Suburbanisation Essay
Suburbanisation Essay
Suburbanisation Essay
Suburbanization is the shift of a population from central urban areas into the suburbs
or city fringes, causing urban sprawl. Suburbanization causes the movement of households
and businesses out of the city centres, low-density and peripheral urban areas to grow. More
developed countries or MDC’s are countries that have a developed economy and advanced
be caused by push and pull factors, government policies and the development of
economic development.
Push factors are those that push people out of urban areas into suburban areas. Pull
factors are those that attract people. The main push factors of suburbanization are; weariness
of city life, the perception that urban areas are overpopulated, over-polluted, and attract
crime. Pull factors for suburbanization; more open spaces, the perception of being closer to
nature, lower suburban house prices and property taxes in comparison to cities. An example
of suburbanisation in an MDC is the United states. In the 1950’s , due to industrialization and
the development of central business districts, city areas in the United States became
overpopulated, housing was expensive and the cost of living was high while the suburbs
were open and had cheaper land and a lower cost of living. In addition to this many whites
didn’t want to interact with people of colour living in the urban areas. This caused the white
flight movement where a great influx of white persons migrated to the suburban areas that
government policies. An example of this is the G.I. Bill that allowed low-cost mortgages
available to returning soldiers from World War II making buying a house in the suburbs
cheaper than renting an apartment in the city. The Civil Rights Act, commonly known as the
renter's sex, religion, race, national origin, and sex. This caused more POC to buy homes in
urban areas and many whites to migrate. Lastly, another cause of suburbanization, is the
another outflow of Caucasians. The convenient highway system that made commuting to
deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil;
the destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; the extinction of wildlife; and pollution.
An example of this is the 1950’s urban to suburban migration in the UK due to the collapse of
heavy industries. Habitats were cleared for infrastructure, disrupting many species that lived
there. large scale deforestation took place. In addition to this, the continual development of
the suburbs and areas of commute cause pollution from emissions and municipal waste.
scale migration that took place in the UK, many gas stations, locally owned supermarkets and
In conclusion, the causes off suburbanisation are; push and pull factors, government
policies and the development of infrastructure and the consequences are environmental