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An Introduction To Steam-Atmosphere Drying

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As appeared in PBE April 2008

Copyright, CSC Publishing, Powder and Bulk Engineering

An introduction to steam-atmosphere drying

Stewart G. Gibson Anhydro Inc.

exhaust stream (called open-circuit operation), while steam-

atmosphere drying recycles it (closed-circuit operation).
Steam-atmosphere drying is much more efficient
than the most common drying technique, convec-
tion drying. But is it right for your application? In- Convection drying. In a convection dryer, heated air flows
formation here explains how steam-atmosphere through the dryer, contacting the wet feed. The water from
drying works, outlines the method’s benefits and the feed evaporates into the air, which cools the air while
increasing its humidity. After the dried product — often a
limitations, and details how to determine if this dry-
powder — is separated from the air, the moist air is ex-
ing technique is right for your product. hausted to the atmosphere along with some of the energy
used during drying.

team-atmosphere drying recirculates rather than vents The convection dryer’s efficiency can be improved by re-
the exhaust stream and provides free heat for other cycling some of the moist exhaust air — together with its
processes in your plant, making the method signifi- energy (in the form of waste heat) — back to the dryer
cantly more efficient than convection drying. It offers other inlet. Recycling the exhaust air increases the humidity in
advantages over convection drying, too, including providing the dryer. This, in turn, requires a higher operating temper-
better control of particulate emissions and odors and provid- ature and results in a higher final product temperature than
ing an inert drying atmosphere that eliminates fire and explo- in a completely open-circuit convection-drying operation.
sion risks.

Some of the convection dryer’s waste heat can be recov-

Several products are suitable for steam-atmosphere dry- ered by passing the hot exhaust air through a heat-recov-
ing, including organic waste, such as spent grains; flour ery system to warm the dryer’s fresh makeup air. This can
and other food products; tobacco; wood chips; and many be an indirect system, such as an air-to-air heat exchanger
organic and inorganic chemicals. Determining whether or a coil system with two recirculating-fluid-filled coils
steam-atmosphere drying is right for your product requires that transfer heat to the makeup air passing between them.
an understanding of how this drying method differs from Or the heat-recovery system can be a direct system, in
convection drying and how this can affect your product’s which the makeup air is passed through a scrubber system
characteristics. that sprays it with hot water condensed from the dryer’s re-
circulated exhaust air. This water runs very close to the ex-
haust air’s saturation temperature (the dew point),
Comparing convection and frequently in the range of 130°F to 150°F (55°C to 65°C).
steam-atmosphere drying However, this temperature is limited by the amount of air
The essential difference between convection drying and present in the dryer exhaust: the more air in the exhaust,
steam-atmosphere drying is that convection drying vents the the lower the saturation temperature.
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Steam-atmosphere drying. Steam-atmosphere drying about 250°F to 300°F (120°C to 150°C). A typical steam-

Copyright, CSC Publishing, Powder and Bulk Engineering

takes waste-heat recovery to another level, increasing the atmosphere drying system is shown in Figure 1.
temperature of the heat recovered from the dryer’s exhaust
by reducing the amount of air (more correctly, the quantity
of noncondensible gases) in it. To achieve this, heat must Applications for steam-atmosphere drying
be transferred to the dryer indirectly, using a fired heat ex- A steam-atmosphere dryer is suitable for applications in
changer, rather than directly, such as by using a burner that which the plant has a secondary use for the steam pro-
directly heats the air. Indirect heat transfer allows the recir- duced by the dryer. Evaporators such as those used in
culated exhaust stream to be reheated without introducing ethanol plants and corn wet-milling plants are a common
any more noncondensible gases. Tightly sealing the dryer example of equipment that can use waste steam from this
circuit to prevent leaks into or out of the dryer and operating dryer.
the dryer at a slightly positive pressure allows the dryer to
purge the air atmosphere (that is, the primary air that origi-
nally fills the dryer) with evaporated vapor (typically The steam-atmosphere dryer is also suitable for drying
water) to form an atmosphere of superheated vapor, or su- products that benefit from the conditions provided by the
perheated steam. Now you have a steam-atmosphere dryer, unit’s superheated-steam atmosphere. For instance, this
in which all the vapor formed during evaporation from the atmosphere allows the dryer to process organic waste ma-
feed is vented as steam. As with a conventional boiler, the terials without producing offensive odors. Depending on
temperature of this vapor — and, hence, the heat recovery the waste material’s composition, the dried waste may also
— depends solely on the dryer’s operating pressure. have a secondary use, converting the waste into a usable
by-product. The dryer can reduce the residual bioactivity
levels of some organic materials, extending their storage
As a result, the steam-atmosphere dryer has a higher oper- life.
ating temperature and a higher product temperature than a
typical convection dryer. For drying most food products,
for example, the operating temperature in a convection The dryer can also process many organic and inorganic
dryer typically ranges from about 180°F to 250°F (80°C to chemicals as long as they can’t be damaged by the dryer’s
120°C) and in a steam-atmosphere dryer ranges from higher operating temperatures.

Figure 1

Closed-circuit steam-atmosphere drying system

Rotary drum
Steam vented
to evaporator
feed Steam
through heat
and dryer
Courtesy SWISS COMBI, Dintikon, Switzerland.

vapors returned
to furnace

Fuel and
primary air

Burner exchanger
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Dryer configurations allows twice the use of the dryer’s original energy input.

Copyright, CSC Publishing, Powder and Bulk Engineering

Several equipment manufacturers have adapted common By using a multiple-effect evaporator, it’s possible to use
dryer configurations for steam-atmosphere drying to take this recovered energy two or even three times, providing
advantage of their benefits for particular applications. additional savings. The steam’s heat energy can also be re-
cycled by other condensing heat-recovery methods.

Rotary drum dryer. In a rotary drum steam-atmosphere

dryer, steam and wet feed flow through a rotating drum. Emissions control: When a condensing heat-recovery sys-
Rotary drum dryer applications include processing dis- tem is used to recover heat from the steam-atmosphere
tillers spent grain from ethanol production, corn wet- dryer’s exhaust, the dryer’s particle emissions collect in the
milling by-products, wood chips, alfalfa grass, and heat-recovery system instead of venting to the atmosphere.
slaughterhouse (abattoir) by-products. In a carefully designed condensing heat-recovery system,
these particles will be flushed out with the condensate to the
system’s wastewater control system. This leaves only the
Flash dryer. A flash steam-atmosphere dryer is essentially noncondensible vapors. If these vapors are returned to the
a pneumatic conveying dryer in which the conveying heat exchanger’s furnace, they can be oxidized and any or-
medium is steam. Applications include drying biomass ganic content in them can be converted to heat for the dry-
fuel, wood chips, corn wet-milling by-products, flour, and ing process, reducing the dryer’s fossil fuel use. For
tobacco. instance, in the case of a steam-atmosphere dryer that
processes distillers spent grain in an ethanol plant, returning
the noncondensible vapors to the heat exchanger’s furnace
Deep-bed (or mass-flow) dryer. This specialized steam-at- helps reduce the dryer’s fuel consumption by 2 to 3 percent.
mosphere dryer consists of a vertical cylindrical housing
containing several wedge-shaped compartments that are
filled with wet feed and revolve around a center axis. Inerting: Since the air has been purged from a steam-at-
Steam flows upward through the compartments to dry the mosphere dryer, the steam forms an inert atmosphere. This
feed. The deep-bed steam-atmosphere dryer is used in means that the dryer can’t catch fire or explode during nor-
sugar mills, where it dries sugar cane fiber (bagasse) after mal operating conditions. However, during dryer startup
sugar removal. and shutdown, fire and explosion risks still affect the
dryer, so it must be carefully operated during these phases
and during any upset conditions.
Others. Other dryers have recently been configured for
steam-atmosphere drying in various applications. These
include a spray dryer (in which an atomized wet feed is Heat treating: The steam-atmosphere dryer’s major heat-
sprayed into steam flowing through a tower-like cham- transfer mechanism is localized steam condensation on
ber), spin-flash dryer (a compact version of a flash dryer, each moist particle’s surface. This mechanism results in
but with a rotor at the dryer center that agitates the wet feed rapid heat transfer and surface heating of each particle to
and forces it to contact the steam), and fluid-bed dryer (in the steam’s saturation temperature. In some cases this
which the steam flows upward through a bed of wet feed). “heat treatment” is an advantage: For instance, when a
steam-atmosphere dryer processes digester sludge, the
heat treatment sterilizes the sludge, producing material
Weighing the pros and cons with less residual odor. Drying soy fiber (also called
Pros. Steam-atmosphere drying provides the following okara) in a steam-atmosphere dryer produces dried mate-
benefits when compared with convection drying. rial with low residual bioactivity, which gives it a longer
storage life. In some applications, the dryer’s heat treat-
Efficiency: The steam-atmosphere dryer is roughly 15 per- ment may even eliminate a unit operation preceding the
cent more efficient than an open-circuit convection dryer dryer, such as a boiling step in a vegetable processing line.
operating over the same temperature range. This is because However, the heat treatment provided by localized steam
the steam-atmosphere dryer completely recirculates the ex- condensation may be a disadvantage when drying some
haust vapors, at the dryer’s outlet temperature, back to the protein-rich products, such as oatmeal, because the heat
heat exchanger inlet. In an open-circuit convection dryer, will denature some of the protein, reducing the product’s
these exhaust vapors are vented out the plant exhaust stack nutritive properties and ability to be reconstituted in water.
along with the inlet air and are lost to the atmosphere.
Steam stripping of hydrocarbons: Another benefit of
Secondary steam use: The steam resulting from water steam-atmosphere drying is that it provides steam strip-
evaporation in the steam-atmosphere dryer can provide ping, a process that removes volatile hydrocarbon fractions
free heat — via condensing heat recovery — for sec- from the product. The hydrocarbons are given off by resid-
ondary processes. The most common example is using the ual oils in the feed, and steam-atmosphere drying transfers
steam to heat an evaporator, which normally uses steam more of the hydrocarbons into the vapor phase than con-
produced by a boiler. Reusing the dryer’s steam this way vection drying can. The steam-atmosphere drying system
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can then recover these hydrocarbons after condensing heat

Copyright, CSC Publishing, Powder and Bulk Engineering

recovery so they can be used in other processes or trans-
ferred to the heat exchanger’s furnace and burned to reduce

Courtesy of MGP Ingredients of Illinois, Pekin, Ill.

the dryer’s fuel consumption. In some cases, however, the
dryer’s hydrocarbon-stripping capability may be a disad-
vantage. For instance, a processor drying spent grains that
will be used in animal feed may prefer to maximize the
grains’ oil content to boost the product’s nutritional value
rather than strip its hydrocarbon fractions.

Cons. Leaks and condensation problems are the steam-at-

mosphere dryer’s chief limitations.

Leaks: The higher the dryer’s system pressure, the more

value the dryer’s vented steam will have. In fact, it would Two rotary drum steam-atmosphere dryers (arrows)
be ideal to operate the dryer at a pressure of several bar so process distillers spent grain in an ethanol plant.
the dryer’s vent steam could be expanded through a tur-
bine to generate power before the steam was condensed
Heat energy from their exhaust is used in evapora-
for its heat value. However, increasing the dryer’s system tors and the noncondensible vapor is recirculated to
pressure also increases its susceptibility to leaks. the furnace to reduce the dryers’ fuel consumption.

Leaks can be a problem whether the dryer is operating

above or below atmospheric pressure. A leak in a dryer op-
erating slightly under atmospheric pressure will draw air
into the dryer. A symptom of such a leak is a drop in the re- Leaks can also result from stress or fatigue cracks at weld
covered steam heat’s temperature. A leak in a dryer operat- points between the dryer’s stiffening or structural ele-
ing above atmospheric pressure will draw steam out of the ments and the inner shell. Such cracks tend to develop
dryer. When hydrocarbons are present in the feed, the over time, particularly if the dryer hasn’t been properly de-
steam leak will produce an obvious mark on the dryer signed to handle the effects of differential expansion and
housing caused by the steam and oils condensing in or just thermal cycling.
outside the dryer’s insulation.
Condensation problems: Poorly insulated areas in the
steam-atmosphere dryer system will become cold spots.
Leaks can occur at any of several points in the steam-at-
These cold spots create continuous condensation that will
mosphere drying system. Leaks are common at the feed
cause moist product to accumulate, and eventually the ac-
inlet to the dryer, making the feed device a critical compo-
cumulated product will fall into the process, resulting in
nent of the drying system. For a positive-pressure dryer,
off-spec product. This problem can be prevented by ensur-
some form of plug-flow screw feeder is typically best for
ing that the dryer is well-insulated, particularly in areas
preventing leakage. For a negative-pressure dryer, any
that tend to have less insulation, including dryer and duct
screw feeder or other feed device that restricts the amount
support points, flange connections, cleanout ports, access
of air ingress will work.
doors, sight glasses, and instrument connections.

The dryer’s product discharge is also prone to leakage. If

How steam-atmosphere drying can
the dryer uses a rotary valve outlet, the valve should typi-
affect product properties
cally have an 8- or 10-vane rotor, which provides better
vane-to-housing sealing to minimize air leakage through The steam-atmosphere dryer may change a product’s
the valve. A modified or custom-designed discharge valve characteristics, which may or may not be desirable. For
can also minimize leakage. one thing, the dryer’s inert steam atmosphere reduces or
eliminates product oxidation. This may make the dryer un-
suitable for drying a product like an iron-oxide pigment,
The dryer’s flange connections to other equipment in the which must be oxidized to turn it a darker color, while it
process are also subject to leakage. To avoid this, the dryer may make the dryer ideal for a product that requires dry-
should have as few flange connections as possible. The ing at a high temperature without a color change. The
connections should be designed for easy removal, includ- dryer’s localized steam condensation can also change
ing having machined faces mounted with gaskets and product properties. It may reduce an organic product’s
bolts with appropriate tension to handle the dryer’s oper- residual odor or another organic product’s residual bioac-
ating temperature and pressure. tivity, which could increase its shelf life.
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In some cases, the steam-atmosphere dryer can change a

Copyright, CSC Publishing, Powder and Bulk Engineering

product’s appearance without affecting its desired proper-
ties. For instance, distillers spent grains darken after
steam-atmosphere drying because of the method’s higher
operating pressure and temperature. While some proces-
sors see this color change as a disadvantage, it apparently
has very little effect on the grain’s nutritive properties.

Testing to select a steam-atmosphere dryer

Even though steam-atmosphere drying’s potential to re-
duce your dryer operating costs may make a switch from
convection to steam-atmosphere drying appealing, you
need to determine whether your dried product will have
the same — or better — quality after processing in the
steam-atmosphere dryer. This requires testing your prod-
uct under a range of operating conditions in the dryer.

Testing will ensure that drying your product in super-

heated steam — a completely different environment than
the air in a convection dryer — can produce the results you
need without any unpleasant surprises. The steam-atmos-
phere dryer supplier can help you design drying tests that
closely duplicate your production drying process’s actual
operating conditions and then run the tests over a period
long enough to ensure that the new dryer can be commis-
sioned without problems. Some suppliers offer a portable
steam-atmosphere test dryer that can be installed in your
process. Using the portable dryer eliminates the need to
take representative feed samples and ship them to the
dryer supplier’s test facility; the portable dryer can receive
truly representative feed directly from your upstream
process, improving the accuracy of your test results.

Once the testing is complete, the results will tell you

whether steam-atmosphere drying can work with your
feed, yield a final product with the characteristics you re-
quire, and improve your operating efficiency. PBE

For further reading

Find more information on drying methods and equipment in
articles listed under “Drying” in Powder and Bulk Engineer-
ing’s comprehensive article index at
and in the December 2007 issue.

Stewart G. Gibson is manager of process engineering and

industrial sales at Anhydro Inc., 20000 Governors Drive,
Olympia Fields, IL 60461; 401-245-8068, fax 401-245-
9461 (, He
holds a BSc in mechanical engineering from Lanchester
University, Coventry, England.

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