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BSBCRT411 Student Assessment Tasks v2 - SAMPLEerfeuthg0peol Koawf

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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business
Services Training Package.

Introduction 4
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 5
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 7
Assessment Task 2: Project 8
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 13
Final results record 15

The assessment tasks for BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices are outlined in the
assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and
knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Business Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices1 describes the skills and knowledge required
to use advanced-level critical thinking skills in a professional context/setting. This includes using
methods of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.2
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a
project portfolio3.

Being a critical thinker means you recognize your own prejudices and how they influence solutions and
decisions. Taking time to analyse your mental process before making a work decision can help you act more
The analysis step involves formulating design requirements and performance specifications. The following
synthesis step involves determining appropriate solutions for both the individual specifications and the
combination of specifications. The next step involves the evaluation of the current stage of design in the
accuracy with which the performance requirements were actually fulfilled.
Project portfolio is a term that refers to an organization's group of projects and the process in which they
are selected and managed.

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Business
Works Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. What are the characteristics of a critical thinker (List at least 5)?

 Listen to other peoples opinions and perspectives, take them into account

 use a variety of information sources

 Find 3 more….

2. List six skills needed for critical thinking.

Do some research or use the Student Guide. Use your own words…

3. Give three examples of situations where critical thinking can be used in the workplace.

 Improving processes, products or services – existing or new

 To foresee issues, solve issues, prevent those issues from arising again

 Managing people and resources

 Assessing the impact of new legislation on clients and the business as a whole

4. List four benefits of critical thinking in the workplace.

 generate new ideas

5. Describe what can happen if you neglect to think critically

 If you neglect to think critically there could be serious consequences such as damage that
can’t be repaired, loss of revenue, loss of reputation, death or you could see an uprising of
fundamentalism and manipulation in society.

6. Provide one example of what can happen if you neglect critical thinking.

An incorrect process for example in the medical field could lead to the unnecessary death of a
person that could have otherwise survived if the correct process was followed.

7. What is continuous improvement?

Do some research or use the Student Guide

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8. Compare three different continuous improvement methodologies.

Method Description

Agile Agile promotes people to work where, when and how they choose by
promoting maximum flexibility and minimum restraints to optimise their
performance and deliver the best product or service.

Six sigma Six Sigma is focuses on eliminating any defects in products or service
delivery and strives to achieve consistent and reliable results.

Lean management Lean management has a background in manufacturing and is an

approach that supports incremental process improvement over time to
increase efficiency and quality. Lean management eliminates factors that
waste time, effort or money or that do not provide value to the client.

9. Name two key sources/references of reliable information relevant to workplace processes.

 Legislation – for example the Fairwork Act or Occupational Health and Services Act

 Organisations policies and procedures

 Interviews with different stakeholders

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Assessment Task 1: Checklist
Student’s name: Anna Vourakis

Did the student provide a Completed

sufficient and clear answer successfully? Comments
that addresses the
suggested answer for the Yes No

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Assessment Task 2: Project

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a
number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.
You will need access to:

 a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a

meeting space and computer and internet access

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 Project Portfolio template

 Self-evaluation checklist

 Simulation Pack (if you need a case study).

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works
Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

This project requires you to apply a systematic/regular decision-making approach to

a business practice related to a process, product or service of your choice. You are
required to identify and analyse two different inefficiencies/wastefulness,
limitations/boundaries or problems and then plan to improve them. You must be
able to justify, communicate and review your proposed improvement solutions.
This project must be based on a proposed or existing practice related to a product
or service. You can use the case study business provided to you by your assessor,
or you may like to base this on your own business, or a business you are currently
working for or are familiar with. It is important that this business has organisational
policies and procedures related to your chosen practice already developed. Speak
to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on your own business or
one you work for.
You will also need to seek input from people who work for, or are involved, in this
business practice several times. Fellow students or your assessor can be involved
in these meetings and play the roles of process stakeholders as relevant.
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take are outlined below.

2. Project planning

Make sure you are familiar with the business you are basing this assessment on.
It’s important at this step that you have your business or case study approved by
your assessor (make sure you also discuss the suitability of the practice you’d like
to analyse with your assessor). Identify all the stakeholders related to your
proposed process.
Complete Page 5 of your Project Portfolio for this unit.
Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio as
well as the necessary background information, relevant policies and procedures of
the business (use the Simulation Pack if working with the case study).
Once you are comfortable with what you need to do, arrange a meeting with at
least one of the stakeholders/interested parties, participant who can provide
information about your chosen process, or help identify inefficiencies, limitations or
problems. They may also be able to suggest alternative solutions.
For the purpose of this role-play, your assessor or another student can act as a one
or more stakeholders.

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3. Stakeholder meeting

Meet with the relevant stakeholders (at least one other person, such as your
assessor or another student). Discuss your chosen practice and take notes so you
can complete Section 1 and 2 of your Project Portfolio after the meeting. The
meeting should last for approximately 20 mins.
At the meeting:

 Discuss any policies and legislative requirements (governmental

requirements) related to your practice.

 Discuss any potential inefficiencies, limitations or problems of your chosen


 Brainstorm/inspiration meetings ideas on how to solve the inefficiencies,

limitations or problems.
During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication 4 to assist with understanding

 Asking questions to identify required information

 Responding to questions as required

 Use a presenting style and vocabulary/words to suit the audience/listeners

and situation

This meeting can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to
video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can
provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions
above and meet the timeframes allocated.

4. Systematic decision making

After the meeting, complete Sections 1 and 2 of your Project Portfolio.

When you complete Section 1, you need to:

 Describe in detail your business, the chosen practice/processes and its

inefficiencies, limitations or problems.

 Analyse the identified inefficiencies, limitations or problems and choose two

different ones to focus on for the remainder of the project

 Understand any relevant information, legislation and policies related to your

chosen practice.

The Non-Verbal Communication is the process of conveying meaning without the use of words either
written or spoken.

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You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 1 of the
Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

When you complete Section 2, you will:

 Generate, analyse and compare alternative and proposed solutions to your

identified inefficiencies, limitations or problems.
You will be required to use various analysis methods (one of them must use
numerical data). You can either use the data from the case study (if you’re
evaluating a process in the case study business), real data for an existing
business or fictitious/made up data if real data is not available.

 Check whether you have any bias/unfairness or perceived bias 5 relating to the
practice (are you able to compare alternative solutions based on fact and not

 Decide on the best solutions and justify your choice

 Communicate your solutions to all stakeholders in an appropriate format. This

communication document with highlight the problem, mention the alternatives
and explain why you chose your specific solution. You will need to use an
appropriate digital tool or technology to create the communication document.
Review the documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 2 of the
Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1 and 2. Submit to your
assessor for review.

5. Review your decision

When you complete Section 3, you need to:

 Complete the self-evaluation checklist 6included in your student resources

folder) in order to identify your strengths and weaknesses

 Create a questionnaire and seek meaningful feedback from the stakeholders

 Incorporate the feedback to plan for future process evaluations

Before you start, read through Section 3 of your Project portfolio. You are required
to seek feedback from stakeholders. To do this, you will present your proposed
solutions and the communication you developed in the previous activity to them.
Make sure you have your questionnaire (as explained in Section 3 of your Project
Bias is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favour that person or thing.
Checklists, rubrics, and structures for reflection are all tools that can help students with self-assessment.
Checklists tell students what to include. in their work. A checklist spells out what needs to be included in a
piece of work.

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portfolio) ready for the stakeholders to complete before you present your proposal.

Meet with the stakeholder(s) you met with earlier in your project (either your
assessor or other students):

 Present your proposed solutions to your two identified inefficiencies,

limitations or problems to at least one stakeholder (10 minutes). You should
be able to clearly articulate /clearly and justify your solutions, describe the
risks and explain how you came to your decision by comparing your chosen
solutions to the other alternatives you considered.

 Ask the stakeholder(s) to complete the questionnaire after your presentation.

This meeting can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to
video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can
provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions
above and meet the timeframes allocated.

Complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio as part of your evidence for this step.
Use the feedback from the meeting you’ve conducted as part of this activity as well
as from your self-evaluation to develop a plan for future practice evaluation. Your
plan should include systematic decision-making steps with an emphasis on how
you will do things differently in future process evaluations.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 3 of the
Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

6. Submit your completed Project Portfolio

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as
Submit to your assessor for marking.

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Assessment Task 2: Checklist
Student’s name: Anna Vourakis

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Apply a systematic approach to

decision-making including:

 Describe in detail their business,

and chosen process

 Identify and describe its

inefficiencies, limitations or

 Identify and consider relevant

legislation, policies and procedure

 Analyse the identified inefficiencies,

limitations or problems

 Choose one inefficiency, limitation

or problem too focus on

 Identify and discuss any relevant

information, legislation and policies

 Generate alternative solutions

 Analyse and compare alternative


 Decide on the best solution and

justify their choice

 Communicate their solution to all

stakeholders in an appropriate

 Use numerical data in the analysis

 Use appropriate digital tools and


Review their decision and incorporate

feedback including:

 Complete a self-evaluation checklist

 Identify their strengths and

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 Create a questionnaire

 Seek meaningful feedback from the


 Incorporate the feedback to plan for

future process evaluations

 Develop a plan for future process


During interactions demonstrate

effective communication skills including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely to

articulate their ideas and

 Using non-verbal communication to

assist with understanding

 Asking questions to identify

required information

 Responding to questions as

 Using active listening techniques to

confirm understanding

 Using a range of persuasive

responses and comparisons in their

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Final results record

Student name: Anna Vourakis

Assessor name:

Date 06.10.2021

Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge questions S U DNS

Assessment Task 1 Project S U DNS

Overall unit results C NYC


 My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature: Anna Vourakis_____________________ Date: 06.10.2021________

 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________

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