resistance to seawater.
VIAPAL®* Gelcoat Gelcoat 920 B adjusted to spraying consistency. 54 – 58 13 – 21 4,5 spray
921 B 10)
VIAPAL Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, specially pre-accelerated UP-resin 65,5 – 69,5 13 – 18 3,5 brush
VUP 4750 BE based on isophthalic acid; brush grade; to be used only 10)
after coloration with VIAPAL color pastes. Excellent
processing properties: rapid deaeration, fast curing,
high color stability.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Gelcoat VUP 4750 BE adjusted to spraying consistency. 57 – 61 7 – 12 3,5 spray
VUP 4751 BE 10)
VIAPAL Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, specially pre-accelerated UP-resin 66,5 – 70,5 7 – 11 8,3 brush
VUP 4820 B based on isophthalic acid; brush grade; particulary high 10)
elongation at break.

Gelcoats for sanitary applications

VIAPAL Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, specially pre-accelerated, light stabili- 52,5 – 56,5 6 – 12 1,5 spray
VUP 4647 BES zed UP-resin based on isophthalic acid/neopentyl glycol; 10)
spray grade for gelcoats on synthetic marble/onyx tiles
and sanitary ware; extraordinary bright color and very
high resistance to cold/warm water with elevated ther-
mal stress conditions.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, specially pre-accelerated, UP-resin 67 – 71 8 – 18 4,2 brush
VUP 4780 BE based on isophthalic acid/neopentyl glycol; brush grade; 10)
to be used after coloration with VIAPAL color pastes.
Excellent processing properties; rapid de-aeration, fast
curing, high color stability.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Gelcoat VUP 4780 BE adjusted to spraying consistency. 59 – 63 10 – 15 4,2 spray
VUP 4781 BE 10)
VIAPAL Gelcoat Gelcoat, based on isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, 59 - 63 9 - 17 3,6 spray
VUP 4835 B preaccelerated; very thixotropic, also colored (with Viapal
color pastes) available, excellent processing properties:
very good deaeration, fast curing after gelification,
excellent thermo shock behaviour.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, acryl modified, 52 – 56 13 – 17 1,5 spray
VUP 4794 BS pre-accelerated, very thixotropic, light stabilized. As non 10)
colored gelcoat on polymer marble and polymer con-
crete articles. Optimally clear film, good surface hard-
ness, very low yellowing tendency, very good warm-
water and chemical resistance, suitable for outside use.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

18 Gelcoats

Gelcoats and Topcoats for FRP pools

Name Characteristic Non Gel time Elongation Applica-
volatile [min] at break of tion
content pure resins [%]

VIAPAL®* Gelcoat Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, pre-accelerated; 62 – 66 14 – 20 4,2 spray

UP 4833 BE/5115** very thixotropic, Excellent processing properties: very 10)
good de-aeration, fast penetration curing, particulary high
color stability, suitable for swimming pools. Only
colored available, current color shade on request. This
color 5115 (light blue) is used only as an example.
VIAPAL®* Gelcoat Newest generation gelcoat for pool manufacturing. 58 - 62 12 - 20 4,2 spray
UP 4841 BES/5262** Based on Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, pre- 10)
accelerated, very thixotropic. Excellent processing proper-
ties: very good de-aeration, fast penetration curing, parti-
cularly high color and gloss stability. Only colored avail-
able, current color shades on request. This color 5262
(light blue) is used only as an example.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Clear gelcoat, Isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol resin, 46 - 50 13 - 17 2 spray
UP 4839 BS** acryl modified, preaccelerated, thixotropic, light stabilized. 10)
Optimally clear film, good surface hardness, very low
yellowing tendency, very good warm water and chemical
resistance, suitable for pool production.

VIAPAL Topcoat Topcoat, based on isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol 64 - 68 14 - 20 4,2 brush

UP 4845 BES/5262** resin, preaccelerated, very thixotropic, light blue color,
for tack free curing topcoats with high chemical suitability.

Gelcoats for boat building

VIAPAL Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, specially pre-accelerated UP-resin 65,5 – 69,5 13 – 18 3,5 brush
VUP 4750 BE** based on isophthalic acid; brush grade; to be used only 10)
after coloration with VIAPAL color pastes. Excellent
processing properties: rapid deaeration, fast curing,
high color stability.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Gelcoat VUP 4750 BE adjusted to spraying consistency. 57 – 61 7 – 12 3,5 spray
VUP 4751 BE** 10)
VIAPAL Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, specially pre-accelerated, UP-resin 67 – 71 8 – 18 4,2 brush
VUP 4780 BE** based on isophthalic acid/neopentyl glycol; brush grade; 10)
to be used after coloration with VIAPAL color pastes.
Excellent processing properties; rapid deaeration, fast
curing, high color stability.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Gelcoat VUP 4780 BE adjusted to spraying consistency. 59 – 63 10 – 15 4,2 spray
VUP 4781 BE** 10)
VIAPAL Gelcoat Dark blue marine gelcoat, based on isophthalic acid/ 59 - 63 14 - 19 – spray
VUP 4846 BES/5011** neopentyle glycol resin, preaccelerated; very thixotropic,
outstanding resistance against bleaching, especially
developed for marine market, certificate of Lloyds
Register of Shipping available.

VIAPAL Gelcoat White marine gelcoat, based on special resin developed 63 - 67 10 - 15 4,2 spray
GC 4861 BS/9010* for marine application, preaccelerated; thixotropic,
outstanding resistance against yellowing, especially
developed for marine market

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

** for best osmosis resistance the use of at least 1 laminate layer barrier coat resin VIAPAL UP 4838 BT/63 directly behind the gelcoat is recommended.

Tooling gelcoats
Name Characteristic Non Gel time Elongation Applica-
volatile [min] at break of tion
content pure resins [%]

VIAPAL®* Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, Co-pre-accelerated UP-resin, brush- 64 – 68 18 – 25 4 brush

935 BE grade; for resilient gelcoats with high resistance to aro- 10)
matic solvents (styrene) particulary as gelcoat for glass-
fiber reinforced UP moulds. Used together with buffer
resin VUP 4774 BET/57. The gelcoat is also colored avail-
able: Gelcoat 935 BE/9127 (black) and Viapal GC 935
BE/6101 (green).
VIAPAL®* Gelcoat VIAPAL gelcoat 935 BE formulated for spraying. The gel- 51,5 – 55,5 16 – 23 4 spray
936 BE coat is also colored available: Gelcoat 936 BE/9127 (black) 10)
and Gelcoat 936 BE/6101 (green).

Flame retardant gelcoats

VIAPAL Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, Co-pre-accelerated UP-resin based 71,5 – 75,5 6 – 16 4,5 brush
VUP 4634 BE on isophthalic acid; brush grade; for gelcoats with fire 10)
retardant properties; only in combination with fire
retardant of VIAPAL gelcoats.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Highly thixotropic, Co-pre-accelerated UP-resin based 61 – 65 7 – 17 2,7 spray
VUP 4742 B on isophthalic acid; spray grade; halogen and antimony 10)
trioxide-free; for moulded parts with fire retardant pro-
perties; only in combination with fire retardant VIAPAL
laminating resins. Moulded parts based on VUP 4742 B/
9018 and Viapal VUP 4786 BT/81-30 correspond to French
standard NF P 92-501 classification M2.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Flame retardant gelcoat based on Isophthalic acid resin, 66 - 70 9 - 15 – brush
VUP 4853 B/1015 preaccelerated, very thixotropic, does not contain
halogen or antimony trioxide; for moulded parts which
requires flame retardant properties, color shade is
RAL 1015 light ivory.

VIAPAL Topcoat Highly thixotropic, Co-pre-accelerated UP-resin based on 61,5 – 65,5 12 – 18 4,2 brush
960 BE isophthalic acid/neopentyl glycol; for tack-free curing 10)
topcoats with high chemical restistance.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

20 Gelcoats and Additives

Transparent gelcoats
Name Characteristic Non Gel time Elongation Applica-
volatile [min] at break of tion
content pure resins [%]

VIAPAL®* Clear gelcoat based on Isophthalic acid resin, 63 - 67 11 - 17 4,5 brush

Gelcoat 920 B preaccelerated, thixotropic; for moulded parts with good 10)
sea water resistance.
VIAPAL®* Gelcoat 920 B adjusted to spraying consistency. 54 - 58 13 - 21 4,5 spray
Gelcoat 921 B 10)
VIAPAL Gelcoat Clear gelcoat based on isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol 52,5 - 56,5 6 - 12 1,8 spray
VUP 4647 BES resin, specially preaccelerated, thixotropic, light stabilized; 10)
for the production of sanitary and other parts, suitable for
indoor use.
VIAPAL Gelcoat Clear gelcoat based on isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol 52 - 56 13 - 17 1,5 spray
VUP 4794 BS resin, acryl modified, preaccelerated, thixotropic, light (10)
stabilized. Suitable for production of polymer marble and
polymer concrete articles. Optimally clear film, good
surface hardness, very low yellowing tendency, very good
warm water and chemical resistance, suitable for outside
VIAPAL Gelcoat Clear gelcoat based on isophthalic acid/neopentyle glycol 46 - 50 13 - 17 2 spray
UP 4839 BS resin, acryl modified, preaccelerated, thixotropic, light 10)
stabilized. Suitable for production of polymer marble and
polymer concrete articles. Optimally clear film, good
surface hardness, very low yellowing tendency, very good
warm water and chemical resistance, suitable for pool
production or other outside use, increased HDT.

Name Characteristic

ADDITOL®** Very viscous solution of thermoplastics in styrene; Low shrink additive for reducing the shrinkage of UP resins.
VXT 6228 Additive In combination with very reactive Viapal types for the production of moulded parts in the hot-press (SMC/BMC) and
pultrusion process as well as for polymer concrete. Addition quantity approx. 20 - 30 % (max. 40 %) referring to resin.
ADDITOL ®** Reacting agent for polyester polyurethane hybrid systems.
VXT 6225/1
ADDITOL 10 % inhibitor solution for prolonging the gel time of UP resin formulation.
VXL 5918
Accelerator Co1 1% cobalt solution in xylol.
Accelerator Co 4 5% cobalt solution in xylol.
VIAPAL Wetting agent and emulsifying additive, reduces the separation between UP resin and the low-shrink componet.
ZUP 4617/50 Additive Reduces the viscosity of filled systems and enhances the flow properties. Improves color homogeneity in low shrink
adjustments for pultrusion applications. Addition quantity approx. 1 % referring to resin.
Paraffin solution 3% solution of paraffin in aromatic mixture.
Color-brightener Clearing additive for UP resins, dispersion of pigments and optical color-brightener in the plasticizer.
Trennmittel E Release agent, as sealant of micro pores, only in combination with release agent ”Trennmittel PVA“.
Trennmittel PVA Release agent for moulds composed of glass fibre reinforced plastics, sealed wood or melamine press boards.

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

** ADDITOL additives
Color Pastes 21

Color Pastes
VIAPAL® color pastes Inorganic and/or organic pigments in a monomer-free UP-resin, excellent light and weather fastness.

Following RAL color pastes are available short term:

FP 1001 FP 5004 FP 7015
FP 1002 FP 5005 FP 7016
FP 1003 FP 5010 FP 7021
FP 1004 FP 5012 FP 7022
FP 1006 OEP FP 5013 FP 7023
FP 1007 FP 5014 FP 7024
FP 1012 FP 5015 FP 7030
FP 1013 FP 5017 FP 7031
FP 1014 FP 5018 FP 7032
FP 1015 FP 5021 FP 7033
FP 1016 FP 5023 FP 7035
FP 1018 FP 5024 FP 7036
FP 1020 FP 7037
FP 1021 FP 6001 FP 7038
FP 1023 FP 6002 FP 7040
FP 1024 FP 6005 FP 7042
FP 1028 FP 6009 FP 7043
FP 6010
FP 2002 FP 6011 FP 8001
FP 2003 FP 6014 OEP FP 8003
FP 2004 FP 6017 FP 8007
FP 2011 FP 6018 FP 8008
FP 6019 FP 8014
FP 3000 FP 6021 FP 8016
FP 3001 FP 6022 FP 8017
FP 3002 FP 6025 FP 8023
FP 3003 FP 6026
FP 3004 FP 6027 FP 9001
FP 3005 FP 6029 FP 9003
FP 3009 FP 9010 OEP
FP 3020 FP 7000
FP 7001 FP 9011
FP 4004 FP 7004
FP 4005 FP 7005 FP 9016
FP 7011 FP 9018
FP 5002 FP 7012
FP 5003 FP 7013

Other shades on request.

22 Information on Processing

In general, the gel time is greatly influenced For this reason particular care must
by the ambient temperature (Figure 1). be taken to ensure a constant room
temperature during processing.
Gel time (mn)

Temperature (°C)

Fig. 1: The gel time is dependent on the ambient temperature.

Example: Measured on VUP 4782 BEMT/55, cured with 2% methyl ethyl ketone peroxide.

If it is not possible to heat the processing can be influenced accordingly by

areas sufficently in the winter or to cool selecting suitable peroxides (Figure 2).
them sufficiently in the summer, the gel time
Temperature (°C)

Time (mn)

Fig. 2: The gel time is dependent on the type of peroxide.

Example: Measured von VUP 4627 E/61, cured with 2% peroxide.
Index 23

VIAPAL®* type Page VIAPAL®* type Page

001/67 ........................................................................................ 4 4782 BET/55............................................................................. 7

002/60 ........................................................................ 4, 14, 15 4785/70 .................................................................................. 16
004/64 ........................................................................................ 4 4786 BT/81-30......................................................................... 9
130/65 ..................................................................................... 11 4787 ......................................................................................... 12
151 ........................................................................................... 12 4788 B/65 .............................................................................. 12
152 .......................................................................................... 12 4791 BEMT/55-21 .................................................................. 7
179 MT/57 ............................................................................ 11 4792 E/66................................................................................ 5
221/68-15 ............................................................................... 4 4794 BS .......................................................................... 17, 20
223 BS/65............................................................................... 13 4805 B/64 ................................................................................. 9
240 S/53 ................................................................................. 11 4805 B/64-15 ........................................................................ 14
242 BT/57.................................................................................. 7 4808 B/62 .............................................................................. 11
262 S/66 ................................................................................. 16 4812 B/60 ................................................................................. 9
303/65 ...................................................................................... 4 4812 BT/81-50...................................................................... 10
303 BMT/55............................................................................ 7 4815 BET/57............................................................................. 9
320/70 ...................................................................................... 4 4820 B ..................................................................................... 17
403 BMT/55.......................................................................... 10 4828 MT/82 ........................................................................... 10
450 E/66 .................................................................................... 4 4833 BE/5115 ...................................................................... 18
4617/50 ................................................................................. 20 4835 B ..................................................................................... 17
4626 BE/67 ............................................................................ 14 4836 BT/66 ............................................................................ 13
4627 BEMT/56.................................................................. 7, 8 4838 BT/63 ............................................................................... 9
4627 BEMT/56-30 ................................................................ 7 4839 BS .......................................................................... 18, 20
4627 BET/56............................................................................. 7 4841 BES/5262.................................................................... 18
4627 E/61.................................................................. 4, 14, 16 4844 B/61 .............................................................................. 15
4627 ET/60 ............................................................................. 7 4845 BES/5262..................................................................... 18
4634 BE .................................................................................. 19 4846 BES/5011..................................................................... 18
4647 BES ........................................................................ 17, 20 4853 B/1015 ......................................................................... 19
4649 E/65.................................................................. 5, 13, 16 4856 BT/65 ............................................................................ 13
465 E....................................................................................... 12 4861 BS/9010 ....................................................................... 18
4652/67 .................................................................... 6, 13, 16 495/48 ........................................................................ 6, 13, 16
4666/51 ............................................................................. 5, 16 495 E/48 .................................................................................... 6
4686 BEMT/56......................................................................... 8 527 E/68 ................................................................................. 14
4686 BET/56........................................................................... 8 5918 ......................................................................................... 20
4688 BT/66 ............................................................................ 13 6225/1 ..................................................................................... 20
4706 B/65 .............................................................................. 12 6228 ......................................................................................... 20
4714/60 ............................................................ 5, 13, 15, 16 660 A/73................................................................................. 10
4714 BET/52............................................................................. 8 745/56 ................................................................................ 5, 16
4735 E/71............................................................................... 12 746/58 ................................................................................ 5, 16
4739/65 ..................................................................................... 5 797/59 .................................................................................. 6, 9
4742 B ..................................................................................... 19 920 B ............................................................................... 17, 20
4749/54 .................................................................................. 16 921 B ............................................................................... 17, 20
4750 BE .......................................................................... 17, 18 935 BE ..................................................................................... 19
4751 BE .......................................................................... 17, 18 936 BE ..................................................................................... 19
4763 ET/68 ............................................................................ 12 960 BE ..................................................................................... 19
4774 BET/57........................................................................... 9 Accelerator Co1 ................................................................... 20
4777 BE/62 ............................................................................ 15 Accelerator Co4 ................................................................... 20
4777 BE/66 ............................................................................ 15 C2/100..................................................................................... 20
4779/55 .................................................................... 13, 14, 15 Color pastes .......................................................................... 21
4779/B66 ................................................................................ 15 Paraffin solution .................................................................. 20
4780 BE .......................................................................... 17, 18 Release agent Trennmittel E ........................................... 20
4781 BE .......................................................................... 17, 18 Release agent Trennmittel PVA ..................................... 20
4782 BEMT/55......................................................................... 7

* VIAPAL Unsaturated polyesters

Contact Us

Cytec Surface Specialties S.A./N.V. Cytec Industries Inc.

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Fax: +32 2 560 4521 Fax: +1 678 255 4794

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Pub. No. LCR-0005-H-EN-EU-01C
© 2011 Cytec Industries Inc. All rights reserved

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