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SJNHS TLE Club's Constitution and By-Laws

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Department of Education

Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Buhi, Camarines Sur





We, the responsible officers and members of the Sta. Justina National High School

Technology and Livelihood Education Club; mindful to our duties and responsibilities as

student leaders, willing to serve the studentry in accordance with the DepEd Vision,

Mission, and Core Values, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article I

Name and Address of the Organization

Section 1. The organization herein established shall be recognized as Sta. Justina

National High School Technology and Livelihood Education Club, and is referred to as


Section 2. The official address of the organization shall be into where the school is


Section 3. The club shall be under the auspices of the Supreme Student Government

(SSG) of the school to which is the National Student Organization recognized by the

Department of Education.

Article II

Principles and Objectives

Section 1. The club adheres to; uphold the SSG’s Constitution and By-Laws; and the

DepEd mandates.

Section 2. The rule of the majority in decision making shall prevail, the rein of freedom

and parity among the members of the club shall be observed.

Section 3. SJNHS TLE Club provides services to its members for the development of

their skills, knowledge, and capabilities.

Section 4. Encourage its members to excel in their studies, thus producing competent

graduates who will become future entrepreneurs with conscience and commitment to


Article III


Section 1. All bonafide students of the Sta. Justina National High School enrolled in

T.L.E. Subjects including but not limited to transferee in shall be the members of this club.

Section 2. A student who dropped or transferred out to other school shall automatically

forfeit his/her membership.

Article IV

Rights and Privileges

Section 1. Students shall have the freedom to choose among the specializations of the

T.L.E. subject areas H.E., A.A., I.A., and I.C.T. offered by the school upon enrolling in

grade 9 and are encouraged to pursue their chosen specialization until grade 12.

Section 2. Each subject area has the right to organize with separate rules and

regulations provided it is under the auspices of the T.L.E. Club.

Section 3. The members of the club shall be entitled to nominate and elect their officers

through two representatives in each section from grade 7 and 8; and subject area

organization in grades 9,10, 11, and 12..

Section 4. Each member may give suggestions, motions, and resolutions for the

development of the club.

Section 5. The members of the club shall be entitled to express their opinions and

views about the welfare and may have access to pertinent records of the club.

Section 6. No member shall be subjected to exploitation, involuntary servitude or

scarce punishment; and shall not be oblige to contribute or donate any monetary amount

or services, unless authorized by duly constituted authorities of the school provided for in

this constitution.

Section 7. All members may enjoy such other rights and privileges as granted to him

by the Club.

Article V


Section 1. The Club shall have the following officers:

a. A President

b. A Vice President

c. A Secretary

d. A Treasurer

e. An Auditor

f. Two Business Managers

g. A Public Information Officer (P.I.O.)

h. Two Sergeants at Arms

i. Muse and Escort (if necessary)

Section 2. The club shall have at least Two Representatives in every section from

grades 7 and 8 and each subject area from grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Section 3. The officers referred to in section 1 shall be elected to a term of one school


Section 4. If applicable, officers who were demoted or have been removed from their

duties shall be succeeded by the person who was nominated in the same position but fall

second during the election.

Article VI


Section 1. Each section/T.L.E. subject area should choose two representatives for the


Section 2. A candidate should be nominated from the two representatives, hereby

observing proper decorum.

Section 3. The officers of the club shall be elected to office by a majority vote of at

least 50% + 1 of all the representatives of every section/area in all grade levels present

in the meeting called for the purpose.

Section 4. Election related issues may be settled through the adviser/s who is/are

presiding the election.

Section 5. Assumption of the newly elected T.L.E. Club Officers is immediate upon the

announcement of winners.

Article VII


Section 1. The club should have at least one Representative Assembly for the election

of officers, regular meeting which will be decided by the officers and other special

meetings may be called by the Club Officers.

Section 2. Quorum in every meeting shall constitute of at least 50% plus 1 of the total

number of representatives/officers.

Section 3. Notice of meeting should be issued at least three days before the date of

the meeting.

Section 4. The regular meeting of the officers shall be held every of the

month. Time and place shall be designated by the President of the club.

Section 5. The meeting shall not proceed if no quorum has been met.

Article VIII

Duties and Responsibilities

Section 1. The members shall; uphold this Constitution and By-Laws, to contribute for

the welfare and development of the club; follow the rules which may be promulgated;

attend and observe proper decorum during special meetings; and participate in every

activity the club may undertake.

Section 2. The officers shall congregate the following:

a. To attend the regular and special meetings of the club;

b. To legislate rules and regulations;

c. To propose resolutions; and

d. To do other functions may deem appropriate through this constitution.

Article IX

General Provisions

Section 1. The SJNHS T.L.E. Club shall have an adviser/s who is the faculty of the

TLE Department.

Section 2. No officer or member shall receive remuneration for services rendered to

the club.

Section 3. Any officer who is truant from his/her obligations shall be penalized in the

proper forum and can be discharged from the position if proven guilty.

Section 4. Members and officers who are inappropriate in conduct shall be addressed

thru the school disciplinary committee.

Section 5. The club may apply disciplinary action to those members and officers who

are deemed to change thru community and literacy services.

Article X


Section 1. Revisions shall be taken up in an assembly called for this particular


Section 2. The Constitutional Committee should be administered by the representative

of every section from grade 7 and 8; and TLE subject area representatives from grades

9, 10, 11, and 12.

Section 3. Any revision of this Constitution shall be approved after the majority of

three-fourth votes from the constitutional committee and the representatives.

Article XI


Section 1. This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately following its

ratification by the members thru their representatives.



Section 1. A working committee shall be organized to take charge of matters brought

about to the club.

Section 2. Such committees shall be formed when conditions call for it.

Section 3. Composition of such committees shall be decided by the President.

Functions of the Officers

Section 1. The President shall call and preside the overall meeting of the Club;

exercise general supervision of all the duties and functions of officers and members;

organize committees; carry out and implement resolutions, policies and laws passed and

approved in the assembly; be authorized to countersign all transactions within the club.

Section 2. The Vice-President shall serve as the overall disciplinarian among officers

and members; assist the President in matters whenever his services are required; take

over all duties in case of absences or illness of the President; and perform such other

functions as may be required by the club.

Section 3. The Secretary shall record and keep the minuets of the meetings; keep

pertinent records of the club; keep reports of different committees; and perform such other

functions as may be assigned by the President.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall take charge of the collection of dues; be the money and

property custodian of the club; and perform such other functions as may be assigned by

the President.

Section 5. The Auditor shall review the club’s fund and properties; assist the Treasurer

in making financial report, inventories and statement; and perform such other functions

as may be assigned by the President.

Section 6. The Business Managers are responsible for the transactions outside the

jurisdiction of the club. Assist the other officers in dealing with other clubs or organizations

in the school; and other institutions out outside the school concerning the clubs

businesses; the management of club’s meetings; and may perform such other functions

as may be assigned by the President.

Section 7. The Public Information Officer shall take responsibility in disseminating

information; take responsibility of publicity promotions and other tasks of the same kind;

and perform such other functions as may be assigned by the President.

Section 8. The Sergeants at Arms are responsible for the peace and order of the club.

Assist the Vice-President in imposing the disciplinary provisions of the club’s constitution

and by-laws and existing rules of the club; observe proper decorum during meeting and

strictly implement the house rules and regulation; and may perform such other functions

as may be assigned by the President.

Section 9. The Muse and Escort if applicable are responsible in maintaining the good

image of the club as the face of the entire organization; and may perform such other

functions as may be assigned by the President.

Section 10. The Class Representatives shall stand for the majority of its section being

represented to the club; to facilitate on the ratification and amendments of the club’s

Constitution and By-Laws; and perform such other functions as may be assigned by the



Ratified and approved by the General T.L.E. Members in a meeting called for the

purpose on at with a majority votes of

which is of the total members.

Noted: Prepared by:

Club President Club Secretary

Recommending Approval:

Club Advisers

School Head
Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Buhi, Camarines Sur




President :
Vice President :
Secretary :
Treasurer :
Auditor :
Business Managers : /
Public Information Officer (P.I.O.) :
Sergeants at Arms : /
Muse and Escort (if necessary) : /


Grade 7: Grade 9:

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Grade 8: Grade 10:

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Adviser Adviser Adviser

Adviser Adviser Adviser

Adviser Adviser Adviser

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