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Usaffe Veterans Association Vs Treasurer

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THE The complaint rested on plaintiff's three propositions: first,

TREASURER OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET AL. that the funds to be "returned" under the Agreement were
funds appropriated by the American Congress for the
DOCTRINE: Philippine army, actually delivered to the Philippine
Government and actually owned by said Government;
ART. VII. Section 21. No treaty or international
second, that U.S. Secretary Snyder of the Treasury, had no
agreement shall be valid and effective unless
authority to retake such funds from the P.I. Government;
concurred in by at least two-thirds of all the Members
and third, that Philippine foreign Secretary Carlos P.
of the Senate.
Romulo had no authority to return or promise to return the
FACTS: In October 1954, the USAFFE Veterans aforesaid sums of money through the so-called Romulo-
Associations Inc. (Usaffe), prayed in its complaint before the Snyder Agreement.
Manila court of first instance that the Romulo-Snyder
Agreement (1950) whereby the Philippine Government The defendants moved to dismiss, alleging Governmental
undertook to return to the United States Government in ten immunity from suit. But the court required an answer, and
annual installments, a total of about 35-million dollars then heard the case merits. Thereafter, it dismissed the
advanced by the United States to, but unexpanded by, the complaint, upheld the validity of the Agreement and
National Defense Forces of the Philippines be annulled, that dissolved the preliminary injunction i had previously
payments thereunder be declared illegal and that issued. The plaintiff appealed.
defendants as officers of the Philippine Republic be
ISSUE: Whether the Romulo-Snyder Agreement is void.
restrained from disbursing any funds in the National
Treasury in pursuance of said Agreement. Said Usaffe HELD: There is no doubt that President Quirino approved
Veterans further asked that the moneys available, instead of the negotiations. And he had power to contract budgetary
being remitted to the United States, should be turned over loans under Republic Act No. 213, amending the Republic
to the Finance Service of the Armed Forces of the Act No. 16. The most important argument, however, rests
Philippines for the payment of all pending claims of the on the lack of ratification of the Agreement by the Senate of
veterans represented by plaintiff. the Philippines to make it binding on this Government. On
this matter, the defendants explain as follows:
That the agreement is not a "treaty" as that term is used in In the leading case of Altman vs, U. S., 224, U. S. 583, it
the Constitution, is conceded. The agreement was never was held that "an international compact negotiated between
submitted to the Senate for concurrence (Art. VII, Sec. 10 the representatives of two sovereign nations and made in
(7). However, it must be noted that treaty is not the only the name and or behalf of the contracting parties and
form that an international agreement may assume. For the dealing with important commercial relations between the
grant of the treaty-making power to the Executive and the two countries, is a treaty both internationally although as
Senate does not exhaust the power of the government over an executive agreement it is not technically a treaty
international relations. Consequently, executive agreements requiring the advice and consent of the Senate.
may be entered with other states and are effective even
without the concurrence of the Senate. It is observed in this Nature of Executive Agreements.
connection that from the point of view of the international
law, there is no difference between treaties and executive Executive Agreements fall into two classes: (1) agreements
agreements in their binding effect upon states concerned as made purely as executive acts affecting external relations
long as the negotiating functionaries have remained within and independent of or without legislative authorization,
their powers. "The distinction between so-called executive which may be termed as presidential agreements and (2)
agreements" and "treaties" is purely a constitutional one agreements entered into in pursuants of acts of Congress,
and has no international legal significance". which have been designated as Congressional-Executive
There are now various forms of such pacts or agreements
entered into by and between sovereign states which do not The Romulo-Snyder Agreement may fall under any of these
necessarily come under the strict sense of a treaty and two classes, for precisely on September 18, 1946, Congress
which do not require ratification or consent of the legislative of the Philippines specifically authorized the President of
body of the State, but nevertheless, are considered valid the Philippines to obtain such loans or incur such
international agreements. indebtedness with the Government of the United States, its
agencies or instrumentalities.

Even granting, arguendo, that there was no legislative

authorization, it is hereby maintained that the Romulo-
Snyder Agreement was legally and validly entered into to
conform to the second category, namely, "agreements
entered into purely as executive acts without legislative
authorization." This second category usually includes
money agreements relating to the settlement of pecuniary ratification thereof, which places the question the validity
claims of citizens. It may be said that this method of out of the Court's reach, no constitutional principle having
settling such claims has come to be the usual way of been invoked to restrict Congress' plenary power to
dealing with matters of this kind.
appropriate funds-loan or no loan.
Such considerations seems persuasive; indeed, the
Agreement was not submitted to the U.S. Senate either; but Petition denied.
we do not stop to check the authorities above listed nor test
the conclusions derived therefrom in order to render a
definite pronouncement, for the reason that our Senate
Resolution No. 153 practically admits the validity and
binding force of such Agreement. Furthermore, the acts of
Congress Appropriating funds for the yearly installments
necessary to comply with such Agreements constitute a

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